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/wcg/ - Webcomics General - Awkward Confessions Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 132

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Comics we know of:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics not in the pastebin, MAKE DAMN SURE you include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description
>Whether or not it's NSFW
>Days it updates.

If you're not sure if a comic belongs here because maybe it's not LGBT enough, post updates anyway. We won't know about it if no one posts it! If you see something wrong in the pastebin, tell us about it and the Anon will (eventually) fix it.

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Agents of the Realm
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Alright guys, I'm well into planning a long form comic that's quite up your alley. I know a lot of people never get past the planning stage but this is the most sure I've been of any comic in years, so I'm pretty confident I'll at least get it off the ground. Thing is, I'm not going to advertise it here. I'm going to wait for you guys to find it yourselves; screenshot this post if you feel like it. The comic will take place in the American Midwest in the late 90's, and you will know it by the end of 2016.
You are literally useless. Fuck off if you're not gonna contribute or at least tell us what's up.
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that's pretty selfish, anon
I understand it'd be fun for us to go on a scavenger hunt 'n all but do you realize how many comics are on smackjeeves? Do you realize how many comics AREN'T on smackjeeves. Just give us the comic, we don't mind you advertising it as long as you really think it's good
no one is going to remember this post. Advertise with cute boys or take your comic teasing to Tumblr where someone might actually care to look for you
Nah, it's not so much a spirit guide. I won't go into exactly what this chapter is but there's a reason it's a different, weird chapter from the rest of the comic.

This is why I'm updating it even though it's weird right now. It's pretty clear that it's appropriate for /wcg/ based on the summary
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Worlds Apart
Oh, heh I forgot that I said that.

So yeah, it's a dream.
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Buying Time

I think a lot of people are giving you shit unnecessarily, so please don't take it personally. The thing is... they're pretty much right in that there is a lot of comics out there and most of us don't have the time or inclination to search for all the good ones. It's incredibly likely that we won't find your comic on our own because for the most part we aren't looking, except when someone posts a treasure trove of links or something.

So maybe give it a few months just to make certain you'll stick with it, then post it here yourself. Sometimes we keep up with a comic an artist posts, sometimes not. Best compromise I can think of.
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No End
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Even though this doesn't look like it will end well, I know it will because there's no trigger warning
Griefer Belt
>trigger warning
Why are those a thing again?
Wow, more SJW comics.
are you saying that because the guy is chubby and has a mohawk?

Just curious
Just read Jeremiah. W-what? I don't understand, that was some freaky terrifying shit and I have no idea why it's scary or what was even going on.
The corn is all dead. No one lives in the neighbouring houses. The water doesn't work. Everyone one looks at him with disgust. I can't piece it all together. I'm too high for this.
forgot pic
>the sun is setting, Jeremiah
>it's noon, Jeremiah
>and you will know it by the end of 2016.
No, fuck off. Either write a synopsis, post a link to the comic, or use Google Docs to show us some creditibility to your claim i.e., character sketches, bios, landscapes.

Nobody will remember your post because they aren't interested nor have anybody screencapped it. If you want recognization and want to get off the ground, it's a one way road. You form the path, and some will follow that path. I won't because I'm not intersted in your "I am another one of those procastinators who'll spout bullshit and not execute my vision" posts, frankly, it seem like you wanted to be recognized for doing nothing then doing something.

You're at the planning stages, right? You're wasting everybody time if you don't have at least a few pages posted unto whatever website you want to post it. And nobody is going to search for something that is nonexistent.

Tumblr or Reddit may take kindly to you because they are probably more inclinded to follow a trail of bread crums.
Jesus christ, be less full of yourself please.
Unfaithful whore, you have red-head to care about.
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I'm betting the dude is Blueberry's dad. The eyes/face are similar, and didn't Benny and Blue come from Io?
You're sounding more like an old man each day, step
> again
I don't think this comic ever stopped

are you some kind of idiot?

Yeah I think most of us gave up on understanding it. Hence the desc in the pastebin

Guy's not dead, this flashback is probably just his introduction.

Io is the fantasy magic land that doesn't exist
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> scratching bf's chin like a kitty
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and a useless page
>Shaun of the dead
Speak for yourself
The freaking banner for one
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> kiss cures this guy's color blindness and also induces an acid trip
my first kiss was lame
Oh right Haven's the bullshit place
Demon Street
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Always Raining Here

Adrian has the right idea, children are gross and annoying
You guys really have so much patience. Shotgunned like nine of these things and now i'm addicted. WHY DO THESE UPDATE SO SLOWLY? );
Once you follow a handful of comics regularly it feels less slow. And the unfortunate reality is that artists can only do so much at a time. Nature of the beast, I guess.
A bunch of faggots constantly spamming the cuddleporn buzzword fill this thread every day
No, very few of us are patient
What is gendersnake and what comic has done this?
Kaito shuno
when you consider how many pages come out a month, along with the fact that almost all webcomic artists have dayjobs, the update rate is usually pretty reasonable. It just seems slow cause imagine how slow a book might feel being handed a new page every day. This continual update system is pretty shitty really, but it's really the only way an artist can maintain a web-presence not forgotten.
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They are gonna fuck, and the children are gonna find them fucking.
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> robot's face in the last panel
> "I have no dick and I must scream"
>your smile lights the way

Every smile looks like a donkey getting power fucked with a dido.
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>do you want to play with children?
Carter... I have breast cancer.
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>blushing robot
hockey homo updated with a good few pages. http://yaahockeyhomo.tumblr.com i think it's in the pastebin but if not
>Hockey Homo
>Carter "Crush" Howe is a gay guy and hockey star player at an all-boy's boarding school in Canada who begins to rethink his promiscuous lifestyle after he starts cheating on his long-time boyfriend.
>Very NSFW
>Once every blue moon for the English version, but quite regularly for the German version (http://animexx.onlinewelten.com/doujinshi/thema/7080_Hockey_Homo/order_0_0/57764_Hockey_Homo/)
The translator isnt very accurate some times, just pointing that out
yeah there's a few spelling and grammar mistakes here and there, but nothing too major if you're used to reading scanlated doujins
With each page it gets more difficult to ignore the art

This is a pretty stupid comic but holy shit is it hot. Didn't realize it was german
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Obnoxious Hero-kun
19 Days


Yessss we return to those side characters. All that fanart must have worked.

> 你欠操么 literally ‘are you desperate to be fucked’ or could mean ‘are you looking for an ass whooping’
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O Human Star

> Whoever formatted your brain was very very sloppy
Implying what exactly? That pre-format it was programmed to kill??
Dragon Husbands
FUCKING YES! Monsterkind came out of the closet!

For the pastebin:
Updates Tuesdays and Fridays

Monsters live in a world where they are "separate but equal" (hah) from humans. Main character is a social worker reassigned to the monster sector. Has both gay and genderless characters so far, the blue one is totes adorbs.
>Monsterkind came out of the closet!
there's gay in this shit? Well then

>angry vampire dude
shoulda known
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This Is Not Fiction starts a new chapter
And tentacle arms. Hot.
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>blocked due to age limit
>make an account as 25+ something
>still can't look at it
The most uninteresting holiday filler yet with Missing Monday
The qt in that very pic is almost outright stated to be bi. [spoiler]A shame he likely won't win.[/spoiler]
>angry vampire dude
with ice powers
this is a good comic, I was going to suggest it for the pastebin but never got around to it
Mad's grandfather died.
She's taking a break until January 8th
animexx is like y-gallery, you gotta send them id for them to verify your age
Wait they do that now at y-gallery?

Thank God tumblr porn became a thing.
What comic?
Kaito shuno
The Prince and The Swan
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Huge Their Story update

Why am I not reading this comic? That single page has more drama and story development than the last two months of ToY.
>how could anyone not like you
Pretty much
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>none of my favs updated for a while
>decide to read a fanfic
>don't bother looking at the warning tags
>mpreg with married cuckold deciding to raise rape twins

I don't know why I did that.
Never again. I'll stick to my web comics.
Hey, this is not bad, both drawings and story.
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So... does blonde return her feelings in the end? I can't tell
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speaking of which I was sure this comic was abandoned but not yet it would seem
oh god that makes me want to cry
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holyshit i was re-reading BBF and the artstyle has improved by MILES.

Although u can see it in all the character's distinct designs that they're based around contrasting geometric form, they REALLY were at the start, at the expense of good design. Like some shit a first-year character design student rushes for a project. Vincent's head is an upside down pyramid. If it's comic art at the start vs. current pseudochapters with current art quality I'd pick the latter, no question.
Vincent ' nose also changed from a little slope into a gigantic triangular snoz jutting out of his face.

He looks much better with the new change imo
oh also Lois flirts with John in the early chapters to a really bizarre extent compared to how their relationship is portrayed later.
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Gunnerkrigg Court
Grab Finds a Dog
whats this comic about anyway and how is it lgbt related? may start reading it
He's asking for that next.
It's only tangentially related, due to schoolgirl lesbians and the gay robot and shadow.
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poor Eve
holy shit I just realized Meredith drew Eve's panels like they were the cabins of the Wheel that's fucking cool
>you will never "fool around" with Gannet
just kill me now senpai
Did robot jesus want to get feelings just to fug shadowboy?
This comic just hits me right in the feels as a 24 year old who doesn't know what he's doing in life.
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man this comic is pretty accurate, a polygamous twink who has no interest in an actual relationship.
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I can't believe I've never seen this comic posted here.

>Bagjwi Sayug
>Korean, new transfer student befriends weird vampire boy and feeds him blood/takes care of him and they ~fall in love~ (sounds generic but it's well-written)
>not NSFW yet, in fact their relationship (or lack thereof) moves super slow
>updates once a week I think?
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it's like twilight all over again
Now in the pastebin.

For those that haven't noticed, I always respond when I update the pastebin with a new comic. If you don't get a response like this, I didn't see your post, and it didn't get put in the pastebin.
You should start reading it regardless...I think it's one of the best webcomics ever.

I think I read this comic before, and it's called Always Raining Here. I wonder when the awkward handjob will come in to play?

lol twink h8

> Mangafox
No way that's the actual source.

This is the original comic:

Don't you fucking put mangafox into the pastebin
Updated the pastebin with this link.
I had legitimately never heard of this website until today. I changed it after someone in the Skype chat explained it to me.
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yay thanks

Mare Internum is now in interlude mode, hope you like depressed moody teens in hoodies
Yeah I read it on the site but just picked that up too, looks amazing.
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Griefer Belt
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Last time I started a Korean webcomic, it never finished translating and I was disappointed. I hope this one is different
A Korean transfusions?
Also holy shit why are there so many bisexual vampires
You're breaking his heart, bird boy.
and? just because a twink wouldn't sleep with your sorry ass doesn't mean they can't have sex with other people
why do they use that ugly ass doritos orange colour as a theme for this comic?
Why, what's wrong with it?
Why is this comic gay again?
I guess because it's an ugly ass comic.
>Also holy shit why are there so many bisexual vampires

because majority vampires are naturally bisexual creatures. They just come off that way.
Main character is gay and also got bad-touched by his step dad.

I think this guy Toby thats coming over is probably his fuckboy
oh wow, another fast update

>page 86c
oh forgot, the name of the comic is Their Story
Anon, I'm so glad I beat you to this, you keep posting only the last part of the multipart updates... I mean surely "86c" was a hint?

Dragon Husbands update
oh sorry, reread your post. My mistake. I thought you only posted the first part of the comic update.
It's just /a/ and their dumb memes.
It's basically the manga version of streaming, it's haram in the eyes of /a/.
> polygamy
-gamy = females. I somehow don't think birdtwink is fucking girls. Use polyamory or slut instead, or polyandry if you feel like tumblrfedoraing.
actually, the bisexual guy's a human. the only vampire so far is pure homo
It's because mangafox is a shit site that puts their shitty watermark on everything and allows for low quality scans and translations to be uploaded so they can continue making money off ads.

I've seen rough translations from LT threads be hastily pasted onto awful looking scans by shady scanlation groups to then be uploaded on mangafox. I bet they also have bots on Batoto like mangapark and mangareader does to copy chapters directly to their respective site. You really can't call it stealing per se, because scanlation groups do it for free, but it's incredibly dishonest of mangafox to make ad revenue off of chapter submissions that haven't gone through quality control yet by the people they're ripping it from just for the sake of being first.
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If the translation wasn't total shit, this comic would be perfect. I want nothing more than to get roughly fucked and bled over by a cute ginger twink.

No, polygamy is not sex specific, you're thinking of polygyny. In any case, they do mean polyamory unless he's getting married.

> literally a two second search in Google

Forms of polygamy[edit]

Polygamy exists in three specific forms: polygyny - wherein a man has multiple simultaneous wives; polyandry - wherein a woman has multiple simultaneous husbands; or group marriage - wherein the family unit consists of multiple husbands and multiple wives.
what's the name of this one again?
Kaito Shuno
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Just made a fresh edit of this shitty comic. Anyone else have any they've made, or some old classics? They always make me chuckle.
if i had the time, i would proofread and clean up every translated page to make it flow smoother. i have no idea where fujoshis get the drive to do all of this typesetting and shit. but yeah, this comic deserves a decent translation
my fucking sides
I love the background bitty with jack story
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Agents of the Realm
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I just binge-read all of the complete asexual webcomics in the pastebin.

W-will I ever f-find my qt3.14, /lgbt/?
Not as long as you overinflate a completely treatable sexual disorder into your core identity, ass clown.

>but they used to call gay a disorder

And that was rejected after it was shown it did not respond to treatments and contributed to no malfunctioning inherently. Neither of those apply to your low libido and probable social anxiety. Fuck off, there's no A in LGBT.
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Always Raining Here updated

> Even god has given up on these two
Jesus christ calm down
What crawled up your ass and died?
Ah I see. Thanks for elaborating. I may choose not to use mangafox in the future for early scans and wait for quality from better people.
>Falling directly downwards.

>Carter dies
>Sad funeral
>Lots of Adrian tears
>The End.
Isn't that what you say when someone's farts smell bad?

Yes, I believe the phrase you're looking for is, "Who farted on your birthday cake?"
Mods, please sticky this.
>Fast forward to hospital
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These comics suck ass and contribute nothing positive to the world. No one is motivated by reading these. What a waste of time and a lack of talent. This is how this board makes me feel, as well as your entire "movement" our generation will no doubt to nuked or slaughtered brutally like muslims thanks to degenerates like you.
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Sometimes I remember that no gay webcomic is ever going to be as good as TJ and Amal and I get sad

Also, does anyone remember Black Dram? That sure was fun
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> awkward shitty kissing
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Tied in Red
Anime blushing hobo men kiss like dogs.
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Demon Street
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Does a mental investment in webcomics set you up for unrealistic romantic expectations or cause delusional thinking?

I would imagine that such problems would be amplified in lonely or virginal people, without a solid basis for realistic relationships.
i think it does. Relationships, at least mine, are practical and based in choice. A lot of lgbt webcomics sweep readers off of their feet (including me still) with unabashed love and angst. Really, this happens, but mostly during high school.

I think this helps people connect to a comic but it hurts people's expectations when it comes to love and relationships and sex. Really, people are shitty, or have problems, or can be limited. Webcomics don't really show that.
Mental investment in anything sets you up for unrealistic expectations.
If you're dumb enough to mistake fiction and fantasy for real life, that's your problem. Alot of naive young people think life is like their favorite movie, book, or video game.
There goes that over hype for TJ and whatever again.
I just had an idea for a business for a kind of dating manga larping camp. Adults with money could live out the fantasy and have a fun vacation. Fall in love or deeper in love with their mate.
How many interested people would have the money and time? Most of us of are /basement autismbux/ yeah?
Doesn't stop LARPERS from pretending to be knights and shit

The problem is your user base being autistic and weird. Because romance fantasy larping is based on intimacy, you're so much more liable for sexual harassment issues. Especially when people finish a fantasy session and can't seem to get it through their heads that they were just role playing
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>I never want to make you sad again
Why is he so fucking based
T f w n o a d r I a n to protect me
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Its hype is totally 100% fair
go read it m8
Happy New Year guys. Love you.
I don't care about gay men falling in love so probably not
What the fuck are you here for then?
Last I checked lesbians fell under lgbt. Did that change and I not get the memo?
Just because you don't like the material doesn't make it a bad webcomic. And calling it overhyped when you haven't even read it is stupid as fuck.

All the attention TJ and Amal gets is well deserved.
Pls stop, you're tearing this family apart
Over-hyped does not equal bad what are you talking about calm down your fav can still be your fav babe

dude chill out.

I'm les and I liked TJ and Amal. Well drawn, OBSESSIVELY planned out, fucking check those author's note, jesus christ.

That being said, it's a interesting slice of life story with a disappointing ending. And the drugs thing with TJ? I doubt crack dealers are going to be okay with you stealing money like that. I thought there was gonna be a crazy chase and shit.

But yeah that ending, whew boy that really was no need for the silent panels of TJ disappearing and Amal going after him in the tattoo shop. It really lacked something... substantial.
I think the epilogue would have helped give it more of a closure feel, but no one's posted it yet :(

I was hoping the anon that bought it would post it as a Christmas gift but that didn't pan out.
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like look at this picture of TJ's past, why NOT put that into your comic?! Wasted untold story right there.
I said I liked lesbian stories, not that I was a lesbian. Your sexuality doesn't determine what kind of comics you like, holy shit . I'm glad you're a lesbian who likes the comic congrats

I'm glad you guys all liked it. I couldn't get through it, sorry I don't share your opinion about how great it was
Haha well I guess you must be a terrible person then since you don't like the things that I like!
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So BFF updated http://bffcomic.com/ch/CH24.html

it's a pretty good one
Happy new year, everyone!
>Vincent and Teddy actually just being friends

holy shit, really gotta give props to the authors for dropping their OTP and going with Louis and Vincent instead. JAYSUS
I was expecting this eventually, but the ski chapter + this chapter was a perfect device to introduce their relationship.
>we get the Best Friends Forever ending
Fuck yeah!

Also, I thought Vincent was going to college on a music scholarship. Unless some miracle opportunity comes up, which isn't entirely impossible, he's fucked.
Gawd I'm tearing up... I can relate to so much in this comic it hurts, too bad a comfortable resolution like that is so hard. Also, is Vincent really completely over Teddy? I find that hard to believe 100%

I suppose the next chapter(s?) will be Louis having to accept taking his and other people feelings seriously (or not) and wrapping up loose ends with Dr Bijapur and others. Sad it'll probably be over soon.
Look at Teddy's face in the last picture. I'm not so sure that we're getting a friendship ending.
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Are you guys blind? Look at their faces in the last few pictures.
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Gee it's not like that little shit teddy lied and both are now even more miserable.
>file name
Seth would murder Eddie without a hint of irony.
sorry the anon who bought it was me, but I totally forgot about it at some point.

what's a good file sharing website?
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nevermind, found one!
happy new year
I've to say, I was kind disappointed by it, but I'm glad anyway to give my support to the artist.
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>half-decent writing in a homo webcomic
Well that's just like your opinion man
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Actually I thought it was pretty great. Was a cool idea painting out three possible scenarios like that. I'd give it a solid 9/11 for sure.

Reminds me that it really was quite an outstanding webcomic.
thanks for the upload man.

Much more satisfying conclusions than the ending in the original webcomic.
I know, it's beautiful. I actually laugh at the dialog but not because it's horrible.
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new year butts.jpg
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Putting this in the Pastebin now.
What... what are even their genders.
One is a robot and the other a shadow, it's like shipping mayonnaise and glass.
>shipping mayonnaise and glass.
Check your human privilege.
I think they are both male.

The robot is male just like Mass effect 2 EDI is female
how the fuck does a robot even blush?
both are male.

i think it's not actual blush, just something to show us the reader that robot is flustered since he lacks a face to show it.
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he's overheating

adrian's bulge in that pic always gets me

oh lordy me! i don't even know what to say, i'm glad louis is getting some more perspective and looks like he's a little less selfish though
>6 more days until sakana update

Why live
looks more like a vagine hump than a dick bulge to be honestly
It's defo a bulge.
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Female masturbation, for those that are interested.
That awkward moment when your boss walks in on you naked squatting on a dildo, everyone's been there right?
Aww shit, i don't want her heartbroken.
>tfw the qt shy glasses girl is straight as fuck

feels bad man, her pussy is sublime
This is just a pathetic display.
I have this bad feeling they are going to turn Seth into a biscum.
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Exterminatus When.jpg
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Hasn't the writer specifically stated that Seth is definitely gay?

I don't recall. It's possible that they could still make him bi on spur of the moment, though. Or just use the triangle to cause all kinds of drama.
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Yes because people were asking because they wanted to see him fuck Elizabeth.
I'm having a bad feeling about this skooks.
I love you, anon
May 2016 be the best year of your life
damn. that's so good
Judging by the most recent update, Im afraid hes just gonna go back to being a huge jerk with all this progress undone.

But thats just the cynic in me.
Nah, man, he's gonna act like the huge jerk with all this progress undone, but we'll get ocassional glimpses at his sweet and caring new core and the edge will be gone when he insults Jiro.

Or he could, ya know, actually turn out to be a decent friend when he feels a tad comfortable around Jiro, Taro and Taisei, like when he was mad drunk.
i'm hoping that others actually helping him out of a tough situation & showing they really care will help, but it depends on where that mean streak is coming from. i haven't read the comic super carefully so maybe it's explicitly due to insecurities etc., which would be a good sign.
i haven't been here in awhile; does anyone post updates for demon street, knights errant or prague race? i don't know if i'm up to committing to doing it if not, but i have actually started using an rss reader again which makes things easier.
I've been posting Knights Errant updates, but I think it's been dead for awhile.
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oh no harry.png
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Is it just me or the protag from knight's errand is a mudslime?
Also it's not dead, it' has been updating pretty regularly.
Demon Street is also posted. Not sure about Prague Race though, didnt even know it was lgbt.
one of the three main characters turned out to be trans. it was revealed pretty tastefully too.
Monsterkind updated
wait, is this the one with the really tumblr noses?
Oh, nevermind. I haven't been seeing their tumblr posts with each update, so I assumed it was dead
> tfw author perfectly captures what it's like as an acutely depressed person to find out that people legitimately like you
> those bitter-fucking-sweet feels
Pastebin anon, is BFF waifu tier already?

We might anyway. This kid is so self deprecating that he'd try to throw away a relationship just to preserve a friendship.


Thanks so much for this! I would have paid for it if the author would only fucking let me. (Did the kickstarter late, only omnibus was available)

thanks for this qt butt

You failed to ctrl+f this thread. I post Demon Street now that it's obviously lesbian tier. I don't post Prague Race unless the gay couple is shown because most of it isn't gay. Obviously I still keep up with it though, it's fucking great.

Not bothering to keep up with Knights Errant cause who knows when the author will chuck everything out and start over again. Assumed someone who actually liked it would post it.

Wait really? I haven't caught up with my updates yet.

You're thinking of Tobias and Guy, probably. Or half the fucking comics we post
Phew okay so I'm back from a mini-vacation for New Years, I'mma post my backlog now

Grab Finds a Dog has three pages starting here:
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uh oh
no, i'm thinking of the one about monsters & the social worker that had a triangle nosed guy and a clown. that one wasn't gay last i saw, but one character on the page reminded me a lot of the landlord guy
Vampire drama incoming?
also i wouldn't really call the prague race couple gay since one of them's not a guy
Shoot Around

Uhh yes he is? They refer to him as "he?" Are you considering him genderless maybe?
okay which couple are you thinking of, because i thought you meant flower eye guy & the masked person. i don't remember older events in the comic very well, though
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Oh I guess this is old, here is the 2016 art

Kind of a sobering blog post: http://fritzfargo.com/2016/01/2015-2016/
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Yes, that couple. Isn't the masked person a he?

Shaderunners ends the chapter
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no, everyone uses they pronouns for them
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Obnoxious Hero-kun
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> thank god for beards
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This Is Not Fiction
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The Night Belongs To Us

> tfw can't offer your blood to your vampire gf
Griefer Belt
oh shit, she's gonna eat the cat.
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Behind the Obsidian Mirror

updates will continue to be sparse; author just gave birth to her first kid
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Ohhhh shit, he doesn't appear in pictures.
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3 pages of Mare Internum starting here:

holy fuck this kid might be even more depressed than Teddy
first time I've heard of a fujoshi actually having a hubby and getting kids.
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I really like this qt brown guy, too bad he's probably going to suffer a lot.
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No End
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Just about everyone in that comic suffers a lot

Jamie abruptly starts a new chapter
The two women who wrote Teahouse are both married.
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> Here, shove this in your face hole
> not a dong
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The Prince and The Swan
The moment the Alien Hand Syndrome author has been waiting for: his first yuri page. Too lazy to censor so here is a direct link


Pastebin anon may want to update pastebin
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Cans of Beans
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Buying Time

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Agents of the Realm
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Dragon Husbands
Not everyone, the snow white boy got pretty much a pampered life if you compare to everyone else. My brown dude is servant to a sadistic god so that pretty much screws him for life.
>"yes swallow everything you slutty cutie"
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blush oh no.png
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Wait, who's that?
>inb4 it's a girl
>Xiayu’s SUPER HOT sister!!
according to author
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I'm shreked.jpg
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I was happy for a moment before that page, now I'm starting to literally hate the author.
>twink decides he wants to fool around, but is completely averse to monogamy or commitment

I thought this was supposed to be fictional?>>5488697

haha suck it, it's hot girl. YES.

Don't be so bitter cuz you fell for a reverse trap.
Actually I was kind of happy because "whew finally someone that doesn't seem crazy". Then it's a girl, THEN that fucking twink is blushing already.

Anyway, either she and Loong are twins or the author has a terrible case of sameface on his hands.
Now I can have a qt dragon waifu. Excellent.
Wanna bet the author will proceed to shit on mai husbando and put his sister on a pedestal?
why? He's gay or at least a bi who vastly prefers men.
This comic won't let itself get boring. I fucking love it.
They better not. His character is cute, too.
Oh, so Fritz being a giant fucking drama queen is just the author putting themselves into the work.
Updating it for NSFW tags now.
I hope she's gay too. I like gay things.
nah I liked the open ending, maybe what I didn't like was that all these stories were too short.
There was a story she made with tj going to amal family's house that seemed to be more promising

I really hope so, 2015 it's been a shitty year
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who updates the pastebin anyway? can anyone can? whitehall seems to be deleted and could you put seafoamdiary under kaito shuno. after a 2 month hiatus it was actually updated.
>I want sex
What kind of shitty writing is that
>who updates the pastebin anyway?
I do.
>whitehall seems to be deleted
Is there another website I can use as the link? Should I just delete it outright?
>could you put seafoamdiary under kaito shuno
which one of these shitty webcomics has the best sex scenes? I just want to jerk off, and I've already beat it to everything on sad panda
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jesus the writing made me laugh

truly kaito shuno is a meme comic.
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Can't Look Back

now that everyone's back from winter vacation we need a new thread soon. any ideas?
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Demon Street
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Stereophonic guest comic
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And with that we've hit the bump limit
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what the fuck am I reading 1.png
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I still liked.
>not bad dong
these two are too cute, it's all i want in life
Now in the pastebin.
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Someone make a new thread. I'm on my phone, so I can't :(
new thread
This is one of the worst-written comics I've ever seen. They keep introducing new characters and conflicts/events without bothering to follow up or resolve any of them. Art is fugly and inconsistent, too.
Thread posts: 319
Thread images: 132

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