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Ghana has fucking mechs guys, how did they get ahead of us i

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Ghana has fucking mechs guys, how did they get ahead of us in the arms race?
>youtube link ends in lmao

>fucking mechs being something new for the US
It de apostle doktor!
how does objectively worse design relying on balancing mechanical legs, and overly complicated machinery get mistaken for superior?
Apparently, this guy has made other marvels :
>In 2012, he launched a sports utility vehicle, “Kantanka Nsoromma” which is powered by a shirt.
Damn impressive.
that mechs legs are connect and can't walk. also look at how uneven all the angles are on it.
it's a car in each foot so it rolls around.
>Most mysterious man on earth. It is practically impossible to comprehend his level of wisdom.

Holy fuck this is almost cool. Imagine how many women he sexually abuses and they enjoy it.
von you god damn autist
Respect the robot.
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Hey cool. You can shoot yourself with it if you want.
Oh god I'm fucking dying
Jesus....This is pure Ork Tech.
walkers belong in star wars, not real life
I don't get how these people can't see through this guys bullshit.

It's fascinating how niggers go along with it without calling him out. It's like little monkeys playing. We should just kill every living thing in Africa and take the continent to ourselves
found the Belgian
>you'll never be a nutjob crack head exploiting a 3rd world country by making fake military vehicles

It's like a fair you idiot it's entertainment and art of some egotistical wealthy guy
Nah, they are cool. Just fence the entire continent and make a reality show of it
Some guy that says he manufactured all this shit himself and he is obviously exploiting under educated people to give him money.
That's how every economy works
Found the no guns Bernie supporter.
>bottle rocket main gun

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truly a weapon to surpass metal gear
It doesn't look like there's any way for those legs to actually move...
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>Those red ACME-brand missiles

Is Ghana supplied by Warner Brothers?

No, Aposle Dr. Kwadwo Sarfo Kantanka produces all of his own Acme Brand Acme Missiles.
Are they all fucking scammers and liars or what the fuck?
What? Obviously yes. Duh.
is that guy some kindo ffraude but nationalism makes the ghanaians protect him

also love that video fo that tank he made it has that general in it and he makes this funny face
Jesus christ his website is a goldmine
>First African to manufacture engines, vehicles, aircrafts and heavy-duty machines (he did so manually).
>First man in the world who manufactured Bass guitars with seven strings
>The manufacturer of gadgets and machines with extra-ordinary features.
>Only man on earth capable of producing metals from sea shells and palm husk making metals renewable.
>Only individual on earth who practically cuts across the length and breadth of invention and innovative science.
>Most mysterious man on earth. It is practically impossible to comprehend his level of wisdom.
>He has been able to cure diseases which have been tag “incurable” by the world’s “best brains” in the health profession.
>The Kantanka Bombs are the most disguised high energy explosives from Africa. They look like harmless soccer balls making it difficult for targets to notice or escape. The time bombs explode at the set time. They are not revolutionary but for national defence, peace keeping missions and other military exercises.

babby's first besiege craft
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>The arm guns have scopes.
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Should we inquire about sales?
All these cars he's "manufacturing" are just kits he buys from Alibaba and probably doesn't even get half of them to work properly.

Looks guys, Heres some early stages of manufacturing!
Lets give them a peacekeeping contract in Syria or something. I want to watch ISIS versus his military inventions.
If you want a laugh go to any news story about him and read the comments.
Sent out an email as "/k/ Security" asking about potential sales to the US of his helicopter and armored car.

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wow, didnt know people really liked his cars that much
Dog bless apostle Safo!
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>ISIS militants when they see that slow-ass mech rolling at them and popping off fireworks.
That's one fancy RPG target you got there!
Go for it, it can't be more than $10
Damn I almost feel bad for laughing as much as I have !!! kek
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>Metal Gear Nigga
Stupid niggers playing human, it's quite endearing
Kek that little security camera as the targeting pod in the front
>They are not revolutionary but for national defence, peace keeping missions and other military exercises.

I'd be interested to hear the peacekeeping roles for time bombs disguised as soccer balls. Do you air drop them in enemy camps and set then to go off when the enemy decides to hold a soccer tournament?
>metal gear solid VI: Nigwalker
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The fuck is this? I don't know if I'm more perturbed by the rocket pod aimed at the cabin or the little nose sensor that consists of a star with two vertical bars aside it.
>Apostle Dr. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka
>Founder & Leader - Kristo Asafo Mission of Ghana
They're like fucking children, jfc.
Now do you understand why the whites in Africa constantly struggled to work with the natives?
That cant be right i know ghanians they are pretty well educated only westerners write like that
Is this bait?
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>tfw this guy is the head of a church
>tfw he is credited with all these crazzy ass inventions
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this guy is going to make chappie IRL
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This is Africa explained.
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I wonder how much of this is malnutrition related brain damage.

>American cars
>more votes than Asian cars
not even in America is this true.
And here we go again. Nigga, when blacks in South Africa and Rhodesia were living the relative high life, they still did and do this shit. The average IQ's of sub-Saharan African nations is like 74. Black in America, who on average have 20-25% non-African DNA (mostly white) still only have an average IQ of 80-85. The diversion to
>muh diet
>muh culture
>muh excuses
Don't fucking matter. Even when American blacks (again, only 80% African to begin with) are adopted into white middle class families, their average IQ is still in the low 90's, meanwhile white and asian adoptees into the middle class average 110-115.
Social values factor into the IQ scores, in fact Asians perform better on puzzles when they are told that their mothers chose it for them, and westerners do better on puzzles when they are allowed to chose for themselves
>people who don't have access to education have lower scores

really made me think

Have you ever taken an IQ test before?
>tfw I'd be less surprised by Ghana mechs than I would be if the Iranian "stealth fighter" turned out real
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>Rushton and Jenson
All this proves is that Jews are the master race

Yes, And they dont asses every aspect of a persons intelligence, only specific problem solving skills, there are revised intelligene tests created to account for social and character factors (having autism means you can have +150iq but be completely useless as a human being- this can be corrected for using alternative assesments)
ghana hiding their power level hardcore and you're all buying it

meanwhile every chinese-owned underground mine on the planet is secretly a bunker full of AI killbots

>social and character factors
literally a muh feeling score.
>Yes, And they dont asses every aspect of a persons intelligence, only specific problem solving skills
Problem solving skills that do not require education.
Ghana is so advanced that the youtube video is 480p max
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with their new quantum encrypted satellites, they will have unhackable weapon system communications
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Why do gorillas and chimps generally score higher than sub-saharan africans?


A few of his retail cars are just pre-fabricated kits of several SUVs and pick-ups manufactured in China and available on Ali for like $15k Each.
The upper limit of Chimps and Gorillas do. Still kinda sad but it's not like all chimps or gorillas do.
that's... just a small bushhog
Thulsa Doom is the ruler of Ghana? Sheiit
protip doom and stark are the same person

sufficiently indistinguishable etc

meanwhile he can cripple the US arsenal at will

and clearly he doesn't need to be inside the suit anymore, and it's only a tiny step from there to android body doubles

think about it
Like we've already done to the American south? Brilliant!

>inb4 triggered Leeaboos
oh my god im an idiot
thulsa is a different guy

What the fuck? Over. Your transmission was garbled.
Ned Stark is Thulsa Doom
>Bottle rockets and Mexicany rubberband tires
What's that little thing spitting fire? Is it supposed to be some kind of wimpy flamethrower?
It reminds me of those Cargo Cult islanders:

>Lil Jon seal of approval
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Trips can't be wrong.
You are wasting your words. Cucks on /k/ love niggers because they are brainwashed kids
Chinese investment in Africa is a hell of a thing. To think no American companies ever though to profit off some rich crazy tribe leader's desires. We could have easily sold him jet pack that blow up and mechs that fall over and shoot themselves.
>believing this chart
You know the chinks cheated on this one, right? It was a biased sample.
>To think no American companies ever though to profit off some rich crazy tribe leader's desires.
It's because of the tendency to avoid slave labor, China doesn't mind it, although tons of Chinese companies in Africa prefer to hire Chinese workers and will only hire Africans out of necessity (rare) or because it's part of an agreement with the local government.
>trips of truth
IKR? I post infographs about jews and niggers on k all the time to try to redpill them since k is full of cucks and reddit shareblue shills, i wish k was more like pol or /r/t_d but with guns because we need to fight antifa and win the civil war/race war. but k is too brainwashed to believe the redpill, sad but true, i mean if only they werent so cucked and only interested in guns and more into hitler and national socialism like pol is. anyway praise kek 1488 lmao
Ork tech actually works though, this shit doesn't.
I bet you think you're so clever, don't you?
hey dummy, the race war is the last resort of bankers

the elite are highly mobile. they would--will and have, repeatedly throughout history--throw their "own people" to the dogs and simply retire to their summer homes while everything burns down

I'm completely behind rivers of fucking blood at this point, but stay on target.
None. South Africa, Rhodesia were quite literally the breadbaskets of the African continent and the nigs are still completely fucking braindead. People have a hard time realizing these people are just completely different from Westerners.
Wew, settle down their kiddo
Political solutions first and foremost, always.Violence, especially group violence, is not acceptable.
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Metal... Gear?
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I agree only because the adminsitration and political framing of violence has been the domain of the elite for a long time. They're better at it.

But they'll also drop the axe on the public without remorse if the noose starts to feel too tight. Historically.

However, today, I think we have the industrial infrastructure (Chinese) and network geometry (if the internet goes down, people will be very motivated to launche independent nets) to outclass anything they can throw at us.

So I'm sitting here in my robotics workshop slash masturbation den slash game dev studio full of parts from Amazon, wondering, do you have the fucking guts?

PS, did you know Amazon has the largest munitions drone armada on Earth (haha maybe not)?? https://youtu.be/MXo_d6tNWuY?t=55
Holy shit, get your meds straightened out you fucking schizo
Just use a trip wire and kill it star wars style
I see what you did there.

you know what happens when the panopticon goes open source, right?>


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>tfw there is an alternate timeline where Ghana is a first world superpower that looks like Wakanda
wait so whoopi goldbergs making mechs now?
I feel very proud of this timeline.
i will never not love the rocket pod aimed at the cockpit or the security cameras as nose sensors
dope rims tho
>he doesn't save money by using cheap fireworks as IR flares
Not with that attitude, ya grot
When Vice was Nice.
>Kantanka Nsoromma (white) uses a shirt-ignition feature which happens in a presto by simply placing the right hand on the chest, a feature which according to Apostle Safo can control car snatching since the shirt can command the car to stop wherever it may be by the same mechanism – an invention the Star of Africa described as “ an exhibition of God given powers.
Are you fast enough to gasp+grab shirt before crashing ? Just use the break

>Kantanka Daasebre (black) is powered and steering controlled by a kantanka gold wrist watch. This security feature protects the car from theft among others.

Is funny because they look like rebadged chinese GM cars
I thought that was a real guy until i read it
Black/brown skin seems easy to fake

tldr the equator makes you dumb
We all started on the same playing field as human beings thousands of years ago, that should also really make you think
A different poster but that is a really vague response that really means fucking nothing ''when you think about it''
he's trying to imply that because of keyhole events (population miniumums after disasters or whatever), we were all genetically similar only a few thousand years ago

that's not really accurate, a lot of people misunderstand shit like this and mitochondrial eve

there's evidence suggesting that 70,000 years ago following a big volcano go boom, human population could have been reduced to as few as 10,000 people

but that doesn't actually imply that every human in the world was wiped out except for one big tribe of ten thousand people all in one place

or maybe he's a creationist or something and the world is only 6000 years old to him. which im not gonna touch
Those barrels on the """"Gatling guns"""" are literally of different shapes and sizes...
it's not a gatling gun, it's just a cluster of different directed energy weapons
Does this guy have ayy lmao tech?
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You do realize that guy is the egomaniacal head of some stupid church and the only reason those people follow him is either 1.) they're true believers (honestly unlikely) or 2.) he is keeping them employed and well-fed (he obviously has tons and tons of money).

I mean he obviously has access to incredible amounts of money to waste it making this crap. So why is anyone surprised all of these people put on these shows to indulge him? You don't need to be a 120 IQ chinaman to figure this out
>1.) they're true believers (honestly unlikely)
It's Africa, you'd be surprised.
> of all things he puts suppressed G36Cs on the sides as crew served weapons


The maximum capacity is going to be like 30 rounds, why didn't use sonething belt fed? They can't be hard be find if he has G36C access/money

And why suppressed? Unless they're fake, in which case fucking WHY?

Those two rifles probably cost as much as the entire mech
Look at the ejector port. It's plugged up with some sort of plastic switch. This must be some kind of softair gun.
Doesn't make any sense. The real Ghanan Armed Forces operate Super Tucanos in the air force, Gepard class fast attack boats in their navy and quite a bit of motorized infantry featuring Mowag Piranhas or WZ523s in their army. They work with the UN on peacekeeping missions surprisingly often. Anybody even remotely informed of their shit or working with them could look at that gear this retard has and tell that it's worth nothing at all.
3) he has bitching robots and you're making assumptions based on aesthetics

actually this shit is next wave as fuck

>why didn't use sonething belt fed?

AI driven firing simulations are superior. one shot one kill
>The real Ghanan Armed Forces operate Super Tucanos in the air force, Gepard class fast attack boats in their navy and quite a bit of motorized infantry featuring Mowag Piranhas or WZ523s in their army.
The've also had an insane ammount of support from more developed countries because Africa is becoming the new geopolitical battleground with China. So many of their troops have had exposure to compitent militaries and have motivation.

>They work with the UN on peacekeeping missions surprisingly often.
That's nothing really special, more of an exercise to procure more aid money and get questionable experience. I'd more more interested to learn what they are doing on their own.

>Anybody even remotely informed of their shit or working with them could look at that gear this retard has and tell that it's worth nothing at all.
This is the same continent where people believe that raping a virgin or taking a shower will cure AIDs. Some members of the population are squared away and understand how the world works, while others are full grown children that waste what little money they have of frivolous crap. What OP posted are the members of the population that fall into the frivolous crap category. Tribal trinkets, superstition, and collectivism gone mad prevails in some parts of Africa.
that shit is like 60s tech

I'm pretty sure naval railguns were a bullshit project to make everyone think coherent EM and linear accelerator tech is hard or something by taking the worst dumbest directed energy weapon you could want and pretending it was cutting edge for a couple decades
ITT coreworlds snobs scoffing at outer rim tech
The Mech is new, but we've seen stuff from this guy before. Like the 'helicopter'.

>tfw you will never be a crazy dictator who's so rich and powerful that your idle whims and daydreams can become reality
I mean, we all think about doing crazy shit sometimes, when we're sitting on our ass. But this guy is actually living them out!
speak for yourself
>"They have nothing to offer us"

Unfortunately they do. Resources like Coltan, Copper, Uranium, Oil, Gold.
>dis nigga has never thought about driving a tank down the highway
Why even live?
aha you got me backwards anon

do you seriously think no dictators read /k/? c'mon
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>do you seriously think no dictators read /k/? c'mon
Well shit, you got me there.
Which nation
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When k designs a tank.jpg
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>Be Kim Jong Un
>Browse the Chans for raffs
>Take inspiration from /k/ 'design a weapon' and 'I fucked up bad' threads, design crazy weapons to counter Western Imperialism
>Your move, mr Trump man
literally outer heaven

you'll get it later
Kim, if you're here, I just want you to know that I'm a huge fan, absolutely huge.

If you want to talk some time, maybe make a couple deals, I'd be up for that.

Yours Sincerely,
Barry O'Bama. Just kidding, you all know who I am.
>dope rims tho

Well, these ARE niggers we're talking about. Putting dope rims on pieces of shit has to be engrained in their mitochondrial DNA or something.
Where's that webm of the niggers frantically eating grass by the hundreds because another crazy witch doctor "pastor" told them so?

They're literally a different subspecies from us, and expecting them to act according to what makes sense to us would be like expecting to turn a wild fox into a police dog.
>Where's that webm of the niggers frantically eating grass by the hundreds because another crazy witch doctor "pastor" told them so?
>They're literally a different subspecies from us, and expecting them to act according to what makes sense to us would be like expecting to turn a wild fox into a police dog
Where's the Webm of Jonestown, where a bunch of whiteys drank poison because some crazy "pastor" told them to?
They're literally a different subspecies from us, and expecting them to act according to what makes sense to us
>like expecting to turn a wild fox into a police dog
you've gotta be trolling. literally everyone has heard of the russian red fox experiment by now

and that's literally how wolves-->police dogs happened in the first place
racism is funny
>usa in 2030 56% white
And I suppose that with a breeding-oriented eugenics program, you could breed a race of high-IQ niggers in 2-3 generations just like the foxes, too.

But that's not what I'm saying. I was suggesting it would be as hard as training that original wild fox, not it's selected domesticated/domesticatable offspring, to do police work, and I'd imagine that you'd still have a hard time doing that.

The difference is, when white people do shit like that, it makes international news because Jonestown/Heavens Gate/Yearning For Zion/Waco situations are just THAT rare in white societies.

Meanwhile, with blacks, shit like that grass webm, baby-raping-to-cure-AIDS, magical anti-bullet potions, and the like are all called "just another day in Africa".
The white trash at Jonestown were defective, not mainstream, and there were plenty of dindus there too.
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>tfw would complain about all the /pol/faggotry
>but this is actually working great as a 'containment thread'
>Be Kim Jong Un
>Browse the Chans for raffs
>tfw will never get to have sick bantz with Glorious Leader
>those trips
anti-semites BTFO
it'd probably be difficult to teach the foxes to code in the .NET family of languages too, so I guess you're right. niggers are dumb.
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The fuck is this picture?
Ooga booga get back to Africa
I grew up in MA and went to Brandeis University where I was an art major focusing on non-representative sculpture. I literally drank the liberal kool-aid for years.

Discovering the intractable link between race and IQ (through a Harvard psychology course, no less, where the instructor got around to talking about the transracial adoption studies and such) was like a Galileo moment for me, in which it became abundantly clear that every single, increasingly abstract post-1960's sociological argument trying to explain away socioeconomic and academic achievement gaps between the races was no different than astronomers doubling down on the Ptolemaic model, tweaking the planetary epicycles to fit Kepler's data, when the reality was that they were trying to mold a preconceived worldview to fit a visible dataset that absolutely contradicts it.

I still consider myself a liberal when it comes to a bunch of social issues (obvs not the 2A, haha), but you're a fucking idiot if you don't look at race vs IQ data, compare it with the real-world dataset in terms of social/cultural outcomes, and see that the writing on the wall tells us overwhelmingly that we are NOT all equal.

Mark my words, coming to grips with race realism is going to be the biggest intellectual hurdle since the adoption of the sun-centric solar system model, because just as with the solar system example, we're going to have to turn our back on an intellectually convenient ideology that tells us the comfortable lie we're all special and adopt one based on the uncomfortable truth we're just cogs in the system, our life outcomes essentially determined before we were born by the simple fact of who conceived us and how intelligent they are.
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I dunno what you fags are talking about, separating idiots from their money is capitalist as fuck.
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Could it be? Has flight lieutenant Sibanda's dream of establishing a helicopter factory come true at last?
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Rhodesia and South Africa were both wildly partitioned and suppressed, so suggesting that they (dem niggas) had healthy diets because they were in a bountiful country is as silly as suggesting the hoodrat bitches and hos in the ghettos of the US should have healthy diets because they are also in the bountiful land of America.

Your logic is completely flawed and your facts are cherry picked and do not take into account _all other facts_

enjoy your (you), and get back to /pol/ with that half-assed shit.


This guys presentation is pretty much on point with what I experienced. The stupidity is rooted in a shitty culture and the Ghanaians that I knew who escaped that shitty culture did and do quite well for themselves. The family hierarchy that demand fielty is what was so damning to them, and they simply do not know a world without it.
If the brits , belgians , grench and germans had done their jobs, the world would be better.

At the very least a campaign of forced sterilization.

We should have done it here in the 1850s.

Allow slaves , but only if they are snipped
IQ is also not a measurement of intelligence. It's a measurement of aptitude for specific types of logical problem-solving. Intelligence is such an abstract and subjective concept that it's impossible to objectively measure with a number.
>Intelligence is such an abstract and subjective concept that it's impossible to objectively measure with a number.

And yet high IQ has been proven time and time again to have a causative effect on both academic, professional, and socioeconomic achievement.

It's not perfect, but it clearly measures something that's crucially important for success in life, and criticism of IQ as a measurement is nothing but liberals moving the goalposts because the data shows something that doesn't line up with their preconceived worldview.
No, not causative. Correlative. And it does measure something: aptitude for certain types of logical problem solving. You and your "totally-not-neo-nazis-honest" brigade seem to have trouble separating ability from aptitude. You also don't seem to understand how averages work. Or that the brain and your IQ score can and do change over time.

Also you're talking about progressives. At least insult the right people. I know they call themselves liberals but them being retarded is not an excuse for you to be.
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>You and your "totally-not-neo-nazis-honest" brigade
>I know they call themselves liberals but them being retarded is not an excuse for you to be.

>shut up nazi
>also stop calling them liberals even though that's what they call themselves

this thread is stupid

Are you literally so ass blasted you opened up MS-Paint and made this work of art?

I'm so glad with your mad.

yeah i made it right this minute just for you bb
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Dude, there are a ton of those floating around.
It slays me that you think that poster was so pissed he MADE that right then.

Not that you're a literal caricature of yourself.
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leupold was my hero until I found out it was physically and demographically impossible for him to kill the amount claimed.

>Allow slaves
that guy in the red hat is funny as fuck. everyone needs a dale gribble in their lives. don't be such an insular pussy and get to know one. they're awesome friends.
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear?
i fucking love Apostle Dr. Kwadwo Safo

here is his "armored" car
And you're obviously a nigger which is even funnier
This pretty much
>top gun starts playing
absolutely kek
What music is that in the video?

Any /mu/sicians in the thread?
does it fire bowling-balls?

Is this what a continent of sub-IQ 89 people looks like?
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plz no bully the subhumans
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have some more africa
>>you'll never be a nutjob crack head exploiting a 3rd world country by making fake military vehicles
move to china, i hear theyre really big on that there but more for hobby aviation than military stuff

people building "planes" out of tractor plows and shit

>This is the same continent where people believe that raping a virgin or taking a shower will cure AIDs. Some members of the population are squared away and understand how the world works, while others are full grown children that waste what little money they have of frivolous crap. What OP posted are the members of the population that fall into the frivolous crap category. Tribal trinkets, superstition, and collectivism gone mad prevails in some parts of Africa.


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>Snake that's Metal gear Tyrone. First you'll have to get the traffic boot off of it and Keep an eye out for the repo man. If he extracts metal gear Tyrone before you do it's mission over. Also try and Fulton it before noon or it will power up. If that happens you have to watch out for it's chimpout atack. If it hits you you'll get AIDS.
you win the internet today
>try to do a proper job
>the eternal anglo gets butthurt and fucks everything up (again)
Every time.
Fact: Anglos are the reason the world is shit.
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So some explain this guy to me. Is he a dictator of his own country? Cult leader? Or just crazy person living out his fantasies through the actual industriousness of his son?
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>Mfw i realised that africans are literallies warhammer 40k orks with their hivemind tech and ooga booga magic beliefs.
>Implying this isn't something large proportions of /k/ plans on doing 90% of the time
Fucked up, meant to reply to this

>coast of Somalia

Didnt they teach geography in redneck school?

The Pacific ring of fire is nowhere near the coast of Somalia.
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Report back when you get a reply.
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:Call of Johannesburg when
Car crash/burn victims
Website hasn't been updated in almost two years, doubt I'll get a reply from there. If you guys find some of the other way of contacting him let me know and I'll ask him again
>So some explain this guy to me. Is he a dictator of his own country? Cult leader? Or just crazy person living out his fantasies through the actual industriousness of his son?

You know the autists that post on /m/ and /diy/ about how they're going to build a mech in their garage?
He's one of them with less shitposting and more welding.

Maybe with a dash of semi-deluded artist in there too.
Too bad its never going to happen because getting a mech across an ocean is apparently really fucking hard.
If there are any dictators reading this thread, build a Landkreuzer Ratte. Do it.
Pretty much
>Two weeks into basic.
>"Nigga I wish I was still black this fuckin O.D. green bullshit sucks."
The Warden of the North is Dr Doom?
Modern Ghana is actually not the same place or people as medieval Ghana. Its like modern Macedon.

>This guys presentation is pretty much on point with what I experienced. The stupidity is rooted in a shitty culture and the Ghanaians that I knew who escaped that shitty culture did and do quite well for themselves. The family hierarchy that demand fielty is what was so damning to them, and they simply do not know a world without it.

I know a guy from sub-sahara africa, he worked his way up to becoming a community college statistics professor.

Yeah, there are always exceptions.
There's a kid who grew up herding goats in Afghanistan who's going to fucking MIT. http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/a-young-mans-journey-from-nomadic-goat-herding-to-mit/
>Africa has mecha
>Africa treats PT boats like national superweapons
>Africa has warlords
>Africa has wizards
>Africa has pirates
>Africa has fully-automatic weapons
>Africa has women who don't know what feminism means and just have their titties out all day every day
>Africa has no-holds-barred wars with Muslims

Does anyone else ever get a little bit jealous?
..Jonestown had an assload of blacks and jim jones regularly preached anti racism.
Civilization is a meme. I mean that literally and not in the internet joke kinda way. Starting in the fertile crescent, Indus valley, Egypt, China, and Mesoamerica and it spread from there.

Now, sub-Saharan Africa is in a rather unfortunate place because ideas take so long to reach them. And the currents along the ocean went one way, away from the Mediterranean and Europe, so there was no sea trade because sailing down african was pretty coast was pretty muchg a one-way trip, so all trade with the outside world was conducted overland, across the desert. East Africa was/is more advanced than the west because they had access to trade routes with the Mediterranean and Indian worlds. And this is where Ethiopia, Nubia, Zimbabwe etc are.

West Africa, on the other-hand was on the wrong side of the Mediterranean, across the Sahara desert, but West African civilization had walled cities like Benin and Timbuktu, kingdoms such as Mali and Ghana. That part of West Africa wasn't that far behind everyone for a time, Ive heard they were roughly on par with Anglo-saxon England in the 11th century, don't know if that's true though.

My knowledge isn't that great about this part of the world, but it looks like Modern Ghana is not in an ideal place, its across all the other West African peoples so ideas have to travel across so many obstacles to get there since ideas don't travel by sea because of the challenging currents prevented sea trade in the age of sail. But better off than guys in Central Africa or South Africa who were even further away from the exchange of ideas I assume.

Benin seems to me to have been the furthest outpost of civilization (meaning living in organized permanent settlements), and modern Ghana it looks like to me by looking at that map, to be just to the left of where it that was, largely. So yeah, if these guys were civilized by the time European arrived then they were at the edge of civilization.
A massive part of running a military has, after all, been logistics. Naturally something like a mech, which has a huge standing height, isn't something really suited for being shipped using normal methods.

I'm thinking bigass transport jet (as if they would have one), or split it up, shove it into a shipping container, build on site.
but on the other hand, its fucking africa. so no, not jealous

>we are NOT all equal
this is completely true

this is the problem

if you talk to an evolutionary biologist you'll learn that even the concept of species is really specious (get it?), let alone things like race or breed

genes and their phenotypic expressions are totally legitimate science, the problem is that genetic groups aren't bound by our cultural ideas about race. anybody can have any gene, and definitions about race aren't based on biology; they're purely cultural.

basically if you believe that RACE is real, then you are going to sort people into categories based on how you define those races. then when you do an IQ study, those categories are going to have unequal results. no matter how you sort people, one group is always gonna have a little better stats, one is gonna have a little worse. that's just how statistical distributions work.

you could have sorted people by favourite pokemon instead. the categorisation paradigm is arbitrary.

remember that less than a hundred years ago western europeans seriously considered irish and polish people to be different races
>then when you do an IQ study, those categories are going to have unequal results. no matter how you sort people, one group is always gonna have a little better stats, one is gonna have a little worse. that's just how statistical distributions work.

and the point here isn't that different populations of people aren't going to have different frequencies of genes related to intelligence*, it's that because racial classifications are entirely virtual it's actually completely meaningless to do that kind of comparison. first you would need a robust definition for what a "race" is, and nobody has one.

*(they'll also have different frequencies of things like media exposure and seafood in their diet, which is probably more important overall)
If only we could just take it.
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Don't worry, I'm on it.
>then when you do an IQ study, those categories are going to have unequal results. no matter how you sort people, one group is always gonna have a little better stats, one is gonna have a little worse. that's just how statistical distributions work.
>you could have sorted people by favourite pokemon instead.
Chikorita fans are subhumans and the IQ tests will prove it.

at 2:11. That's an airsoft gun, and not even a particularly good one.
They're el-cheapo airsoft G-36s. Cost like 40 bucks on Amazon.
Assmad Cyndaquil-fag I see.
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Where the fuck do you people think you are?
>Where the fuck do you people think you are?
An anime message board.
Besides /vp/ is actually a trash board when people wanna talk about Pokemon.
Quite possibly the worst addition to the site as a whole.
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>grape costume

My sides.
really looking forward to someone posting that aboriginal skull meme so i can spring my fucking trap card

meanwhile "pokemon favouritism is an innate quality of humans, just look at these charts"
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They're decoys to distract from the primary weapons pods.
That's embarrassing. It's like a child's drawing.
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He is the world’s greatest multi-dimentional scientist and technologist of all times and has carried out the greatest philanthropic activity in Ghana.

Brief veracity:

First African to manufacture engines, vehicles, aircrafts and heavy-duty machines (he did so manually).
First man in the world who manufactured Bass guitars with seven strings
The manufacturer of gadgets and machines with extra-ordinary features.
Only man on earth capable of producing metals from sea shells and palm husk making metals renewable.
Only individual on earth who practically cuts across the length and breadth of invention and innovative science.
Most mysterious man on earth. It is practically impossible to comprehend his level of wisdom.

He has won several awards from reputable institutions.

This is some North Korea tier of leader cult. Top kek.

I wonder how cool it must be to get away with this kind of shit.
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You ever been to Ghana?
Once they stop talking Pidgin, they're probably better spoken than your average westerner.
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Hardly unique to Africa
>not all niggers
Found the nigger. Go get a noose and hang yourself moonbat
wtf how did you get "not all niggers" out of what he posted

go back to /pol/ you easily triggered statist cuck
You best post reply screencaps.
He's incredibly insecure about himself. He has to identify with the success of other people in his race, and put down others', because he has failed as an individual.
because they are uneducated dirt people who fuck babies to cure diseases and get high off of the fumes of fermented human excrement
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Anyone have anymore of this sort of thing?
That poll adds up to 101%
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Is this the same guy that did pic related.
Africa has 2/3 of population dying of AIDS and other diseases.
>YFW the navy has mechs within 10 years as a permanent structure on their boats
found the weaboo
It's like you never met an african.
I'm pretty sure that's just a scrap-built quadracycle.

Several African nations have HIV/AIDS rates lower than the USA.
>Several African nations have HIV/AIDS rates lower than the USA.
That's not saying much compared to the civilized world.
>not even the same generation

you may as well have posted squirtle and complained about treeko and torchick
ghanas own version of the bob semple

>the nog semple tank
I wish more countries started home-brewing their own tanks. If it wasn't for the surplus of old-gen tanks from Russia and stuff, we would be seeing WW2-tier tanks getting produced by third world countries, which would be cool as fuck.
I love the chopper. Want make into bed

2 niggers detected. Just an FYI that /k/ is a /pol/'/ little bitch and we will be shoving our thick redpilled cock until this board is cleansed of stupidity and brainwashed nigger worship
Who is this dumb nigger defending niggers and twisting arguments to show that lol not all niggers and lol not 100% of African continent is an utter drain on humanity?
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Fucking niggers and their mimicking of developed world

"I can now go into overdrive"

Oh my fucking sides.
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>kantanka automobiles
googled them expecting to see cobbled together pieces of shit, didn't look half bad, then found this one
>want electric vehicle
>daisy chain a bunch of batteries and stuff them in the engine compartment - call it a day
To be fair Teslas are powered by a fuckload of daisy chained laptop batteries.
They went a long ways beyond that, and they still had some, albeit relatively rare, issues with them.
>ucking niggers and their mimicking of developed world

Aw fuck off the shit is funny and entertaining and harmless. Pull your head from your ass for a few seconds
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no large lasers, one machine gun, rocket launcher?
this will never be as good as an atlas or orion.
Africa is also Africa. Also I find most of there women to be an eyesore
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