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A hypothetical situation.

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Lets pretend my soft as fuck Dem sister want's to take her family to visit new york for some reason.

And behind their back I have been I have been teaching her 12 yo daughter gun safety and how to shoot since she was 9.

What would the legal ramifications be if I let my niece take a small cheap cc pistol with her for protection, and she was caught?
god damn it you want to give a 12yo girl a pocket pistol for the NY trip? People like you actually exist holy shit.
minor with a gun in a state that hates guns and people owning guns...you must not like your niece very much
For her? Not a god damn thing. For you? Triple life sentences for child abuse, gun trafficking charges, and some bogus statutory rape charges when her state appointed New York shrink implants the thought that you diddled her while she was at the range with you.
>giving a twelve year old girl a handgun to cc

The fuck is wrong with you? You're reason we get all these stupid gun laws. Fuck you.
I can live with that.
This is legitimately one of the worst ideas I've seen on this board. Please don't.
this is so absurd i am laughing
godspeed anon
The sad part is that there are plenty of stupid fucks in the gun community who actually think this would be okay.
Your sister will see the gun or be told about it by her daughter.

You will never get to see her again.

The gun will be returned, unless she gets pissed and it gets reported to the police where the sheriff will have a talk to try and explain why that's fucking stupid and why you aren't getting the gun back.

And New York is safe as fuck.
Girls can't keep secrets.
lots of guys learn that lesson the hard way
this makes me want to travel to ghetto parts of the eastern bloc and find young girls to buy
>New York Penal Law
S 265.01-b Criminal possession of a firearm.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a firearm when he or she:
(1) possesses any firearm or; (2) lawfully possesses a firearm prior to
the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen
which added this section subject to the registration requirements of
subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter and knowingly
fails to register such firearm pursuant to such subdivision.
Criminal possession of a firearm is a class E felony.

In other words, she'd be a juvenile delinquent, with a record that'll follow her for life even if it's "sealed"
ACS will probably get involved and buttfuck you, your sister, and your niece. They'll probably seek cooperation with your home state to pursue whatever criminal charges they can on everyone involved.

In other words, don't fucking do it.
>Your sister will see the gun or be told about it by her daughter.
Nah she hasn't told her about the practice yet
>You will never get to see her again.
lives in a trailer on my lawn.
>aren't getting the gun back.
That's fine. Don't care.
> New York is safe
She'd leave you for someone younger. No one wants to be a widow for half their life.
safe enough. there's plenty of more dangerous places


>lives in a trailer on my lawn
probably safer in new york than your redneck paradise
It doesn't matter how old you are. You're posting on this board, which is highly indicative of poor diet.
>tfw no qt slav orphan girl to adopt from the streets of some shitty ex communist country and give her a proper life
>Safer than redneck paradise
>Never lock house or car doors at home or in town.
>Children and elderly out playing / walking dogs late into the night.

You got nothing. You're a prisoner in your own home.
Do it fgt
Just an FYI, that shit will get you vanned.
Read the Brief.
Dude got vanned for clothed images with 4Chan filenames.
Under US case law, an image merely has to meet the bounds that it is intended to be sexually provocative to be pornography, and as the child is the subject...

Ruling was based off US federal case law, not military law.
The SPC received the US military punishment however, which is much more lax than the Federal punishment for the same crime.
Read the brief, it cites the case law which makes shit like Vmodels illegal.
Delete what you have - 4Chan archives posts and unique poster profiles which is then freely given to the Feds.

Eh, to a degree.
I wholeheartedly believe creating, publishing and profiting from this shit is entirely fine to be illegal - simple possession shouldn't be illegal, but paying for it should be in the same category as creating it.
Sort of a Japan circa 2005 situation.
It comes down to intent.
Vmodels intended to created cp.
Pretty Baby was intended to be an artistic thought piece.

Therein lies the difference.
How fucking flyover are you?
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This entire fucking thread is poison. I'm not sure OP isn't the same anon posting children in provocative clothing and poses.


You are getting so vanned. Raw, heavy hung, pulsing, all-American Chevy small block GM vans going all the way up your pedo ass.
people still have DVR's?
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I'm not the one posting child pics and arguing for pedo rights, guy. Reported. You aren't actually anonymous, fuckhead. Enjoy pound me in the ass federal prison.
Don't you mean a VCR?
you're in a federal prison right now? how are you posting? what did they get you for?
no, DVR. like the foxtel iQ
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>cp being unacceptable is a wrong opinion
>muh 1st amendment

XIII Amendment
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Let me know what that's like, guise.
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>unless you state it doesn't apply
Pic related. Did someone shoot out half your brain or something, fella? Not all speech or printed material is protected in 2017 America, no matter what you think.

>current laws are a violation
Let me know how your verdict appeal goes, uncle touchy. :^)
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So let me get this straight. You are arguing that child pornography is protected under the First Amendment. OR, if it isn't (it isn't), that it SHOULD be.

HOOOOOOO. Okay. Keep in mind I am not advocating thought crime here, just the decisions which have been upheld by US courts. Not all speech is protected. That's a fact. Examples: hate speech, speech that puts individuals in imminent danger, speech as stated intent to cause harm (as you did earlier in the thread). These speech rules apply to printed word as well.

This is probably the worst possible hill to die on you could have chosen. There is almost no one in America who would defend a pedo's right to free press/speech, regardless of what the founding document of our constitutional republic says. You must really want to get blacked.

>t. someone who has sworn to defend the constitution
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I don't fap to those child model pictures but you are a fucking retard if you actually think its CP
>spamming MAGA memes
Make your falseflagging less obvious, retard
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Why am I not at all fucking surprised a pedo hisses at the image of God-Emperor Trump.

>Just because no one defends it doesn't mean it's wrong.

Actually, in a democracy, that is EXACTLY what it means. Just because no one has had the political balls to modify the most sacred lines of our most sacred text does not mean they aren't willing to run around them with new precedent.

As far as my oath, I'm actually not violating anything. 2A exists to protect life, property, and 1A. 1A exists to protect speech, the essence of life. Pedos have no power here. SCOTUS/POTUS/Congress/voters would and have knocked down your argument. Witness the age of consent and CP laws you are violating in this thread. Have a nice life, anon. You done fucking goofed.
>Trumpcuck doesn't know the difference between direct democracy and a constitutional Democratic republic

>Trumpcucks go on about how government is corrupt and we need to drain the swamp

>System is fine now

Well the mods banned the other guy so at least you don't get to embarrass yourself further.
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Am I? Or has 4chan numbed your senses? It doesn't matter what I think. Guy whose posts were deleted stated sexual intent.

Are you the new pedo advocate in this thread, anon?
No one needs to be a pedo to see you're IQ is below room temperature.
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Read what this dude posted, man.
Don't get your hello kitty panties in a bunch that they'll bend the definitions a bit to throw someones ass in the pokey.
what other special secrets do you have her keep?
Let's go over the list of things that's wrong with this idea.
>minor with a firearm
>minor with a pistol
>carrying/possession of a pistol without a permit
>carrying a pistol without a permit
>transporting a pistol without proper paperwork
>the holy shit legal situation if she actually used it

Give her a pocket knife or something you crazy asshole don't make new york worse then it already is
Consider something less, like some high quality mase, a device that lets off those horrible loud sounds maybe even a powerful laser pointer to rake the eyes of someone with.
NY is a bad place. Try to convince them to visit somewhere else.
This, you're a fucking retard OP
Best part is that you're risking your freedom, your gun rights, and your relationship with your loved ones over a family trip to one of the safest cities in the country

You absolute retard
This, i'm assuming your sister is just going to be going to standard tourist trap locations in the middle of the day, in which case you have nothing to worry about.
you know there's non lethal ways to protect people right OP?
You AND her AND her parents will ALL get criminal charges even if she uses it to save the mayors fucking life. Get her a kimber pepper blaster or taser if your so worried.
tasers are banned in NY
tasers are illegal in NY, pepper spray is illegal for those under 18, and it is also illegal to bring pepper sprays that were bought outside NYC into NYC
what a fucking joke.
>This is legitimately one of the worst ideas I've seen on this board. Please don't.
How's your first day on /k/ going?
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>>NY is safe as fuck
We used to have shooting classes in elementary schools.
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