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/k/ related vidya

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What are you playing today kommandos?

Thread music:
This game.
Wargame Red Dragon
Europa Universalis 4
STALKER series

PUBG. It's not all that /k/, but it is fun.

the original commandos
For Honor, cause fuck yeah gladiator
Probably some Onward, or maybe Gorn if I want to put real effort in.

STALKER just crashed on me. I feel lost with what to play. So many games and no desire to play any.
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I've been using GORN as a cardio replacement while my ankle heals, it's pretty good fun.

Currently trying to git gud in H3's MEATS mode now. Nothing more fun than realizing how shit you are at solving basic math problems.
Escape From Tarkov
I'm playing Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, the singleplayer campainha, which is absolutely hits.
I can only play for so long though, I sweat so much I have to change out the foam face guard every 20 minutes.

H3 is fun, have quite a few hours in it, just wish silhouette targets were options. Need to play it a bit more in depth, though. I really only go to to the backyard range and dick around for a few hours.

Onward got real cool with singleplayer, and as soon as it has respawns for a TDM, that will be the shit.
Cold Waters. Really cool subsim game, not as complicated as Dangerous Daters or similar games, but far easier to get into and has a great focus on positioning and tactics over subsystems management.
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Command and Conquer (Spec Ops, Red Alert 1+2, and Generals, cause I love Generals, fuck you.)
Fallout (1, 2, and New Vegas)
Probably some /h/ games or furry fuck games, cause I'm a degenerate.
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Far Cry 4 because muh OCD
Ghost Recon. Unrealistic as fuck but I can larp like an airsofter with mouse fart rifles
the long dark.

[spoiler]even though i disable manual targeting. i just want to enjoy blowing shit up and not worry much about calculations[/spoiler]
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An ISPC or 3 Gun like map would be nice for sure, the shoothouse is pretty limited.

There are a few MEATS courses that do have region scored silhouette targets in them, but it's part of a larger program.
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>tfw they will never make another one, with better graphics and no bugs.

Why even live anons?
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Call to arms
Like men of war but you can go first/third person. It is more casual and free to play but im enjoying it
Far cry 3 had a better story but HOLY SHIT MG42
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>Tried to be realistic and actually did the work on calulations
>By the time I get a firing solution the ship has usually moved enough for it to miss

Had to turn it off as well out of embarrassment.
only reason i'm playing this is because my fossil of laptop couldn't run any recent games. also watching Cold Waters on YT and seeing Das Boot and Red October really triggered my curiosity for everything sub-related.
also i never knew ramming some poor local fisherman in their wooden sampans and junks with your sub at flank speed would feel soo satisfying
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The Wolfenstein fps games, for a project I'm working on. I'm going to start Wolfenstein 2009 soon.
BJ isn't as /k/ as you'd think, for a guy who makes his living shooting guns. Doomguy is truly /ourguy/.

when did it go free to play?guess it didnt sell too well
You should pick up Trigger Maru Overhauled, its fantastic.
I like Red Orchestra/Rising Storm.Their balance of fun vs.authenticity works well for me.
Just finished Dying Light The Following a few days ago. Double barrel shotgun always feels good. So does running them over at maximum speed
War thunder anyone?
I don't really like the arcadey feel of War Thunder. Then again I play IL-2 1946 and DCS and have fun, so what do I know
I usually play realistic battles, while its still arcadey it is much better than the arcade mode. You might enjoy simulator battles though
i have some questions

what is hte best silent hunter?
what are the essential mods if any?
how hard is it to get into it and to learn the mechanics?
are there campaigns or is it autism sim?
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>This will never be real
tacticool doesn't work well when shooting comes down to depleting other guy's health bar a la borderlands.

so it would be a third person shooter more or less, like Socom.

and Socom is shit because third person (and accompanying cheating by glancing around corners due to nature of third person view) simply doesn't work with tacticool.
>tacticool doesn't work well when shooting comes down to depleting other guy's health bar
Why not just add fog of war so you won't be able to see beyond your field of view?
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Cataclysm DDA.
Honestly, it's basically got all the shit it needs to be a graphically simplistic /k/ommando simulator. You can go innawoods with an SKS while wearing a fursuit, and that's the tip of the iceberg that you can do within 30 minutes to an hour of play.
Titanfall 2, MgsV: Phatom Pain.Just played a bunch of metro last light. off world trading company, maybe some dwarf fortress here and there.
PUBG and warframe.

PUBG actually makes me want to drop a bunch of money on a nice 24-hour pack, drop leg holster, helmet and maybe even a plate carrier.
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Resident Evil HD Remaster, just got it a few days ago

>tfw no Samurai Edge replica
>tacticool doesn't work well when shooting comes down to depleting other guy's health bar a la borderlands
You could easily fix that by giving characters a very low health pool and making damage dependent on range and shot placement, supplementing low health with armour, cover, and sneaki breeki and playing your engagements out smart with good use of cover and concealment. Also what this guy said >>34961481
Saved for my Jill folder, thanks.
You have a Claire folder, right anon?

My man. Good deal on Steam eh? Did you get Revelations 2 for like..77 cents?

I'm such a cheapass, I'm actually getting one of those 92S from italy (not the FS because I got bills to pay) thankfully the guy who makes those RE grips makes them in 92s)

Anyway, lately I've been playing COD on my old 360. Also been trying to beat my old records in RE5's Mercenaries mode.
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I-I actually got the PS4 version because I need something else to justify this $400 Bloodborne machine, pls no bully, my computer isn't very good for much above s.t.a.l.k.e.r. and indie games anyway.

RE1 design Jill is best waifu
No worries man. Hopefully you'll upgrade and experience stuff in their optimal form. I got my little god of a PC for a decently price AR.

RE1 Jill > RE3 Jill > other iteration of Jill in my opinion.
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One day man, once money starts to become a little less of an issue I can start putting some towards building a good PC.
At least I can still play a modded New Vegas.
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New Vegas is something I'll probably return to playing as well. Though I'm no longer choosing Veronica as my partner JUST NOW figuring out she's voiced by Felicia "I can only play an awkward girl" Day. (also she's an annoying SJW)

I don't mind Fallout 4 though.
Ah, but it is.

It's called Lost Sector Online, it's free on Steam, it's turn based, and it's a lot less fun than you think.
I was playing Halo 5.

[nospoilerson/k/]my team is terrible at battle golf[/nospoilerson/k/]
>Though I'm no longer choosing Veronica as my partner JUST NOW figuring out she's voiced by Felicia "I can only play an awkward girl" Day.
She was fun on Supernatural.
Just picked it up recently. I stick to realistic battles mostly. In love with the Mig-3 even though most people overlook it at that tier.
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Cass is best girl anyway, she's a fucking powerhouse with a hunting shotgun loaded with magnum rounds.
Unfortunately she eats all your shells and dinner bell is one of my favourite guns.
she was alright, I only really liked her character towards the end of her spot on the show when she was overcoming that awkward nerdiness and being a man of letters, but don't tell me her trying to sleep with that fairy and her being 'I'm a WOman of letters' was the writers' ideas
BF1 added Russian Revolution battles to In the Name of the Tsar.

And the Obrez as an all kit Pistol
isn't Doomguy BJ's descendant?
Yeah my next run I'm gonna use her more often. As for Fallout 4, I know not many like it but something about Piper makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Maybe I like tough chicks that have a sense of morality.
Yes, and BJ is Commander Keen's grandson.
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Halo 2.
>and Socom is shit
please kys
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Turn based moba? eww
make it real time and it'd be much better
War of Rights anyone?
i wish they'd stop adding so much shit and just optimize it for once, that engine eats my GPU's shit
This Game Smells Good

F14 soooooonnnnn
Get hyped
I am so hype.
Fallout new vegas
Battlefield 4
Mount and blade napoleonic wars
Can you play as the winning side and put down the slaver rebellion?
>Battlefield 4

I tried to like BF1 but it just sucks in comparison to Bad Company & BF4.
so far im thinking of easing off on the mods for now. currently on vanilla 1.5. im a huge fan of the Il-2 1946 series with HSFX and like that game, i feel like i need to get comfortable with the base game before dipping my toes into mods. esp overhauls
uh, i think you mean BJ's Grandson is Keen
(not to be that guy)
Jesus that cosplay is nasty
RIP Half Life.
Not like anyone should be surprised though.
I'm honestly glad. This is a definitive answer, and that's what I really wanted.

The game is good, cripplingly flawed in many ways and could have been polished more

But operator as fuck if you play with self limits and use random guns
makes you crave an FNC
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>Tfw there will never be another Dangerous Waters
At least RA is gucci
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Rainbow Six Siege. Been mostly dicking around in Casual and do daily challenges since I'm moving somewhere to have decent enough internet to get back into Ranked. Definitely fun if you get people who are calm and don't lose their fucking mind if you pick the "worst" operator.

>playing defend area and pick Kapkan
>put down all razor wire, traps, barricades and reinforce everything
>get team killed for playing as Kapkan
>still make callouts, no one listens
>mfw my trap kills last enemy rushing before his time runs out

My fucking man
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I love getting shit for playing Kapkan/Capitao/Echo/other low pick operators from the Caviera players who die first or the Pulse players who sit in a corner the whole match and don't hunt people down. If I hadn't just woke up, I could think of more ridiculous shit I've dealt with and done in that game.
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Been playing the Hideous Destructor mod for the original DOOM games, it's like SWAT 4 meets DOOM with a bit of dark souls. Not a ton of weapons, but they've all got unique handling characteristics and lengths, you can turn on an optional weight limit mode, and most weapons have additional firemodes, grenade launchers for example can fire the grenade as a rocket for more velocity and impact, or as an impact grenade with a larger blast radius and some more damage, they also come with an airburst feature.
>tfw no 9x21mm machine pistol
>tfw no 35mm handheld bolt cannon
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Chaser (2003). old but good. try it.

>Beretta M12
and more

different locations:
prison on mars(or not, i forgot) ghetto, tokyo highrises, sewers etc.
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Playing a lot of Rising Storm 2 and ArmA 3 lately.
When will they fucking release it?
Funhaus/Inside Gaming played that, game looked cool as shit and funny as hell
now THAT'S dedication!
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