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Poorly describe a war, other anons guess what war it is

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Thread replies: 321
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>When your colony has a small guerrilla uprising so you kill neutral civilians as reprisals for guerrilla attacks and wonder why the guerrillas grow in numbers

>When the war lasts one battle and you get the Medal of Honor for a sword duel with the enemy leader

>When you just got done pushing out foreign invaders who tried and failed to help your country, so you decide to invade a foreign country in an attempt to help their country and end up getting pushed out too

>When you fail to communicate with your allies and end up being left to face cannons and muskets with pikes
>When quite literally everything is a bomb
Let's see. Idk 1 and 4, but 2 is the 1914 invasion of Vera Cruz and you're describing MacArthur. 4 is the war were Paraguay got wrecked by everyone
Wrong on both counts. Off by 41 years with No2.
43 years**
>When enemy is a million incompetent idiots that fail to destroy a country that is mostly farmland they are dependent on for food, and the defending force to tiny compared to the number of attackers, and the war is only over when politics outside of either side's control finally wears the defenders down
>when everyone says it's one of the first rules in the book of war not to do that, but you and your friends do it anyways. And then your enemy wants to kill you with magic

vietnam or the war on terror
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>when all you want to do is keep a land for you, your children and a way of life so you try to keep your enemy north of a River but the enemy is supported by a Super power and the only other Super power is run by a cuck who doesnt like you

What a time it was
Rhodesian bush war?
>When you invade a country to take all of its important assets, but a mutual friend of both nations wants you to both just get along. But you dont so you are sending your troops to die against an enemy who is some what supplied by a close friend
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>one commander is a psychopath, the other is a manly chad whos arguably a psychopath
>they trade offensives and blows
>lots of people die horrifically form hyperthermia
>it ends up being a meat grinder into a stall.
>it wasnt ww2

Russo-Japanese war?
>Winter War

China had 170,000 soldiers in for four years.. and they listed 1.5k casualties. Real great wikipedia, glad your trying to be accurate as usual.
>canadians burn down the white house
>Real great wikipedia, glad your trying to be accurate as usual.
its amazing that yankees still think "wikipedia" is some kind of unified organization
1. iraq-iran
How about you stop being gay and tell us because I don't have all night and I cannot find anything on that.
>blacks being mean to blacks while the west struggles to understand why "blacks" isn't one single globe-spanning group
bosnia, bosnia, bosnia, and some ww1-precursor brush war
King sends people without land to suppress slave rebelion. They end up joining slaves.
King wants money so he invades nearbye land
WRONG i meant the rwandan genocide

rhodesia is more whites being mean to blacks while not understanding why whites in the region werent able to corral productive populations of blacks and blacks in the region being mean to whites while not understanding why the whites were trying to own the place when the place had nothing in it they were used to exploiting to that degree

le americansky revolution lmao :^)
Every war ever
>enemy general has high ground

>Thirty Years' War slav edition

>White bois BTFO, Second time they win by cheating
>le americansky revolution lmao :^)
>king has autism, so he kills merchants and declares war on everyone
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>wars where groups of people fight one another for very unclear and odd reasons even though for the most part they are all parties involved are basically the same. And the out come is the start of a catalyst to the destruction of those parties and for the profit of a group of people behind the scenes who only want power over all things in the land. And long after the wars are over the decedents of the parties involved basically willingly let the group behind the scenes do it.
Rwandan Genocide
Second Sino-Japanese War
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>Thread where the point is to guess
Korean Expedition you very poor sport.
All wrong
>When you and your friends get sent to some far off place to route a powerful enemy but the war ends before you get there so you have to fight people from the country you were travailing through and you dont get to leave until a year after the war ends and 200 of your friends die
>When you are a 16 year old kid from San Francisco and your family is dirt poor so you join the army to get away from it and you end up basically just shooting into a hillside nonstop for 3 years
>White bois BTFO, Second time they win by cheating

>don't even know the actual answer
>still getting triggered
Americans, everyone.
no this is actually right answer
>when you're a merc sent by the king to annex half a country but then you get BTFO by that same king's army halfway through because things were going too smoothly


the conquest of Ethiopian succeeded at the third attempt tho
>the conquest of Ethiopian succeeded at the third attempt tho
First Italo-Ethiopian War 1894-1896
Second Italo-Ethiopian War 1935-1936

so where's third (or zeroth)
I stand corrected, I got confused with the Eritrean war

Allied expedition into Russia during the revolution?
>The war where the good guys actually won
The Indian Wars
>When you're trying to claim this half a square mile rock in the ocean is yours and the other country keeps replacing your flag with theirs.
>when an Irishman's dead livestock caused an international incident.
3 is either Chinese revolution+ korean war or Russian civil war + Polish-soviet war.
I read about it some while ago
Chechnya I or GWOT
>When you invade earth to save earth from the earthlings through aggressive resource extraction, ecologically devastating superweapon use and monarchism
>when you let your dog astray and 150 people die
>when your country is so terrible that another country with similar ideology invades you to unfuck your shit
>when you're so butthurt about a piece of shit patch of jungle that you do the first paradrop in the western hemisphere
>when you band with your worst enemy to gas irrelevant chinks with mustard gas
>when you train 1,500 plebs and throw them against 200,000 militants in a pants on head retarded plan to topple a government
>when you shell an island so hard, it becomes an iron mine
Nice meme.
>Alik, from my heart, I wish that you survive this, but you better leave.

>>I don't have a choice. I have orders and I will obey them in any case.
with so few friends to turn to
Rhodesian civil war
**Rhodesian Bush war
Fuckin spaghetti
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>When your coast guard is the peak of your military might and you win anyway
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>when you ask for well trained knights but they send you a shit ton of peasants
When you leave a union of countries and the country that used to rule it decides to invade you. But the war only lasts 10 days as they become too busy fighting muslims until they get bombed by NATO.
Isonzo river battle(s) WW1
None? British 4th infantry of foot partially burned one wing of a home.

T. Guy who can't tell if Canadians have shit education, an inferiority complex, or both.
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Wow this thread is fucking shit...
It's just a bunch of euros posturing and going 'ugh how do you not get it!?'
Or anons never responding to confirm or deny.

What a great thread!
>oh fuck, my soup!
Spanish Civil War?
Danish and Canadian flag/booze swap "war"
That last one sounds suspiciously like Bay of Pigs.
>that time that stupid gentile act like niggers and resort to killing each other everytime the have a difference of opinion.
>But can't handle the reponsibility for all that pointless killing so the find a group of successful business people who'd rather just make money than make war.
> the stupid gentiles blame the merchants for everything. Even start giving them credit for things other gentiles do.
> even going so far as to start claim they are actually part of another group!

> but never once just accepting responsibility for their own stupidity
Literally every conflict in Europe between the fall of the western Roman empire and the year 1700.
>Decides to make a fortified airbase in an open ground region hoping to destroy foes through conventional means
>Lol its at the bottom of the battlefield
>bankers finance both sides
>incite the people with propaganda
>false flag incident to justify aggressive invasion
>millions die
>bankers and elites get rich

what war is this guys??
2 country fight one win two lose
Incorrect. Think even more obscure but recent.
The kettle war?
The Spanish-American war?
I'd say either >>35048069 or Iraq.
>have a faggot who believes too much in religion so he reveals your people's plan for a revolution, war starts too soon so your fighters lack training and equipment, you lose war, go to agreement with the occupiers, they pay you to lay down your arms, go to voluntary exile, while in exile ask foreigners for help to free your country, go back to free country with foreigners, foreigners betray you, they occupy your country....to be continued.

Philippine Revolution
Wait.....fuck, this is what I get from posting on mobile.
>dictator wants to recreate the Roman empire
>starts with africa and can't beat africa
>For the sixth time a single man has managed to scare everyone in Europe into allying with eachother
Every Time I play civ
American civil war
is the first one liberals vs "alt-right"
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not really a war but
>when your superiors drop you off on an island and tell you to hinder the enemies until your superior says stop and continue to fight for 29 years after the war is over because you didn't believe the people telling you that your country surrendered
>when your sovereign territory gets invaded and you try to go take it back but get so booty blasted you have to pay a third party for the codes to turn off the weapons they sold to the other side so they stop blowing your shit up.
is this about that one Japanese soldier in the Philippines?
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you got it mate, Hiroo Onoda was his name.
footfall by larry niven ?
Is the first one the 1916 rising in Ireland?
Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia?
Dien Bien Phu
Falkland War ? Iran-Iraq War ? Gulf War ?
mousiline invasion of Ethiopia
2 : 3rd Reich's invasion of Italy.
>waste time shooting at animals
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Man you're the close enough, I'd feel bad not giving it to you.
Irish war of Independence.

Correct, good job!

Is No2 the Korean Expedition? I didnt think there was a sword fight then, but I might be wrong.
Correct. And the Admiral wielded a sword and faced down a Private with a bayonet last I recall.
the pig war

The paradrop one is the War of '41
dead guy spawns yellow stuff and blue men
Dien Bin Phu
>When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern gunnery
>When I know more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery
>In short when I've a smattering of elemental strategy
>You'll say a better major general has never sat a gee!
>For my military knowledge though I'm plucky and adventury has only been brought down from the beginning of the century
>But still in matters vegetable animal and mineral I am the very model of a modern major general!
Syria or The Troubles
>when you're have a last desperate battle inside a major city so you send your ill equipped allies to protect the flanks knowing that they have no anti-tank weapons so they get overrun by enemy tanks and you lose the battle then blame them for losing the entire war
The Peninsular War
>fucking argies
>when your nations leader passes away and the throne gets handed to the next kin that was a complete lowsy impulsive asshole that he went and started the biggest war ever that only lasted for four years because of some country next to yours got their leader killed by a bunch of snow niggers.

>then your country gets another leader that's actually pretty decent in speech check skills and high bartering skills but poor decision making skills along with bad history of being bullied that he turns the entire country into an edgy as fuck nation along with hating on a specific group of people because he doesn't know how to tone down his racism which leads to another fucking big war that fucks over your country twice as bad

>then you get another leader that is bad but not bad as the last two were but bad enough to secretly get your country to have a monopoly on the currency on rest of the countries around you and literally uses that money to come up scheming plans to sacrifice your own country just to get back and destroy all the remaining countries around you without starting another war this time and there is no end insight but hey at least you can get good kebabs for sale though

Okay try and guess /k/
World war one

World war two

That fat old german lady leader that i forgot what her name was
>tfw when great granda fought in the tan war
>when you get conscripted to fight for a dictatorship over a rock thats being invaded by said nations best infantry
>When you're too young to die in a land that nobody has been able to conquer for over 2000 years
Correct, made it too easy, desu.


muh 1982
Soviet afghan war??

Ottoman wars vs the Romanian Principaltieis?
Two large number armies with highly incompetent troops face each other off, one has better equipment and commanders so the other one ropes in a smaller nation to fix their shit in return taking stuff from the smaller nation for their help.
>a bunch of idiots with swords get rekt by guns

Boxer Rebellion

Is the 4th one something during the 30 years war or during the Sengoku Jidai?
Nope. European.
>actually believing rhodesia lost the war solely due to politics

Hungarian wars of Succession?
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Chechnya, siege of Grozny I believe
When you see people being shot on the streets of a city so you bomb the shit out of their armed forces
Haitian revolution?
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Here's a tip: The US has supported much worse anti-communist regimes in secret that have been discovered. There were western government fighters in Rhodesia, there just weren't a whole lot.

Trust me or don't trust me, I know one of them, and in a few decades (or maybe a lot of them) it will come out with a whimper on some highly censored document. Just remember you heard it from anon first.
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>when you perform a successful breakout while completely starved, totally exhausted, in inhuman temperature, with almost no support above rifleman level, and heavily outnumbered >only to return home to be mocked by unfunny fudds at gun shops and fat manchildren on the internet
>WW1 tier trench warfare
>chemical weapons
>child soldiers
>guerilla warfare
>civilians as deliberate targets
>human wave tactics
>modern weapons
Either Iran-Iraq or Ethiopia-Eritrea
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World War 2? At least on the German side.
When the most powerful kingdom in history can't defeat a few niggers innawoods and must sign a peace treaty to enjoy its new island.
>When every other country on the continent tell you to knock your bullshit off and you decide you can totally take them all at once.

>When you're convinced you're the reincarnation of Genghis Khan and try to annex both Russia and China but are so fucked in the head you don't even know how many men are in your own army.

>When you're off to war in a far away land but get paid to sack the city you've stopped by in halfway on your trip and then go home.

>When you want to overthrow your government but also want to be high as balls the whole time.

>When both superpowers hate you but that doesn't stop you from kicking commie ass.
Falklands war.
>When all the beta orbiters surrounding your ruler try to get your family destroyed but forget that you're sitting on top of a shitton of weapons.
>When you wage a very important war in your country's history but it's quickly forgotten as the controversy of it starts a Civil War

Extremely hard mode:
>When your neighbors piss you off so you kill them, but are convinced they're working with the government so you attack the government as well, and over 500 years later people treat it like you were fighting for minority rights
3rd one is the Forth Croisade.


Fucking nailed it my guy
I wanna say the first is the Mexican American War.

Here's another one
>When you try to pacify a breakaway province but as soon as you enter the country the road is blocked by angry truckers, commandos start shooting up your vehicles, and the cops show up to arrest you.
You'd be correct.
1st : Japan invasion of East Asia ?
#2 U N G E R N K H A N
Nope. Try again.
Got it.
Battle of Chosin Reservoir?
1st : French revolutionary wars
4: Boxer Rebellion
yeah all those battles the rhodies lost really pushed it over at the end
But it is indeed the correct kingdom.

Rule, Bongistan
>some debate over a piece of land with water

. >with the support of the u.s it's over within a week
the "great" emu war ?
first bundy standoff?
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1: Hell Yes.
4: Close. Think more recent.

>worse anti-communist regimes
But Communists aren't people
4: Colombian FARC-EP ???
small irrelevant country utterly annihilates and is about to bankrupt one of the world's greatest military powers. then another great military power joins the small country's side and ruins all their successes by causing a huge defeat through cowardice.

the small country's leader was quite friendly with the enemy great power's leader. the great power's leader died, but the negotiators pretend she's still alive to get the small country's leader to surrender more easily.
>fuckin millions of people dead
>but these 6 million in particular are the primary victims, guys
I suppose that would sorta fit, but not the one I was thinking of.
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*blocks your path into the detroit river*
The dew towers
He probably means the first crusade, when urban the second shit on alexius' reasonable request for help.
>>>/pol/ is that way, fuckboy.
1.That one war between Vietnam and the French
2. Fuck if I know
3. I dunno
4. Crimean war
Basically any modern conflict with Muslim insurgents fighting against westerners or Russians.
Gotta be Rhodesian Bush War
Definitively Rhodesian Bush War
First one feels like the War of the Seventh Coalition.
>When you don't pay off some war debts, because your creditor just went through a revolution and the debt was to the previous regime so your creditor starts attacking your ships and when you send diplomats to negotiate they are forced to pay a fee just for the right to speak so you decide to secretly go to war.
>be at war for longer than usual
>sign peace treaty with allied nation intact
>2 years later
>enemy invades ally
>"haha you fucking lost even though you killed roughly 16 people for every 1 killed in your forces."
World War 1 and 2.
OP here
No on all four.
4 hasn't been guessed but I can tell you the other three
1. Irish war of Independence
2. Korean Expedition
3. Cambodian-Vietnamese war
Fucking French.
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And reddit is that way cuck.
>When quite literally everything is a bomb

That reminds me of when we had our introduction to IEDs lesson in recruits.

>now remember anything could be used as a remote detonator such a mobile phone, a garage door opener, cars key or even that creepy frog in that clothing store that goes off anytime someone walks in.
Closer. Here's another hint from the same war.
>When you're so proud that you tortured and murdered the guy you overthrew that you make it part of your presidential campaign slogan.
they died even though the enemy wasnt present
>can't identify a shitpost, gets mad
...about that complex, friend.
>when you train for decades and overhaul your entire arsenal preparing to fight a seemingly inevitable apocalyptic war only for your opponent to unceremoniously implode so you take it out on a bunch of inbred desert yokels that superficially resemble them
>when a gnat kills your sabre
Gulf war
When you nearly bankrupt yourself fighting an apocalyptic war against your greatest enemy and a retard who usurped your throne and successfully fend them off marking the climax to a centuries old conflict only to be bullrushed by a bunch of inbred desert yokels and lose almost everything

>when you think 3rd times the charm and try to fuck up europe again
The siege of jadotville?
WW1 (Germany)
>When you waste military resources for a country that doesn't even help you later on in your war
where even is serbia? oh well *lobs 30 06
>rifle sight goes to 2000yards
>but everytime you pull the trigger you get skull fragments in your awsome mustache
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>have bad blood with former brother in arms
>do not accept said former buddies wifes jam she made for church
>like, more escalation or something
>entire county goes to war

American Civil War, Confederate Snipers and their Whitworth Rifles?
t. bubba trying to minimize a loss

Arab conquests

both Sino-Japanese wars
>invade the country, win almost every ground battle
>still lose the war
The last one is pigs bay?
>it ain't me starts playing
First one is the literally figuratively insignificant Greco-Bulgarian war of 1923
It's the revisionist Americuck's version of Vietnam, of course!
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>gets btfo with facts in a history thread
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Leaf detected
>when you just finished a war with an empire, so you decide to sperg out and attack your 3 allies, but your autism is so large it brings in a neutral country to attack you from behind and besiege your capital
the good guys won every big war in history, by definition
Not quite.
The answer was the Jamaican Maroons' guerilla.
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>When you try to organize a revolt against the US to get out of your country via attempting to get the UN attention's to intervene on your favor due to their decolonization efforts because you were assblasted for losing an election, only for your group to be filled with FBI spooks and the brother of your best friend to tell you off, but you do it anyways and all it does is get your friends killed, two cities razed by their own government's bombs, a failed attempt to assasinate the president and the governor, along with being sent to a prison castle where you get irradiated 24/7
Winter war, continuation war?
>When your country has to make four military campaigns to deal with a village of dirt-poor peasants led by a crazy priest
Puerto Rican Nationalist Uptrising of the 1950s. The Nationalist Party was targeted and recorded by the FBI (Even assualted by them and by the Insular Police) at the time. Albizu Campos then attempted to go for an election but only got 2% of the vote while the other parties got like 60-80%, which he then called the election a fraud. Then he tried to conspire for a revolt despite the FBI surveillance (which he successfully duped them), only for the brother of his 2nd in command to snitch about their plans and weapons caches while his personal barber (and quartermaster of one of his caches) got sent to a Blacksite and tortured for several days before being released. Knowing that he's at a disadvantage, he launches the revolt 2 years earlier as a last hope. He knew he couldn't defeat the US military, so he tried to bring enough attention for the UN to intervene in the crisis since they were anticolonialism, but the US successfully blocked all form of news from escaping the island. They then a revolt in several cities, while the national guard and insular police (They were more or less a paramilitary in this time period) was mobilized to capture the weapons caches.

The first notable battle occured in the Capital in Salon Bouricua where Vidal "El Aguila Blanco" Santiago Diaz fended off a 40 man squad of Guardsmen and Police armed with machine guns, grenades and small arms for about 3
hours. Despite getting a concussion from debris and a .45 bullet execution style to the head, he survived. Meanwhile in several municipialities, nationalists tried to take control of all communications, police stations and cityy halls but lost to the National gaurd and police. The 2 cities that were the most severe was Jayuya and Utuado, where P40s bombed the city and did gun runs to overrun the nationalist positions. The survivors in Utuado were latered lined up and shot.
>when you decide to invade a 7 year old nation whose entire army was deployed on the opposite border only to have your shit kicked in and your arch enemy has to save you
Yellow Turban Rebellion?
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>Alik have pity for your guys, have pity for their mothers.
>leafs have spartan esque last stand against a bunch of commies and win.
Meanwhile, back in the capital, a group of nationalists drove to the governor's mansion to kill him and got btfo'd by the defending forces with only one alive. While the revolt continued, two nationalists from New York attempted to assasinate Truman in his hotel (White House was undergoing some repairs). Both armed with pistols, they got into a gun fight with the secret service and a white house police officer. One SS agent went inside the basement after getting shot, the white house officer received a critical wound and fell. The agent guarding the door also fell shot, and right before the nationalist walked up the doorstep, a downed officer shot him above the ear, killing him instantly.

Back in San Juan, a guardsman force, along with the FBI was sent to arrest Campos. they surrounded the Nationalist Party building and demanded to surrender. Campos and his partnered ally stalled, and all it took was a wuick burst of Machine gun fire to make them surrender. He was later sent to court without jury along with the rest of the surviving nationalists and imprisoned in federsl prisons. Some were sent to the US, others in PR, Campos, was sent to La Princessa Castle, in the capital. An overpopulated prison, it was a remnant of a Spanish empire era castle, there were no beds, just rocks, mosquitos, lunatics, nationalistas and parasites. During the cold war, the effects of nuclear weapons were still being studied, and part of the US programs was irradiating folks in the guise of medical trials or secretly in prison. Campos cell had a TBI machine hidden in the roof, he was exposed constantly and his body showed sign of radiation burns, lesions and swelling when cuban doctors and news reporters went to visit him. He wasn't released until he suffered a stroke and was permanently paralyzed, unable speak and move. He died two years later after his release.
Oh and i forgot to mention, the second accomplice nationalista was instantly shot down, but survived. I also forgot to mention that some nationalists were pardoned by Governor Muñoz Marin and Truman due to their minimal involvement of the event and/or having some form of relation with the governor.
Serbo-bulgarian war of 1885

*1925 but yeah

Second balkan war
Pretty sure Romania never besieged Sofia, just marched to it and Bulgria capitulated.
>Some dude gets shot by an autist
>Dudes uncle gets pissed
>Rounds up his buddies
>Attack tiny meaningless nation in response
>Everyone freaks out and blames big buddy because they think he's a douche
>Lasts awhile, one dude gets btfo by big buddy
>Then comes a buncha good ol boys
>War ends, Big Buddy gets absolutely fucked, Good Ol Boys says they won war for rest of the world
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dubya dubya uno

also i really like this one
cold war
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You know this is actually documented and archived, right? Most of the info been recently declassified (Probably by a couple years agos, the Carpetas Registry was during the late 80s, early 90s, there used to be a site that had them all open for thebpublic but the domain has been shut down) cept the book covering it has a biased point of view and the author is a filthy commie
#2 is the killing fields right?
>a bucket is stolen
>hilarity ensues
Is that the same war when the Americans burned down york and their parliament?
>Two countries fight over an oil deposit that wasn't even there in the first place
Chaco war.
All of them.
>hey we're different than you
>another big country agrees
>go to war for 2 years
>still not our own thing
>got polymer coins out of it tho


Transnistrian Civil War?
This war started in 1812.
Revolutionary innawoods operating. Plus it's all true,well everything that matters is
Current read, it's difficult but it really puts the views of the colonists in perspective
>the good guys lost
American Civil War
>when you try to assault an over-strength platoon sized element on a mountain with a few hundred of your men backed by foreign special forces because they're guarding a supply line and get fucked anyways
bit late to reply but bingo, you got it
Napoleon's invasion of Russia, vs Kutuzov?
Hitler in ww2
>Consists of attacking enemy positions and only lose equipment over the course of the assault, while inflicting many casualties, yet managing to at best perform a 50/50 split at the negotiation table
>Turn their field into a nuclear testing site years later

This may be easy
>when you dont like taxes so the leader of the country personally comes to fuck your shit but everyone already left
>some Empire with state of the art tech and battleships attacks country with Renaissance-Europe-tier weapons because they killed some holy men
>demand repaeations, they send a note saying 'go away'
>take an undermanned bronze-age fort with heavy losses, then immediately lose it
>send a second letter, this time just for an apology
>'no thx pls go away'
>get butthurt, attack a monastery and lose men, lose more while running back to ship
>'w-we're not interested anyway'
>takes potshots at a civilian area and runs away
Cold war
Rhodesian bush war
Indo-Pak wars?

Close but no. Same region however
siege of vienna
the one where bad guys shot down a stealth bomber
Empire controlling an entire sea gets rekt by their own king's delusions of grandeur and a alliance of 10 hostile countries.
Like the 6th crusade
1 Irish easter rising

2 dont know

3 dont know

4 crimean war
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Rhodies don't die.
>"haha rhodesians never die xDDDDD"
>what do you mean they lost? muh k:d ratio!"
>"m-muh white g-genocide in z-zimbamwe! fuck you, m-mugab-be!!"
Opium War
The French Revolution
British Expedition to Tibet
War of the Roses
>When you're fighting religious rebels but your country is too corrupt to fund an army so you have to rely on drug running foreigners to ensure regular financial support
Gotta be Iraq
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I don't think so
Et tu other bulgaranon?
>You owe us money. We know that you are in a civil war but you need to pay
>Shit, what that a Bakery!? That's it, we are invading
>*Instals puppet governments that only lasted a few months because a brown person wanted to be leader*

Not Ukraine, but neighboring country
>bad guys
I dont know /k/ is either pro NATO or anti NATO, and i didnt want to start a flame war
t.newfag no hate pls
Think more one-sided and with asians
Very close. It was near Moldova/Transnistria
Great Northern War
>Communist country decides their neighbor isn't Communist enough due to the distinct lack of skull piles. Tries to invade. Gets rekt.
The first three were already guessed.

4 is incorrect. I'll just say it,
1798 rebellion.
>When you're as fucked as it gets, but you cna't surrender so you try to inflict as mch damage as you can because muh honor

>when the enemy tanks can't penetrate your armor but it doesn't matter because you'll surrender soon anyway

>When your general declares himself emperor, tries to conquer Europe and fails twice

Chilean Coup d'état, 1973

Swap sword with bayonet and it's Verdun
Is 1 the Satsuma Rebellion?

3 Napoleonic wars?
Yes and yes

I give up
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>When you physically remove commies, so to speak, before the birth of pic related
The answer is the Ten-Day War. Its the obscure hipster part of Yugoslavia's breakup since it happened shortly before Croatia declared independence, not much actual fighting happened, and it was more hilarious than tragic. Also, no turbofolk music videos.
>When you try to behead our king, but his elatives don't want you to
Literally a farmer with a rifle slaughtering an army of fools
>When you're as fucked as it gets, but you cna't surrender so you try to inflict as mch damage as you can because muh honor
The pacific war?
>when the enemy tanks can't penetrate your armor but it doesn't matter because you'll surrender soon anyway
Battle of France?
You're a nerd.
>imblying the US and co didn't BTFO Iraq in battles larger than the majority of the ones in WW2
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>Battle of France
Yup, kinda shows that the French stopped giving a shit about their assets durin the war after their i overhyped defense lines leaking Germans left and right which means that ship like the Dunkerque and pic related did nothing during the war aside from humping the seabed over and over again
More accurately, I was thnkin about Billotte's wild ride, but I nailed the whole theather of operations in one shot
A war over an ear.
>Surveying error causes a small scale conflict. Federal government steps in, letting one side have a city and the other side to have a nice chunk of land in the north. No one gets hurt.

>Local population dislikes their new neighbors who believe some crazy things. A fight insues, and the loser leaves to the west and creates their own state.
What war is this? It sounds really interesting but I have no idea what it is.
>When you're in a conflict with a significantly under-armed force, but the nips can make some damn good trucks.
War of Jenkins Ear
Dirt farmers get uppity. They're put down with trains and funny helmed fags.
when you burn your capital and abondon your civilian population so there is nothing left to loot for a third time and they just go home
any recent war inna Sandboxistan
Napoleon's March on Russia
Hatfield mckoy feud?
Winter War
>captcha: controlled mexico
Finns to invade Mexico soon?
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