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I'm 18 right now and I want to be a Navy SEAL. I know that

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I'm 18 right now and I want to be a Navy SEAL. I know that this makes me a massive fucking dork, I know that there's a very good chance that I'll fail, and I know that it will be extremely difficult, but I've still got my mind set on this and I'm willing to give it my all. Does /k/ have any suggestions on how I should train and prepare myself for this?
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>wanting to ruin your life after being taken as prisoner by commie seals
Why would you come here to ask when there are so many better places?
You guys are my only friends :(
Swim a lot, run a lot, lift a lot, and most importantly write a lot. You can't become a SEAL if you don't have a book deal lined up.
Acting as well.

I would start by at least looking at Stew Smith's page/shit you can find online. You are going to have to be able to pass BUDS at a minimum, which is going to be tough as hell.

If you give up, pls don't become a SEAL roadie dickhead and tell people how close you were but you were disqualified because you were prone to hangnails or some shit
/fit/ might actually be a better place than /k/. Run a lot, exercise a lot (but make sure you do both the correct way and build up slowly enough), obviously live and eat healthily. I'm pretty sure the fitness requirements for SEALs can be found somewhere on the net. Maybe ask actual SEALs on socnet.com (perhaps they even have a sticky for guys like you).
Try to get a 2 mile run time of 13minutes or less. Find out what swim standards should be met. Google can probably offer better advice.
Oh, well in that case there are SEAL recruiters in most big towns and there are guys on some of the Navy forums.
Just be in all around good shape. No matter how fit you are, you're going to break.
All you REALLY need is willpower. Anyone can be a seal if they just don't quit. You have to simply want it enough.
People phase out in buds after they come to the startling realization-after sitting in the freezing ocean for hours, dealing with wet cammies, wet boots, heat rash all over, no sleep, hunger- that they just don't want to be there any more.

Go swim in the ocean in January. Take cold showers with all your clothes on and then roll around in sand. Have fun.
I love you too, buddy.
Thanks guys. Anyone have any advice for mental preparation as well?
OP will be a Navy MA in a few years, let's congratulate him
Don't be a little bitch. Go in with a can not ever give up mindset.
Oh shit nvm
Thanks anon
Yeah probably
Honestly just don't give yourself another option.
The human body and mind can't take much more punishment than you think. Mental fortitude is almost a self fulfilling prophecy. fake it till you make it. Just do not stop. Take one challenge at a time and do not worry about the next ones. Tell yourself "just one more thing."

Just remember, the people that become seals simply want it bad enough. There is nothing spectacular about it.
Can take *
Fucking. Phone
Most won't believe me and I don't blame you. But I did NSWPS (8 weeks). Flew through all three weeks of INDOC and made it through 22 weeks of BUD/S before being discharged because I broke my dumb fucking ankle during the last phase of BUD/S.

There are three phases.

First phase is "physical conditioning" which should be renamed "Mental Conditioning". If you aren't physically fit by this point, you're out. This is all 100% mental and they WILL fuck with you. My advice is to adopt a positive pessimistic attitude. Set no standards or have any expectations. Everything is what it is and you're out of fucking luck. But push yourself 100000000%. Manlets will do good in this stage.

The second stage was combat diving. Lanklets & tallfags usually do great here. I was 6'5, 225 lbs and coasted through diving. But I also had a lot of experience swimming for fun and had even learned the Combat Swimmers stroke.

Funny story. At one point we were instructed to get to one side the massive fucking Olympic pool as quickly as possible. I did the CSS and the minute I get down to the end and get back to the start -- I popped up and felt a fucking man slap across my face. Scared the fuck out of me.




I was hated the rest of that week.

Anyways, the last bit was Land Combat and shit. We were doing a beach obstacle course while on this very narrow balance beam like structure made of telephone poles and wood, I slipped and fell 9 feet.

Instantly felt a crunch and knew I was fucked. All of my buddies were horrified and I seriously just started rage crying. I was so fucking pissed. Once I got back and had a look at, two of my Instructors came by and talked to me. A bunch of bullshit of how I could recover and (1/2)

try again but I knew my ankle was beyond fucked. I loved my Instructors though. By the end, they're like your parents and I still send them letters every now and then. Most of them are still in.

Anyways, a lot of people think you do BUD/S and you're done but that's only like...1/3 of the process. You still have jump school and then SQT which is like 30 weeks and you *CAN* get disqualified during this time. Lastly there's Task Group Training and then you do a good 5-6 months of recap and training.
Build up some lean mass but KEEP LEAN. If you aren't a strong swimmer yet, start now and try to become a fish as much as possible. Swim swim swim. Lots. Swimming, running, lifting and eating need to become your life. You REALLY need endurance more than anything as endurance/a strong will can get you through some things.

But even then, it can sometimes won't be enough.
Also, don't stick out too much. Stick in the Top 20% of all things, show that you CAN think for yourself but follow all orders exactly.
And don't do the CSS when they tell you to get from A to B. You will be hated for a good week before everyone forgets. My nickname after that became "Stroke" and it was the gayest shit ever.

To this day, I'd kill to get one more shot.
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>it can sometimes won't be enough

Sorry, I'm 6 shots in on some Wild Turkey and rewrote that sentence before proof reading. Fuck off.

Btw, this is the first time I've even discussed it in probably three years. I'm currently a Physical Therapist at a VA Hospital and everyone assumes I had always been a DPT in the Navy.

I had to do therapy after my break and ended up porking a 10/10 PTA a handful of times. Nothing serious but she turned me onto the idea of becoming a full on DPT and so I did it until I got out in '06. It was POG as fuck but I'm glad it gave me a career. Got out as an O-4, too.

I'm married with kids now but she still sends me her family post cards with her husband and kids, lmao. We were good friends after we quit fuggin.
>very good chance that I'll fail

First get that mindset out of your head now. Get the mindset that you're becoming a SEAL or you're gonna die, also death isn't a option so that leaves only becoming a SEAL.

Listen to this video by a PJ instructor, Mike Maroney, he describes what you need to get the mindset of SOF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbIn_0zSXTA
Wtf homo
If you aren't a high school athlete you're fucked already.

just like how /k/ doesn't actually own guns, /fit/ doesn't actually lift
And sing! Be a triple threat!
I would read up on Stoic philosophy and mental conditioning to deal with stress. Anytime a SEAL talks about BUD/S and SQT they always say something along the lines of it being 99% mental. I know that "you just have to want it enough" is trite advice but if you put in the work to get in shape, you're definitely more
likely to drop on your own rather than be kicked out.

Much more likely to become a blue-side Corpsman. Undesignated Seamen rarely make it to MA in their first enlistment.
Start learing the languages of the disgusting foreign filth we enjoy bombing.
/fit/ lifts, but very few of them have athletic experience in actual sports or the cardio conditioning necessary to run an 8 minute mile.
/fit/ is literal trash
Run, work up to 10 miles, under an hour would be a good pace. A half marathon plan wouldn't be a bad plan.
Swim, be able to do at least 2k comfortably.
Bodyweight stuff, you should be able to knock out over 100 pushups easy, pullups over 20.
Ruck with weight, work up to 50 to 75 lbs for 20 miles.
Get in love with cold water.
Don't try to train for sleep deprivation, you'll just fuck up your health.
>being a squeal

Go ranger. SEALs are in a koolaid drinking feedback cycle. Without any infantry background, they never learn basic planning or infantry skills, and thinking they are so badass, never try to improve themselves and fix the problem.
Pretty much what this guy said. Have good cardio endurance, be able to run for miles at good pace, be a solid swimmer, be very good at calisthenics. Also, be able to bench, squat and deadlift your bodweight for 20+ reps. Sounds wierd but do it, the biggest mistake people make in lifting to prepare for the military is building fast twitch as opposed to slow twitch muscles. Youre never going to have to bang out one rep of 150kg bench, but you WILL have to bang out 30+ pushups in full rig and soaking wet.

However, the physical prep only serves to make it easier on you mentally; your mind gives up before your body does. Dont concentrate on the end, youll never make it - instead focus on just getting past today, this evolution or just this session. Break it up into manageable chunks. Keep your end goal and reason to be there in mind but focus on the immediate, getting through it, and just crack on.
Oh shit, talked to that guy irl a few times. Cool dude
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you know i always wondered, seals are helpless animals being clubbed by canadians on the ice, why would you name your best troops after those clumsy bags of fat?

omg, stoics are really pop trendy nowadays

well, the first thing you should know it's that the history is cyclic and between the cycles our world dies in a huge fire...

also don't read marcus aurelius like a valley girl, read epictetus' "enchiridion". i am in doubt if it is of any practical help anyway unless you manage to significantly modify your word view in a not so pleasant way, but at least it's much more clear
Rangers Lead the Way, go regular Army Airborne Infantry then volunteer for Ranger school
>to run an 8 minute mile.
that time is fucking horrible.
>fodder for Trump's dog wag war
Rangers != ranger school.

You want Ranger Battalion aka Option 40. You'll go infantry, get airborne free, go to RASP, and if you pass, enter battalion, where you'll get ranger school after a few months.
>SEa Air and Land

At least that is what I think it is.
That's the point
Judging by the last 15 years, I agree with you

>infantry shit
They're not supposed to know this. Their job calls for them to actively avoid infantry shit
I don't think you worded it right then dude.
If youre talking shit about them youre supposed to say a good time not a bad one. You should've said they don't have the cardio conditioning to do a 6 minute mile.
Special forces is mainly infantry skills just done at a master level. The hard part is doing flawless infantry skills whilst incorporating a massive range of other skills that may be needed to be performed correct first time every time on a whim.
"infantry shit" isn't copyrighted Green Beret magic. It's generic tactics everyone on land uses with small arms when fighting other people on land, with small arms.

"We don't need to know how to fight because it's only needed if something goes wrong, and nothing will ever go wrong" OTOH is characteristic squeal ego.
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Why be a glorified LARPer when you can be a real soldier.
>2 mile run in 13 minutes
Fucking lol. If I ran a MILE in 13 minutes it would be a miracle. SEALs are tryhard af man.
Yeah there are basic infantry skills all land combat units need to master, but Special operations forces are "special" for a reason. They do things line infantry doesn't. When we start treating them like they're just better infantry (which has been the tendency the past ~15 years) we get shit like OP Redwings.
a mile in 13 minutes it's not even running, i guess i walk to my work about as fast
>OP Redwings
That has nothing to do with infantry whatsoever. Nor should it have had. That went sideways for other reasons dude.

he was joking dude
We got shit like Redwings because they thought they were too good to adhere to the basics. Its all well and good having gucci kit and being able to knife fight in zero gravity but if you cant infanteer at an expert level youre fucked, most importantly because the nature of SF ops means you dont have a platoon covering your arse when you fuck up, its 3-5 blokes maximum so you need to be on top of your basic infanteering.
Don't you have some gullible CoD kids to recruit, faggot?
Yes it does, it was originally a Marine mission that the SEALs jumped on, and they thought they were the baddest guys on the block so they neglected some very basic shit that could have saved their asses. Stuff that, were they a standard line unit, they may have planned for.
No. You get shit like Redwings when you fail to plan for radio shadows or backup comms, a mistake no regular line infantry would make.

In other SF units, such basics are planned ad nauseam and every member of the group is expected to know every detail. SEALs OTOH are too good for planning the basics. They're also too good to ruck, so they insert directly onto hide sites by helicopter, something no scout or sniper team would dream of. The most basic grunt knows you insert 3-6km away outside immediate hearing range, and have your helicopter fake other landings after dropoff for enemy farther out.
You barerly have the right idea. They got cocky and flew way to close. That's basically it. Calm your autism.
>tfw get to fake landings
Not the guy you're replying to

Honestly, I don't think they "forgot" that shit so much as they didn't learn it. SEALs were mostly utilized for HVT raids during the GWOT, not stalking out fixed positions. Their traditional role is to insert where the enemy is pretty much a known factor, hit hard and fast, and avoid getting caught by superior fire. They lost so many dudes patrolling in Iraq that their officers complained conventional commanders were wasting their lives. They're not meant to "find, close with, and destroy the enemy" or "repel attack through close-contact, fire and maneuver" in a conventional infantry sense, and never were.
This. Fucking PAWPERSO and Actions on Lost Comms. The most basic crow scaley knows no matter how good your plan is, if you cant get comms it doesnt mean shit.
Last I checked that was the SEALs recruiting demographic in a nutshell.
I don't know you, but I take a little bit of pleasure in speaking to you this brief moment, knowing that somewhere done the line their is a chance that you will end up dead. I don't know how it will happen: perhaps a roadside bomb in the Mid-East, or or your boat/plane shot into a water grave off coast of Iran, or some North Korean missile blowing you to smithereens. Perhaps getting fucked to death by a pissed off enlisted trannie. I will never know what becomes of you, but I hope your parents end up receiving a stupid fucking flag in your honor. You stupid wide-eyed retard.
>or or
Kek retard
If that's the only error you found then you are the retard
I failed SAS selection when i almost drowned in a bog, good luck anon.
They were a reconnaissance squad. They received the proper training.
First understand that buds is there fie two reasons. I to test your commitment. They will have you do difficult things for a long time. If you are fit and healthy you CAN do them. The problem will be if you really want to do it. The secons purpose is to find out of you are comfortable in the water or are prone to panic. Take the attitude that thousands of people jave done this before you. They were just people. Don't give into the mind games. Remeber everything they ask you to do is within the realm of a fit individual. So if you were s decent high school athlete and arw comfortable in the water youll make it. There will be plenty that say how irs nearly imposible. They are hero worshiping cucks that like to make these men into something larger than life. They are just people like you.
why blue side? wouldnt green side make more sense?
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lmao dubs of truth!
Those frames don't have lenses.

Just noticed that.
>Undesignated Seamen rarely make it to MA in their first enlistment
What is your background anyway?
Collegiate athletics? any sort of athletics?
Have you done anything that is extremely mentally taxing?
I just wonder if maybe you are some skinnyfat oklahomian kid who cant run swim fight or fuck to save their lives.
What is the hardest sustained physical test you have had to do? I mean sustained as in regularly for months you completed mentally and physically strenuous task everyday.
Are you blind
I don't think he knows the green-side exists.
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>ctrl-f jocko
>0 results

summer /k/ is real...
Honestly OP. Most recruits who get into the SEAL program straight from boot wash out, and usually end up as undesignated for the next two or so years before you can apply for another school.
If I were you, you should find another job within the navy, do that and then decide if you really want to be a SEAL. Consider becoming a corpsman and entering the SOCP program. You won't necessarily be a SEAL but it will put you in pipeline to be a recon, dive or even a SEAL corpsman.
In short though, if you wash out you'll be undes for about 2 years, then you can get into another school, which by the time you graduate you'll have about 2 years to make 3rd class before you hit your high year tenure.
Blind? No. I just never really saw that screenshot, or took interest really. Was curious about the frames when I noticed there was no lens. Hence my post.

I gather this is to avoid reflection of background and to see the actors eyes. Now I will forever be looking to see if characters on screen wearing eyeglass frames actually have lenses.

My autism has intensified.
get ready to be hazed big time
100 push ups in 2 minutes for starters. To be a seal you need to be able to not give a fuck about the pain of death, and be fully willing to continue exercises most people can't do. Some people can focus on the goal some can't.
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