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Moving to Hawaii

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Currenlty in Texas looking to buy a pistol. Reading up on the gun laws in Hawaii it almost seems like I might have an easier time just buying a rifle rather than a pistol.

Any Hawaii anons that have a handgun or have a good idea of what handguns/hangun features are illegal there?

I'm trying to buy a 9mm while I'm still here in good ol' texas that won't get confiscated by the luau police.

Can I get anything bigger than pic related?
Forgot to mention when I was looking at guns today one of the salesmen mentioned that the rails for putting on attachments might be banned in Hawaii but I can't find anything that says if they are or are not banned.
I'm guessing they aren't.

Also any reccomendations for a 9mm?
and what do they mean when they say barrel shrouds are banned?
>barrel shrouds
that's like the handguard on an AR, so really only applicable to AR pistols and stuff like a TEC-9, the latter likely being the reason they banned it in the first place.
okay thanks good to know... that's what i was thinking but the fact that they put it in the "assault pistol" laws confused me
wikipedia says
>Law bans assault pistols with two or more banned features.
so look up the "features" and only buy something that doesn't have two or more of them. you'll also need to sell your full size mags and only bring 10rd mags with you.
>(1) An ammunition magazine which attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip;
>(2) A threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward hand grip, or silencer;
>(3) A shroud which is attached to or partially or completely encircles the barrel and which permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the second hand without being burned;
>(4) A manufactured weight of 50 ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded;
>(5) A centerfire pistol with an overall length of 12 inches or more; or
>(6) A semiautomatic version of an automatic firearm.
looks like you're good to go with pretty much any normal pistol or revolver, only stuff like AR pistols and TEC-9s and some other uncommon/huge handguns are banned.
that's the same list i was looking at but it took the anon above for me to realize that i can have one of those features just not two
and im not sure if that list is all encompassing
lol there's only the two of us ITT and since that list is directly from Hawaiian statutes, that's it.
okay thanks... i tend to be retarded and overthink things and always need a second opinion before i feel like i actually understand what's going on

which i sort of do now
Hawaii's worse than California.
>Hawaii's worse than California.
actually, it's not, in many ways.
>no handgun roster
>no long gun AWB
>no long gun 10rd mag limit
>A shroud which is attached to or partially or completely encircles the barrel and which permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the second hand without being burned;

So, all semi-auto pistols except a Beretta?
>A semiautomatic version of an automatic firearm.
Does that include guns that have ever had a full auto version? Like a Glock? Or just if they were full auto first?
slide doesn't count. hawaii is mirroring the expired federal AWB.
beats me. glock 17 came before glock 18, so that would be dubious.
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OP here that's what I was thinking originally but that would be idiotic
>slide doesn't count.
All it takes is for one politician to interpret it that way.
well I'm hoping the police aren't asshats
nigger, do you really hold a handgun by its slide?
Common sense doesn't count when discussing gun laws.
Shittiest part is probably the registration of all your firearms. Range options are also shit unless youre military
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right, but OP is asking about the current laws as they are applied RIGHT NOW in Hawaii, not potential reinterpretations or changes in the future.
I googled
>hawaii gun store
found this result: https://www.hawaiisbestgunshop.com/firearms
They sell Glocks. Therefore, we can assume that Glocks are currently legal in Hawaii. Stop being a nigger about this.
IMO the worst part is that they add all gun owners to the FBI's "Rap Back" database.
Right. I asked what it meant, was told, and then gave a what if. It's called an off-shoot of a conversation.
X-ring Security built an indoor range. It's a little pricey, but better than Koko head's stupid 5rd in a mag limit.
>Avatarfagging with generic bitches.
Also, why are you moving to Hawaii?
Every forestock does that.
Just buy a pistol in Texas and take it with you when you move to Hawaii.
you bring a fire arm to Hawaii
might as well call dog the bounty hunter on your ass.

More Cali fags going to other parts of the country to fuck it up just like what they run from at home!
because im moving in with my parents so i can save money and i have some friends there
im just gonna to college there and hang out with my friends for a while and then go move to a less liberal and expensive state
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>fuck up oahu
you've clearly never been anywhere near there
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