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Okay which one of you started this shit?

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Okay which one of you started this shit?
Wait. Is this pic suggesting to shoot the storm FROM ABOVE ?
why not just bomb the sea a little bit so vapotr gets sucked into the hurricane, thus slowing it down?
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Are you being serious?
>he can't fly
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Obviously he's door gunning.
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Theoretically, could the wind force of a cat5 like Irma blow away a bullet midflight and carry it miles away?
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Shoot a tornado to death.png
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We haven't even got the proof of concept down, we're not ready to move to hurricanes!
Could a nuke stop a hurricane if you were to detonate it in the eye? What if you nuked the center of an f-5 tornado
No. A hurricane contains such absurd amounts of energy a nuke will do nothing.
Guns aren't enough. We need to build a wall.
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Nuke irma.png
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No. >>35119124 is correct.

I've attempted to illustrate this with simple size. The top picture is the effects of a 300 kt nuclear warhead (Minuteman III), the bottom pic is the current size of Irma (and she's only getting bigger).
we're saving the wall for Jose.
Makes sense but what about dropping it on an f-5 tornado? I know it would probably cause more damage but would it completely stop one?
One major problem is these storms feed off warm air, and most bombs make warm air.

So unless they are very carefully placed and timed, odds are they will just make the storm stronger and radioactive.
>make the storm stronger and radioactive.

Does that mean we can finally have a Category 6?
Strength increase would be small, given how massive the storm is to the nuke.
But I there are some unusual nasty isotopes we could load to make it a radioactive nightmare.
Not sure how that would work in the rating system, but let's not find out.
Hurricanes eat vapor. Moron.
I might be mistaken, but if I recall correctly about ten years ago NOAA was experimenting with a "hurricane killer" bomb. The idea was that if you detonated a pressure bomb of sufficient force against the wall of the eye, you could disrupt the pressure system keeping the storm together, thereby breaking it into a series of smaller storms.

I'm no scientist and I'm probably wrong, but the concept seems sound enough on paper and I imagine it was probably more of an issue of scale rather than the idea having no merit at all.

"shoot the hurricane" is a different beast and an exercise in futility but related enough.
It's a ploy by (((them))) to make you waste your ammo
i want to insult you but it actually sounds viable

anti-hurricane bombs when
Why don't we just take Florida and push it somewhere else!
Saw an article about this when checking my emails. Obviously all the comments were left wing batshit crazy fucknuts who can't process the idea of satire. This storm isn't bringing enough water to put out the flaming faggotry.
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A purity seal a day keeps the heresy away!
What about anti-hurricane lasers?
Some homo on facebook before cnn thought it was worth reporting. You can go stand on the beach and shoot at clouds but Texas already did it, just not ironically.
You laugh but the Vietnamese or Chinks can't remember, actually shoot artillery at the sky, though the reason was to produce clouds and rain. Google it.
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Better start adapting to being underwater
what is this some kind of game where you can nuke cities on the map?
good plan boris
why not use microwave satellites to heat up water and send all the hurricanes to africa?
Why not just build a wall around the coast tall enough to block southern weather systems? Get Cuba to pay for it.
This is what I thought too. You don't have to completely explode a hurricane, you just need to disrupt the eye wall. It's a spinning thing, a little instability and it should weaken it.

Laser cold rays?
Cuba is the southern wall.

The problem is when it comes from the east.
I wonder when weather modification will be a thing? Turning weather into a weapon has long been a dream. How about using a Hurricane to spread radiation over a wide area? Basically turning it into a huge dirty bomb.

Hurricanes eat heat as fuel. The trade winds won't allow for a Hurricane to head for Africa. Heating up sea water even just a few degrees though could cause a Hurricane to undergo rapid intensification. Problem is it takes a lot of energy to heat up water and how would you do it covertly enough to not get caught would be difficult. Maybe a few dozen submarines following a storms track pumping as much heat into the water as possible?

Not really a game more like a way to tell yourself just exactly how fucked you are if WW3 breaks out. I use it to simulate just how I'd bring America to its fuckin knees with a handful of tactical weapons against soft targets. Destroy major oil refinery facilities and place put options against the oil companies for the next day. Cause massive fuel shortages and watch as America grinds to a halt.
redirect the fucking trade winds then nigger
>Okay which one of you started this shit?

I wish I had. Most excellent.But wait!

Are hurricanes a religious, ethnic, racial or sexual minority? Does stand your ground apply?
No radiation. Sharknado!

Not going to happen it would take too much energy. You're talking about modifying a global systems of winds. More local weather modification might be possible.

They're tried various methods to sap the strength of a Hurricane.


This was probably the most promising attempt to choke off the heat feeding a Hurricane. One other idea was to dump a water absorbing polymer into the clouds basically dissipating it. There was an attempt to destroy a thunderstorm off the coast of Florida using this method and there appeared to be success.
It's called "Nukemap"

I'm probably on some kind of list now for having simulated nuking Florida.
Nah, no one cares about Florida.
I honestly want to punch this anchor in the face.
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Would setting off Bombs or even high powered Fire works into the storm disrupt it?
See >>35119225
>Thinking so small

If Edward Teller were still alive he'd punch you square in the dick.
Thats the plot of sharknado
>ywn spend days planning a shot into a hurricane that will hit the target 5 days later
Would a Hydrogen bomb work
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The Minuteman uses a thermonuclear warhead. It's just rather small. The US did have one 83 times more powerful but they were retired in the 70s and later dismantled.
Look, nothing man-made approaches the amount of energy required. You'd need to redirect a comet or set of an earthquake that detonates a volcano to approach it.
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I got this boys
>set of an earthquake that detonates a volcano to approach it.
could we get irma to go over yellowstone?
>Look, nothing man-made approaches the amount of energy required.

It's about 30Mt TNT equivalent/hour. That's quite doable.
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all jokes aside, you can probably make it go away by shooting it
Underrated post
Basically porn to the ATF
>what could be worse than a giant hurricane????
Multiple giant hurricanes!!!!!!
Literal bullet storms


Setting off a nuclear weapon inside a hurricane in an attempt to break up the storm is only going to result in an atomic hurricane. You need to cool the storm to take away its fuel. I do wonder if using submarines equipped with giant radiators boiling sea water if you could intensify a hurricane.
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Is weather manipulation real? Tino foil hat weapons like HARRP or large scale cloud seeding able to create or fuel storms?
this, if you're not going to go for a megaton installation you're not thinking clearly
once the conditions are there, you can trigger storm by seeding it
you can't make the conditions and it might do it anyway without your help


You can maybe steer a storm or feed it but you're never going to be able to initiate a storm in our lifetimes.
That gun actually looks really fun to shoot if it doesn't cause malfunctions.
It's basically just a different way to hold the pistol. Think of those glock "chassis" things that you just put a G17 inside.
why is the terminator using a regular bolter instead of a storm bolter?
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