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has any /k/ommando here spilled their spaghetti or revealed their

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has any /k/ommando here spilled their spaghetti or revealed their power level while in service?

>also general /k/ autism thread
I used to make sun clocks out of everything when getting bored and i was bored all the time.
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Yep, during SAPR training.
>dumb ass officer giving breif
>"1 in 3 Marines will be raped in the service"
>to put in context, that's Congo levels of rape
>my corps to be accused of such
>bring this up
>butter bar gets flustered
>get ass chewed out
I'll tell you something, 90% of the fuckers in charge are careerist faggots that need to be shot.
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The closet I got was instructing a private to include an image of an orca(we were the Killers. I thought everyone was a fat loser, so I put a Killer Whale as our mascot.) as the background for a call roster I couldn't be arsed to make seriously. The sergeant major was amused enough that we were allowed to keep it.

Other than that, our CO used to blare anime music in his office.
One time while I was waiting in line at the PX for a haircut this dude was on his phone, and all of a sudden the Lucky Star theme starred blaring from his phone. When he tried to turn his phone off it kept playing, so he turned it back on and had to type in his password, all the while the opening theme to Lucky Star continued to play at max volume. No one said anything.
>>"1 in 3 Marines will be raped in the service"
what the fuck? raped by who? other marines?
>power level
as in, low power autist who spends a lot of time on the internet?

Must be embarrassing.
People in the army love anime
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>Other than that, our CO used to blare anime music in his office.
I've reached his level of not giving a fuck. I watch anime on TV with the volume at hearable levels and don't live alone.

I figure desperately hiding what I like is more autistic than just liking it.
It's not.
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I dunno man.
When I was younger I took like 20 minutes in Barnes and Noble because I had to keep turning away from the manga section whenever someone walked by.
After that experience I decided to just like what I want in a normal fashion. I'm not going to hide my important Blu Rays or oppai mousepads but I wont mix cringy Japanese in sentences or talk about it without it being brought up first.
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imported Blu Rays*
>Buying anime
I fund S2s
The Green Weenie
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I did that shit
> have supervisor
> very competent, smart guy reads a lot, speaks jap kraut
> have real good discussions about politics (he was a bit of a leftist)
>he was black and from the south
> that Michael Brown kids gets shot chimp out, blm happens
>we discuss
>I bring up the anti cop culture and together we look up fbi crime stats
> seeds of truth planted
> election approaches rek him in economic discussion
>introduce him to Thomas Sowell
> he reads
> he finds Tommy sotamayor(?) (Le based Blackman runs YouTube talk show )
He's now a total libertarian with a mild distaste for leftist
You're confusing anxiety with autism, two distinct things.
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Anxiety causes you to act more autistically, though.
By alleviating anxiety you decrease autistic behavior!
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>treating for the symptoms and not the cause
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But you can't treat autism in someone who's already been vaccinated, anon.
Best you can do is try and stop the Liberals from injecting chemical autism into future generations. People with autism are already a lost cause when it comes to preventing them from having autism and or being autistic.
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Are you me?
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>People with autism are already a lost cause
If you're the cause, then you have to treat the cause.
>Anxiety causes you to act more autistically, though.
Again, you demonstrate that you don't know anything about autism.
If autistic people get anxious you bet your keester they'll act way more autistic than if they weren't anxious.
a hairless ass and a my little poney tattoo, how the fuck are you a police officer?
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I passed the physical requirements and have no criminal record. You mirin my smooth bottom there?
He sounds like a good man. I consider myself a libertarian with a strongish distaste for leftists. Mostly because my sister went full blown "you don't know what gender your cat is" on me after going to college in Santa Cruz.
>honestly thinks cops AREN'T faggots
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>being this retarded on the internet
tfw your only refute will be BOOTLICKER or something along the lines of LOLANIMEPOSTER
Dumb bootlicking animeposter
[spoiler]Soul Eater was good[/spoiler]
I wanna berry my dick in that girl
How do you forget a fucking pony on your ass
I don't normally spend time looking at my own ass.
>distaste for leftist
stop self hating m8s
out of sight out of mind. when was the last time you actively looked at you own ass?
>betting on overrated cunt

You kind of deserve what you got.
>not sitting down next to him by lunch and asking him what he thinks what the front and the back of a chocolate roll is
This. BTW what MOS have the most weebs ?

They were fucking right. You should have demanded the bet conditions to be changed to Rarity.
??? Don't you do this to me m8
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top fucking kek

Signal and Intelligence in the Army are thick with autismos
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what anime?
getting all embarrassed if someone finds out or trying to hide it is way worse than just being open and not giving a fuck
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I just fucking got an hour long presentation by a limp-wristed commander yesterday that borders on college-level progressivist brainwashing. In a fucking hangar bay on a 90 degree day with the rest of the damn crew. It was like a live showing of MTV Decoded.
Raped by eyes, feels, lack of advancement. All of those are the kinds of rape female Marines are exposed to.
When I was at DLI, the AF was doing an anime club. I dunno how far they got, but there were shitty posters everywhere about it.
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>Tfw will never pound the shit out of a boy dressed like tomoko
Everyday I find more reasons to kill myself
>I'll tell you something, 90% of the fuckers in charge are careerist faggots that need to be shot.
This this this so much this.
>While in

Nah. I've only ever threw my spaghetti once, after I was out.
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>When I was younger I took like 20 minutes in Barnes and Noble because I had to keep turning away from the manga section whenever someone walked by.
I can't begin to think how many times I would nervously walk by the aisle pretending I'm disinterested, but actually scanning a section of the shelf, then looping around the store and doing it again looking at another section.
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Flying Witch
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It's really socially unacceptable to read manga in the US?
For hetero adult males under 300 lbs, yes.
Didn't even choose a good pony. No wonder you were made fun of. Rainbow is best poni
Fag butch lezbo pony?
Fuck off you dumb cunt

Purple smart is by far the best and now big princess even better for sex making and riding into battle.
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I guess it's because of the association with capeshit? Since that's about the only kind of comic I can imagine giving someone a hard time about.
>Purple smart is by far the best
I guess you're right. Can't beat a Mary Sue after all.
It's magichorn you newfag.

Even better for sex making? The fuck? Better than a sleek and fit pegasus? Get out of here pleb
I follow her on instagram, you safe.
Isn't she Turkish?
>Metal hurlant

Patrician taste my nibba
Like, ethnically idk, her page says she lives in Melbourne.
Not at all, capeshit is pretty widely accepted in the US. Most people wont read the comics but superhero movies do really well here. Anime/manga on the other hand is normally associated with either hentai or one of the few anime series that were popular enough to have been broadcasted here like DBZ, pokemon, or sailor moon.
you're confusing her with anzu, who is a turkroach trap/cosplayer that occasionally hangs around /soc/
A few hours ago. Are you gay or something?
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not really spaghetti but I really wanna join the military but I'm too autstic, among other things (too short, too weak, ect)
yesterday my mom was talking to me about how i need to get a job or she'll kick me out basically, but I don't really know what to do, I've never had a job ever and I don't have any qualifications, I've thought about being a whore though, being cute and small and submissive are my only strong points really, so I might as well use them to my advantage

I-I'd dress up like tomoko for you anon, like as long as you had room I'd move in with you and be your boyfriend/girlfriend, I'm really short and already on hormones too, and autistic as fuck, which you seem to be into, I'm serious about this
Which state are you currently living in?
The army isn't all physical stuff you know
you can literally be a clothes washer/repairer
California, I'd like to leave for obvious reasons, I don't really care where as long as it's in the US

I know, but I'm depressed and shit, possibly schizo or BPD, and they don't want traps anymore remember?
so just pretend to be a girly man
just pretend to be sane
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I could do that but I have (corrected) scoliosis and minor cerebral palsy (minor as in am just kinda weak and also poor reaction time, but I don't need crutches or something) too, there is no hope for me
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Yeah, last night, when I was in the cervix of YOUR MOM!
How passable are you? Height?
pretty passable, I don't really feel I pass because low self esteem, but apparently I do; and I'm 5'4
Can you post a pic ? Just delete it after a minute if you want
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It seems that a third of the people in the Canadian military (at least Air Force and Army) watches anime, so I didn't bother hiding it. They also figured out I jack off to hentai and I didn't deny it, nobody really cares. The only thing I won't admit is that I fucking love anime girls between 12 and 17, and have came to this little semen demon 900+ times.
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I have better pic, but this was just yesterday, so
if you recognize me I have posted pics here a few times
Join the Navy and watch your self get promoted through the ranks as you suck off chiefs and the occasional gunny
Not passable enough/my type for me sorry. I don't think you'll stand out that much in the military either honestly
aw, I understand though,
How likely is it to find weebs/autismos in aviation? Both pilots and crew included
Ghey. What you need is an earth pony for thicc goodness and maximum weight-bearing capacity.
This. I got moved for the last week of AIT for an alcohol related incident and one of the guys in I had to room with was making a furr suit.
Guy in my PLT has kpop and anime posters everywhere.
90% of my coworkers watch anime regularly.
The amount magic the gathering tournaments at Huachuca are ridiculous.
Strength through intelligence hooah.
Listen here you weak shit
If you aren't dissatisfied with who you are and enjoy being a weak sub, stop reading here

You have the power to start eating better and training tomorrow. Every day is a chance to work hard and get stronger, developing a stronger mindset in the process. Follow hobbies that interest you and meet people there, get a not shit haircut, start a new physical hobby like boxing.

We only hold ourselves back.
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But I like being weak, you should take out your anger by beating and raping me you can piss on me too, or bring your friends over to all fuck me, show me how much of a pathetic bitch I am
Fuck off freak
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I was staying on Ft Mead the other week, and 90% of the people there are fucking weebs and everyone in the air force is fat. Culture shock is when you see the Major DMing a game of D&D. Also, life on base is vanilla as fuck, especially for officers. Hooah, army life is difficult when the Burger King is out of tendies and your muffin breaks the threshold of absorption where it becomes more coffee than muffin. Its hilarious to me that theres probably some pog out there who's job it is to handle the contracts between burger king and the base.

desu Im glad Im not missing out on anything in the service and I can shoot guns and smoke weed all I want at home.
desu Id die for qt aspie trap boyfriend.
why can't we see farther down her shirt?
how do you faggots even exist anymore?
You're smarter than I. I trained for 6 months to do cool guy computer shit and now I load and unload a shipping container full of shit that isn't even my equipment.
W-would you wanna chat anon? I'd be happy to post my kik or Discord or something
I do that too now because I dropped out of High School 2.0 lmao.

But from what my friend tells me, intelligence is essentially just Army Fanfiction writing. The more I look, the more Im let down by the fact that theres no more pew pew bang bang in the army and just a bunch of nerds wanting a free ride through their 20s.
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>tfw a thread is more enlightening than expected
Oh yeah, bigtime.
>be reginally-competitive bullseye handgun shooter prior to enlisting
>be fresh-outta-AIT PV2 assigned to an aviation unit (POG af, yeah, I know)
>literally third day in unit is semi-annual pistol qual range for all the pilots and staff NCO's
>nobody can hit shit
>people cowboying it with 1-handed grip
>one female CW3 that literally can't figure out how to load the pistol she's supposedly been carrying for 13 years
>internal sperging reaches critical mass
>I don't just drop my spaghetti, if fucking explodes out of the very fibers of by BDU's
>literally screaming NO NO NO YOU IDIOT to a fucking Captain
>oh fuck, did I just do that?
>luckily captain (sort of) has a sense of humor and puts me in charge of a "remedial" pistol class, fully expecting me to not know shit (face it, E2 with less than a week as permanent party teaching a weapon he's not qualled on should have been a recipe for disaster)
>pull off brilliant class, officers skeptical, my section sergeant about to have a coronary and is trying to strangle me with his mind
>Tower officer tells me to borrow a pistol and head to the line
>shoot a perfect score with time to spare
>okay, now they believe
>spend the next 5 hours individually coaching officers and warrants, get everyone qualified
>section sergeant hems me the fuck up as soon as I'm out of eyesight of officers
>proceed to fling spaghetti all over again
>finally, FINALLY, after literally an hour of front-back-go's, he drops the question: "where'd you learn all that?"
>grunt out that I'd been shooting bullseye since I was 11 and had qualified for state/regionals/nationals several times, and that I'd been shooting NRA Combat Handgun and USPSA for almost 5 years
>he literally loses his shit giggling, lets me up, and tells me I'm spending the next month getting passed around to the other aviation battalions getting their officers qualled
>pretty fucking sweet gig
plz do
And furry porn and Thai ladyboys and basically everything else you don't talk about in polite conversation.
Aviationfag here.


We had a 7' tall, 3D, cardboard Gundam mounted on a large RC car in the hangar. My troop commander (yes I was air cav) kept his fursuit hanging on the back of his office door. Haji copies of the first 2 seasons of Bleach and Bible Black got passed around pretty much everybody on deployment (don't ask me why the hajis had copies of Bible Black...). Health and Welfare *always* found cumstained dakis and animoo figurines.
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kik: Erikakatt
Discord: hideki#7936

while I will certainly respond and chat on kik, I'm on discord more, and prefer it
yay. im going outside to smoke but when I get back Ill message you. Look for the profile macc.
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I'm fucking done. Thanks piefag, I needed a great laugh.
Fuck Huachuca and fuck you anon. Stay the fuck away from the 40th esb.
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>windows on my shitbox keep going off their tracks
>have to lube them to give them a chance
>only lubes I have in the house are fleshlight lube and gun oil
What a beautifull thing to see that the military is filled with weeabos, furfags and autists. I would feel like home
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God bless our boys in blue
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>air force anime club
The military literally is just high school with more yelling and guns, isn't it?
her instagram makes her look like such jailbait I find it pretty repulsive comoared to this pic
Nothing better than a glasses transgirl. What are your thoughts on retro AR's?
>Since that's about the only kind of comic I can imagine giving someone a hard time about.
Getting shit for reading superhero comics over anime? Are you pulling a fooling bro?
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love em, one day I wanna build an A1 clone so I can run around in the woods and pretend I'm killing gooks, y-you should message me anon, I posted contact info a bit above, I think we'd get along well
Meh, I'm too ugly and I lack an A1, have an A2 clone like the pleb I am.

Also I lack kik.
Lmao who do you think your fooling, you look comical.
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I don't really care how you look, you seem like a genuine and nice person, and I like the A2 as well, and I like discord more anyways, p-please?
Moar? I ask with sincerity and honesty?
Sent from Handgonne. Hope you don't mind surplus loving manlets.
It's a beautifull thing to see a love-story hapenning here >>34968187

/k/ is truly a magical place
I had to sell my A1 and A2 clones awhile back. This thread really makes me want to find one of those again.
Maybe something like a GAU-5/A?
I was going to go to the manga section in hastings when I was 14 and I saw this fat, autistic looking, short haired girl there looking at it and I walked away and pretended I wasn't heading there.
I scan too, only I do that with just about everywhere.
>take one or two passes at the dairy section
>quickly grab what I need and get the fuck out there
Don't take pictures from weird angles and have someone else take the pic.
Aren't you the person who was looking for a Tomoko stencil for your rifle?
What was she called again?
nope, I'm sadly nogunz so yeah that wasn't me
Actually been seriously considering one. Torn between that and just building the damn thing.
Will do.
Would be cheaper to buy it, I'd build an A1 or A2 though.
Oh definitely cheaper. But the workshop in my garage has been going unused recently, and I'm going to need a winter project. I like tinkering.
Enjoy the parts hunting then.
:D thank you!
Same as 34968371 You do not mind if I save right?
No not really I mean it's censored and doesn't show my face, so, yeah it's fine, and though I can't stop you of course I'd appreciate if you didn't repost it anywhere, just keep it for yourself
I know its anon and it does not mean much, but I will respect that as I am not really into screwing people unless they are under me(physically) lol. no one needs unneeded drama...
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We also had a prank once pulled on us by our command where our name was changed from Killer to Kombat for a good month. We played the Mortal Kombat theme song during morning formation.

The joke went on until paperwork started getting kicked back as platoon sergeants instructed their soldiers to label themselves as being part of a company which didn't exist.
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>don't feel like posting anything because nothing I say will top the tranny
Trannies are absolute trash.
Trust me, I'd know since I'm one.
You poor bastard.
It's not so bad.
I have a naturally feminine face and body structure...
But seriously, most, like dickface above, are doomed both physically and mentally.
A trap with glasses that likes guns? And they say that the perfect woman(ish) doesn't exist.
This is some beautiful shit right here.
d-don't be a bully tranny friend ;_;

I-I know I'm insane b-but I'm not that ugly right...?

How would it not top me? A-are you saying I'm the most autistic thing in this thread? that's probably true...
Hey, tranny, what do you do for a living?
You pretty much did the tits or gtfo. You derailed a fucking thread by posting a picture of yourself into making it more about yourself.

You eurofucks need to stop giving the thing (You)s

Traps arent womanly outside of their hair lenght famalam.
I'm a tranny who likes guns, rides motorcycles, isn't an unstable attention whore, and is a machinist by trade...
You're a loser.
n-nothing anon, I said above

I'd delete but I posted it from my PC and I'm laying in bed on my phone now, so I can't, I-Im sorry for being such an attention whore everyone
Then get the fuck out.
Kill yourself.
Same as 34968371

No hard feelings here, your the first person I decided to save. The content you posted is probably the best /k/ related, but hey, its ok to bend the rules from time to time. just post a gun pic to make up!
>left vs right false dichotomy
stop using the literal 1 dimensional political spectrum.
political compass or nothing.
Libertarian = Bottom, typically assumed Capitalist (Right wing on the compass)
Holy shit you're ugly.
Put a paper bag over your head of something.

Jesus. I just got out but never saw anything that autistic. That said, nearly all of my friends were into anime including me.
Nice I knew there had to be other aviationfags that are into mecha too
In Europe, no. I mean, obviously within bounds of what's logically acceptable.

Reading some sort of porn comic is not going to sit well with no one, doesn't matter how large the eyes of the main heroine are.
When I enlisted I had no idea every Infantryman along with myself would like so much fucking anime
everyone here has, at the minimum, watched all the entry level anime.
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That's not a trap that's a fucking ambush.
Kek this.
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Depends on which section of intel you get into though. All source guys are dumb as shit.
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>not playing anime music in your office
Had to cap this as I was laughing too hard for a few min straight.
Doing God's work, anon.
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>tfw your commander tells you that the president has no authority overseas "on his base". report it. suddenly commander has all call about importance of chain of command, and duty to respect president and leadership of all calibers regardless of personal political opinion due to mission coming first.
>despite desperate ass saving measures, he gets rotated to the pentagon within the month. Col Happy face because he probably is gonna get fast tracked to general takes over. No one ever suspects the E4.
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And saved. Thanks for sharing anon.
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Couldn't you have compromised with like a cutie mark or something?
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>tfw this thread just started a love story between a /k/ommando and a tranny
Submariner here, at least 3/4 to half of us watch anime. Weebs are rare to nonexistent outside our nukes though
haha wrong, ever been to a N6/J6 department?
>implying trannies can be loved
theyre just things used for sexual gratification. kill em when your done and you wont be gay.
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I think I had a run in with another /kommando
>be me
>be going thru reclass school for MP
>enjoying down time between classes
>browsing /k and reading autistic military stories on mobile
>lol these are funny
>instructor wanders over as I am impleblaining the story I just read to my buddies
>says to me "haha ya I saw one on there about so and so"
>in shock and awe
>an NCO fratrenizing with me about /k stories
Nothing really happened after that between us. I sometimes wonder if he was the one who created the thread...
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so this is the state of /k/
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fucking awesome.
Am Aviation. Write fan fiction.
>not being enlightened.
>Rarity is best pony
>posts Wonderbolt 1911
Really activates my almonds

that 3 in every 1 marines, actually
I mean they're not 100% devoted to Japan most of the time. There's a guy in the parking lot of my building that drives a riced out 90s nissan covered in OPM stickers and other shit though
>Got into some paperwork trouble with command, went to legal. >Chatted with the folks there, and a legal advisor.
>Explain about paperwork situation stemming with sgt dindu offloading work/responsibility to me, forcing me into impossible to manage situations, and sgt dindu would throw me to the wolves whenever command threw a shit fit, just to cover his lazy ass.
>jag: he sounds like a diversity hire.

I laughed so fucking hard. I wasnt ready for that.

Niggers are the worst goddamn NCO's.
Did this happen recently?
please dear god I hoe your at 82nd land I am attached and have already trained people in use of handguns
I didn't know idubbbz browsed /k/
Buddy there are 3 /k/ommandos in my school
/mlp/ and /k/ really does crossboard

It's a neat show m8, steer clear from barbie tho
im surprised this thread hasn't summoned barneyfag yet
You fool, you've summoned him.
>kik: Erikakatt
>Discord: hideki#7936

>while I will certainly respond and chat on kik, I'm on discord more, and prefer it

Israeli FAL hand guards
G1 FAL bipod
Wood stock

Impossiburu configuration without some significant mods, but im fuckin diamonds over here
How so? I'm looking at joining as either All-Source or HUMINT.

Fuck off immediately.

not really
Yeah, this is fairly clearcut autism.
Define recently?
>Be me
>in army
>stick on base for weekend for bullshit reason
>have room to myself
>lying belly down on bed wearing only underwear
>feel has approaching
>Release fart
>audibly wet
>Get up, undress
>Diarrhea starts spilling onto ground
>Grab toilet paper, squat to pick it up
>More diarrhea comes
>Hearing creaking of door
>It is the guard
>"Anon, get up it is you shift"
>TFW you were caught naked cleaning your diarrhea off of the ground whilst simultaneously shitting on the ground
Fuckin nice
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I mentioned out loud that I could type 75+wpm

fuck me.
IDF has a whole squad of autists doing some sort of sigint, photo, cyber.

you have to swear off BLTs for life though
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Not the same sort of power level but...

>be USAF O2
>cosplaying at a local convention, having a good time because I'm a weeb loser (Remember, Air Force?)
>run into a fucking tech Sgt who works in my squadron just walking around the hotel.
>Hey sir!
>y-you too
>Live in constant fear that he'll tell my coworkers that I spend my free time dressing up as anime characters.
Hahaha my sides have hit Jool!
Please more of that story or another one
Only if it's Jojo
Fuck you faggot, Luna's best, but Applejack would be my ideal shooting/fuck buddy.
My CO caught me browsing furry porn, if that counts.
That's not the worst he's seen.
I'm not good at greentexting, and it was a while ago, so bear with me.

>Be chilling around base for some reason, a few other guys around, but mostly empty.
>Everybody gets along, CO was the sort of guy who tries to be friends with everyone
>Comes over to where I'm standing off from the group, invites me to come play some need for speed on xbox we had set up
>Cranes his head over top of my phone
>Sees what I'm looking at
>Goes white as a paper plate
I'm not a really tall guy, but I'm wide and built like a brick shithouse, been in a few fights, got stuck on cleaning duty a few times for it, but I digress
>My face is totally blank for a bit, then I nod and say 'sure'
>Proceed to lose three to four, but I had fun.

Over the next couple months guys would walk up to me and as questions like 'you got any pets?' and that sort of shit. Eventually people asked me straight up if I was into that, and I said yeah. He was pretty weird about it, but it didn't really bother anyone else.
I keep almost all of the pictures I've ever saved, but I can't find the one I remember him seeing. I'm pretty sure it was maid marian from the robin hood movie with cum all over her face.
Fucking animal. Are you indian or something?
Pretty hot.
Really hot.
Extremely hot.
Extraordinarily hot.
>in collage
>recruiters have a desk
>reservist guy asking if i want to join the ROTC
>say nah, blind as a bat, but tried to get into west point
>what's west point?
the absolute state of our reservists and university-based recruits
What's west point?
its a sanctuary for diversity in recent times at the very least
>inb4 that one diversity image
Most importantly its paid for by taxpayers
Yeah, what is it. Never heard of it before.
Pretty hot.

Really hot.
Wasn't me
Not gonna lie that's pretty gay. Would have gone with Spitfire, personally.
>Luna and AJ
My boy
It would be just as terrible.
>hyper macho environment
>it's already pretty gay otherwise too
>dumb meatheads that get angery about everything
i could believe it desu, i could definitely see some muhreen getting triggered by a coworker, and in the middle of his DEVIL DOG OORAH chimpout, actually just raping a man out of spite
nit really autism or power level thing

>co worker was talking about war
>I say something about vets
>he spergs on vets lol you mean veteranerians
>i didn't know what to say to him I was just gobs smacked by his stupidity
>and that was the last time i spoke to him
fuck someone post it again
post it nig nog
>Unironically having misunderstood emocorn as your fave
Celestia is bestia
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patrician tier reference
if given the option, go SIGINT
you'll get a TS/SCI and be read into a fuck ton of other caveats, such as HUMINT and ALL SOURCE
the clearances and caveats will be worth their weight in gold when you get out.

what ever you do DO NOT LET THEM EXPIRE
which means you'll need to do college while still in becuase if you wait until you get out to go to a 4yr school your clearance will probably expire before you finish and noone will hire you that they have to sponsor when they can hire somebody that has and active one
I was with a small group of people on a field op, talking about WWII, and ended up telling them that I thought the Holocaust was greatly exaggerated. I clarified that I wasn't denying it or saying it wasn't bad, but I suggested that maybe some aspects of it had been blown out of proportion.

Most of the enlisted guys there didn't give a fuck, but their CO, a Captain, called me a "fucking bigot" and didn't really treat me the same afterwards.
>not loving both sisters equally
Good things come in pairs. And so do I.
Also fuck candyass.
Anzu is literally a female though
the >girl meme just comes from the fact that she's really feminine to a point nobody believes it. Kind of like Cherry Crush
Which unit?
>I'm a tranny
you're already an unstable attention whore you fucking shitstain.
don't let all the hate saying you aren't passable. You (if that is you in the pic) could totally be stealth, especially if you are 5'4"

>t. a fellow stealth tgirl
All source is just power point ranger. You don't really learn or do much except how to label a map.

Pick a specific type of intel, thats where you get employable skill and actual intelligence collection and analysis.

HUMINT is cool, but you can't promote for shit right now. It's been overmanned since Bin Laden. You'd basically just hump around the country talking to locals who lie to you for free shit.

Listen to >>34980530 SIGINT is realllyyyy good. They're really quite about what they do, but its crazy signals stuff. Lots of jobs and knowledge there. Smart guys.

I'm in GEOINT, I absolutely love it. Imagine Google earth on steroids and drones.

Just whatever you do don't go all source. Every one I've met wishes they were SIGINT or GEOINT. All they do is take our products, photoshop their names on them and make asses of themselves when they brief commanders because they don't know what any of it means.

As far as what >>34980530 is saying, all intel MOS's get TS/SCI and it's worth a lot once you have it. Stay out of trouble and get trained.

This is all coming from Army though, not sure how other branches use them, haven't really worked with them. Once you're E4 promotable you can drop a packet and go counterintel as well
What's her Instagram?
>You mirin my smooth bottom there?
Woh, what did I miss before it got deleted? D-did anyone save it
Nigga have you seen >her shoulders, >she is definitely a trap
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Sending yay's at mach speed.
3 in 1 marine sounds like a pretty brutal episode of rape desu.
I thought it was just my borderline autistic (I've been tested and just barely dodged a diagnosis) ass that did this.
I'm a trap/tranny/whatever you want to call me with glasses that likes guns and all the other trans girls I know wear glasses and like guns. The thing about trannies is that the most vocal among us are leftist nutjobs, but the successful among us go stealth (i.e. not being open about being transsexual outside of dating and the doctor's office) and end up living quiet lives and having reasonable opinions and interests. The vocal folks are usually the failures.
>HUMINT is overmanned
Then how come there's an enlistment bonus? I thought that was for shit they needed filled?

Also, I'm not sure what I'd do with SIGINT or GEOINT post-military. I'm sure there's cool stuff, I just don't know what it is. All-Source and HUMINT have clear alphabet agency utility, but as big as SIGINT is it doesn't seem to carry over to anywhere but NSA, likewise with GEOINT to NRO.
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>be me inna sandbox
>had cases of water
>160F+ heat index
>drinkin cases of water while standing watch
>flies bothering us all day
>one day took an empty bottle and started catching flies
>got really good at it over several watches
>could usually catch 20-30 flies in a single watch
>tfw my relief would show up and ask how the fuck i managed to get that many flies in a bottle
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that's funny as fuck
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either that or the time i was chiling in my bunk listening to some tuenes and someone said "hey anon whatcha listening too? and then he grabbed my headphone

>tfw i was listening to DJ s3rl and nightcore

>"thafuk is this gay ass animey music"

song related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zHm77FkW3U
Until you kill yourselves when you realize you're an increasingly ugly and obvious man who chopped his cock and nuts off.
Our 1st sgt organized 3 movie nights a week when we got stuck at Ft Dixc for a few months. He was a pretty cool dude, listened to the Cure and was super laid back.

He started asking me if i wanted to chose any movies/shows/ect and i showed him some stuff i had lying around. I said no one would like it but he really did so we came up with an idea, Spc Anons punishment movie night.

Every Friday night from 6-8 all the trouble makers had to report to the garage where we had it set up.

>Hung over fat ass over aged National Guard retards
>Friday night
>Settle in
>Lights go out, projector turns on
>speakers blast

After a few weeks they developed a tolerance for Ouran High School host club, so we switched it up. To this day i truly believe that me and the 1st Sgt are the only people to use Strawberry Panic as a means of unit discipline.
I really want this to be true, but idk
This is so fucked up and weird it has to be true
bonus because the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing

it's not necicarilly that you want to do SIGINT after the military, but it will get you that clearance, then contractors will snatch you up
Idk if there's a bonus, its just hard to make E5 rn for HUMINT, idk about SIGINT but GEOINT is desperate to gain more NCOs. But yeah, SIGINT ahas NSA and GEOINT has NGA. Border patrol will pick any intel up, GEOINT for sure, right out of your first contract starting at 80k/yr.

Also it's all about finding people who know people in your respective field as far as contracting jobs, and all source is not as tight knit as the more specified intel groups to have as much of that.
/k/ autism ? Alright guess I can shine
I have had an erp-partner that is also a /k/ommando , the trick is that she likes roleplaying has a kitsune girl and I just roleplay has a futanari dark elf , all of the scenes we build are around /k/ related themes and allow for the personalities that we built around each character to show off , for me I am supposed to be a bit "shy" about having such a big dick yet able to compose myself when it is needed , she is supposed to be a bit sassy and mostly a NCO . And in the end it is lovely to cuddle with her when we finish a scene ,always great to imagine and dream about what we do.

All the fun stuff in Rhodesia , her forcing me to use shorts instead of long pants just to parade around my buldge , making me go throught a river knowing when we got out it would dry off and get a lot more tight , all the dry-humps , but then the fun began in the middle of any busy place , and the amount of big dick jokes jesus fucking christ.

There were also great moments , when I am cleaning an armoured and she turns into the one blushing , the wet sponge just starts getting everything wet and as soon as you know it I am kissing her neck while she is panting from how I am pounding her , or when I fell asleep on guard duty and she joined me ontop of a tree waking me up while she jacked me off , or stopping on a the middle of a patrol swinging her tail telling me how much she wanted it just there . Even Vietnam , althougth we were vietcong in those scenes , just going on those tight tunnels and then walking back to the hideout to see everyone blushing since they heard the moans and sounds from how small the tunnels were .

That is how autistic I am , now back to cleaning my M14

Just please don't mutilate yourself because it will make things worse.
One time I was at CATM for M9 chilling in the back during the classroom portion with my bros wearing our tactical-ass multicams lookin' so fly while all the rest of the class was wearing ABUs like it's October 2011 not giving a fuck because me and my bros shoot "for duty" while all the rest of the class is bringin' their little deployment letter and lookin' scared because they've never handled even the Air Force's smallest rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty before when the staff giving the instruction asks "so what could be some potential causes of stoppages with this weapon?" and you remember I'm sittin' in the back with my bros lookin' as fly as the fuck I'm not givin' and I call out "limp wristing", the CATM staff got a kick out of that one and you could tell they knew it was true because you could see in their eyes as they were lookin' around identifying all the little 14 year old girls (male, adult) sitting pretty in their freshly starched ripstops that were going to hold more weight in their two hands today then they've held since they bought the two-pound jug of cheese puffs at the BX.
I used to paste the fold outs from Nyantype onto my bunk walls.
Needless to say the senior NCO wasn't very pleased.
Luckily I had forseen that and only pasted the ones I'm ok with trashing just to weeb the space up.
If it's just about clearance then that's good. But I was looking at how skills translated after the military, not just clearance.

I figured I'd probably be E-4 unless I deployed as HUMINT (looking to enlist as Airborne to increase chance of deployment), so that isn't surprising. That's neat about Border Patrol's hardon for any intel, I'd been thinking maybe take my prospective HUMINT skills over to a LEO anyway. Didn't know All-Source was shit for networking.

I'll look at other 35 series stuff more deeply.

Thanks, anons.

I think I need an FFL for that level of weapons grade autism

Godspeed Anon, Godspeed.
I got drunk at a party with some shipmates once and left my phone open on that one board that no one likes. Pretty sure the guy that found it and gave it back took a look, but he's a good friend and didn't seem to care much.
Good fucking shit Anon

Hahaha, you're a bargaining chip now.

If he asks for any assignment to fucking anywhere, make sure it happens
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And what were you so worried about him finding? C'mon Anon, you can tell us. We won't blab.

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kinda yeh
Small horses. Nothing crazy, but not something I go around telling everyone about.
I'm not into traps, but don't listen to these haters, you could fool most tipsy dudes I'm sure
I openly suggested that the refugee camp being built in Cornwall should instead be a concentration camp and that the Haitians be put in ovens
>you could fool most tipsy dudes I'm sure
Perhaps he could fool some drunk idiots into thinking he was a hideous, unfuckable woman, but I fail to see how that has any use.
NP anon, we've been where you are and know how hard it is to find info to make a confident decision on an intel MOS. Whatever you choose just be good at it and you'll be okay.
[spoiler]I want to fug that mad girl[/spoiler]
Maka a cute
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