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Gay General Boring as always edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 56

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Old boring thread.
Let's all just sit back and watch the "mascs" talk about their epic day.
first for going to post a selfie but then remembering this is 4chan and not autismmingle dot ca
remember to watch some bob ross if you are having a bad day
I know that feel
Man, my day was so epic. forreal
just go on omegle or neopets 2 get cyberbullied
My epic masc day:

- woke up
- had cold pizza for breakfast (best breakfast ever)
- finished reading The Nigger of the "Narcissus"
- went to the library and took out a new book
- watched a couple episodes of Bojack Horseman season 2
- started doing homework
- fucked around on gaygen and tumblr while reading and taking notes
- made some tea
- returned to alternating bw fucking around and doing homework
How can I help my alcoholic boyfriend? He drinks until he blacks out at least twice per week?

Stage an intervention
leave him
Manly as hell
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>alcoholic boyfriend
It is a very desperate and deep kind of feel tbqh
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Tell him to man up and black out four days of the week on whiskey.
best sound advice
What kind of tea?
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[flexing intensifies]
like he's probably drinking anyways because he's dating someone who posts on 4chan t b q h
>finished reading the nigger of the narcissus

Whats that?

English breakfast, mariage freres whole leaf

I'm a rebel bc I made it well after lunchtime rather than for breakfast
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>tfw you will never be a powerpuff girl
>you will never fight crime trying to save the world

Hell if I could just be born a girl I would be happy.

Plug into his life and give him someone to feel safe and happy exposing himself to and then help him through the likely ensuring guilt and shame and the torture of recovery.
Drug addiction is born of distance and isolation.
>see "straight" man in relationship with girl
>girl is an annoying nagging cunt
>he still stays with her and looks depressed most of the time

when will someone start a straight orphanage, this crime has gone on for far too long
Stop acting like a pussy and bro-out with him.
No he has a history of getting too drunk long before he met me. Last night we got kicked out of a hotel in Wisconsin because he was so lit.
trip on booger
I'm more of a coffee guy, but I like herbal tea quite a bit
I'll date you.
Do your best to unbreak the chains of the vaginal jew.

Make me hard...

Ewwwwwww no.

book by joseph conrad about a dying black fellow on a ship



Shamefur dispray. Herbal tea isn't real tea
Listen up ya lil fucker, english breakfast tea is perfect for every time of the fucking day and you would know that if you didn't make fun of mummy england every chance you have while simultaneously using up all of mummy's things
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Shitler got no real tea.
Stank ass bitch.
>Herbal tea isn't real tea
This. We didn't colonise a quarter of the globe for you to drink pansy shite
You can't date all this autism at once tbqh
I am probably more autistic than you tbqh.
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>Can you gaygen? Cause I could tb h
>Straight women have shit taste

So if a gay guy gets a "lady boner" does that mean he's just popping out a hemorrhoid because he only has a boypussy?

I had a boyfriend who called mine "lady boners"
It was really awkward.
Doubt it tbqh
There's a thread on this so.. let's see your opinion.



Faggot you were already warned once.

You're not my real dad

You can't tell me what to do
In your own words

>Faggot you were already warned once.
Yeah I know it isn't real tea but I like it
I still prefer coffee
I'm not your real dad, but you're my fake papi. Think about that while I sit on it and rotate.
What type of autism are you?

Tell me about yourself.
>I had a boyfriend
Haha nice one

Strawpoll is fine to post on 4chan. Hardly anyone has bitched about it.

Buzzfeed is reviled around here, you faggot redditor. Fuck off.
All of them except the hipster autisms those ones are overrated.
>here's a thread on this so.. let's see your opinion.

Maybe they could, but only if they can stop being such faggots but that's not likely to happen so.
What type of boys are you into?
post hands on face senpai :3
Wow, this Gregigi Gorgeous has a year on me.
>Faggot you were already warned once.
you do realize that if someone quotes another post using green text that most likely means it is someone else responding to that post, right?
Big men tbqh
Or if short, wide men tbqh
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K here you go
I can't believe you actually got out in the snow on a bicycle. That was kinda dumb desu. Glad you came your senses.
>t. mod at /r/4chan
filename is accurate because this is one of the results of image search

I like buzzfeed.
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Is that really you
You're really cute
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It's not so much the face as it is the pose and hair that are gay. At least he doesn't have drawn on eyebrows.
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No this is actually me.
>Is that really you
for my reaction to your post, please see >>5599944 or >>5599958
circe why you always gotta be the dumb bitch in the thread

I don't know anything about Senpai. \(O.o)/


ok geeze you got me
Senpai was Mexiclean all along.
>tfw I have gayer face than that
good thing I can just cover up half of my face with my hair and pretend I don't exist
>t. epic reddit meme

>i can't into context
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He's kinda ugly tbqh. I'm no 10 but I'm hella better looking than that.
look more in transition than 99% of trannies on 4chan tbqh
>ok geeze you got me

I feel the need to tell you that this isn't senpai either. I hope this need was unwarranted but I'm actually not sure at this point sweetie.
If quints were dating

What a tweest


Maybe you should practice in the mirror
don't hate me b/c I'm beautiful, darling.
>don't hate
l i s t e n
u p

I recognize the guy in the picture this time.
Which means me wonder where he went off to, desu
Nah, he's way cuter. You look vapid whereas he actually looks like a fun person to be around.
why aren't you taking it to the next level with your little 18yr play friend?
Look at this sad faggot. He has to use special angles and a BLUR to disguise his lopsided mouth, crooked chin, left eye noticeably higher than the right, beginnings of a receding hairline, big nose, plucked monobrow and sleepless fucking face. Nigger, you ain't shit but hopeless. Vanity does not become the plain.
filters on filters on filters/10
Anons chill that was too savage.
I like your icey eyes tbqh...
We have similar eyes...

What type of boy are you into?
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I miss her.

Wait, all that said-


You're all huge nerds


me, too
Arrogance isn't flattering. He was asking for it. Plus he isn't cuter. At least the other guy looks honest and not fake as fuck.
You're right, but all this roasting just makes me want to turn this into a r8 thread t b q h
mostly into qirls desu. gay guys come off as too faggy most of the time. if I'm going to date a girl, might as well just date a girl.
Guys I'm getting tired of just hookups. What do?
all this roasting just makes me realize i have no desire to ever post my face in this thread
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>tfw your newfound Christian friends secretly hate you because you talk too much about autistic weird shit
>tfw another group of people that I autistically shut myself out of
>tfw dont fit in with anybody becase I try to get too much attention

Arrogance is hot as fuck tbqh
why, getting roasted is half the fun, now you can actually improve yourself

everyone else just sugar coats shit like no tomorrow
What if it's shit you can't change like facial structure and shit though
dude, weren't you just saying how you were pissed off that you couldn't hookup about an hour ago?
oh my god

marry me senpai

nero no this just happened
Then you do what you should be doing with all other opinions, weigh the value of such and whether or not you think it's really applicable.
I was lol. I went on a date with a guy who we've been planning it for a week and got together and it turned into one.
wait what

I'm watching a youtube video and not really paying the best attention rn
it's not actually senpai

Everyone made fun of me for thinking it was him [spoiler]like huge nerds[/spoiler]
Oh, I picked up on that after I had hit the Post button and instantly regretted my moment of extreme thirst.
don't be such a dick, circe
screencapped this for future use
a gayface methlord
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>tfw you have to hide your love for your husbando because its socially unnacceptable
>tfw people are bullying me for going to get a tattoo of him

Fuck everyone I do what I want.
Anon, even I think that's a bad idea.
And I have a LoZ tattoo....
I r8 ur b8 2/8
whoops my name fell off

idk, I know someone who wants a back tattoo of a fox tail extending from their ass to their shoulder blades...
>I know someone who wants a back tattoo of a fox tail extending from their ass to their shoulder blades...
Hopefully you killed them
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Ive never given a shit about what others think. I deal with so much hostility daily because of my behavior but I don't care. Living a peaceful life of being nice and mundane is useless. I don't care about consequences or social vilification. I will be who I am.

Also trip on Hitler.
Tattoos of people, whether real or fictional are a bad idea. You will regret it sooner or later. Especially if it gets botched up.
who is this? would have sex with/5
I ought to be a barback.
Get my stuff together.
I'm holding out that they'll suicide

I did >>5600177
who are you getting a tattoo of
a defunct namefag. he was a decent guy but got a lot of shit from the autists around here (bully-kun plus several anons).
With Mexiclean? Really....
every namefag gets a lot of shit around here tbqh, comes with the territory

i'm a namefag in disguise tbqh
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you should just get a tat of <pic related>. it will save time.
name on namefag
>People still reply to Maki
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I am going to get covered in tattoos when I travel the world. I could care less about content.
I don't regret anything and my husbandos guided me.

He was a really good guy.

I missed it.

Same tbqh.
nah im new in school

wah what
what was the image?!?!
eh, It's not always super apparent that it's maki. Although, I do think he lurks and posts here a whole lot more than he wants ppl to believe he does.
Don't blame it on me, Mexicunt and I were good buddies.
I'm legit concerned something bad's happened to him.
maki died in 2010 there's been absolutely zero dick pics since
It was NSFW. Just use the archive. I've posted it before and you've seen it before. I've just forgotten the imgur link from the last time.
He went to boot camp didnt he...
good thinking. everyone who values their sanity shouldn't hang out here at all tbqh
so what ...
shaving-my-cat toby h. famicom
>believing what anyone says on here
what are you even talking about?

supposedly but I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be one of those kids that lies about being in the military. Navy would probably be good for him tho. He could also experiment with his gayness tendencies. I know a few who went in straight and came out as bi.
He needs something in his life not sure if its navy but something is obvious off about him.
my hope is that Mexi is doing fine but decided that being on 4chan as a namefag was just a bad idea when you've got a child your trying to raise. Sludgepuppy knew him in IRL, so he could probably find out if something was wrong.
>needs something in his life
That applies to literally everyone here though.
Hey gaygen how's it going?
>there are people in this series of generals that actually care about personal lives of tripfaggots and namefaggots

Do you pathetic ass weeb virgins have anything better to do?
he's got a child and posting on 4chins? a little irresponsible wasn't he. but w/e, i wish him well. he seems to be on the right track with his life now unlike, say me all drooling over his pics like a creep and not getting any tonight
yeah post dick
>arrogance is hot as fuck
I know this one guy that seems to have deluded himself into thinking he's better than everyone else at everything
It's cute as hell and I want to be inside him
He would probably want to be inside you and not the other way around.
DAMMIT Senpai, why won't you notice him! How could you?
What kind of guy is he? I've only really found arrogance attractive in one guy in my whole life. But he was capable, handsome and I don't know how to put it. Alpha I guess? So it worked for him I think.
There's a pretty huge difference from someone who has a proven track record and is arrogant about it, over someone who is simply arrogant with no track record. Unfortunately, too many fall into the latter.
Fuck if I know man, he can be obnoxious but he's really sweet sometimes and I half want to hate-fuck him and half want to fuck-fuck him

Probably. Both are fine desu but he's a manlet so I imagine bottoming for him might be a little odd

He's kinda cute and I think he has an abnormal amount of scars on his wrist, maybe his arrogance is related to that desu. Also one of the only guys to notice I'm gay off the bat.
He does sound cute. Confident manlets are the best. The guy I was talking about knew I was gay off the bat as well which is unusual. I guess some guys just have some weird ass charm and can pull off arrogance.
Why does being called a faggot unironically offend me so much. Why are there so many things to watch out for when being gay.

Don't be too masc, don't be too femme, don't be a slut, don't be abstinent, don't get with women, don't get with straight people

This general has given me a really weird idea of what being gay in real life actually is.
>don't be a slut, don't be abstinent, don't get with women, don't get with straight people
can u stop memeing for half a second
yeah man
there's something just so fucking cute about manlets
like no matter what they do it seems like it's all bark and it's super endearing

The insecure are the loudest when it comes to validation and how to earn it.
Live your life, bby
That's all this place is. I'd stop if I ever got a quantum of genuine advice from anyone on here.
What do you need advice on legitimately.
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based gay politicians
>based gay politicians
I want to know how to get rid of being a limp-wristed faggot under the skin.

I'm straight acting everywhere I can be. But I catch myself doing the limp-wrist and other gay shit every now and then.

I can't into getting over myself.
Yes, listen to Circé, the most confident, happy and stable person here.

I try my best, okay
I've been off my anti-depressants for like two weeks, shits rough
And for the record, I still mean what i said last night. <3
house party

had to fuck off upstairs as to not disturb anyone

stole a small amount of alcohol and posted cringey shit to /gaygeenrehab/
> But I catch myself doing the limp-wrist and other gay shit every now and then.

So you catch yourself doing it, what's the problem? You're at least aware of your habits and work on them. That's really all there is to it, we all have little quirks we can't really get rid of, and this applies to straight people as well.
we hung out a few times, but i haven't heard from him since before thanksgiving
your guess is as good as mine
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>encountering hydras

Weirdest of boners aught to commence.
What's this PS2 game called?
sp confirmed for vore fetishist and a scaly too

Hope you didn't decide to stop anti-depressants cold turkey, I've learned that's never a good idea.

PS3 game formerly, Dragons Dogma, now on PC. Lot of fun.

your comment reminded me of this
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I was sober last night, and I can't even remember what you're talking about.
I never asked for these feels.

N'aw, I forgot to scheduel a refill and then just..
Got sadder and sadder and
I mean, you know


You know, all that stuff about how much I like you. <3
>When your suitemate messages you on Grindr
trying out tripfagging
tf is this game
quest for giant titties: hd
idk what it actually is, I think the trailer had you turn into an eagle or some shit but it basically just looks like giant fetish: the game
What sort of psychopath becomes infatuated with someone thousands of miles away, who they've never met before?
Sup gg hope everything's going well
I just can't get you out of my head, boy your loving is all I think about
I just can't get you out of my head, boy it's more than I dare to think about


I was going to answer with "the kind that gets to know you <3" but then I picked up on the irony.

And gosh, you're a qt satyr who looks good in a speedo but I'm not -infatuated-, bully-kun, I just really like you.
good taste
tfw no qt to give me head tingles

Stay away.

Oh god.
I love her so much.
kylie looks like niq
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i think i see it
try not to be such a faggot, anon.
Can you please not
you sound like feelgood now
is that supposed to be someone

Don't be afraid of the feelings, bully-kun
Open up, you adorable Australian tsundere.
Open to me. <3
>lurk moar
Fuckin Lana Del Rey putting bad thoughts in my head

Only worth living if somebody is loving you
Maybe now you do

If being physically cute is like some kinda ticket into a good life then I want off. What do
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You should stop listening to lana and start listening to Tori t b q h


Physically attractive usually tend to struggle with overly associating their self worth and identity with the up keep of their appearance and with the amount of positive regard they get for it.
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get out
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Be ugly

we can dumpster dive in the trash and call that a date like the genetic refuse we are
is anyone elses penis ridiculously and uncomfortably small when its soft?

like wtf its too small

when its hard its 5.9 inches which is better than nothing i guess, but when its soft it looks its going to disappear
>tfw no famous korean qt bf to jerk off, film it, and post it online so all of his fans can cry

no one cares about flaccid dicks
unless it's flaccid during sex in that case C A DOC

.. wut's that character from?
I've seen it before


lol, even when it's hard, which is very, very rarely is
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some blog

I don't go out of my way to listen to k-pop but i always find it interesting because it's a glimpse into a world where american pop/mall culture completely overtook all over forms of media.

like nsync and one direction are peanuts, in korea there's a boyband reaching those levels getting spit out of a machine every other month.
shut up, you just wanna call it a clit

well I care because it doesnt look very good tbqh

>I don't go out of my way to listen to k-pop but i always find it interesting because it's a glimpse into a world where american pop/mall culture completely overtook all over forms of media.
Kpop is still pretty small though. In Japan that giant group of like 50 girls outsells the top kpop group by miles still.


IIRC too, there's a pretty heavy anti-kpop scene in Korea, mostly because so many outsiders think that's all there is to Korea, so they come here with stars in their eyes. Kind of like the hollywood syndrome tbqh.
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it's a tumblr blog christ circe you're gonna get me fucking run out of here

http://pekerone.tumblr.com and http://yug0.tumblr.com/tagged/triangle%20boyfriend it's the same artist but that tag will take you directly to that character since they draw a lot of fanart for whatever

>In Japan that giant group of like 50 girls outsells the top kpop group by miles still.
yeah ak48 or something.

that whole industry just seems like a meatgrinder to me and rubs me the wrong way, especially with the idol groups/idol thing happening.

though maybe that's just me watching Paprika too many times, it's not a relatively new trend I guess, it happens in the west at an equal rate
I mean Perfect Blue, my bad, Paprika's the film i've seen more recently of the two
Naw. Unless you wanted me to. lol
Bottoms with qt little dicks are the best.
akb48 is shit they'll never be momusu
i love paprika, but i read the book recently and it was really awful

thankye thankye, bby <3
.. also, wtf, how did you even find this, tho
>that whole industry just seems like a meatgrinder
Well it is. It's set up to be that way. These are companies that take kids,teens, young adults, and invest a lot of money into them, and hope to make a profit off of them. These kids/etc are usually from neighbourhoods that don't do so well financially too. Sometimes it goes well, but it takes a lot of investment from companies and therefore the actual idols themselves have to deal with living in the same tight spaces, living with minimal food, etc. It's not all doom and gloom though, if you're successful in the industry (which doesn't take a lot of talent), you can afford to live quite well.

hey its 5.9 when its hard, okay
it's not thaaat small, right?!?!?!
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>.. also, wtf, how did you even find this, tho
i can't draw for shit but enjoy comics/webcomics/writing etc.

i initially looked on tumblr to follow up with a handful of musicians and comic book people i enjoyed like Patrick Kindlon or Ales Kot before he started trying too hard. past all the crazy 7 headspace refridgeratorkin types it works as a good content aggregator for the type of shit i'm into, so every once in a while i check out what's new and good, and then turn around and badmouth it on this website so no one suspects I'm a double agent.

It's not the living in the moment that worries me (though shit like that 16 year old getting completely demolished on social media in asia for waving the HK/Taiwan flag or something is nuts to me from an outsider standpoint), it's more like what happens when the fame ends and you come out the other end.
What are the signs of being molested? Are there any?

I know a guy and I'm terribly taken a back at his behaviour.

>Compulsive liar. He's said things to me and then, constantly, said he didn't say that or something. We're talking massive lies.
>Hypersexual (has no standards at all, he's stunning and has gotten with people that aren't. I know gays are promiscuous but he's on a whole different level)
>Getting with really old guys. Different strokes for different folks but he really has a thing for older men and gets with guys that even call themselves ugly.

I'm not explaining this well but I've actually long suspected it (from the day we met, actually) and, I dunno, I just worry about the boy because he's constantly getting himself into trouble.
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>(though shit like that 16 year old getting completely demolished on social media in asia for waving the HK/Taiwan flag or something is nuts to me from an outsider standpoint),
It's literally nuts to everyone except some Chinese. No joke, everyone's laughing at the situation, only the Chinese and Taiwanese that are politically fueled give a shit about some 16 year old waving a Taiwan flag.

> it's more like what happens when the fame ends and you come out the other end.
Depends. People like Yoona (pictured) branch out into other paths and make their money there independently - modelling, commercial making, being sponsored by brands, etc. Things american pop stars also make majority of their income from. Those groups that cannot make it big, nor have certain members make it big, tend to die out and members will kill themselves or try to rebuild their lives by going back to school or continuing their old careers.

There was this group, bob girls, one got sick with something to do with panic, and the CEO just disbanded the entire group instead of wasting more money, and the other 3 members now currently at another agency training again in hopes of re-debuting with their respective groups.


It's really interesting shit, but I'm more into it because the music is just catchy.

Sounds like a messed up guy.
You think he needs therapy or something?
I don't really think being molested leads to all of that, desu, I think it really usually leads to a lot of abstinence and anti-social behavior.
i dont wanna be poor

im scared
I don't know what he needs. It's a shit situation because he's lied heaps, right from the moment I've met him.

A big lie he told me was "I'm not a sexual person". I'm just confused as fuck.

He told me he was raped and stalekd by an ex but I suspect he's said that because he was caught out as a liar and tried to save face. He outed me to a mate, spoke to other people about me and got very angry when I've brought it up.

Just weird behaviour.
Why are you putting a liars needs ahead of your own?
Above average irrc.

Sounds like a run of the mill sociopath. No molestation required.
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>It's really interesting shit, but I'm more into it because the music is just catchy.

Ultimately I can't knock it for this reason although my experience with the genre is rudimentary at best, past old EXO-K stuff from like 2012 like Mama or whatever. when it comes to pop music in general i fell off around 08 and just keep up with whatever's recommended to me


no one does but join the club buddywe can make love over my bed made of cup ramen and late utility bills

but then i became an indie game artist


pathological lying is really a deep and fucked up think to deal with
Probably try to steer him towards therapy if i were you
Like, really. If you care about him.
Because I ended up liking him heaps and caring about him a lot.

People keep saying "Just ignore him" but it's hard to because no one has ever had the effect on me he had.
You can always turn tricks anon.
People are saying that for your own good really, they just don't want you getting hurt because you may be blinded by emotions. All in all I can never really tell you to do something you don't want to, but I can assure you, while you may never experience THAT feeling again, something better may be in the plans t b q h
>Like, really. If you care about him.
I do, a lot, but I haven't handled the situation well (for a number of reason) and he's said he no longer wants anything to do with me (and hates me).

Part of this will be because I've threatened to expose him. I'm actually terribly concerned with what he might be saying about me and have thought about ringing his mum. She's going to get hurt but all this and some stage but I don't really think I have any right to ring her.

Even though I do care.
Sounds like you've got it bad. I've been in the same sort of relationships. It's going to turn out shitty, really shitty.

I wouldn't ignore him I'd go cold turkey. If you know what I mean.
>while you may never experience THAT feeling agai
Well, I'll clue you in to just how fucked up the situation is.

I was thinking about this other boy and I got this thought pop into my head. It wasn't a voice or anything crazy just this strange thought:

"The boy you're thinking of isn't it but here's the name of the one who is ___".

This was two years before I met this boy and I remember being taken a back as fuck. I got the first name of this boy pop into my head two years before I met him.

Strange, huh?
I wish I could quit you Ann.

try to stay as unengaged in any emotional interaction with his lying as you can and just focus on maybe steering him towards therapy.
The lying is a symptom and there's more to him as a person after you strip it away. Help remind him of that.
Lots of guilt and shame and backtracking will probably be the first step but he can get better.
If you really do care. You've got to do it.

In my experience, people like him will make excuses and lies to cover their shitty behavior. The only real way for them to see the need to change is if somebody kicks out the bottom of their house of cards.
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Because of life stuff(work, coming out, etc) I've been slowly phasing out my friends with new ones who are a lot more similar to me. They have a lot more in common with and theoretically I should vibe with them a lot better than my old friends, who are all normie dudebros I've known since school.

But I miss my old friends, even if I have nothing in common with them any more and my newer ones are kind of squares.

I miss my normie friends
lol We'd have to start before you could quit.
Then don't give them up. Having friends with different tastes and hobbies is how you get exposed to new things.
there's no point to missing your normie friends, they'll get lives and move on

there's no point to getting close to new friends, they'll also get lives and move on

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friendship is friendship
Best to let them end naturally if they are going to, rather than artificially cut them ioff
>lol We'd have to start before you could quit.
let's not get caught up in the logistics. Just fug me in this tent
>Just fug me in this tent
As long as tent isn't a euphemism for something. I'm down.

But they're artificially keeping it alive. Like when we go out it's to loud clubs and there's no real bonding
>tfw when you look through the blogs of every like, reblog and follower of your personal porn blog


I mean, probs just some visceral experience to help you clear out of it, desu
>there's more to him as a person after you strip it away. Help remind him of that.
He knows he does shitty stuff though, telling me not to get close, that his being a dick was his way of showing affection but he did play me something wicked, lead me on a lot which hurt terribly.

>If you really do care. You've got to do it.
I do, bloody heaps.

If it means him hating me forever it'd be worth it, if he gets betetr or whatever.

He's stunning, aye, bloody gorgeous and I just can't get over some of the people he's gotten with. One guy messaged me and honestly said "He got with me and I'm ugly as so what does that tell you?".
Actually I have a friend that got molested as a kid and he came out being quite hypersexual. He says that a therapist he had once said that hypersexual behavior often happens to victims, same as becoming prudish and anxious to sex.

either way, I guess.
Goodness knows I became hypersexual once it came easy even though my anti-social behavior
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he is obviously one of those boy in a bubble kids
Well, like I said, gays are slutty as hell but the thing that gets me about him is his lack of standards.

I mentioned how he was far more attractive than this guy I know he got with (he gets angry on grindr when people don't get with him, he's well known for it) and he seemed a bit angry/taken a back I said it.

Reckon probably has to do with deriving worth from hook ups and diminishing a hook up is like taking that away
it was a reference to bbmountain lmao
I think so.

He mentioned how he used to hang out at the reception of a sauna. Said he knew the new owner of it when the old one died and I always found that strange as fuck, especially when he said: "All the old guys would walk in and see me and eye me up".

Said he never went in but then, months later, said he went in once with a mate. Knowing what I know about him it's pretty clear he did go in. Why not hang out with the owner somewhere else?

See what I mean? Massive massive lies.
Def missed that part. Never saw it. The gay homeless man that lived in my parent's basement read the book though. lol
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>Searching for posts that contain ‘. lol’ and with the username ‘AnnSkellington’. 438 results found.
why is the archive fucked up, it's lagging about two weeks behind.
>tfw I look like a pompous asshole with a wig that's levitating above my scalp
life's rough m8tys
I'd had every intention on quitting, But knowing it bothers you is a pretty powerful incentive.
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Anyone here watched Freier fall/ Free fall?


Found the full, free version with subtitles on myreadingmanga
Been looking for about 2 years
straight men playing gay roles because no one would watch a movie with people with gay face
I wanna kiss a cute bulge

post bulge
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How's that internalized homophobia treating you, macho whore?

See you at Pride.
my homophobia is externalized only.
How feasible is it to make a fake grindr or other dating profile to make it look like someone else?

I'm debating if I want to engage in my curel habits of breaking up a relationship with an abusive guy.

I figure if I can create one and have it mirror the abusive guys life and have another friend screen shot it, and him talking to other people it would work.
I think you should look into other ways of dealing with your situation...
I'm not in a relationship with him, fyi
If he's in an abusive relationship, as in physical abuse, i kinda doubt learning his abusive boyfriend is a potential cheater is gonna be the nudge to get him away from him.
Have a small group of friends. One of them is currently in a controlling relationship with someone. The type of guy who blows your phone up trying to keep you engaged with him, the type who forbades you to hang out with friends etc.

Additionally we have a sneaking suspicion our friend is being cheated on due in part that this guys car was at another mans house deep into the night recently.

It's just none of this is adding up.
>go to party with friends

>meet really cool new guy, totally my type, but it off

>ask him if he's gay

>he experimented back in college but knows for sure he's straight

Fucking God damn it. And the only other white boy I've met who's uncut.

Why is life so cruel?
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>ywn fuck rugby
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That's a very interesting waist to hip ratio
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>ywn be Matthew Barney's fuckboy assistant and cuck his lesbian lover
I take it your friend isn't fully aware that he's in an abusive relationship.

I wouldn't go as far as making stuff up since you should try to get some reasonable evidence first. Lead your friend into that his situation isn't as great as it is.
I'm considering selling out my values and get my septum pierced and my ears gauged again to get alt hipster guys. I'm desperate.
>tfw genetically a twink

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I've always heard that black ppl have the biggest... nipples?
So how long should you be dating someone before you tell them you're into BDSM ( the whole schmuck sans blood, knife, breath and shit play )? How much of a dealbreaker is it?

Switch btw
>tfw no cute masc bf to be romantic with me, bring me flowers, buy me cute things, treat me to a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant, then take me to his house and abuse me mercilessly, cum all over my slut face and then cuddle me while we watch netflix and I fall asleep in his arms
Isn't every relationship today, especially male same sex ones already bdsm-based?
>tfw no sun chips
I would say you need to quantify "into" for yourself because if BDSM is something that is necessary to make your relationship work, then you should probably tell them early into the relationship.
>shit play
umm, yeah... most who are into S&M aren't going to be down for scat play. That is a hard limit for most. That's gonna be a tough find.
iktf anon
i k t f

I'll dream of garden salsa

For like one summer they had a bbq flavor which was amazing but I can't find it now anywhere
he said sans shit play and blood and knives
just be careful if you get anything else pierced.
Opps! totally missed the word "sans" in that post. nvm then. I still stand by letting who your dating know your kinks early on if your kinks are really important to you.
I'm straight now thanks a lot faggot
good morning gaygen
are you ready to be useless today? i know i am
today is the day I plan on not being useless
video related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAhsS-vkDjg it's my plan for today
I got rejected today. asked a guy out, turns out he's straight. feel bad, been drinking.
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well said, anon.
Would you rather he be gay and just thought you were ugly?
If he's straight it can't be helped and nobody is at fault
never said anyone was at fault, and i'm too damn pretty to be ugly
you're probably ugly tbqh
everyone that knows anything about something knows that straight guys will go gay if the guy is pretty enough and/or has a big dick

that or you got handed the excuse fat chicks get from straight guys
u dont have 2 b mean to him :/
yes he does, its better to know the truth know before its too late
I know how you feel right now, dude. I really wish I wasn't gay so I wouldn't have to chase after guys who can't reciprocate my feelings.
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Not even close to ugly
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>tfw straight
>tfw like sniffing gay man poo

Lol no they don't. Straight guys don't judge other men at all like that. All men look the same to us. Straight men don't make exceptions. Only on the internet do you see memebisexuals who are just bored. Every bi I've ever met was just an attention whore tbqh. The original meme sexuality.
nigger please
straight guys starts drooling once they see a big dick in the showers or on the beach and they want to touch it.
can confirm that, i got more bj during my teenage in the shower from straight dudes, even 20s ones
Yeah, me too
soemone help me pls
stop ruining pokemon faggot did u fucking hack the game so u could switch the genders on ur crabby or somethign?
Good boy.
what happened?
Any tips for a first date tomorrow? Seems like a sweet dude ; met on Tinder. Suggestions on where to go? So psyched, I hope I don't come off clingy.
>I hope I don't come off as clingy
Don't worry you will
i oded last night
Don't do drugs then
or do more
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Anyone actually on here or is it as dead as my sex life?
So, I am a boy but I look like a girl. I'm going to an event with a girl I know, she is going in a suit and I'm going in a dress.

The problem is, trapping is my fetish so I don't want to have a boner during this. What do I do

I love doing drugs. What did you od on
Wear a chastity belt and a butt plug
tfw no bf
>oding on tfw no bf
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