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Is Chemistry /k/ related?

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Is Chemistry /k/ related?
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Yea, but only to the point where you can make crude explosives and nerve gas.
Gunpowder, explosives, smoke grenades, gas, incendiaries of all sorts. If you want to make or improve upon those you better know how they work.
stop fucking tripping jesus fucking christ. Or fuck off to /arg/

"crude explosives" all fucking gunpowder is chemistry, all metal work is fucking chemistry.

neck yourself you cancerous fucking shitbird
Why do you care?
to top it off you're a fucking nzFag aswell... doesnt your wifes maori bull need some attention?
Don't you have more important things to concern yourself with then what some retarded cunt on an Angolese lumber trading forum is saying? Just chill my bro, life will be easier if you do.

No, because you're literally making it cancer. Trip when identifying yourself is pertinent to the thread you fucking idiot. Have you not cottoned on to the fact that people tell you to kys every thread?
If you don't like it you could always leave, or stop caring about people with numbers and shit instead of anonymous.
Not him, but why do you feel the need to trip?
Its fun to watch people get worked up over meaningless shit, probably enjoy this because my life is so fucking boring nowadays and I don't know anyone apart from my boss and shed mate and my dad.
Before the thread gets derailed by bitching over tripfags, I have a relevant question:

How shock-sensitive is HMTD?

I've made several batches now for use as blasting caps for ANFO, and it's always been working very well. Doesn't go off when I tamp it into the caps or anything.

However, everyone online says it's dangerously sensitive to shock and friction.

I want a primary explosive for homemade grenades and RPG rounds. Is this safe to throw? Is it likely that a blasting cap of HMTD will go off prematurely if it's thrown in a grenade full of other explosive?
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>thread about chemistry
>derailed immediately by tripfags and their feeders
It didn't have to be derailed, I just wanted to talk about IEDs.
Arguably IED's are a factor of derailment
Kiwifag is actually one of the good tripfags, so neck yourself you dumb cunt
Huh, I haven't heard that before.
Well, what about IEDs?

I'm only a novice at it but I might be able to give you some very basic pointers until we can summon EODfag for the real information
Looking for primary that's easy to make in dick vibration from 100m away quantitys. So far only tried >>34154577 and it was extremely underwhelming.
You mean dick vibration from 100m away sensitivity? What you're looking for is TATP, also known as Acetone Peroxide. Look up the synthesis on Youtube, it's really easy. You'll need acetone (sold as paint thinner), hydrogen peroxide, and sulfuric acid I think. Be warned, it's really fucking sensitive. Known for removing body parts of amateur pyros. Even the terrorists don't like to mess with it, they nicknamed it "mother of satan" because it explodes for no fucking reason.

Why do you want an extra-sensitive primary? Or did I misunderstand your weird English somehow?
No sorry I should have explained this better, when I tested potassium chlorate and Vaseline (750g) I dug a little hole in the ground to put my erection in, then when it went off I though I was gonna feel the ground shake. I want something with a more violent boom that's not to hard to make.
just use this guide here
Okay, that makes more sense.

If you're just looking for a big erection-inducing boom, you probably don't want to go with just a primary. All the primary explosives that are easy to make at home, are unsafe to have around in any large quantities and expensive to make in large amounts.

You probably want to use the stereotypical terrorist IED: ANFO. The reason for that is that it's cheap and easy to acquire in huge fucking quantities. Then, make a small blasting cap of the primary to set it off. Remember that it's really stable, and your blasting cap must be a high explosive with some balls.

For the blasting cap I use HMTD. You need hydrogen peroxide, hexamine, and citric acid. A little more stable than TATP, and similarly powerful.

>36 parts hydrogen peroxide (if using 3%)
>5 parts crushed hexamine
>9 parts citric acid

Put the hydrogen peroxide in a jar, then slowly mix in the hexamine until dissolved, then slowly mix in the citric acid until dissolved. Put in fridge for 24 hours, then filter out the white shit with a coffee filter. That's HMTD.

Note: The amount of hydrogen peroxide you use is directly proportional to its concentration. For example, if you're using 6% instead of 3%, you can cut the amount I gave you in half.

HMTD is finicky. It's shock sensitive, friction sensitive, and heat sensitive. It's also sensitive to metals. NEVER HANDLE HMTD WITH METAL IMPLEMENTS. It's more stable in the cold--store it in the refrigerator.

To make blasting caps, I use receipt paper. Make a tight roll of it around the end of a pencil, and close it along the seam and at one end with superglue. Tamp it full of HMTD with a pencil, and put a fuse in it. Use superglue to close around the open end and fuse.

It's difficult to store this shit safely, so when you store it, just assume it's going to go off at random. Store it in small amounts.

Oh, and it doesn't like to be stored for long, it gets more sensitive.
>not making your primary from asprin
Aspirin tablets (5 grains or 325 mg per tablet) Alcohol, 95% pure Sulfuric acid, concentrated, (battery acid – boil until white fumes appear) Potassium nitrate (section 1.2)
Water Paper towels Canning jar, 1 pint
Rod (glass or wood) Glass containers Ceramic or glass dish Cup Teaspoon Tablespoon Pan Heat Source Tape
Crush 20 aspirin tablets in a glass container. Add 1 teaspoon of water and work into a paste.
Add approximately 1/3 to 1/2 cup of alcohol (100 milliliters) to the aspirin paste; stir while pouring.
Filter the alcohol-aspirin solution through a paper towel into another glass container. Discard the solid left on the paper towel.
Pour the filtered solution into a ceramic or glass dish.4. Evaporate the alcohol and water from the solution by placing the dish into a pan of hot water. White powder will remain in the dish after evaporation.
Note: Water in pan should be at hot bath temperature, not boiling, approximately 160° to 180°F. It should not burn the hands.
Pour 1/3 cup (80 milliliters) of concentrated sulfuric acid into a canning jar. Add the white powder to the sulfuric acid.
Heat canning jar of sulfuric acid in a pan of simmering hot water bath for 15 minutes; then remove jar from the bath. Solution will turn to a yellow-orange color.
Add 3 level teaspoons (15 grams) of potassium nitrate in three portions to the yellow-orange solution; stir vigorously during additions. Solution will turn red, and then back to a yellow-orange color.
Allow the solution to cool to ambient or room temperature while stirring occasionally.9. Slowly pour the solution, while stirring, into 1-1/4 cup (300 milliliters) of cold water and allow to cool. 10.
Filter the solution through a paper towel into a glass container. Light yellow particles will collect on the paper towel.
Yes, I know about that.

(It's called Picric Acid by the way, faggots should put the name of the compound in the instructions)

It's going to be my next project actually. I don't have any sulfuric acid or batteries laying around, which is why I made HMTD first. I think I'm going to just order it.

Out of curiosity, do you know how shock sensitive it is? I want a primary I can safely use in grenades and projectiles.
I've got some left over chlorate and a tiny bit of mercury fulminate left, would the chlorite be good enough to set off ANFO? Also how gets ANFO?
I don't know the answer to the first question. But the second one is fuck easy.

ANFO stands for Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil.

Any chemfag would tell me this is a really stupid oversimplification, but basically, ammonium nitrate helps things burn faster to the point of exploding. Take most anything that burns, mix it with ammonium nitrate, and it will explode instead. Any liquid fuel will do the job, though some work better than others. Traditionally, kerosene or diesel is used. Technically, the best performing fuel material is Nitromethane, but that's not something most of the kind of people trying to make ANFO just have laying around. You can use gas, motor oil, I use coleman stove fuel because I have a lot on hand. Hell, I've heard it's been done with molasses.

Usually, when you buy ammonium nitrate, it's prilled. This is good for long term storage, it doesn't go bad as easily that way. For your ANFO, crush the prilled AN into a powder. Then, put it in your container and just dampen it with the fuel oil. You're looking for it to be uniformly, but barely, damp. Technically, I think it's about 5% by weight you're looking for, but no one measures it that way. It's a little better to err on the side of too much fuel oil.

Remember that it needs to be confined to really detonate. The container doesn't need to be strong, cardboard or plastic will do the job fine. It just needs to be airtight.

ANFO is stupid, stupid stable. You need a high explosive to set it off. Fire, shooting it, or low explosives like black powder won't do. I've only successfully done it with HMTD.
ok, so picric acid its self is stable enough to move, but is drop and flame sensitive. the real issue is when you allow to form its salts, which are highly unstable. keep out of contact with most metals and concreate. keep wet untill you wnt to use it, and for gods sakes its pretty toxic
you can also add 5% by mass Al powder to incease its power. and insted of just fuel oil, try adding some nitromethane
I'm talking about actually throwing it. Probably in a small blasting cap in a grenade sized container full of secondary explosive. Do you think it would reliably withstand that shock?

And do you know if HMTD would? Which is more sensitive between the two?
i imagine you could throw it and not loose anything. as with HMTD, i know nothing about it.
but again with picric, i can not stress how importiant it is to keep away from metal. it also sublimes slowly at room temp, so use as soon as you can
I'm not worried about losing any explosive. I'm worried about losing my throwing arm.
thats what i was getting at anon.
Oh. Well, I'm not reassured enough to actually do it yet. I want to find some other idiot who's done it before.
enjoy, and good luck in your search
I love this topic and want to keep it alive, so I'll dump another interesting project I'm working on:

There's a substance called Rocket Candy which is an easy, powerful homemade rocket fuel. It's made with potassium nitrate and table sugar.

I'm working on a homemade RPG. Making the rocket engine in a PVC pipe, and firing it out of a bigger PVC pipe. Right now I'm using dummy rockets with no payload, but if it works I'll make high explosive, shrapnel, and incendiary shells.
Just set up a catapult and string.
very nice. i was thinking about model rockets for a while, was thinking of using nitromethane and Al powder for fuel
Do you just have a shit ton of nitromethane on hand or something? I mean yes that's optimal but who actually has nitromethane?

And yeah, I'm using pretty much this recipe here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzV6Nrwakag

I've done tests burning a small portion of it and it works pretty much just like in that image. I'm probably going to do my first test launch of a dummy rocket today
Does anyone know the cheapest way to obtain sulfuric acid?

Like is there any product from an average hardware store that I can get it from?

I don't have access to car batteries.
Some drain cleaners are based on it
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Yeah he is OK. I think tripping for no reason is still stupid but at least he isn't the most annoying cunt on this board.
its easy to get, just buy it from model air craft shops. its one of the most common fuels used.

or buy it off amazon?
K is chemistry related.
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nice one
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Seriously? You expect recipes just to aid your mudfucking hobby?
>did your island run out of sheep?

Ok, just for the novelty.
For increased ground vibration you want increased gas production, velocity of detonation and brisance.
e.g. AN-AL aka Ammonal. Like ANFO but use powdered aluminium at a 95/5 ratio.
You'll need a booster, but HMTD will do.
Once you have a detonator and a booster charge, you can just keep filling the shothole with more Anal mix until your balls rattle.
what about ANNM?
how much more blasting power does it have?
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ANNM is higher strength and sensitivity than ANFO as you get extra gas production from the nitro- groups, but in home recipe uses, there is often practically no difference to using FO or even watered-down molasses or sugar.
Unlike a molecular explosive like TNT etc, the AN-mixes are just a hydrocarbon fuel being rapidly broken down and oxidised by the AN giving off gasses. ANNM is partway, you get gas from the hydrocarbon plus from the nitro groups.
very nice. you know anything about hellhoffite?
its a mix between nitric acid and dinitrobenzene. i found the recipe and nothing else
OwO, post more?
Never heard of it, but mixing DNB and more Nitric should just be producing wet Trinitrobenzene which is a known explosive
how easy is it to nigger rig a thermobaric bomb?
as a lead on, is a dust explosion thermobaric?
bumping to keep alive
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Both dust explosives and thermobarics are dispersed explosives.
Most dusts explos are just a finely dispersed fuel rapidly oxidising due to the high surface area, therms are explosive powdered breaking down.
>both are hard to nigrig
You have to time the dispersal and initiation to the milliseconds to initiate when the cloud is at its optimum spread and before it is too dispersed to propogate
>picrelated at highspeed camera rate
there is one version were you put a can filled with explosive and Al powder below a box of flour or jugs of fuel.
link (its part 1.5)
Nice pic of best gem, you got more?
There you are. You really should tripfag you know.

Could you provide a more qualified answer to my question >>34155497 ? I want to make high explosive projectiles, both throwable and in rockets. Easiest primary I've found to make is HMTD. Everyone says it's really shock sensitive, but I'm not having that problem really, haven't been able to get mine to go off unless I really hit it hard with a hammer. I've been able to detonate ANFO with it though, so I know it's good.

Would you consider a blasting cap of HMTD safe to use in a thrown container full of high explosive? Is there any chance that the movement of throwing it would cause it to go off by the shock?
Look you fucking bong it's a lot more expensive here in the states for some reason
Only potassium is /k/ related
Unless you have a major league pitchjng arm, you SHOULD survive throwing hmtd.
Carrying around a grenade with s hmtd detonator and getting knocked dropped etc would be more of a concern.
Not to mention whatever dogshooting agencies may wish to suddenly visit your house, as while messing with recipes can be legal (or passed off as a weird sexual fetish if youre in kiwiland), making throwables is usually a weapons law problem.
Firing hmtd in a rocket would best be tested with a very very long piece of string.
Ok. That's a little comforting, plus the fact that I just tried to set some off with a hammer and the first few whacks didn't do it. I might make some HMTD based grenades.

What easily improvised primer do you recommend the most? I know TATP's a bad idea. Picric acid sounds good for my needs but concentrated sulfuric acid's expensive and I'm a poorfag.

Thanks for your help based EODfag
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You all wouldn't happen to have any doggos now would you?
Tripping for no reason creates the illusion that you have knowledge or experience that is valuable enough that you need to be consistently identified between threads, like the trip who knows a shitload about nuclear weapons (Oppenheimer, I think?).

However, I don't understand why that other guy gets so autistically angry.
>you'll need acetone (sold as paint thinner)

You are a retard
How so? Are you saying I'm a retard for pointing out the obvious, or because something I said is wrong? (it's not)
I'm on a list for looking at this thread, aren't I?
because trips are cancer fuck trips
Anon, you got on a list the second you first visited /k/. Probably the first second you visited 4chinz, really.
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Now you are :)
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