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Thread replies: 81
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Matte or polished stainless? I'm torn
Matte if you're not a nigger.
Owned polished stainless. About a year of range and occasional carry use left the thing covered in scratches. Do not confuse this for a hard chrome finish. Go with the matte.
chrome or chrome look guns are retarded.
There are 4 types of people that take to shiny guns at gun shows
*women dragged to the show by their so
*gun curious libtard, or otherwise snobby looking fool dressed in their Sunday best (you've seen the type, either there at the show for the 104teenth time still wringing their hands over the unbelievable thought, that yes, they may have to defend themselves from urban chimps. They snobbily glance down at every gun purchase, then walk out with a bedazzled, chrome-plated shit revolver, ivory or pink pearlescent handles are even better to them)

But, hey OP, you are thinking about a chrome CZ. Do you sleep in your chinos and loafers too? Do you wear a sweater vest?
Depends. You'll want to make sure to clean and polish it lots or it won't be as shiny as you want it to be.

Y'all faggots can't appreciate a good old nickel or chrome plated Colt even?
I can appreciate the look of them just fine, but they're showpieces. Like a stainless steel sword.
>Tries to distance himself from the urban hood rat that he is by simulating a good ole boy "y'all"
You ain't fooling nobody, son!
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I stand by what I said, if you can't appreciate a polished stainless or bright nickel gun, you're a big ol' fag.
>Suffers from ADOS
Attention Deficit ... OH, SHINY!
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If you can't appreciate all kinds of guns, you don't really love guns.
No, mother fucking noguns
Shit guns don't matter
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Thank you for confirming your shit taste and lack of class.
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Matte stainless master race
>lack of class
We found the gay decorator!
After you get my tax funded welfare check, head on over to the neared pawn shop and get a shiny gun!
Do you still wear Underoos? Cross dress a little?
You sure project a lot.
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There's a big difference between a stainless revolver like S&W puts out and a nickel plated pistol numb nuts.
When you are so obviously transparent in your sick obsession with gay, shiny guns. Takes you away from the many guns that are all much better.
Your defining factor is appearance.
This makes you a fucking moron by any scale.
Project that, dildo breath.
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I suppose there is.
You're the one screaming about dicks.
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Calm down there buddy
Either stainless finish is susceptible to scratches and wear. SS is kinda soft when it's bare. The polished would be easier to maintain yourself. If you get scratches and scuffs on a matte finish the only thing you can do is get it bead blasted. And also- modern hard chrome finishes are much more durable than people think. I have a hard chrome bushing barrel from Cajun Gun Works for my CZ 75. It's made for longevity.
> this doesn't look good

Gtfo no guns nigger.
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>not going with the "operator black"
anon plz
Looking good doesn't mean than it matches OP's purse vibrator.
This anon has it

I own a polished SS cz75 that I bought in lieu of the SP01 during the sandy hook scare. Didn't like it at first, but the look has grown on me. Now I only buy stainless if I have any choice - not worrying about rust is pretty fantastic desu.

Had it since sandy hook about 4k rounds or so and since take care of my posessions it still looks like new aside from some holster wear that can be polished off if I feel like it.

IMO if your gun looks fugly with scratches and shit it means you're careless. The finish is there to protect from rust, don't fuck it up needlessly.

>>inb4 it's a tool feel free to abuse it

Adults take care of their tools.
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On old American guns nickel is fine: S&W or Colt revolvers, 1911s, SAA, etc.

Op is asking for polished stainless which truly isn't as attractive as nickel. The matte finish CZ does is actually very good looking

>go with matte

I have the 75 compact in black. I liked it and wanted a full size so I went with matte stainless because it's so damn sexy
>actually very good looking

so you want to be aesthetic when you shoot tyrone ?

consider what the jury thinks of shiny guns, ie. wow is that guy a homo ?
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blued is best

Jesus, the inferior stamping really stands out when you shine one of those up. Good thing the internals make up for the outside.
>homo ?

or a pimp
>ie. wow is that guy a homo
THQHFAM that would probably look pretty good to a jury. BRB talking to LGS about cerakoting my carry guns rainbow colors.
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black poly coat is flaky ( I have one)
polished blue is the best factory
case hardened is best of all.
How is your demon spawn coming along?
Is that a short rail? Nice.
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she was supposed to be born today but I guess she's not leaving the womb yet.
Gonna have to give her an eviction notice. she got one week before induction
I'm a gun noob, can you explain what a color case hardening is?
>stainless/nickel guns
>shotguns with heat shield and sword bayo
>m16 with triangle furniture
You have good taste.
Yeah, the 1897 and the M16A1 are pretty phenomenal guns tbhfam, hell, the M16A1 is still a very good rifle by modern standards.
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Glossy stove paint.
I want an M16A1. I know there aren't many options, but what is the best for the money? Should I just get a Colt SP1 as an investment?
Colt SP1 is a pre-A1 AR (a good one too), and they can be reasonably affordable if you're finding one that isn't being sold towards places like CT as a pre-ban, where they get pumped up in price.

Otherwise you could build one from Nodak Spud parts, they make all kinds of authentic repros of A1, A2, pre-A1 and prototype parts, very fine stuff.
That said they can be a bit spotty with availability.

I'm thinking if you want an A1, you could buy an SP1, then replace the upper receiver with a Nodak Spud A1 upper, and that should be pretty close.
Otherwise there are some other places and companies which make parts and guns, /arg/ could give you some more solid advice on an A1 build, I figure.
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Thanks. Here, have a retro Uzi ad.
How much did you pay for those and is that the original finish? And a preemptive congrats on the baby
Thats sexy annon
I thought you were an homo.

Regardless, congrats on the kid, and thanks for the AK build vids.
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Thanks, the top one was parked and then re-blued at some point, it cost me $2000

The bottom one has the original finish and cost me $2700

it also took me 6 years to find them lol
bi but ya know, vag feels best my dude
and thanks, hopefully she'll like building aks too
Did you find them from a seller online? or manage to stumble across one in a store?
You realize you can polish the scratches out, right?
Bob, who had like 15 of them he bought decades ago, finally sold a few and I got my good condition one from him

The other one I bought from Mark at Automatic Accuracy, he had one that came in from Africa and had been pitted, and then parked.
I love shiny guns. Mirror reflective finish or you might as well not even come to the ballpark.
>someone has hoarded a bunch of short rail 75s for all these years

That's pretty /k/
Matte stainless/nickel guns look better with use and carry as they develop a nice shine around the edges and protrusions and eventually look fabulous
Polished guns look worse with use as they develop scratches and nicks all over.

No brainer to me.
Did that lanyard loop come standard? Or has the mainspring plug been replaced with one that has a loop?

>not polished nickel

Guns are like watches. Wear a nice one when you're dressed nice, wear a piece of crap when you're just doing yard work. I have a nice mirror polish nickel plated gun I carry when I need to look pretty.
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Gaudy. Color case hardening is for trim or structural reasons, like the hammer and trigger on my S&W 28-2

By the way blued is best.
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>case hardened modern automatic
I'm honestly not sure how to feel about this. It mostly just makes me want to see a charcoal blued CZ

You need to nickel plate and polish all of those bro
>you realize you can wear down the frame of your gun for aesthetics right?
Im not the guy you are replying too but i thought you could dig the story.

>my grandpa(CO infantry) and his brother(medic) both fought in the pacific front of the second world war.
>My grandpa is sent to take a japanese machine gun nest.
>While rushing from cover to cover the machine gun blows both his knees out with one shot.
>The bullet went through just above the knee in his left leg and got stuck in the bone of his right knee.
>gets sent to field hospital(fucker actually lives).
>They put him a in a cast that goes from his ankles to his belly button.
>they get a hold of his brother and they lie to the brass telling them his brother was paralyzed.
>gets their there 2 days later.
>They chat and what not.
>uncle leaves and heads back to the front lines.
>comes back 2 weeks later, While on the front lines he ended picking a colt 1903 off a Japanese officer.
>He gives it to my grandpa and a 1911 to stuff down his cast.
>Both survive the war and when they get back my uncle chromes both of the guns for my grandpa.
>my grandpa dies in 1961 2 months after my dad is born and a few years later the 1911 is stolen.
>my grandma gives the 1903 to my father in 1979 to protect my mother.
>My grandma and grandpa both lived on the bad side of town.
>my dad handles some business and the gun is stolen two months later.

Real fucking sad. Makes me want to get a chromed 1903 and 1911.
Is your grandpa cotton hill?
eh, i hear that alot.

I usually dont mention they died the same day and month.(November 11th).

or that they both had slightly over weight grandsons with buzz cuts. I never noticed the similarities until i started looking into it.
>buffing metal
>wearing down frame
>I have a nice mirror polish nickel plated gun I carry when I need to look pretty
Do you make sure to put on lipstick as well?

I always put some on my dick before your momma sucks me off.
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>I always put some on my dick before your momma sucks me off
Sheesh, so clever.
IDK; this one was brought back from Germany.
So you can signal rescue choppers when you get lost indawoods
>Finish affects quality
You carry a glock don't you.
I wish all the controls were black. Looks like they dipped a fully assembled 75 into a bucket of matte silver paint.
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They come from the factory with random configurations. Ive seen 75 variants come with and without lanyard loops, night sights, and different grips.
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It's faggots like you who ruined the inox beretta
I got one of those with Hogue grips. Probably my favorite range gun that I own.
The beretta looks good like that though. The CZ looks... off.
Do finger prints bother you?
shiny chrome/gold/nickel guns are for fags who watched too many gangster movies growing up.

No, I just have a small penis and try to impress girls I went to high school with 10 years ago on facebook by acting like I got a bunch of bling bling
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