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Aren't Pantsir S-1s meant to counter low flying targets,

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Aren't Pantsir S-1s meant to counter low flying targets, such as Tomahawks?
No fucking way. Someone please tell me thats not S-1

Check the wheel positions, check the front and rear stabilizers, check the fuel tanks behind the second axle.

It's an S-1
Its not Pantsir
Thats not "just" KAMAZ, that much is clear.
Doesn't work if someone spams them
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Regular Kamaz utility trucks don't have stabilizers
Show me a picture of a non-S1 KAMAZ that has those support legs
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Russians were warned 2 hours in advance. they couldnt find a sober driver to drive it away? Or were they unironically tried to intercept the salvo?
Pantsir have them but in another place
It's not even KAMAZ.
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Pantsir bottom
you can compare
I dont see stabilizers on your photo
Where are your stabilizers, Boris?
>reverse search
>pantsir s1 in sochi
alco op pic is utility crane Pantsir is 8x8

Well maybe they got blown off
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How does a truck flipping over along the road somehow manage to blow of support structure bolted to the chassis?

There are 8 wheels on vehicle in OPs pic

By tomahawks? Damn, bad luck.

You can tell that to your wm buddies. Not here.
In OP pic car have rear drive
Pantsir is full drive
Being hit by a fucking cruz missile might do that
Less US shills and far more competent
So you are shilling here? You must be pretty desperate for your 15 rubles.
im trying to be objective
If it was pantsir i would say "Yes it's pantsir"
But it's not
Its really time to turn on the flags on /k. Russians shill arent event denying their presence anymore.
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Heres the armed version, back and front powered axles.
OPs picture is only powered in the rear axles.

I sincerely doubt you are capable of objectivity at all.
Jesus, Russia is pathetic. If anyone is worried about WWIII, just show them this shit. Even the shit the Russians have that is supposed to counter our shit and put us on an even playing field is worthless. We could take Moscow in 5 hours if we wanted.
no (You) for u
Wrong, that's the utility version.

S1 has powered rear
s1 has full drive you fucking mongoloid
Video reference
man vatniks never let up do they?
Its not 8x8 in OP pic
ree how can k be so fucking stupid
Nope. It's offered on the 6560, which comes in many different configs.
military 6560 comes only in one config (8x8)
100 percent false.

The product page shows is in many different configs.

The only 6560 that has stabilizer legs is the s1. Dead giveaway
It's not like were even attempting at intercepting anything.
Everyone in the area knew about the upcoming tomahawking, including the Russians.
And I doubt they have enough interceptors there to defend against a 50+ wave.
Pantsir comes only in 8x8
Or its top secret pantsir 8x4 (doubt)
so assad and putin is like fuck my shit up senpai
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Looks 8x8 to me. You can clearly see 4 wheel sets.
Pants or comes in many different forms.

From tracked, wheeled, shioborne, etc.

There is nothing top secret here
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Denying your (You) my dude
>Looks 8x8 to me. You can clearly see 4 wheel sets.
American edumcassion.
you're really this pissy lol
Yes but pantsir comes only on military 8x8 chassis
There's 0 photos of pantsir not in 8x8 or catterpillars
Why does the russian military keep tipping its vehicles over?
Even if it was Pantsir, which it is not as it was clearly shown ITT, Syria operates them, they bought some 10 years ago. Russian SAMs are stationed at Russian bases, not wandering around.
High center of gravity, military method.
Thats from the same crash. And its because its a narrow top heavy truck.
There is a version on the better suited BAZ chassis, but >muh kamaz lobby
>more backpedaling
No, they come wheeled with the 6560

6560 comes in many configs.

Only one 6560 has stab legs... The S1
>6560 comes in many configs.
Sure, they are like, ok, put it on whatever truck you have available. Yeah, we dont care about standardization. Really?
>Only one 6560 has stab legs... The S1
Nope, craptons of civilian 6560 have stab legs.
Civilian 6560 comes in many configs
Military only 8x8
damn stop trying to prove smth thats false

>Only one 6560 has stab legs... The S1

That and the radar vehicle
That also comes in full wheel drive. Which kinda makes sense for a military vehicle, dont you think?
Russian Ka-52 and Mi-28 were stationed at that AFB prior to the strike. Did you sell them to Syria too, or are they
>wandering around.
Yes, for the pantsir, I should have e clairified.

There is no such thing as a military 6560, only those sold to the military.

easy to prove though by all means, do it
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Does it fit railway dimensions? Looks way too large for usual S1, rather suitable for SM. But then again, SM will be on Typhoon chassis and only the TEL vehicle is going to have twice the amount of missiles.
S-350 and I believe Morfey are on BAZ chassis.
From you.
Where are you taking these goalposts, anon?
Vodka-assisted driving
>Where are you taking these goalposts, anon?

Merely drawing a parallel. If Russian Pantsirs dont wander, why do helos? Or dont they?
Because they are helos, anon, not SAMs. These are two different things not linked to each other in any way. Russian Air Forces assist Syrians in removing terrorists and hence you see their helos and jets flying around. Russian SAMs cover Russian bases.
Syrians have pansirs.

It does not have to be Russian s1
That's what I said. It's not Pantsir at all, and if it was one, it would have been a Syrian one, since Russian SAMs are stationed at Russian bases.
Maybe that is why only 58/59 struck.
The pantsir took one out. Means you only need around 60 more to succesfully defend.
23/59 without any AA
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They are four wheel drive too.
retarded murrican shmuk this is not pantsir chasis just fucking commercial 8*4 junk like mobile crane or something
retarded murricans cannot into simple transmission details
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Mercedes 8x8. Same wheel position, same front/rear stabilizers, fuel tanks, same cabin and even same goddamn ladder. Syrians commonly use them to mount M46, Scuds and legacy SAMs. It's alright /k/, no one really expects you to know shit about anything besides dragon dildos.
>44+ strikes visible in 3rd party sat photos
>And I doubt they have enough interceptors there to defend against a 50+ wave.
They didn't intercept a single missile though.

60 were launched, one had a booster fail to separate and crashed into the sea, one had a guidance failure and crashed near Lebanon, and 58 missiles hit 44 targets on that airbase.
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>Front stabilizer between first set of wheels
>implying ANNA would ever show something that makes Russia look bad
It's a Mercedes 4140
Doesn't matter what you say. Media will show this as Pantsir and people will post this in the internets as Pantsir. Get ready to be BTFO.
>Russian SAMs went wandering around Ukraine
You should really put a leash on those things
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It was a Fateh launcher.
Russian MOD said a Radar station was destroyed.
That must be it then.
the stabilizers on pantsir are after the 2nd set of wheels, the ones on the wreck in OPs pic are after the first set of road wheels
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its a 2 or a 4?
It countered one of them as a form of ablative armor.
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2 is on other chassis. Still find it questionable, since what the fuck was it doing there?
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Nigga have you even looked up the s1 ... on the wilipedia page there is a prototyped tracked version that was offered by the russians. The s1 isnt a truck its a mountable gun, misdile and radar system. You can pretty much plop it on anything that can handle the recoil
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fake news
Now even if this was a pantsir destroyed i think we need to remember our government used 80million dollars worth of missiles to destroy at the most 30-40 million dollars of equipment....
>Proportional response

What stage of vatnikposting is this?
>Ok so it was our wunderweapon to drfest capitalist pig tomahawks but you spent more destroying it than we spent building it
>Haha it's not like our economy is smaller than some of your individual states or anything
For three days now, the vatnik homos have been conducting damage control whenever and wherever they can lay their grubby salo greased fingers on.
General reminder

>How can you detect kremlinbots?
>Unfortunately, you need some personal experience from facing them. But their main red flags are: high aggressiveness, general stupidity, wide use of propaganda cliches such as: yurop is on the verge of societal collapse, the USA is on the verge of economic collapse, muh massive shootouts in the US, muh refugees in Europe, muh radical LGBT madness everywhere in the world, everything you've been told and taught is a lie, RussiaToday is the sole credible news outlet, Putin is a good boy he dindu nuffin, and so on and so forth. Their most beloved tactics are: whataboutisms, blatant ad-hominem, avoiding the subject, appeal to emotion instead of logic, shifting the argument. Their methods are effective only against inexperienced opponents.
you're so insecure
Nice projection.

>anyone who disagrees with my opinion must be a vatnik

Oh wow...
The destroyed aircraft alone cost more than the missiles used.
The missile is a fixed round of ammunition. Used once, never again.

The aircraft is a durable good meant to be used multiple times over its lifetime which can last a few decades.
It's not the cost of the equipment taken out that matters, it's the cost of dealing with it being active by other means.

Relative value of aircraft depends a lot on how worn out it is among other things. Most of these planes were pretty old and some of those were being cannibalized for spare parts.
shhh little vatnik. Uncle Putin still loves you...
>Jesus, Russia is pathetic. If anyone is worried about WWIII, just show them this shit. Even the shit the Russians have that is supposed to counter our shit and put us on an even playing field is worthless. We could take Moscow in 5 hours if we wanted.
This. Don't take the Lords name in vain though.
Was the Pantsir occupied at the time of the strike? I imagine that if it had a Russian crew and was hit while manned their media would be screaming their heads off even harder. If it was Syrian then who knows.
Hitting a TEL makes a lot more sense than an AA system from a national security standpoint
Or you could read the thread and not be retarded.
>pro tip, it's not a Pantsir
I have very poor reading comprehension thank you.
>New people still jumping straight into the thread gobbling OPs cock without reading the whole thread
tldr:it's not S1
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Just like only 23 missiles got through, right?
Or you could try not being a retard >>33577968
49 got through. I'm not ruskieboo, dumb shits just tick me off.
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