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Anyone with gay parents or grandparents? Just found out my granddad

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Anyone with gay parents or grandparents? Just found out my granddad is gay.

> Talking with my great grandfather.
> Decided I was gonna come out to him. Do it.
> " I always knew you were a faggot. "
> " Too much sugar in your blood. You practically scream it. "
> Me: " Granddad don't be like that. It's hard being gay today. You're better than that. "
> " You don't know what hard is. "
> " Back when I was your age we were beaten to death if the wrong people found out. "
> " I remember my boy, back when I was in the navy. His name was Daniel. "
> " He was an angel. He'd wear my uniform, but it was too big for him. Made him look like he was wearing pajamas. "
> " He'd wear my cover and it'd sag down around his ears, curly tuffs of golden blond hair sticking out. His hair was brighter than the sun. "
> " He had the bluest eyes you'd ever seen. They were blue like the water of the Keys and lit with starlight. "
> " I think you'd call him a 'Twink' these days. Man who looks like a 12 year old boy, or a young woman? "
> " We just called them bitches. "
> " Eventually after an incident I married your grandmother as a deal not to lose my career. She was a good woman but she was poor. "
> " You kids these days can't grow up. You want everything handed to you. "
> " I may not have wanted her, but I was faithful to your grandmother. "
> " Gave her kids, she deserved them. Made sure she was taken care of till she died. Made sure to raise the kids proper. "
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> " But my angel? My Daniel was murdered by a drunk, because of what he was. "
> " I got together with a couple of the sailors who were also faggots, and told them what happened. "
> " The police didn't care you see. "
> " But I was heart broken, and my pals knew how much I loved him. "
> " So we found him, got him in a back alley and beat the shit out of him. "
> " Then I raped him. "
> " I'm no murderer. But we made sure he'd never have children, and he'd regret what he did. "
> " Some officers found out, and I ended up marrying your grandma, who was one of their sisters. "
> " Don't bitch at me about bigotry. You don't know what that is. "
> " I don't think you'll ever know real hate these days. "
> " And I'm happy about that, even if it does stunt your growth a little. "
> " Find your angel, and never let another man lay a finger on him. "
> " And if another man does hurt him, you break that man boy, you hear me? "
> " Break him, because it's the only thing that will make you feel better. "
> " But you'll never feel better. Not really."
> My granddad looks at his hands for a while.
> " I used to be so strong. "
> " I was like a god once. "
> " Please don't waste your youth. Cherish how strong you are. "
> " I didn't, and I couldn't protect the things I love. "
> " And now I can't maintain the obligations I've made to others. "
> " It's miserable to grow old as a man. "
> " It's miserable to be weak. "
> " Especially when you don't have the ones you loved with you anymore. "
i cried
Pretty sure your own gramps killed Daniel
>tfw easily pass for straight
>tfw closeted all through teens
>tfw this might have been me if I was born in a different time

good theory Professor
>implying being denied a wedding cake and being forced to go to another bakery isn't as bad
Get out, gramps
tfw no qt supportive beard to raise a family with
Damn, you should write short stories for a living. That was good stuff.
That story warmed my cold heart OP. ;_;
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Me too Anon-san
Let's cry together ; _ ;
I have always think that my mother may be a lesbian, but she is a bigot, she always insult me for being a tranny.
you know i will always cry with you.
;_; ;_;
I spent this Thanksgiving at a friends house and met a man there who had just realized he was gay and came out to his kids. He's 80 years old. Really a wonderful person and very open to talking about how he feels about this realization.

Their family is the type that goes around asking what everyone is thankful for and he said feeling comfortable in his own skin for the first time in his life.

80 years.

I misted up pretty hard.
That story was very very gay.
My uncle is gay, and he was a very frequent face in our household. He and my dad was always very close.

I'm happy I had him, I think knowing him was why I never viewed my own homosexual as anything that should be hidden.
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Old people need to learn that just because they had it worse it doesn't mean some people don't have it bad nowadays. Both -45 and -3 are on the negative scale, just because -45 is much further on the scale it doesn't mean -3 is positive.

Still, people complaining is good, it's the reason why things got better in the first place maybe we one day will be good enough.

This! More short stories!
>It's hard being gay today.

No it's fucking not, being trans is actually hard, being gay is fucking easymode.

Learn to turn off your fucking flames for once.
try making a career as an openly gay man if it's outside of usual gay fields (like film or journalism).
hint for the underage folks: it's going to be a lot harder for you than for others.
>who had just realized he was gay
>80 years old

This is some garbage, how the fuck do you got 80 years and not know you like dick? You'd have to be in like Mount Everest levels of denial.

And how the fuck can he be comfortable in his skin now? Because of his sexuality? Big fucking deal, there's more to life than who you want to fuck. It's fucking dumb, what's he gonna do start fucking other geriatrics now?

It's gross, he's wasted his life, he should've stay in the closet.

inb4 you're sad, no shit I post on 4chan plus my grandparents are dead and i never met them so fuck you.
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> tfw no femboy in a sailor uniform to protect.
no need to shit up the thread
t. tranny
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Yer granpappy sounds like a good guy. It must be tough for him, seeing how easy we've got it these days, and thinking about what happened to his boy.
>Then I raped him.
O-ok Gramps.

The only old gay in my family is my oldest uncle on dads side but he's really nice. Him and his guy lived together for maybe 50 years. His guy recently died this year but before that.

>at graduation hs family party
>he's telling me this "Everyone is proud of you now. Claiming you on both sides as having their brains and beauty. But when you fuck up no body will claim you. They'll say you're someone else s cousin, not theirs. Like your cousin fuckup over there."
>well that's kinda cryptic ty uncle
>gives me money tho
>later more and more gay
>welp shit
>later at family gathering again
>cousin and other aunt giving me shit over it
>old gay uncle tells me he told me so
>warned me fucking up this would happen
>well didn't know you were talking about being gay
>says I'm lucky to have my father at least
>my dad is the youngest brother of them
>uncle tells me story of being at a bar
>the one time he brought his guy over
>all 10 of his brothers/my uncles were there
>uncle #2 started shit over it
>they have this way of disciplining each other
>by just beating each other if one fucks up
>like one would steal so they beat him till he stopped
>or another beat his wife so a couple got together and beat him till he stopped
>they pull his guy
>uncle#3 & #4 easily beats him with a pool stick
>the others are gonna beat old gay uncle
>he's the biggest/oldest though so it's not easy
>dad was trying to talk them out of it from the start
>finally just grabs a stick and beats them all with old gay uncle
>one of the uncles still has a scar on his head from it
>and that's why dad has that scar on his eyebrow
>everyone is ok now
>cause they're still brothers
>but for a decade uncle#2 and he didn't talk
>my dad main reason he's still in the family
>cause dad would've left too
>plus also that cool aunt would've left too if dad/gay uncle left
>ask dad about it
>dads just "oh we always fought over anything, and uncle#2 is still an ornery asshole"
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that was stupid as fuck, op

>tfw no older gay relative to offer sage advice and feel camaraderie with
You're grandfather assaulted and Raped another Man, sounds like a terrible person, and should have been sent to prison.

Of course, assuming you didn't make that story up.

C'mon, at least try.

cool uncle.
uh, that's what all homosexuals do and it's why most normal people dont' want them anywhere around
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> " So we found him, got him in a back alley and beat the shit out of him. "
> " Then I raped him. "
rip in peices daniel
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Shit this gave me legit feels.
Your grandfather admitted to raping a dude?
It just means that you're a whiny lil bitch ass faggot. But you already knew that.
He's gay, that's what gay people do.
sure is nice that gay people are no longer discriminated against or disowned/assaulted/raped/murdered etc. I'd like to thank the old people for making today an lgbt utopia
>no contact with any extended family
>only have my mom
>no friends
>no point to come out
>fantasize about killing myself every single day
this never happened
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>Then I raped him.
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>Tfw your granddad calls you a shirtlifter
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>Wow, how cute
>Damn that's pretty sad. It's probably fake but still OP you're giving me fee-
>"Then I raped him."

that ruined it for me too
Why do any of you guys care about some het bigot that murdered a femboy twink in like, the 1950s or some shit. I'd say the guy is lucky he lived. Based granddad. Wish I had one.
Please don't
>Tfw your granddad calls you a shirtlifter
I was going to troll you by calling you a bottom bitch. But then I clicked on gif and now I feel bad. :( ;__;
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Good. I feel bad anyway
He tried to go to the police. The implausible part is that he didn't kill him. Even if he cut the dick off of the murderer, hard to imagine stopping there.

IDK what a shirtlifter is, but feel better about it.
Sort of the british equivalent of calling someone a faggot
When you do these revenge methods coolly aftwr letting it simmer vs. In a blind rage, you can arguably do even more creative/fucked up shit. Assuming this is real.

Apperently shirtlifter comes from a guy lifting up their shirt to take it up the ass.
Oh, well I think it's cute. And you smell nice today. Fuck yer granddad.
Anger doesn't always work like that. We often need someone to stop us. But I hear you. Thanks for explaining the term.
This. Bastard got what was coming to him.
You don't have to castrate a man to remove his ability to have children. Blunt force to the genitals can be sufficient
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What a legit story.


I can practically smell the chewing tobacco.
I hope this is fake af

>Apperently shirtlifter comes from a guy lifting up their shirt to take it up the ass.

But...they're still wearing pants. And who wears shirts that long anyway?
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dude it's a british term, obviously they're referring to chavs who, much like niggas, wear their pants around their knees w/ long ass wifebeaters
Being gay in 2015 is practically easier than being straight desu. Anyone who says otherwise either lives in a 4th world country (like anything arabic), or has a victim complex.
>being this clueless.
Third world rural USA resident here.
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