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I honestly don't believe MtFs that realized they were trans

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I honestly don't believe MtFs that realized they were trans in their mid 20s or older and had no thoughts or feeligns about it before.
Just seems like straight up bs.
I've never heard another trans person say that. It more seems like repression/inability to process trans feels.
This. I always felt like shit/felt different but I spent years thinking it was either normal, tried to repress it, or just couldn't make sense of it all.
Don't know anyone who didn't feel or think about shit before transition, it isn't like a switch that gets flipped. Its just finding self acceptance and getting into a position where you can transition, takes some people longer.
also had no idea being a fem was real possibility, so we just kept going and living life

Yeah I mean, I fantasized about coming out to my dad at like 14 and managed to bury that one for an additional 6 years. Denial is a powerful thing.
I don't know, op. If someone told me trans people existed when I was nine I would have transitioned then. I't just that I didn't know it was possible to transition until I was 14.
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I know what you mean, I did the same thing, only deciding to transition at 24. Always wanted to be qt gril but didn't know it was a thing.

I think OP is talking about the guys who come on here, ask if they're trans, say they never had any hint, never thought about it before, it just one day occurred to them >>5425925 like a switch that gets flipped. Not like they were repressing it.

tbhonest it always sounds like bullshit, I can't imagine just suddenly thinking I should transition without carrying that with me my whole life. But just because I can't imagine how something feels doesn't mean it's not a real thing.
I had seen pictures of ugly neckbeards becoming qt girls and thought that was awesome in a surreal way. I always looked at girls like it would ve nice to look like them, and I always thought being a guy was like some kind of heavenly punishment. But it didn't occur to me that I could be trans until literally 4 months ago.

Sucks, because I'm 22 now and if I can't overcome self-doubt fast enough I'll just end up a hon or forever alone.
There are 25 year olds who started and wound up passing. You're not necessarily fucked. Post a pic of your face, if you want opinions.
Yeah I can already tell I'm mostly not fucked except for my voice.
What I'n really struggling with is terrible self-esteem and emotional numbness since puberty. I'm not yet in a mental state where I can fully actknowledge and share what I'm feeling, but I'm slowly getting there.
Because I didn't have access to anime before.
Well it's because I didn't have a girlfriend when I was growing up which gradually made me anxious until I said fuck it I just become my own girlfriend.
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I didn't want it to be true because I didn't think I could do anything except ignore it and hope for the feeling to go away for good.

Then I found all those timelines.
people probably look at this and think wow that horse grew its hair out but i think it does a decent job showing redistribution of facial fat, etc. they look like a girl. not all girls are attractive.
You are me
Some people are raised in a religious cult and think they can pray the gay away and that god will fix them and if they kill themselves they'll just spend an eternity in hellfire and didn't grow up with free access to information or the internet and so didn't even know what transitioning was and were simply made to feel like a pervert until they were old enough to free themselves of that. That doesn't mean they didn't realize it.

But I certainly don't know anyone like that.
I couldn't make sense of what I felt. Thought it was probably normal to feel depressed, hating your body and thinking about being a woman.

Decided to try and deal with it as it didn't even occur to me that transition was a thing, and I would do my best to just live as a gay man. This was all through my 20's. Anyway late 20's I couldn't really function as a human being anymore, was ready to off myself and finally started looking more thoroughly into what I was feeling and actually started to explore the option of transitioning.

Anyway started HRT at 28 so I ain't gonna be some QT.
pretty good progress considering she started out looking like ronnie james dio
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Yeah, her jaw really rounded out

>Thought it was probably normal to feel depressed, hating your body and thinking about being a woman.
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transexuality is bs in every way you mongoloid. if you're now wolling to cure yourself from that after you reached your 20s, even if slowly, just kill yourself my man
>I didn't know trans existed hurr
Literally one google search could have filled you dumby. There has been transsexual porn since the 1990s
Doesn't pass at all
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What I mean is that I didn't know good/ real transiton was a thing.

Up until a few years ago, the stereotypes were so bad and so pervasive that I just knew I didn't want it (old hon/ fetishist kind of transition/ look). I though it was like "shave, implants, dick yanked off" so I never thought it applied to me or looked into it. Like you have to be really fucked up to want "that" kinda thing, so to me I thought it was a whole different thing
Exactly my point, you don't need to know transexuals exist to know you want to be a girl.
You might have been put off of transition until you knew it was something you could do. But
that feeling and knowledge should have been there all along.
>well uh when I was 7 I touched a barbie once so now that i think about it yeah! I did know all along

AGP pls
good lord. how can someone be THAT ugly.
Denial is a hell of a drug. Some folks try to convince themselves they aren't by (in MtF's cases) doing stereotypically uber-masculine stuff to "make me a real man." Some folks' denial phases last longer than others.

But that's selfish and wrong anon, you should be sharing your boypussy with a guy.
jfc op is specifically talking about not this. Denial != suddenly having the idea
This, completely

>put on female clothes at 12
>feel awful
>dive into the closet for seven years
>know it's a thing
>too scared to do anything about it

either option I have is bad

>do something and family might hate me and stuff , would be embarrassing

>kill myself, family probably would be sad but wouldn't know I was a faggot

>do nothing, not sure if I can do that much longer
As much as I'm one of the exceptions, your post is definitely more broadly accurate than OP

Also OP, trans people being completely invisible means a lot of people who would still not be in a position to process trans feels.

And I know a lot of teen transitioners who definitely do not seek absolute invisibility at all costs except insofar as they pass in cis society.
For me it went slowly from merely disliking being male, to being disturbed by being a male, to feeling like I can't live being a male.
what the hell are you talking about?
I aint talking about passing girl, I'm talking about fake ass trannys who transition out of no where. Probably because they have a fetish or watched an anime.
Some bitches be like
>I repressed it subconciously i didnt even know it wuz there
like bitch stop you never thought you were trans and never wanted to be a girl.
it's narcissism and constant hunger for attention that drives people to transition case in point gigi gorgeous
he only transitioned to get more views
>I'm talking about memes
Are you even trans, OP?
nice reaction image
As an FtM I could say I didn't know being FtM was a possibility until I saw Chaz Bono on DWTS
Duh I'm trans
Oh so you're one of those.

Did you just start transitioning or some shit? Complaining about other trannies won't make you less insecure. The old primary sexual diagnosis applied up to the 30s anyway.
Well, it depends where you grew up, your family values and all that shit. You have the notion of things by instinct but people around you will insist you are confused, that's wrong or not possible.

And I have to be honest: I question people saying the opposite. How do you know you're fucking trans when you're five or eight???? THAT sounds like BS.

At that age you're still developing. You can change your mind during your teens.

Sometimes I think this shit is really a mental illness and we are sick. Fuck.
>androgynous likes and dislikes at age 8 or so
>like femininity at ~12 but have to keep up masculine facade because public school
>accept reality at ~16 but can't act because risk of family disowning you/need parental consent for hormone shit
>say nothing because^
>~18 weigh pros and cons
>be scared for a few years
>come out at 21/22 because finally have courage
>lol puberty full onset, now you're masculine no matter what
>indecision fucked your life
>desperately try to cope with new reality
>can't do it
>kill yourself

This seems like a pretty common story.
you are just a butch dyke on testosterone. you are not a man. you are a masculine woman.

pretending you are male wont get you straight girls

gigi didnt transition to get boobs, gigi transitioned to get with "straight" guys. these are the type of homophobic flammers that hate feminine men like them so they market themselves to the chaser crowd instead
she looks better than me lol

im close to the last step
>implying suicide is that common
I know 4chan doesn't know how2stats, but a higher suicide rate isn't the same thing as the "they all kill themselves" meme, and the attempt rate is based on living, post transition trans women.
im a living post transition trans woman and im gonna kill myself soon
>I'm an anonymous anecdote
Sure you are
ugly but happy
Why would anyone give a fuck what you think?
I've been transitioning since I was 16. >>5430328
I dunno??? Just expressing an opinion. Why would I give a fuck about what you think?
OK I never really had a moment where my gender clicked early on I just went with the flow. I had been trending more masc until recently but I still never really thought of myself as male. Really I was just trying to stay out of anyone's crosshairs and avoid attention. Only in the last few years have I really gotten into my own style and started going through emotional puberty where I came to the conclusion that being male was not for me. I have dressed cute since I started dressing myself (having the perceived freedom to wear what I want and not thinking I have to fit some image or fear retribution) and have always been seen as more femme since forever.

I even spent a good 3 years as a female on a board back in the day, being promoted to mod and having tons of friend while presenting as female and nobody questioned me, ever.

Similar to whats been said the image of a man transitioning has always been negative, even if they are just showing their femme side. The connotation built (buffalo bill, that guy rubbing his nips from little nicky, many jokes about drag queens throughout media history etc.) was very negative so alot of us were unable and unwilling to give into how we felt because we didn't want to be associated with that. Only recently have I felt right enough about it to even consider dressing more femme and even that is a loose term because I consider femme anything from H&M mens section. Your experience may differ, but that is mine.
Ill have you know I tried to cut my penis off when I was 2!

These fucking fakes, amirite trutrans sistas?
How did you know when you were 16? Didn't you want to be normal...

What is your background? Are you some poorfag whose family had no expectations for so you just sat around thinkin about your gender?
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I was more than sure at 16. It was all that was on my mind since elementary school. I wasn't worried about being normal, I was worried about being happy with my body.
My family really did have no expectations for me lol.
>I consider femme anything from H&M mens section

oohhhhh girl...
What happened with reviewbrah anyway?
He transitioned and is now lorde.
He looks like a better look guy after taking the pills.
Same here. Lingering feelings for years now to become a girl haunts me.
The doubt that exists is whether those feelings are just lust warped in a convincing way.

At 22 years of age, I feel like it's already too late. It will take too long to run away from my past, and the farm and narrator-esque voice does not assist in becoming more feminine I suppose.

I have resigned myself to finding a mtf, and support her with all the love and care to become the best girl she can be, and the one I never could.
Farm work I meant to say.
You're right. When I started to think about it more, first thoughts about my transsexuality was about a 6 years old or so.
I had feelings of hating being a man and wishing I was a girl all my life, but I repressed them because I didn't know transitioning was a possibility.
I'm 25 and I've had thoughts and feelings about it my entire life but haven't come to deal with them until now.

I know atleast for me, there was a huge time of denial, trying to force myself from not transitioning.
Well I wasn't thinking about my gender in elementary school. I was just focusing on getting good grades and making friends and stuff. I don't see how that makes you more legitimate than me, people are different and lots of people develop at different rates. Perhaps you are just more mature for your age to be able to think things like that. I could not think that far out of the box until I grew up more like 18-19. But I am happy you are happy and stuff. Im almost there myself
Yet you probs transitioned at like 26 instead of OP who had real concrete feelings and actually acted on them
but how many of those suicides aren't even reported as mtf suicides because the person that killed themselves never told anyone ?
No, I'm 19 and about to start HRT because my country it's the most simplest ways.
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