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Milsurp Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 386
Thread images: 123

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There wasn't one, now there is one.
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I see your K31, and raise you an 1896/11.
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I see your 96/11 and raise you an 1889.
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>all my milsurp rifles in one pic

I'm all in.
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I'll call.
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You've gotta do better than that.
what are the best/most reputable websites for getting milsurp. gunbroker was pretty nice but I want to see other sites as well.
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>tfw I have 7 rifles only a few months into collecting
>have 20+ more rifles I want

I use simpsons ltd on the side
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Swiss thread I guess
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I have:

>250 "good" once-fired PPU .303 brass
>114 "good" once fired PPU 7.5 French brass

For each caliber of the "good" ones how much can I reasonably expect if I offer them for sale on a forum/here on a BST thread?

I also have:
>10 "bad" once-fired PPU .303 brass
>13 "bad" once fired PPU 7.5 French brass
"Bad" meaning the neck closest to the bullet end is deformed (pic related). Are these still usable for reloading?

That said, does anyone here want these? I'd much rather sell to a /k/ommando than some random on a forum.
anyone know of a place to get a replacement firing pin for a Mauser model 1914 pocket pistol? Numrich has it for $45 but wanted to ask if there's any other options

Yeah, the neck needs to be resized or trimmed on most cases anyway for reloading, so it's fine. As long as there aren't dents in the body of the case from ejection, you can reload them
Is there a guide to mausers? I want to get one but I have no idea what to look for.
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Sorry to break the Swiss train.
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Here's some Type 99's for ya
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Here's a type 38 for ya
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>Being able to fit them all into a single picture
Ah to be young again.
What's the average asking price of M48s these days? I'm considering selling mine.
Any guide to restoring a Lee Enfield rifle?
Just the woodwork
I have one and it's pretty fucked, I just want to make it look good and display it
Buy a new stock set unless you want to make the autists here reeeeeeee about muh collectibility and doing what you want with your property.
$3-400 depending on how nice it is.
post pics and i'll tell you if you should just clean or refinish it or just throw it away
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Have an M39. All parts have matching numbers.
do you have load data for gp90? I know you can use gp11 die set but I'm not sure how much powder to go down.
If you blow your face off it's your fault but here's what I loaded: PPU 7.5x55 brass with 34gr IMR 4895 and Sierra .308 180gr Gamekings that are flat base round nose and cci large rifle primers. This approximates GP90/23 fairly well. You can use GP11 load data minus 20% or just straight 30/40 Krag data. Good luck!
thanks for the data.
7.65x53 'FN 78' ammo for .55/rd a decent deal?
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I wish I had taken a pic of mine in the snow this winter.
Yes but there's a good chance its corrosive and it's collectible ammo.
>pennies a round quality surplus
What glorious times

Suppose we are lucky to have 75¢ PPU but even at that price reloading looks more attractive all the time
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They come in bound form:

However, the Military Mausers forum of Gunboards and the K98k Forum are the most up-to-date repositories of Mauser knowledge.
Or poor. I'm poor.
>Buying into the Walther jew
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I have the chance to buy a Yugo m98 for $200. I've only seen pictures, but it looks like it's in good shape. Would it be worth it?
Yeah. I don't think they're going to get any cheaper, and they're really nice little mauser carbines. finding 8mm can be difficult but if you're ok with that and 60+ cents per round go for it.

go for it that shit isn't getting any cheaper.
I'd take the French brass. We can work out a deal. Shoot me an email.

[email protected]
ross rifle or krag jorgensen? which would be more fun/interesting?

also which is going to become more expensive as time passes? I assume the ross since not many exist.
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They're usually the same thing. I was poor when I was younger.
Reloading is always your best option.
Ross will probably be your best option for a shooter, since 303 is easier to find than 30-40 Krag. But it'll never be as valuable, because the Krag is an American rifle. Unless you're talking a Mk3 Ross. Those are about equal in value, maybe a little more.
How old are ya? I'm 26.

>tfw 24 with 7 rifles
>bought 3 last month and looking to buy another this month

I need jesus
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not him but
>22 collegefag with 17 firearms
>gotten to the point I have more guns than my LGS employees
>still lookin to get more
>shoot them every other week
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I try to shoot ever week but these last 3-4 weeks I just haven't been in the mood or I have an exam getting in the way.

>tfw my type 99 arisaka is still unfired.
Sent you an email.
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I'm 30, but also married with no kids. So I have a lot of disposable income. And no hobbies (that cost money) aside from collecting and reloading.
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I'm 25...a-am I doing al-alright guys?
What non-milsurp guns do you own?
We're all gonna make it brah
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I can't remember them all. A WASR, a couple AR lowers I'll complete one day, a few bullpups, a couple shotguns and some pistols. Pretty standard fair i suppose.
How much would you pay for a Russian M44 with everything matching except the Bolt?

Cabela wants $800 for that shit.
Maybe for a 1943 non-refurb I'd pay $800. But for what you described? 350-400 max depending on year, arsenal, and condition.

My K31 came with a die, so I'm seriously considering getting into reloading myself.
I wish I could get excited about a wider selection of guns. I'm all over an slavshit, looking for a select 98 carbine, and want some semi unobtainable/unreasonable shit like a 1941 Jimmy.
>starting to get interested in black powder

The Ross is probably going to more fun to shoot being a top-fed straight-pull. The Krag has an interesting system, but there's a reason it was discontinued so quickly.

Also as the other Anon said, .30-40 Krag is stupidly expensive. The only physical location in my area that had it was $55 for a box of 20. Online the best I saw was $45 for 20. And this is for a round that's only marginally more powerful than 5.56.
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>full stock mas 49

I want one bad. I find that full french stock look to be a billion kinds of sexy.
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They are indeed. I foolishly passed up a Mas 44 the other day, but my heart was set on other stuff.
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Chicken nugget
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Not gonna stick chief.
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what's a good cheap semi-auto milsurp rifle? hakim?

been looking to finally jump from bolt action mil surp to semi auto.
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Well cheap is pretty subjective. You can find a Hakim or 8mm Fn49 for reasonable prices usually. The SKS is still the most inexpensive, or maybe the vz52.
it only gets worse
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All I've got for now :(

I have 800 bucks disposable income per month. I figure that's enough for either a krag, ross, or my first semi-auto.
You can usually find a Hakim for around that. A Krag will be more difficult, and that's usually what a Mk2 Ross will go for.
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Out of curiosity what's the average price I'd be looking for a MAS 49/56 these days? What about 7.5 French?

What guns are those? They look awesome.
$800ish and $0.75/rnd.

Look on gunbroker. I see one right now for 450 in a bid.
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>tfw 50/50 delay/proceed
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wait, are there prizes??

Not a bad start.
Get the ljungman on gb? How much if so
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I've bought two 1903A3's in the last month from ar15.com EE listings.

Meant to reply to this...
Different anon here, is the price for the 7.5 rifle? Ive seen 308. Versions going for about 550$
Gewehr 43 and the yugo m48 respectively

That doesn't look like a G43 at all...
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I don't even acknowledge that the 308 ones exist.
Swedish mauser and Swedish AG42.
SVT40 and K31
ive heard stories that the .308 ones jam a lot
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Are you swedish or do you just like Swedish guns?
I know you autist will sperg out about someone fudding up a Cz52, but perhaps take a look at this baby? http://www.gunbroker.com/item/641347729
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French guns are sexy, even if they are a bit crude

I like how it's in all caps too. Makes perfect sense.
Well I like it. It's cute
Do you, pal
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Just like their women.
>French ''''''''women'''''''''
>find remington model 8 in .30 and model 81
>both under 500 bucks

should I snag one of them bros? I like the look of the model 8 and the concept of the long recoil is fascinating to me.

but holy fuck I don't want to have to do a full takedown.


my only worry about the cz52 is that both calibers seem to be quite rare or at least it seemed that way when I checked PPU and midwayUSA for ammo.
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Less hair though
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Does anyone know a source of decently priced 7x57 Mauser brass? everywhere I look that sells brass wants over a dollar per casing. From the looks of it, it would be cheaper to buy PPU and then dismantle the ammo to press in my own cast bullets. My Chilean 1895 only likes .292 diameter bullets.
if you can get/make ammo, go for it.
I kinda want one of those 22 nuggets, but I'm sure I'll get one with a chipped firing pin or something since rimfires and user induced damage go hand in hand. Anyone have one? How are they? Shit for accuracy?

I need a 22 and I want that surplus feel, but it would probably just be better to get a cz452/455 is what I'm thinking.
The one in the link has been converted to 7.62x39mm
Bruh, I just noticed your digits for your reply to my 96/11, is actually 9611.

Holy shit.

is that a common ammo? I thought both ammo variants for that rifle were rare.
Dude, jump into black powder. It totally revitalized my enthusiasm for shooting, when I was more just content to collect.

Black powder is fun as hell. My first BP was a repro 1860 colt from Uberti; next I want a P53 Enfield.

That's AK ammo.
You have few guns, but the ones you have are esquiset. You can build up slowly, then you'll have a collection of very beautiful guns.

That's different than having a bunch of beat up or worn out guns.
Are you perhaps a newfag?

well fuck me sideways I like it


no but I am retarded
Is that scope mount tapped or is it one of those nonpermeant ones. Id like to throw a scope on my no.4 but i wont so anything i cant reverse
http://ammoseek.com/reloading/brass/7mm-mauser Here you go anon. Looks like you can get some for 40cents/round or 49 cents/round
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It's tapped and shimmed, as a (T) model is supposed to be.
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w2c bayonet for spanish mauser? Will any other bayonets fit?
what's the standard price for a model 8 in .300 savage?

700-900 bucks?
nevermind I found out it's the m1913 bayonet
and why are these so expensive?
I wonder if there was like a Russian John Wayne who went around Siberia taking out bad guys with one of these
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Is there a way to get 7.7 Jap brass that is cheaper than $1 a piece?

Trade sex?
One can only hope.
Form it from a cheaper case.
So jelly
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I honestly wish these were common. Everyone who appreciates milsurps should have the opportunity to get one.
Saw one go on Gunbroker a week or so ago for around $3k if I remember correctly. Wood was refinished but didn't look too out-of-place.

>tfw can't decide between buying leverguns or saving for a house
Do you guys actually shoot all your milsurp? Even your nice K31s and whatnot? How do you take care of your rifles?
I'm not autistic enough to research a billion different iterations of mauser, so one of you autismos tell me what milsurp mauser receiver I can use to build a .300 win mag off of.
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Yup it was grey blanket mans. Overpriced, naturally. I wouldn't have paid more than $1400 for it.
For that price you can buy grafs already loaded.
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Oh, you fuckers have no idea.

>TFW this is only your rifles from one country and you collect WWII rifles in general.

A Mosin carbine is high on my list one I finish out the basic set of my collection.


If you get the right levergun it will keep it's value like a house.


I barely shoot in general because
>going outside

But you care for them the same way you care for any gun, you clean them when you're done using them. The K31's are actually easier since even the surplus ammo isn't corrosive.



Someday that will be me.

I'm just starting to seriously work on my collection, but a set of WW2 rifles is my main goal. Secondary is a complete set of American service rifles.
nice meme

I mean, what other one would YOU suggest? I don't think I'd trust a regular Mauser with .300 Win Mag, YMMV.
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Oh goody. Check out what I got a couple weeks ago!
lolwut, people do it all the time dude.
I'm just seeing if there are any options other than the typical lot and I figured someone here might know something obscure.

Just grab a Turkish Mauser or something, something cheap that no one will miss.
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yo NC, my cat that looks like your cat got paid to be on food bags.

a good cat always help pay for 'surps.
It's not that easy because there are a shitload of mauser iterations and not all of them have the dimensions to feed something as long as a .300 win mag

which is why I asked the question
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My local pawn shop has an unsporterized Swedish Mauser for $450, should I buy that or restock on GP11?

Only surps I have so far are a 1953 K31, a 1942 Tikka M39, and a Brazilian FAL on an Imbel receiver.
only one cheaper I've seen had been completely refinished
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here she is with my buddy's swede mauser
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M39. Got it for $350, but Tikkas go at auction for like $800.
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I wish these were still in surplus. I wouldn't mind 8 more.
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Then they're playing with fire. Only a small ring Mauser like a 1891 or a Gew 88/05/35 is strong enough to hand that kind of pressure.
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aaaand FAL. Nothing special, but its got some neat history since it was originally sold to the Chilean military for a war that never happened before being demilled and sent stateside.
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You fucker, so that's where all the Finnish Mosins went! Also this is a formal request of further pics of your (presumably) [SA] marked Swede 96.
>purposefully seeking an obscure or uncommon mauser to turn in to a "muh huntin' rifle"

Don't you fucking dare. You're worse than Fudds from 50 years ago.
There is nothing wrong with rechambering milsurp into a more common cartridge then reapplying original milsurp furniture.

Aesthetics + practicality all in one
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>Giving him precious (you)s
You're being played boss.

I really need to make some new racks.
a .300 win mag is like not even 10k psi over an 8mm mauser
I need to learn how to identify milsurp from below, since every pawn shop and used gun store has them set up that way.
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How small are you??
lol doing that doesn't even damage the rifle you tard

you just unscrew the barrel and install a new one
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Comrade Cat wants nothing to do with your decadent capitalist cat food.
what do they do, hang them from the ceiling?
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capitalist fat cat would easily win war of attrition against commie comrades
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>alive in 2017
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My cat is beautiful and should be on food bags and or commercials. How do I get her gainfully employed?

Pic related of my battle boris
I really want a Johnson I think my milsurping would be complete with such a firearm
The chinks down the road at the chinese restaurant could probably "employ" her for a few bucks.
i literally have a talent agent. Gotten 3 of my cats paid gigs. 2 have made food bags.

try googling for "pet talent agents" in your area, and get some head shots. Solid background, best taken outside with an SLR.
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i never thought i'd get to shoot one, let alone own one.

your dreams are only limited by your imagination.

I'll need to look into this. What did you get paid for it?
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Only picture on my new phone but Jungle Carbine, made in the BSA factory. 1945 stamp
>tfw only 1 GB Feedback
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Got a Hakim today
>tfw only left 1 GB feedback because the guy literally asked me in email to do it

I do or at least I try to.

>Even your nice K31s and whatnot?

of course. but I use PPU so I don't tend to shit bricks about corrosive ammo.

>How do you take care of your rifles?

>buy rifle
>go home and dismantle rifle
>clean any apparent rust, old grease or dirt on parts
>clean the barrel with oil and a copper brush
>apply new grease and oil
>put rifle back together
>go out and shoot
>if corrosive then go home and immediately clean the fucking thing
>if not corrosive then clean every 2-3 weeks.
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What is Pepe wearing in this .gif?
some kinda commie hat
Now you need a MAS 49.
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I think I'm done leaving feedback if people are going to get this pissy.
I bought something with my new account a few weeks ago and had to email the guy to pls leave feedback thx so that I can bid on faggot-auctions where they won't sell to you if you don't have any feedback.
that sucks senpai

don't think I have ever run into that shit on gunbroker.
If somebody's going to steal your mail they're just going to take it all and figure out what it is later. There's nothing to be gained from trying to hide the nature of the contents by obscuring the return address when a thief is going to be safely totaling up the value of the contents in their home long before anybody bothers to look at the addresses.
Unless you don't live in the USA, in which case, carry on.
More people than those immediately engaged in thieving have access to you packages you know.

It's just plain security. This was one of the few packages I have received (not counting ammunition) that gave a direct clue to what was inside. And I still gave him an "A". Dude was just being a pissy bitch.
I did not expect it to go so low or I would have participated, I should have bid it up to $600 just in case the other guy wasn't really serious. I missed out.
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It's gunna go sky high folks
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do sniders count as milsurp, /k/?

im starting to want a ww1 steyr and some form of carcano..

cheers from /k/anada
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>browsing completed auctions is suffering
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That's funny. I had a gentleman bring in a beat up sporterized M1917 and wanted to know how much it was worth. I hope he decides to keep it and fix it up.
I need to pick one up myself, but I've got so much on my plate collecting wise.
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20 ;_;
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What year is your K31 friendo?
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1942! Yours?
Same here, but I'm tossing around the idea of getting a suppressor.
Answer is near the bottom of >>33824196 pic.

The walnut stock is nice btw.
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Yours is just a baby! Walnut is most certainly the way to go.

Congrats for getting on the 299.99 train as well, these sell for upwards of 700-800 up here in Canada now.
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$400 max if its pristine unissued

$250 for average shooter grade

$150 minimum if it is a working rifle in absolute shit condition

lower or higher depending on condition and quality, they are a common rifle with low demand due to post war production and less war history
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>How do you take care of your rifles?
Water's free.
I shoot every gun I own at least once (meaning one range outting, not one single shot). Clean and inspect every 6 months.
how do you post at all hours of the day? do you work from home or something or are you just constantly browsing /k/ at work and on the shitter?
The latter. I'm in management, I don't do "work" most of the time.
Yes. btw nuggets with even slight pitting in the bore are a pain the ass to clean.
>tfw want to chop a K31 barrel to remake in 6.5 creedmore but can't get excited about such a weak cartridge

what should I do? gay ass tiny bolt faces
Why in the ever living fuck would you want to do that to a K31?? 7.5 swiss is an amazing round.

Like if you are serious I will take that poor rifle off of your hands.
because 6.5 is better and more common
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>Giving him (you)s
Stop getting played boss.
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Just getting into guns here guys. I've always like guns but just turned 18 so I've never owned one. Looking to get a Mauser preferably German and not Czech. How much should I pay, and do I buy from gun broker or from a local gun shop?
I want to be you so badly
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>preferably German and not Czech.
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>be this guy >>33823893
>just put a 1920 Swedish Mauser in impeccable condition on layaway
I mean this when I say this. Leave your firearms to someone who cares about them in your will, then kill your self with something other than a gun you fucking faggot.
Yeah now show me a trajectory chart you dumb nigger, the important part is the BC.

I love this /k/ meme where every gun more than 40 years old is a priceless historical artifact lmao

You realize that a K31 barrel is like $150 right?
I'm a tard when it comes to guns. Are these Czech ones better? http://www.gunbroker.com/item/642784065
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Mmmmm, Lebel.
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They were fine when they were made; 60 years in a South American jungle followed by 30 years in a Miami warehouse has done them no favors. If they were $100 cheaper I'd roll them bones, but as it is, no. Stick to something in decent shape at least. German, Belgian, Czech, Polish, and Swedish Mausers are of excellent quality, but quality only goes so far if maintenance is poor/nonexistent.
1.)If you are going to go through the trouble of using a meme round then buy a modern rifle then you dumb cunt. Or are you too much of a poorfag to buy one of those?

2.)If you are going to be doing meme distance shooting over 300 yards you are going to need an optic, you planning on cutting the rifle up for that as well? Knowing everything else you said you'll throw some garbage you buy at walmart on top of it to complete your "sniper rifle" or "scout rifle" or whatever faggots try to justify destroying something that was perfectly fine. Under your logic it would be smart for someone to take a '66 Mustang GT350 and throw a ecotec engine in it because its marginally better.

3.)Find me any source on any K31 barrels and also being that cheap.

Are you going to eat a dick now on camera for me?

1. A modern rifle does not have the unique action of a K31, and I already have one anyway.

2. Oh yeah baby you better believe I'm going to drill and tap a few holes into a $300 gun that was never used in a single war and there are so many of them they go for literally $300 lmao, I'm sure the curator of the Smithsonian is going to have a fucking heart attack in his sleep from the disturbance in the force created by such an evil act of historical heresy.
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Great, now he'll never leave.
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1.)Thats a K-11 barrel, can you into reading comprehension? Oh wait you're retarded I forgot.

2.)If you are doing precision shooting why the fuck do you care about the action anyway?

3.)If this was 2012 then yea, $300. They go for $550-650 now on a good day. Who the fuck cares about the history of the rifle? Its a wonderful piece of engineering. Being destroyed by some fucking idiot in his garage.

Enjoy your pile of scrap after you completely fuck this up. Actually I hope the ghost of Henri Guisan laughs at you when you have pieces of a 70ish year old rifle sticking out of your face.
Well considering I'm literally a machinist and a simple lathe job like chopping and threading a barrel to make a bushing is something only a retard like yourself could fuck up I think ol Henri Guisan will have to get his laughs elsewhere lmao
>tfw no decent lebels or berthiers on gunbroker right now
>local stores don't own anything french

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>Completely glosses over everything that was said for a minor part at the end.
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Just picked her up from the FFL and shot her only 10 times but I think I'm in love.
Anyone else find it hilarious that 20 somethings today are so mechanically inept they think you need a BA in engineering from the same university Rubin himself attended to drill and tap a few holes?
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C'mon buddy.
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>Not knowing the difference between an engineer and a machinist

So are Mitchell mausers bad? I saw one for 400$ and I'm considering it.
I glad we established that an engineer has no idea how to drill and tap holes either and that you need to be a certified, papered journeyman machinist to do so.

How many engineers have you worked with on the shop floor again? lol
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They're functional, if that's what you're interested in.
Yeah I'm just looking for a mauser to shoot really
You can find cheaper. But if you want the Mitchells it will work and won't explode. It won't be worth what you pay though.

>worn rifling

wouldn't that signal it wouldn't be a good shooter?
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It's been through at least 1, likely 2, world wars. Rifling ain't gonna be crisp. They're still amazing shooters. Mine is just as accurate as my K31.
what are mitchells exactly?

forced and scrubbed m48's ?
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Most people don't shoot milsurps for accuracy. And "worn rifling" is also commonly just dust in the barrel.
>I glad we established that an engineer has no idea how to drill and tap holes either and that you need to be a certified, papered journeyman machinist to do so.

Yea because they're busy in the office designing shit.

>How many engineers have you worked with on the shop floor again? lol

I don't know since I design databases for a living.

Mexican Mauser? There's one in a pawn shop nearby that's $500 or so.

If your local store has one at a decent price then go there, but they probably won't.

Yugo Mausers are very similar to German ones and significantly cheaper in most cases.

yeah I never really thought about the fact that I would be shooting at a 100m or 50m paper target.

good points.
>Yea because they're busy in the office designing shit.
So I'm guessing you've never worked with an engineer then

I regularly shoot my K-31s at 300 yards.

I had my 03A3s and Garand out to 500 yards on steel a couple weeks ago.

You'd be surprised what those old rifles can do if you have some decent shooting fundamentals.
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What are you even trying to say here?
>Be me
>Be collegefag
>Cash check from delivering pizzas
>"Wait a minute...that can't be right, how the fuck do I have over $3k in my account"
>Check online
>"Refund" from college
>Go to Financial Aid to make sure it's not a mistake
>It's not
>mfw there's 3 gun shows in my area this month

What's a decent price for an '03 Springfield?
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Mexican Arisaka. Though that's a good price for a Mexican Mauser.

Is it? I'm not really a Mauserfag so I wasn't really interested. I've got too many other guns to buy.

>What's a decent price for an '03 Springfield?

what's the model? 03A3? or 03?
They start out at what you can even hope for after years of work. Sorry you couldn't figure that one out on your own.

Those are some sweet flip-flops you got there bro.
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Well obviously it depends on condition, but assuming it hasn't been refinished or bubba'ed yeah that's a pretty good price.

Either one, local place has about a dozen '03s for 1200-2500. They probably have some of each, I wasn't paying that much attention because I had no idea if that was a reasonable price.
My wife's actually.

Fun fact. All the pictures I take are done while I'm sitting on the steps for my pool.
Well considering I only have about 4 years in the trade and make $65k and have over 80k in savings with 0 debt I'm not complaining.

I don't get why you think I was trying to insult engineers though when I was doing exactly the opposite.
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I don't know much about mosin's. Can someone decode this guy for me?

>In b4 made in 1927.

You want their info?
Na, I have no interest in it at the moment. Thanks though.
You were implying engineers were inept based on:
>So I'm guessing you've never worked with an engineer then
from >>33837968
and all of >>33837619

Finally given that you keep straying further and further from the fact you were a retard saying you were going to cut up a K31 for a meme round that performs worse for more money. Then were attempting to justify it buy saying the barrels are cheap even though it was for the wrong gun. I am gonna just concede you are a fucking moron, yet again. Have a good time at your job where you poke holes in things for a living . Just remember your job is being replaced by CNC machines everyday!
No, you said that engineers only hang out in offices and don't know how to do any practical shop work, which from my own personal experience is completely false, you might have a touch of the 'tism if you failed to grasp that one.

>1 for a meme round that performs worse for more money.
Did you ever find those trajectory charts? lol

>Just remember your job is being replaced by CNC machines everyday!
Who exactly do you think operates the CNC machines lmao
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Finally got dies for this ol girl, only shot it a couple times since getting it this last fall due to low amount of ammo. But I ran some rounds through it today.
Tried that, but can't find anything on what I think is a 1927 Izhevsk 91/30 hex reciever.
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Lovely, hope you enjoy it.
take this fucktarded argument you retards are having to /b/
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And it's apparently capable of very nice groups. These were my first 3 rounds with handloads. Probably some luck involved. I was getting 2 inch groups with PPU.

how good are the 03s? 1200-2500 is pretty fucking high. you can always use a combination of simpsons ltd + gunbroker to figure out a price distribution.

for EG:


those springfields are spread between 800-1300

also what do you plan to do with the springfield? shoot it a ton? hang on a wall? bit of both?
Pretty sure it's a Tula ex-Dragoon. The box with a slash through it means it was refurbished.
Damn, what is your load data? I can't get that with mine.

Yeah, I figured, the guy has a ton of milsurp because none of it is priced to move.

I plan to shoot it once at the range, then keep it as part of a collection of WW2 service rifles, maybe taking it out once in a blue moon. Perhaps run a vintage competition or something with it from time-to-time.

you don't happen to live in portland do you and going to a place called the gun room?

either way I'd say roll with shit on either simpsons or gunbroker since you'll probably be getting a better price.

I live in Vancouver, but yes, you know the guy. I want to stay in his good graces so that when he dies I can be there to pick at the corpse of that place like a vulture.
Like I said it was probably a lot of luck, but I used approximately 40.7 grains of IMR 4064, it's just a Lee dispenser so it probably varies a little, OAL of 2.940, and I was just using 147 grain M80 pulls. I'll have to try some more groups later.
good plan
Thank you sir. If I can talk them down in price I might grab it. Right now it's at $300, but it's all matching including the floor plate and bayonet. Forgot to check the butt plate though.
>when you're so autistic that you can't hold a conversation and start arguing with yourself
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300 isn't too bad these days. If you want a Mosin it'll probably be a great one.

Would you happen to be the anon that I sent there a couple threads ago while you were looking for a MAS 36?

funny enough that was me

I actually bought this mas 36 instead:

>My local pawn shop has an unsporterized Swedish Mauser for $450, should I buy that or restock on GP11?

I am a huge faggot for swiss rifles, but in this case you MUST purchase the swede. It is the only round I prefer to my beloved 7.5x55
>No, you said that engineers only hang out in offices and don't know how to do any practical shop work
Stop putting words into my mouth. I said they were designing shit in the office. Besides with >>33837572 I was implying a machinist doesn't have the knowledge or the ability to design a rifle. Only make holes.

>Did you ever find those trajectory charts? lol
How about you? Because I have got muzzle velocity and bullet energy figures. As posted a long fucking time ago.

>Who exactly do you think operates the CNC machines lmao
lol you think you need to make 65k a year to push some buttons? Javier or Xin Dao can do that for .50 cents a week.
>>tfw want to chop a K31 barrel to remake in 6.5 creedmore but can't get excited about such a weak cartridge

Leave the K31 alone and buy a Swedish Mauser. A Real mans 6.5
Don't start with him he's a fucking retard. As I have had the misfortune of doing.
>lol you think you need to make 65k a year to push some buttons?

you've never even seen a CNC machine in person, have you?

I used to program cutter path in high school, the machine, the computer, and the operator dont actually "do" anything without a fucking human telling the tool where to go and what to do.

You thing we have AI and sentient NC machines or something?

Goddamnit, I want my (You)s back now :(
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Just as well, he doesn't have one, I stopped by earlier today.


Not the person you're arguing with but

>implying you're ever going to shoot at 1000 yards with a K31 in the first place.
>Implying I wouldn't shoot at 1000 with a project gun made to shoot distance
>implying 1000 isn't just a standard benchmark distance
>Just as well, he doesn't have one, I stopped by earlier today.

yeah I did a calling spree a few days back seeing if anyone had any French firearms in Vancouver/Portland

got fuck all from it.

the only milsurp news I got was from safefire where some dude is bringing in an m1 carbine of some kind.

I plan on going back and seeing what kind of m1 carbine it was.

The Gun Room has about 3 of those.
That's a different guy there buddy.

I just noticed your sperg about the K31 barrel thing, I must have missed it earlier. You don't use a K31 barrel to rechamber a K31 you tard, that was just an example of what a milsurp barrel goes for.

If you're going to rechamber a rifle you get a barrel blank and chamber and profile it, you can get them in any quality or price you want.

So how bout them trajectories eh?
>Do you not know what a script is? Everything you said there is a script that the machine is told to run after somebody pushes a button.

I am the one who writes this so-called "script", which is called a NC program.

I am certainly not a machinist, and our shop does ZERO production work. All tooling, which means one-off or prototype. Every single part gets a numerical control cutter path.

Fucking script? your spaghetti is showing breh

did they happen to have any krag jorgensens or mausers with a vizier lange sight? those are two of my target milsurp right now.

They have like...5 Krags, including a carbine IIRC. Also The Gun Broker down in Clackamas had a couple Krags last month when I was there.

Didn't see any Mausers like that, but I wasn't looking at their sights so I dunno.
I just bought an Arisaka Type 38 Trainer on Gunbroker without realizing what it was. I paid $195 after shipping, transfer, etc. It has a different bolt design than a regular Arisaka and receiver markings like pic related. How bad did I dun goof? Was paying nearly $200 for a smooth bore rifle that I can't shoot a mistake? Are they rare?
lol nice delete pal
>1000 yards.
lol k

At any reasonable distance on there (700 yards and in) there is a negligible difference.

What does this have to do with machining barrels again? You got a rifling machine just lying around? Which again goes off of my first point, why the fuck not just buy a rifle that was meant for it in the first place??

Nope you stated in >>33837187
>You realize that a K31 barrel is like $150 right?
Find me a K31 barrel for a $150. Also I know what site you are referring to, you need to buy like a batch of ten. You got a need for 10 6.5 cred barrels?
Yea it was because he had posted the chart finally and I updated my post to >>33839074 that.
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well fuck me I may have to go visit the gun broker and look at those krags.


>mfw I nearly bought that thing as well until I saw trainer on it
>Also I know what site you are referring to

What site is that exactly?

You know that you can buy a single barrel blank from a ton of mfgs right?

>there is a negligible difference.

>10in of drop at 500 yds

Yeah that's sure negligible for shooting unknown distance precision

I get the feeling you're new to guns.

>You got a rifling machine just lying around?
That's why you buy a barrel blank aka a rifled tube.

>Find me a K31 barrel for a $150.
They were out since the last time I checked, which is why I posted the 11, sue me.
I was ignorant. However, the fuckin guy said that it had a "fair bore" and was "operational". Are they even worth $200 as a wall hanger?
Again. It would be fucking cheaper to just buy a rifle than get something else rebarreled in that round.

>unknown distance precision
Are you a fucking hitman about to assassinate the minister of a small country? Or are you Chris Kyle?

Buying more and more shit is sure sounding like it would be cheaper to just fucking buy a rifle designed for that cartridge in the first place.

>They were out since the last time I checked, which is why I posted the 11, sue me.

Soo what? You're saying you can't find a part to a gun that is no longer being made online anymore. Which again raises the other point I made, why the fuck would you cut up a rifle that is no longer being made for your assassin larping fantasy?

make no mistake it is a neat rifle. at $200 it is a fine wall hanger.

though I don't know how the imperial Japanese army dealt with training rifles. it could be made shootable but probably at a high cost.
>Again. It would be fucking cheaper to just buy a rifle than get something else rebarreled in that round.
Considering I have the rifle and can do the work myself, the only expense to me is a $200~ barrel blank assuming I can borrow a 6.5 C chamber reamer which I can.

So can you post a $200 6.5 C rifle that could outshoot this gun?

>Are you a fucking hitman about to assassinate the minister of a small country? Or are you Chris Kyle?
No I just happen to enjoy shooting bullets and not sperging about serial number ranges and the history behind mass produced military tools that sat in a warehouse their entire lives.

> Which again raises the other point I made, why the fuck would you cut up a rifle that is no longer being made
Because they're cheap and I can do it, can you give me a good reason not to do it?

Also you seem to be getting a little steamed there pal based on all the f-bombs, relax we're all friends here :)
smooth move Ferguson

Yeah, I actually bought a sporterized Krag a bit back, now I'm kicking myself because there's a bunch of clean ones around and I have to decide if I want to buy the parts to rez mine, buy a SECOND one that's clean or just stick with this one.
>it could be made shootable but probably at a high cost.

the internet says they were often made with cast iron receivers, so anything over .22 LR might be an issue for him
>So can you post a $200 6.5 C rifle that could outshoot this gun?
You could sell the K31 to someone who would appreciate the rifle for what it is and cover a hefty cost of what you need for a 6.5 cred meme gun.

>No I just happen to enjoy shooting bullets and not sperging about serial number ranges and the history behind mass produced military tools that sat in a warehouse their entire lives.
Then why the fuck are you in the milsurp general?
> sat in a warehouse their entire lives
I know nothing of the rifle I own. The post.

>Because they're cheap and I can do it, can you give me a good reason not to do it?
everything I have already said. You could sell the rifle to someone who would appreciate it while getting most of the money you would need for a rifle.

>Also you seem to be getting a little steamed there pal based on all the f-bombs, relax we're all friends here

Says the guy who told me to suck his dick. Also nah just trying to prevent something from being destroyed by someone who can't plan more than 5 min into the future.
You're right I should find a true owner for such a rare and obscure historic artifact as a K31, who knows in 40 years they might be $1000 from people "destroying" them and reducing the number, what a tragedy!

>I know nothing of the rifle I own. The post.
My apologies, a rifle that went on a few training exercises and sat outside the shitter so long while its owner was doing his business that the butt of the stock got water damaged. My what an awe inspiring artifact of a forgotten age.
>Ignoring the fact that you could sell your 'shit' rifle while making money while buying something you actually want.

Again I feel as though you cant plan more than 5 min into the future. I bet you have tattoos.

Like seriously why the fuck are you in the milsurp thread right now?

Oh also if the round cant fit on the bolt face its not going to fit into the mag...soo you are going to have to load one round in at a time.
Who said they were shit? The entire reason I wanted to do it is because the action is unique.

>Oh also if the round cant fit on the bolt face its not going to fit into the mag
Not necessarily true but 6.5C does fit the bolt face as it is derived from .308, the bolt face issue I was referencing was to larger rounds since I would rather use something heavier than a .308 tier round.

They made 7 times as many 1895 Mannlichers, you should mutilate one of those instead.
Too much of a headache to fuck with the bolt and feeding geometry since it uses a significantly different dimensioned round not to mention a rimmed one.
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>The entire reason I wanted to do it is because the action is unique.
Pic related, you.
>You're right I should find a true owner for such a rare and obscure historic artifact as a K31, who knows in 40 years they might be $1000 from people "destroying" them and reducing the number, what a tragedy!

there's got to be a million fudds wishing they hadn't fucked with their milsurp back in the 80s and 90s and 2000s.

and you're saying this shit in a MILSURP thread. what do you expect? raving applause at a good milsurp getting changed from its original config?

The M95M is in 8mm Mauser. Not sure how many they made of those specifically though.
>there's got to be a million fudds wishing they hadn't fucked with their milsurp back in the 80s and 90s and 2000s.
I sincerely doubt it, people crying about 1903s or whatever are such drama queens, you can still get one any time you want they just aren't pocket change anymore.
>Arguing with a bubba troll
Y'all are fucking dumb.
>and you're saying this shit in a MILSURP thread. what do you expect?
Also since this is /k/ I pretty much expected exactly this since people really OD'd on the IVAN meme from way back about how modifying a single thing about any gun more than 30 years old is sacrilege or something, I was just hoping that maybe some of the 'tism about it had died down since then.

Maybe I was naive since literally no other gun community on the internet goes into such an assrage about it.
Are there any good tutorials about how to assess the condition of milsurp?

When I bought my Trapdoor Springfield recently I joked with the dealer about chopping off the barrel, adding a vertical foregrip and a folding stock. Was very amuse.
Sort of. This is for a Lee Enfield but the general principles apply to all milsurp.

The fucking cut it up you dumb cunt since you are so hell bent on it. Just don't go bitching when nobody wants to pay top dollar for your UNIQUE K31 IN 6.5 MEMEADOR at a gunshow or on gunbroker a year from now after you realize what a piece of shit rifle you truly made.
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Do you have anymore pics of it? The last character is "Type."

I dunno, just seems like a waste.

From a practical perspective there's little benefit to it:

6.5 isn't cheaper than Swiss milsurp, which is very high quality, and getting 6.5 that matches Swiss milsurp would be even more expensive.

6.5 isn't significantly better at ranges you're likely to actually use the gun at.

Unless you're very good at making barrels you'll probably end up making something that performs worse than what you already have in the first place.

It seems like a pointless exercise to me, but it's your gun to butcher if you want to.
>Unless you're very good at making barrels you'll probably end up making something that performs worse than what you already have in the first place.
That part really isn't up to me, the quality of the barrel is mostly determined by the quality the barrel blank manufacturer put into it. On the gunsmith end of things the only critical part is cutting the chamber but unless you do something catastrophically wrong it's difficult to fuck up if you have the knowledge. The rest of the machine work is non-critical bog standard stuff like cutting the profile and the threads.


I wouldn't do it. I would advise anyone else not to do it. But you do you, just don't complain to us if it comes out terribly (or brag if it doesn't, because either way you dun goofed).
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You in 18 months.
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>the sheer volume of milsurp coming out right now on gunbroker

dear god my wallet can't fucking deal with it. I saw an arisaka with airplane sights and matching bolt/ receiver for 300 bucks. are they supposed to be that fucking low?

Yeah, Arisaka's aren't that popular from what I've heard. Good for me since I need a pair of them (at least).
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AA sights aren't rare. Neither is a matching bolt. It's when you start adding the matching dust cover, original monopod, etc when it comes to the uncommon category and the price rises.

well god damn maybe I should try and snag a proper arisaka since I have a last ditch with a mum I just want a non last ditch with proper AA sights, front sight and cocking knob.

I don't mind adding a repro dust cover.

If your main goal is the sights then you can probably buy them on their own.
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well I want to shoot with the proper arisaka so I may as well grab one while no one gives a fuck about them.
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>I don't mind adding a repro dust cover.
Keep the repro trash away. Buy proper guns. You won't ever get your money out of the repro trash.
They're ~$20, nobody is going to try to "get their money out".

Be careful with those, if they fit wrong they can rub the finish off your gun.

well the repro dust covers don't do any harm to the rifle and I can easily take them on and off right?

I don't mind using 30 bucks for a repro dust cover. especially since it saves me hundreds if instead I had to buy one attached to an existing arisaka.
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As the person above says, the repro/mismatched covers can rub the bluing off. Hell, matching ones can do that too, but at least they're the correct one for the gun.

well fuck me sideways I'll have to do some thinking then.
Or you know you could just polish the inside wish some fine paper or just measure it to see if it will fit correctly.
It's a lot more complicated than that.

how complicated?

I'll be honest I own 7 pieces of milsurp and I still don't know dick about guns yet. I just know to clean them and keep them away from water.

wouldn't a small amount of oil in the grooves for the dust cover prevent the friction taking off the bluing?
dude its literally a tiny piece of bent sheet metal

hit the inside with some fine emery paper to remove the burrs and it wont scratch shit

It's not the grooves that are the problem, it's the cover itself rubbing against the receiver.
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They aren't exactly tight in the grooves. So they can and will bounce up and down and side to side a little. It's not burrs, which there shouldn't be any of, that cause the damage. There's not really any easy way of measuring them either.
If the metal is smooth it's not gonna scratch, a tiny ass dust cover is not going to be hardened harder than the receiver.

> There's not really any easy way of measuring them either.

Buy some calipers if you are truly that paranoid

so basically the cover itself kind of rattles up and down scraping the receiver each time?
Stop being dense. Look at the picture that I just posted.

It's doesn't scratch the metal, it's scratches the FINISH. Stop talking about shit you know nothing about.

Not just rattling around, rubbing too.

so is having a dust cover on an arisaka a good idea then if I want to keep the finish? I primarily want it because of the interesting mechanic and sound it makes when cycling the bolt.

and I ultimately want to try shooting with one on.
Bluing is magnetite iron oxide, it's pretty damn hard.

you must have a badass dust cover to scratch that with a blunt surface

Unless the dust cover is matching, or hand fitted, you should skip it.


You're aware that the bluing comes off just under normalish use right? There's a ton of milsurp guns that have lost most or all of their bluing just from being handled for decades.
>You're aware that the bluing comes off just under normalish use right? There's a ton of milsurp guns that have lost most or all of their bluing just from being handled for decades.
Most likely from being banged and rubbed by stuff that's hard like dirt, i.e. small rocks.

No. From wear. It wears just like anything else. You can rub it off by pulling a pistol in and out of a tight holster a few hundred times.

Bluing isn't magic.
>harder than steel
Yeah most rock is harder than steel
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>idiots who don't realize that blueing is one of the least durably finishes you can put on a gun

so if the bluing starts to come off of the rifle will it begin rusting quickly? I don't know how bluing fully affects the value of a gun other than preventing rust.


what's the most durable finish?
>what's the most durable finish?
chrome, nitride
>Unless the dust cover is matching, or hand fitted
you really think the japs hand fitted those things?

It's basically there to prevent rust yes, though if you aren't putting the gun away wet it shouldn't be a big issue.



They hand fitted most of the things about them. That's why a lot of them came over in rough shape, because they got mismatched bolts and the bolts don't QUITE fit right. The Japs never got perfect interchangeability for the Arisaka's.
So the 2 cent stamped steel dust covers were so meticulously hand fitted by the manufacturers that they didn't scratch the grorious nippion finish at all, and yet the typical story about the dust covers is that they were tossed because they were noisy and a pain in the ass.

Hmm, really makes you think...

Also how the fuck does a close fit on the covers stop them from rubbing exactly in use?

That may be the common story, but that doesn't mean that it's true. There's people doing research into the period that have contradicted that idea.
Yeah the much more reasonable idea is that the jap factorys had an army of guys filing away at dust covers so the finish didn't get scratched in wartime.

And how was it that a close finish prevents scratching again?

>It's basically there to prevent rust yes, though if you aren't putting the gun away wet it shouldn't be a big issue.

so basically if I do basic maintenance then I shouldn't completely shit myself about rifles with bluing loss?
dude are you 12? water = rust, keep oil on the surface and no rust

A. A PROPER fit will reduce rubbing to a minimum.

2. Sounds a lot like hand fitting to me~

c. Yer a faggot Harry


Basically. Keep it oiled and don't puit it away wet (even if it's oiled) and you'll be fine.
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>dude are you 12

in terms of firearms knowledge then yes.
Rubbing from movement is more damaging to the finish that being forcefully scraped across the surface when the bolt is run, gotcha.

You realize the idea of a manufacturer hand filing a cheap stamped steel part for the purposes of preserving the gun's cosmetics is absolutely laughable right? If they really hand filed every single one it would take the price from 2 cents to 20 dollars
It's not a matter of firearms, guns are not made out of mystical materials, you have heard of steel before yes? and that water makes steel rust?

>you have heard of steel before yes? and that water makes steel rust?

>implying I know shit about basic stuff on metals and rust
so you are 12 then

y-you're hurting my feelings man
shoot bullets and put oil on it, that's literally all you need to know my friend
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