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AR thread/AR General/ARG

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 326
Thread images: 137

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Please stop filling my inbox with catgirls edition

Old >>34497238
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blue hair catgirl.png
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>Please stop filling my inbox with catgirls edition
You know what's gonna happen now, right?
2Dfags need to leave
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uh, no

orangecat can leave tho
everything he owns is shit
He... Umm...
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There are catgirls (female), catgirls (male), and catgirls (in between, or both)
lmt upper tonight senpaitachi. aimpoint or eotech?
you would know, wouldn't you WEEB
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I don't even watch anime
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I fucked up big time
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i looks like someone dropped a white rifle in >>34502034
is that guy fieri on the right
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oh wow
This is why you don't paint your guns
Looks kind of cool imo
Should have gone with a darker tan though
Oh fuck it's the dude with the geissele quad wtf are you doing m8
i could see somebody using that as a way to hunt lions in africa given a big enough caliber
make the brown darker and they may think it was a zebra seperated from the pack
>cat girl animu expert
>shit taste

wew trying rack up a winning score of faggotry today huh?
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Gecko trying to build an AR.jpg
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>>shit taste
>has a better rifle than you
Nice one Gecko Outside Cali
>Gecko Outside Cali
oh that's a good one
thank you for reminding me to filter you.
Is that why you buy them used and pre-painted? So you don't have to?
Can't handle the bantz?
>not buying certified pre-owned socom paint
wut r u doin

He's fragile
Some can take it, others can't. Either you trip well enough to present a unique persona or you become a clone of GC/Fluffy/Cordan
Does anyone know if a tailcap from a surefire m962 will fit on a m600?
no im just bored of the insistent low tier banter from the feline homosexual, he adds less value to conversation than giddy, notice i didnt filter anyone els? lol
No, it won't
>went from shit prebuilt rifle to used/blem mk8
>can't handle bantz
>never any original banter of his own
>doesn't own any interesting rifles
>constantly complaining
Quick did I just describe GC or COG
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upotte red cats.jpg
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+1 catgirl(s) have been added to your inventory
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That's one way to do chocolate chip.

>shit tier bantz that GC developed

It's like they were separated at birth.
Just hit it with some od green
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But pb said it's legal and he clearly knows more about law than lawyers.
>be me
>sitting in old thread with auto-update doing its thing.
>"Damn no body on today..........323 posts, the fuck?"
>check the catalog
>cat girl edition
I ain't even mad.

>trade refused
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what dumb shit are you sperging about now?
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PB wants to buy a bfs but his state won't let him, Giddy is posting proof of such.
franklins interpretation of wa law. he'll go back to breaking something soon.
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>Not for civilian sales in CA, DC, IA, ND, NJ, NY, or WA.
i get most of that but why the hell is it illegal in IA and ND
What is bfs?
I forgot that Iowa was even a state. And ND is just a bunch of Canadian-lites
big friendly snootikins
It's one of those triggers that fires on the pull and again on the release.
Is $349 for a Strike Eagle 1-6 a good price new? I've only seen them for $400 at the lowest.
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I have many other wares if you are still interested.
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I am nowhere near Fluffy or GC. Alright pal?




Should be able to get one for $330 I want to say, but hold on a sec.

If you don't have a mount for it yet, this is a decent combo deal.



Tell me more.
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I don't understand dorito hair
Burts fizzy sips.
I know mate, if you weren't distinct I wouldn't have given you your own category
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Las Plagas jew.jpg
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Whaddya sellin... stranga...?

Does anyone really understand anything 2D
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Okay, fair. At least I have nicer shit than GC.
there is nothing to understand
it just is
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What is there to understand?
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>it's not even aesthetic
We told you that you can't build for shit when you aren't given a list of pre-approved parts.
You are a much cooler dude don't sweat it. That ak looks a little soviet Afghan era if I might say so
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It's a Bulgy kit, it has an optics rail on the other side though which pushes it out of typical AK-74 territory however.

I really like it though.
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>That ak looks a little soviet Afghan era
Go back and blend it. Spray a khaki pattern over the dark brown and a dark brown pattern over the khaki. Or dust the whole thing with one or the other color, depending on whether you want the gun lighter or darker.
Wdym by "blend it"?
Not /arg/ related at all, but does anyone know a good place to read reviews on "home theaters in a box"? Mine crapped out after 12 years and I have no idea what I'm looking for.
What is the /arg/ approved rifle chambered in 5.56 that isn't an AR?
what did you mean by what does blending mean?
>home theaters in a box
You're literally posting on one
Also i tried to do a pattern using netting
Mostly the light wood and bakelite mag, I don't look that deep into the inferior platform
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Gross. No one in their right mind actually wants an AUG. Or any bullpup, for that matter.
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>liking bullpups
As I'd expect from you. There was never any hope for you, just an eternal collection of shitty guns.
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take a look at my stores
he doesn't even have one
yet he tries to defend them

it's like some sort of brain damage
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Show me on the doll where these superior ballistics and sublime balance touched you
>sublime balance

>bullpupfags are this delusional

I recognize your AR. Did you ever go shooting with NutnFancy?
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Garand + 1897.jpg
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>springfield and winchester btfo

It's not enough to have shot and handled them even if I haven't bought my own yet?
>sublime balance
C'mon now
>having the weight of your rifle centered right above your main hand (if not slightly forward of that)
>not fucking perfect
Get a grip nerd
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>having all the weight supported by one arm instead of balanced between both
>this one handed balance is totally fucked when you add in a loaded magazine
>the balance changes as the magazine empties

>bullpupfags are this retarded
So what is 5.56 rifle should I buy that isn't a bullpup?

I don't want another AR but I don't want an AK and go back to the stone ages
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>not hanging a can off your AUG to keep the balance perfect with a loaded mag

Oh right i forgot you are poor.

>inb4 oubces=pounds
>noodlearms mcgee is complaining about weight again
It's like 7.5lbs you child
Why do you want another 5.56? Why not get a 7.62 gun or a pistol cal pdw? Or save until you know you want something?
Because reasons. Also I plan on getting a Scorpion EVO soon for the 9mm fun. No real desire to get a 7.62 NATO rifle at the moment.
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quiet cunt

how do you get internet down in the sewers anyway
my stamp wont be clear until probably december
what can do you have?

how can you continually be this retarded
it's almost impressive
how do you even afford internet
>can't handle .308 recoil
>can't support a rifle over 6lbs
I'm noticing a pattern here
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Same way you get the internet out on the farm
I want to plow her field
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the other rack.jpg
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But why cat girl boys? Penis is not feminine it will have cat spikes on it ow noty
>skinny manlet projecting hard as fuck
call me retarded next

you don't let the cat girl fuck you, you fat queer
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If ya'll are alright with posts that don't contain anime, corn chips, AKs, or a combination of the three, here's my rifle.

Been too long since I've taken any pictures, especially considering the new parts/paint.
The balance I'm talking about is with a loaded mag

Even then the difference in weight is only relevant if you don't shoulder your rifles or something. Do you hover them? Maybe that's why you were complaining so much about your scar without the brake.
Do you forget that we've all seen you and your noodly arms?
o sry
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Wife might be bringing home a cat today.
>>skinny manlet projecting hard as fuck
You've seen my .308 recoil control
>deflecting this hard just cause you can't even shoot as good as a babby skeleton

Only one trip here has hit himself in the face with recoil tho

Selective breeding to get rid of it burt
The BCM grip really adds to it.
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Put a nf 2.5-10 on this immediately
>he doesn't know
>nf 2.5-10
That is within my budget, nice.
I didn't give you permission to respond to me.
>he took the bait
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it makes a huge fucking difference in carrying and handling you stupid fuck
having all the weight supported by one arm is a fucking pain
and act like its a strength issue, i wouldn't expect you to understand what fatigue is if you never do anything active with it.

>You've seen my .308 recoil control
yeah it looks a lot like CG's gif of himself magdumping
Pls tell me he already sold it
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While it may be the best option for that rifle, it's not the only choice.
That looks heavy af
Do you not have a sling for it? I don't get where this asshurt is coming from, but then this is you we're talking about so it's never out of the question.
He did that's an HK grip.
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ur pretty sensitive.png
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I'd ask you to show me proper form then but you might wreck another pair of shooting glasses
mmmm, futa
Weebshit posters need to burn in nuclear hellfire
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Wish my rifle had dubs =[
Great, now I'll have to buy one.
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asshurt? about you being a retard again?
a properly balanced rifle makes a difference when actually shooting for extended periods of time
maybe you should actually try that
good balance is at the magwell, not the fucking rear grip

hard to believe you're even pretending anymore
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Good choice, under $2500 too
Hey, now there's something to push onto Gecko. It's reptile breeders futa something something weebshit.
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>good ballance is at the magwell
I would appreciate if you had a look at >>34502291and noted the relative positions of grips and mags between these two rifles
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Do it!
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Needs more 3D
Reminds me of these brownies I used to love as a kid that had this white icing in the cracks.
>look i'm literally retarded
yes i see that thank you.
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>/arg/ too busy arguing about reptilian futanari and bullpups to roast a rifle with keymod and and a streamlight pistol light

I am starved for attention.
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What's the point of discussing anything when it always ends with "lol no ur retarded". It's gecko-tier.
They're dykes (male) that raise reptiles and dress like the Tumblr community.
You're right, you should leave this place.
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you resorted to "u mad"
then pointed out your own picture proving my point
yes, i'm calling you literally retarded.
The TLR is the least of your problems with that rifle

Maybe the scar scrambled his brains a bit too much

I'm intrigued and disgusted
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Does anyone have experience with arisaka/malkoff lights? How do they compare to surefire?
There was an argument paired with my u mad but I know well enough how you selectively ignore parts of people's posts when it's convenient for you.
>I'm intrigued and disgusted
It's something you could post to harass Gecko.
It's not like it's hard to harass gc in the first place. I'm gonna regret looking at this but what's the name of it?
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Do go on
Himitsu no reptiles
the arisakas are great. or should i say the arisakas with malkoff heads are great. very well made and dependable.
What AR pistol grip is the most like an AK grip
at least wipe off the cup.
Stock is gay, dot needs moved up, >keymod, grip looks like aids, and pistol light on a rifle. Paint looks cool.
troy cqb grip
you get what you pay for
malkoff heads are lower power and don't focus the light as well

slings don't make a difference when shooting
but you're too stupid to understand that in my post i guess
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>bat attempt at m90
>b5 pg
>dot too far back
>meh brake
>bcm handstop
>could have a better ch
Pistol light on rifle is GT approved
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apustaja kops.jpg
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>slings don't make a difference when shooting
Yes they do
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It would be easier to list things that are good at this point.

i wonder what magic sling you have that supports weight at all times when shooting, transitioning, or moving

god you're a waste of time
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the mvg really is a piece of shit
>slings don't make a difference when shooting
In regards to bullpups or regular rifles? Can't say for bullpups but for regular rifles they change how the weight is supported and can help you hold a rifle in a steadier position. Depending on how you use the sling, you can change the weight distribution your shoulders or back which makes holding the rifle steady much easier.

I could have told you that.

Bcm stubby on a mlok to pic rail section when?
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look at that.png
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>rifle is comfy when shouldered
>"no it's not if you have to carry it for a long time!"
>get a sling
>"but that doesn't help when it's shouldered!"
>don't have it shouldered 24/7
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Pistol lights are too delicate.
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You have it for a pistol grip.
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It's a two point, tightened to fit
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i dont
>Pistol lights are too delicate.
Since when?
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Gib attention
using a sling to make your shooting stance more rigid is hard to do with a bullpup, and isn't what's being discussed

the point is having all the weight centered over one hand is retarded.
that's the plain and simple fact
no amount of delusional stupidity will change that
Don't lie, God is judging you.
Hi giddy your rifles have stagnated they're a bit boring now
Since always. Get a unity exo if your going to mount a pistol light on a rifle
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what's it up to now?
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Its the lightest on the market, and I like it, but lately I have been considering replacing it with one with storage for illum/optic batts
With both eyes open, for me the dot sight being that close means the optic itself is blurred almost completely out, and all i see is the dot. I realize it goes against convention but everyone's eyes are different and it works for me
I didn't even think of M90, and OC is right, it is like a bad copy with the color pallet flipped. I like how it turned out.
>b5 pg
It sticks out like fuck and I'm considering painting it, but I've wanted a more vertical pg for a while and hated the magpul k2. The b5 is perfect for fully collapsed stock configs like I use.
>bcm handstop
big fan of the kag.
Yeah but its A E S T H E T I C
>Better CH
What's /arg/'s current go-to CH? Raptor?

old pic
I think you're right, he sounds like he literally doesn't use his shoulder at all when holding a rifle

My TLR must have missed the memo
Oh, someone else makes a mlok compatible stubby that isn't shit?

You really dicked the dog with this build famalam, let me know when the part out party kicks off.
>buying the BCM ripoff
They're classics now

Want the truth or a meme?
whatever makes you feel better
holy shit! when my identity was stolen my score dipped to 620 and went back up to 777. What are your debts?
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well i meant the debt, but ok
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I'm sure there's some explaination. I was just out the past two weekends (before this most recent one) shooting slung and at speed with both rifles, and in both cases it's an improvement. A2 can vouch.
I would love to get people to believe that it's up to 50k but I don't think anybody would, so I'll settle for 26k
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>heat it up to a few hundred degrees on multiple occasions
>drop it multiple times, sometimes with the full weight of the rifle on it
>maintains flawless function
My slippery desk edge is basically a master of random drop tests. Maybe one day heat will finally claim it but till then we'll see

Drunk, rowdy, and lonely?
>isnt shit
sorry i thought we were having a discussion
>You really dicked the dog with this build famalam
dox inc
Laroo or guyslee for a trigger. The gun will be for training and larping inna woods.
did you forget how many rifles i own?
maybe all the militaries dropping bullpups are wrong, i guess they just don't understand what you do

OC is being a stupid cunt to fish for (you)s
i wonder what your excuse is

30k would be more believable
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>Candy-cane break
>Reset feels simultaneous to trigger pull

I'm surprised they're not more popular, but there are so many good triggers out there.
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Psi pls.

>Did you forget how many rifles I own?

qb just let it go.
Think so? I've made no recent big purchases and the max was 28,700.
You think people would believe that I either got new cards or a limit increase.
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>did you forget how many rifles i own?
Pic related in response to that last bit
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>own a few rifles
>never shoot them
>did you forget how many rifles i own?
I must be an expert then
Guyslee weebshit trap lovers like Larue
why do you keep dropping your name

interest tho

if you're going to use the "it feels better to me" argument
traps are the best though.
>I own both
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no iowa posting please
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>no iowa posting please
Is this supposed to be some reverse psychology shit
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Because it's irrelevant at this point, and the (you)s come pouring in when people see a tripcode without a name.
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What is a good LPK/sans trigger for someone who doesn't need gucci but doesn't want shit?

I have a friend who's doing his first build and some reccs would be great.
>and the (you)s come pouring in when people see a tripcode without a name.
i'm going to need to see some proof of this
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What you are looking for is my MBT, made one at a time by hand in our state of the art facility.

Be sure to tell your friends!
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mvg isnt bad bruv
Try it and see for yourself, anon gets all flustered when they can't just ID you by name.
its all pretty much the same, its not like everyone makes their own little springs and detents.
Got it. Thanks man. One more piece closer to completion.

Looks like it's in good shape.
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When you start tossing your factory ARs around your warehouse after an evening of drinking and calling it "stress testing", I'll trust you Mark, and not a moment before.

And I'm looking for LPK recommendations, not triggers
the RVG was better
the MVG is just too small

well i have to admit i was confused until i searched your trip in the archive
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So I shouldn't feel bad for letting him buy a DPMS kit?
i've used them
only the trigger and selector are total shit
Nigga why you got 2 different color sights.
Anderson ones are good also and they can be had for $30.
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AR Gold, followed by Larue
Nice. I knew USPS tracking was being retarded when it predicted Wednesday. You gonna hunt down a C upper or just put it on whatever you have on hand?

It is a travesty, but it has been rectified >>34503094
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Soon to be put to the test against an Elftmann Tactical.
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why the fuck did you mount the optic so far back
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CMMG Gunbuilders Kit
summerfag pls go
your dad's rifles aren't even aesthetic
This is what I used
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nope. pretty much all the companies buy components in bulk and then resell them as their own packages. as long as its not some shady unknown company on ebay, youll be fine.
ive bought lots of lpks and theres only one that stands out, WOA. the only reason is the take down pin had a little divot like pic related. completely inconsequential, but thats the only reason it stands out to me.
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It is the best rifle. In fact, it has the highest killcount in /arg/, my dude
Cuck trigger, gecko wants one too.
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I'll be curious to see the results.
>larue posting

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Works for me dawg >>34503266

W/ both eyes open, the whole optic occludes and I just see the dot.

W/ it at the front end of the receiver, it doesn't blur as much.
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anybody ever use the JP ez trigger?
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Guys serious question here SERIOUS

Slim 3 prong or slim brake on my pinned 14.5" pencil barrel?

I dislike brakes but I also hate flash hiders that EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Should I get the flash hider and cut notches in two tines to reduce EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE or just get the brake?
Brakes for .223 are shit tier unless it's on a dedicated suppressed rifle. Get the flash hider and deal with the EEEEEEEEEEEEE (or bubba it your choice)
You don't need another AR
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this >>34503781
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well not entirely
from a few different kits my take down pins are all slightly different in size
selectors can vary a lot in quality too

>delicate and flammable rail

i'm sorry but it's aesthetically retarded

you're going to want a brake on a lightweight rifle
I don't care, think for yourself like a big boy.
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C upper for sure. I have a couple places I can get one now, but I'm torn on waiting and saving and trying to get one of the SR16s that'll probably be worth twice the price they sell for within 6 months.

I'm torn.
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Closed tine you fucking mong.
>build your own sr-16 upper for like 2/3 the cost
Get a closed tine Surefire
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Oh does surefire make a 0.625" flash hider? Cool, link?
All you're gonna do is take pictures and eat snack cakes so it didn't matter.
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why do you want that
Yeah, but this will actually be marked SR16. There is only going to be 230 of them ever released into civilian hands. It's more of an investment t b h

If I get one and have a little fun with it and then sell it in a year for $3000 it'll be money well spent. If it doesn't go up in price yet I've an ultimate Gucci sbr upper that almost no one else has.
Meh, if they had some form of historical importance or improved functionality maybe. But this is literally just arbitrary artifical scarcity by KAC for some white letters. You're probably right about flipping it though, Mek and Chimps have some of the USMC 1911s and they're already doubled in price
It weighs one quarter as much, doesn't look like garbage, allows the gas block to come off without grinding and welding and isn't subject to cosplayers gouging.
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it could be worse. my pinky finger hangs off the bottom. its a bit better further forward on the rail
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>think for yourself
Should have gone for a quad rail.
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>doesn't look like garbage
but that's wrong

you're building some WWSD abortion aren't you
did you order the gwacs lower yet?
Right. I know there's nothing special about it functionally. But if I can double my money in a few months or even quick most likely. I might as well. I just hope I have the money when they are available.

If not then I'll finish the block 1 and get an acog. If I can flip the SR16 I'll have the block, acog, and several other goodies on top.
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>.625" flash hider

I don't think the Surefire is .625
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already own the best quad rail
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you had it and sold it

but this is fine too
Also probably be pretty decent shit posting rights to have an SR16 marked KAC upper
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Until it goes up on flash sale for the new hot meme.
No that's ugly poser shit, I'm ramping up the memes.
Can anyone tell if this is legit or not?
It seems to be too good of a deal...

So how do you like the Eotech? Been thinking about getting one myself but I'm hesitant given their issues.
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>surefire mini style
>aftermarket product

If you can't shitpost with it, it ain't worth it
Don't get your hopes up
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you better be getting a full on 2a receiver set then

the issues are the weight and having to turn it on to use it
otherwise you'll likely never notice anything wrong with it
>Surefire style
About you ramping up memes? I'm not holding my breath.
Not starting, no. $400 extra for 2 ounces less than milspec AND thinner walls to explode in my face? That's dumb. I could save 2 ounces with a $15 charging handle and A1 grip. And am doing! The real weight is in the barrel and handguard.

Also those busily milled receivers don't look very good, they're all fidgety and liney and bumpy. I want slick

I lied anon
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>cries that he can't get away from 4chan
>"c-check out the n-next hot meme g-guys!"

Spending money to flail wildly in the face of autists is perhaps the lowest thing any human could possibly do.
Burt you never fail to disappoint.
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you're not even trying
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You guys actually like how this type of shit looks?

wtf is wrong with your aesthetometers?
Did he cry about that? That's hilarious.
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Did you find the 0.625 closed tine 0.9 ounce Surefire yet?
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lol no
but you already bought this disgusting shit, might as well get the receiver to match

go full meme or go home
Will you be operating innatundra? It would be good for that.

I don't there is such a thing called a "mini" m600

>If you can't shitpost with it, it ain't worth it

Quite possibly the most important thing to consider.

With that being said, I think I'm going to get ahead and risk it by buying a Colt upper receiver so I can go ahead and assemble the upper.
looks cool

it shouldnt suprise you that ar purists are autists of the highest degree
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Call them, it's a special order item.
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I specifically bought the non-uggo 2A without all the fiddly little cuts that don't actually save any weight but make the thing significantly weaker.

The magnesium receivers actually ARE significantly lighter, but they also break more easily so I skipped them for that reason. If *I* fell on an AR, it's fucking powder son. The normal GI forged aluminum receivers that spend 3 hours in a CNC in order to lose strength and gain $400 in price are useless trash that also manage to look ugly.

What a loser
I like some of the lighter weight receivers. Not all of them. The 2A imo looks decent as far they go.
>I know what I'm doing
You haven't proven that yet.
Would this stock be a good idea or is it too mall ninja
4chin is life noe

2A Balios Lite receivers specifically coupled with the Balios Lite rail are the least ugly of the fiddly milled """"""""lightweight"""""""" receivers, but most are nasty
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14.5" RECCE AR or pic related?
It's extremely mall ninja. Just get a SOPMOD, magpul, or Vltor. If you want an extra mag that bad just get a coupler
So what exactly is the goal here? Once you put irons or an optic on it you have completely defeated all purpose of throwing money at removing ounces.
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>that pic
i'm so depressed that i feel physically sick and just want to cry.
should i start a gofundme?
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THe BAD isn't too bad either imo
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RIS II a shit throw it on the trash
No go kys
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when would having receiver strength matter for you anyway
I'll trade you some 6.5 grendel for that :^
Pic related
bullpups are objectively retarded
Sold the trash can it was in


Giddy is the least fun, helpful, or likable of all the tripfags. It takes a real asshole to stand out as an unlikable piece of shit on an anonymous anime board.
Ayyyo familam. Let me get that stock
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if you started a gofundme for one single round of 5.56 to kill yourself with, you might actually set a record for how fast it gets funded
if i start one for NVGs, will you donate?
I think giddy is the most fun trip>>34504264
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why don't you make one for your crippling debt
Are you serious?
You don't need NVG
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That one also looks BAD to me haha get it?

When I'm pinned against the steering wheel by the AR across my chest and I can't reach the big gulp and have to lay my weight into it to get that extra half inch of reach and OOPS SNAP THERE GOES THE MAGNESIUM yeah I'll just buy a quality product from the start

No you should go hang out with friends and talk about rando shit without getting drunk like a drug abuser

I noticed how light the A1 receiver I built for my Wolf was and thought I should build a light upper for it. The goal is to build the lightest rifle possible without wasting money on stupid useless memes like flutes, exotic unstable materials and showoffy """"""""""""custom"""""""""""" receivers. Maybe not budget lightweight because there's alot of V7 and boutique parts involved, but not sort-by-price expensive.

I want a clean, slick rifle that is also extremely lightweight. No iron sights. Scalar mount with RMR. Pencil barrel. No FA. Skeletonized BCG.

Rite here my dude
because i'll just use it for ammo and nvg, i don't want to lie and defraud people nice enough to donate money.

i never lie
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Where get best price gen3 window pmags??

been there done that
a skeletonized BCG is retarded, the AR15 system is already prone to bolt bounce and you want to fuck with it even more?
what about the poor credit jews you fucked over?
you thought about them?

don't lie.
we're all you have

>Rite here my dude

Ahh, I thought it was a Olt
>i never lie

If you are having or feel like you might soon have suicidal thoughts go get help immediately. Hell, call me if you want
I'm not shooting full auto.

Its a pretty accurate Fiberlite clone, they've been made by MA for years are are very well regarded on the retro build forums.
>Its a pretty accurate Fiberlite clone, they've been made by MA for years are are very well regarded on the retro build forums.

Thanks for the source. T b h I've planned on going full clone autism on this one, but that stock was the one place I was willing to deviate.

I found this one that I'd been thinking about using

I had one and would not recommend it. It is VERY thick, VERY heavy, VERY noisy, VERY rattly and scratched my receiver extension with the first slide. It's also VERY expensive and Tony's charged a 15% return fee.

I have been extremely impressed with how much lighter, quieter and tighter the plastic MA is. Not to mention 1/4 the cost.
Sigbro, I've got a BCM rifle thats almost identical to yours minus my MRO.

Looking at getting an accupoint, would you recommend?

>Red or Amber for central washington
How does AR feel about the cerakote color bazooka green?
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I went full autist trying to get the weight down a s much a small possible on my rifle. If I didn't have a red dot I knew I could trust, I'd ditch the buis all together
Guys make me not buy a spas 12.
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