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Guns on a Plane

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If the Second Amendment is an absolute, inalienable God-given right, does that mean I have a right to open carry on a plane?
If the company that owns the plane allows it. Private property, cunt.
>on a plane?
yes. if you buy your own plane.
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> absolute, inalienable right

Your 1st and 2nd amendment rights are anything but absolute. Inside someone else's house or business, the moment they hear you say something they do not like or see you with a weapon, they can ask you to leave. If you decide to stay and exercise those 1st or 2nd amendment rights, you will then be either shot by the owner or arrested by police for trespassing, a felony offense in some states.

Your 1st and 2nd amendments effectively cease to exist until you leave someone's property. Either buy some land or realize you will forever implicitly be a second class citizen in this country.

Buy your own plane

Carry your own guns on it

Let others carry their guns on your plane

Make money

Ask commies to leave or be tresspassing when at 30,000 feet, then open the door and show them the exit
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Fuck you - as long as the abomination known as the civil rights act is in place "muh property" is not an argument. If I have to put up with niggers and faggots you can put up with my guns.
> Make money
> Throw people out of your plane

Your customer reviews are going to be just terrible.
Then would you prefer you home to become public property and allow anyone inside of it?
Why would you let a man write a review before throwing him out of a plane?
No, anon. The Feds have more guns, and more people to use them. They are the natural evolution of the armed war lord who agreed to provide protection in exchange for goods and services.

You will comply, or they will shove you in a zoo or murder you. Welcome to realpolitik. It has always been this way. It always will be.
Since niggerfaggots aren't allowed in your home without permission this seems fair
Onlookers, anon. How can a passenger enjoy his shitty airline food in a cramped seat when he sees someone thrown out of a plane.
>when he sees someone thrown out of a plane.

As a passenger I'd be happy to watch a commie get tossed out of a plane during my shitty meal
OP are you 12?
In most states if someone is in your house, or especially just on your property and is refusing to leave while there in a non-threatening manner you are not within the law to shoot them.

inb4 is just say they threaten me or doctor/plant evidence
Damn state governments and their monopolies on violence.
Anon, we both know you don't bother to leave good reviews.
>No, anon. The Feds have more guns, and more people to use them.
No they don't, they are just better organized.
> Better organized

If I can't even get my guys to show up, what good are they?
Not same anon, but your reading comprehension is honestly just the worst. Now pay attention in 6th grade social studies, school aint out until June
You don't have any inalianable god given rights.
All the rights are a social construct and can be changed.
>All these fags ITT that think property > personal rights
The absolute BEST a property owner can do is ask/make you leave if you're doing things they don't like. Private property isnt some ancap shithole where you can just shit all over human rights if you own it
You walk into a Starbucks (I know, bear with me on this one) with a no firearms sign, CCing your pistol. The teller spots it and tells you to put it in your car or leave. So you either comply or you refuse and get arrested for trespass when the police show up.

You might say your legal right to carry existed during that entire exchange, but to me, bottom line is that you're not carrying legally in that Starbucks, 2nd amendment or not.
It's not absolute. It never said it was absolute, and further more the Supreme Court has ruled that it is indeed not absolute.

Now because we don't hand out bazookas and hand grenades to 10 year olds that's probably "cuck" to you isn't it? Grow up and get an education.
They can ask me to leave, that's fine. Refusing to leave means you're in the wrong at that point. But if you're allowed entry, you're allowed entry. You can't qualify that with "but no guns tho lol"

Same if they had said "but no socks tho lol", what they are doing is warning me in advance that they're gonna kick me out if i get caught

Same with "no niggers tho lol". If a melanin enriched individual puts on whiteface and can look and act like jimmy neutron's dad, then nobody can stop him. But if he gets found out (the bar had chicken wangs), he gets the boot
Pilots and stewards should have KSGs with bean bag and rubber shot shells.
Here's a thought:
>be me, an american
>try to board plane, get busted by xrays and shit
>get detained by mall cop tier TSA
What law/s have I broken at this point? What will they charge me with, and what might actually stick?
Over strengthened column
Depends on your intent. If you could prove you're just a fucking dipshit who didn't know any better, or couldn't read the signage minimal.

If the DA could prove intent you meant to do harm, federal buttfuck penitentiary.
Oh, this again. "If I can find even one extreme outlier scenario where you'd agree that there should be a limit on a certain right, that means that right is completely invalid." Nice Talmudic argument style. Go back to Tel Aviv with that shit.

i dont get why they dont have the electrical power on that plane, the dome lights are pretty good for lighting. Would looker less gay if all the instrument and switch lights were on.
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okay miss Feinstein, sit the fuck back down now.
I'm not sure I understand your point. Yes, clearly the Civil Rights Act is both unconstitutional and morally wrong, no matter what a panel of nine government lawyers in Hogwarts costumes says. So... if the government is overstepping its authority and trampling our rights in one area, then they should use that as an excuse to overstep their authority and trample our rights in another area as well? How about no?
If it is on paper, its not from God. He likes to rearrange stars.
Qed, God doesn't approve of guns, but loves sling, sword, and bow.
Join marines
Get deploied
Gun on deployment plane
Airforce had theirs on an America flight.
Big fucking padlocks, easily noticed, picked or cut by baggage.
Would love to read a story about tsa doing their job on them and the tale of beuracracy.
Technically, OP didn't say invalid. Just "absolute, inalienable". Which it isn't.
You could shoot them first...
Our right to bear arms is definitely from God, the constitution recognizes and protects those rights.
God really needs to get his shit in gear about California then. Either that, or I wasn't being hyperbolic when I said the California state legislature was Lovecraftian.
Was an 0311. On deployment to Iraq leaving the States we do indeed carry our rifles on the plane. We store them by our feet during flight. These are jumbo fucking planes, larger than a 747. We don't carry ammo though, that's given to us once we reach the staging area. For Iraq that's Kuwait.

They kinda speed us through the process, we don't walk through the front door and stand in line like everyone else. Returning to the states we do like a customs check and they search all our gear. The guy doing mine was lazy and only checked 1 of my 2 sea bags and waved me through. The bags still go through some kind of x-ray machine though.
I believe planes should be protected by the operating company and citizens should be allowed to have weapons in their baggage that they can't access during flight for 9/11 safety reasons.

I believe gun free zones create killzones.

You can't bring a gun to court but you're safe there because police that have guns are there.
an airplane is a privately owned business
they have the right to deny service to anyone for any reason.
If they decide no guns, then no guns on their planes
However, you have the right to start your own airline that allows guns
Okay, but then what's the point? Anyone who isn't being autistic and/or Talmudic understands that the real world is a complex place where there will sometimes be edge cases and corner cases in which the answer that's clearly the right one 99% of the time will, for some reason, not be the right one in this 1% of situations. The Constitution was written the way it was on the assumption that the people reading and applying it were acting in good faith and had a lick of sense in their heads, so they could figure out when they were dealing with one of those 1% edge cases. In fact, that may be the biggest flaw of the Constitution - the truth is, most people don't have a lick of sense, and the world is filled with people who act in bad faith for their own advantage. That's how we got to where we are now.
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hey its roger posting fro my ASUS feat Intel Core i7 (thats 4core) and SonicMaster audio

as you probably know i am somewhat famous for basically memorizing laws. you two toad holders think its legal to carry a gun on a plane? jesus christ i'd slap you if it wasn't for the fact that your mother is so sexy that the first time i saw her my penis turned into an aircraft carrier and took off

49 USC 46505. EVER HEARD OF IT? its a 10 year elony to bring a gun on a pane unless u check it unloade. intent doesnt matter. can u imagine ur dumb ass in front of a jury "OH NO THAT BOMB IN MY SHOE WAS UNINTENTIONAL TOTAL MISTAKE!" bam u just got convicted of terrorism, idiot

the constitution. EVERY HEARD OF IT?? the feds can tell u where to do shit. thats why theres all those free speech zones for protesting but you cant just walk into the white house and yell at obama (believe me they dont let u do this). incidentally thats also why u cant bring ur gun to the whitehouse

if i didnt get paid to do so much to do other shit id charge u my hourly rate (300) 4 this shit but me n ur mom got our own deffy of PRO BONO and let me tell you smoething u'd better stock up on ferbreeze, son
>I believe planes should be protected by the operating company and citizens should be allowed to have weapons in their baggage that they can't access during flight for 9/11 safety reasons.
That's the situation right now. Guns in checked bags are fine. You just have to declare the gun to the airline when you check the bag in. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Just bring the enemy to them

I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.
A public place of business remains a gray area. For example, the limitations on your right to refuse service to certain ethnicities or religions are based on the idea that you are open to the public. It's not the same as your home.

But with that reasoning, if the federal government can restrict the shop owners right to refuse business, could they also not similarly limit a shop owners right to deny legally concealed weapons on their premises as well? Or even refusing to allow protestors inside a store?
Rights are not absolute. All rights are subject to "reasonable limitations." For example, your right to free speech does not mean you may yell "Fire!"

Be grateful our government has seen fit to recognize rights at all.
>Be grateful our government has seen fit to recognize rights at all.

Jeus, man, it's not an omnipotent entity. It's a bunch of old rich people who work within a legal system explicitly designed to resist majority oppression of individuals and smaller groups.
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Get out of here
Right, and be grateful that system is built to recognize rights at all.
Cry some more, faggot.
If god was real we would still use kings.
Pray about it, maybe you'll feel better
>If god was real we would still use kings.
Monarchy is the default state of mankind, and we will return to it eventually. Remember that the Romans thought themselves done with kings forever too. Augustus didn't call himself a king, but that's what he was. He just deigned to let his countrymen save some face by calling himself "imperator" instead of "rex". Will our king let us save some face by calling himself "General" or "commander"? Who knows?
>does that mean I have a right to open carry on a plane?
flying is not a right
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>Monarchy is the default state of mankind,

Says you. I march to the beat of a different drummer.
It's travel (Privileges and Immunities clause), and barring flying through controlled airspace and taking off or landing at a towered airport, it actually is.
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thread should have ended here
>t. sovereign citizen
On the off chance you aren't trolling.

> Corfield v. Coryell
> Uncontrolled airspace
> Non flight-controlled airport

They never specified the manner of travel, and if you have a place to takeoff from and land, you're fine.
I'm as pro 2nd amendment as they come, I've got 10 ARs and 20 stripped lowers all for myself not even as an investment for resale in the event of a ban. You can check firearms into cargo I believe which is how it should be.

However I think allowing people to have loaded guns on a plane is a bad idea. In a plane there is really no where you can run and take cover, everyone on board is a sitting duck if someone wanted to start shooting people at random. Not to mention the problem with the cabin losing pressure from bullet holes at high altitude, and besides that there is also the threat of the plane being hijacked for potential terrorism or otherwise which is a very real threat and would be infinitesimally more feasible if you had many armed people on that plane with guns.

It's about as bad of an idea as allowing people to carry guns to presidential rallies. Ripe for disaster.
Again, if you want to carry a gun on a plane, fine - buy your own plane and you can. No, seriously, basically everybody in Alaska does that. There's an old joke that "80% of people in Alaska have a pilot's license, and the other 20% fly anyway", and while, like all such jokes, it's an exaggeration, it's not as much of one as you might think. Having a gun and a plane is like having a smartphone and a car everywhere else - it's pretty much normal. You put your gun in your plane and go wherever the whim strikes you.

As has been said many times, the Constitution is a list of things the government can't do. It's not a list of things that private individuals or corporations can't do. The reason this is important is because governments are by nature a monopoly in their space. Pretty much everything else in the world, on the other hand, is not. If a private party tells you that you can't carry a gun - or speak freely - on their private property, go somewhere else deal with other people who will say that you can, or retreat to your own private property, and do as you wish there. Simple as that.
I just realized that you guys primarily land on water, don't you. Fuck even bothering with radioing an airport.

I bet you develop an instinct on developing weather quickly though.
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Why do you think California is riddled with drought, fires, and earthquakes anon?
The firepower of their freedomworks as they celebrate freedom from federal tyrrany is overwhelming the earth.
Reddit get the fuck out. Rick and morty isn't funny and G-d will judge you.
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>Rick and morty isn't funny

But, where else will I get my nihilistic humor.
plane is private property so no.
I strongly suspect the creators of having bought into Camus with the humor, but you know what I mean.
This honestly cracked me up
>definitely by God.
Oh glad to know God is definitely real and definitely makes sure his chosen peoples's rights aren't taken.
There is no God and we must still acknowledge what is right and wrong, and we are the only entities who can uphold those ideas.
Rights are never absolute, inalienable, or God-given (except pursuit of happiness, but it's a special case since it has zero practical applications)
So no.
>Morty quote
>Picture of Rick

>Now because we don't hand out bazookas and hand grenades to 10 year olds that's probably "cuck" to you isn't it
You wouldnt because they cant handle it...Jesus.
Whats with the communist in this thread?
Oh wow a witty come back with angst.
>You put your gun in your plane and go wherever the whim strikes you.
he's right. the logic is the same.

and what right do you have to not be around guns in public? there isn't one. if you want the right to ban guns from your business premises then you have to let everyone else ban niggers.

Is it private property and has the owner requested that you don't? If so, no.
They already got around that logic with protected classes, anon. Gun owners are not one of them.
I'm all about the funs but this logic is flawed as fuck... and even you must know it. One chooses to carry a gun, no one chooses their skin color.

As of gun owners didn't look bad enough, he comes you.
So what about denying business to Muslims. You choose your religion, right?
about the same way you choose to believe science. you could say you dont believe in science outloud all you want but if its what you believe, its not really a choice.
But you're not denying them business because they believe in Islam. You're denying them business because they choose to practice the religion.
they believe that thats not an option, this, "not practicing what you believe in" option.
Dude. The book calls for murdering 'backslider' apostates. They believe it's a choice.
they believe those people are still part of the religion but deluded, and the choice is beyond their own actual will. we are getting quickly into how retarded religion is as a whole, and thats not really the point. we could equally just say that since its possible to not believe literally anything, that anything is a choice, and then it goes full retard.

its just stupid in general to say you cant have any private property rules, because some other silly rules are in place, because then the extreme of that is you should be able to have rape slave dungeons and baby factories in your basement.
You're one of those obnoxious fedoras that goes on a 15-minute rant about Richard Dawkins whenever anyone says "God bless you" after you sneeze, aren't you?
>and what right do you have to not be around guns in public? there isn't one. if you want the right to ban guns from your business premises then you have to let everyone else ban niggers.
Okay, fine with me. I support both the right to bear arms and the right of free association - i.e. the right of private property owners to not let whatever and whoever they want onto their property. So letting people niggers is fine as far as I'm concerned, but the government doesn't give a shit what I think.

If you were expecting me to agree to have my gun rights taken away because you played on my need to virtue signal by white knighting for hajis and dindus, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.
make sure you wave your gun around in the air when you yell FIRE in a theater

then tell me about your free speech
>So letting people niggers
"letting people ban niggers", I meant. Man, I wish 4chan had an edit function.
or you could, you know, not be a moron and read your posts before submitting. just sayin'.

typical liberal. your mistakes are 4chan's fault.

you really should go outside right now and light yourself on fire.
>Thinks I'm a liberal after saying that I support the right of people to ban "hajis and dindus" from their property.
You mean how that is not a crime and the only harm that would come to me is being banned from the theater and being liable for any damages if people got hurt?

>then tell me about your free speech
All rights are unlimited. If they are not unlimited, then they are by definition no longer rights.
I've flown on chartered airplanes many of times. You arrive at a separate building at the airport, no security, and you walk through a hanger to the plane. I have CCW on a charter plane many times
God-given just means that it is a natural right that is above any person's or government's authority. It's like animals will defend themselves regardless of laws or government. Even if every single person was atheist, these rights would still exist.
Close. It means inalienable, nobody can deny it. Man (government) cannot take it because men didn't give you the right.
> waving gun around a theater
> after Colorado

Try it. I can't wait to see the pic of your ankle tracker due to home arrest.
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