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/mtfg/ Transgirl General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 503
Thread images: 151

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Cardinals tho edition

▶Informed Consent Providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Conent%20Clinics.pdf
▶infographs suck for makeup
▶Trans Info Dump: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9KKqP9IHa5ZxU84a_Jf0vIAh7e8nj_lCW27KbYBh0/edit?usp=sharing
▶Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge
▶HRT info: https://web.archive.rg/web/0000000000000 http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶Discord server: https://discord.gg/0jCppochww8t2Oe
▶MTFG Radio https://www.dubtack.fm/join/mtfg
▶IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat #mtfg

Previous thread >>5560882
Resident old Codger checking in.
How'd the Cardinals do? I don't follow sports outside of surfing and various rallies.
> Tfw started work at 5pm and have to work till 4am and then have another job I need to be at at 9am
Having 2 jobs is gr8.

This run tho. Sports!
Is Cheska still around? I liked her anime pictures.
k so I've bought a steel-boned corset. How long should I wear it for, how many days a week? It's for waist training
she is busy cucking sophie right now
fuck sports dude
/boyonhormones/ is the future, no need to go fulltime and be a hon when you can have the pills to take the edge of the dysphoria and carry on with life as normal

y/n? of course for some it won't be enough but for others I think it could be the way
>tfw in a few months i'm going to be 2 years on hrt
>tfw still no pass
>tfw still no moneys for srs or ffs
At least I tried, right.
thanks for ruining it
>tfw dont live in akihabara so i can work here or just hang out here
Ahahaha b& from the IRC for having a discussion. Sad~
hope you don't get raped
You're acting like anyone just declares themselves trans and ignorant to the process that it requires. The 'Trans confirmed' card you joked about is called getting the letters of attestation from therapists. It's not that people just declare something.
It's more overstepping certain boundaries. These things happen alright?
It just wasn't a fun topic.
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Time to wait for the inevitable shit storm that will occur from this :D
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stop posting my fucking pic shithead
1. First kick - stirring up a shitstorm by talking about defending the world from the upcoming muslim invasion
2. Second kick - talking about how you're opening up to the idea of girl penis, and you think it's cool that girls have penises
3. Third kick and ban - stirring up discussion about gender segregated bathrooms and kids not being able to identify as trans

I'm sorry, but there comes a point where it's not discussion, and just arguing.
If you feel it's right for you, go for it. I'm of the opinion that if you have long time dysphoria and don't get on HRT you're gonna regret it, so even if you don't plan to transition I think you should get HRT.
>2 years
>couldn't save up money for ffs
>"I tried"

sure m8
I'm an image leech
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you know what we do to image leeches here?
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best way to kill self?
considering jumping from bridge
by exercising and eating right
and dying of natural causes
define eating right
specific foods please
rope is easier if you fasten it just at the base of the skull where the head and neck join you should pass out in less than 30 seconds and die in less than 5
isn't inhaling pure helium supposed to be painless?
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a fast train
What's the difference between a civil argument and a discussion with different points of view? You're overreacting. It's your chat though, so enjoy the echo chamber. Just don't say you weren't warned when the stuff I'm talking about happens. I've already talked to people who are planning protests on that very topic that I think will be quite effective. It's only your loss not to form a realistic game plan.
this all sounds like it takes more effort than just throwing myself off a tall object
there's no trains around here and where did you get my picture of marisa
yes but what if it's not high enough and you just end up paralysed and unable to finish the job?
also why would you want to die in excruciating pain if the aim is to end the suffering?
wait till the subconscious survival hesitation to jump comes in the others are easier to talk yourself into
Carrying a letter of attestation around with you seems pretty close to carrying an ID to me. I only brought up the conversation because Elanna mentioned the law. I've spoken to people who are prepping protests where groups of people will just walk into the opposite gender's washroom announcing they are trans.

You don't have to like it, it doesn't have to be fair - I'm just pointing out that if you mandate by law that people can use any facility they want on the basis of gender you either need an ID system or you need to be prepared for that system to be abused.
The difference between civil discussion and different points of view is that you're making people there uncomfortable. We shouldn't have to constantly justify our identity to you in a space like this. We get enough of that every day.
Maintain your macronutrient intake to a percentage of your total caloric intake, as follows: proteins: 10-35% fats: 20-35% carbs: 45-65%

protein: fish, chicken, turkey, peas, beans, nuts, tofu, dairy
fats:avocado, olive oil, rice bran oil, peanuts, dairy
carbs: pizza

your caloric intake should ideally be 500 less than your TDEE to lose weight steadily, 500 more to gain weight safely
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ive got a whole bunch of marisa since i used to be the marisa to someones patchy
Jesus that's not even it, it's also not required for that aspect but I realized it's not required anywhere, the attestation is for getting your license/birth cert gender changed. You were the first to mention laws iirc.

What's absurd is that people care enough about this to do shit like what you're saying. It's a non issue being made into an issue by bigots who just want a way to be discriminatory, and that's the real problem.
When did I ever say you did? I don't see how me putting forward the argument of the other side in a discussion on the obstacles or challenges of the law is equivalent to me asking you or anyone else to justify their identity to me personally. Like I said though its your echo chamber, you can do whatever you want with it.
marisa and patchy is fanfic garbage
everyone knows marisa x alice is otp
ugh how does birch box know exactly what I want every month >.> mascara, face treatment, eye treatment, concealer and dry shampoo for fluffy hair? literally the best
Sure, but bigotry and low standards of decorum exist everywhere. The monolithic laws of the left and their style of thinking is what is laying the foundation for the frustrations of the right, which will spill over and give legitimacy to the hooligans or worse. Do you think I want you guys getting your heads beaten in by bricks like many in pol, or the Muslims in Germany that recently attacked those trans people? No of course not, but the street protesters in Germany generally have a dim view of trans people and their issues, as do many people in the USA and Canada.

No amount of claiming I'm offensive or mean or whatever is going to change that. The pendulum is starting to swing back towards the right. Once it does, you're going to wish you had taken the time to make some friends.
stop teasing femgen
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whose marisa are you now
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> 26" waist.
> Perflat.
> Averageish shoulders (for a woman).

Nothing fits me. Either the shirt fits my shoulders well but not my waist, or it fits my waist but not my shoulders. At least I can squeeze my shoulders into XS/S, but I really need an XS to fit my waist. At the same time, when I get my aug done I'll need a S to fit my bust which means it won't fit my waist and finding something that magically fits all three is going to require magic.

Gahhhhhhh! Help, I need an adult!
The fact you even still simply see it as left and right is the biggest thing that shows you really have bought into some kind of ideology more than actually "Realizing what's going on"
good thing I live in Australia where I won't need to adjust to the idea of a rightwing future. you'd love it here cartman 6.0
Jesus christ you're fucking dense, it's not like there's even much keeping men out now besides expectations, I don't even know if there's laws against it in most places. It's pretty obvious to tell when someone's ectually trying to present as female and when someone is being a creep. Use your head.
Oh yeah, to make things worse, I'm tallish (5'9").

Mission Impossible: Clothing Edition.
tailors senpai
noones ;_;
i never really liked alice, i always thought patchy was much cuter
I know that. However, there is a climate of fear well established where people don't say anything for fear of being called racist, sexist, transphobic, etc. The people who knew the San Bernardino shooters didn't report their suspicious activity for this reason and 14 people died.

Do you really think that some random staff member, worker, etc is going to get in someone's face and start demanding evidence they are trans? In the current political climate that could very easily be career or social suicide. Your average person isn't going to be able to tell the difference between a passing trans and a hon, and god forbid they make a mistake? Maybe they think its just a guy causing trouble, but it turns out not to be?

Whether or not its "obvious" isn't ultimately going to be the deciding factor. Who knows maybe I'm wrong. I'm open to the possibility. We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
>noones ;_;
why not
>tfw no qt bf to cook nice meals for and then snuggle up to on the couch after.
/mtfg/ I'm in a debacle and I'd appreciate it if I could get some insight on it instead of le ebin ufuflu maymay...

So I've been dating a cis girl for almost two years. I started dating her before transition and came out to her and all is well. As the hormones progress though, strange things are happening to me...

So, vaginas are now pretty disgusting to me. It doesn't help that she has a roast beef pussy either. I'm still attracted to women but vaginas just gross me out (even though I still want one...irony?)

I love this girl though. She's pretty great, the type of girl that I could really see myself making a future with, but the problem is sex is a huge factor in my life. And with her? I just don't really enjoy it anymore.

I'm sure you're thinking "okay so dump her and go date guys!". The problem here is that I'm extremely, EXTREMELY picky about boys. I prefer the thought of myself with a boy but I'm just not attracted to 99% of them. But the craving for the D is unreal.

So now the solution basically equates to me being a chaser. Girl physique, male genitalia. Except never, EVER in my life would I want to be with another trans girl. We're ALL fucking psycho and there's noooo way I can deal with another heaping serving of dysphoria and the like all the time with me.

Plus let's not forget that I do in fact still want to be with my girlfriend. These hormones are taking me for a ride through tfw no bf town and I have no idea what to do about it.
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This is so problematic lol
Every fittable size that would make your waist show up is too short.
And all the sizes that would be perfect in lengths make the clothes look too big ._.
>tfw rly size s but have to wear m or L
i want to transition
please somebody be my suggar daddy/mommy
:< yes ma'am
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cause i dont have someone to be my patchy or maybe my reimu right now ;w;
So take a break like you were going away for college or something. If it changes and its meant to work out it will. If not, you just grew apart. ez
can I be your reimu?
n-now b-bend over to receive ur punishmen
Kissless virgin detected
>can confirm never touched a pussy
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Kinda feel the same way nowadays. Wudnt even had believed myself how much hrt affected that in such short time.

I find other girls cute and pretty, might even be able to do relationship if wasnt super envious of them, but the sex wouldnt happen and find the idea of it a little gross.

Not specially attracted into guys but once turned on or like theres a guy that has made me feel valuable secure enough / like them a lot, i'll get rly attracted to them emotionally and physically

If you really feel repulsed by the idea of sex with her i think you should talk about it, tell her that you really want her and everything but something has to change in the act, and make sure you seem not offensive/annoying about it but a little embarrassed. Bet she will understand its just the hormones doing things, good luck <:
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All us muthafuckahs livin in sin.
Time to repent!

>Feels good bro.
m-maybe you could anon
do you wanna give me your email or something so we can talk more about it?
>Not specially attracted into guys but once turned on or like theres a guy that has made me feel valuable secure enough / like them a lot, i'll get rly attracted to them emotionally and physically
Thank you so much for saying this. I didn't even realize that most of the guys I've ever crushed on have fit this situation. Wow maybe I'm just straight and require boys to not be shitty to me and to be genuinely good people.

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>tfw looking like a girl with a beard
>people double taking at me all day
why do i have to wait 2 weeks to laser again fucking kill me
[email protected]
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see you on nflg anon ;)

here's a photo of me and my nina for everyone. she's the best and i'm the worst.
fuck I guess that service went down or something, send to [email protected]
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found another picture of yours
holy shit. find this girl for me and ask her to please teach me about hair.
my life is a disaster, im not sure how long i am willing to live
its already too late to transition, fuck everything
>inb4 you're 19
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>tfw Noun will never have romantic feelings for you again
If youre not starting at literally 10 abandon all hope
>not starting in the womb
im 19
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kek fucking hon
Better start in the womb
glorious prophet guide us in these troubled times.
I too did not receive gene therapy in the womb to be worn a cis girl, in all seriousness it's not like you're in your 40s with 3 kids and an exwife like me, go fourth my daughter
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Someone hold me back, i'm being an asshole. AWPOD STOP SLACKING GOD DAMN IT!
well, okay, going to kill myself
im not that anon
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Kill me before you do
so you're in your 40s with 3 kids and an exwife like I am?
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but >>5562115 was pretty funny
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Oh good i'm still G rated
Invest in double-sides strap ons
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Make Noun love me random anon
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Who is Noun, by the way?
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The most amazing guy in the world
>tfw all you want his love
>tfw he was hurt to much to give it to you
>tfw no one will shoot me in the face
whats wrong with you freak
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Noun was starting to have feelings for me and never told me until after I dashed them unintentionally. Now he has no interest in loving anyone and just wants to be friends. All I want is his love and all I want is to hold on to him forever. I love him more than anyone and he's all I ever think about, i'd trade the world for him.

Can't you just be like "yo I still want your dick"?
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He knows, and knows again, and again, and again.
gud rap tho
brb joining isis
at least hes not dead like my unrequited love
potassium cloride saline solution
150mg per kg body weight, injected intravenous
your heart will convulse and you will be gone
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Sorry to hear that. But this is its own personal hell. But you're right, at least I still get to throw myself at him.
well i know what kind of personal hell youre talking about
it was like that before they died
i died that day too
good luck stay strong
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>tfw kiwi guesses my embarrassing fetishes
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Sounds like a lot of work, i'd rather just throw myself off a building.
I don't even wanna think about that, if Noun died I don't know what i'd do. I love him so much he's all I want. God dammit god fucking damn it why didn't I just stick to him why didn't I just love him till he said he loved me why didn't I just tell him everything fuck fuck fuck
>tfw blogposting fetish
please continue.
then don't fucking ask. you're like that asshole who asks everyone what shirt they should buy when they fucking damn well know what shirt they fucking want in the first place FUCK
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Ara ara, anon-kun likes my blogposting~?
Well now she's being my DJ while I procrastinate on going to bed.
keep going, it gets me so hot and bothered.
I'm going to stab you in the gut and fuck the wound
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Okay, neato.
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Well Kiwi tried saying Ara ara and it just confirmed she's not the anime-milf of my dreams
Sorry anon I don't like guro or whatever the heck fucking a gut wound is.
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Have this one too
anime isn't real. please keep fucking going.
>anime isn't real
I think I need to get her to go to bed, she's kinda tired-loopy and is going to stab me in the gut for that anon.
Of course she isn't, she's only a Christmas cake now; she can't be a milf until you get her pregnant.
phew. i need a bucket. alright, well you do that. you don't call her sleepy for nothing.
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>you don't call her sleepy for nothing.
All I need to do is stream videogames for her and she falls asleep in like 2 minutes. It makes her that comfy/bored that she actually FUCKING SLEEPS FOR ONCE IT IS 5 AM KIWI LETS GO TO BED
>she can't be a milf until you get her pregnant.
I will do this and not take responsibility.
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Pic related, it's me
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you're so the sassy one on the left
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Me on the right inexplicably holding what appears to be a pair of pliers.
I swear I'm gonna go to bed without you
Oh .y goddd they're eyelash curlers baka
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Stay up all night, kiwi!
>tfw no sovereign state bf
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will do
I feel sorry for Portugal. What happened to her?
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I just bought the rest of Life is Strange and a Transformers game with one of the visa cards I got for Christmas. I've got like $1 and some random change I dunno what to do with.
>I will go to bed because I'm a good girl that listens to Grace
Great job Kiwi I love you!
trading cards.
i just smokd crack and literally now just found out doing it on hrt can cause blood clots
im on hrt im worried imgonna die but i dont havei nsurance what do i do help
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Well you're smoking crack so it's not like anything of value would be lost.
Calm down, try not to panic, ride it out and never do it again?
HRT alone increases the chance of thromboembolic events so you really should try and keep other determining factors as low as possible, so don't smoke (baccy, crack or anything really), don't drink, don't be obese, and don't be old.
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I'll always love you Noun
>don't be obese.
Can't smoke weed on HRT? :( My friend smoked (and did tons of other drugs) a lot on HRT and passed very well though and hasn't died yet
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Now that I think of it, I could probably make a badge or two. Yay autism.
>don't be old
I wish I could ;_;
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good girl. let the autism consume you.
i ate a full fry-up for breakfast desu so i can't talk

generally speaking, inhaling the smoke from any burning plant matter isn't going to do you good in the long run. weed produces 4x the amount of tar as tobacco, it's just not as carcinogenic, but it's something i wouldn't do if i were at increased risk of a pulmonary embolism. tobacco is worse, the nicotine itself is a cardiovascular toxin which is why people who vape nic are still a bit silly.
don't quote me on this but if you want to do weed, i don't think there are any inherent risk factors if you use edibles (apart from getting obese). at the very least vaping it would be an improvement. weed itself as a drug i think is fairly safe, the dangers come from the mode of administration (smoke and tar, or edibles and the fats used to dissolve the cannabinoids).
dog walking time
woof woof
Nicotine has bad interaction with HRT though, I think they were asking if weed is similar.
stupid and gay
god damn it. considering your lifestyle and your body, i am so jealous you're not my girlfriend. i need to shove all the hrt in the world down your throat.
You don't fuck around holy shit
i wish i could keep going. i can't fund my hobby anymore so i just get feelings of inferiority.
Goodnight mtfg, goodnight Kiwi, goodnight moon
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g'n meanis weanis baka waka
ily <3

>tfw no beginning and no end, we are infinite bf
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I've been on HRT since the first and my tits hurt now IT'S HAPPENING.
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..m-me too
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no u
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This is for you mtfg.
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come and make me, little bitch.
I wonder what it tastes like
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if you want some, i'll give it ya
holy shit, i didn't know DMX posted here.
not dmx desu
>remy will never talk down to you in a britbong accent
this hurts.
back from my dog walk

i hope that's not the only thing you'd shove down my throat ^.~

i-if you're into that sort of thing

there are more of us here
the objectively superior london accent too, one day you'll have your wish anon
let'smake a voice trainingpact.
Remy's a Londoner?
>objectively superior
>implying my white rose accent in't better
>implying the hebridean accent i wish i had isn't qt as fuck.

anyway i gotta go make up for that fry-up, time to juice some fruit and veg
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i see its time to swarm remy because accent @_@
voca me your voice on skype later pls. you shoyuld know who i amm.
enjoy my boyvoice ;_;
step on my dick. also thank you, you tosspot muppet. you're a right proper shite, you know that?
Remy since you're British
What accent is this guy's?

wait this is just a fitz impersonator, right? not the real fitz? RIGHT? RIGHT?
you can't be fucking serious.
hard to tell since hes putting on that voice desu, but he doesnt sound northern
They're different people

Any guess, if you'd have to make one?
well fitz is infinitely superior to that guy. RIP fitz.
probably a south east accent

How many times before we realize that ANY CISGUY HERE IS A PROBLEM

We need to unite and just not let any more chasers in here. Every time one or two girls will start talking to them and giving them the benefit of the doubt and let them "stay" or some shit like that and LOOK WHAT HAPPENS.
What was wrong with Cartman ?_?
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:) i think i do and i will try my best after i've tidied up from this.
here's a before and after pic of my juicing. the 2 on the right also had beetroot put in them. i had the other one. i hate beetroot.
it still tasted horrible though. but healthy so whatever.
anon is kinda right though.
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hnngh thank you. you're crazy, i couldnever drink so healthy.
See this right here is the problem. One or two trips will give the chaser the benefit of the doubt and let him in, so he can establish his own little dickgirl farm.

If you want to know, he imploded and went off on Maddie, calling her names and basically being extremely rude to her and shit like that. Eventually Elanna stepped up and told him to fuck off.
What exactly did Cartman go off at Maddie for?
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Oh, I guess that is why he doesn't come here anymore then.
I posted a tumblr comic about poly relationships that I thought was ridiculous and funny and he went on an insane pol-tier rant about how I was promoting cucking, which is how it started.

Literally every single "no lol im no chaser i just like transgirls" poster ever.

They act like everything's normal, until eventually their paper thin egos get pierced and they lose their shit and reveal their true colours.

Or they transition. SWG being the exception. [spoiler]At time of posting.[/spoiler]
/pol/ is like tumblr, but has right-wing triggers instead
May I see the comic?
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this is one of them, there's another one too but i can't find it
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Good lord
I'm not necesarily one who'd get into a poly relationship, but I don't care if other people do so.
Why does /pol/ always talk freedom and shit, until someone does something they don't like
Is this person legitimate? Or the stuff she says? I wanna add it into a letter I am writing to my Psychiatrist.
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Stay strong /mtfg/ it is hard job
oh shit, i forgot to check my emails when i woke up. it couldn't hurt, resources are resources.
I might be late to the party but that is funny.
Also you can spot a tranny just by those retarded selfies.
aha, that's where i heard transfeminine from!
it has a real gender wiki/tumblr hugbox vibe to it with the whole "if you're questioning it at all in the slightest, transition, woo!"

>retarded selfies
>not the jawline
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I don't think Cartman was coming here cruising for a piece of ass.

It's more about uniform abuse of angles and facial expressions than it is about individual characteristics.
>b trans
>need muscly bearded 6'+ masc bf
>only people interested are 2/10 creepy nerds with no standards

Just why even bother ;_;
>be trans
>have standards
Truth be told most trannies are 2/10 creepy nerds.
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you've got that right.
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Sufjan makes some good music.
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yeah, i listen to him when i feel miserable. somehow it's cheered me up. he's got the voice of an angel.
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You have good taste anon. Although I prefer Kozelek for that particular mood.
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Morning meat bags
TY. you can't tell my taste based off one artist though.
rise and shine. you sleep okay?
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morning Angie
you forgot to switch annotations off. why?
because she stole it from lizbell.
she can't steal something from me that I didn't even create
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>you can't tell my taste based off one artist though
That might be true but I doubt you mix Sufjan with Swedish death metal or something similar.
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virginity isn't created and can be stolen. checkmate.
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no, of course not.
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I slept good


I dunno, I want a legitimate source.
If it's legitimate, the more he would look into it.
What, what happened to the arrow?
I dunno, I want a legitimate source.
If it's legitimate, the more he would look into it.
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how are you feeling today?
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gottem :') ty for helpingme start a franku folder bb. i want to fuck his brains out.
what a blast, i've missed songs like these.
i don't really know enough to comment on it sorry.
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>mfw we are the same as people who want to fuck animals
bcus gender identitety = fucking ponies
well hello there!
>what a blast, i've missed songs like these.
how about... this?

i like you more and more every time you post. good god though, i remember my sisters singing this and i'm just sitting there like "i wish i could fucking sing."
hell o
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oh yup forgot
The discord link in OP doesn't work.
>i'm just sitting there like "i wish i could fucking sing."
iktf for the longest time. i hate being reminded i can't sing, and then my family are like "come on anon, you've got a nice voice!" and so i might try and then they compliment me on being such a good baritone ㅜ_ㅜ

and dancing too! strictly come dancing is painful to watch, how freely and gracefully they move but if there's ever the opportunity for me to dance anywhere nope. me and my two left feet will be stood rigidly over by the food counter please leave me alone.
Oh god i hate tumblr identities 25:00 ->
Kill me
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Not bad

Glad I could help
you still havent vocaed me that accent though.
dancing is scary to me, i dont know anything about the whole thing.
it's a boring morning
i know i'm sorry i'm working on it.
which means i'm scrapping all of my recordings until i manage to sound just like alybongo or bella gaffney.
Is there anyone here who likes neither the deaf grapes or sushijam Steve? I've never met a trans person yet who dislikes both of these.
>dancing is scary to me
You just follow your partner.
tfw frank will never smother me with his thighs
oh, sorry to sound impatient. i just don't want you to forget about me.
all of my partners have been pretty submissive in general and hadn't danced either. how do people learn when theyre both retarded?
i just like what i'm given. sorry to fit a stereotype.
I've not heard of either
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mostly good. just late night reflecting
and donating my franku findings
>how do people learn when theyre both retarded?
One of them decides to take charge.
don't like grapes, didn't rear sufjan before. listened to him and it's pleasant enough background music but a bit boring. wouldn't buy/10.

what do these make me?

>tfw it would have to be me because i'm the fucking giant.
We are not talking about a weightlifting competition but about a dance partner.
but dancing is usually gendered and the lead is usually the taller person
usually usually.
Well tough shit. Guess the dance will have to adapt. Just don't tango.
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what kayla aspires to be.png
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found kayla in her natural habitat

>miss cock captured.jpg
>"she's a wild beast so i captured her. does any of you boys want to release her and play with her? ;)"
if that's actually kayla then i am so jealous and she has best fetish
How do I deal with horrible internet stability, mtfg?
It keeps going out every few minutes and I can't play vidya ;-;
It's not her but it does look like something kayla would do.
Hi :3

Its cold today so i am not doing much
move out of australia.
i have the same problem.
oh. what a shame. chastity looks really fucking fun. also why are you in those threads.
But I'm in America ;-;
naw this is more cringier

>not going to church

Enjoy the lake of fire, whore
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>also why are you in those threads.
because >>5562697 is >>5562718
I would go but i get too anxious to join pretty much anything new desu :/
oh. then i don't know. call your isp or something.
whats ur opinion of chastity out of curiosity?
i don't post in those threads and I cages are gross
>tfw agp
what do you like?
>whats ur opinion of chastity out of curiosity?
is gross, why is it even being brought up? The only thread I posted in on soc was a small boobs thread and then angie fucking told the mods and I was banned from soc because I was posting in a female posts only thread.
I want to bend you over a table and fuck you bare while cupping your tits and kissing your neck
Why did you (or at least somebody posing as you) tell /cd/ you are leaving forever, but continue to post everywhere as normal?
what do you mean?

oh.... sounds nice
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Pls don't say such lewdness
based angie.
LOL right
this comes from a guy who names his cock creepy fetishist names and refers to it as "she"
I only browse /lgbt/ now, fuck the rest of this site.
is this real?
Holy fuck that's hilarious
would you wear that cherry dress for me while I stroke your hair and kiss your cheek
I did that once because I was drunk and I thought it was funny.
Lets not get too far ahead here, are you a cis dude? Post a pic of yourself on unsee

Yeah, I took a screen cap but didn't say it and basically the mod said that I posted in a thread that didn't pertain to me so fuck /soc/ for being transphobic.
>I was posting in a female posts only thread.

There's just hurtful! We should be able to post there! I'm gonna call Moot and we gonna March!
well maybe if you passed it wouldn't be an issue :')
You are cringier faggot,
Okay I'm back after doing more searching up on dances.

Is flamenco the ideal dance for transgirls?
>primarily solo dance so you don't have a partner to look freakishly tall next to
>combines feminine grace with peacocking your stature
>hey look, even the cis women who dance it look manly!

>are you a cis dude?
for real?
unsee cc / runadito
why do people delete things within 30 seconds of posting them lol
Deleted. Thank you for wasting my time you basic bitch.
Hi :D
>basic bitch.
i like you, anon.
>to get in kayla's ass I need to master some garbage site and post spam detector
what does this have to do with retards that post an unsee and delete it 30 seconds later, on a site with a 30 second refresh timer, while the recipient has to copy your link and make it less of a mangled mess??
I just want some of that bubble butt don't be mad that I want kayla and not
i'm not mad. stop dodging the question. is it really euro hour already?
>well maybe if you passed it wouldn't be an issue
it wasn't that, I posted just my boobs and lots of guys said they were cute then angie came in and posted a pic of her face and called me by kayla and then said I was trans, it was a dick move.

>not doing the twist

I didn't see it
i was just fucking with you regardless.
unsee cc
my kitchen smells of bacon
kinda cute, you could be chris prats brother
Bacon is nice ^^

Why does it smell of that tho?
my rommate cooked some when she got home from work at 6AM
i woke up and thought i smelled it but i foolishly went back to sleep
so will you wear that dress for me now?
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>waking up to bf caressing my hair and kissing my cheek

Today is gonna be comfy as fuck
what state are you in bb?
>that hairline
you and kayla would suit each other so well.
W-well at least it must smell nice
South Australia
it smells like missed opportunities
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welp, never mind
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Its been like 2 weeks since I went to church. Maybe that's why I've been cranky and mean lately.

>t-the devil made me d-do it
who are you quoting, ape escape?
one day you'll be mine kayla and I will snuggle you so hard
am I meant to know you?
Uhh I dunno, I can't tell one anon apart from the other one
The lake of fire will be your home, heathen.
Just rub it in our faces bimbo
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>i will never know that feel.
Ha joke's on you I'm gunna go meet Jesus when I die!
>lake of fire
Are you a muslim?
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Huh I went to a dermatologist for a laser test to remove my acne scars. This Wednesday my whole face will get as ugly as those two spots.

Also 3 years! On hrt!
Me on the left 2bh
but you're not white.
Looking like a meth addict female. Good job!
That's from Revelation Anon.
I'm too fat for that anon.
>tfw you wake up delusional
Uh what?
The only threads I post in soc are rate and timeline threads.
Quit blaming me for the shit you do.
kayla is literally the caitlyn jenner of mtfg
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Did she sudoku yet?
Two transgender women stoned by african migrants in German city.

Why do some of you vote left now again?
because muh feels.
And another thing since your brain can't remember shit. I called you out in a rate thread only by name and I didn't say you were trans.

So why not make some more lies to make yourself seem like a good person.

I mean, I am a member of the Conservative Party but come on...
Fuck off reddit trash.
Immigrants arent leftist, but a lot of stupid white people are, and they are the ones who want them here out of this humanitarian plight and anything else would be racist and xenophobic.
on the real though germany needs a fourth reich to purge the invaders
Because the right would want that to be legal policy instead of crime.
All you need to do to see evidence of that is read /pol/, which you should fuck off back to by the way.
>Merkel is on the left
Heil Drumpf
Its still a stupid way to phrase it, or to point out the problems with mass imm.

I-is this memes
Plenty of other sources, just google "dortmund stoning"
It still doesn't change that the CDU is the german conservatives. And so long as people like you dumb fucking poltard are out of power, it remains a crime rather than a government plan.
Poor Germany
When did mtfg become so /pol/? Is it cuz of the recent mass influx of immigrants?
>Leftists want more immigrants
>Rape and violence ensues
>Lets pretend nothing is happening
>Lets pretend rape is a national problem and not an immigrant problem
In sweden 77% of rapes are commited by men with foreign background, the women who vote for this shit and get raped deserved it.

You really think conservatives are going to rally up transgender people, gays and immigrants and send you off to extermination camps? Hows that blue pill tasting.
Its because 4chan. 4chan is sadly more fascist than it is conservative.
Because divisive identity politics is the lifeblood of any modern social movement
Kill yourself already, you are the worst trip and a confused gay man.
4chan has always been full of idiots who's politics are informed solely by dank Trump may mays and the like.
And that is the problem with the modern right. You cannot say shit like that and expect to get support. Just point out the facts and people will judge for themselves.
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>tfw swedish but not a lot of immigrants where I live
Feels good.
Because 4chan are hipsters, except by being hipsters they invited the sudden influx of fascists, and now we're stuck with them

Is this another "everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi"?
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aww my favourite ship is going through a rough patch.
And here we see the inherent tumblrisms in /pol/
Korra is a retard and should go to the reddit trans boards where he belongs.
>worst trip

Neat. I want an award for all my hard work
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who /grilled cheese/ here?
It wasn't always this way; back in my day people actually WERE only pretending to be retarded...
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Not at all lol. But mtfg has literally had an influx of guys from /pol/. Seems weird that a board dedicated to hitler worship and hating degenerates would come here of all places.

Sir misgendering is rude have you checked you t levels lately?
how was soup, dork?
>ketchup on everything
is this the american dream i've been hearing about?
I had peanut butter and nutella
Now I'm having chips with pimiento
Also isn't it breakfast time in cali?
My t-levels are fine, how about yours you fucking gorilla?
>Sir misgendering is rude
Anon pronouns are anon/anon/anon's
im 24
I mean, I like dipping my grilled cheese in tomato soup but ketchup is going a bit too far...
anonself tbqh
Seems a little high rn man

Oh mb sorry
>is this the american dream i've been hearing about?

>Also isn't it breakfast time in cali?
yeah, this is my breakfast

ketchup is amazing tho
You'll be lucky to even pass as human after hrt :D
Since i was 18 I wanted to start hormones, and I havent had the chance
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Pic related is a Government prototype Kaylabot
It was rejected for failing to meet standards of ketchup consumption
germans make pizza with ketchup, it's pretty disgusting.
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>order hrt online
>start hrt
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oh and I filled out my ccw permit so I can keep a larger pistol on me
Thanks for believing in me bro!
the soup was pretty nice. it has courgette/zucchini in it which i don't like any other way but in that soup it's nice. it also has lime which really cuts through the courgette's usual yuckiness
at least you weren't silly enough to post a picture of the real thing ,##shemale.
glad you liked it bb.
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I guess; don't let me dictate how you enjoy your meals, in any case.
...and I'm late to the party.
love it
Actually if I could be bothered making one of those I could. I used to be into robotics and I can already see they fucked up on the actual ketchup delivery, needed a one way servo controlled valve to dispense the red liquid gold.
wtf, why did my trip go
My mistake was feeling like I had to come out to my family before starting, but I was too scared to talk to them so I ended up waiting about fifteen years too long to start. I should have just started therapy and HRT on my own like I eventually ended up doing anyways...
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How deal w/ being a hon when laser, HRT and saving for surgery takes time but you don't want to be a hon now?
I'm not sure if Kayla also likes mustard or not, though.
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tfw disgusted.jpg
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>mfw mustard
I hate mustard

>implying I would be caught dead eating mustard
just KILL YOURSELF. for real tho idk.
hon circlejerk
Maybe I'll edit the mustard out
It's not even edible anyway
If you find out please share.
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Have any of you ever had problems with religion or religious people because you were trans?

I'm atheist but was raised by fairly strict, traditional Anglican parents. While my parents are now cool about trans stuff, which surprises me a lot, they keep asking me to go to the local church with them even though I know many people there protested LGBT rights and marriage both within the church and in national law.

I guess I want to go occasionally just to make my parents happy, even though I don't believe, but I'm scared as soon as I turn up the old conservatives will stare at me or mutter something about lakes of fire.
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Are you capable of going in boymode?
My mom is religious and treats me like shit for being trans because its ungodly.
I haven't had any conflict with the people themselves, but that's probably because I don't talk to anyone
for the past four or five years I've been having severe anxiety whenever I go to church so I've only been on Christmas and Easter for the past few years
Eat your ketchup Kayla, it will cheer you up.
If your parents are supportive, you should probably spend some time with them. Going to church with them sounds like a decent idea. They probably want what's best for you, and they might feel better if they felt you were supportive of their beliefs.

If people are unkind to you, then your parents will probably understand if you don't want to return.
at least we don't allow stoning
Is there a Ms Wetseat in here? If so, check yo emails.
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Stone all non-passers tbhon.
that pic is cute
also I am not particularly depressed today after hanging out with my sisters all day, they were so nice to me and all we did was talk about makeup and stuff, it was like for a short day I was a girl for once.
ty. sorry im kinda slack with that sorta stuff. having 6 emaisl is hard.
legal weed when
I want to kiss lainanon~
Yeah same deal with my mom. She says she'll never see me as a girl or treat me like one or use my girl name. It sucks but at least I wasn't kicked out and we do stuff together sometimes.

Just go to church at least once. At most all they'll do is gossip t b h. I'm posting from church rn in fact
>No more erections without try
>cum is clear as water
>Lost a significant amount of muscle mass
>More emotional
>No longer get that burning dysphoric "my soul is slowly rotting away" type feeling

>Still have a weird suspicion that my HRT pills aren't real and aren't actually doing anything

why do I have to be such a paranoid fuck
What laser exactly? I have scarring too
I had that same suspicion when I heard a rumor that alldaychist sometimes ships fake estrogen pills.
>at least we don't allow stoning anymore

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>tfw re-measure shoulders
>get one inch more that before
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Boymode doesn't make my stubble feel less like I have cockroach legs sticking out of my face, though...
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I hate being boymode and I hate being girl mode because I'm ugly and don't pass.
How close of a shave are you getting? I can get my face baby smooth. But to be fair i shave twice a day and its in multiple directions
because shes cute, i want her to be my neet princess ;3
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Don't we all
but I would get kicked and I cant afford a place to live in my country

then some of you would say "but nobody would notice the changes". as I said before, its been 5 years since I first think of starting hormones, do you really think nobody would have notice ?
I've finally accepted that I'm a girl and will tell my therapist that I want to transition the following weeks. I feel excited, sick, sad, and happy.
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my life: the post
Good luck anon!
good for you :D
making food ^^
I tried explaining that to the CAMHS therapist or person or whatever
good for you :D
how do you stop razor burn?
i haven't tried witch hazel yet, does anyone know if it works?
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Oh :3
I'm not cute but i'm very good at being neet!

The changes you get aren't very visible, especially at first and it's not like anyone has to know.

My dad hasn't said a thing in 3 years and I don't even bother hiding my boobs anymore lel.

Do kind of andro mode with boobs and kind of andro clothes, better than just full boy at least.
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I'm a girl too.
I play wow in my neet cave, post anime and weight 290lbs.

boys are silly thihihihi
wow is that sheen?
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No matter how close I shave I can't go >4 hours without getting at least a mm of stubble. At least all my hair is really dark on pale skin so laser should work really well for it. I had my first session on Wednesday and I'm just waiting for the 5-14days for it to grow out of follicle. Pity laser made my face break out like fuck and i look like pic related rn.
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You are doing it. Good luck anon.
Alcohol! Every time you shave a part of your face wash the blade and then dip it in the alchohol. It stopped the burn completely for me. I also put a bit of alcohol on the areas i shaved after I'm done too.

To get it baby smooth i shave in short strokes with the grain, against the grain, and left to right.
i want to fuck fantano.
you are a cutie ;~;
Splash cold water afterwards.
I'm sorry :< but at least you got started!
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After what he's done?
>grilled cheese
>no tomato
>no spinach
what are you even doing?
>you can't epilate/wax your face

check mate, theists
>The changes you get aren't very visible, especially at first and it's not like anyone has to know.
>My dad hasn't said a thing in 3 years and I don't even bother hiding my boobs anymore lel.
that sounds legit
my parents beated me when i started to dress more feminine
You can't? Have I been doing it wrong this whole time?
It can fuck up your face long-term. Sorry, kid :/
Source: your ass.
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Just do it, not like you have to change the way you dress but maybe you'll feel better on hrt.

I did at least.

When I got laser she said epilating your face was pretty bad.
Can you do it a few times and stop without any bad side-effects? I just need something to tide me over before I can afford laser
>tfw mousetrap gets ignored
To be fair, just because your parents don't say anything doesn't mean they haven't noticed.
You shouldn't do it within a month or so of laser, you need the hairs under the skin to heat up in order to damage the follicles.
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Well maybe my mom has told him or something, i'm out to her and her bf and she's supportive.
>Just do it, not like you have to change the way you dress but maybe you'll feel better on hrt.
>I did at least.
I will probably feel better until i get beaten again and kicked from home, and then i kill myself
sounds like it worth it
>mfw faye might be old enough to be my mom or dad
what the fuck ergh
>tfw sheen looks older than your mom who's 10 years older than her
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reply to this post if hrt made you squishy
>My dad hasn't said a thing in 3 years and I don't even bother hiding my boobs anymore lel.
well unfortunately some of us don't have parents that are LITERALLY BLIND
tfw non-squishy spooky skeleton
no. :)
I feel sad and can't tell if it's dysphoria or dysthymia.
That's a tough situation. Really there's not much you can do except do your best to get to the point where you can move out. Maybe use anti-androgens alone in the mean time, if you think it will only be a year or two.

Good luck, in any case.
then get off wikipedia and go see a therapist.
I want to be squishy.
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Why do you let them beat you when you're 24 lol?

>tfw need feedback but everyone hugboxes or is blind
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idk yet but i'm starting hrt on friday soooo i have my fingers crossed
>Why do you let them beat you when you're 24 lol?
what am I supposed to do? like fight them back? I dont want to get kicked really, I enjoy having a roof, a computer and my dad's healthcare.
If you can do anything to feel pretty, then do so

Try escapism

If neither of those work, it's probably dysphoria

But real talk: It's probably dysphoria AND depression

You don't really see many girls on here who don't suffer from depression
I go to a psych hospital monday to friday, 8-5 until February already.
My dad is literally legally blind and he still says that he realized I was on hormones about a month in, he just didn't want to make me say anything before I was ready. (Then again he's a retired psychiatrist that has seen his fair share of trans patients, so he may notice things typical parents wouldn't.)
>lldaychist sometimes ships fake estrogen pills.
there's no wait to that rumor right?

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Fighting back is a good way to make them stop but I dunno where you live, no real risk of being homeless here, I think.
I always feel sad and can't tell if its because im not a girl or because im not white
whats the name for that ?
>so he may
you think?

chimping out.
I can't be the only one here that got soft and squishy on hrt
The existential condition of being a non-white transgirl? (It could also be unrelated depression as well, of course.)
Nope, you literally are

Source: I'm a skeleton
That's one of the typical effects of HRT, yeah. I imagine most of us that are on HRT have had that happen.
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would you like to bone me
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I got hard and muscular on hrt.
I'm a skeleton too, but I'm a softer and squishier skeleton now that I'm on HRT.
ur gonna be a qt and kiss all the boys
You may be taking ftm hormones mate.
this is some epic hugboxxing my man
I got neither on hrt, my ass only become more masculine and ugly.
guys please I need to know I'm not wasting money on fake pills

someone plz confirm to me whether or not they're real
jesus, real women have curves, just starving yourself isn't helping you pass
>tfw this is lainanon
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cheers bruv
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I'm taking sugar pills I think.
Hey, you start HRT 3 days before me.
I totally would. I don't really want to be 95lbs!

I don't have enough money right now though. Food is expensive.
I don't think we could do that without a chemistry lab, sorry...
wut? food isn't shit, go buy some microwave pizzas and stop being a body dysmophic anorexic
Give it time. Tomorrow Kyler is going to go starve himself.
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