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380 Conceal Carry: FMJ or JHP?

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I've heard from a gunshop owner that if you want to carry a .380 for self defense, you are recommended to carry a FMJ round instead of JHP? The reason being, the JHP doesn't have the energy to go deep enough to hit any vital structures of the body.

What is best, /k/? If you're gonna carry a 380, what round would you carry?

I own a Bersa Thunder 380+, by the way. I want to get a .40 or a 10mm for winter carry.
Honestly whatever you're going to feel comfortable is best, I'd recommend going through all the youtube "expert" videos and find someone who has but a couple layers if denim over ballistics gel to see what would happen.
Why not just stack the rounds in your magazine to alternate back and forth between the types of bullet?

Then you can jerk off all you want at how prepared you are I guess
Anyone who claims that you should carry .380 ball is retarded. If your handgun will feed defensive ammo, use it.

Here's a list of all the .380 cartridges I've found to consistently pass the FBI testing standards while offering expansion.

.380 ACP (2.8" Test Barrel)

Hornady Custom 90 gr. XTP
Velocity 860 fps
Energy 148 ft lbs
Expansion (Gel) 0.445"
Expansion (Denim) 0.443"
Penetration (Gel) 12.07"
Penetration (Denim) 12.75"

Fiocchi Extrema 90 gr. XTP
Velocity 798 fps
Energy 127 ft lbs
Expansion (Gel) 0.417"
Expansion (Denim) 0.394"
Penetration (Gel) 13.19"
Penetration (Denim) 14.25"

PrecisionOne 90 gr. XTP
Velocity 814 fps
Energy 132 ft lbs
Expansion (Gel) 0.418"
Expansion (Denim) 0.403"
Penetration (Gel) 13.51"
Penetration (Denim) 13.75"

HPR HyperClean 90 gr. XTP
Velocity 784 fps
Energy 123 ft lbs
Expansion (Gel) 0.412"
Expansion (Denim) 0.415"
Penetration (Gel) 13.84"
Penetration (Denim) 12.75"

Federal HydraShok 90 gr. HP
Velocity 895 fps
Energy 160 ft lbs
Expansion (Gel) 0.433"
Expansion (Denim) 0.364"
Penetration (Gel) 12.27"
Penetration (Denim) 15.25"
LCP2 owner
I shoot a few Federal HST hollow points at the range to ensure my gun likes it
If it doesn't like HST, I go to Speer Gold Dot
And so on and so forth
I'll shoot a few at the range, but usually I just shoot white box ammo at the range.
The company is shit and there have been reports of wide variations in energy between lots of ammo. Shootingthebull410 did a video where the PO XTPs severely underpenetrated.

If you can't find 380 XTP, then ball is really your only other option
Neither of those rounds penetrate the FBI minimum 12 inches and may not reach the vitals of an assailant

>Again either go XTP or fmj
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I wouldn't trust the hydrashok to reach vitals.....

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Check shootingthebull or lucky gunners ammo test.

XTP Hornady rounds seem to do the best with expansion and penetration. I'm strongly considering Leehigh penetrators after watching Macs video.

Best ballistics channel on YouTube lots of 380 reviews
I'd probably carry a 380 with FMJ. I'm confident enough in my ability to poke holes where needed. I wouldn't feel underarmed with a 380 as long as it had a good trigger pull and I was accurate with it.
>First shot is JHP, so the perp knows he's hit
>Second shot is FMJ to achieve deep penetration
>Third shot is RIP meme ammo
>4th shot is an unofficial +P 380 round
>Gun blows up
>Perp dies 20 minutes later from blood loss after running away
>Anon loses his hand
>Another successful self defense shooting with the capable 380
I don't work for the FBI
I am VERY happy with the wound cavity and HST expansion
This is EXACTLY what I want in a 380
I also carry an SR40C and SR9C, so there's that as well
Do you have a financial tie to Hornady?
Just checking
What is this 12 inch meme? Vital organs aren't 12 inches deep. 12 inches or more risks going out someone's back.
12 inches, barely penetrates a 'murican's moobs
Nothing wrong with hardball, especially in these substandard calibers
Most medical professionals, "ballisticians", have determined that penetration is MORE IMPORTANT than expansion. A large wound cavity might bleed him out faster but unless you are reaching the central nervous system and to a lesser extent vital organs, a determined assailant can still kill you.
Nope - I carry hst or gold dots in 9mm and above
It's not a meme - it's a depth determined by the FBI to be the minimum to reach vital organs. 12 inches in ballistic gel DOES NOT equate to 12 inches through a human. Ballistic gel is for making comparisons between rounds/ calibers, not necessarily for finding out what a round will do to a human.
12 inches in gel is equal to minimum penetration in a body, because science and shit.
>also checked
Fiochi extrema a best

Shootingthebull410 or something like that has good ballistics tests on .380
Lehigh Extreme Penetrator

Because you'll get reliability issues.

They're pretty good.
No, that is stupid. .380 is a little weak for the FBI jelly tests but fmj's will still penetrate multiple soft targets under the right conditions. The hollow points often do not expand properly in most of the loadings but that doesn't translate into the round being a fmj. It just means you get the right carry ammo, which is pretty much Hornady at the moment.

You also have what I'm guessing is a new Thunder if you have no carry ammo. Bersa recommends firing 200 fmj's before trying hollow points. They will FTF 50% of the time until the load ramp is worn down so either polish it or do the break-in.

I can't help you with a 10mm winter carry option but .40 is more reasonable. Don't carry 180gr and you'll be fine.
>0.43 inch expansion
Kek, .380 is officially dog shit, why do people even use it when .38 snubbies exist
This caliber only, I have great preference for Ruger ARX ammo.
Triple dubs confirmed

i carry it because its slim, the recoil lets me put more shots on target faster, and such a small frame with a 9 hurts my wrist. (i hurt my wrist bowling years ago) and a .40 on a small frame is like an uncontroable cannon.
Leon, this is bullshit.
ANY .380 JHP ammo will OCCASIONALLY manage to squeak past the 12" mark while marginally expanding. The point is what will CONSISTENLY happen:

With ALL of those ammo types you listed, what they will CONSISTENTLY do is what all .380 JHP does: Some will expand but not penetrate, some will penetrate but not expand, and some will partially expand and give barely acceptable penetration.

Pic realated. Here's your Hydra Shock ammo failing utterly.

Just because some internet shill managed to get partial expansion while barely meeting the minimum standard doesn't mean JHP is a good idea. It's not. If you would trust your life to that kind of specious reasoning and shell-game performance numbers, you're a fool.

Use FMJ in mousegun calibers, always.

Yeah, so again, why not a .38?

>Zed says something correct
>Zed says something useful

The end is fucking nigh.
>Less ammo
>Small carry revolvers in +P can be hard to shoot accurately if you're used to shooting automatics
>Slower follow up shots
>Not fun to carry IWB, speed loaders are uncomfortable to carry, speed strips require a lot of training to effectively reload under stress

.38's are good for pocket carry but not much else. Might as well get a .357 caliber if you're gonna carry a revolver on your belt.

a 380 can be good for summer carry or for pocket carry. That's why I have mine.
Every time I see a post like this, I think "Man, I really should be screencapping all these..."
I never do, but if I did they would number, literally, in the hundreds. I hear it ALL the time.
who is zed? im not on here often enough to learn all the people who think there special enough to become a namefag
.380 Auto is more powerful than .38 Spl.

All of those numbers were averages from 5, 8, or 10 shots in 10% ballistic gel. I know that this is bait and I've always admired how good you are at it but just for everyone else here
>.380 Auto is more powerful than .38 Spl.
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>All of those numbers were averages from 5, 8, or 10 shots in 10% ballistic gel.
I mean, unless you're just shitposting...
Ooo... not to mention:
... meaning it could be 4 shots that expanded and went 6", and 4 shots that went 24" and didn't expand at all.

Yeeeeahhhhhhhh....that's just.... not how reality works. Sry.
>TFW I traded my Glock 30 for a compact 380 cause I thought 45's were too big and uncomfortable for summer carry
>TFW I now have a 380 and a 9mm and no decent caliber handgun for winter
>TFW no face

>TFW I now have a 380 and a 9mm and no decent caliber handgun for winter
If it gets cold enough where ever you winter
That 9mm may well shrink to 8.98mm
Enjoy that terrifying thought noguns
FMJ a shit
Cast your own Keith SWCs
winter carry is a meme. i carry the same thing all year round. my g42 with fmj ball.

no need to have bigger gun for winter.
>no decent caliber handgun for winter
dip your gun in glycol and 9mm will be fine
My 2 cents, based soley on personal preference:
Buffalo Bore hardcast .380
It's a little bit hotter than most, and it's solid,not fmj. It doesn't deform as easily. I can feed it to my Mak and lcp, but other pistols like the Kahr may not feed the flat nose with it's steep ramp.
It was a compilation of the .410ShootingtheBull ammo tests. Don't ruin this for other anons, I did this to save them time. You can look at the videos and see that there isn't really much difference between the shots made.
I like the idea of a hard cast flatnose round in a caliber that doesn't penetrate sufficiently when it expands, but it's advantages are overshadowed by decreased reliability. I'd only trust it in a gun like a beretta 92, where the rounds feed directly from the chamber into the mag
He's right about the hydrashoks though they don't penetrate 12 inches in a lot of the tests I've seen.

Xtp is usually good to go. Though it expands to max of maybe .1 inch, the bullet profile is flat unlike the rounded profile of the fmj.

I'm not sold on the Lehigh meme bullets - they could very well be taking advantage of a unique property of ballistic gel not present in actual humans. If someone hunts with the round and can point to an expanding permanent wound cavity I'd be impressed
I haven't experienced any FTFs in my two .380s, so I don't have any problem loading them in my carry gun. But it should definitely be tested before switching over to it from regular fmj.
Because that's fucking stupid and it offers zero advantages.
Instead of asking here and looking like a fag you could actually look into the actual testing protocol
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It became a meme after the FBI got BTFO in Miami.

147 grain RA9T
Honestly, this. Lead Semi-wadcutter or any lead bullet design with a large meplat was the choice self defense ammo. Large enough surface area in the meplat to create a permanent wound cavity coupled with soft lead that either expanded or deformed and tumbled through soft tissue. The rise in jacketed bullets was due to the Hague conventions for warfare and the need to be able to penetrate vehicle doors with police departments.
My LCP hates JHP so I carried FMJ. But I no longer mouse gun carry I carry a real gun now, glock 19.
>My LCP hates JHP so I carried FMJ. But I no longer mouse gun carry I carry a real gun now, glock 19.
You meant to say:
"I carry a real grenade now, glock 19"
I carry Hornady XTP in my LCP. I've been debating just getting some Buffalo Bore hardcast lead and not worrying about the Hornady, but they're pretty stout little .380s and I'm relatively confident in their ability to perform their duty fully. I dunno still on the fence, I'll check back in if i shoot someone with one
Because the LCP is God tier CC gun, throw it in the pocket and forget about it.
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>Not carrying Remington™ Golden Saber™ in your Remington R51™
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Wtf is this meme i see all over this board? My g19 and g42 i have over 500 rounds through and guess what. I still have both my hands. Im angry with this meme because 1 i dont get it and 2 everyone and there grandmother has a glock and they love it
zed is like the only namefag i know... lurk moar
>zed is like the only namefag i know...
oh and flandre
>Im angry with this meme because 1 i dont get it
get over your ego, snowflake
---glock malfunction
---glock injury
scary how often this occurs
perfection, my ass
Here's a thought. Stop being a fucking namefag and then you won't hear it ever!
>everyone and there grandmother has a glock and they love it
very incorrect
baseless opinion
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>stop doing things that flare up my autism!
Get some Underwood.


500 rounds is nothing

Also iirc the meme only applies to s&w 40
No factually gen 4 glock 10mm grenades as well
Glocks are okay guns but if you honestly don't know
>Older models were prone to catastrophic failure if firing an overpressured load or if there was an obstruction in the barrel. The polymer build of the glock makes a shattering effect, making it look like a grenade blew it apart, where other guns would crack or would have an internal failure. Some were injured by this, mostly from shooting shitty reloads.
>Newer ones mostly are okay and won't explode unless you're being dumb. They're known to explode simply because they're so popular, and not everyone knows that you shouldn't shoot superhot loads in your plastic gun.

I have the 43 and I love it. Bigger glocks are kinda ugly, though.
>Older models were prone to catastrophic failure
whoopsie, looks like gen 4 10mm failures are happenin' too
Here's this anyway, but yeah, everything you said.
The meme comes from gen1 Glock 22 who had the insufficient chamber support of the Glock 17

I've actually heard first few JHP then the rest FMJ. Cause if I need to shoot more than 3 then they are hiding behind something.....
>The rise in jacketed bullets was due to the Hague conventions for warfare and the need to be able to penetrate vehicle doors with police departments.

No, it was due to the move to higher velocity cartridges.
>500 rounds
Wow, two weekends worth of ammo.
The amount many consider to be the break in period before you can even start to consider something reliable. That's one CCW class worth of ammo. That's not even $150
So prove it since it's factual. And don't give me some link with hand loads and an aftermarket barrel
Pretty much the same story with the Delta Elite actually. It'll bulge brass now and then but it won't unlock prematurely and it can handle proof loads. Don't reuse stressed brass and don't chase retarded numbers and it all good.

Underwood has played with its powder blend for 10mm ammo btw
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