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What is wrong with this picture?

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Thread replies: 104
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I saw this make its way across my facebook, and everyone commenting is crying it's unsafe.
To me it looks like a Colt 1911 or some variation, though i've never been big into handguns. As I understand it the 1911 has three safeties, and I see no reason this is unsafe based on that
It is in no way a 1911. It looks like some sig in a crappy holster. (which makes me think its a sig clone)
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1911 for reference
it's not a sig. i'm looking at some clones to see what it is specifically.

they're probably bitching because it's cocked in the holster, and that he's asleep with it exposed.
Its a Beretta, and the safety is off.
Is he asleep? On public transport? While open carrying? With carry side facing out instead of up against the wall?
How is this a good idea, like at all?
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astra maybe?
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that's not a beretta.
Back of slide is too blocky
I can accept that. theyre all crying about the gun being cocked though.
if it's a single action then it's fine, but i don't know too many hammer single actions that aren't a 1911.
Definitely could be some variation or relative of the Browning Hi-Power, which would very likely be single action only.
>Browning Hi-Power
that's what i'm looking at now. can't find a clone with similar features though.
The reason it's unsafe isn't because it's cocked.
It's because he's carrying in a shitty $15 nylon holster with zero retention, sleeping in public while open carrying, and leaving his gun exposed to literally anyone who wants it
That extremely shitty bungee holster is going to make the gun fall out. Also it's ready to fire, so it can go off if dropped on the hammer
Nylon holsters are always shit even if you have infinite safeties and no round in the chamber on a decocked single action gun.
whats a good holster?
He's sleeping with a cocked gun on public transport
They're right, It's obviously a 92FS and the safety is off.

Summer /k/ really is a thing this year.
It's hard to maintain positive control of your weapon if you are sleeping.
It is clearly not. Look at the hammer.
>noguns speaks

Yeah, I'm sure you've seen every model of 92FS with every hammer ever put on them.

Shut the fuck up moron.
No, Anon. You are the summer
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What a proud and responsible gun owner. Look all the sweaty salt stains on his t-shirt. He probably emitting deadly odors too.
they claim to be republicans but theyre also welfare kiddies. All white trash.
>To me it looks like a Colt 1911 or some variation
>As I understand it the 1911 has three safeties
And the gun in your pic is missing at least one of them you doofus. Looks like a Beretta 92 to me although there are minor details that make me think it might not be, but it might just have aftermarket stuff on it. If it is a 92, or at least a firearm that works like one, then the safety is likely also a decocker which means he's probably carrying hammer back with no safety. That's on the edge of safe behavior but falling asleep with that ho in that state in a cheap holster in public with the firearm ostensibly pointing at the person right in front of him is straight up stupid.
Looks like a DP51 to me
It's a cheap airgun version of a 92F
Some bits area good replica, some are not.
good: magazine release
bad: Hammer, safety,sights
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I have, as it happens. The hammer in the OP is significantly smaller than the typical 90 series, is clearly not am early or late elite hammer, and the hole is too small to be a WC part. I won't even address the DAO version for obvious reasons. Further,>>34330840 is on to something. The 90 series has a fairly distinctive curve to the back of the slide. Here is a view of the left a side of a 92 for comparison.
there's no safety on the grip.
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>ITT: people who have never seen an original M92
mag release doesn't match OP's pic though.
Not sure if you're serious, but I'll take the bait.

Good holsters completely cover the trigger guard and don't readily deform. Kydex is a popular material, and some companies have used similar plastics. Leather works too, and is less likely to damage finish, but isn't popular for police duty holsters.

Beyond material, a holster for open carry should have some amount of retention beyond friction fit. Thumb break straps are common, but police duty holsters have pretty much moved on to a hood that flips forward. Companies offering duty holsters generally have some other method of retention, generally a lever operated with the thumb or index finger (see: safariland's ALS).
>Look all the sweaty salt stains on his t-shirt.

If it offends you, don't look. People who work often sweat.
You are a moron with no eyes
Wrong hammer
Wrong Rear sight
Wrong slide grips - Note that on the Holstered gun you can see the end, the 92FS has over 4 times that length

Hes probably on his way home from working a mans job, not working at a millennial daycare.com job like you do.
>Note that on the Holstered gun you can see the end, the 92FS has over 4 times that length
that's exaggerating a lot, but it could also be a centurion. I'm leaning more and more towards a p88, but the mag release doesn't match. saying it's a 92 is a safer bet than anything else.
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>greasy pudgy faced, glasses wearing ginger dork
>asleep while on public transportation
>asleep while open carry in public while riding on public transportation
>hammer cocked, presumably on a loaded chamber
>wearing disgusting looking sweat stained t-shirt
>also apparently wearing ass-less leather chaps?

what in this picture *not* wrong ?
Centurions only differ from the full size at the front of the gun.
Ugly people shouldn't be allowed to own guns. They'll only use it to prolong their ugly lives and try to force themselves on women.That's what people are pointing out is unsafe here.
Blame the rich whites that brought the drugs in to destroy the neighborhoods to drive the dundus out.
Wrong side of the gun.
All chaps are assless dumbass, otherwise they'd just be baggy leather pants.

there are full chaps out there, i've seen em
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I think he means the shape of the catch body, which we can clearly see. Which happens to be a good way to verify it is not a third-gen S&W.
There is what appears to be a hole in the floorplate. I have never seen a magazine lanyard attachment like that. Any thoughts?
He looks like he's asleep on a bus. The weapon is pointed forward which may also be the location of another passenger. If he is asleep he's in a position where he could easily be beat the fuck up and have it stolen off him. The holster being trash is also bad. Trigger is barely covered. The gun being towards the aisle instead of towards the window is bad too. On top of that it's ready to go by the looks of it. Better hope there's not a grabby kid with their shit parent behind him.
i am serious, i live in a commie state and am looking into an EDC but have to get a hql first.
>but not locked
>open carry in shit holster
>public transportation
>Implying dindus live in rich white neighborhoods
>Implying the US didn't get involved in the coke trade to support the contras
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Im guessing american c92
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This picture's really been driving me nuts. I'm not sure what the hell that gun is. It looks to have a slide-mounted safety, so it's not a 1911 or any other "cocked and locked" gun. Reverse image search tells me this picture was taken by some chick in South Africa. Maybe it's some weird firearm from there I've never seen or heard of. At first I thought it was a 92fs Compact or maybe even a Cougar, but that's not quite right. That magazine floorplate is really throwing me off. Never seen one with a hole like that. Also odd how there's no red dot under the safety. Could it be airsoft?
It's a pellet gun.
Also, he peed his pants.
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>c92 meme magic

CZ-97B or CZ-75.
He should have sat on the other side of the bus and it alll would have been avoided
Nope. Both of those have frame safeties.

You're both retarded, this whole thread is retarded
That's not a beretta you ignorant cunt.
It's pointed at the person in front of him.

It's also a shitty gun. Mostly he looks poor and white.
Oops, meant for
>Mostly he looks poor and white
>and white
No shit you literal nigger. Go back to astroturfing for Glock while the big boys talk.
>cant tell a 1911 from a european double stack 9mm
>my facebook
these summer threads are really pissing me off
Please try to be witty.
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Yeah Anon I'm the one who made the mistake and pic related is a rich white neighborhood.
every one of those dindu neighborhoods used to be white neighborhoods. read up on white flight.
if whitey wanted the neighborhoods he'd just buy them and bulldoze everything like he does with every other inch of real estate whitey wants.

but hey never let the facts get in the way of a good story, right, kid?
What's wrong with the photo:
>open carry on public transport, but sleeping
Not secure and indicates gross negligence
>hammer cocked, but safety clearly not engaged
Not safe, again indicating negligence
>it looks to have a slide-mounted safety/decocker, so the gun is intended to be carried with the hammer down to prevent accidental trigger pulls, also the holster looks like a piece of shit
Indicates user incompetence. The man is a menace to public safety. He epitomizes the exact OPPOSITE of what American open carry advocates believe about carrying a gun.

The reason it went viral on social media, though, is probably the same reason 90% of posts in this thread are speculating about what kind of gun it is. The rear of the slide looks very characteristic of a Beretta, but people familiar with Berettas notice several inconsistencies. The hammer, the rear of the slide profile, the grips and the magazine floorplate aren't Beretta-like. In reality, it could even be an airsoft non-firearm, so the possibilities are endless. My guess is that the picture was taken in Europe, and it shows one of the many derivative guns that are produced in the Balkans, Turkey and Israel, many of which don't make it over to the US.
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i think i might've found it. op's pistol is not a beretta but it has a lot of beretta features. what threw me off was the LH safety. you don't see many pistols with slide mounted LH safeties like that. also as >>34330840 said the slide doesn't match a beretta 90 series. pic related is a turkish pistol based on the beretta. i think if you swapped the hammer and grips, you have the pistol in op's pic.
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dat bronco II
That does look promising. Good stuff.
Anyone who has ever used the phrase white genocide is a dumbass redneck.
>To me it looks like a Colt 1911
What the hell are you talking abo-
>I saw this make its way across my facebook
Oh so you're retarded?
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Here's my guess as to what that is
the lanyard loop is not the same and the rear sight is forward of the safety on a 59. if you look at op's pic the safety is forward of the rear sight.
There's your first problem.
>Uncle Cockfarts holster
Still not quite there, but still a much better effort the people that think they know what a Beretta 92 looks like.
>It's a pellet gun.
This, you fucking retards.

It's a fake toy pistol made to resemble a Beretta 92, kind of.
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>people saying its a 92fs

Im not too sure how the other variants look but thats definately not a 92fs.

t. 92fs fag
what a fatty hand
his youtube handle is lifesizepotato
Looks like a cz 75b
no it's a famas

Not a 92fs

Looks EXACTLY like a 92s. Which makes sense because of the massive amount of surplus 92s that have been released lately.

It's a poorfag gun, in a poorfag holster,

Shit checks out yo
100% retarded. but I also live in a democratic state so everything is either a glock or a 1911.
That massive cum stain on his shirt is gross.
>Looks EXACTLY like a 92s.
show me a 92s with a lanyard loop like in op's pic

Google "retention duty holster" Anon.
Vektor SP1?
bro thats an ak47
No. I own a 92s. It's got a heel mag release. Gun here has a regular Browning style mag release.
its a S&W you fucking clowns

Well this here is my safety, sir.
*Wiggles finger*
Looks like an Fnx40
Is that the opening scene of some Jap porno flick?
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Whaaat??? I think you're just imagining things.
See >>34331938
No it isn't

t. someone that collects S&W 1-3 gen autos
this is relevant to my interests
did that bitch just put a hole in the drywall?
Dang bro. Are you ever not in AC.
I bet your hands are soft.
What point are you trying to make here?
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Under cover cop wanting some dickhead to go for the gun. He has the real gun under his left arm
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