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Why do people shit on glocks? for a compact pistol the glock

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Why do people shit on glocks?
for a compact pistol the glock 19 seems to be a very decent handgun, decent dimensions, decent magazine capacity, decent weight, etc..
They have some of the worst fanboys of any firearm and so people like to piss off glockfags

You cannot talk about a gun, absolutely any gun, these days without some obnoxious fuck storming into the thread and yelling "naw, fuck that shit bro, you should get a glock!"
They shit on it exactly because it's a decent handgun. For decades now it's been lauded as the end-all modern duty pistol (and there's some truth to it), even if it looks boring and some people don't like the way it feels in the hand.

People are just bored of glocks now
People are bored of glocks to the degree that people who aren't are annoying

plastic sights
People need to validate themselves

Fanboys brag that they can and will replace every factory part on a glock because even though pistol is fine they need to feel good about their very easy and reserved purchase decision

People that hate on glocks usually haven't owned/held/fired a glock and parrot memes to act like they have experience and alleviate their insecurities of either not having a gun or not knowing what actually to say

To summarize, if you worry about what other people think about your things you probably shouldn't be getting things at all

naw, fuck that shit bro, you should get a sword!
>implying 1911fags don't do the same
Because they are slightly overpriced.
This is /k/ we shit on everything. It's what we do.
They do that as well and we can piss them off by saying 1911's are just outdated and to upgrade to a browning hi-power
If they do I dont see it as often as on /k/

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Nothing wrong with Glocks. Their design was quick revolutionary.
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>Why do people shit on Glocks?
Because they aren't SIGs
Because they have shit ergonomics and we like to piss off Glock fanboys.
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Literally the worst fanboys. Saw this the other day, dude is selling some rare milsurp and along comes this Faggot
I actually like glock ergonomics, the grip angle causes my dominant to rotate over center which makes it more natural for me to lock my wrists.

Gen 4 grip texture is bretty gud - wish they still offered rtf frames though.
Because their fanboys are the single most annoying group of people in the firearms community, very similar to katanafags and furries. Also, they haven't done anything new or innovative since the late 80's yet continue to ratchet prices up to where they're no longer even a good value, and are generally significantly overpriced for what they are. Oh, and they come with probably the worst sights possible.

There are some situational or subjective negatives to them as well.
>super sloppy chambers with lack of case-head support
On the one hand, they'll eat anything. On the other hand, it shreks brass and is more likely to KB with hot (but in-spec) ammo than pretty much any other pistol.
>polygonal rifled barrel
Doesn't play as nice with cast bullets as traditional button-rifled barrels. Still safe to shoot them, but you do have to keep an eye on the leading, and they lead worse than button-rifled barrels even with properly lubed and sized bullets. The upside to this is they last pretty much for-fucking-ever.
you said it... mediocre

It's like the gd papa johns motto, "better ingredients"

Food service often sell by grade. Good, better, or best.

Their pizza is literally middle of the road quality.

Glock Tupperware is literally middle of the road quality.
Difference is, Papa John's is also at the low end of middle-of-the-road pricing (probably the top end of the lower third). Glocks aren't, they're upper quarter of polymer pistols.
it's a lightweight, small high mag cap, reliable pistol all while being compact

what else do you want? a gold plated gun?

like, seriously nigger you keep talking how "mediocre" glocks are meanwhile there isn't really anything better on the market
>that bloody hand

Hahahaha that's a good one.
So glock is basically Apple of the gun industry then?
>there isn't really anything better on the market
Bull fucking shit, glawktard troll, gay fanboy
Then list me a fucking compact handgun that holds 15+1 rounds and weighs 800 grams

come on, i'm fucking waiting
If you mean dumb consumers that fall for marketing gimmicks, I'll give you that one
Sig P320 compact weighs 731 with optic. Dumb shit.
No. It's Dell or HP. Boring brands for people who think they bought hot shit. Heckler & Koch would be Apple.
I'll put it like this - aftermarket support. I liked my PPS better than my G43 at first, but once I customized it - flat trigger, mag extensions, I came to like the G43 much more. You can build em up to your exact preferences. Get a stripped frame, order internals sans trigger, get a slide/bbl and flat trigger. Can't beat it.
You mean replace half your glawk with aftermarket improvements? LOL
Top kek
it costs fucking 1k dollars?

are you fucking kidding me? that's worth 2 glocks

You said it yourself OP, it's a decent handgun. Just decent. That's all it will ever be. You could pay a similar amount for another decent or better handgun that doesn't look like it was designed by a 6 year old.
The non optic Nitron MSRP is $679, under $500 at last gun show i went to. Durr

fuck that shit nigga, get yourself a rape whistle
The optic version costs less than a G19 MOS. The non-optic version costs less than G19gen4.
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I want the version of this that's just a strip of like 5 comics where it's someone buying milsurp, an AR, like a deer rifle, something from Sig, etc., and literally every one of them has the Glock guy autistically screeching on the side. It'd practically be a documentary, at this point.
Glock MSRP is 400-500 Dollars

and Glock19Gen4 MOS costs 500-600 dollars on gunbroker

And the glock 19 is smaller than P320
YOU argued on weight and lost
YOU argued on cost and lost
What's next? Glawks are grayer?

>more likely to KB

No, 9mm +p is like 37500 psi, glock 17 is proofed to 49500 with 1000 rounds and no signs of stressing
>....than pretty much any pistol

Which is a well-documented, if still rare, phenomenon based on the chamber support, and mostly localized to .40. And by "Hot" I doubt he meant standard +P, especially when +P+ and the like exists.
>YOU argued on cost and lost
No i didn't

go check glock's MSRP, now go check Glock MOS's on gunbroker or armslist or whatever, they're all 400-500 dollars depending on their condition.

not an argument
Not spending $400-500 for Tupperware
>m-muh plastic
ah, the non-argument again
too bad fag, half of the firearm world is now plastic.

go ahead now, buy your overpriced sigshit, you're no better than Fiveseven fags
Not all wonder nines are Tupperware you pasty, butthurt glawktard.
There's nothing that really DOES anything better than a glock. Sure one might have a somewhat better trigger or fancier ergonomics - but in the end training and experience are what counts. Also what feels good handling in the gun store/ at home doesn't always translate to being any better on the range.
The only real changes to handguns have been night sights - which glock offers as an option, rails - standard on most glocks, red dots (mos), and not much else.
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Esto no es argumento, senor faggot
You look and act adopted
Keep telling yourself that. You are not only deluded, you are a liar.
Who said anything about wonder nines?

Polymer is much lighter than steel, much more durable than aluminum, doesn't get really hot or cold to the touch like metal frames, and has been proven by Le agencies and militaries all over the globe. Like it or not it's the future of handguns - there is nothing steel does that polymer doesn't do just as well, other than "muh feel" - which has no bearing on shooting performance
Where did Gaston touch you?
Are you hashing some fantasy argument with me in your head? I never went there, you ignorant shit for brains, glawktard.
If Gaston is your mom, it's better if you didn't know.
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>There's nothing that really DOES anything better than a glock
>one might have a somewhat better trigger or fancier ergonomics

That's literally the definition of "Does something better," particularly with modern handguns, you faggot. 90% of them all can go for thousands without critical parts breaking, and most polymer 9's priced above and below Glocks don't even break minor parts and the like. Most have the same level of accuracy and reliability.

The only things the others might have over is rotating barrels, paddle releases, all sorts of changes, but "better trigger" is pretty fucking objective and measurable, and ergonomics is pretty close, considering the reputation of Glocks in that area, even among its fans with the finger grooves.

Oh, and of course there's the sights. You know, the things that are near-universally reviled and the excuse is "Well it's a good aftermarket, so I'm going to argue that it's cheaper than other pistols and then call you a poorfag when you don't like that you have to spend $100 to change the sights out of the box to match a basic feature of any other pistol on the market."

Glocks aren't bad, but come on man.
>Jesus Christ this faggot won't stop

Tupperware means polymer. Don't try to use meme lingo if you don't even understand it
>the sights
If you want they sell glock a with factory night sights - most don't because they have their own preferences. Vp9s come with shitty glow in the dark sights, ppqs come with shitty polymer sights - why put money into a feature that people would replace anyways? Some people like two dots, some people like fiber optics, etc.

Like I said for me, though a gun like a p30 might feel better in the hand, I don't shoot it any better than my glock 19. Glocks have a lower bore axis. - which I DO find helps my group sizes.

I think we're basically saying the same thing - there ARE reasons to choose something other than glock due to preference, but by and large the differences won't make you perform better ( though this again might be up to the shooter to decides - all of this is from MY experience)
That's fair enough, and it's generally accurate. Didn't mean to jump down your throat. It's just that in context, it seemed like you were saying "nothing is better than a Glock just get a Glock," and between this thread and a lot of what I've seen lately, I think most of us on /k/ are getting sick of hearing that.
I just think it's overpriced for what it is, a Smith SD9 is essentially equivalent and half the price, without the name and aftermarket
Jesus Christ. Polymer can be thermoplastic or thermoset. Idiot.
SD9 is pretty fuckhueg for a compact
SD9s are very under rated and a great choice for those who are more economically minded. Although:
>glocks have a generally better trigger (can be fixed though)
>bare stainless finish, not as corrosion resistant
>gen 4s have multiple backstraps

>no 10mm model - G20 is the only reason I'm even into glocks, I bought a g26 just for similarity in my carry
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>fucking switchblades laid out
what an insufferable tool
>23 ounces
>16 round capacity
>4 inch barrel

Not really
Look up the dimensions width/length/height and compare them to the G19

I agree with these points, just saying a far as construction goes I don't see justifying another ~300 dollars for a pistol so similar that the creators have to pay Glock royalties
lmao what an autistic faggot.
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Not quite a sword but I finally broke down and bought a Glock.
They're ugly as sin and have the worst trigger of all striker fired handguns. Plus every single gun they make is the exact same thing in a different size or caliber.
The last part would be great if it wasn't for the first part.
They're the best $400 gun on the market for $600.

>no external safety
>shitty trigger
>unergonomic and awful controls
Sadly, the at 15 community is worse. As owner of both ar15 and mini 14, you can't talk about a mini or any 223 rifle without at fans spergbergling about " dude just get cheap AR, ar15s can do literally anything and everything bro"
Want some real autistic screeching? Tell them you have a G36 clone.
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truly the miata of guns.
Bad trigger
No safety so ill never carry it
Company make few changes over 30 years, better cheaper designs come out, still calls it perfection
The only thing it has going for it is the huge aftermarket and extended mags
If it wasnt for the fact that you can get a carbine kit for them, I would have sold the G19 I inherited
>implying 1911fags don't do the same

Did he? I don't see how he did. Maybe you're imagining things
They shit on it because it's an exceptionally well designed pistol that didn't go out of its way to be a snowflake.

It prioritized exactly what it should to be a boring gun, reliability and service life, and the fact that a gun can be boring and well designed melts the brains of autists.
People don't shit on glocks they just hate the people that revere them as the greatest firearm ever produced while shitting on literally any other pistol.
I do that just to piss off 1911 fags. I own both and both are great.
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It's functionally very okay, but it's just... It's a plastic square gun. It looks fucking autistic to most(?) people. Like, a miata is a functional car - it gets the job done, y'know, driving around and not breaking down all the time. Does that make it good? No, because it looks fucking horrible. Maybe the miata analogy isn't great, I've never driven one. But you get the point.
>meanwhile there isn't really anything better on the market
trolling is a art
>implying any new glock leaves the factory without a fully supported chamber

quit spouting gen2 memes
not even memeing, I think they're ugly
None of them leave the factory with a fully supported chamber. Most pistols don't have a fully supported chamber. However, Glocks are slightly worse on chamber support than most other pistols.

That being said, their chamber support has VASTLY improved from the gen2's, and is now "close enough" to industry norm that it takes a truly overcharged round to have a case web perforation.
Can you explain what a fully supported chamber means? I'm a retard and don't understand this. And why a Glock only has a partially supported chamber? Also can I shoot +P ammo out of my Gen 4 G19?
if glock had a thumb safety that WASNT an aftermarket shitty-looking add-on I'd probably buy one. But then i'd have to buy new sights too.
the difference being that more people can afford a glock
my p320c was 450 nibba

It's a basic pistol with modern manufacturing that allows fully "drop-in" parts, excellent durability, and super easy maintenance at a fraction of the cost of machining steel/aluminum frames.

The biggest Glock haters are generally Fudds can't accept that 1980s manufacturing techniques are infinitely better than the early 1900s.
Sounds like you're shopping for a range toy or forum trophy, not a defensive firearm. Even with the vast aftermarket for glocks used for anything from competition parts to gucci modifications, in the end glocks are preferred by most people who actually shoot guns and have an interest in carrying for defense. (Exceptions being dumb fucks with stubborn ideas spawned only from theoreticals in their head)
>preferred by most people who shoot
Which is why they're not being adopted by the US military right?
Guns without tangible safeties make me uncomfortable. Also, the glock is ugly beyond reason; I sincerely think that even the Hi-point handguns look better than a glock 19.
Glock is big. There will always be fanboys and haters with how well known the brand is. The Glock 19 is a great gun but there are plenty of other options out there that are worth considering, so pick what you like.
lol obviously a /k/ troll, im going to start doing this now
>depending on their condition
Whew boy: "depending"
Are you a professional politician?
>Shut up retard,
>you're to blame
>You give Glock
Because it's a good gun. Not amazing or the best gun ever, just good, but Glock fanboys might be the loudest and most annoying next to 1911 fags.
You're fine dude the only thing that a fully supported chamber means is means is how much of the barrel that surrounds the cartridge essentially I actually can't think of any semi-autos with "true" fully supported chambers so it's not really a big deal.

Anyway as for +P it's specs are established by SAMII so everybody knows the max pressure they can load to it's fine in pretty much any modern handgun. Shit only really starts getting wonky when you get into +P+ but there's really not much of a reason for an average guy to fuck around with that stuff it's mostly for specialized uses man.

Glocks are retardedly reliable will eat pretty much anything you feed them. Although some don't like the steel case where it's got like the lacquer shit on it oh trust me it will still work it's just a pain in the ass to clean.
Siren fobs are good to have and can't be used against you.
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People get butthurt about Glocks because they're legitmately the best defensive gun and that's where /k/ draws the line.

They want to be contrarian, speshul snowflake and honestly think anyone gives a shit or thinks they're cool for showing up to the range with an FNS9 or Steyr MA1 then proceed to cry about how they're missing a certain aftermarket part or feature commonly found on a Glock.

Same goes for AR15's, they're the most versatile, viable and sensible rifle for someone to own yet it will be shittalked for being good then you''ll see the contrarian that poo poos the AR complaining about whatever faggot rifle he owns isn't as lightweight as an AR or cries about how he can't properly find a decent flashlight mount.

Now, if half of you fucks actually shot your guns, you wouldn't find using an AR or Glock to be """""boring""""", the gun's not boring, your fucking way of shooting is.
I'm not a fan of the fanboys and glock's pathological fixation with no safety but the main thing that spoils it for me is how fucking absurdly sensitive to limp wristing it is. It's beyond the user's fault when that same user can utilize any other number of handguns strikerfired or DA/SA and not have a jam. Then the glock comes along and it jams. Unless glock is delivering some kind of special function that those other guns lack, the onus falls on the glock for being a sensitive snowflake to how you hold it.

Yes obviously proper holding is essential but when any other gun doesn't suffer from a slightly improper hold but glock goes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE something is amiss.

In users yes, in function it's more like Linux or Unbutu or something that requires you tinker and work with it,
People like to shit on them to make themselves feel better about buying a $1000 sig or hk when a $500 19 is just as good.
A sig 320 is cheaper than a G19
glock 19 msrp 400-500 dollars

P320 msrp 670 dollars
This desu.
>go to local range
>me with Glock 34
>old dude with 3k Sig supertarget revolver
>two tryhard manlets with distasteful moustaches, high hair lines and a rental CZ-75B
>finish shooting
>"see guys a Glock is a nice weapon for carry but not target shooting. It's lightweight but not precise at all, can't hit anything with it"
>old dude's "group" literally no better than mine
>nogun rental guys had trouble staying on paper
>listen to advice on breathing technique, smile and leave
A Sig also feels like shit in my hands, is top heavy and has a pretty high bore axis.


I don't know Anon, why?
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>muh msrp

Do you know what the "s" in msrp means?

>opinion that has nothing to do with what I said.
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