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>have to move from US to EU to live with partner >get the

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>have to move from US to EU to live with partner
>get the feeling he dislikes guns
>it's hard to get them there regardless
>have to leave all my funs behind
>I'm still willing to
>the things I do for love
Anyone else know this feeling? How's it gone for you?
Everyone else, would you ever leave your funs behind for an important person?
Have being raped to death by Africans and Arabs and other subhumans while you pay for their elf are and taxes and while the police will ignore you afterwards and your neighbors or friends will call you racist for bringing it up or complaining about it.
sometimes you can't beat first post win. also
you used the word "partner" not wife which implies you are a faggot of the "sucks cocks for a living" variety. Shoulda stayed in the US and kept your guns, fag.
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Your partner must be a very special person to you.
*have fun*
>>get the feeling he dislikes guns
>goes to EU rapidly being filled with people who through gays off roofs
>leaves guns
there are easier and quicker ways to kill yourself OP
still, I feel bad for you
Yeah, it's weird. I know about the danger of it, but we'll be living in a very nice place in one of the less cucked areas, so safety shouldn't be an urgent concern at any point.
My hopes are that I'll be able to convince him to let me have a "hunting" license to get a ""hunting"" rifle for """""hunting""""". Either that or maybe one day he'll move to Switzerland with me at the very least.
Wait... Do Americans really think thats how life is like in all of Europe?

You do realise that what you described happens only in very few places like London/Marseille/Berlin/Malmö?
it's a result of all the "redpill" media flowing in online that's overcompensated for the radical leftist propaganda and become a form of poison/disillusionment on its own
It's the same way yuropoors think literally all of America is overrun with niggers. I don't know what you expected.
what are you doing with the guns though?
they in storage or just sold?
I wouldn't really have a problem selling most of mine if I had to, but some have a lot of sentimental value
at least you're not going to Australia though where you can bite a poptart into the shape of a gun and probably get arrested
Serves you right for being a faggot in a muslim country, OP.
Say, how long do you think it'll be til you are thrown off the Eiffel tower or something?
its mad max out here too
gun nuts everywhere whipping out their gun at the drop of a pin
there's a net under the Eiffel Tower because so many people have heroed there over the years
wait... do euroslouches still remain ignorant of the fact that there are half a million refugees entering EU countries every year, and there a numerous nogo zones all over where the police don't dare to go and the refugees are setting up their own checkpoints, where sharia law, gang/tribal violence is all to common, and women are afraid to walk alone??
Staying with my family, which consists of gun lovers, so they'll be taken care of. That's one thing that relieves me, that I won't have to sell them or anything, just leaving them with family.

>Tfw I'd ask you to redpill me on this horseshit, but you'd take the bait
if you haven't taken the redpill yet, you are the bait.
good shit then
have fun with the metric system I guess
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I wouldn't move out of the US for any reason.

Even if I was offered millions of dollars I wouldn't live in the EU. I would rather be poor and homeless again than to sacrifice the freedom I have here.

Guns are just a small part of it. The US is the most free country in the world when it comes to the rights of it's citizens.
>would you ever leave your funs behind for an important person?
Absolutely never, I'd sooner throw out a girl than I would part with even my cheapest SKS
Personally I'd never willingly leave my funs, family, and freedom behind to live in another country.
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>I would rather be poor and homeless again than to sacrifice the freedom I have here.
>poor and homeless again
10 years ago I would have said yes and gone, but seeing how things are now, probably not.
>The idea of temporarily living there in Eastern Europe and helping my Slav warrior brethren when war comes kind of excites me, I admit.

Shut the fuck up, tripfag. Quit shitting up my board with your whiteboi "muh yurop" agenda.
>be me, American
>meet Filipina professor doing case study in usa
>fall in love over a period of time
>I refuse to make her move here cause I'm afraid she won't be able to utilize her doctorate (it's not art or anything, it's technology managment)
>sell my house and give my important shit to my friends to hold for me
>give my .45 to my cousin (ironically it's an armscor)
>move to the Philippines

It's alright cause it's a safe catholic area and the nearest mosque is half a country away. Also I have about 80 pounds and a full foot over the next tallest person.

I still miss my gun. It kills me cause she now wants us to try and make a go of it in the usa
>Marrying a Flip
You have no one to blame but yourself
but not a nurse?
>>sell my house and give my important shit to my friends
damn boi
you married a flip without any connections? somebody she knows can get you a piece. if you cant get a gun in the Philippines you havent tried.
Nice meme faggot.

I'm sure your vast experience with the Internet has made you an expert.

Let me state facts.
>never took money from me
>family never took money from me
>she literally pays for all my visa shit cause she both makes Alot of money and also appreciates all I've given up for her
>is a decent human being
Friend, I know I can get a gun illegally, but I dont wanna hide my gun away. I want to be able to use it and love it. That's my problem.
I love my friends, hated my house.

Always wanted land. Instead my dumb ass buys a starter home in a sleepy suburb. It never felt like my house.
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I will never understand why people fall for the woman meme so hard they give up everything they love and even change their whole lives.
Just a random question on this topic:

So if I move from the US to say, Norway, I'd have to leave my guns in America and buy new ones in Norway after I jump through all the legal hoops? Or could I just get my milsurp shipped in?
just need more bribes until it becomes legal
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This, I'd rather be poor and homeless again than leave the US again, I moved here from Europastan to enjoy these guns again.
Same, and the reason is probably that you'd need to get women first.
>to enjoy these guns again
>is a glock

Should've just stayed in europe
isn't it just as easy to legally get a firearm, or handgun in the flips as it is in the USA? I thought they adopted the US constitution when they formed their country, 2nd amendment and all.
I believe you could get it shipped in if you did the paperwork and got all licenses and then did more paperwork, then shipped them in.
Or, if your guns are small enough and you're willing, you could have them procedurally, very slowly brought in tiny piece by tiny piece in boxes filled with packing peanuts and other possessions. That's illegal though.
You'd have to check around reeeeeally hardcore though, since I haven't read up on this stuff in decades.
>mom I made a joke out of someones glock again on 4chan!
har har har you so funny har
I almost definitely won't do it, but there is a part of me that wants to live in a different country for a bit at some point in my life.
What happened to them should be on the lips of every redblooded american

They elected a nigger in the 70s (date may be earlier) named Marcos. Thus fucker then declares "martial law" literally goes door to door and takes everyone's guns and steals the equal amount of 3 billion usd from a 3rd world country. He then fled to Hawaii where he lived instead of dying after his guilty verdict
shitty, but that doesn't answer my question. Sitrep of Philipine gun laws? can't you legally buy them like here in the US?
Oh, and his wife came back to the Philippines and said "she's looking forward to getting back the money and items that were stolen from her by the people" after some senator made a show of returning some fucking vase her family owned

This bitch had 20k us dollars worth of shoes in one of her houses when they were ousted. That's a million pesos. That's 20000 bottles of liquor.
That's fucked up, I understand corruption, I'm from bad parts of Europe. I feel blessed everyday I wake up in my American bed and grip my handgun I can legally carry.
If you are a citizen you can sorta buy a gun legally. Basically the dictator got rid of the Constitution and nobody really replaced the gun shit.

Basically you can buy one If you register, wait six months, register again in Manila, fly to the one gun store in all the Philippines, pay for gun, wait a year, pick up gun.

This is assuming nothing goes wrong. This is also assuming what thay cop told me was the truth.
>Anyone have this feeling?
No, firstly because I wouldn't live in Europe if you paid me to do it and secondly because if a potential wife or girlfriend was the kind of person who asked me to give up my firearms they wouldn't be the kind of person who I'd want a relationship with in the first place.
>Would you leave your funs behind for an important person.
No, the two would have to coexist.
>not wanting to get gang raped by migrants is now an agenda

Hoo boi.
Doesn't sound like the truth, I'm on google maps right now and there's tons of public gun shops in the philipines. Pretty sure gun laws there are pretty lax, almost as good as here.
Think long term. In 10 years, every city will be a no go zone for whites. They will make it happen.
He must not want me to get a gun.

Pretty sure the thing about citizenship is right though atleast. Don't think I can get one as a permanent resident.

Truth be told, I took everything at face value when I learned the hard way that nothing gets done here on the first try. Nearly got deported over that shit.
Just tell Du30 that you fear there are drug dealers in your area and need a way to take care of them.

I'd ask for sources, but again, the bait will be taken
Dude guns are just as big of thing in the philipines as they are in the US, the chinks go there to practice because they can't in China, go get into gun my flip expat dude!
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Permanently? IDK

I wouldn't mind storing my guns and going to live in Europe for a few years, I don't think I could do it permanently though.
>proving me wrong is bait!

You have to be at least 18 to post here.
Make him move to the US it's a lot better here than there
if you weren't gay and fell in love with a guy this wouldn't have happened now would it
I hope it works out well for you OP.
>having someone else who loves you
>Anyone else know this feeling?

>I learned the hard way that nothing gets done here on the first try.
you missed the very obvious cues to bribe him if you want shit done in a timely matter
>do euroslouches still remain ignorant of the fact that there are half a million refugees entering EU countries every year, and there a numerous nogo zones all over where the police don't dare to go and the refugees are setting up their own checkpoints, where sharia law, gang/tribal violence is all to common, and women are afraid to walk alone??

Sounds just like the ghetto bunny niggerhoods in the USA, don't it?
Thanks, my friend.
>Moving to Cuckmany next year for the next 3 years
>No guarantee to move back to a gun friendly state afterwards

Flip gun laws aren't that bad, anon. Flips are also poor as fuck, and corrupt as fuck, so you could have easily bribed someone to keep your gun.
the use of the word partner scream gay. this isnt a wife.
>I'll be able to convince him to let me have a "hunting" license to get a ""hunting"" rifle for """""hunting"""""
I believe it's actually the use of the adjective "he" that screams gay
that's just me though
Depends, do you mean kek or cuck. I feel both in a way. Some things are just more important than guns though.
You literally repeated the exact same thing the other retard spouted. That is fiction my dear little misinformed friend. Europe is a geographical zone spanning 50 countries and half a billion people. The socalled "no go zones" are literally small parts of Luton/London/Malmö. Thats it.

>and women are afraid to walk alone??

I life in the safest country on earth and I can promise you that no woman in her right mind would walk home alone at 3 am in a mini skirt.

You really need to take the real redpill and realise that you want to believe is not reality. Europe remains the cultural and financial place to be. Especially Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Lichtenstein, Northern Italy, Germany (except Berlin), France (except Paris and Marseille), Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic...

Why dont you get yourself your passport and travel for the first time in your life outside of your county and find out for yourself how much better life is in Europe (even thought you do need a psychological evaluation for getting an AR here where I live)
Where do you live if you don't mind me asking? I haven't heard of the needing a psych evaluation for a gun thing in a while.
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>small parts of

oh what a relief

in the mean time, eat a bag of dicks you suicidal lunatic

the rest of us will continue giving a shit about our countries, and making sure they remain "the cultural and financial place to be" beyond the next 5 years
Fuck Switzerland, the Czech Republic has the best gun laws anywhere in the world except the US.
Yes the only difference here is that niggers actually like their own country and are in constant conflict with law enforcement

In your eurocuck countries, the police actively help these hatred filled scum enter the country
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>have to move from US to EU to live with partner
Why do you have to leave the country to live with the person you're in business with?

>Leaving America
>Leaving your guns
You're fucking retarded
>"t-the world outside America is so scary! H-Hold me, mommy!"
No. My guns were here long before any slore and they'll be here long after.

If you're not married, have no children, are of an age at which you can bear me many strong sons, and don't have a penis, then dump that faggot zero and get with a hero.
smells vaguely of overestimated self worth
They just passed some right to own a gun thing, I believe?
I'm not the kind of faggot who doesn't like guns. That puts me a step above the faggot mentioned in the OP.
Find a better boyfriend, my boyfriend is /k/ as fuck and super cute.
I'm from the UK and I've also lived in Germany. It's just that you don't belong here so you think any EU country is an acceptable place to live compared to a country with something like the second amendment.

Do you even own funs?
>moving to the middle east

dude . . . eu is not like the usa, canada, or mexico. you can't just move to whatever country you want at a whim. unless your partner is a sugardaddy, in which case rules do not apply i suppose
nice degree in psychology
how long was the online test
You can at least get a overunder shotgun anywhere in Europe without too much hassle.
Don't be a pansy, you can get at least that.
Surprisingly France is one of the easier places to buy and keep guns in the home.
>move to Switzerland
fuck off we are full
With family?!?!
That likes guns?!?!
Better to leave them locked up in a safe at your families home, so they can't get their grubby little hands on them.
What i did.
I admire the dedication it must have took to dig around in your own shit to look for an retort, I won't call it an argument. So, how many guns do you own?
Yeah, meanwhile we watch those numbers plummet to 30% in the next 2 decades, dear USA.
dont you mean the pronoun?
stop discouraging poop dicks from leaving the US. hopefully he'll get thrown off a building.
Yeah, and you can only get a gun if you pass the gun license exam in CZECH.
Leadpill your bf faggot!
>not going shooting with your qt euroboyfriend
>not falling asleep in his strong arms after a day at the range
get the fuck back to the US, we have enough fags here.
Why the fuck are you leaving the US to move in with a noguns Eurocuck? I'm a Bong and I'd marry you for a green card.
Lol you're describing American cities like Detroit, Chicago, etc.

There is no 'no go' areas in Europe
>There is no 'no go' areas in Europe
half Paris, three quarters of Marseille, a quarter of Lyon, as far as I know because I went there. Cannot speak for Germany or London.
Just try to wander your white ass in some suburbs, or maybe you like arab cock so much you are happy to take it vigorously in the ass, fucking hipster.
>don't have a penis
Uh, anon, I have some bad news.
Not the same guy, but I've been all over Europe twice and I would never live there. I honestly dislike the cities and culture in most of western europe, the only part I loved ware historical places and food. The only European country I'd even think about moving to is the Czech Republic.
>dating someone who is anti-gun
I don't even fill pity. Just die.
If he isn't willing to move to freedomland or put up with guns, you're quite clearly not that important to him. Leave him.
fake news. Americans don't own passports
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>Anyone else know this feeling
Nah we're not all cucks who have to run off to Europe. We can find chicks that live in America.
I have an enhanced license, which is good for the entire continent and some caribbean islands.
I see you last trip to Europe was more than 5 years ago
Quit shitting up our board with your skin color
>My hopes are that I'll be able to convince him to let me

A double faggot
>what is a word filter
welcome to 4chan
kill yourself please, being gay is a mental illness
>not loving your guns more than people
Get out

a majority of europeans are racist , but are hiding it

>half of Paris a third of Marseille

Yea sure buddy
T-t-t-things are still sort of ok, don't worry guys, it's not like the problem is going to double every 5 years or something ridiculous like that! We're really not racist here, see I have A Muslim friend and he says he's not an extremist! They're not all like that! Plus most of them are conservative so they'll help us counter the SJWs! I for one welcome our new overlords!
By definition, anyone who doesn't actively attack their own people is racist. And in fact, every single person is racist some of the time. Therefore, racism isn't inherently bad, it's how you express it that can be a problem.
Someones talking out the ass
>half Paris
Confirmed for never having been to Paris. The center of Paris is government buildings, museums, the Champs (with it's upscale shopping) and its incredibly expensive apartment blocks. Not to mention it's the only capital in Europe where people are moving out of because it's so expensive to live there.
Now let's be a little realistic here, it is overrun with niggers, because they invade only the places worth living, not the boons.
I went to Italy with my family just a few weeks ago, I thought it was a shithole, like even the "nicest" parts reminded me of the really shitty parts of new York or something.
>being a fag
And what makes you think Switzerland will want you?
I am in the EU and I like hearing this, it is nice to know some people appreciate what they have
But OP moved away from the US.
But it is. The US is 56% white.
is that an issue for you personally?
And falling, since whites are being outbred.
>giving up freedom for a fag
You dont deserve guns anyways
Should be an issue for every white American. Sooner or later, the US will be New Africa.
Literally everyone is racist, it's just a question of degree.
Not even.
And if you think that will happen why don'y you either A. Do something about it?
or B. leave the US?
>>have to leave all my funs behind
deal breaker

This is something i cant do.

I wanted to move to nippon but they ultracucks so I cant
What the fuck is with this logic?
>see problem
>point out said problem
>>leave if u dun like it nigga
I lived in a so-called ghetto in a Scandinavian country for the past year an a half untill I found an apartment in the centre of the town where I study. It was around 70% african/middle eastern and the rest being old people and students plus some eastern europeans.

Now litterally NOT A SINGLE TIME have I been afraid or in danger. I have walked home in the middle of the night both alone, with my gf, drunk, you name it like a hundred times and nothing ever happened. Of course we saw fights 2-3 times during the period wemlived there, and sometimes the local teenagers would sell weed on the parking lot. Hell there was even a shooting and a stabbing while we lived in the area. But then again compare that to detroit or any other Ghetto. And it was always infights
See this it literally the worst it gets. This is our so-callet "ghetto" areas. Since I moved to the city centre (my town has about half a million residents) I don't ever see anything. No fights, shootings - and no fucking "omg sharia zones" btw. Does this mean I'm positive about the current immigration situation? No of course not. And non-western immigrants are still vastly over-represented in crime statistics.

But that does not change the fact that I live in one of the safest societies in the world, and that you have to be either scared of your own shadow or stupid enough to get your world view from 4channers and so-called "red-pill" information to think otherwise.
Or you were just lucky.
>very few
>4 big fucking cities
pick one nigger
So you just gonna not do anything about it?
Or he, you know, actually lives there and knows what he's talking about.
How do you know he doesn't? And what exactly do you think he could do about it, when whites don't want to breed at the same rate as subhumans, and culling niggers and spics is kind of frowned upon.
Locals are pretty often blind to their own problems.
Fags shouldn't be allowed to have guns anyway
You are red pilled, but what you don't realize is that that safety and security is going to disintegrate within the next 15 years because your beautiful peoples will become minorities in their own cities, then their towns, and finally even in the country, by about 2050 in most western european places and Scandinavia.

So while NOW may not be so bad and they just about behave OK, you realize that those badly behaved non western immigrants are multiplying faster than western white natives? And their kids are even worse behaved than the parents.

It will be fucking hell in many countries before too long. Get the fuck out of sweden, it sounds like you're from there.
So it's going to be over 8 million muslims in Sweden by 2050?
Almost certainly yes, though you might think I'm crazy.

But I live in the UK and white British are predicted to be a minority by 2066, and they are certainly taking a very positive view of it and not accounting for open borders politicians getting into power.

As a young man I despair at the absolute fucking state of europe.
Gun ownership is the only thing that is going to preserve any European peoples in the coming crash.
yeah my bf dose not like guns. but he also wants me to move to the uk with him.Fucking that shit
This could have just as well be written by me, been living in one of Swedens largest cities in one of the "worst" areas since about 09..
It's a majority middle eastern area with a large minority of latinos and rest is old swedish people/drunks/druggies.

Never been in any threating situation with immigrants and I have just as that guy been out all hours during day and been retardedly drunk many times.

Been in two fights though, One with my fat fuck finnish gypsy neighbour and one with drunk swedish students.

I agree though that the immigration is not good but Sweden is not that dangerous as /pol claim
>Locals are pretty often blind to their own problems.
Do you realize how you sound right now?
"I know better than the people living in the situation."
>How do you know he doesn't?
Because most of the Nazis IRL are subhumans themselves. Look at the next white supremacist march. Fat-asses and ugly ass women everywhere. Not only that but they're from incredibly lazy parts of the nation, places that take in more government assistance than anywhere else. I hardly think they have the testicles to try anything.
>when whites don't want to breed at the same rate as subhumans
So start fucking then, unless you're a total aspie.
>and culling niggers and spics is kind of frowned upon.
What about culling nazis? Thats certainly not frowned upon and if history is any indication they offer no real resistance and are defeated easily.
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I would leave them to rot in the EU. She'll be Ja'Mal's 3rd wife eventually anyway.

>Unless she was Czech, then id make her Czech the fuck out of Europe
You are crazy
It's almost like these people have never been there.
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You're welcome.
>"I know better than the people living in the situation."
As a Swede, you should know of the term 'Stockholm syndrome'. Yes, we can look at statistics instead of anecdotes on an anonymous imageboard. Are Sweden's ghettos safe?
>What about culling nazis?
How are nazis a problem in modern day society?
OP that's cute that you and another man are pretending to be a couple but you should really learn to enjoy the company of women so you can sire children and not have your entire genetic line be a complete and utter waste of time.
What point is there in making children though?

I understand wanting to be with men, because women are insufferable cunts. And I say that as a straight man.
Because if we don't have children, we all die, and the grand adventure ends here.
Yeah but you won't be around to see it anyway, so what's the point?
>Are Sweden's ghettos safe?
They're like any other ghetto in the world.

>'Stockholm syndrome'
I know what it means, and it actually doesn't fit into what your meaning it to be. SS is when people start to build rapport with their hostage takers (ie they are not blind to the needs or demands of their tormentors). You are saying the Swedes are blind to issues that are purportedly in front of them. As and American, if you're going to write in English about concepts you can easily confuse with other ones, takes a step back an google shit.

>How are nazis a problem in modern day society?
Well considering they were attempting to gain power in Europe the last election cycle (sorry I mean "nationalists"). The same guys who when asked what they thought of Hitler and Co and their policies instead of saying "No.", they started of by deflecting by saying "Well you need to look at it in context...." hardly good dudes or dudettes you want running a country.
It's like 70% white, what the fuck are you talking about?
76% only because census includes hispanic/latino as "white." Its actually 61% white as of 2016
Blacks are losing the status as largest minority to hispanics in the U.S. anyways. America isn't going to be BLACKED it's going to be BEANED.
Do all Euros take the bait this hard?
>muh fags will make humanity extinct meme
Anon, trust me. We will never have a shortage of straightfags pumping out babies like it's going out of style.
I've never understood the whole "if you allow faggotry then everyone will be faggots because homosex is just that good" line of thought
The Swede is a cuck... it's like poetry

>abloo bloo muh nazis didn't like brown dick as much as I do!

That's the Mexican process not the flip one lol
>New Africa
It'll be new Mexico.
Black population hasn't grown percentagewise in years.

They have lots of kids but lots of them die off as well.
We're getting HORCHATA'D.
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There it is
I'm not even in this argument but if you're defending being a cuck you should kys

OP are you gay? Answer the question

Also post pics of dicks touching plz
Well you are, your biggest fear is that someone isn't pro immigration... how pathetic


You are a fucking limp wristed panty wearing faggot unfit to call yourself a man. You should be on /dildos/, not /k/.
Well, I'm not Swedish. So i can't help you their, chief.
Do you have anything to respond to or are you just going to do ad hominems?

For the record, I (an American) think the immigration policies of Sweden and the EU could use some serious re-working, but that doesn't mean I believe everything Fox News tells me too, especially when they say certain areas of Paris are immigrant infested, "no go zones" when I had been there 3 weeks prior and had been to a museum at that same location they said is run-down and dangerous.

Why are you guys so obsessed about the act of fucking someone elses wife or GF, it's weird (as is wife swapping/sharing T B H). Kinda like when people who de-cry homosexuality , then are caught doing just that.
>You are a fucking limp wristed panty wearing faggot unfit to call yourself a man. You should be on /dildos/, not /k/.
And I'm sure you are the finest specimen the human race has ever birthed...

Also, do you have any problem about what I said, if you want to comment that's fine, but try to make it a conversation. These accusations do nothing for your case except make you look crazy/unable to articulate your thoughts.
I live in the 3rd safest country on Earth and while I do agree with you and have never experienced any dangerous situation in my country, literally none, nada, niente, thinking on the mid to long run 30+ plus years it will significantly turn into shit if the tide doesn't shift.

Non European subhumans are arriving by the thousands each week during summer, look at Italy, they're being overwhelmed with the massive amounts of migrants.
I have never met a single mudshit in my country since they're >0.2% of the population, but with the EU's ruling that is displacing migrants all across members countries it will eventually fuck us too.

Now that being said and comparing to the US, you can't take you security into your hands and that sucks balls. And let's no fool ourselves, the freedom of speech doesn't exist either.

But I wouldn't leave it here regardless, this place is fucking amazing, born here, live here, die here. The same way my parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so on did.
My problem with your comments is that they reveal you as a pussy little faggot who spreads his ass for any abuser with a dick. We could start with the part where you justify Stockholm Syndrome and then pledge to bend over and accommodate the needs of those rough, bad men. We all know you're thinking of your own rape and getting excited, you fucking degenerate faggot. Your increase in verbosity as your faggot lust takes over your diseased mind betrays you. Or we could skip to the part where you snivel and call anyone who doesn't get aroused at his own rape a nazi. You're a fucking disgrace. You don't even deserve to be called a human. You've let your degenerate base instincts and self loathing eradicate your humanity. Fucking faggot.

I can articulate my thoughts perfectly. You're the one who can't imagine anyone not obsessed with pedophilia, beastiality, and faggotry. Most people aren't as repulsive as you. You need to realize that.
What's wrong with pedophilia though?
Naw, I'm not even in the argument either. But I really hate the use of the Word cuck. Worst meme ever on 4chan. Kys is close second

>cuck cuck cuck cuck
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>>have to move from US to EU to live with partner
>>live with partner

Flips are fun people, good catch.
>moving to an area being slowly filled by snack bars
>sharia law spreading
>governmental authority unwilling to stop crime for fear of looking ebul wacist
>intentionally moving somewhere you will be lynched for being gay
have you tried staying in the states, telling your eurotrash fucktoy it's time to move to the greatest country in the world, and fucking him while he learns to enjoy guns?
>i would rather be a wage slave than be given true freedom through wealth because i like to plink
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"come to us"
"fuck you come to me"
You fags split up all the time. Don't give up your guns, it's a poor long term investment.
He also said fix it you dumb nigger, but you never saw that as an option did you?

We will kill the dumb whites with the niggers just fyi, I wouldn't hate them too much. You will be hiding with them
Moved from UK to Australia. In UK had .22, .17hmr, 243 and 3006 all with moderators ( suspressors ) plus a load of shotguns. O/Us, pumps and Semi auto. Had to sell them all as no semi autos allowed in Aus and no Supressors. Would cost too much to import also. Best make the most of the currency exchange and buy again. Only kept 1 shotgun that is sentimental. I can 're buy everything else. At least it's easier to have a pistol here.. so silver lining and all that.
>Thinking guns are about plinking

yeah every switz person i've ever met has been high IQ high EQ with a few autistic tendencies that they are very aware of

>fat finnish gypsy neighbour fights
dude can I get a shit job in sweden easily? i don't speak swedish but your country is lovely, your people were kind, and I want to move to UROPE without all the low end competition of france, UK, ital
>walking down the sidewalk in freedomsville
>accidently bump into someone
>get sued, loose house
>get illness from being homeless
>die because no way to pay $60,000 dollars to see a doctor
euro a cuck but you also described half the nigger zones in america
Just because your country is cucked doesn't mean strawman arguments are now acceptable.
well if your a woman i guess its okay since you are leaving to possibly create more little /k/omandos but if youre a dude youre just a faggot
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>homo in US and easily turned my fiance progun
sorry, don't know that feel
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