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/ak/ thread - Sailor Fuku to Juusensha #16.5

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 249
Thread images: 142

Extras from Volume 4.

Last thread hit image limit...
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>Sailor-fuku to Juusensha #16.5 - Bonus: "Leave the port! British Navy is a serious business!"
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News to me.
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My waifu.jpg
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Post cute WW1 operators.
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Hurt the operator!
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>"Ahh, a kiss? Well a peck on the cheek wouldn't hurt..."
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>you will never hear this drama cd and complain that the voices were better in themanga

>Did you expect cute girls? Too bad! It's Me, Mr Monty!
I wonder if Agnes is one of those fans that send mail to magazines or someone who knows Nogami and demanded manservice...
lol no
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To answer a topic that came up last thread consider the following, a giantess of roughly 10 meters would have an equally large heart, thus an equally massive pulse, she could therefore press you against either left mammary or her jugular and let her pulse get you off, i.e. pulse job. Sex aside stick a small radio tower on her back and boom, best communications specialist ever
Anyway, that was it for SFTJ Vol 4.

>Trench Flowers #11 - Archive
I just can't wait to hit the image limit in two hours again, and then make a new thread while the old thread still has 100 posts left before pruning.
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>You call that a rifle?
>Get that weak slavshit out of here you fucking troglodyte
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Authoritative Riding Crop.jpg
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Nice image and idea m8, but where did you find that image?
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I want image dumpers and monmusu shitters to leave.

When's Upotte's next chapter?
go translate marine Corps Yumi
Next Upotte!! raws are out. Translation tbd.
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So have there been any good /k/-tier anime series lately? All I know of is bunch of witch in "not WW1/WW2" shit, besides that the pickings seem really slim lately.
Anime, nope. No new /k anime - but rather new-ish manga, there's some.
i forget
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holy shit chill, you don't have a cap on threads so maybe its not so bad that someone wants to post images on a fucking image board.
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I don't normally follow this manga, but I have to admit this was a good chapter.
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just posting to say I want lardagus to pick up Marine Corps Yumi
I trust you, man
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>"Sir, I think I've been hit"
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>Not leaving this world with your last words being "look up here man, I'm in heaven"
>isn't that how you normally recruit sailors
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Friendly reminder that your qt Nepali trench buddy will never sit down behind you while your haphazardly sharpening your kukri, pressing her petite body against your back and taking your hand into her own small brown one, guiding your hand across the whetstone as you enjoy the feeling of her soft hair ever so slightly brushing against your neck and cheek.

Only for this moment to be ruined when your severely drunk Scottish trench mate starts playing the bagpipes, startling the Nepali and causing her hand to jerk, cutting off about three of your fingers.
>Union Jack +Redhead
She's Irish desu. Scots have had their own flag for 500+ years.
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>Irish with a kilt and a Tam-O-Shanter bonnet
Nigga you fucking wut?
Why do I think punching her would be a very very bad idea?
because she is a sociopath with a gun and no common sense

Other than that...
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hans, get the gas.jpg
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You wouldn't have two Reich's Kokarde on your Schirmmütze
you become heaven
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Anyone have any requests for OC because if not I'll just go it was fun guys
just make something cute
really cute
>Inb4 greentext
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>Who gave you permission to pet the operator?
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I change my mind, keep petting her.
I'll pet her womb with my dick.
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>"Ahh, even with all this gear?"
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>"All of it-!"
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>heart pupils
Fucking sold.
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Sailor-fuku to Juusensha 16.5 - Archive

I think that's it with the ts backlog... have an Upotte and some RW raws that are probably getting prepped in the meantime.

Picture unrelated.
>that SFX
Don't tell me you're looking at what I think you are.
I think that was from one of Motofumi's manga.... I forgot if it was Kampfgruppe ZBV or Barbarrossa.
Exactly. Were you just browsing it, or...?
What manga?
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On an unrelated note, this naval chapter reminded me of that Chronicles of the Azure Century... went to check it out and there was not-Mariko there, haha.

Read it a while ago since I found it in Spanish... saved that panel since I found it mildly amusing.
I guess I could try translating it, but a translation of an (official) translation might come off a bit wonky (it also has a few Spain-Spanish slangy words here and there).
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If you want, but we can always just wait till we get someone free to do it from the originals.

Speaking of people, I really need to get some fires lit under certain people ASAP. I don't want to waste the summer lazing around and shitposting if I can help it.
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Saving from page 10
My man! yo are the best!
thanks for picking up Marine Corps Yumi! cant wait to see your translations! thanks bro!
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oh no
Let her go!
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>I really need to get some fires lit under certain people ASAP
you rang?

aaanyway, time for Gup Ribbon Warrior ch 27 raws
You guys want some new galil art I found? It's pretty neat stuff.
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Where does all this stuff come from?

Is it a .swf or what?
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>I'm a genius. Oh no!.jpg
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is that a Gurren Lagann reference?
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>sure, you've defeated us. But now we can learn directly from you as your underlings
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I'm surprised we don't have an opr8r-chan VN yet
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and done.
(stupid extension, stop dropping my name...)
Was it this one?
Nani the fuck
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It'd be pretty good with 6 less tits.
I'm gonna need a link to the original senpai.

Same for you.
It's too early too see this level of cancer. My day is ruined.
Are the sides of her head very closely cropped or what?
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I sure hope so. Because I'd rather take a multi breasted Galil over a girl with that fuggly hypster side buzz
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delet yourself
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stop please I already beat my dick today
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Can't continue if I've run out of good images.
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On the Korean DMZ....jpg
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Why do the americans have such yuge noses in this one?
>Not posting the canon galil lewd
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I'd have to open paint and I'm too lazy for that.
it's a chink stereotype that europeans have long pointy noses. compared to their nigger/monkey like noses i suppose it is true, though.
No, fuck you. Shaved sides are eastern european as fuck, she look cool.
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But we...
I didn't...

Of course! Thanks for the new raws.
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>But we...
>I didn't...
don't fuck with me, Lardagus, I can go from zero FULL YANDERE in less of five replies!
Is Op-Chan David Bowie?
Are we all secretly Bowie?
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Ahahaha, I-I totally didn't imply what we were or were not doing, I was just..


...I got nothing.
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>yandere sounds
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In "Tsuki no Umi no Lua" they make fan of one of the characters by calling her a stock Nogami design.
>Pekoes "why am i even doing this crap" expression
Especially with all that gear.
Jesus H Christ there is a special place in hell for fucking censor fags
>what is a Blue Board?

I do know that there is a special place in hell for people who don't provide sources, though.
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Nips have pretty funny depictions of Caucasians, even more so when you compare females to males.

Seriously, females whites will look just like the nip girls in most anime, only with blond hair and blue eyes all the time, meanwhile the men will be this bizarre hook nosed, tiny eye'd goblin looking fuckers.
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Censored porn is my fetish.
It's also a blue board, so get fucked.
Just a question /k/....Who is the best Japari Park resident that you would operate with?
None because kememe fucks is one of the worst things I've seen in years.
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Does /ak/ like anime gun girl patches?
None of them because it's a trash anime that no one will remember in less than a year's time.
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it's gonna be so funny when you get proved wrong

depends on the patch
Get >>>/out/ Sadmin
[nospoilerson/k/]How much did it cost?[/nospoilerson/k/]
he's probably referring to the one he posted
Furfags Lite pls go
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ay yo
Where the SMiGs at?
You know, egg plant man would be fantastic at drawing a fantasy series where the main characters are all bugs, they could fight snakes and shit with swords made out of sowing needles.
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>slavs will never invade your village, a group of female soldiers resting near your house and when they see you basically forcing you at gun point to "hang out" with them, laughing as they make you drink vodka that your tender, innocent, youthful tongue cannot quite handle and obviously preparing to do "things" to you
He already did a fantasy series
>implying it won't be just strong men raping all of your women, filling them with their slav seed as your bullet hole riddled body lays in the mud
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>Wanting mongrel nigger filth to rape you and your fellow countrymen
Fuck off quisling

Like >>33951547 said, gonna need some sauce, preferably uncensored.
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I always provide sources if you genuinely can't find something by reverse image searching. But you'd have to be dumb to not realize this is from Upotte, specifically Echiina.
>He doesn't know of Eggplants' doujins
I'll trade you one of the salsa for the doujin if you give me salsa for a strip tease doujin
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I like this fox.
I'd much rather take home a qt slav ex-soldier as my war bride.
For the Emperor.
Raccon-chan also acceptable.
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This you?
He also draws cats very well.
And guns
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C7MM5-1UwAA6m8K.jpg large.jpg
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you forgot feet
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Is that a stockless AK using a normal AK?
Those are foxes you mong
Dude made a strip based on that one time his cat spilled ink all over some WIP upotte pages.
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Its EMG, from one of the end cards, pic related is translation
Are you talking about Nukotte!! Koshian-chan where which involves a chibi catgrill with an AK? If so, that's the artist called Yasuhiro, not Tennouji.
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And I cannot find the source to that. Even shopping away the ammo and trying to redraw what should be there didn't get me anything.
it comes from me
you want anything or nah
>pats head
>You will never be happy
Sounds about right to me.
different anon, you do good shit tho
surprise me?
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Heh. Heh. Waffle tits. Heheh.
haha ok
So do you make a lot of these?
They're really high quality. Always a good day when I see qt opr8r-chan
>Operator chan will never give you Snu Snu
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I have an imgur album, so i guess
i also do rape edits for example, this is for when you want smooth and no fighting
gib album?
Good edits btw, even if they are kind of simple
whoops should have included
might need to update whenever but imgur is terrible for managing. they're simple but oh so effective
>That remove kebab Operator chan
>Those fucking arms
The rest is pretty lit tho
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Oh my god I was dying laughing with some of these
>free .22
Pic directly related

>CADPAT oper8rchan
I'm being spoiled.

That shit is great dude, I fucking love it
10/10, that's all going into a folder
ahh, there he is
that leaf
Probably not the same leaf
I rarely come to /ak/, at least since the autism seperating /wfg/, drawfags and /ak/ anyways. Sometimes it's neat (like this one) other times it isn't.

Unless you recognize me from somewhere else
I just wanted to call you out
im leaf too
its onterrible
The eternal leaf strikes again
For real though fuck our gun laws it makes me sad how much cool shit I miss out on
At least we can shitpost
I can't find any links to read it mind linking one?
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this is the inspiration, alas the artist never did anymore that i am aware of, shame, shes a qt, and a big girl
Ameriboos again coming to fuck up all our fun day dreaming.
I only see the sako one there?
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"Blocks your path"
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Pixiv illust id 37339278, from C3-bu.

That's because they asked for the Sako one?? The image you replied to is Nijie image id 14881.
Im a different anon.
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If you were the Galil guy, one you should probably kill yourself, two I have no idea where that came from.
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>Bugs with fairly modern equipment (tiny guns and the like) fighting a war against a house cats 11th century equipment (comparatively massive swords held in their mouths, maille)
Nigga, I would watch the fuck out of a show like that
Where is the full pic? This looks like a nice picture of AK 74 and SVD
There either isn't one or it's in an artbook from Cosine you'll never find.
I knew something looked familiar. $10 says they have benis as well
>dat mask
no Cosine is more "has clearly never seen a vagina in real life" monster vaginas than he is about benis
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>on a bit of a prop fighter binge
>nobody translating Shidenkai no Maki

Because of course not
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>found a wild west manga
>only vietnamese scanlation

Find me another person who can effectively do english SFX work (and really everything else), and I can give you more chapters.

We have like... nearly 2 volumes of scripts but no way to really work on it.
It's bad, you're not missing much unless you like planes so much you don't care about quality.
Well, he is Chinese, so the only woman he has probably seen is his mother.
>Pseudo Bong puts on guy fawkes mask
what about it?
I wonder, does the original artist even know about all this?
That's a big revolver.
For you
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but this was a while back
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official response art
I can't read moon runes
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>tfw don't speak gook but it's better that way because I can imagine her being tsundere over fan art
someone translated
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sorry if this is eating the thread, but i thought /k/ didnt judge fetishes
We don't but we should.
Ban giantess and monster girl posters.
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>SHINO: i loled irl when I saw it [Korean Laughter]


>SHINO: TT-TT those horrible monsters TT-TT

And that's mostly PG-13 stuff too. I can't imagine how SHINO would react if someone took it to the other extreme and actually drew full-blown rape art of Opr8r-Chan.
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>Shino's face when it's Dutchko who does it
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Personally I have no problem with giantess or monster girl posters as long as they continue to do so with their continued creative capacity to fit them into badass situations.

If they wanted to I don't know why they wouldn't just go to >>/d/ or >>/aco/ or even >>/tg/
The obvious answer is to get an official commission of op8r-chan.
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>continue to do so with their continued creative capacity to fit them into badass situations.
i try but shits harder than it seems, tho this>>33935988 make me think, would a bofors be like a rifle to her? amd how much armor could she wear until cube law kicks in?
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Just off of the top of my head, one of the biggest issues would be in the outfitting and arming of something larger than an average human, but not for the reason you would think.

Big hands means trigger size will have to increase. If we're talking in non-fantastical terms, a .50 cal and its ammo supply probably wouldn't be too much of an issue to handle if it was fitted properly. Much more practical for the assumed role I think.

As for armor, plate wouldn't do shit. You're aiming at a really big target and depending on how effective a rifle round would be against a bare giant's flesh, you'd probably looking anywhere from scale armor made out plates to DU.
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What was her name again?
Pomupomu? Idklol
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It's a Imperial Schirmmütze, not 3rd Reich, idiot.
>You will never ride your waifu into battle
Pomu is love, pomu is life.
I'm pretty sure it's not a "her".
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Pfft whatever.
any source on that?
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holy shit why do they always turn out to be guys

It's not like I belived that qt /k/ jap girls actually existed in the first place but it still hurts
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hans, get the luger.jpg
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No fucking shit, got anymore bright wisdom for me cuntfuck?
Why are you all so intent on seeing dicks? It's a she, no doubt. Her voice should have been a dead give away.

Because they're either:

>Jaded virgins who are so socially inept they would rather believe all girls are secretly trannies and that's the real reason they can't get laid, not because of their body odor and lack of basic humanity.

>One of the four or five AIDS-ridden homosexuals that infest /k/ and screech about "muh feminine penis" and "99% of /k/ is secretly gay I swear guise" who pretend normal girls are as brain damaged as they are.

The second group is also responsible for pro-pedo posts as the majority of all convicted pedophiles are admitted homosexuals/bisexuals.
It just seems like there's a million of them because they never shut up and samefag constantly.
/k/ really cant get their mind out of the gutter
Personally I think it's because trannies and crossdressers seems to hold the mistaken belief that the market for men who dress like women is big and try to project themselves on any Femanon who might steal their limelight, thus breeding a paranoid atmosphere where Men won't have an apparent choice elsewise.
It's just echoes from the 90s "no gurls on the interwebs" meme.
That's what I thought at first as well, but for whatever reason a lot of people on the outer boundaries of normal sexual preferences seem to have found a bit of a safe haven on 4chan. Unfortunately, that means that a lot of the pushier traps have kind of ruined the joke by inserting more truth into the meme.
trannies and crossdressers and traps DO have more sexual value compared to men though, and rival women in certain places like r9k due to their rarity and novel nature.
No girls on the internet isnt so much a truth as it is an observation that, since anonymous posters are assumed male anywhere but certain subreddits and tumblr, women lose their social advantage online. First theres fact that theres virtually no chance you'll get to fuck them from liking their internet postings, whereas IRL people will pretend to like a female's jokes and opinions for a chance to fuck them.

whiteknights and orbiters dont seem to grasp this and still think if they coddle women online (who always have to announce that theyre girls) they might get laid.
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