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Looks like youtube has finally fucked over the firearms comm

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Looks like youtube has finally fucked over the firearms community.



Youtube has removed ads from basically all firearms channel, word has it. This ties in to YouTube's new controls for advertisers that allow them to alter what content their ads appear on.
Hopefully Patreon is enough to save all these channels getting fucked by advertisers.
As long as Cap&Ball and Britishmuzzleloaders keep making content, I'll be okay.
Man that's really shitty if I never knew about gun Jesus's JewTube I would have never accidentally bought a broken ass vis 35 off of GunBroker.
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Get the fuck out nazi. there is nothing wrong with being Jewish they have gone through more in life than you ever could even imagine and so what if they want to cut adds for things that arent family friendly its THERE business.
you have to go back.
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guns don't discriminate except against people without guns
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>THERE business
I don't expect much from hired shills but come on...
I mean yeah we have traps and shit but we still think that fags need to die and the jews need to fuck off
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Pic Related

The only thing that surprises me is that it took this long for something like this to happen. The old internet is going fast. It's becoming fenced in, the original settlers kicked out if they don't toe the line to the big-time corporate ranchers. Is this what it felt like to watch the Old West die?
I don't care about fags. Why not let them fuck? Is it hurting you emotionally?

I'm pro weed, pro choice, pro gay whatever, I don't give a fuck as long as I keep my gun rights and get back what was taken in the past.
It's not just gun channels, a lot of gaming and comedy channels are getting hit too.

Youtube is going full retard against everyone.
I never understood why /k/ hated jews though. Can someone explain it without calling me a shill or a faggot?
>vote straight GOP ticket
>surprised when the internet gets dicked over by corporations

wew lads
Good. Fuck jew tube

90 percent of the top antigunners are jews.
Huh. Seems like a shitty reason to generalize a whole group of people, but whatever lets you sleep at night I suppose.
>voting for people who want to take away your second amendment right just so you can feel superior and so above it all to strangers on an underwater basketweaving forum
>thinking the party of identity politics would give a shit about you anyway
>thinking the party that has been in bed with Google for the past 8 years would do anything to stop this
>thinking any of this has to do with who we vote for

W E W F U C K I N L A D this is worse bait than>>33557670
god fucking dammit you got my jimmies rustled
>Pulled ads
I fucking WISH. I've been seeing ads nonstop on YouTube. Even for channels that have patreons.
both parties are pretty against internet freedom regardless of what they say anon. They just go about it different ways.

Dems would have pulled them because "guns r bad"

Republicans would have pulled them because they're pissed their investment in cable TV is dying.
>their investment in cable TV is dying.
Literally. Every dead Boomer is one less cable subscriber.
Pretty much this:>>33558230
Also I'm fucking tired of the Calvinist fuckheads who won't stop gobbling Zionist cock, they have way too much influence on American foreign policy and not in our best interests.

Between being tired of the Heebs getting a free ride on our asses, and selling our technology to the Chinese, and Jew media influencers and politicians telling me that my rights are out dated, I'd be happy as a clam if the fuckers would just fuck off and mind their own business.
>not being a devout Lutheran
I pity you
I had to go outside and smoke a cigarette after that
I just wanted to come back and tell you that youre fucking retarded
I'm sorry the truth hurts so much.
not even giving you a (You) for that one faggot
Can't wait for youtube and their lib shit culture to get shit on by lawsuits or the NRA congress passing more pro-first amendment progun laws. Perhaps by punishing youtubes mistake of labeling it 'restricted' content.
>the very picture of a delusional mind
Hickok-sensei still has ads.

Ian-sama does not.



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>not being a Jesuit
miss me with that gay shit
>youtube can afford to piss off the NRA who control the entire country and also lose shitloads of ad monies too.

Yeah no.
>fucking black-robed bead mumblers
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>being christian
>karl used amigas
what are you a fucking Wiccatard or satanist
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look at the enlightened progressive, everybody.

look at it and laugh.
For those who don't know

Same reason we hate leftists, commies, and fags. They are anti-freedom statist faggots who deserve death.
>Implying the Jesuits aren't behind all that's wrong with the Catholic Church
How much do gun jewtubers make from peroll and banner ads vs sponsorship from gun companies?

YouTube is in self destruct mode, there will be a new platform that fills the void if they keep fucking with peoples money
joo tube still runs the ads, they just dont pay the content creators.


This has been going on for a while due to commentary and drama channels.
>How much do gun jewtubers make from peroll and banner ads vs sponsorship from gun companies?

Nutnfancy pretty much lives off Youtube, Ian makes most of his money from it as well.
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>thinking that is all there is to paganism.
>thinking paganism is the only option outside of christianity
>thinking that not being a Christian means you necessarily must have chosen some different religion
>being this unsophisticated
I bet you went to a private christian school. probably ACE like the other calvinists.
I literally never even realize youtube runs ads unless I use a computer without an adblocker.
I don't know if this link has already been posted because no one here ever describes what the link is to.


military history visualized posted this video a few days ago. He talks about the strategic reasoning behind the media hit on Pew Die Pie.
The channels stop receiving ad money or they get the low-paying scrub ads
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>$1.5K - $23.6K
>that fucking gap
The gap gets smaller the more normie and younger the demographics get.
THIS THIS THIS every time I see a Nazi I just think about how fucking great it would be if he was murdered and his entire family was raped beaten and left for dead in an African American neighborhood to let them have some revenge
Fucking Nazis deserve to be burned alive I don't fucking care if they're man woman child whatever they are the most retarded backwards racist pieces of shit on the planet and the same goes to fascists/ Republicans/ alt-right/ conservatives/ libertarians/ whatever they're all the same damn thing just a different name to disguise they're hate. Hate is a weapon and the only way to fight against it is complete and total annihilation

MY bad, I'm mistaken.

It's widespread on YouTube, probably has to do with disagreements with the advertising companies.
Can't tell if pasta or just unhinged. You gotta get your shit together if you have such a hate binder for nazis. Communists are 10x worse on their best day
Ian literally just posted on FB that he has enough pateron support to be fully independent from Youtube, this doesnt mean anything for forgotten weapons
>probably has to do with disagreements with the advertising companies.
it's virtual signaling by faggots.
Companies are still 15 years behind on the culture of their primary demographics.
It's pasta
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Remember that all of our favorite YT gun celebs have other sources of income. Ian and iv8888 both work for firearm-related businesses. Hickock is, I gather, a retired schoolteacher on a decent pension. Nutn has his Air Force pension along with whatever side businesses he now has. They'll all be just fine.
It keeps the normalfags away.
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nice pasta shill
Well, at least InRange is covered, and in a way Forgotten Weapon kinda is too considering that most of the videos he posts are from weapons being sold at the Raul Julia Auction House. Still, that's a worrisome development.

White men don't blame Jews for not being able to get laid. They blame Jews for being unable to hold a stable family together.

Anyone can get laid easily. Finding a female partner who wants to be in a stable patriarchal relationship is now next to impossible.

With laws that favor the woman keeping her in control, and with the media brainwashing the logic less women into the animals they've become, it's become a losing battle for a man who wants a stable family.

seriously, the best fuck you to youtube is to stop giving them any attention
Yeah, kinda. Ian, Hickok and IV8888 have backup channels on Full30, so they're covered, all a matter of directing their audience to where it matters. My concern is Nutn, if he doesn't find sponsors for his channel, he's either gonna have to ask his viewers to pony up the dough on Patreon or stop doing it altogether.
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Just so you all know why this is happening:

The bureaucracies that make up European governments realized that Youtube was hosting racist content due to a dubious WSJ article, and that said racist content could be monetized. This didn't sit well with them so now they're making moves to ban it. Such things are already underway in both the UK and Germany, the latter is already looking at a law that would specifically penalize any video host or advertiser associated with racist content. Google, obviously, is purging everything to maintain compliance.

Remember: Youtube is not a profitable operation. As a result, they have no reason not to cut out small/controversial/kiddo channels because it only drives down ad rates (due to the increased supply of channels looking for ads) while turning off mainstream advertisers and potentially exposing them to fines overseas.

So there is blood and will be more blood. Google does not care if they destroy YT's userbase.
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Why? What have you heard?
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They rule the world, and subvert other cultures while enriching their own at the expense of their host. Same as kebab, they believe that they are a chosen people. Like the skull and bones, they will stab anyone in the back to further the interest of those in their tribe. The methods they use to seize power are founded in deception and subterfuge. Dishonorable. They take everything, absolutely everything, and find a way to make you pay them money for it. Money, might I add, that they create and represents nothing but debt that we have no way of paying back ever.

They are pushing for a new world order, a global elite power structure that will govern the planet. They want complete and utter control over every aspect of your life because that is what Yahweh has promised them. He is their warrior god of victory. To them, we are cattle. Goyim.

They have created the slave morality system that we have today that rewards weakness and frailty as virtues so that they may escape confrontation from those seeking to act honorably against a powerful foe. It also serves to keep people as their own jailers, rubbing themselves raw against the cage of their own oppression. We are taught that suffering is a virtue in this system, to deny the will that makes us who we are. To deny our strength and honor.

Muslims have taken a page from their book and are now starting to implement this morality to further their own means. The jews have historically been removed from countless nations due to their tricks.

In reality, the jews found the way to win wars without ever firing a gun. They use morality and moral engineering to dominate entire nations, and economic domination follows.

Read a book nigger

t. someone who may or may not be a jew
surpise it didn't happen sooner
Die, kike.
Jewtube is dying, time to move on. Perhaps to vid.me
Not him but I started to DL videos I really like recently too.
You young kids no longer remember, but when I was your age, we would meet at each other homes and share stuff with our hard-drives, because hardly anyone had broadband.

I noticed interesting but bad for the establishment movies disappearing, mostly politics and movies about methods of mass-manipulation, but still...

How do you guys fall for this

That's how I feel about open carry.
No u do fuck boi. Ur the emmigrant here.
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how can they see out of those things I'm really curious

>being religious
>don't generalize

Can't tell if pasta, translucent /pol/ shill, or both.

>da joooooz
>"stable patriarchal relationship"
>women are logicless animals

You may be the root of your own difficulties, anon.

The whole race, huh. All of them are in on it.
Nutn is already a halfstep away from furry-tier money begging. If he falls, good. Fuck him

Great argument. Thanks to your amazingly great well put together argument. I can now ignore facts like.

>thanks to modern laws and divorce courts, men are at a MUCH HIGHER chance of losing their HOME, KIDS, MONEY, and all their lives hard work

>women can point the finger at the law, and great troubles will befall the man, even if he was found not guilty, he suffered irreparable professional and emotional damage throughout the ordeal

>disciplining your children is now very frowned uppon, a father in Texas (yes, in Texas out of all damned states) went to jail for taking his daughters phone away after she was sexting. Both the mom and daughter said he stole it. So he went to jail for stealing her phone technically.

Though he bought it, and though he owned the house and paid for everything.

You think those laws just popped out of nowhere? You know damn well who put them there, because you're a shill.
Butthurt republican faggot

No, no one has ever claimed that except perhaps the most retarded skin heads or KKK guys WITHIN those groups.

Everyone knows about exceptions and percentages now. Niggers are stupid, is a generally correct statement. And of course some idiot like you will come running out of nowhere and scream.

>they're all retarded hu? All of them?

If it satisfies you. No, not all Jews. Just the smart ones, and most of the racially aware ones.

You, white, blonde haired blue eyed goy who thinks he's Jewish because you were a yamaka on your head, nah, you're not in on it, you're just a useful fool and real racial Jews laugh at you.
It's always important to allow people to prove their character to you, but group characterizations exist for a reason so it is important to keep this knowledge in the back of your head to be ready for when stereotypical behaviors arise.

It's like the old saying from Mad Dog, "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

Just watch them, keep the statements I made in the back of your head. Eventually, you will see the tricks they use and you will tell yourself "no fucking way, forreal?" They have become shameless, so confident in their tactics because they fucking work on people like you who refuse to notice what they have accomplished. They bank on it.

Debate semantics with me all you want. You will either see the light eventually or continue living in the dark, willfully I might add.
when the majority (>50%) are doing something, it isn't generalizing
I have a small Youtube channel with around 3k subs and 300,000 views total. I have about 40 vids in total and most are just me shooting at targets at the range and talking nonsense.

All the advertising was removed. Not eligible for monetization. No community strikes.

Haven't been age restricted yet but that's coming...

RIP YT gun community.
>t. fudd
Fucking /pol/ shitposting is out of control today

/k/ doesn't hate Jews, /pol/ does
You would get more sympathy if you had better memes
>/k/ doesn't hate Jews
Sure we do. There is feinstein, bloomberg, soros, etc.
Jews have never done anything wrong
they love us and protect us
we need to give them more money so they can protect themselves
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threadly reminder that you are an implying faggot. In related news, ctr shills fuck off, and pic related, have a nice day out there, this is Reich news, signing off.
I use ad blockers anyway, but I do use patreon for people who I actually like (so far just 3 channels).
If the Jews control the media why the fuck does the mainstream media protect Islam so much?? And if Jews run the government why the fuck do we still have guns??
Why would you have an ounce of concern for that faggot
>he thinks there's a diff commiunity on diff boards
>being this new
we sure do. kys
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Maybe it's because of their actions that they go through that hmm? Do you really think that they would be picked on for no reason by hundreds of nations in human history?

Maybe Jews are persecuted, but maybe they also need to take a good look in the mirror and ask themselves if they maybe deserve it for all their attempts to subvert and control and destroy everything that's supposedly a threat to them.
go back
>its THERE business
My god the liberals were right
It seems like YouTube is messing with alot of things lately which is causing problems for all kinds of people, including gun channels. Things are probably only going to get worse before they get better.
It doesn't work on mobile, literally the only reason I still go to youtube.
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When content creators on YouTube want to bitch about not getting paid enough and then urge us to pay them through Patreon, I feel no sympathy for them. They say that we feel entitled to free content and that is wrong. I argue that it is wrong for them to expect the viewer to feed into their egomania. If you post videos onto a website knowing that its content is freely available to the public, you should not expect or ask people to pay you for doing so. These creators have risked generating revenue from a platform that owes them nothing. There are no contracts. They don't have a job through YouTube. They are entitled to nothing. For example, I would be thrilled if 4chan started paying me for making posts like this, as opposed to shitposts, because it brought in higher website traffic. So, I would keep doing it. Why not; I am getting paid for it aren't I? But if they were to stop paying me, what right do I have to argue? None. That is their decision and can only blame themselves if it decreases website traffic if I stop putting out quality posts because it no longer benefits me. Same thing with YouTube. Creators should feel happy for what they get, but must realize they are not entitled to monetization. They freely chose and continue to use YouTube as a platform to make their ideas heard. If they don't like it, they can walk away. Instead of walking away from a bad deal, they put the burden on their viewers. They beg us to pay them for content and complain when we don't. Their content only ever had value because YouTube gave it value; to the viewer it is financially worthless. The firearms content creators only stay on YouTube for two reasons: 1) to assert a monetary value of their content to their viewers and 2) to feed their egotism by people praising their character they have developed through YouTube. Of course these two explanations only apply to those creators complaining about the monetization system on YouTube; others only want to share ideas, as we do here.
Pasta? Or just a very dedicated troll? YOU DECIDE!

>Leave your comments down below
i agree with the first half of what you said
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Google has YouTube Red and there are tons of ads and banners in YouTube. There has to be some profit generation
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>this complete lack of anything resembling reality
>he thinks just becuase google's motto is binding
>doesn't know that google is actively married to statist government's propaganda departments.
C'mon now.
>those tabs
please be bait
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Looks like someone is trying to beat Hunter in terms of best bait.
You got a while to go kid, but I'll add another because /k/ does actually support Nazism and hate minorities.
What are they going to do? Get people to use some other shitty video site? Tons of people still use Facebook even though Facebook fucks everyone. When was the last time you seriously checked out smaller sites on today's shitty, more centralized web? Most people almost never do.
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