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/mtfg/ Transgirl General

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Thread replies: 662
Thread images: 151

you will never be an anime girl edition

▶Informed Consent Providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Conent%20Clinics.pdf
▶infographs suck for makeup
▶Trans Info Dump: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9KKqP9IHa5ZxU84a_Jf0vIAh7e8nj_lCW27KbYBh0/edit?usp=sharing
▶Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge
▶HRT info: https://web.archive.rg/web/0000000000000 http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶Discord server: https://discord.gg/0jCppochww8t2Oe
▶MTFG Radio https://www.dubtack.fm/join/mtfg
▶IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat #mtfg

first for no gf
2nd for no bf
3rd for feeldoe best toy
fuck your vagina lily i want one too
I hope you get one soon anon
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Jesus, had to google that one.
Whos the top?
i wont get one for years tho ;_;
I'm not a fan of penetration
it's pretty neat but we use fingers and tongues more often cause more fun
still the best sextoy we ever used
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Women are so retarded.
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>tfw no precum soaked penis to suck
why did you even bother getting srs?
I know I shouldn't take it personally, but god damn, just being exposed to what most people really think about being transgendered fucking sucks. I mean, the internet is just brutally honest.
how I imagine my transition timeline would look.jpg
what do you mean ?
don't worry, its how mine is already so you're good
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So I guess we all moved here
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I don't want to be an anime girl though.
I want to look like Brittenelle *-*
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just ignore it, they're trying to bait you

s-sorry kuppy...
>tfw you made kuppy disappointed in you
why cut your dick off if you dont like being penetrated and you just wear a fake dick anyway

shut your mouth for once in your life fat fuck
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simply epic my liege
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It's OK sheen, the masses have spoken, your edition is the one of choice
I want srs cause it's the feminine form that I desire. I also like girls, what, I'm banned from phallic toys because I happen to have been born with a pen?
>I like girls
>I happen to have been born with a pen
let's humor you for a second
penetration isn't all
why get srs at all if you only want penetration ? you have a butthole for that
feeldoe is a neat toy nothing more
and unlike a dick you can take it off
>I don't understand what dysphoria is


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>you will never grapefruit your man
It's not really sex unless there's a real penis
Why not? Gag reflex too strong?
It can be as "not real" as you like, doesn't mean I'm going to stop doing it.
no man to grapefruit
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But what about the purest form of love ;~~~;
and the realest of sex is only with a tranny dick in your ass right ?
Is okay bb. You'll find someone. :p
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Is it Yuri?
Yes :3
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Lesbian sex is foreplay for everyone else
im sorry but getting srs and then using a strap on afterwards and not using your vagina is just backwards and weird, you could have just lived as agp and not let this community get to you
if foreplay consists of hours of multiple orgasms then I prefer foreplay to your definition of sex anytime
I need more Yuri in my life
Got like two pics
you do realize that I don't use a strap on like 80%of the time, use my vagina and hate having a penis ?
yes ?
>the only reason vaginas is so they can be a hole for a penis :^)

Do you know how stupid you sound?
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>mfw thread full of lilyposting
do you know how stupid you sound?
Nini thread
>the only reason vaginas is so they can be a hole for a penis
that is their biological function, yes
>tfw got sucked into making a city in Cities: Skylines and didn't realize how much time had passed
Goodnight Elanna, goodnight thread
what about your clitoris then ?
why is the clit so much more sensitive than the vagina ?
I think the point was that's not the only reason to want one for an mtf
for pleasure
and most time you have sex for what reason ?

I rest my case
Christian reproduction
all PIV is rape
sex is for rape, empower yoself gurl
mammals who have pleasurable sex reproduce more and that is the ultimate purpose of sex
I dont care that you prefer to scissor with your gf, but to say that the vagina is anything but a hole to park a penis is biologically stupid
you can tell that to Kanjiklub
k and your body is biologically designed to run a lot and do labour work most of the day
do you do that ?
Babus also come out through there, plus the nerve endings that produce pleasure when stimulated, which can easily be done with a hand.
Can't we all just get along?
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does this look like the face of someone who gives a fuck, nigger it's all about to get stone fist in here you better go home to your beta boyfriends who makes your microwave dinners and sleeps on the couch because this is real nigga hours now
nope, like I said I don't care that you are lesbian and more power to you its just that biologically the vagina is meant to have a penis in it to spit out babies
also nice misgendering just because you're vaginally vexed
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I wish
>biologically designed to run a lot and do labour work most of the day
see >>5557798
what misgendering ?
you do realize both sexes did a lot of physical labour and running ? yes ?
you're still the same old MRA you are just wearing a lesbian mask
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post boys you like
you do know that "men and women had to do a lot of physical labour" flies in the face of Neckbea....sry MRA i mean views?
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you backpeddled into that position though, you still have a lot of internalised hatred of women
Top taste.
how so ?
3/10 curious where the b8 leads
I don't think he'd like me anymore if I posted his face on 4chan
not even bait
even now you type more like a dude angry at the world rather than a sarcastic butch lesbian
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That's low.

>not even b8
then get some better arguments pls
>you type like a man
elaborate on it pls
it could just be the second language thing but they do come across like that
am I wrong
it's a shame he he aged terribly
or maybe he'd like you even more
a taste for Scandinavians shell?
>this entire conversation
Analyze me, oh master of identifying people by their forum posts
Actually he's specifically told me not to, even though I never gave him a reason to think I would
My analysis predicts you have a bf and speak English.
You might probably be an mtf too.
you come across as a sassy and bitchy 20 something girl
Your analysis is flawed
That's 90% of mtfg, dipstick.
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I'm going to screencap this, print it out, and frame this comment
whats the 10% like?
Lurking. Silently judging you for infringing on a safe space.
NA pls
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>a taste for Scandinavians shell?
Nah, I just have a thing for killers.
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>I look like a young Ted Bundy
so you weren't hug boxing after all
Post butt!
I lost my trip between here and /int/
no butte posting
Ah, I thought you were someone else.
You hardly look like Ted btw.
>tfw saturday afternoon shift at a store
>tfw no bf
>tfw no benis to suck
kill me
at least you are getting that cash money so you can buy yourself a vagina
im yuro m8 i get it from the state
well at least you are getting that cash money to buy yourself ffs?
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llSay(0, "Hello, /mtfg/!");

touch_start(integer total_number)
llSay(0, "tfw no precum soaked penis to suck");
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tfw just measured myself

5'8 is ok, r-right?

Height doesn't really matter in most cases
A lot of people here who pass are actually 5'10" +
better off than a lot of us.
Eh, my parents are watching the danish girl...
That movie was so terrible.
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why was i born as a boy and not a girl
Of course height matters. It matters even more in relation to others around you. You can't be a stick thin beanpole and expect to pass.
Women do not look like scarecrows.
It's okay doughnut, you would have been a loser anyway.
because god is a chaser
Stop taking His name in vain tranny.
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god is a fag
He still loves you no matter how bitter you are.
I still love you no matter how bitter you are
I am sorry but I am no gay.
How do you know my gender?
I want a clingy trap gf. How do I approach this?
hit her up with these Jams
Literally everyone here is clingy as fuck, just take your pick.
Oh. Then who likes anime, would watch me play games and would just enjoy being in each other's company?
literally everyone here
girls don't browse 4chins
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I like the last two things but I'd never be considered a "trap" try before you buy?
You walk yourself off the top of a tall building, you disgusting repressed faggot sack of shit.
It's not fucking worth it in the end trust me, my current gf is clingy and its just annoying half the time, it gets old really fast when someone's boring and relies on you for everything
I miss my ex, she was yandere and crazy about it so it was a lot of fun, at least she would force me to do things with her, instead of just complain about me not spending enough time with her
good taste, pal.
Why does the GRC have to be so expensive? £140 is too much but it's the last thing I need to change (and my passport, another £80). I've been on HRT for 4 years, post-op for over half a year, full time for 3 years. I should automatically get that GRC or whatever documents it changes, changed without a stupid fee that I don't have the money for and collecting a gorillion documents I lost long ago.
whats a grc i am literally incapable of google now watch me type more letters equivilent to the amount of letters itd take me to open a new tab and type grc into google
Liar. I don't see anyone who wants to be cared for, maybe even loved.
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ay yo id watch you play games and chill but aniem is for fucking FAGGOTS.
I think things have to be financed somehow I guess
why don't they give me electricity for free tho
Gender Recognition Certificate. It's a thing in the UK you need to get in order to change your birth certificate and legal gender in general (though you can change things like passport, driving licence and essentially every other legal document that's not a birth certificate without one).

So like in all instances under the law you'll be considered your transitioned gender. I believe because it changes everything that like if an employer looked into you they'd never see your past sex.
Fair enough. I like it but I'm not going ape shit about it.
Not really, other countries don't have a cost on similar processes. In Ireland you just fill out and online form and that's it.

Furthering >>5558001

It also means that if I be naughty for some reason and get sent to jail/prison, despite being post-op I'd still end up in an all-male prison.
Fucking Ireland, the Island of Hons.
and they probably get those costs covered by having something else a bit more expensive than you guys
hell here it's like 30€ but the way to it is more expensive than in britbong i assume
Can you shut you fat fucking mouth for 30 seconds please Larry?
why so salty boo ?
lalalilly is looking for the right man and has yet to find him
Because this is a board for women not men.
But that would be gay.

>But that would be gay.
but she is a girl
aiight what games you like?
Remove yourself from life asap
Actual girls should probably copyright that term. Otherwise every fuck-up under the sun seems to claim he's one.
Well, if anyone was interested in my proposal, I made a throwaway email for it. [email protected]
Also, good night because it's so late.
You are supposed to not act like lalalarry.
And you're supposed to fuck off to gaygen faggot
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I am sorry but you'll never be a girl with that attitude Gaye.
All gay men should be killed. They are the most despicable group of people on the planet, literal human garbage.
but we are girls silly
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>come back
>the quality of this thread
How can you be this autistic?
I'm not talking about mtfs
>tfw we have found aliens in our own galaxy
Morning mtfg. I have bed head.
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>tfw most trans below the age of 25 are literally mentally ill homeless people

Why can't you girls just keep a job and find a place to live?
>Dat tshirt
Your a funny fuck my dear, good morning.
that's why I'm here buddy
what are you doing here tho ?
I would guess most of them would be disowned / treated like trash most of their life
I want to help but their morals are in the gutter :( and drugs are still "cool" to them
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tripfu a gorgeous.
is there a problem with bestalbum?
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>tfw 6'9"
pls now you're jsut being ridiculous. so how far into ff9 are you, i eman you beat the bouncing ball i assume thats close?
Yeah I'm just kidding.
I'm almost done the game. Just have to level 99 everyone and beat the final boss.
you'll probably just rape it in one or two turns, if other ffs are anything to go off. all the optional bosses are always harder than the final boss, it's just silly. like KOTR twoshotting seph or killing jecht sin in like one turn.
Wake me up
Don't lie, Angie.
Yeah the last bosses of almost every ff game (except IV) has always been a complete joke.

As for the superbosses, that's up to opinion
Why do you always take the b8?
FF V and IV had some really hard super bosses
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i wish i wsnat so goddamn demotivatedd. i want to play more ff12 and do voice training. i need someone t oyell at me.
everyone knows I'm baiting
12 was the only one I didn't like and dropped. It plays so much like an offline mmo :[
>V had hard super bosses
It did?
Shinryu, Neo Shin, both omega's and Enuo were a joke.

I can't commet in the DS version but the super bosses for the psp version bereft that hard

Ff 12 is such a long game.
I still haven't 100% it and I have over 110 hours in that game.

There is just so much to do.
I’m Captain Basch fon Rosenburg of Dalmasca!
yeah for real, im not even that far in and its been a trip. im just so lazy in general, i still need to play ezpz rpgs.
*werent that hard
Some of the super bosses are just so drawn out.
It's gets boring when you're five hours in Yazamat and still fighting him.
>dog had like six seizures three nights ago
>occurred immediately after one of my roommates let her outside
>She lived through it and it was only a onr night thing
>meaning most likely cause was a roxin she ate outside
>told my roommates they cant let her out like that anymore
>now theyre talking behind my back about how they want to take my dog away from me because i dont take care of her
>because i walk two hours to work and two hours back every day
>and i still walk her at least three times a day
>and shes almost out of food so they think I'm not feeding her
>and theyre complaining that i wont have enough money for rent because i dont get enough hour at work but i havent been able to find a second job
This is really fucking pissing me off.
Maybe its cuz I was a little girl when I played them, but I got butt destroyed when I attempted this bosses. Do they have gimmicks of some kind? (The ffv ones I mean)

The VA in that game was god tier
yeah fuck that shit, my friend told me about it. i dont have the attention span for that although i heard you can just set up gambits and afk.
people are fucking dicks sometimes. how the fuck do they even have the nerve to talk abuot what's best gfor your pet
They suck. You're a really hard worker oddish. I wish I could give you a big hug rn :[
Its just a frustrating situation where my roommates are being too mosy in y business instead of worrying about themselves. But they arent entirely wrong. I mean, about my dog they are. Thats entirely petty of them. But i do need another job and more money. Theyre just rude about it, like totally inconsiderate of the fact that i dont have a car. One of my other roommates doesn't even have one job yet, and we all know she isnt walking eight miles to work every day. No one is fucking with her business tho.
exactly, liek you dont call her out on her bullshit, why should nayone be stepping on yuor toes for no goddamn reason. i think humans just like pointless fucking drama
All bosses have gimmicks.
You just need to know how to exploit them.
For instance shinryu always starts battle
With tidal wave, so use coral rings to absorb, the same goes for his ice storm attack.

All you need to do is absorb those two attacks and coin toss his ass down or use jump with dragon lances
MTF here
I saw my Psychiatrist last week and told him what's going on, he wants me to do some Social Transitioning (family first as I live in the country and ignorant people tend to live here too) and getting used to the whole concept of being Trans.
My brothers, Mom and Aunt are supportive. He wants to see me every 3 months.
How do I cope with waiting 3 months? I just want to get the next step and possibly get referred to an Endro.
FYI, by Social Transitioning, he means wearing Female Clothing and coming out to family members, getting used to the whole idea of being Female.
Also I live in Australia NSW if that counts as anything.
Damn. I might download ffv on psn just to try this out
I know they like drama. But theyre stressing me out.
Find a new doctor, this shit is archaic and no longer the standard.
Which trip do you want to yuri with the most?
Care to explain what is going on so I can tell him? Writing him an email.
wish they could jsut respect your pribvacy and just let you do your own thing. sry bb. popcorn eventually. we can watch movies and stuff too if oyud like idk whatever youre comfy/enjoy doing.
fuck off anime
Australia is an archaic out of practice backwater this is a stock standard practice by most "specialists" here
Fucking this
In general this country is so far out of touch with its people
What state? I didn't have to do any RLE in qld.
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We have RLE?
I thought only the Danes and Germans had that
i am ppretty fortunate to not having to waste time on rle. my endrocrinologist referral was via a GP.

she said nsw.
yeah I realized that about a second after posting :v.
>Queensland is seen by the other states as grossly backward
>doesn't have rle requirements
Whoosh that's kind of sad for vic and parts of nsw
dw ill let it slide.
this country in general is just backwards. gay marriage fucking when
Not while the baby boomers still live, they're not done fucking up the country
but i dont wanna go to nz to get married. fuck this gay earth.
Movies are the nost comfortable thing.in the world and i love watching movies with people but no one likes my taste in movies
Basically telling you that you need to come out and live as a woman before getting hormones is a fear tactic use by bad doctors. American doctors haven't required shit like that since the 90s.
It discourages transition and is dangerous.
It's a year in this country, gays still get bashed like it's no big deal so I expect to die in little Afghanistan I mean Frankston
i'm sure id be fine with whatever you enjoy, bb. ive never been really opinionatd about movies i typically enjoy anything i watch. i had a friend force me to watch the room with her because she was a memequeen. okay then it's a date. popcorn and movies. (not an actual date i'm just fucking with you) but it does sound like alot of fun.
I see, what else should I add?
In general to my email.
That if this is his professional opinion that he might as well buy you a rope and hang you himself
psot what yo'uve strung up so far, dont forget to remove anything like names etc. i'm glad your family is supportive btw, may i ask how old you are
wow pls, give the doc a break, he was australian trained, he didnt know any better.
No mercy for British convicts
Do you have a steam or something?
Nowadays, I'm getting bored of playing games.
I guess getting old does that
i have a skype.
what if he was an aboriginal doctor (hahahahahahaha)
yeah i used to fiend games 16hrs/day now i can barely manage 10 per week
Oh. I don't really want to post it here or use Skype. Sorry.
i dont see how skype is any different than steam in terms of being a text client. i can drop an email for you to contact if you're more comfortable??
That'll be good.
[email protected]
go nuts.
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Oh god, I was actually paying a therapist to do this to me. Sigh.
my condolences.
I really need to afford ffs anyone know if gay porn pays a lot or if Miami has opportunities to star in pornos. Since I can't lass as a woman but for some reason going tl gay clubs in make up.I get eye fucked by fags.

Also any other ideas for a way to get the surgery I need and what the best ffs doctor to see?
that's a pretty niche question, maybe gaygen would know more about gay porn.
Oh shit finally someone who will let me compound time i spend with them with time spent watching films
I doubt they would help me gay Gen hates unpassing trannies God knows why.
It's bad enough that I find it painful to get out of bed and face the world each day

You all have the autism.
............................................................................................................................................................................................So what?
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i aim to please bb. also this song came on and i immediately thought of that house post, im dying.
ask as anon.
angie pls don't do this to me. you're too cool to be down like that
Your roommates sound like shitty people they should have some respect that you are even willing to walk 2 hours to work each day those are some Jesus miles girl. Sorry bout your dog my dog has seizures too it's pretty fucking scary so I hope she doesn't have chronic seizures like my happy.have you thought about looking for new roommates or living by yourself if that's not possible maybe have a time where you can all talk and explain your grievances with how they ate treating you.
It's entirely possible you're not really trans and your attachment to a particular community or idea is linked to an absence of internal identity, and should be treated by encouraging a varied social life rather than transitioning and being a NEET.
I'm trans
It's hard to face the day knowing that
It feels like I'm living a nightmare all the time
Except I don't and I've been tested multiple times and the result I have adhd that's it buddy, but thanks for playing.

I might..
Who the fuck are you to say what will make me happy and what won't?
Settle that t rage hon
i think we can all relate. but you're a strong girl. i wish you didn't have to feel that way, it hurts my heart.
well you're trying to ask about gay porn, not tgirlporn so idk. worth a shot.
It was a hypothetical 'you', not a direct comment at you, I have no fucking idea who you are. Jesus, your autism is showing...
No fuck that! Fuck you, fuck everything!

Would you like me to drape a towel or blanket over your head and stroke your face? It's how they calm a lot of wild animals down.
Is this some kind of false flag event to incriminate actual autists in this general or are you really this mad?
How much does ffs even cost?
House is great. Massive attack is great.
Its a weird setup right now. I have no where to go if they kick me out. And each roommate is totally different. The nain one i talk to works two jobs non stop and is just stressed out, then theres another who just got a second job and hes nice. They both have cars. Then theres this third chick who has 0 jobs, no car, and shes applied at one place in the last week? And its not even a mile away. So idk what she expects or what anyone else expects, but no ones bothering her because she still has christmas money for rent. And shes the one talking a lot of shit about me basically. When i moved in she was telling the other roommates that I'm a slacker and I'll probably be gone in a month and shit. And then she talked shit about my dog. Idk I'm pissed.
You guys are stupid lol. Like really anyone outside of r9k really acts like that?

I have aspergers and I'm transgender. I understand that it's most likely because of my "no self" thing and that's okay. I'm a full time working citizen who pays her/his taxes. So there
>Of the five patients not previously diagnosed with an ASD, four had been diagnosed with other mental health disorders, the researchers said.

So this confirms what we've thought for a long while? That transgenderism is just a side effect of other mental degeneracy? Makes sense. Still gonna keep popping those pills tho, too much fun not to.
20k in most case sometimes even higher.
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How am I so masculine?
>tfw ihp sends you T as a prank.
i wish i was able to watch more house, i didn't own a television while i lived in the city. such a fucking good show. i like massive attack, i need to give it more love it deserves. god fuck that bitch housemate. i wish i could win the lottery and take care of you bb.
>he will eventually see a picture of you pre-transistion
>knowing you watch anime is a huge turn-off for most guys, because it reminds them that you are in fact a sissy beta nerd on makeup
>you would be a jobless NEET even if you were not trans
>straight guys will never fall for you, but instead you get the closeted bisexual guys who need a mental boost for their maculinity by dominating a man

;_; why liv?
>conversion rates will make it roughly 6k more
>need to fly to a developed nation to get the surgery so add the flights/visas/hotels
I might as well just buy a fucking rope for $10 instead
burn the pictures.
anime is for degenerate losers.
stop being bad.

>why liv?
This study doesnt prove shit. The % of trans youths who go through transition is already statistically lower than post adolescence transgender peoples. Its like a totally different species.
Get netflix. All of house is on netflix. But they changed the opening fron tear drop to some sample shit because of copyrights, real dumb.
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Only difference between my pre-transition pics and new ones is that I have long hair and nicer eyebrows.

hrt doesnt do shit.
Well that sounds like a shitty situation I'd just wait for the real lazy bitchs Christmas money to run out then if she has trouble paying the rent for two weeks and still isn't doing shit to contribute suggest booting her out based on attitude and her lack of contribution. Let karma take care if it nasty people like that have a way of shooting themselves in the foot on their own. What it sounds like to me is everything she is accusing you of she's doing herself that she's using you as a sheild over her own shitty behavior projecting her lazyness onto you, she sounds like a count and I'm sorry your going through this :/
>not eradicating all trace of your life pre-transition
i have a puny data cap or id do nothing but watch movies and tv all day. i get 25gb/month it's fucking torture.
>tfw no oddish to watch stuff with
kill me pls.
>hrt didn't make me anime
Fuck off
sure but also
>"It's really about assessing what gender means to a population that may think of gender in a different way than the way most of us do," Janssen said, explaining that thinking differently about gender shouldn't limit treatment options for patients with ASD. In a way, he added, people with ASD may express their gender more authentically because they are not as swayed by social stereotypes.

'faketrans' trolls need to lrn2read tbqh
Oh my. It's time to get two jobs this year and live no life of my own. Yesterday it seemed as if you implied I could pass when I asked. But, it's always good to do everything possible I suppose
I'm sorry, I thought Australia covered ffs and srs tho? Even so I heard chettawutt is okay and charges like 10-15k for his work in Thailand.
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I mean it didn't change my face at all you fucking faggot, I look pretty much the same as before hrt.

>sugar pills

You can pass damnit just keep taking hrt that all you need to do.
Wait a minute nevermind. I have Masshealth, which covers every surgery you'd want after a year of transitioning

Glory to the Commonwealth :)
no. australia only covers appointments and reduces pill costs. we're so technologically behind it's a fucking disgrace.
>Australia covers srs
Not in my lifetime our leaders still think the sun revolves around the earth we are as big a joke as int makes us out to be
Go away
In my country we take class photos during every year in every school.
Relatives have many photos of me.
Graduation photos everywhere.
Photos on friends' facebook walls..
There is nothing I can do.
>tfw dad wrote off cross dressing when I was a teen as aspergers

Nope lol. I was that anon that was asking yesterday. I don't have a trip or name because I'm not creative.
>tfw no one will watch movies with me
Literally my entire life
Thats basically what I'm trying to do. Stressed roommate is just getting stressed because shit roommate is complaining about me to her and nice roommate will do anything stressed roommate says, so shes yelling at me and sort of pissing everyone off at me. Plus i couldnt contribute to groceries this month because I'm trying to have enough for rent.
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You can't tell me what to do bro.

I like posting while drinking breakfast coffee.

>tfw look the same as on the class photos
Yes we're all sorry you have shit genes poor you we'll build a monument after your suicide
id watch movies with you for the rest of my life if i could qt.
>breakfast coffee

at a nice cafe?
Help they want pictures panic mode engaged.

Well that's shit. I'm sorry :/

Ouch how come I thought Australia was like britbong land with crocodiles. Anyways my condolences.

Well if I said you pass I still think you can pass I try not to be a hugbox
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I mean it could be worse but I feel like what makes me unpassable is my manly eyes.

I'm probably not as hon as I think.

At home while freezing because swedish winter, pretty nice.
>tfw heating doesn't work

I should make coffee
No one cares you autistic fuckwit.
>tfw shit heating and have to wear more than a t-shirt inside
Epic simply epic
Yeah you could be worse you could be lizbell
you should send me a pic i'm a pretty trustworhty person. i've been curious for a while.
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Why are MTF so angry? ;_;
Because for a lot of us there's just no reason to live
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Or Korra.

Don't think I have the kind of features that stick out a lot except for my fat nose and manly eyes lel, my chin is pretty broad/long too I guess but not the worst i've seen.

>sending pics to strangers
nah ;)

Because no gf or bf to hug me.
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but i'm not. how could i be unhappy when i can daydream about the future?
guess i'll just die of curiosity ;(
>unironically hating korra
Why are you curious?
blinq thinks i'm umm female so im pretty gross and getting hugboxed by a robot.

Remove Korra and Kayla tbhon ;D
Well that was a waste of time. Fuck I have to find some way to get 20k by the end of next year.
Remove lizbell
>guess i'll just die of curiosity ;(
Going by what other people have said of her, she looks like a pretty average girl.
blinq isn't valid. i am curious because we spend a lot of time in the same house, so to speak, i want to at least put a face to you. i would hug you if it'd make you less depressed.
what's with the deadline?
to my knowledge she's never posted herself.
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I don't know her
Why bully?

Who has said that?
Some trash hon that won't fuck off a real fucking downer too
>to my knowledge she's never posted herself.
No but she's said what people irl have thought of her
like strangers?
if it's a psychiatrist, it doesn't count. they're usually the worst offenders of hugboxxing. i want the cold hard pixelated facts. i want to know, to ease a part of my soul that feels empty without the knowledge.
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Oh okay, like me then?

>hugboxing and ur andro
>average girl
I can't take looking like this another year so if I can't get ffs I'll probably have some kinda permanent accident.
I'll rape and murder you both
Circe' posting in gaygen my brain is full of fuck right now.
Brown femboy posts in faggotgen What a shock!
Circe' passes it doesn't make sense I thought gays hated trannies or do they just hate me?
Everyone hates you.
Circe is unsure let it be
Go to gaygen and ask them
willpower overcomes all. i get by because i avoid mirrors. ezpz.
rape metoo, please.
I think we should take a poll I'm not Kayla nor have I ever gone after anyone else on this site. I'm a nice person my appearance isn't a reason to hate.

Uhh is she still taking titty skittles cause she better hope so testorone is a tidal wave.
yea. ask her
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That is my fetish.
I already know the answer to that, they regularly trolled the fuck out of me and I threatened to post pictures of snatch as a retaliation plus I use the word faggot quite frequently I doubt they like me lol.
So my sisters and my bio dad wanted to see me today for pizza and to talk with me and I told them all to fuck off and said I have no family. They asked me why and I said because none of them gives me anything, then I realized that I am being a jerk. Well now I don't know what to do, thanks for killing my soul mtfg.
Id rather not I'm nor one of the trip fags who was that close to her plus I don't want to start drama in another general just wanted my gay porn question answered.
circe doesn't really pass at all
theres money in chaturbate
You can't shave without a mirror or put on make up no thanks I went through my delusional detrans phase.
Ignore him.
Here's one of your many (you)s you're going to recieve you childish faggot but please continue to spin more dramatic tales you degenerate sack of inbred shit eat a dick professional victim
>professional victim
my mom just called me that, what the fuck
How much? I tried that as a filthy hon and it netted me nothing. Also I got hacked through there so unless they bump up their security or 4chan users stop using that site I don't think that's a good idea I'm also looking for a place where vaginas and trannies are banned some where men exclusive so my dad bod and dude face can generate income.
Fuck off she's beautiful every single webm she made made me jelly as fuck.
least she's not retarded.

>gets apartment
>can't pay the rent

This would piss anyone off, sorry.
Does Kyle have aspergers?
do you?
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Mfw this thread
so, you do.
that pic is three years ago when the T was raging.
would you let me suck on dem nips?
That's really you?
God you've changed a lot


"who cares about Germany"
I changed a lot but not enough. Hrt still is pretty miraculous though. It made me soft and I lost all my body hair. If I could ever finish affording electrolysis and grow my hair out all the way then I think I could actually go full time.
HNNGH. yes those.
>Tfw haven't felt anything but bad feels for the past two days

how do I stop feeling bad and start feeling good
hello, it's me
hi how are you today anon? :D
Go do something to make yourself feel cute
can someone yell at me and make me stop being lazy
i'm good, a little hungover but i had a really good night and i'm going shopping today and i'm probably going to spend my entire paycheck at sephora. how about you?
just sorting my stash and gonna try to make an action figure :P
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good morning /mtfg/
okay so I patched things up real quick with my bio dad about scolding him and my sisters earlier and we are still going out for pizza and like I don't know if I should go girl mode or not.
l o l
I think you should do it if your comfortable doing such
I'm listening to cynic.
My rommate is always making food when i want to cook something. Upsetting.
Guten Morgen
im not comfortable because I don't want to creep anyone out and if I did go in girl mode to a restaurant how and where would I go pee?
>yfw oddish thinks circe doesn't pass
Does anyone else get a raging hard on when shopping in the women's section?
kiwi got that meme game on point. gj
what do you feel like cooking?
When in doubt flout the trout.
More like ufufu tbqh
You've misinterpreted my post. She passes.
I just wanted to make some ramen real quick before i go to work but this chick gotta be doin a four course meal over here
oh that sucks
my roomate is asleep
i woke up when she got home from work around 5AM and we hung out for a bit and she took a shower and i pooped at the same time and it was like "hey this is what roomates do right?"
don't be a jerk to me
Yeah I have to fight the urge to whip it out then and there.
>and she took a shower and i pooped at the same time and it was like "hey this is what roomates do right?"
only if you are edgar
Well that was a failure too masculine for mtfg not masculine enough for gaygen I'm never going to get this money fuck I wish I had supportive grandparents they are rich and could easily fund my transition fucking bullshit
aw. pls dont get hungry. also how thefcuk are your feet still so goddamn pretty despite walking so much? you must pamper them or something.
Most will have a disabled toilet if youre not up to using the womens, and i kinda didn't mean in consideration of others feelings but more in of yourself. I don't think you should make the choice like this if it's that you dont wanna creep someone else out. Idk.
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it's just a meme kayla, don't take it personally

gonna go play cs:go now later alligators
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see u in a while, crocodile.
What I've learned from roommates thus far is they nonstop complain about whichever one isnt in the room.
Give me one reason not to
I dont actually have to moisturize. Idk why, they sorta take care of themselves.
truly perfect feet. hnngh. im so jealosu fuck. pls make my feet perfect
elbows too pointy.
Those tattoos...
Your doing it very wrong put that thing away you could poke an eye out.
Get on hrt and cover that dick up desu
oh dang
there's only two of us to that doesnt really happen i dont think
we love eachotehr too much
im srry :/
The fuck
Idk how. I advise lotioning then daily tho, and using a ped egg to keep control of calluses. You want some callus on your pads definitely (i like walking barefoot outside often, and even walking with shoes you'll develop callus on your pads) but you dont want callus to layer your soles.
Oh dang. Thats cute. Yall must be well paid.
Please do.
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Yep, just do it.
They won't becase their minds have been destroyed by religion
i mean not really but we take care of bizness and then just have fun
Posted in old thread, whoops.
>tfw your best friend gets drunk and starts admitting she finds you hot along with other bicurious antics
I don't know how to respond to this.
I missed it but I assume it's about Kayla heroing?
put her sharpie in your pooper if you know what i mean
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>>not on hrt and passes better than I ever will
>I need to just kill myself over this
Fuck her when she is sober again imo
i definitely need to get lotions, i might have something somewhere its just hard to navigate my belongigns since i dont technically have a room, evertyhing i own is shoved in my sisters closet i jsut sleep on the floor. i had a lot of callus on my pads and heels because i used to walk barefoot all the time in the city bc iwas laaaaazy. my soles are soft as fuck though. i file every day now, i want to be completely soft.
tfw nobody to massage feet
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I wish I was dead....oh wait
I know it's fucking bullshit there are some days I wish America would be like China and institute national atheism. But then I'd hate to see my own beliefs as a Buddhist persecuted.
pls your image sends confusing messages to my erogenous zones.
Tell her she said your hot while inebriated ask to go out for a drink dive into the poon.
theres a lot more to Buddhism than atheism
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Does it now :)
But lewd things with a cis girl will just make me feel bad about myself. :(
Duh Buddhism is a philopsy it can coencide all manners of religious faith. All religion irreaguardless of it's stature was banned in Communist countries that's what I meant by national atheism lol.
If you take off that silly makeup he's hot as fuck fucking bf material at that.

Wait what you like dudes? Man this place is confusing. You all need little sex tags like we have flag tags in pol.
hnngh who is this and how do i get them on top of me
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Yeah but that's his whole persona

Kenji Darvish
Send that to qa
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>get gendered female all day
>call a cab
>phone rings
>sir your cab is here
puu sh/my111 dot wav
You aren't alone.
good lrod just imagining it now. otherkin flags etc.
Masturbate more, moan like a girl, put something in your butt
Practice constant deference
Anytime you want to sound like a girl, make what you're saying sound like a question
And that's why I don't answer phones or talk to ppl. Living the mute "life".

iktf too
Kill yourself
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>Masturbate more, moan like a girl, put something in your butt

No thanks.
> dream about getting magic powers and cuddling friend bit constantly getting Gtblocked.
What does it mean?
fuck off dumb frogposter
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make me
damn dude you ever just get this weird ass high from laughing at stupid shit because i just got that and damn i feel good now.
Laughter is great medicine, right behind opiates.
i have both. fuck my brains out, anon. i don't even care anymore.
looks like a doughnut to me

Don't say I didn't try.
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Good night girls
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night kuppie
why do you always have the best taste in men? im lucky you're taken so i can take franku all for myself
Well that's neat. One of my coworkers is gunna be my valentine this year.
Oooh, congrats.
>tfw girl brought valentine to my house one year in HS
>i was confused as heck cause i didnt know her
>turns out she got my house mixed up with that of a guy who had the same name
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is foot anon here ??
can you explain this valentines meme to me? like i know it's a holiday about getting pussy but what do people actually do during it?
i am an anon that likes feet, but i am not THAT anon ama
You give your crush or bf/gf gifts from Hallmark, or if you're alone eat chocolate while weeping.
Dont need em I'M HERE
but what ifsomeones crush is in a different countrt?
like clockwork. nice digits, degenerate girl.
Oh wow what are the odds of that happening? D:

You just exchange gifts and a kiss/big with someone you like really. That's it
>those trips
Well now everyone needs to post feet
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Mail it! Or you can be gay and do an e-card.
As the great, wise Han Solo once said, "Never tell me the odds" because I don't want to find out how unlucky I am.
sad desu need to post soles .......
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>tfw valentine's day is coming
it's a day to take your date to see a romcom
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Oddish confirmed for foot anon
wet feet #showerposting
I guess I'm the only person who thinks Deadpool is a crappy comic book character
>tfw going to spend valentines alone
>tfw crush not interested in me at all
jdimsa. That or I might cuddle/fug addict friend. i dunno
dem some fat cankles bro
I don't know what you're talking about. It's a totally legit romcom unrelated to any comic character.
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>tfw no bf for Valentine's day

fuck my life
>tfw the only person who gives me stuff for valentines is my mom
>every year
>don't want to tell her to stop because the chocolate tastes good but at the same time I feel ashamed for it
just fuck your mom
Thats a good saying I might steal it
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i know. sorry.
my phone isn't waterproof.
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Who needs a bf when you have a pillow to cuddle?
>tfw no anyone for that day
my dad is the only one who's ever given me anything for valentine's day
just fuck your dad
Hes actually my favorite comic character but most of his comic runs since 05, which have been much of the inspiration for his screen persona thus far, have been trash. I advise everyone read thebpriginal Kelly run, because its hilarious but also great drama writing. And theres no lolsorandumb XDXD chinichangas ;p--shit.
The movie apparently draws much of its content from the original run and Jimi actually pretty hype for it.
Fuck I'm outside and the sun is telling me no feet today
>not getting daddies cummies in your tummy
>tfw bf is still gone and won't be back for another week
tfw no oddish valentine
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>Who needs a bf
I do

>tfw you'll never organise a meeting for all the lonely anons
>tfw will never get all of you misfits together and have fun instead
>tfw can't have fun
>tfw wouldn't be able to leave my house anyway
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>tfw no tomboy gf to bully you on valentine
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>mfw a cis friend says "you look great hun" unironically
Sorry i dont celebrate holidays
>who needs a bf
Hey, anytime...
I really hate life right now I can't ever seem to have anything good happen ever.
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That's my life in a nutshell.
Man fuck. When is the ps4 gonna get some games. I wanna buy one but can never justify the cost
>keep doing it
Thanks man I will.
How new are you?

trip on Kayla
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I'm just sharing feels anon, is wanting to be bullied so wrong?
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I think I know how we can save all the t-girls out there. We'll start up our own Hon Cafe!
I want a reason to buy one but as of right now only Ace Combat 7 makes me want to.
>Fuck I'm outside and the sun is telling me no feet today
i don't know what you mean by this.
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>tfw iktf
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Caddy I love you and miss you! We should skype sometime.
become a better person to attract what you want
v-day is the worst. Girls get all mad because you didn't buy them shit and they look retarded in front of their friends.

"wah where's my 400$ diamond necklace every kiss begins with kay waaaah"
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i don't think fucking my dad is a great idea desu.
>ywn have a valentines day meetup for the tfw posters
i need those hon stickers.
iktf. it's a feel that no one should ever feel.
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>tfw will never steal a bf from /femgen/

I just want a qt emo boy to cuddle with desu.
It's not like he's going to knock you up. GET IT GURL.
I've always been bored to tears by this games. What's the appeal in them? D: literally the only game on the ps4 that I want rn is bloodborne
>feminine boys
b-but that's what gf's are for....
I cant see photos on my phone right now because its bright outside.
I just dont like being obligated to give gifts. I get gifts for people because i wanna. And i like spontaneity more.
Lol me and my valentine are just gonna go watch a movie and trade gifts. I gonna get her a Teddie bear and some chocolate. The whole thing won't even cost 25$
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>he didn't go to Jared
Which games? And yeah, it's a Bloodborne machine. At least it's not the Halobox, and a mediocre one at that.
>not wanting a gentle, soft boy to cuddle and tease
Are you sure you don't want someone who you think you can boss around?

Even an E withered tranny could overpower a femboy, just go kidnap one off the street. They're so submissive they'll think it's romantic.
Cartman is that you?
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i'd really prefer you didn't.
I don't think that's possible most people are visually stimulated personality only goes so far when your a hun like me
I'm not Ricky, b-but really? I want a qt femboy bf too
i just really don't think that fucking my dad is a good idea. that just is not a good idea.
>tfw no emoe bf
>ywn cuddle with him while listening to skramz
save it for later. it's a steamed up image regardless.
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>tfw no tomboy gf to beat me in fightan games
Need that but mist fem boys seem to catty for my taste I want a cute emo boy that looks feminine not acts feminine
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It's okay, I can share my sugar pills with him if he ever decides to transition and we can nag here about being hones together.

I don't want to boss round anyone. I just want a very sensitive femboy to cuddle with, love and protect. And we can mope together in sadness bla bla

Good idea desu. Too bad there's not many qt femboys around here that are my age.

>tfw was robbed the chance to have a qt bf during highschool
How about shirts, mugs, and other hon gear?
By this games* inmeant the ace combat ones. And 2bh I prefer the xbone rn cuz I like halo and it has rise of tomb raider and sunset overdrive.

I probs won't pick up a ps4 until the new Neptunia game comes out and FFXV

Yeah. Probably.

I mean, unless they want a big burly chap to ravage them instead, then you're out of luck.
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That's about as far from truth as possible. Femboys are (not so surprisingly) a vindictive, catty easily offended bunch. Not to mention really insecure (with a limited shelf life and all). Kinda like this place.

You have your gf. Hasn't she expressed (repressed) desire to be a cute femboy?

I think it's a safe bet that about 90% of all written crossdresser or trans male / male porn is about sons or step sons hooking up with their belligerent drunk dad.
idgi : |
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Looks like my brother except gay and uglier.
So is liking femboys code for "I'm a pedophile"?
Staph mocking my people plz.

God he's so adorable definitely would want to cuddle him. 10 points cuteness.
don't play bloodborne.
No, dating me is
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Oh, Ace Combat's appeal is planeporn, the awesome battles you have (Gigantic super weapons, squadrons of aces), and the fun yet cheesy stories they have despite the entire game taking place from the cockpit of your fighter jet.
It kinda seems like it, there's a lot of pedos that are into cute femboys.
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Too bad he has a gf.
i need all the hon stuff. i have to make sure the world can see how self aware i am, even tho i'm a yung hon.
>tfw he will never be your bf
porn is porn. i'm not attracted to my dad desu. i'd change my trip to electra if i was.
It looks fun what the heck is wrong with blood Bourne it's like dark souls so I've heard and you can play as a girl.
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Yeah she has :(
My gf is a repressed ftm who'll probably never transition. I still want to be with other people.

I'm a terrible person like that, I have the heart of a cheater.

Hook me up with your brother pls?

I'm 19. I like boys my age.

Too bad he cut off all that lovely hair.

yeah iktf here's more
nothing is wrong with it.
'and you can play as a girl.'
is this really a thing that influences sales?
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Is this genre that you're familiar with the conventions of?
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He's not a femboy though, just looks like one.

>tfw feminine looking brother and im a hyper masculine tranny
Feels bad.
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Somewhat. People like making waifus, I like to self insert, it definitely can increase the appeal of the game.
I just opened a pack of fresh chicken breasts well within the use by date and they stunk of an eggy/fart smell. Though the chicken itself looked fine.

Is it okay to eat or should I not have dinner today because I don't have anything else since I was just making hunters chicken w/ chips.
>tfw Valentine's day is mostly a day to get passive aggressive reminders that I didn't write my grandmother a week in advance for her birthday
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whatever makes you happy.
You gon die nigga

>cant help though, maybe cooking it will be okay? I dont eat meat
I'd toss it, but I have a personal rule about not eating anything that smells like it left a butt.
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It's the little things in life like getting to be the girl I wish I was. It won't make or break a sale of a good game, I enjoyed MGSV for example, but it's nice and helps get me more interested.
I already have and beat a few bosses
Its really fun and has a good story
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grace is getting extremely jiggy with it
I really don't
Wait you're a brown girl too? c:
I probably would if it was just me eating but my spouse thinks that everything is fine and will get huffy if I chuck it since it's a waste of money. Whenever we've had farty chicken in the past I've always reluctantly cooked it and we've not got sick but I can't help but worry.
>farty chicken
all my laughs
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Dakota is a bad girl, for life!
I'm not sure if I implied that somewhere but I'm pretty white ^^;
Stop being such a Watashi and cook the damn thing well.
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just to think the $600 i spent to play bloodborne could've gone towards ffs pains me.
hey, now. we both know franku would treat his girl right.
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mkay off to work
later <3
I'm too ugly for him
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I dunno if it helps for you but playing videogames helps me forget about things for a while. Just think, if you never take your attention off of Bloodborne, you'll never think or see your face!
Have a great day babe <3
I really to to staph this I'm too old for boys Luke this plus none would want a hun gf.

Indeed waifu simulators are a thing.
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What makes you say that?
Its just you were talking about self inserts and posted a brown girl Avatar (at least I think she was brown) ih well no biggie
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Just am
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>plus none would want a hun gf

Right in the feels
you don't know that. god knows what his taste is.
i played bloodborne for 500+ hours. it's still a regret. i'm capable of engaging in something while still having the negative thoughts lurk in my head. even music doesn't drown it out anymore.
hnngh so dreamy.
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>buying a ps4 to play dark souls
Six hundred is a drop in the bucket with how much ffs cost so games are a nesscary evil to take your mind off things playing borderlands again to escape my man face.

Angie your gorgeous stop with this crap.

Until the screen goes dark after playing for hours but your lucky your face isn't an ass chin like mine.
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I can tell when the pathetic slobs don't message me on okc
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Oh it's you whingie. In that case, yeah, you are probably right.
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Ah, I think that was just the lighting messing with her skin tone. Sometimes I do make brown girls, but I'm not even close to that myself.
>pasty white people ww@
>i'm capable of engaging in something while still having the negative thoughts lurk in my head. even music doesn't drown it out anymore.
>but your lucky your face isn't an ass chin like mine.
Oh I'm sure I'll be picked apart about other things if/when I post myself.
>tfw fathers creamies
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>tfw nose is cold and stings
Why does this shit keep happening?
But your probably not most of the girls here are not even close to hun status like I am.
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Because of my shit attitude toward things?
Sorry but I refuse to live in delusion
I only have myself to blame for getting my hopes up ;~;

>tfw no brown girl mtf friends

Well I do have one but she's busy working alot
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Everyone here has something they hate about themselves they'll never be able to fix.
i played the entirety of the game up until gerhman at my ex' house. we broke up before i could fight the final boss and i just couldn't live with not having the satisfaction of 'finishing' the game.
as i said, they don't take my mind off it at all. games just aren't involving enough to use the entirety of the brain. it all becomes routine after a while regardless.
it's a heartbreaker that i admire you so much but i am literally on the other side of the fucking world.
You could always make some weaboo cis brown girl friends!
You should never admire anyone.
That will only lead to disappointment

Trash :)
That was rude.

Pathetic slobs message me on fet life all the time it's the luxury of being trans has nothing to do with appearance your still pretty I'm going to say this over and over til you get it.

Maybe but I really have no hope of passing I really wish I wasn't trans and could just be happy with my alien looking face. I hate it so much that there is no hope unless hell freezes over of being a woman I wish I could just eat a bullet
You should see an optometrist tbqh
That anon is just living in a delusion where girls can be whatever size, shape, etc

It's quite bad really
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i know that already. i used to admire the prospect of a fulfilling life.
angie is cute as fuck though.
Does he really die augh why he's so cute.
Thats true but I will never pass when many who call tnselves Huns here pass on a daily basis.
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I hope you have a good day.
I'm off to work
No you should stop picking on her she's always been cute and is even cuter since ffs stop being a bully and go back to your containment board.
Well I do have friends that are cis girl weebs but none are brown ;_;
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take care, cuteness. i wish you could smile more.
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>Does he really die
No that would be too lucky.

There's not a whole lot to passing when you can never be a cis girl anyway. It's not going to be the same no matter what we do.
Stop calling yourself brown, holy shit. I've never been more disgusted in my life. You are a nigger.
I've only watched the anime which I wasn't to keen on. But the game looks fun. I know it's fucked but I feel like I'd be slightly less miserable if I looked like the girl I am rather than a disgusting man.
i am jealous.
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>anime which I wasn't to keen on
Why would you do that? The anime's so shit.

Yeah we'd all love to be a bit less miserable but this is the hand we've been dealt in this shitty life. There's no escape.

Is that so?
pls no more, i don't want today to feel worse than it already does.
Go read Fondness Doll
no, thanks.
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>tfw it's my everything
Strap on then baby, we're going for a ride.

>tfw no bf to run razors though your ugly imperfect body while fucking you

rest in pepperoni
ded gen
>not demanding and then stubbornly, needlessly waiting months for a pc release
Tfw absence of creamies
silly tripfu. i wish demon's souls could be ported. life's fucking depressing sometimes.
Why is this thread nothing but gay men, chasers and autists. Do any actual trans people post here anymore?
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i'm pretty spooked.
...? but i'm an autistic trans.
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>is femboy
>plays Warband

be my boyfriend please?
but i'm a girl ;~;
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Okay then wanna be newest addition to my gf harem?
be the*
I'm replaying dark souls rn
Hmeward bone running queelag before depths is the best feeling.
hi i just woke up
dats racist anon
Just look at this thread right now. I'm fucking done with this board.
skipping depths/blightown is fun because i get to skip contracting fucking aids.
how ws star wars
fantastic, as always
Gay men get the fuck out
list two.
i guess i'm in a harem now!
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Reminder to stop being racist towards hons.
but neither are even here.
ah well, mission accomplished then


There's three
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Welcome aboard.
? you didn't even do anything. they haven't posted all day.
2/3 ain't bad. what's your beef with oddish though, nerd?
>small ribcage but flares out at the bottom
>disproportionate shoulders

Women's clothes look so shit on me, someone come end my life now.
>tfw 16" shoulders and no hips
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>wide ribcage that's so big you can use it for storage
>shoulders of a linebacker

Women's clothes look stretched on me.

>suicide pact when

not gay sorry


bring back poofy shoulder thingies fashion jesus where is the creativity here?
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Its just gay Gen lashing out cause there are no real men over there.
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nice joke
maki is repressed trans
Fucking coward, you were supposed to kill yourself weeks ago.
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I know
I am too scared to die even though I really really want to
but mtfs *are* autistic.
also, if you got rid of all the chasers, who date all you hons?
we'd date each other.
I'd rather date another mtf than a chaser who tried to tell me he's the only one that likes me.
well that's just degenerate. nobody likes a degenerate.
exactly. i mean that's literally what you're doing regardless.
what's uppppp i just got back from my friend who i love and we had girl time and she was trying on outfits in front of me and is petite and has DDD tits and a tiny waist and a big butt and basically i'm a gross fat monster lmao
aw. I wish I had a cis girl friend who could make me feel horrible about myself :(
how are you maddie
Ate the fart chicken, wish me luck.
wait, really? i thought bitches loved degenerates. fuck. alright, i need to clean up my act. i did knot think it'd come to this.
i'm ok, had a good night out last night, will probably see boy again even tho im retarded af for it because he's poly. also my friend is trying to hook me up with this 6'7" guy. and i'm skyping tonight with my bestie!! how are you?
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Good luck anon.

Fart chicken?
I am recovering from a cold, not eating today I think
I wish I was pretty enough to get a boyfriend but I guess I need to at least be thin first
trip on, oddish. B)
nah i'm not oddish
i ordered pizza >.> also idk i'm fat and gross and my dating prospects are limited but not like entirely absent
At how many months hrt are you assigned a bf/gf? The chart from /thg/ is missing that detail.
it's just a prank, bro.
i think dating gets a little easier when you are fulltime imo
I've heard 6 months but I'm still waiting on mine ;_;
a genuine caring one took 3 years.
Your bp game must be strong.
>tfw you're gonna be on the arcane path forever
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There are also slutty wizards.
we broke up after over a year anyways. bp is such a bad meme.
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but you are like, athletic as heck and also cute
so you are allowed to eat pizza
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Nah, I'm talking about the thirty year old virgin kid of wizard desu
Don't hugbox her.
Do you prefer ass-pussy or shitoris?

I know what you were talking about. I am just saying there's all kinds of wizards out there.
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>tfw no bf to cut me up and rape me

Feels bad man.
that's a new one to me.
i'm guilty to calling it an asspussy as a joke before.
Kill yourself
>tfw you are a virgin at 32

I'm not hugboxing and don't be an asshole
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>tfw can't pick up package that got here this morning because the college post office is closed until Tuesday
You're only 32?
Thought you were like 45 by the way you look.
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who /never kissed a boy/ here?

>tfw no werewolf bf to bite into my shoulder as he knots me for the fifth time that full moon, but patch me up and apologise when he's back in human form

At least your thing could actually happen.
>tfw no zombie gf to trascend our ugly flesh together
>implying any boy would want anything to do with me ever

They would want nothing to do with me, not even rape and mutilation. They'd just leave my gross hon ass alone.
We image limit now.
Oh, I mean I don't think I'll be like the wizard you posted.
I'll be there in 13 years desu.

sounds like you should do something about that

I heard somewhere that eating cum can boost estrogen levels somehow? Is it true??
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