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FTM General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 334
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Ra-man edition


Old: >>5901850 → →

Don't forget to sage and wait to make new threads until we're at bump limit on page 9-10.

Ancient map: https://www.zeemaps.com/edit/U0Hw9yNtqrJd-qzTdbUFMw

Some info (excuse the tumblr, it's truscum): http://helpfultransinfo.tumblr.com/tags/

Skype group: add cheeki-briki or duckduckfrog
>ramen noodle hair
It's like I'm really reliving the 90s and I want out.
!! ?? ! definite yes.
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Do you watch or read gay animu? YEs or N0?

Don't forget back linking in the old thread when we haven't fallen off yet
Does anyone have any tips on talking to your partner about trans body parts/language for sex? Sometimes I really want to be dominant or masturbate my clit/"tcock" but I always hesitate because I feel like he'll see me as weird or strange for doing that. Sometimes I really want to dominate but I realistically can't..I feel boring because our relationship is anal + oral..

I'm a fudanshi slash /y/ fag because I'm very visual and I like imagining myself in the situations. One might say why not straight porn/manga..even if I'll be with girls sexually irl I prefer malexmale most of the time because it gives me a way to project without being reminded of my biological anatomy..sexual dysphoria is my worst..
Reminder that if you like men, you're not really FtM
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>denying that the majority of trans ppl, are Bisexuals like me.
>implying heteros are not the minority in the trans community.
That doesn't apply here when 100% of the FtMs on /lgbt/ are 'homosexual'
>didn't see the polls
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I'm probably the only straight ftm on this whole fucking board.

Transguys are so damn cock hungry and then complain when cismen only wanna fuck then in the vag hole
please tell me how someone can be a fake homosexual

people like you are the reason i hate interacting with straight trans guys. you're all just a bunch of bitter dykes who feel superior in your manliness just because you want to stick your imaginary dick in a disgusting flesh wound. and then once you've transitioned you whine about how you can't date lesbians anymore and wish you could go back to the ~special energy~ of a lesbian relationship. get the fuck over yourself. most of you are even bigger assholes than most cis straight guys.

honestly, just tell him the truth, my s/o put it that simply and i accept that it's part of being with him, your s/o might appreciate the bluntness and learn to just accept it... i mean, you could try restraint obviously, but i see it more like that's part of who you are, and part of being in a relationship is indulging the other person sexually and if that's how you get off it's how you get off you know?


eh i probably like chicks as much as you do (just not exclusively), and i don't care where someone wants to fuck me, i'm cool with whatever so not bitching about that either...
Bullshit, I want a transguy to plow me.
Bunch of bait in the water today huh lads
Ignorance isn't very flattering and not very bangable either sexuality =/= orientation and if you're going to toss stones like that at least be accurate, must trans are bi or lean towards the sex they identify as being with cis women makes me feel uncomfortable because my own identity made me uncomfortable is it really that hard to understand? some even go asexual so stop generalizing every trans person on the spectrum to fit your small minded cookie cutter ideologies
why does it seem like ftms are all so fucking handsome? you guys make me feel like a chaser.
Thanks for the reminder, first time making the thread
That's a really sweet thing to say, anon. I'm sure you're a nice person.
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I don't know but I notice it too, FTMs make my kokoro go dokidoki, I guess I'm a chaser now.
Anyone recommend a good enema kit for anal?
I think of buck angel riding the sybian on howard stern whenever i think of gay ftms
>bunch of bitter dykes

lmao, straight girl comes in here and tries to tell lgbt people how to live

im mtf and it makes me feel very 'when the chased becomes the chaser'. you're all so hot though i cant hnnnggg
Same and I kind of feel bad about it, but I can't help what I find attractive.
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eh i don't think i'm anything special, but that's a pleasant generalization...
The bait thing is my favorite meme in this history of the internet.
i'm not telling you how to live your life. how did you get that from my post? all i'm telling you to do is stop being a hypocritical heteronormative asshole. you're just proving my point when you go on about this "straight girl" stuff. you know how ridiculous you're being, you just cant get enough of tormenting people because you're a bitter dickhead. though we are on 4chan, i'm not sure what i expected.
I don't have anything against dating mtf and you shouldn't feel bad about liking what you like! I only consider them chasers if they're only liking me for how I look to the point of being obnoxious..and if you're self aware/feeling bad about it, I don't think you're chasing.
Should I just man up and ask to get referred to a gender clinic? Nobody I've talked to knows any more about gender issues than I do, I don't know if shooting the shit with my regular therapist is going to make any of this any clearer.
Is it "obnoxious" to want to have a boyfriend with a sloppy front hole I can fuck all the time?

I mean there's tons of physical attraction there but I know that ftms are people and not sex objects, so I want all the getting to know each other and having personalities mesh and butterflies when we see each other and all of that stuff, I'm very relationship-minded. But yeah, the idea of me-on-ftm sex is certainly there and it's strong.

well yeah... what the fuck else are you gonna do if you feel that way? i mean... i guess you could wait, but if you're tired of that then...
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>be gay ftm: lol straight girl fuck off
>be straight ftm: lol super butch lesbian who took it too far
>be bi ftm: lol sex fiend (tho probably just a straight girl, so fuck off)
whew, good thing I hate myself and the idea of another person touching me so much that this shit isn't even a relevant factor in my life
>orientation: sperglord supreme
Funny because I was just about to blog a post here about questioning my decision to read shounen ai when all it does is makes me depressed I'll never be at most, indifferent to my body while crushing one someone else.
>having a bad dysphoria week
>read shitty gay manga and doujins
>makes me feel even worse
>tfw no broken ftm to abuse verbally and make him feel shitty but depends on me for any emotional attention, even if it's negative
Anime sucks.
I don't know if it'll help you but hitting up /fa/ and getting focused on creating a new fit kind of puts my own body out of the picture, and you get to envision yourself as someone who would suit those clothes.
Then you finish up and feel kind of empty, especially if you've bought things that would never suit you as you are now.
Whenever I do stuff like that I feel kinda dead inside when I remember that I have this gross titty body. It's weird, I always forget that I like, physically exist. I have this picture of what I am in my head and it's just so disconnected from what I really am. It's always distressing when I remember what I really look like.

I'm working to change that, of course. But the results can't come fast enough.

>have bad eyesight and no glasses bc money issues, need to lean in to see screen
>arms touch tits when I type sometimes
>die every time

eh i honestly don't really give a shit about how other people see me, cuz i can do fuckall about it...

i don't hate myself either though, there's shit about me i really fucking dislike, but everyone has flaws so eh... doesn't matter + everyone has good qualities, and there are people who like me and shit... so i figure i'm decent enough + i also don't think anything matters enough to warrant such a strong emotion towards myself

is it that you hate yourself physically or that you don't like yourself as a person or both? and just... completely? i'm curious...

with sex idk i don't think it matters how i feel about myself physically, or otherwise it's just about doing something that feels good... i feel the same way about sex that i do about getting high or drunk desu
Is that a usual thing if you're trans? I feel like I'm always constantly disassociating from myself to avoid disappointment and stressing myself out. I'm also worried about losing weight because what if I get skinny and my hips are super emphasised?

For that shitty titty stuff, binders at home aren't comfortable but wearing a tight singlet/sports bra/one sized down 'bralette' helps, but that's only if you're small.
Yeah I think that's a pretty usual trans thing to avoid crushing disappointment, haha. I avoid binding at home because of the whole constricting my ribs deal, same thing with sports bras. The sports bras obviously aren't nearly as compressing, but, man do I just want a complete break from squishing my ribcage to any degree.
>binders at home aren't comfortable
Hm, I'm never more comfortable than when I'm wearing my binder. I think the mental stress of being without outweighs any physical stress of wearing it, physical pain is easier for me to deal with. Which makes me think what I do is probably disassociation but I'm not sure of what exactly that means.
anon please don't wear it all the time you could fuck up your ribcage
you type like a girl
Aren't you typing the same way?
You know what they say, home is where you can relax into your chair and completely disassociate yourself from your body as you browse the internet.
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It's been four years, anon, it's too late for me. I've accepted the risks. Only had a bout of Costochondritis so far and I was still binding while treating that.
Does anyone else just do the thing where they see themselves as whatever male character you have as your icon/avatar on social media/steam/whatever you're on at the moment?

i just use my pic for shit...
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I've been playing Stardew Valley as male with my prospective boyname.

It kind of hurts but it feels right.
Same, anon, same. Luckily I have no rl friends and everyone online just calls me by my boyname. It's such a nice feeling.
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I'd probably fucking fall for that shit too goddamn you

I'm caring less and less how people see me. it's funny to hear what some people think of trans men though, like that I must have been a butch lesbian before "deciding to become a man" because I wanted to fit in and be seen as straight. yep, I actually sat down and made a pros and cons list and decided it would be better on the other side

mainly I can't let bear letting anyone see me without many layers of clothing on and the thought of someone else seeing and touching my body has just always put me off. even now that I'm getting more ok with my body since being on T, I just can't imagine ever actually wanting to be intimate with a person. maybe that'll change someday, I don't know. people always ask if I was abused, but no, there's just something wrong with me. oh well. it simplifies my life a lot now that I stopped trying to force myself to be "normal"

even being in a relationship with someone I loved and was really attracted to, I was always trying to get out of being touched or getting naked. that didn't work out too well in the end. thank god we finally stopped trying to fuck and are just friends now

I do definitely hate myself as a person, but that's another story. a really long, boring one involving a lot of needless shame and self-flagellation. I'd make a good Catholic if I could only make myself believe in any sort of higher power
Good job, boys, take the rest of the day off.
Depends on where you are, though.
People are shitty on the internet? Par for the course, disregard.
People are shitty in real life? You need new friends. If I knew any ftm guys in real life, I cannot even conceive of treating them any different from my current group of friends.

Stardew valley...

FO4, meine freunde. The new Automatron DLC is amazing.
Endless Space
Dwarf Fortress (careful though, it'll eat your whole goddamn day)

Jesus, so much self-loathing. What EXACTLY is so fuckin bad about you that you seem to think you're irredeemable? I have RUINED a few lives. And yet, I am completely certain that I am a good guy. Just made a few iffy choices. Was all means to a good end anyways. I want to hear what you think could possibly be that bad about you. What, do you drown kittens or something?
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>talks shit about stardew valley
>still plays payday 2
I don't like you.
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>Stardew valley...
Someone got turned down by Haley.
I admit. I cannot STOP playing it. I have one autistic friend who ONLY plays that one game. On deathwish. He is an accountant, and has apparently decided that since that one game "meets all his requirements", he doesn't need to ever try anything new until it is no longer supported. So I stay current for his sake.
Stardew Valley is just... I mean, c'mon.
>shits on stardew valley
>likes fucking fallout 4
kill yourself, idiot
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>the first genuinely good harvest moon game in a long ass time
>likes FO4 and payday 2
I even have over 800 fucking hours on payday, come the on.
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>payday 2.

I love that game so much, and Find muy firts love playing that game, but now? Ou romance go to the trash, and with the game, the game was trash months before my bf leave me, that Event practically made me hate payday 2, for what the game transform with the time, and for the emocional impact of my broten relationship, i know is silla, but fuck overkill, fuck my bf, and fuck payday 2 for be the firts game that i play more than 1000 hours, to Ended it hate it.

To be honest i'm just a mtf lurking, but seriously, fuck that game.

i'm pretty terrible at being a catholic, know that for a fact cuz it's how i was raised... that guilt shit is fucking intense though... i just feel like i've done a lot of regrettable, stupid shit, but that's gonna happen... can't change the past so there's no sense dwelling on it, and carrying all that shit around just weighs you down... you've got the rest of your life to do different shit

not everyone is a sexual person, maybe it's dysphoria for you, maybe it isn't... you'll find out eventually either way

for me i'm not thinking about anything during sex so shit like my feelings or what i look like etc doesn't matter...

some of it is funny yeah... but mostly it just becomes boring regurgitated shit...
Well it really jumped the shark at the Keanu character update, but still stayed ok until the goat simulator dlc. That was... disappointing.
Come on though! A farming simulator? I come home from work and play games to be BETTER than I am now. Not to do more friggin work. Hell, studies on gaming and confidence have shown that even one hour a day of horror/casual games can have a negative effect on your daily confidence level, while any game where you are "superhuman" boosts you measurably.
If I wanted to plant crops and talk to my neighbors about the weather, I would move to the sticks with my family. I like to come home, slaughter evildoers, and save people from horrifying creatures.
>I only like HARDCORE games for HARDCORE gamers like myself
Anyone here ready to kill themselves now Osomatsu-san is ded
Season 2 is inevitable, don't worry. Pierrot milks their shit to the bone.
with the way they're pumping out merch there's no way they won't S2
But still it was the only thing that cheered me up in a long time
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The Stardew farmer IS superhuman, jackass.

to be fair farming simulators are boring as shit...
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yet, to be honest i like that DLC, the perks, the akimbo, etc. where at time that the DLCs of payday 2 and updates where wonderful, my BF love's the kenau update, he is a fucking fanboy of the actor and the matrix films......

actually i think the game go to shit when overkill left payday 2 to that croatia dev studio, also when overkill go extra greedy, my BF left me just a days later that overkill put the micro-transations to the game. i don't know, our relationship where to donwhill before, and right now i have a great rancor to the game and my BF, to me the 2 are related.....

right now i'm playing the sims 4 (i like it.....), pokemon and street fighter v (i know....).

right now i'm playing videogames, but i don't have any interest in gaming news, gaming community, new games, etc. i just want to play a certain number of games and give them a good used....

i'm >>5935663, so just a trans girl lurking here, navigating in 4chan with a ipad sucks.
Strawman harder, fuckknuckle.
I just don't like being a wageslave for 8-12 hours a day just to be a vehicle for a suit to spook the homeless (securitard), only to go home and do EVEN MORE WORK. That is also the reason I quit WoW back in the day. It's just a second job! They dress it up like fantasy, but at the end of the day, you have to show up on time 5 days a week, so that you can stack your numbers against the boss numbers, in the hopes of maybe increasing your numbers.
I would say the exact same thing about probably 100% of MMOs, and any game with "new game plus"

I am already sick to death of working 7 to 3, so why would I then work from 3 to 11?

I just want to kill some shit, save some helpless mooks, and have small story arcs resolve themselves. Also someone should definitely call me "hero". At least once.

Wouldn't know. I just don't have a need to know whether a goddamn fictional 16-bit farmer from a farming simulator is superhuman, subhuman, protohuman or a magical fucking zombie octopus. I just do not care.
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Then get better taste in games, fag.
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I dunno, the John Wick update was basically the first time Payday broke the 4th wall and added a movie character to the game. After that it was like they said "WELP, ALREADY RUINED" and added characters from more games, more movies, silly weapons that no criminal would ever use, like miniguns and shit, and then BAM. Goat sim update happened. Gotta collect cocaine-filled goats in a crowded city intersection.
It was an obvious statement of "we're working on PayDay3 and Walking Dead now. We really don't care about this shit anymore."

Oh man! I can hardly keep my footing here! All this smug, 16-bit hipster game superiority blowing my way! It's a perfect smugstorm! Tell my wife I love h-
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yep, that is true, but i have good memories about it, i can't denny that DLC was the starting point to the game going to shit, but i have good memories playing in that time with my friend, who with the time we fall in love as i say.

i hate payday 2, but at the same time the game give me so many good moments.....
Well a game can get tied to emotion like that though. Makes it a bit bittersweet. I played Fable through my deep depressive period. Went back and played the remastered version, but just can't through it. The music, the atmosphere, it puts me right back into that headspace.
I'm glad that, even if that relationship is over, you have the ability to summon up happy memories of it. As long as you try not to dwell in it.
> tfw probably a chaser by most standards.

If I could have a short little muscle guy to switch with and cuddle and protect. ;-; every ftm I've ever met has always been so my type that it hurts.
Boy the next couple years will be fun. Not only will I get acne or something like it starting T soon, but I'm also getting adult braces and glasses this year on top of it.

I can't wait to look like a pizza faced nerdy teenage boy at 27 years old.
Why are there posts like this every thread
I once had a goddamn amazing experience with a FtM guy. I'm a cis male, and consider myself gay. He was like 4'9'' and muscular and had a great beard, and I'm 6'6''. He was dominant as fuck in the bedroom and it was so fucking awesome.

I thought we hit it off really well, flirted and talked about going on another date after that, but one day he blocked me in every way and deleted all his online profiles. I miss him still.
This hurts my heart.

All me.
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Get a set of these. These are your friend.
My Dad was a doctor, used skincare products and these puppies all through high school. To this day, people look back at class pics and such, and say, "huh, you never had problems with acne, did you? Lucky asshole." But in reality, I had HORRIBLE acne. Just went over it every morning.


Well, I am more interested in ftm friends than lovers, myself, but I would imagine it's just math.
Straight guys love lesbian porn because:
1girl + 1girl = 1moregirlthanusual + 0unnecessarydongs.
So by the same logic, ftms are basically all the perks of a guy friend socially, but still with girl parts (is the assumption). It requires some real doublethink, and a MAJOR assumption that the ftm is still interested in vaginal sex, but I assume these guys figure the ftm in question could be talked around to it.
>tfw Osomatsu is over
>tfw no more gas ass Totty
every fucking time. i never have a female icon, lol
All my icons are birds so no not really.
>tfw jojo part 4 is gonna star
>tfw every new chapter of jojolion is fucking awesome

who is hype here?
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>be me
>youngest child in family (in college now though)
>also filthy ftm
>mfw I don't a cute younger sister to take care of and be the best older bro for

I'm not really sure why but I always feel really protective over young girls (and not really boys). If I wasn't so sure I'd make a horrible parent/romantic partner I'd definitely want to adopt a girl since I like the thought of being a dad who would spoil her, even though they're pretty unbearable as teenagers (especially when spoiled rotten).
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Hopefully there's a season 2 anon
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I highly doubt they WON'T make S2, they have so much merch they're about to release and it's super big in Japan
>wanting younger siblings
It's a nightmare. I didn't get along with my little sister until she was 12-13 and mostly stopped being a huge spoiled cunt to me. Constantly got me and our older brother in trouble for everything, and tons of shit we didn't even do but she was always there standing there giggling in the background while we got our shit pushed in because she was an innocent little princess who could do nothing wrong.
I choked her the fuck out once and to this day she's like, "Yeah. I deserved that." I love her and all but I know she's the reason why I developed mad manipulation skills. Which I in turn passed down onto her.

I mean I'm a little sister to our older brother too but damn at worst I was just annoying for wanting to hang out with him and his friends.
I don't know. Personally that would not be for me because I have sexual dysphoria and I don't use that hole. I had a guy who was very adamant about it once and it made me feel really bad desu. But I don't think most people are like me and some are probably comfortable with their biological anatomy.
That's fair. I know my sister absolutely fucking despised me until I was around 9-10 years old and it took until I was 18 for my brother (then 28) to start talking to me like I was a person.

I guess I just subscribed to the fantasy of being really overly protective of someone else and caring for them despite being a huge beta pussy irl who barely has his own shit together.
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I find it funny people say shit like this. I'm the second oldest of 4 kids and I've gotten along with literally all of my siblings.
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>tfw finally coming to terms with your sexuality independently of your gender identity
feels good man. i won't be able to transition for a while yet, but maybe I can get a qt gf.
Depends on how life was I guess.
Only ever had my baby sister, 4 years younger. Grew up well off, no poverty or anything, but a looooooong dramatic, bloody divorce and custody battle from mme age 7 to maybe 13.
So we learned to rely on one another. My little sister and I are thick as thieves. Helps also that she's always been a real tomboy type. Loves outdoorsy stuff and we always have had the same taste in movies and books and so on. Played the same video games.
I have kicked 3 of her boyfriends' asses to date, and she, in turn, laid a beatdown on one of my exes who just wouldn't let go. She's a good hearted gal, but our dad taught us both to fight, so she's certainly no pushover.

She got diagnosed with cancer this past December, but she is kicking its ass. So proud of her.
I thank fuck every day I don't have hips like that. At least my figure is salvageable just by losing weight. Any shape I get comes purely from fat, and when I get skinny my hips are fucking small.
I was fine with our younger brother. Sure he was annoying but I think thats entirely normal. I never hated him. But for some reason my little sister was just a sadistic fuck. My older brother liked to torture me too but he stopped after I either toppled a huge cabinet on top of him or stabbed him in the thigh with a pair of scissors. We were all just savages until we hit puberty but we were poor white trash, so. I feel really shitty about the violent stuff(even though it totally solved my problems) but I'm a huge lazy pacifist these days.

Thats how my sister and I were when she 'settled' down. We were inseparable until she got a ticket out of the hellhole that was our family via extended family when she was 16. She's a stone cold bitch with looks that could kill and she could go places but unfortunately she's a lot like me in which we just don't care anymore. I still rail her about taking more college classes.

I'm glad to hear your sister seems to be doing well despite the cancer. My sister didn't come home on time once while out with friends and I was out the door beating down doors looking for her ready to kill a bitch. I've lost too many people and it'd be the end for me if something happened to her. She's scared of introducing any new boyfriends to me but man as long as they don't hurt her I don't care who she dates, even if I don't like them. It's not like I'd even try to make her dump them just because I don't. She's into harmless dweebs anyway.
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People tell me I look and act like a shounen ai character. At least I don't look like a lesbian?
i hab one
>lose some weight, measure self for new binder
>get it from a 3rd party site instead of just underworks itself
>website: take the average of the skinniest and largest part of your chest!!
>huh, that's weird, I remember underworks just wanting the largest measurement last time I ordered
>I'm a small for once
>order, it comes in
>too small to even fit over my shoulders

Fuck, I just double checked the tag and it's XS. They shipped me the wrong thing.

I'm too autistic to complain but godamn that was like $40 gone.
I like you.
>usually some cartoon/video game/anime dude
>have an icon of character from the new FE
>someone messages me
>"is that a girl lol"
>change it immediately
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My baby sister died of cancer when she was 12 and I was 15. She was a cheeky little brat but she always treated me like a big brother rather than a sister, and I loved her so much it hurts. I think I'll put some flowers on her grave today.
>infinite space
Speaking of, who else FTL here?

What's your favorite ship?
[spoiler]It's the worst in the game besides Engi B (fuck that piece of shit) but Stealth B is great[/spoiler]
Complain nicely?
"Hey guys, i think there was a shipping mistake. Also i measured my chest wrong, here's the corrected measurements. Thanks for your help!" Or something
thanks for letting us know. my hips are bigger than that pic, even when im skinny ;_;
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>mildly bad thing happens
>brink of tears
>suppress panic
>dissociate until event and reaction seem imagined or forget entirely
How to achieve full /deadinside/ and get some fucking peace?
When you get treatment for BPD

you realize most shit isn't worth caring about and focus on other things instead... like i've been really sick for the past week (i'm always sick but like this is different level sick), and some bad shit's happened but also... i got weed, playing guitar doesn't require sitting up or thinking, and it's spring so it's cool...
Same here anon. But it is what it is.
Oh great, another thing I might have. Not like it means anything, none of the medical professionals I've spoken to have diagnosed shit aside from depression/anxiety.

I know none of it is worth caring about but that's from the rational standpoint and that's not the problem. There's no reasoning with my emotional side so the only way I can think of stopping it causing trouble is to kill it. A largely emotionless, logical existence sounds alright to me.
BPD is pretty fucking serious, if you think you might have it look into DBT. Only treatment for it that works, takes years, etc.

My ex had that. 0/10 would not recommend. I literally got PTSD because of some of the shit she was doing, wasted months in therapy working on the flashbacks/panic attacks.

eh i experience emotions, and strong ones... i deal with depression and anxiety and all of that, but i'm at a point where i can just say "eh guess i'm depressed today" and just focus on other shit, and like i have panic attacks, but i don't make a big deal out of it... i know when i'm having them i've found ways to deal with them and i don't dwell

for me it's a matter of not thinking, i've learned to actively just avoid it... and instead i'll just focus on things and experiences and whatever's going on at the time... cuz on a logical level i know what i'm feeling is meaningless and will pass... and unless i'm gonna off myself dwelling doesn't do much good

i'm not perfect at it, i have really bad moments... like a while back i was thinking about off'ing myself and instead i took some codeine and shit and chilled out

and i'm not gonna say use drugs as much as i do, or at all, but you gotta find what works for you and what keeps you from flipping your shit
Brutal, what did she do that impacted you so bad?

So what, ignore it? I've tried for years to just get over it when it happened but I'm sick of being a shaking snivelling wreck when I have to deal with everyday, human things. It only makes me angry and hate myself more than I usually do because I can't control myself.

And being the moralfag I am, drugs aren't an option unless I get them prescribed. Guess my other options are, what, alcohol and suicide?

i ignore it by focusing on other things, meditation, and focusing on any given moment... but i'm easy enough to please too, like i'm perfectly happy chilling outside watching sunrise with a cigarette and i can do shit like that and just turn everything else off and enjoy that... or like i garden, that actually helps me a lot partially cuz i enjoy plants and partially just cuz it's physically engaging...

i also just kinda accept that bad shit is part of life, and does have value (particularly longterm), so i don't look at suffering as this end of the world sorta thing... just a way to grow in another way... i've been through a lot of bad shit though so eh

drugs aren't for everyone... and honestly, there's shit you can do that isn't get intoxicated (for me drugs aren't just a coping mechanism though, they're also just something i enjoy) that could help... it's a matter of finding what works for you, what you can immerse yourself in, and just learning to be in any given moment fully rather than being in one place physically while your head is elsewhere...
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You're cute. I'm reading about lobotomies.
you just have to wait until life breaks you

lol thanks? i can grab a drill and you can come over we can give it a go... or you know... try something else distracting and legal, i've got plenty of alcohol i can't drink
You need but an ice pick and a steady hand, my man. But you're right, I'm not sure of the legal status of consentual amateur lobotomies so cheapshit alcohol it is. I should get hold hide away some secret vodka for these situations.

yeah you're right, that's how it was supposed to be done, but i'm not a doctor and i don't have an ice pick... i figured maybe you weren't too picky...

i wouldn't trust my hands... they're fairly steady, but every so often i get this nerve thing and i slip... only in my dominant hand though, i fucked up my shoulder when i was 15 falling down stairs... couldn't move it for a day or so, it felt jammed... it clicks every time i move it a certain way and shit, but again maybe you weren't feeling picky

not that i'd do it anyway, i'd definitely pass out... my s/o once got a blade through his pinky and i had to go in the bathroom and curl up on the floor... i got real dizzy the room felt like it was spinning and it was just really fucking bad

i preferred the drinking option

+ and i meant like legal as in you don't do any drugs and mentioned alcohol

i didn't even think about the legality of amateur lobotomies...

+ with my shoulder it just felt like it wasn't in the socket right, i kinda pushed it back into place... after that it hurt like a bitch but i could move it again

+if you were closer i have a weird variety of seasonal beers and shit... idk... maybe a hard cider is still in there maybe not? i haven't looked in a while + jack daniel's honey whiskey, some spiced rum (i think it's captain morgan), pretty sure there's some red wine in the back of my fridge, and jager spice (it tastes sorta like fireball whiskey but also like jager with vanilla) and there's a small nature reservation nearby that's cool if you aren't feeling too moralfag and another place that's nicer that's grey area could be private property maybe not... i stopped going in there for a bit after i found a ripped up animal near a bloody mattress somewhere in there just past a good smoke spot... but it's been a while so it's probably safe enough by now and i know for a fact that there's good cover from bears in there cuz of this one time i was high and had to climb between all these branches cuz a bear was coming up to my s/o and i...

sometimes getting shitfaced in the woods is exactly what someone needs to feel better

i'm high as fuck right now... probably obvious but yeah... sometimes people just need to go somewhere that feels away from everything where they're just around nature and just get really drunk or high and just not think for a bit
Man, you're a gold-mine of weird stories. I'm not too moralfag for a bit of casual trespassing, had a grand old time looking around a fire-damaged abandoned building few years back. First time I went, there was a bunch of bricks pulled out of the wall, second time that was patched up and I had to climb through a broken window. Good times. There's a big wooden fence up round it now but I'm guessing there's still a way in. That carried no risk of fucking bear encounters though, yeesh.
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lol am i? they seem normal to me... i don't even talk about a lot of shit

that sounds really cool, i've never walked through a place after a fire... did you take pictures or anything?

pretty easy to make a way into a place that just has a wooden fence around it... if there isn't already one

the bear thing was scary when it happened, but afterwards the adrenaline rush was great... like completely amazing

my s/o and i went for a walk cuz my mom's crazy friend was visiting and we wanted to smoke, and we brought my dog... so we went to one of our smoke spots and my dog jumped in my lap and laid down

we were in the middle of a blunt and i looked down at sid and he was just looking straight ahead and being weirdly still and when i looked at where his nose was pointing there was a bear just walking right toward us... we hid in mountain laurel (pic related... it's highly toxic even the smoke if you burn it... found that out by accident) for a bit and it went over to where we had been and circled around by us for a while... idk it was maybe like 20 minutes or something... after that we started smoking in this place that's covered in mountain laurel... where nothing can really get in like that...

but yeah every so often i'll see a bear here... but eh it's nothing to worry about
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You just mention stuff so casually in passing, "found a violent animal sacrifice or some shit, it was weird". And not only did you have a close shave with a bear, I'm guessing you nearly poisoned yourself with the plantlife once?

Fence around this place is one of those solid 7 foot tall numbers, tough to get past unless you want to put your foot through one of the panels. Here's hoping someone's done it already and there's a gap I can get through. I have a couple pictures, the others are on my hardrive which is deep in the realms of Somewhere. Not sure how long ago the fire was but it's sat empty for years, obviously people find their way in and mess the place up. There evidence of homeless folk and other shit, probably a drug den or scumbag meetup by night. Though there was a really cool mural of the Penguin from Batman which I'll have to find. I only looked around the ground floor, most of the rooms were dark as fuck and I had no torch. Plus my friend was a wuss and refused to come in but wouldn't let me go upstairs on my own.

oh well... idk, my s/o had a rotting deer corpse by the driveway and collects dead things so i didn't really think anything of it at first... the mattress was probably just some homeless redneck or something... but i still didn't go back after that... at the time i was real high and just thought "should probably go home now" and not much else... afterwards though my s/o and i were laughing about how this guy who killed a state trooper had been spotted camping in the woods all around the area while the cops were looking at him... we kept telling each other he was gonna get us for a few days 'til they caught him (i still think it was more likely just a homeless guy killing his own dinner)

animal sacrifice would've been weird i guess... idk... when i was a kid over in the park i lived by in brooklyn, people used to sacrifice chickens all the time... santeria and shit, people would find the bodies often, so idk i guess i might not think anything of it... that was just like a normal thing i'd hear about when i was a kid... been a long time though

with the mountain laurel it was a really nice day out so to celebrate my s/o and i decided we needed a fire to go with our whiskey, and well... we both grew up in brooklyn and were already high so poison wood didn't really occur to us... so we used quite a bit of it in the fire cuz it's around and easily accessible... and we drank whiskey got really fucked up and had a great night... next day we were both feeling weird and sick in the same way... and my s/o started looking shit up, and apparently mountain laurel smoke can kill you, and the folk medicine for smoke inhalation of it is actually whiskey... so really it was sorta like we were drinking the cure as we poisoned ourselves and just both felt weird for a day... but yeah i always tell people alcohol saved my life as a joke cuz of that...

+ looks cool... when you said wood my first thought was breaking it desu...

that sucks about your friend though, i bet the upstairs is interesting, i would've probably just gone up alone anyway desu cuz i'm a dick like that... i also just kinda wander off sometimes

the mural sounds cool, i actually really love graffiti (the best graffiti i've seen was in rome though, the train pieces were great... just entire fucking trains covered in it... this was like shit... 10 years ago though) it's some of my favourite art

everyone i know here currently doesn't do shit like explore anywhere other than my s/o... they're cool to smoke and chill with and fishing is alright (though a boat would make it nicer) but they don't do enough and i'm not into bars

if you ever get around to finding the other pics post them
Just got on T and the endo prescribed me 50mlg every 2 weeks. is that dose too low?
That does seem like an oddly low dose. Did they say why it's so low?
wow my endo put me on 100mg per 2 weeks and she said that was a low dosage
No idea.
I'm taller than the average female, so I would think I would have gotten more. He told me it's important to start 'slow' and to worm from there. I have my next appointment with him in July though. Is there anyway to get a higher dose in that timeframe?
T comes in different concentrations. I think there's 100 and 200 parts per whatever. My dose is 25mlg per week (so basically the same as yours), and I've been changing on schedule.
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Here is how concentration works: you get your bottle and it has the concentration of x amount of mg/mL. So you multiply that by how many ml's you actually inject yourself with (commonly .5-1 ml), and that equals your dosage in mg. E.g. I inject .5 ml but the concentration is 200mg/ml my dosage is going to be 100 mg.

>two people posting in this gen with their dosage being in "mlg" units
C'mon guys get it together, I know you're all a bunch of alcoholic druggies but you should really know more about what's going in your body.
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How come posts like this are so common but I can't find gay dudes like this IRL?

Is it because anti-chasers have bitched so loudly that they've made people afraid of being with FtMs?

I'd love to meet a gay cis dude who was into me. I've had all of one and he turned out to be a furry addicted to 'cuntboys' or some shit.

idk gay cis dudes who don't care seem common enough... i've met quite a few anyway, maybe it's just where you are or something...

never once had a furry ask me out or anything, as far as i know anyway... it's not my thing so it works out well though
Most gay dudes I've met are furries.

seriously? i don't think i've ever really spoken to someone who was a furry, or if i have they never mentioned it... sorta exception is this guy i used to know, his gf was a furry so he let her make him a fursona but it wasn't something he was into and was only while they were together so idk... doesn't count
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In general, she would self harm/attempt suicide/threaten to do either of the above if I made her feel unloved or unwanted. She wouldn't be faking it for attention, it's just that me not being the 10/10 prince charming doting significant other was genuinely so upsetting to her that she would flip out if she perceived me as not loving her. The only way to make her feel loved and wanted was to anticipate and do exactly what she wanted without showing any negative emotion whatsoever at all times.

"Things she wanted me to do and flipped out when I didn't do them" is a list including, but not limited to:
>having sex whenever/however she wanted
>staying up with her at night and keeping her company multiple nights in a row
>not showing up to work to keep her company
>not saying anything critical of her ever
>listening to her vent to me about her problems for hours without offering any suggestions ("telling her what to do") but still being very supportive

She got put on psych meds and sent to therapy which helped quite a bit, for awhile, and then the pills stopped working for some reason and she had another meltdown. I cut contact with her then so I don't know if she's recovered.
Sounds like two of my exes. Then again I have BPD, which might as well been 'i don't like myself sometimes' in comparison to the absolute, batshitinsaneshittyery I went through with them.

At worst I just want to be alone a lot and I'm desensitized to people throwing scissors at me and them threatening to kill themselves. Zapped the energy right the fuck out of me for a lifetime.
Your doctor is not wrong: it is important to start slowly, especially if you're older. There's anecdotal evidence that gradually ramping up your dose will result in better voice results.

Your weight or height has nothing to do with how much you should be taking. Everyone processes T differently depending on genetics. Size has nothing to do with it.

If by "50mlg" you mean 50mg, that's not outrageously low as a starting dose. I'm on 60mg weekly, which is an ideal maintenance dose for me because my body processes T very efficiently. Most guys take somewhere around 100mg per week. You're essentially on a quarter of a "normal" maintenance dose.

If I were you, I'd take the dosage you've been prescribed for a couple months and see what happens. If you're really unhappy with the way things are progressing, call up your doctor and ask if you can talk about upping your dosage.

Though p.s. you can just take more on your own without telling your doctor. My doctor lets me mess with my dosage on my own as long as I don't go above the amount we know results in very high T levels for me. There's no real harm in it, though if you're going up in dose it will cause you to run out of T quicker, which will almost certainly cause problems with getting more.
>meet a gay guy and it seems we have awesome chemistry together
>tell him I'm ftm with the intention of hitting it
>suddenly he's not interested / only wants to be friends
>which is ridiculous because I know he will just about fuck anything that moves and has had fwb's before
This is basically what happens whenever I'n interested in anyone. I'm 20 and still a virgin fml. I fucking wish I could meet a chaser even if it's just to get laid.
For those of you who don't have little to no dysphoria below the belt. When was the last time you had sex? Was it good?
Had sex a week ago. Typical lesbian sex. The only thing not-typically-lesbian about my sex life is when someone is going down on me I close my eyes and pretend it's a blowjob, I like fucking a girl with a strapon and will get off on it, and I can get off from having a girl suck off said strapon. Sometimes I like getting fucked and sometimes it freaks me out. Same with any attention getting paid to my chest, it physically feels nice and sometimes I'm into it but sometimes I just nope out of sex entirely if my partner messes with them.

I may be a dirty transtrender butch dyke though. I feel top and height and general body shape dysphoria all the time and bind, but I'm in my mid twenties, haven't come out to anyone besides close friends, don't plan on it unless I start feeling suicidal all the time instead of just occasionally. So take that for what it is.
Also yeah it tends to be good. Me and my partners generally get off multiple times.
Come live with me, I'll stuff your front hole and tell you I love you

It will be a lie but it will be a nice one for a while.
Just this past week. It definitely was good, we had a few days to screw around with each other and most of it was pretty standard sort of, um, "lesbian tier" stuff I guess, like other anon was saying. That's okay with me, a lot of the time I just get off on a partner's reaction to things. I fucking love giving oral. It didn't do a lot for me orgasmically but it was hot and I liked it.

But then I got to actually fuck her? And it was mindblowing? And then she fucking blew me???

Like what the fuck, I don't know that I've ever seen a sight that fucking beautiful jesus christ.

tl;dr feeldoes are great if you're cool with wearing one in the first place, if occasionally a bit awkward to position. Leave your boxers on, it helps.

a few days ago... i think... idk... been really sick and really high (just took codeine again which isn't helping with the thinking shit) and i have a hard time keeping track of days and time to begin with... it was good though, but i mean... been having sex with my s/o for over 11 years so he knows exactly how to get me off so that's usually how it is
Wait, I'm confused. Are you asking to hear from people who DO have lower dysphoria or DON'T have lower dysphoria?

I have lower dysphoria but it's not like "need to take a shower in the dark" level. I can deal with the sight of it but I don't like my stuff being touched or looked at. I can deal with it as long as I don't think too long or hard about it. I definitely want bottom surgery though.

Anyway last time I had sex was like 2 weeks ago? It was alright. I was having a particularly dysphoric day so I wasn't really in the mood but I had already planned to meet up with this guy and definitely would have ended up feeling even worse about myself if I'd cancelled. Actually now that I remember it more, it was pretty good... he's not very experienced and gets nervous about butt stuff but he finally let me rim him and told me I can fuck him soon. I live my life to eat man ass so that was pretty sweet.
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What's wrong with being bisexual?

Bisexual master-race. There are too many things I love about men /and/ women for me to "pick a side." People act like it's a choice, but fuck. It really isn't.
Nothing. Now learn not to take the bait.
You got any opinion on hydromorphone? Unrelated to anything but I got a handful and you're my go-to for drug bs.
No, you're not m8. I'm just not vocal about it (and I only lurk on ftmg)
Can you explain the appeal of eating ass? The very thought disgusts me but I'm curious.
Not that anon and I don't like to be on the giving end but as long as the butthole is squeaky clean then eh.
Feels good receiving though, but since I don't give it I'd never ask.
Are you trying to ask Brooklyn and you just went for the first post with any ellipses in it? Or does that post belong to another distinct writing style anon I haven't pinned down?
Were you trying to summon brooklyn? Because I know nothing about drugs mate. Never been high in my life unless laughing gas at the dentist counts.

I couldn't even tell you why I love it so much. I just love watching guys squirm and whine. I like anything that result in that response. And I dunno, there's just something great about reducing a guy to a quivering, whimpering mess just with my tongue. Probably the same reason straight guys like going down on women. Shrug.

guessing this is for me cuz my post is right above that... never taken it, but based on what i know about it i would cuz it probably feels like christmas... i'm bias though cuz opiates/opioids are my favourite, (and i mean that like... one of my favourite things ever + also my favourite drug) but they're all relatively similar (the only thing i can say that's a major difference with is percs can bother my stomach, but not enough for it to be a big deal or outweigh the better effects) high wise... so it depends on how you feel about those to begin with + i'm unsure of what it's usually mixed with (like how acetominophen is added to a lot of shit, or like promethazine is another common one) but that's something to keep in mind too...

if you can't find answers about a drug ever just from people there's always erowid btw... it's a pretty comprehensive site about drugs and there's lots of personal experiences people submit that you could look through and whatnot if you want multiple opinions and to hear the good and bad...

never done it, but being on the receiving end is a good time...

that there's a major difference* my bad... just woke up and i need coffee to function

i turned that shit down and then sorta regretted it when i had my wisdom teeth pulled... it was something i preferred being fully conscious for... but afterwards my friend was telling me i shouldn't have and explained why
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It feels good for them. Plus for many people it's weird and uncommon but they'd never tell you to stop.
i used to do it to my ex largely because she was super into it

doesn't do much for me though, from either perspective

With your boobs?

Not sure. I'm disgusted the the entire prospect of eating someone out in general

eh i enjoy giving oral sex, but i just idk... not into the idea of a rimjob even though i'm ok with receiving one if that's what someone is into... i suppose i wouldn't say i'd never, but probably not ever... i'm not exactly a hard person to convince to give stuff a try if someone really wants it in most cases
People tell me I look like a borderline psychopath, I don't even know whether it's worse than looking like a lesbian or not
hey, bi girl here and sorry if I'm intruding, but I have a question

is it shitty to generally want to date someone ftm above a cis guy? I kind of see ftm guys as guys without all the weird superiority complexes and things that make a lot of guys assholes and I'm more into afam biologically, so that works for me too in a lot of cases..is that fetishizing? I kind of feel bad about it and I want to know whether I should fix it

i don't see anything wrong with that, but i'll be honest i'm still an asshole in spite of being trans so... your assumptions are a bit off... the biology bit makes sense though

do you have crazy eyes or some shit?
yeah I know anyone can be an asshole, but guys are somehow a different breed with it a lot of the time
whats the point of the map, if they leave no contact info ;_;
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>Part 4 airs tomorrow

Hyped as fuck, man.

you'd be surprised... but whatever you wanna think

you should probably take what i say with a grain of salt though... i don't care about most things, to be fair
Say in thread who you want to summon, they might be around.
Nah, I'm a bi FtM and I don't see anything wrong with it. You still see us as guys. Nothing chaserish or fetishizing about it
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I summon thee anon!, I'm about 5 minutes away from thy, and I'm here for another year or so, come forth!
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Forgot relevant pic~
>without all the weird superiority complexes and things that make a lot of guys assholes

you are in for a bad time.
honestly though i realize this is our only appeal, so i've been trying to act more like a beta pussy as of late
how are you doing that?
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>"I luuuv ftms because they aren't like the other guys, they can empathize with me about all my wymen troubles! xD"
Lmao. It's funny because you think people who have supposibly gone through the same problems (ftms) would sympathize more with you than the Real Men™ because we were raised as girls- when it's mostly the opposite. It's because I was raised as a girl I understand that women don't face real sexism anymore in first world countries and I'm not going to coddle you because you're having your period because- been there, done that, and at the end of the day you need to take an advil and get over yourself.

If I was a Real Man™ I would probably feel really bad for women about sexism, periods, whatever "problems" they have and want to coddle women but I just don't care because I've lived through it and know that it's no big deal.

I don't know if I'm the anon you're looking for but I live close to there. I'm not going to give you my contact info tho because stranger danger no offense bud.
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i bought this
dysphoria is fucking baffling

I had it hardcore for the past two years and it was nearly relentless (third episode like this in ten years) and over the past week it's just...either not noticeable, or fucking absent

like I know it's normal for it to fluctuate a little bit but what the fuck
I'm mostly basing it off of experience so maybe I'm wrong

lmao like I'd have the audacity to complain about gender discrimination to a trans person. c'mon
are you a qt? you sound like a qt
mmm niqqa that stuff smells so good

well i suppose it's subjective, what makes someone an asshole... i'm just saying... probably depends on your definition, but i've been called worse shit than that by angry women
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>"like I'd have the audacity to complain about gender discrimination to a trans person"
>"I love dating ftms because I can complain to them about my problems and they will understand me"
Yeahh okay sure... Also it doesn't matter either way because I pass so you'd just treat me like the average cis male shitlord. G day m'lady, *tips*

i don't see how those are related... seems like she just expects more empathy or whatever, which has nothing to do with the other thing... just saying
>ftm guys as guys without all the weird superiority complexes
Joke's on you because I express assholery to establish superiority.
not really sorry to dissapoint :(
I guess that depends on your pov though

hah you sound like a fun person
I mean I'm kind of an asshole I get it
it's just this certain type of assholery that I hate

I never said I wanted someone to complain to, I'm not the whining type anyway

I'm just saying that ftm guys seem to have less superiority complexes and weird expectations pounded into them since birth
but if that's not the case then I apologize for assuming off a pretty small group of people

it isn't though... idk, i've had people not even give a shit about my personality anyway... like, that's just what usually happens


i can be, and that's extremely vague...

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>I'm just saying that ftm guys seem to have less superiority complexes and weird expectations pounded into them since birth
Why are you bi if you think that all men are evil and have "superiority complexes and weird expectations?" Just curious. I'm attracted to women but don't date them for the same reasons you don't like men.
Quit straw manning bro
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none taken, add me on kik if you think you can handle the edge: blissfulagony13
Why do you keep putting words in her mouth? Projecting?
Be attracted too and fetishize whoever you want. Don't fix shit that ain't broke. I don't mind chasers as long as they respect my boundaries and that goes for everyone really. Some ftms may not like it, and well if you can't talk it out then find one who is ok with it. Boils down to letting them know that you aren't only into them for that one thing because it's pretty objectifying.
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>copy and paste what she said
Yup just a projecting strawman here, nothing to see
do I really have to say "not all men"
I'm not saying all guys are devilspawn, just that what I mentioned is a common theme
also who hurt you
Yeah I looked around. And sorry to the anon who I wrongly replied too.

Anyway it sucked. Most people suggested snorting or IV due to its shit orally. I felt 'ok' for about two hours, didn't really get rid of any pain but it was only 2mg because I wanted to be careful about it trying it for the first time. Ended up flushing the rest because after those two hours it was becoming hell in what I can only describe as a constant on/off switch on the verge on a panic attack and sudden rage mode. Decided not to mess with benzos with it in my system so I just rode it out. Also nauseous from then and still into today despite I have a tolerance for codeine derived opiates.
Mood swings seems like a pretty common side affect so maybe it would have been better with weed and some sort of benzo but I'll leave it to the experts.
Except nowhere did she say
>Why are you bi if you think that all men are evil
>all men are evil
And your
>love dating ftms because I can complain to them about my problems and they will understand me

Sounds like projecting

2 mg seems like nothing... admittedly last time i took anything (so like... codeine 2 nights ago? i think...) i didn't even pay attention to the dosage or mgs i just kinda took whatever + some and with most shit i usually take at least 15 mg, wait a bit and then repeat ... and that's honestly really conservative cuz it's usually a way higher dose than that more like... double that to start, and if i take shit for a while i'll just keep going up every day... opioids anyway...

so 2 really seems like nothing but yeah... honestly in spite of your review i'd probably give it a try and snort it, unless smoking it is decent... i'd rather smoke something than snort it, and i've smoked pills before when taking them orally would've been a complete waste

i can see why you wouldn't... but i've mixed opioids and benzos before and also smoked weed... the 3 combined are a good time, but i feel the same about every possible combination there so yeah...

sucks that you had a bad time with it though...
Didn't read anything about smoking it but I snorted. My body just sucks when it comes to meds(the reactions vary like crazy, even with just a normal table spoon of nyquil when I'm sick could either go fine or fuck me up pretty bad) it's at a low dose. Didn't add the benzos because I have a history of respiratory depression when it comes to both opiates and benzos, and that on top of having sleep apnea thats bordering on dangerous. So I try to be relatively conscious about not accidentally killing myself. It was too close for bedtime to play with it. Sucks, I love drugs but they sure as shit don't love me.
Yes yes be the good white knight to protect the poor wymens feelings, it doesn't matter if she says she will never see ftms equal to men, we're all tumblr fakebois here who flock to any terf in distress :^)
joke's on him then, i don't have boobs anymore.
>she says she will never see ftms as equal to men

uh I see them as equal to men because they are men but whatever keep putting words in my mouth

I got what I wanted anyway, thanks @ everyone who answered me :-)

i can have weird reactions to shit too... actually this time i accidentally ended up taking zoloft instead of xanax (i was coming down from a pcp+ weed high and the bottles were near each other + it's mostly my s/o's fault but whatever... i knew it wasn't xanax, but i took it not knowing what else it could've been...only decided to check later when it felt awful) i had pretty much every bad side effect and spent a few days burning my wrists on a space heater (among other things) cuz i felt completely numb except for pain (found it out by accident) and like i was gonna lose it and kill myself if i didn't do that cuz the numbness was fucking horrible, but once i knew the halflife, i knew it'd be over in a few days so i didn't wanna do any permanent damage... also felt like my insides were shaking, and i couldn't sleep or eat... literally all i kept thinking about was off'ing myself and at that point in my life i hadn't considered suicide before...

also tylenol pm makes me anxious as shit and keeps me up too... never took nyquil

i could see why you wouldn't then... i have a long history of doing shit that's a somewhat bad idea though... like there was a while where all i'd do is wash whiskey down with muscle relaxers... which is a really bad idea, but i enjoyed it... and i hated coke, but i did it for a week... it made me a fucking wreck but it was already there and it was the or be sober so i went with coke...

with opioids though i have a decent idea of my limits cuz i've been taking them on/off since i was 15... so almost half my life really... so i don't tend to be cautious

caution is good though, i've just been lucky... i guess lol suppose it depends on how you feel like defining lucky
Hey /ftmg/ what's your opinion on LDRs?
>taking zoloft instead of xanax
Damn. I'm no doctor, but those symptoms sound a little like serotonin syndrome. That shit can kill ya.

this happened about 6 years ago... like i said i was already fucked up on shit and my s/o handed me the pills... and i was just like "this isn't xanax" and took it anyway

it all turned out alright, after a few days i was fine, but yeah it was scary shit... i know fuckall about serotonin syndrome though... so if that was that well... damn lol

at the time i hid it from my s/o, he was in trade school at the time so while he was gone i'd really lose it and when he was there i'd try to keep it more hidden... and this girl i knew spent all day and night those days checking in on me and texting me and that helped too... didn't go to a hospital or tell anyone but her it was going on...
Large, Dangerous Rocket Ships?
Abort while you can
How much distance? I can afford the time to frequently visit someone about 3 hours away max. For two years with my ex I'd often take the two hours to see her after work, be it at her place or meet up in the middle.

But not being able to see my SO at least every few weeks? Nah fuck that. I'm not the one to sit there and text for hours.
I don't think it's fetishizing necessarily but you're in for a bad time. FtM guys are just as likely to be fucking aggressive assholes to overcompensate and prove their machismo as they are to be sensitive, everybody is different.

Genderqueer tumblr trans snowflakes will probably work out for you tho tbqh familia
I'm in one now. I left a flyover state for a lucrative Silicon Valley job. I make enough to fly back and visit her once a month and we skype but it sucks. She has no intention of moving out here and I don't want to leave the job so the future looks bad. I was going to propose (bought a ring and everything) before I got the job offer, pretty torn on what to do.

some people can make them work... other people can't... depends on the people involved...

personally i wouldn't bother unless they were cool with not being the only one, though to be fair even someone who lived close by would also have to be cool with that cuz of my s/o... but honestly even if i was single the idea of an exclusive long distance relationship just wouldn't be my thing... again, to be fair a 100% no other options ever exclusive relationship isn't my thing anyway... i can be monogamous for years at a time, but i feel trapped and suffocated if it isn't just by choice and i don't have other options
This is an irrelevant blog post so feel free to skip it. I don't really need any advice or anything I just don't have anyone else to talk to.

Basically I don't think my mom is going to survive 2016. (tldr: cancer) I'm not really sad about it. I've never been close to her and I'm a fully independent adult, we don't even live in the same state. I just feel guilty about not feeling bad, and I feel sorry for everyone else in my family. It's selfish but I don't want to have to deal with the whole big sad event that it is when someone dies. I don't want to do the hospital shit and the funeral shit and the sad family holidays shit. I just find it all so weird and awkward. Not sad, just... do not want. I'm a stereotypical dude and I really do not do well with the whole "emotions" thing.

Actually, now that I think about it that's really the root of everything I'm feeling about this. I just really don't deal well with other people's emotions. Emotions are a super private thing for me, I don't like showing them or talking to other people about them at all. I'm a very emotionally stable person, I just like to deal with my emotions on my own.

Idk. She probably has at least 5-6 more months so I at least have that long to get my shit together on this. Any tips? Even practical stuff for anyone who's lost a parent before. Maybe I should go back to therapy?? Who knows.

tldr: quit smoking you assholes.
How much videogames do you nerds play? Post best final boss music

Beat this one, it's the greatest GOAT of all time.

I don't have any advice, but that sounds like a shitty situation. Good luck man.
where you at brah?
Not final boss battle, but I'm super into the battle themes from Persona 2 Innocent Sin


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So, the area around my binder is really weird. I've used it too tight, and too much I guess, and the fat has redistributed so that my ribs are showing really well in a circle where my binder tightens the most, but not elsewhere. Will this go away after top surgery or have I fucked myself for life here? It looks bad, and it makes it painful to wear a any binder (or bra for that matter). Any advice on fixing it?

both of my parents are alive, so i can't really speak from the perspective of losing one of them (though in all honesty if my dad died i'd be really surprised if i felt much of anything), but i didn't go see my grandmother in the hospital or go to either of my grandparents (and i was close to my grandpa) funerals... and i didn't see death as a bad thing in either case (they were both in their 80's, both had dementia, it's not like being stable or getting worse for another year or so would've been better... for the last year of his life my grandpa would literally just yell from the time he woke up 'til he went to sleep... really fucking loud too... it was honestly like torture living with him at that point) so it made me really uncomfortable to be around everyone who was crying and going crazy over it (with the exception of my little bro, who felt the way i did and told me as much) cuz i didn't feel that way

i hated having people hug me and tell me they were sorry while they cried (and the idea of being stuck at a church my uncle is a deacon at for a funeral didn't help much either) when i was mostly just felt like "it happens" (and "not soon enough" in my grandpa's case) like i was expected to display emotions i didn't have... so i avoided a good deal of that shit, funerals and after funeral get togethers etc... i wouldn't even pick up my phone to not have to hear it

my family didn't really care, i mean... obviously i only told my little bro (who said it first) and s/o how i actually felt, and well my ex...but i just kinda said it wasn't something i could handle and just avoided as much as possible... and hid all the shit that sounded bad from everyone who was really emotional

and i asked a few friends and such both times if i should feel guilty, cuz while i didn't completely everyone else's reactions made me feel like i should... and everyone basically told me the same thing that i'm gonna paraphrase here:


death is a personal thing, and how you feel about it is how you feel about it... you can't help it, and everyone views it differently and grieves differently... you're not obligated to feel what other people feel, or put on a show for them... just handle things the way you need to

it isn't selfish or wrong to not be able to deal with something like that, regardless of the reason

unrelated: what's up with the jeffrey martin thing on my post?
daily reminder to let me pound your boipuccis with my girltinkler

+ nevermind it's april 1st

i'm not sure what you mean completely... my ribs stick out a lot to begin with but i've never noticed any changes from binding, and it being in one spot sounds odd... you should probably get some baggy clothes to wear for a bit (stop binding) and go to a doctor honestly... it looking different + pain shouldn't be something you leave alone...

if you really don't want to go see if just stopping for a bit changes anything, and then get a binder that fits you better and wear it less, but i really think you should go to a doctor
Sorry, I meant that I have a ring around my chest where the binder is. Basically the other areas on my ribs look normal but there's a line around where there's no fat so the ribs show really well. The binder fits me, I think I've just been wearing it too much. I can't really deal with going without a binder, so I rarely take it off. I was hoping people had advice on how to fix or alleviate it, other than going without a binder.

oh got'cha... i have pretty much no visual imagination, so picturing things is hard for me and shit... i really don't think there's anything you can do for that other than give yourself awhile without it and hope some of the issue goes away...

i've never worn one of those long binders, but maybe switching to one of those for a bit could help since it wouldn't be digging into the same already sore place... even then though you're probably better off taking it off for a bit and just layering + baggy clothes

i know it sucks, but disfiguring and hurting yourself 'til you can't wear one at all is worse than taking a break for a bit
Fukken lol'd

This guy makes a great point. I'm male since ever, but raised by women, with sisters and female cousins almost exclusively. I basically have no sympathy for "FEMALE DISCRIMINATION" arguments, since I watched all the girls in my life float through on easy street using flimsy excuses for shitty behaviour. Made all the more apparent in contrast with my baby sister, who is a turbo tomboy and never used those excuses, worked her ass off for everything.
The only exception is that I do believe the challenges faced by ladies in mechanical fields. My wife is an engineer, and practically daily, some pissed off asshole calls her a dyke, or asks to talk to the HEAD engineer, which is her.

Also, "real man" is pretty meaningless. Seems like I would probably consider most of the guys in this thread much more manly than several of my massive wuss friends, who won't even go to the range with me because they think guns are "SUPAH SCAWWY BABY-MURDER MACHINEGUNS".

But anon, that is why all guys do it!

Light Dependent Resistors? Old timey electronics, but I guess if they get the job done...
Nah, just kidding. Depends really on how old you are, how long you've already been together, etc. My wife and I lived in different countries for a year, but we had already been together for 6 years, and met in online games for "digital dates" and cybersex most nights. So as dorky as that was, we did just fine.
Yeah I guess. Thanks anon/audrey

np jenna
Thanks brooklyn. All my grandparents are dead and have been for many years. I wasn't close to any of them, they all lived several states away, etc. I went to their funerals and shit but it was a non-event. They were just people I vaguely knew. My father's parents barely spoke english even. Besides them no one I know has ever died. But I guess my family knows me well enough to know by now that I'm a pretty dispassionate person. And they will probably have other things to worry about than my reactions to stuff.

np... i've been to a few funerals, but not for anyone in my family oddly enough... like i went to my godmother's bro's funeral when i was a kid, and when i was in catholic school they just kinda dragged the entire school to some random parishioner's funeral (shit was weird, his family was crying in front of the church and we were just kinda stuck there) + my s/o's dad and my s/o's grandma

my s/o's grandma's funeral was mostly memorable cuz afterwards his mom, aunt, uncles, and cousins + us and his bro and sis all drove to this cemetery she wanted to be buried in cuz she wanted to be buried next to her father (her sister didn't want to give her the plot next to his... to be fair my s/o's grandmother was a huge cunt though) and we kinda just all stood there while my s/o's uncles took turns digging a hole (the ground was frozen btw) next to her father's headstone and when they started dumping her ashes into the hole some of it was blowing everywhere... and we had to like stand around and make sure no one who worked for the cemetery showed up while this was going on... and afterwards they were like posing for pictures (his mom was dressed ridiculous too... fucking all in red with these giant red heels and way too much make up + this ridiculous cane cuz she can't walk in heels) and crying and then we went out to dinner...

in my family though funerals are like this big 3 day thing with tons of food and it's basically like a wedding with a casket and mass cards... and like people you forget existed showing up and whatnot... and lots of church shit cuz parts of my family are ridiculously catholic

but you're right, they do know you, and if you're upfront with them while being conscious of their feelings then i'm sure they'll be understanding enough... they're probably not hyperfocusing on you and won't be + you know how you feel right now, you might feel differently as time passes... if you don't though, that's ok and nothing to feel guilty about

+ the whole digging a spot by the grave to put her ashes in had been my idea... but i initially said it like "see the cemetery's policy on perennials and trees being planted, and then plant something in the spring and put her ashes in by the roots so she gets to be where she wants and the plant is like a headstone" and it just turned into that mess... so sorta my fault, but yeah...
Really? All I can think of is Chaz Bono, who is about as good a mainstream rep for us as Caitlyn Jenner is for MtFs.
Bulk up your waist with muscle and you'll balance back into a rectangle.
>But anon, that is why all guys do it!
Exactly! I'm just as likely to (figuratively) stalk around my territory and piss on stuff as other guys just because I'm just naturally an asshole. #notallFTMs
Damn fuckin right! I mean, I realize not everyone is like that, but it sure seems like a lot of ftms want to be guys, but the girliest guys possible. Is it too much to ask for a little overconfident posturing? Some pissing contests? Idotic drunk conversation?
One of my favorite examples is "could you beat a [animal] in hand to hand?"
My buddy is a zookeeper, so we love to speculate when drunk about what we think we could take on, given the entire animal kingdom. Fairly sure my lethal limit is a boar. Apes are generally considered off limits because they fight dirty. Probably pull your fingers off and kill you while you're in shock.

eh i wouldn't say i wanted to be anything... i just happen to be a transguy, and i'm just myself other than that... i just happen to not be really masculine

so is that a wild boar without any weapons? like literally just your bare hands?
There's a difference between masculinity and low class. Grow up, m8
I think posturing is fun and I love talking shit. Sometimes I can even back it up, usually through sheer stubbornness or dumb luck and that's fucking exciting. The image it builds it probably less "anon is tough and can do it" than "anon is nuts and will do it".
>"anon I dare you to eat that chilli"
>eat that chilli like a jackass
>fucking dying
>refuse to spit it out when people say to
>touch eye, obviously terrible idea
>"want to know the kicker?"
>"i just got it in my eye too"
>everyone's loving it
>stare wildly around the table with with red watery eye
>"makes me feel alive"
>pain passes
>"how was that, anon"
>"pfft, too easy, give me a challenge next time"
>"do you want another one"
>"nah i don't want to show you guys up any more than i have"
I think my lethal limit would be, like, a goose. I could totally kick a gander in the neck.
Stupid dares are the essence of male bonding. You've got the right of it.

chili peppers aren't even spicy though... that's like how i get my little bro to do dumb shit though, just a lot of retarded dares and he's in every time it's funny as hell
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Different peppers are different strengths, I think mine was a cayenne and it was a kick in the face. And I'm sure none of them are pleasant if you're an ass like me and get it in your eye.
Added fun when a friend did the same thing after seeing my reaction. Either to check if I was being a bitch or because pissing contest. He suffered too so I'm happy with a tie.

i have a really high tolerance to spicy food... but yeah that shit sucks in your eye... my birds eat spicy peppers and i've accidentally touched their food and then my eyes way too many times
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Yes. Bare handed. I am assuming I have the jump on the boar, and can get on it's back. Then in a life or death scenario, I will claw at its eyes and bite at its throat.
Grown old now, we have kids now, and a sense of self preservation. But back in the day, good god. We used to have these... "tard olympics" for lack of a better term. Ruined my sense of smell forever by winning the snorting portion. Snorted hot spices, various spirits, salt, jello powder... also shopping cart jousts, pudding eating competitions, all sorts of shit.
Pic related. A legend on /k/.
Truth. Even when we should know better. Still get stupid on camping trips. Gotta be a little careful though, or the wives get turbo pissed. It's all fun and games until someone gets a hatchet inna shin.

had a feeling jumping on it's back was part of the plan...

growing up sucks in a way... my s/o and i bonded over shit like vandalism, graffiti, setting shit on fire, etc the you get older and jail seems like more of a real thing

+ though i would've assumed trying to choke it from there would be the next best step rather than clawing and biting
Nah. Betting a wild boar's neck is too muscular to choke out.

yeah i could see that... that's why i didn't think fighting a wild boar like that was the best idea... even just a big knife or something seems like it'd be necessary

i mean if something is too muscular to choke biting through its neck with human teeth would be hard, and clawing its eyes out seems like an easy way to fuck your shit up and just piss it off

+ they're relatively small targets and it could survive the injury so going for them from its back just seems like a bad idea...
The boar gets to charge me with its tusks so I get to use my damn thumbs, as is my evolutionary right. If I found a sturdy stick and managed to flip the boar then I might have a fighting chance.

Hahaha jesus.
He repelled the geese but he could not defeat the behemoth of human interaction. Iktf.

if you use a stick though it's no longer hand to hand combat... it gets to use its tusks cuz they're part of its body
boars are fast as shit dude. like, there's a reason it took multiple guys with spears and a whole pack of dogs to even hunt one boar back in the day.
Then I might as well keel over and die. I can't fight a boar with my fists. I could blind it, maybe, but after that I'd run away. Animal skin is armor compared to ours and I can't break it without getting in there with my face. Too risky.
this, boars are actually pretty dangerous animals

you know... i think your plan needs more thought... seems like the boar would win
There is no such thing as a good plan for fighting a boar hand to tusk. I will die.

i thought the point of it was which animal you could win a fight against... did i read that shit wrong or forget? either is possible, but it's too late to check now i've already written all of this...

you could just scale it back a bit... like i just put a wolf spider that was in my bed outside, but i could've killed it easy
>get a letter
>from mental health centre I visted recently
>okay cool
>inside envelope is a kind of appointment card
>doctor's name with time and date
>no letter or explanation
The fuck have I been booked if for...?
>genderqueer tumblr trans snowflakes

oh god no I'd date almost anyone over those
I saw someone on there using sadself pronouns the other day
wow sadself is a thing?

i think i identify as sadself now

my pronouns are sad, misery and kill me
Damn. Listening to guys talk about their childhood boner stories and shit always makes me so sad. I listen to Sleepycast regularly and I have to skip whenever they start talking about how someone saw their dick in highschool and how they learned the waistband trick and stuff

>you will never discover to masturbate because your dick pokes into things + puberty horniness
>you will never have to hide boners
>you will never grow up with a dick, and all the experiences that come along with it
It's awful, isn't it. I had a group of friends that didn't know I was trans and there would be random times where ducks would come up, especially since most of us were bisexual, so no one had any issues with that. I'd end up just clamping up while they cock talked.
Kek. Thanks autocorrect.
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>not out
>friends talking about those make-your-own dildo kits
>gays say they'd make each other one
>bi bro says he'll make and use his own
Yeah, before I deleted my account back in 2013 there was this kid who followed me that unironically used eggself pronouns (I think because of the egg memes circulating that time). I don't know where they are now but hopefully they've realized how idiotic that was.
I had a friend who jokingly made "royalty pronouns" (like kingself and prinself) and people actually use them
Came across a tumblr post recently which has to do with some of the recent discussions about tumblr snowflake-kin types. Some choice bits, because it was a long post:
>trans people are oppressively defined solely by our pain, discomfort, and dysphoria
>it's transphobic to define trans people based on dysphoria
>you don't need discomfort or dysphoria to be trans
>you can be trans simply through finding pleasure in being referred to by the oopposite pronouns, cross sex fantasies, or cross dressing
>"exploration of gender" "gender euphoria"

What are your opinions on this, FTMG?
That it's special snowflakes who wanna be oppressed so hard that they have to come up with new bullshit to try to make themselves something they're not. Like most of these kids are your average every day normal white kids and since they're not a black trans crippled quasi-dimensional space potato they need something to fit into the cool kids oppression club.

i both disagree, and don't give a shit...
Special snowflake wannabes tucutes that just want to feel like they're apart of something and to give themselves more reason to complain. They are purposely creating themselves to be 'minorities' so unbelievably niche and then complain they aren't represented. They want attention.
>"cis = scum"
>20k notes

I'm doubtful most of them even bother with this shit offline(like my one 'genderfluid trans demiwhateverthefuck' who only dresses in the girliest shit, dyes her hair bright colors, exclusively goes by she/her IRL and even got work done on her breasts) but the internet indulges them.
Frankly I'm still shell shocked at the differences I had growing up between now. A girl liking or doing 'boy' things, or wearing boys clothes was just a tomboy. Now it's a minority or something. And everyone was so against labels. Like goths, punks and emos denouncing that they were goth/punk/etc, just all anti-label and now everyone has more ingredients to their sexuality/mental illness list than a can of soup. It flip flopped so fast, so it'd just weird to me.

I remember reading about how someone came forward and straight up said they made up 'demisexual' in the early 2000s for a roleplay and people just latched onto it. Original post is long deleted but just fuckin' lol.
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The person who came up with the gender euphoria thing claimed to have gender dysphoria, the whole point of that was positive thinking/ to empower trans people to not think of being trans as a curse. I understand that dysphoria doesn't always manifest itself as pain/discomfort, but gender dysphoria is the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity to be opposite to one's biological sex. I get that some people don't have as much dysphoria towards certain parts of their body, or don't feel completely like the opposite sex. Nonbinary-trans (self def 'third gender') people claim to have less dysphoria, or no bottom dysphoria, or dysphoria from doing more than a low dose of T/some of the changes on T. That still falls under the scope of gender dysphoria. I also find the "gender is not a binary, therefore I am this neogender" argument to also be idiotic because they define gender by gender expression, tastes, and preferences. They're basically expressing that "male" and "female" as two qualifiable extremes, as opposed to embracing the idea that gender essentially doesn't matter and people should express themselves however they want to. (*postgenderism movement) At least by enough people following this trans-everything meme, western society might actually abolish it's rigid and unrealistic, practically caricaturistic definitions of gender. At the very least, in professional settings it would be fair to have gender neutral pronouns by default/ no official gender markers on documents.

Also, lel
>finding pleasure in
>cross sex fantasies, or cross dressing
Sounds like AGP? That's not the same thing as being transgender, and if these are the only reasons you think you're trans and you transition, fuck. This logic isn't really sound, people should be able to express themselves however they want, but liking those things doesn't make you transgender.
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>>5962556 (You)
+ gender defines so much for so many in our culture, it's appalling. Just look at this Canadian summer camp bullshit. I think this is really what is causing people to react in such extremes
>Special snowflakes
Yes that's pretty much the conclusion I came to as well. Gives me more and more reason to move away from the "trans/transgender" label and if it comes up, just use transsexual instead since transgender seems to mean "I like dressing up" more and more these days.

I don't know about the origins of the term gender euphoria, but the post I was referring to in my original post expressed how cross-sex presentation (although that's a bit much to expect from these snowflakes) and gender-exploration shouldn't always be assumed to be because of dysphoria or discomfort, and it's transphobic to assume so. Despite the two really just going hand in hand, in my opinion. The post actually brought up some people not having strong dysphoria but it used that to justify still being transgender while having no sort of discomfort towards your biological sex at all. Then it went on to address pleasant fantasies, AGP/AAP if you want to call it that, as if those are some kind of trans qualifiers too. Of course, they're not, and the people propagating it are determined to redefine useful words for their egos.
I just glanced at that picture and assumed it was an ad poster for a camp for boys who like to dress up as girls, which is a thing, somewhere. But surprising to see that coming from Canada, with their gender equality cabinet.
>in professional settings it would be fair to have gender neutral pronouns by default/ no official gender markers on documents.

Nah fuck that shit. I'm tired of tumblr/twitter tards calling every man they see by they/them just because they can't stand the thought of someone being a guy. I've had that happen to me several times and I flip my shit on those cunts every time because they deserve the anger.
I want a sexual partner I can fight and wrestle with. Anyone here share this feeling?
>online tumblr-ish friend constantly calls me they/them even though I've expressed multiple times that I do not want to be called anything but a he
>doesn't fucking stop
>tdw and shameless ending for the season tonight
>osomatsu-san ended already
just fuck my shit up senpai
I semi understand your point but I kinda prefer being called they since I'm pre-T and look more like a dyke than I do a dude and I don't really want to force male pronouns on me when I don't really look like a guy
that being said though, upon getting on T I'll be telling everyone to cut the they/them shit
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>tfw no more Totty until season 2

RIP in pepperoni sweet prince
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>no more glorious Irino for a while
Hold me ;_;
It's such a shame too, I only go to tumblr for the art. The artists, I'm hesitant to interact with at all despite sharing similar interests, because they're so deep into identity politics and a lot of them are coincidentally opting the trans label.
>wrestling with then bf
>accidentally tickled him
>his elbow busts me in the face so hard it splits my eyebrow and gives me a black eye
>blood everywhere

Almost ruined the fun because of how sorry he was, like that freaking out uncomfortable "OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY SORRY SORRY" Calm the fuck down, damn.
>you will never german suplex your boyfriend

If I gave my bf a black eye on accident wouldn't I'd be freaking out too
It was an accident, obviously didn't mean it and it wasn't like I was screaming and crying. I still wanted to mess around but we had to take care of the blood. We got to laugh about it for a good week and a half though until my shiner went away.
that's awesome. i got a black eye at a concert from a stagediver at a concert a couple of years ago and it was great. i love showy-but-not-actually-harmful injuries, they appeal strongly to my desire to show off my pseudo-badassery. i am not actually a badass, i just like looking like one. though i do have very high pain tolerance, not sure if that counts as being badass. probably not eh.
I fucking love concert injuries. I don't know why. I guess I just love the atmosphere and no one is actually trying to hurt you(except the occasional asshole in the moshpits, but they get their ass handed to them really hard if they're intentionally swinging at faces). It's just collateral damage and people are always more than happy to pick you right back up and throw you back in.
i am one of the chillest dudes you will ever meet in my day-to-day life, but i love me the shit out of a good pit. it's just plain fun, and for me it's pretty much the only way i enjoy letting myself go physically. and like you said everyone there is just there to enjoy themselves and everyone looks out for each other and you can make some great friends because everyone is on the same wavelength you know. i know someone who met her fiancee in a mosh pit.

that said i hate stagedivers/crowdsurfers, haha. i guess in some crowds it's okay but it's just way easier to seriously injure someone with that shit. i got my black eye from the lead singer stagediving unexpectedly and kicking me in the face (i was in the first row)... i forgave him because i was tight with the band and he felt really shitty and apologized profusely when he saw me after the show, but usually that stuff makes me really mad haha
I've only been stage dived on by the actual band members. I'm on the fence about it, since 1) I get to touch them and 2) most of the times they do it completely out of no where and without a thought who they are jumping on. This is how I got another black eye because the dude decided to jump where I was, and in my particular circle was a lot of really short women. Me being slightly taller, I got the brunt of it and it was up to me and my friend to throw him off to the rest of the crowd.

Crowd surfers I'm ok with as long as they are relaxed and not kicking like crazy or wearing tons of spikes. I just love the community of this shit. If you go down, people got your back. If you can't handle it, people will escort and shove people out of your way just so you can get out if it gets too heavy. Want to crowd surf? Just tap the nearest big guy and point up and he'll launch you. I've never been denied going up on a bigger guy's shoulders for a while. My favorites were these two huge leather daddys and I spent half the night on their shoulders and at the end we ended up exchanging bracelets.
who were you seeing?
>>trans people are oppressively defined solely by our pain, discomfort, and dysphoria
I wouldn't call it oppressive, but it does piss me off when people treat me like a terminal cancer patient when they find out I'm trans. While it comes with some baggage, that doesn't mean it's all bad or that I need pity.
>you don't need discomfort or dysphoria to be trans
I don't really agree with this, but at the same time I don't like telling other people they're not trans. Gender is complicated, and I'm really no more of an expert than anyone else, so I feel like it's not really my business why or how someone else identifies.
>you can be trans simply through finding pleasure in being referred to by the oopposite pronouns, cross sex fantasies, or cross dressing
This is exactly the point where my patience and open-mindedness end.
You need to see a doctor.
hey, are there some tricks to grow the clit faster and larger? I know it won't be big, but i want to get the biggest I can get.

or It's just genetics?
a random local alt-metal band that you definitely have not heard of and has since broken up.

some people report success with regular, consistent pumping. some surgeons even recommend pumping in preparation for meta. this seems to be very unsubstantiated and ymmv though.

if you can get a doctor to prescribe it there's DHT cream, which i hear is difficult to get your hands on (at least in the US) and obviously comes with a host of medical considerations but definitely works.

i think most of it just comes down to genetics unfortunately.
>DHT cream
I have heard of that, but i didn't know what the fuck since my doctor said" no, you can't get another thing to grow your clit besides T."

I'll ask her about this next time.

and well, for penis supposedly "jelqing" works,as you have said like pumping. I'll try that once my junk is enough to try that.

They/them is plural. I mean something like "hen" in sweden. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/04/01/sweden-is-about-to-add-a-gender-neutral-pronoun-to-its-official-dictionary/
>not out to anyone, pre everything
>playing ping pong with dad, brother and stepbrothers
>"okay me next!"
>brother jokingly says "no girls allowed"
>"ha, joke's on you, I'm not a girl"
>he makes the 'mind blown' gesture
it's gonna be funny later
Nah. Gay trans men are trans men. Bisexuality is so common it's not even worth commenting on.

Still, Let's do a poll.
I cannot continue living,
It's a lot harder to stop than you think.

why do you feel that way?
Well, speaking as a Canadian, it is probably more gender neutral than it looks. Most likely any kid could sign up for either, it just involves different activities.
Particularly since it says it is in Richmond Hill, so nearly in Toronto, which is the most socially liberal city I have ever had the intense displeasure of living in.
The only good thing about Toronto is that it has always been progressive, but until recently, it didn't make a big deal about it. Like "I'm gay!" "Good for you, I don't care."
Lately it's getting a lot like I see on "Portlandia". I hate it.
>Voice drops since starting T

does whatever this T drug is have the same effects on men that it does on women?

I'm cis male but this dudes voice at 7 months is only a bit higher than mine and might even be the same? wtff I'm amazed this is possible I wish my voice was deeper

how often does it help you guys grow full beards? cause all I get is a pube goatee and im 24 years old
Dht is basically testosterone. It's the chemically active version of it dihydrotestosterone.

Do what I do and obsess over work, hobbies, school, that you're too busy to be depressed. I'm into aquariums and whenever I feel like an-heroing I pull all my plants out (which is alot because they're almost all overgrown) and rearrange them which takes like 4 hours. Also I think about all my plants that would die if I stopped taking care of them because my friends all have terrible black thumbs and manage to kill literally anything.
>you can be trans simply through finding pleasure in being referred to by the oopposite pronouns, cross sex fantasies, or cross dressing
Bullshit. I am a married straight guy since birth, and I think it would make me a MASSIVE jackass to call myself trans just because I fap to tg porn on /aco/ from time to time.
>"exploration of gender" "gender euphoria"
Is this a joke? I wonder if they realize how "euphoria" is generally used online?

My wife and I often break furniture during pretty agressive sex. Currently bedless, since beds with legs don't survive in our home. Need to get one of those solid hotel bedframes.

Tumblrites don't seem to get that they do more harm than good by tiptoeing around real shit and babying the special snowflake types.

Well, come on... Sweden. I read recently where an officer in the swedish army caught two guys going down on each other in a public shower, and when he wrote them up, HE was disciplined for making a homophobic complaint. Against two grunts having sex in public. Sweden seriously needs to get their shit together.

HA! He's gonna look back at that day and be like "OHHHHHHHH!"

What's up, anon?
I been there, and things may seem awful, but you'll never look back and say "I should have killed myself then". But it is quite possible you may look back and say "damn, am I glad I didn't kill myself then."
It's always worth seeing what comes next.
>Dht is basically testosterone. It's the chemically active version of it dihydrotestosterone.

Testosterone is chemically active on its own though? DHT is not responsible for ALL the changes you get on T, it's just responsible for some of them. One happens to be genital growth. The others are all the hair-related changes. Voice changes, fat redistribution, muscle mass changes, etc, are all from regular testosterone, not DHT.
Yeah T is magic honestly, but it's only safe for us 'cause if you're packing it basically makes your dick fall off and your balls shrink. Trust me. I'm definitely the right person to ask about roiding.
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>Illustration 1: (1) Testosterone (either preformed or locally formed from DHEA) arrives at the target tissue, (2) is reduced to DHT by one out of three locally expressed reductase enzymes and (3) either acts intracrine, i.e. right inside the cell, where it was formed or is released into circulation.

What you need is some kind of welded metal bedframe. Or something out of good quality hardwood instead of IKEA particleboard or the like. Exactly what kinda shit do you and your wife do to break that furniture anyways, BDSM?
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I do need the sex
Well that os why I responded to the wrestling comment.
We DO engage in bdsm from time to time, but also we are just rough. She is a tough gal. Works in a male-dominated field, was a sports star growing up, etc. So we tend to have pretty violent sex.
Interestingly, the bondage is a lot easier on the furniture because she is forced to be stationary. Regular sex tends to be like a brawl. And someone will inevitably wind up dropped onto the bed, or against the edge of it, or too much back-and-forth stresses, and BAM. The centre support legs go sideways. Then next time it's the main legs or the horizontal struts. Basically we need a bedframe that is literally one solid block. Welded metal should also work. But wood cannot hack it.
What's y'all, mostly post-transition (post-HRT and post-legal document changes mostly) experience with gynecologists? Have you ever been looked at weird when asking for an appointment yourself or even denied?

I'm fuckin terrified senpai
I didn't mean to imply testosterone is not active but dht is more chemically reactive than t, plus it won't convert into estrogen via aromatase like testosterone will so it will stay as it is no matter how much you have in the body.
The doctor who's prescribing you testosterone should be taking care of that, at least mine does. She sticks her fingers in it every few appoints and ordered an ultrasound to make sure my ovaries aren't turning into cancer. Shes making me get a pap smear next time I go in and I have to get fingered again.
I feel you. I have a suicide date planned out and everything at this point.
I have never been to a gyno and I want to go for the sake of health but I am too terrified. My doctor won't prescribe me anything to sedate the shit out of me despite my old doctor and at least two dentists can confirm I will hulk the fuck out when it comes to certain medical procedures.
I fucking hate my voice pre-T, but goddamn I also do not want that stereotypical squeaky ftm voice a lot of us get. My voice is already on the lower side and mostly monotone, but that fear is still there.

Still not going to stop me. I also don't want to bald, but who the hell does really.
why bisexuality is so common in trans ppl? MtFs also have a absurdily high number of bisexual ppl, like FtMs, even tumblr genders have a extremely high number of bisexuals.

what do you think are the reason of that?

bi cis boy asking.
Jesus, stop that shit.

Nobody does, friendo. I am so far the only one of my male friends not balding. It draws an enourmous amount of rage my way. I keep it long, because I intend to eventually become vikingdad, scaring folks at PTA meetings with braided hair and beard. But if I catch myself bitching about it being tangled on a camping trip or something, I generally look up to see 5 faces twisted in fury. It is something we all fear, probably the only reason I am not is because I was paranoid about it even in my early years, and have literally never dyed or messed with it. Greying now, at 32, but so long as it sticks around, it can go snow white for all I care.

Probably just honesty, really. I am convinced that everyone is to some extent bi, so if you are willing to be honest with yourself about something as big as being trans, you're probably more willing to admit to being bi to some extent. Hell, I'm married, but if I weren't, some of the traps I've seen on here would probably be worth bending the rules over.
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