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/k/ Patch Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 359
Thread images: 111

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a fuggin leaf patch.jpg
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>A brief history of the morale patch:

>Where do I find [patch]?!

>Thread theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1tjtwe1atI [Embed]

Don't you fucking dare to ask where to put patches on.
Just bought some patches. What should I put them on?
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your jacket, your hat, your shirt.

patches can go most anywhere
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there's a leaf hidden behind the jet in OP's image
i put all mine on my backpack so far. Maybe a hat?
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stop taking the bait retards
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delicious elf.png
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no sauce 4 u :^).jpg
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Ready bb
Found more
This whole board is bait.

The 45 ACP threads, the EDC threads, the first AR threads. Their all bait
This is a tentacle monster onee-chan, not an elf
>no sauce 4 u :^)
jokes on you, i still found it
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totenkopf when?
siegrune when?
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still no reason to take it
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christ those look like shit.

I want /k/patch quality.
They have better ones those are collar tabs and shit wasn't clean as fuck before 1945
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Mind sharing Friend?
>it was completely impossible to miss the banner on my site saying orders would be delayed
>constantly getting emails asking where stuff is
>someone opened a PayPal dispute without even bothering to email me

I swear to god
Do any of you guy make your own patches?

I've asked this once, all you'll get is shit about whipping people to do it. I'm assuming they have an embroidery machine or some provider that does it.
who sells that long snake patch, that you can make longer by buying more patches?opp
At least you can blacklist them from ever buying from you again.
Sometimes, if it's something I can't find easily
thanks dude
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Somebody fucking make this
>googling why /pol/ is sperging out about a youtube girl starting to get redpilled
>get linked to funnyjunk of all places
>scroll down
>Ai's patches being sold in the comments

what in the FRICK
What do you mean?
>all that interest
Wow looks like I'm joining in fj
>lacey greens bullshit is just her lashing out at her ultra conservative Iranian parents

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Please make this a patch
Fucking infinitereaper goes on /k/? Why do I have a mix of happiness and anger...
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Too much text. I'd at a min get rid of "Joint Direct Attack Munition". We all know what a JDAM is. Perhaps do something like:

+10 ACC
Bolt-on, Not built in
Somebody please do a J-list patch.
Ooops forgot pic.
Overpriced and gay. There's tons of better alternatives. Also you can buy pocky in Canada.
I have never tasted pocky, never bought anything from J-list and probably never will, but want the patch because of the ads on /a/
Well, it's originally supposed to be a parody of JDM car stickers.

Aand I brought it over to patch general.
Should come up with an Ackley Improved version.
You just fell for yet more bait, anon. Come on.
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What's the bottom right patches say?

>All future orders will be treated the same.

I'd rather do one for HentaiHaven. Their logo is baller.


GF may be succubus. Just had best sex of year, so good soul left body. Gilded Kekistani flag is up, one felted Pepe for sale as well. Post-coital patch drop, woo.

I'm going to go die now.

I cant read moonrunes, but if I remember, Mahoro is saying "I think dirty thoughts are bad".
>I'm going to go die now.
no send patches first
Lewdness Awareness Day.
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>tfw no elf waifu
Where are my patches NEET
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Well, fuck, quads command it. Fine, I'll ship some patches today. Maybe.

Wood, can I just send you what I was wanting and the cash for it so I can sleep today? Also, damnit, you got me hooked on Kemono Friends. Second best show this season, easy, but LWA still a best-o. Both feel really happy and fun though, and I love it.

Serval-chan Defense Force patch when?
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Send me pictures of your girl friend cosplaying as WoodChan and I can arrange something.
You would ask two minutes after she left for work. Damnit man. If you do a commission for her, and she agrees to do it, you've got a deal. I'll pick up the patches tonight at work.
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I'd be right happy too.
One of you motherfuckers better post them afterwards.
You can get pocky at walmart
Scroll up

I got off early today but I badly need a haircut and new tires so I'm doing that now
Got tomorrow off so tonight and tomorrow I hopefully can get all the remaining patches out
based fucking Ai putting everything I want in stock.
got a package from skogaz today
neat packaging
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I ran out of stamps, I need to sleep for work, and I already feel like death. Some stuff went out, not everything. Some because the packages are too big and need a bunch of extra stamps and shit, and some just aren't ready.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go shit out my lower intestine, try not to puke, and lay down to fall asleep watching Kemono Friends.
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np buddy

I'd also like to say that restocks for /pol/ NROL, MAGA Lion, Kek tabs and Big Guy have all been placed. I'll be posting pics of the color variation lions soon.
I'm in coast guard aviation and this patch is too close to the Truth
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That Feel~
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>wanna rep my OG /k/ keychain but the new one is smaller and looks better
That looks pretty nice desu
Sauce plox
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(Yes, please make)
>edgy 2 year old irrelevant /pol/ meme that didn't even work
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The jews shut down the disease meant to save the white race and help us transcend
It was early experimentation with meme magik, together with Winter-chan, it layed out the foundations for Kek magic.
Now that you have the gilded ones in got an eta on the black border?
first ai patch I'd buy
She's Iranian? She doesnt look it.

Why Ebola-Chan before ISIS-Chan?
She said in the vid her parents were Iranian
At least that's what I think she said because she's the type of idiot who says urron for Iran
Oh and I had thought about an ISIS Chan patch

I thought I posted about it, but maybe not
The one I found has the same art but I'm not seeing that scene
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Donde esta?
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Nice double dubs, and I never really payed attention to all that suff but from what ive heard she seems to be a real cunt.

Also thanks for the new patches m8
The elf one should've had some simple text 2bh

Everyone voted on it to have no text I remember the poll
>big guy restock
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remove chan singular.png
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ISIS-chan got removed. Sorry fellas.
Wood, thanks to you I just spent 2 hours not being asleep and watching Kemono Friends, and I loved it. Also I spent $42 on patches, almost spent more but I gotta save.

I think Kemono Friends is making me happier than LWA does, because I'm definitely laughing more. Apparently one of my customers will be cosplaying Bag-chan at Anime North, can't wait to see the pictures.
I havent been able to keep up with the threads forn the past few weeks due to getting a job and being exhausted, what have I missed?

Also what i've gotten in the last couple of weeks
All those designs are far too detailed to be embroidered.
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vulve bouffi.jpg
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I'd rather a Cra, and also a Cra patch, whatever that may look like.
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forgot to attach pic
just ordered the japari park one, and looking forward to it
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I still have this if you want it desu.
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I want my palmtop tiger goddammit.
Has there been a discount code or are those only for holidays?

I haven't seen one on any patch site, guess I haven't been staying updated.
>4 dollar shipping for one patch

shit I forgot you're a legitimate business

but I want that fucking lewd
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Any more memes and I fear it will over saturate.
Ai gimme dat serb chan patch.
It isn't lewd. He was a human soldier that survived being executed when the Elf men revolted and found the human soldiers were raping their woman being held in captivity. He only survived because he was a new addition to the fort and had not fugged an elf yet.
>tfw leaf

Part of me honestly hopes NATO gets into a scrap with Russia, some Su-35s come over the top and BTFO all of the CF-18s, followed by a Tu-95 flying over Toronto just to make a point.

The only shit part of that is the pilots don't deserve that fate.

But it might actually get these retards to spend 2% of GDP like they're supposed to.
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is that a PX4 Inox I see?
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Some new patches got released between me and Ai. Here's mine.
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Sharp eye
Is this site actually legit?
Yes its for larpers and reenactor's also surp.
n o i c e
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Since we're posting these
>dropped pic related yesterday
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Old copyright.jpg
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I just get nervous when I see shit like this.
>there's a leaf hidden behind the jet in OP's image
There's a fucking leaf behind every shitpost.
>got more Razgriz patches in today
>got charged customs and import fees in addition to the already high shipping and unit cost
>my margin per Razgriz patch is now -23 cents

Beginning to question my business model.
Im in for isis chan, can muhammad have discount?
Jesus dude. You in bongistan or something?
If your worried before you check out see if it is secured.
What's with all the shitposting lately also Gundam patches when? We need 08th MS Team.
Bought my three /k keychains from ai. I see that they sold out pretty quick.
Canada. I live about an hour from Ai and two from Cracker.
"Rough Fantasy Sex" on panda
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We're not part of le elite globalist trade cabal so we get heavy customs and import fees.
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I may have made an interesting discovery.
Nigga, he was posting about it earlier in the thread.
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You mean the funnyjunk account I made to answer questions about my patches and clearly mentioned earlier in this thread?


You're like a babby, call me back when you figure out something actually interesting like my youtube.
shes hot
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I dunno about "hot", but she's certainly cute. Russia are pretty good exports for high quality qts, even if their production numbers aren't the highest.
She's my favorite
too bad they all go full babushka in the blink of an eye
Truly wonderful, reminds me of a hapa I used to date.

As an eastern yuro I never fully understood this meme, our women age pretty normally imo.
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ebola patch.png
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R8 muh patch
I have some ideas for the ebola chan. Pls no bully and give me time. Will be running it.
Can someone other than Ai make patches? He is so slow it takes a month to get anything.
You ever look in the pastbin buddy?
go for it fampai
i'll be waiting
I'm saying you snatch up ALL of the fucking patch designs.
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All of them?

I am the one who came up here with the Ebola-chan proposition first, no?
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restock May 9th 9PM EST 1.jpg
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These are up and about
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what's this from
give me some sauce friend.
That's really neat.

Girls und Panzer
Oh I like that...
Someone please run it
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More accurately
Also for refrence the text says "guards truth"
It doesn't say that- grammatically speaking.

It's more like Guards of Truth
If wood hasn't cucked me already I'd be up.

Which of course is the intent, I'm sure.
Hey Merlin, have you gotten my email?
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Also it came from this dude so I'm not accused of being a hack or shit. It seemed neat enough to make it like a patch though.

Why I explained on Krystals end if there is a way to make it more simplified, it probably would work. Im not completely familiar with the process
Oh nice, I just hit him up with a PM if he's cool with me running it.
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Can I get a patch hookup though for bringing it to you senpai?
You got it fampai. Now we just patiently wait for the reply.
Take a look at some of the embroidered patches post in this thread. There's only so much detail you can put into thread. You'd have the option of printing or woven, but they're typically lower quality.
yay my user is being super catty and bitchy right now
make this
go away namefag
Been working on it :^)

I could throw it with the GuP patches too
Those are the next big project
what can I get if I get my GF to cosplay WoodChan?
I still love you anon
will you let me cum in you?
Forgot to add, Op-chan in Tri-Desert Camo is back in stock
Any chance of 6-color desert (Chocolate Chip) camo Op-Chan?
Can youse post the latest patch timetable/progress chart thing?
Rhodie or swiss camo varient WHEN!?!?
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This is the latest one you're getting. Plus Wendy's, STG and the loood octo
Unlikely due to color limitations.
The camo used for current copies are already sharing colors with Op-chan's uniform.
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>I could throw it with the GuP patches too
You could... depends on how hard you suck me off.
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Actually, he just rendered it from the official source (pic-related).
>16 x T70
>21 T70s
Well that makes my life a whole lot easier.
Ai can you check on order 2068? Want to know if I should declare it lost by now.
Email me desu
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It's a noticeable fault on the author's part. It was suppose to be 16, but I guess he fucked up or something and covered it with more tanks.

I can find other pages with the material.
You guys really should ask me questions for anything GuP-related, seeing as our group basically does all of it.
Any chance you'll catch up on orders this weekend?
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*sucking noises*
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mini murder cubes.jpg
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Been thinking of doing some mini-Murder Cubes, about 1.5in x 1.5in.

yay or nay?
Yes please. Also mini /k/ or -o-. Want small subtle patches. Not massive billboards of HEY I GO TO /k/!
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>only sucking
I need you to go full duck on me boy.
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Hats work out nicely.
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Mahoro-fag here, definitely the right one.

I think the real question is what the text should be.

Either the litteral translation of "I think dirty thoughts are bad" or the subtitled (in the anime) "Absolutely no Ecchi" and "Ecchi is wrong!"
>full duck
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mini ks.jpg
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Like this?

Hats do work well, already had a few people say it was about time I started selling them.
That's nice, how small? 1"x1"?
Yes, perhaps just a tiiiiiny amount of italics or comics sans. Just to make the 'k' pop a smidge.
Welp, finally pulled the trigger with this in stock now.
Basic questions: How many patches until the price of shipping increases?

Do you do drawings on request?
Usually increments of 4-5 patches, though special ones like PVC and leather requires more delicate shipping methods and thus are pumped up automatically.

I do provide drawing request, just don't expect anything stellar
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Forgot to leave a note, but looking forward to the patches!
I was thinking either 1inch by 1inch or 1.5inch by 1.5inch
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I've spent 50$...
What patch/es should I get for my gun case lads?

I have an SKS, Winchester 67A, Remington 1100, Winchester Model 70 in 458 win mag, and a Colt Police Positive.

Recommend me some fine patches lads.
>American flag
>Confederate flag
>thick thighs (chocolate) or vanilla whatever floats yer boat
>Gundam patches
Also where can I buy that vest?
read the tag
Shits indescribable
warrior assault systems
American Flag and then any meme patch

It says 'Warrior Assault Systems'
Where can I get gundam patches?
eBay and amiami
I have a couple in the works.

The though I had with this, and im using the Krystal one as the example is really just downgrading the quality so it works within the limits. In other words like outline her and select only one shade of color on each part.
kek, well played anon
Try to mock it up.
I'm going to do rx-78-2 shield
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neat drawing.jpg
1MB, 1433x739px
Thank you based Ivan!

This was my first order, definitely looking forward to more in the future!
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What do you want?
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>when the thread's going to die because we made a discord

We have a discord?
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What's the SS stand for on the GFD patch?
straight shota
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NEETs a liar then I guess
Pls do not lie this is a board of honest men, women, and birds.
Isn't that the truth.

Got an issue with birds lardagus?
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ah okay.

Would be nice to have a more general gfd patch, but for now, I'll make due with wood's yandere patch.
not the same thing at all
No, just wondering where that came from.

>that cute
...is a cute.
>got NEET skog and two woodpatch orders before Ai

Has anyone gotten shadilay patches or have we been ruswd again
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muh animu patches.jpg
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Post some collections.
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I've been waiting for rhodie patches from Rusty for like two months now, you don't know suffering yet.
Waited almost three for polarise when he went AWOL here.
would buy.
5 is fucking cheap.. just up the price to 6 or 7
What fabric do you use to stick your patches on?
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1'' or bust feggit. also the k need to be fucking centered.
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Went to nasa yesterday, too many patches available, only got the patches that I recognize. Just thought id share
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Nips want 25 fuckin' bucks for this.
Is it a go ahead then for the patch?
That's a big patch.

yikes, you're getting shafted

Up your price a buck or 2
The fact you aren't putting any money away makes it impossible to afford restocks man
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>got all 10 edits in today

The shirts they have are really nice
I want them, but they want too much for the nice ones

As for that patch, I have a high res render so I could make the centerpiece, just not sure if there's interest more than the flag
Do it.
Yeah, I'm makin' it
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>t. the guy who's actually getting cucked
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kanna hopping .gif
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Someone paid Guard to draw porn of Ai?
he turned it down because the guy was a jew

>forget when Wood's new patches drop
>realize it was yesterday
>remember I already ordered them
Patches are ruining my life.
fugg I missed Aesthetic Korps during my afk stretch
Who had those? Any still in stock?
c h e c k t h e p a s t e b i n
another trip fag?
I went through the fuckin pastebin and didn't see it anywhere
that's why I asked, dipshit
Nope, johnson
skog should have it
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Whats the word on these? Couldn't find in paste bin, are they out yet?
thanks senpai
ain't seeing it
must be sold out

Merlin has them.
they're in the pastebin
Where did you get the no step on snek? Haha I need this
Thanks bud
Stop fucking spoonfeeding, you're only encouraging more of it.

take this guy's example >>33949043, there's a good fucking reason we have the pastebin.
patches when?
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Worst case is this as it's more simpler, I thought the sprite also as if anyone were wanting the others, you'd be able to make a set essentially.
those contacts scare me
I don't think telling them the name of the patch maker spoonfeeding. They still need to look to the pastebin for the site, but if they bitch about not getting a link right to the patch yeah, fuck those guys.

I forgot to mention as stated, the border isnt really the final color, so whatever would work within the limits is ok. Same with the background, white doesnt work too well for it. Probably the only one who'd want a Krystal patch
if we do it once we have to do it 50 times
We already do it 50 times a thread just telling them the name means they might get familiar with the pastebin if we force them to use it to look up a name. They have no reason to complain because they get their answer and we only need one word instead of three.

Or we reee them every time and it turns to a shit show.
pastebin is one word
"check the" is two more
then just type pastebin
then how's about we add a patch inventory to each listing, so that way everyone stops shitting up the thread every thread for fifty posts whining about two posts spoonfeeding people and by what method we can best spoonfeed people
"Check the pastebin in the OP"
>then how's about we add a patch inventory to each listing,

Or how about we just put a link in the OP with a direct link to the stores inventories

oh wait
No. They should just look through it and stop being faggots.
I want this remove kebab qt3.141 on a patch.

can anyone make it happen?
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Idk special wood patch surprise!
>walk into a gunstore
>"hey, do you have xyz gun?"
>"fucking look for it you lazy cunt, there's only twenty different shelves it could be on"
and then the customer walks out and tells you to fuck off. telling them the seller to narrow down which shelf it's fucking sitting on isn't a bad thing, and everyone being a toxic cunt over this stupid shit isn't helping the patchfags.
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So how many chromosomes are you missing?

Or maybe you could just like... look around first before asking?
where can I get it, tripfaggot?
pastebin you fucking retard
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a leaf's life for me.png
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From the pastebin.
>have all guns laid out on one wall
>only have 50 or so guns
>asking where it is

yeah you are a cunt
>pastebin you fucking retard
>From the pastebin.
ctlr+f "kebab"... zero hits.
million fucking links!

which of the stores has it? I don't wanna waste an hour going through each one.
then dont buy it
really not that fucking hard
open the links, go to their search bar, then type it you 4 year old fucking retard
dumb nigger
You're getting closer to something that will work.
are you retarded?
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anyone got the link to the funnyjunk where Ai was shilling his shit?
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that is a horrible, uneducated history.
There were morale patches in WWI
Like the Catholics that wore the KC patch and became known as "Casey's"
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How it should normally go
>oh, tripfag posted an image, let me go to the pastebin and find their name
>Ahh there it is
How it goes
>Help guys, I ctrl f kebab in pastebin, but there's nothing! Help get the dick out of my ear ahhh!
I never got to read it
thank you anon
appreciate it
you're retarded. i didn't wanna waste my time. issue wasn't buying or nor buying.

fuck off.

fuck off x2

ask your mom.

I found it. It was on this "Ai" tripfaggot's site. He's a shit salesman.

thank you for such an insightful observation! hindsight is always 20/20.

I fail to see all this covert shit. just fucking tell people where shit is.
okay can anyone explain what this giant fucking rainbow over the post means?

I can't even read the words
>Just fucking tell people
Or stop being a lazy dumb cunt. This is why /r/ing something on /a/ gets your post deleted and you banned, so nobody has to deal with retards like you too stupid to click a goddamn link.
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>I'm a shit salesman
Or perhaps I don't want to encourage spoonfeeding? Stop being a lazy shit and find things yourself.
because we have a pastebin to answer your question before you ask it
instead people act like entitled pussies the minute they have to do anything that isnt handed to them
that or they are just fucking retards
it doesnt take that long to look thru the shops and if you have time to shitpost in a patch thread you have time to look
>If you have time to shitpost in a patch thread you have time to look
This is the best part. Though I'll give credit, the faggot found it by putting in a minute amount of effort.
>i didn't wanna waste my time

you're an entitled cunt
>issue wasn't buying or nor buying.
Then why make such a big temper tantrum?
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Im surprised I didnt think to just providing a blank. What happens when your ill I guess. Did you want me to color it based on what limitation there is?
Why do you sound like you're so surprised here? Head over to Japan and you'll soon realize how expensive "hobby goods" are over there.

Again, I've seen worst. The possibilities:

>Possibility 1: Materials sourced from China or South Asia, assembled/printed in Japan
>Possibility 2: Materials sourced from both China and Japan and assembled in China under Japanese supervision/Japanese quality check
>Possibility 3: Completely sourced and assembled in Japan

I assume pic related is from Cospa. My shirt says the shirt itself is sourced from China and printed in Japan... I THINK. I do have to say although pricey as fuck, the quality is great. The print especially does not fade that fast/easily which is a plus in my opinion. It's asian size so do watch out (buy one size up if you're Caucasian or African).
Can do. The letter will be slightly off set because of the slashes.
>Possiblity 4: Materials sourced from China, assembled in China for dirt cheap and then sold for tons of money because animetards will eat up anything and pay up anything
Are they just expensive to get from Japan, or are they also expensive in Japan?
except their primary market is Japan, leafcuck
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Exactly, the biggest animetard central.
otaku will buy fucking anything with a waifu on it
I read it at as ameritard
I can see how that can happen.
Well yeah they never make money on the animu itself so they sell extremely expensive BD and other branded shit to a very small select obsessive audience. If it isn't over priced then they'd either have to miraculously find more customers or more likely just kaput.

Your not going to get wined and dined buying a fucking $6 dollar patch, Boo fucking hoo.
nipland needs to open their products up to the american market more
amiami and hobby search are obviously options, but if they had general products and shit they'd sell more of them
>Guard losing faith in PK
>Is cranking out patch ideas
It Begins™
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>in case it becomes a patch

I believe hes implying he wants someone else to pick it up
how about a pic of the design, cuckold
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hes doing some 'team patch' drafts, apparently hes hitting m16 next, ill ask him what its all about on facebook
>does normal Upotte eyes instead of his style

I don't hate his style but that certainly works better on Elle
His style eyes remind me of dogs for some reason.
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I've talked with him on jewbook and he has a problem with super anime eyes or something, keeps growling over 'tear ducts are not optional'

>Furry shit.
welcome to /k/
nu thread?
thats a good pic
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Walmart experience:
>me: hi
>walmart dude: how may I help you
>me: hey man, do you know where I could find BBQ supplies?
>walmart: sure, it's on Isle 15. Just go this way and you won't miss it.
>me: thanks!

/k/ experience:
>me: hey, where can I find this kawaii patch of a kebab remover cutie? I've always wanted her patch.
>buttmad autists: is this it? (shows me a picture of it)
>me: yeah, that's exactly what I want
>buttmad autists: see this link with a 100 links in it? it's somewhere there. start at the top and then search for it in every store.
>me: yeah, but which of them has it?
>buttmad autists: you self-entitled cunt! you lazy mothafuggha! you fucking retard! how fucking dare you ask! why don't you waste 20 min and try to find it yourself! oh, and I sell it but won't tell you where to buy it because you're lazy. I'm not a bad salesman, I just hate lazy self-entitled cunts.

that pretty much sums up my experience in /k/ /pg/. thanks.
>go to walmart
>ask random customers where items are before walking into store
>throw tantrum when they tell you where to find it but dont hold your hand till you find it
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Good, now get the fuck out.
The difference is we don't get paid to be nice to you
>spending all this time throwing a tantrum when you could've instead spent it on finding the patch you want
Like pottery.
>takes the time to (You) all those people
>takes the time to write that response
>doesn't take that time to look at the /k/ patch sellers

>100 links
most of the ones you see people getting mad at are the /k/ sellers and there are only about 13 of them
If you're too dense to search the pastebin for the name of the patch fag who posts pictures of and is selling the serbchan patch then you don't deserve other people's help because you're not even trying to help yourself.
k bye
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>calling it a general
Then you wonder why we buttmad autists tell you to search for it never change /k/ never change
Retard. This is the equivalent of a fucking convention. Do you go to conventions and demand the staff put you in a baby chair and carry you to all the vendors?
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