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/meg/ Military Enlistment Genera

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/meg/ Military Enlistment General

Copy and Paste Edition

>IRC Channel
>implying anyone uses IRC
#MEG on Freenode
If you're on mobile look up AndroIRC for the app. Any questions, ask in the thread to get you set up.


For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. Good site for Marines info too.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

Which branch are you enlisting/enlisted/considering?
First for the Marines are the bestest branch! :)
I know jack shit about the militrary except I can join in the military as
>E4 Army
>E3 Navy/Air Force
>E2 Marines

I'd make the most money with Army.
Is there a catch since Marines are so low? Do they rank up faster or something?
Rank means more in the marines. They pride themselves on their enlisted and NCOs
If you ain't AFSOC, you ain't shit!
Isn't that the holiday party branch? Why does he have a firearm, I thought that was frowned upon in the air force.
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If you ain't Infantry, you ain't shit...
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Rate my job list. Aiming for comfy jobs that translate well as a civilian.
Little dick thread.
Royal Marines UK fag here

We have a PFT on a treadmill 2% incline - first run 1.5 miles to be done in under 12 minutes. 1 minute rest then second run at under 10 minutes (9:30)

Any of you yanks have any tips to get to this fitness level? I'm smashing the normal 1.5 mile runs (getting 9:05) but it's the treadmill run that kills me.

Any materials, training or websites would be much appreciated boys.

If it helps the Royal Marines are pretty much Marine standard I think
(Will repost from, last thread since it died and no one replied)

>for months been have had to submit medical records and it keeps getting kicked back for some kind of new reason
>thinking of switching branches
>recruiter tells me I will have the same problems in other branches
>says all medical records go to all branches
Is this true?
Or if I go to a different branch it's a clean slate and I can say I'm perfectly fine with no past?

I don't even have medical problems, but they are literally making mountains out of mole hills for me.
>tfw I have until April to get fit enough for infantry
Fuck I'm not ready
I don't even know I've only started training last month. I'm retarded.
anyone ever think about going back in? I got out to take advantage of the post 9-11 gi bill. i think i really just miss the comradeship.

> tfw no friends
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I'm with you. Did you get your degree and how long has it been?
Shuttle sprints and doing lunges increased my short distance running speed. Im in the us army and our run is 2 miles in under 16 minutes for the minimum. My 1 mile speed was 7:20-7:40 which sucked. After adding those two exercises my new 1 mile time was in the 5:40 range.

> how long has it been?

almost 8 years since i left active duty, 5 since getting out of the guard (TX). fuck, time has been going by fast since then.

I got my degree and I ended up working in marketing.
I felt the same way, so i got myself a gs9 job for army. Being able to shit talk again has been nice. And i make more money as a secretary(admin assistant) than my engineering friends.
Just remember that it will suck for a little bit after you get out of college until you find the right job. That said, I'm all about the service. I know exactly what you mean about comradeship.

> i make more money as a secretary(admin assistant) than my engineering friends

Where the fuck do your engineering friends work? GS-9 pay is garbage, I made more as an E-5.
>tfw week 5 of Canadian BMQ
Fuck sowing labels
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> sand hill in the georgia humidity

prepare to get your shit wrecked by the heat. remember these words:

I used to have Asthma when I was younger, before 14, is that going to affect me now?
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Are there any RNfags here? I've been giving a lot of thought to joining up lately, and I'm just wondering how shit it is. I know a lot of our ships are old and dying, and the new ones are made terribly, but I can't not want to join up.
Oh, and what's the selection process like? It may sound stupid, but I can't find out online anything about how the ship you're assigned to is chosen. Luck of the draw, or?
>GS9 pay is garbage
Starts at $43,251 a year (plus COLA) and goes up to $56,229 a year (plus COLA) after 18 years (not that there's a chance in hell of anybody staying under the GS-system for 18 years and staying a GS9). I'd hardly call that "shit" for the hours worked.

>I made more as an E-5
Meanwhile an E5 makes between $27,207 a year (plus BAH, BAS, and maybe COLA) and $38,604 a year (plus BAH, BAS, and maybe COLA) after 12 years, where it caps regardless of longevity.

If you did actually make more it had absolutely fuck-all to do with your base pay.
If they can't prove it (federally held medical records) and you keep your damn whore mouth shut about it, no.
To put this in perspective.

Take a GS9 step 1 (entry hire) and an E5 with 6 years in, and put them in the same location.
>Ft. Bragg
GS9 makes $49,765. E5 makes $48,978.60 (with dependents) or $46,926.60 (without dependents).
GS9 step 1 (entry hire) makes $51,002 a year. E5 with 6 in makes $59,393.04 because the BAH+COLA is significantly higher than it is on the GS-schedule ($247 in COLA plus either $1839 without dependents or $2451 with dependents a month vs. a flat-rate 17.92% increase over base pay on the GS table).

That's garbage dude. I got offered a GS-11 getting out of the military and turned it down pretty fast.

As an E-5 I made just under 60k gross, and took home a hell of a lot more than a GS-9 since a lot of my pay was untaxed.

If you're making more than your "engineering friends", they're absolute retards.

The E-5 takes home significantly more pay because a good portion of that pay they're getting is completely untaxed. They also don't pay for healthcare, and don't have a mandatory 4.7%~ contribution to retirement.

GS pay doesn't get good until around GS-13.
Oh I'm a separate anon. Just pointing out that a position with an average of 32 hour work weeks with all the same paid time off as the military plus all federal holidays that only requires a high school diploma that starts at over $40k a year base is far from garbage.

Sure, once you have a degree and some marketable job experience it's not great, but it's far from garbage.
>as an E5 I made just under $60k gross
Unless you were stationed in Honolulu or were counting deployment money, no the fuck you weren't.

Depends entirely on location. GS guys don't get taxed on their location allowance either. Yeah, healthcare isn't free but $179 a month for the whole family is still pretty goddamn cheap and adds up to less than $2200 a year. It's ~71 dollars a month/$850 a year if you're only insuring yourself.

>all the same paid time off as the military

Military gets random 4-days, but that's pretty much a wash with random weekend duty.

>Unless you were stationed in Honolulu or were counting deployment money, no the fuck you weren't.

I had some extra monthly incentive pay, but you definitely don't have to live in Honolulu to pull that much. I was getting 2850~ base + 360~ BAS + 1400~ BAH + 350 incentive. That's a cool 4960/month or 59520 a year. If you're talking about Honolulu you're throwing another grand/mo on top of that between higher BAH and COLA, so we'd be talking north of 70k easily. And, again, you're living way better than any civilian making that wage, since you're saving taxes, healthcare, and retirement contributions.

> GS guys don't get taxed on their location allowance either.

They don't get taxed on COLA (which most don't get), they sure as hell get taxed on locality adjustment.
>military gets random 4-days, but that's pretty much a wash with random weekend duty
Depends entirely where you're stationed.

I worked an average of 342 days a year spread over 9.5 years of service because of deployments, training over weekends/holidays, denied leave, DUI formations 12 hours into a long weekend, etc.

I mean for fuck's sake I worked 12 on/12 off 7 days a week for 9 months straight because my SCO couldn't fucking say no to other units requesting "air support" for their fuck-fuck-games field ops.

When I ETS'd I actually needed a waiver signed by the post commander to sell back more than 80 days of accrued leave, and I still ended up taking 38 days of terminal leave. They denied my leave for my own fucking wedding because of a field op.
Oh, I should also mention I never actually re-enlisted, I got stoplossed 3x.
>Depends entirely where you're stationed.

Fair enough. I worked less than 40 hours/week on average when I was in. I also had 80~ days of terminal leave because I got enough weekends that I never really felt pressed to take a vacation.
Goddamn, I'm mad jelly.

My normal day was 0530 PT formation through 1900 release formation unless I was on the flight line (0600-0000) or out at Range 78/79 (1200-0400). Between jumps, chute shakeout, field ops, flightline duty, DUI formations, etc the ONLY Saturdays I EVER had off were the ones that fell over Christmas break (never got leave approved for that so sat in the barracks for 4 days before I ended up on Staff Duty) and during my terminal leave. I got maybe a third of the Sundays off, and ONLY because my PSG was a super devout hispanic Catholic that'd actually stand up to the SCO over working Sundays for no good reason.

And then there's the fact I got continually stoplossed for 5.5 years after a 4-year enlistment.
How is being an MP in the NG?
I'd assume very boring and dealing with lots of intoxicated people.
Always wanted to do CP jobs but you almost have to have MIL experience for it. NG is hiring for one which is why I ask specifically.
Will a history of seeing a therapist and psychiatrist disqualify me?
>I got stoplossed 3x.
Really made me think.
Depends what you saw them for
Anyone know if service members get special privileges when It comes to states with cucked gun laws?
Mostly depression. I was prescribed medication for ADD as well but nothing stuck. I havent been on any medication for over a year.
I toked a lot, but never got in trouble for it, so there's no record I guess...quit for a long time before started thinking about joining. Keep my mouth shut and they'll never know, right?

Even with TS?
Just make sure everyone you know knows you've never touched weed.
What happens after I get a pilot slot?
What work is there for a retired fighter pilot?
I used to work in aircraft simulation. Lots of commercial pilots are former military pilots.
commercial pilot and flight instruction

>Never get promoted to the point where you're flying a desk

I thought pilots made rank the fastest.
I read that after job training every branch EXCEPT Marines get their own bedroom.

Is this true?
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Is EOD a field worth pursuing?
Unless the job needs a security clearence it shouldn't be problem, as long as the military doesn`t know about it.
Im considering it right now in the AF
Only if you're Navy or Marines
Why not in the Army of AF?
Naval EOD is considered the best, I guess it's their experience overseas
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How long would it take to join the US Army as an 11X if I'm prior service?

Considering this if we invade Syria. I'd rather be a Nasty Girl, but would totally go active if quasi-peacetime ended.
>Here in the muhreen kore we pay you less to do more

Almost everything in the Marine Corps is simply paying our people less and forcing them to do more because we're so fucking poor. I would recommend joining a branch that actually provides reasonable opportunities.
Active duty AF here, feel free to ask questions fags. 3P051
depends, go ask a recruiter. I think they went back to the rule that if you are prior service Marines, you can skip basic, but any other branch you have to do basic.
Can anyone answer this?

Has anyone else had to go through sending their medical records before going to MEPS before?
I just can't believe it's been like 4 months and I have not gone to MEPs yet.
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marin crops is the only reason I keep Facebook.

What are some neato Air Force jobs?
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Is the AF a meritocracy? I know the U.S. Meme Corps definitely is not, at least in the aviation side. I can't comment as to the operations of the ground side. I can greentext a few examples if you want.

It depends on what you define as neat. also it really depends on the base you get stationed at. Any AFSOC is ultra badass, even to include those SOWT guys, but thats only if you can make the cut, which I know for a fact is the hardest thing ever.

>means more
>pays the same

Aaaaaand the Army wins! Because only a moto douche would willingly choose less money and fewer opportunities for advancement because of the USMC's sour grapes/make-do mentality.

It varies on the career field and leadership. Certain jobs have people placed in positions they know not a damn thing about, others have the very skilled and knowledgeable people doing the right jobs.


You beautiful blue beret bastards.

Ever get to go to the AF sniper school? My understanding is that it's aimed at you guys.

Im to green for it lol, and im not in area where its even trained. But I do know that from some of the more -HUA- types that have tried it that it seems pretty fucking hard. Sorry about my lack of insight on the subject lol.

It's all good. You know any more cool schools aimed at SecFo?

If I wash out of CCT that's where I end up, so I'd like to try and do the cool shit if that's what happens.

You going in soon or already in training? Besides that theres K9, Raven and DAGR, you can also earn a Ranger tab and some other army shit like Air Assault. Might be some more im forgetting, but again it all depends on what base your stationed at and if they even need it

Going in soon. Training on my own to try to hone an edge first though.

SecFo is looking cooler and cooler though, so I'm not going to be devastated if I fuck up since there is cool guy shit I can do there. Because I have a lot of college already knocked out I can start as E3, so does that give me a leg up in shooting for all those cool guy schools?
Enjoy everyone but secfo despising you.

Enjoy checking IDs for hours every day.

Only if I fail out of one pipeline. Then I make the best of my secondary career option.
You apply for a role, let's say engineer. Then when you're finished your class there'll be a list of vacancies, lads who did best get first pick
Is it possible to find work in the IC?
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What's the major differences between a 68w and a navy corpsman with fmf, besides one's army and one works with muhreens
How is it.
Im a fat shit that wants to join.
>I'd assume very boring and dealing with lots of intoxicated people.

If you're in the NG you'll only be doing your job 2 days a month (sometimes 3, depends on how much money the state allots). It's very unlikely you'll be driving a patrol car and pulling over anyone because:

1. You'll probably spend that time doing weapons maintenance and PMCSing unit vehicles or training and waiting around for the duty day to end

2. Your unit is probably not on an active duty post anyway
>Is it possible to find work in the IC?

Anyone can work in the IC. You just need to meet the hiring requirements for whatever position in whatever agency. But being a military pilot isn't going to give you an edge unless you're specifically applying to a position to fly planes.

If you want to apply for an operations or analysis position you're then competing with people ranging from those already with intel experience to fresh college graduates. You just have to know how to sell yourself.
>But being a military pilot isn't going to give you an edge unless you're specifically applying to a position to fly planes.

I forgot: You'll have veteran's preference, but I'm not sure if all IC agencies give preference. I know CIA doesn't. NGA, NRO, and NSA may not, but I've never asked. DIA obviously does.
HI BILLY MAYS HERE, just reminding you not to join the Muhreens if you have any intelligence or common sense.

CIA hires some pilots for their paramilitary officer position. Still not where I'd work though.
Jokes on you I have neither.
>Still not where I'd work though.

Why is that?
Then go for it, you're perfect.

I fell for it and I have both.

CIA has been kinda dysfunctional for quite a while according to RUMINT. They are stepping away from their HUMINT mission in a lot of ways toward a more Paramilitary role. Not exactly a great move for our primary civilian HUMINT agency in a time when we desperately need HUMINT more than ever, and I want no part in the coming shitshow when they realize that they're fucking up.
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I'm new to /adv/ pointed me here.

As an out of shape (fat) college grad with a math degree who has no passion for anything. How bad would it be to join the navy? How in shape do I need to be?

Without going in depth I have no experience and can only get retail at the moment. I want some meaning in my life and I want to get the hell away from everything which is why I chose navy. That and the fact that I have a chance to something more technical.

where do you fall under this chart?
Wow do i need this thread.

So I'm a college freshman who just started my second semester at school. I have very little self confidence and not much to be proud of. I'm considering enlisting in the Marines at the end of this semester but I'm scared. What are some things I should know about before continuing and making a decision? I hear so many great things about the Marines but also a lot of not so great things as well.
I've decided on the Marines because my brother is in the Marine Reserves and if I joined anything less than the supposed best branch, I wouldn't feel as though I'm on par with him.
70 inches 220lbs.

I could lose 30 lbs in a couple months (ideally more) . I understand I'd have to get in shape beforehand.
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Is it easier to score an ROTC scholarship, or try to commission after completing a 4 year degree?

If i went option B, would the government pay for the degree I just earned?
i have eczema on my legs, can i lie about it? ps i know nothing about all that meps shiz
can i get a discord invite? i was banned by the female moderator for an unknown reason
I served 3 years in the Army as a Tanker from 08-11 and did a tour in Iraq (no tanks, just gun trucks there).

I am thinking about reenlisting (I realize I'd have to go to basic again).

If I did reenlist I would want the cushiest job possible.
I am thinking
>15W Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operator

Any ideas on these or other jobs?
I mainly want the easiest job possible so I can stay in till I can retire (3 years down, so only need 17 years to retire).
>eczema on my legs

Fellow eczema fag here. I've been through meps and all that stuff.
Yes, you can lie about it. If you decide to enlist, do not go combat arms. I am giving you a very fair warning. Stay out of combat arms. What I am about to tell you is very important if you do decide to go combat arms: 3-4 days into basic training, go to sick call, and say whatever you have to say to get your hands on a tube of cream.

Personally I plan on going Air Force. The Air Force has announced they've began wavering eczema, so you may not even have to lie about it. You can still serve and the Air Force has a lot of cool jobs to choose from. You could load bombs onto planes, and if it's war time you could write messages and stencil shit on the bombs, you could do some cool cyber or intel work, you could work security forces and get a lot of firearms and law enforcement experience, plus drone pilot jobs are becoming available to enlisted personnel if you want to pilot drones. Air Force has the best living standards too.
>combat arms
i was planning on going 11b, thanks anon i really wanna do it all
i mean my eczema isn't that sever i've had it for about a few months now, and it isn't super bad could i still go combat arms?
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To the Anon who recommended me this book, I got it today!

>It better be gud
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As eczema fags, we each are sensitive to different chemicals and allergens.
As an Infantryman, you will be expected to preform like a well oiled killing machine. You are expected to be one of the best well oiled killing machines on the planet. With that comes being exposed to new environments, people from other states, mud and dirty while you sweat, you will sweat your balls off in the sand even if it's freezing outside. You will be exposed to chemicals and foreign stuff your body is not used to all at once in extreme conditions.

What might be a little spot right now could turn into a horrible outbreak. If you want to take the risk, go for it.

I'm warning you though, if you wash out because your body simply can not handle it, and you go home with your soul crushed, and your spirit beaten into a pulp, just remember you could have still served in a comfy POG job or in a comfier branch.
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What is the career and life of a Coast Guard Officer like compared to other branches? Particularly the Navy? Considering pursuing the OCS route
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Whats the Air National Guard like and how is the recruiting?
why don't you just marry me huh?
I really wanna be tactical (also been thinkin of 68W too (combat medic))
yeah i got an airforce base right near me too, so maybe I'll go AF
also i have been an outdoorsy guy for a while, i biked across a few states a few years ago, and am an avid camper, i also don't know if i would like that pog life im so conflicted im willing to be your husband
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How is going Armor Officer in the US Army like? 2nd year of ROTC with International Studies major but also Learning Russian. Trying to work with Abrams Tanks, know Armor hasn't seen much since the days of Desert Storm but love the idea of working with Machines of war, and would prefer being a part of an Ass kicking tank crew then anything SF, or Infantry could offer.
That's some pussy shit right there holy shit.
Poor car.
My brother was just reading this book, I'll check it out!
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hows hazing like in marine infantry?
Glad it was not a Twingo.
My OSUT class graduated summer 2016 and prior service marines infantry still had to do it. Funny enough, prior service 11x got pulled from training and were considered graduated at week 6.

Have you ever seen a grown man get thrown off of a barracks catwalk wrapped up in a mattress?
Does anyone here have amblyopia?

I want to go infantry but I have no idea if they will wavier it or not.
holy fuckin shit the smallpox vaccine could kill me if i fuckin lie to them at meps? rip my fuckin dreams man feels fuckin awful
That was me.

It's not a super exciting war memoir or anything its pretty much just raw information. But as far as learning about MARSOC it's one of the best sources. It details the entire A&S and ITC for CSOs as well as chapters on officers and the support guys. He even touches on the "what does MARSOC even do that other sof can't" question.


If your primary motivations for joining the military are the money or the opportunity for advancement, then you are a little pussy plain and simple.

Join the military to blow shit up and fuck bitches.
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What's the difference between Naval Special Warfare Hospital Corpsman, Force Reconnaissance Hospital Corpsman, and MARSOC Hospital Corpsman?

They are all combat medics under the Department of the Navy, do their skills differ so much that they need different names?
Did ya end up in MARSOC?
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68W will promote more/faster, gets more opportunities for schools, and is more likely to deploy.

None of these really have to do with 68W though, that's just the difference between the Army and Marines.
Sorry, can't hear you over the stupid amount of money I make now after using the military to start my career.
what pog ass job did you do?

I had a cushy job doing very specialized intel work, now making a cool $150k/yr at the tender age of 26.

"POG" loses some of its sting when you realize literally everything is better and the only people who use the term unironically are salty conventional grunts who couldn't make it into SOF.
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No, I'm just a poolee doing his research.

I'm going from skinnyfat english major to marine infantry. I won't be physically SOF ready by my ship date (May) so I don't mind the rank requirement for MARSOC compared to 18x or similar contracts. Also after i'm in for a few years as a regular grunt I'll be able to see if the military life is even right for me since MARSOC will require a reenlistment.

I'm a little older than the average recruit though so I like to think that I'm going into it more mature/prepared. I got tired of reading/playing RPGS and wanted to make my own life exciting and adventurous. Call me autistic but I'm viewing the whole experience like I would an RPG and doing my best to min/max.

A lot of the cawadooty kids that come online and ask about sniper/seals/delta/whatever SOF usually catch a lot of flak so you have to keep yourself grounded in reality and focus on bootcamp before anything else. That being said, people don't end up in SOF by accident. You have to want to it, so don't pretend you don't.

Just my two cents. Looking forward to the people mentioned in >>33047249 to call me retarded now.
The F in 35F stands for fun, right?

Intel is fun for the right kind of people, painfully boring for others. It just depends on who you are and where you're stationed.
Humint doesn't seem to pay well, did you do signals?
Anyone in UK cavalry know the rules about facial hair?
College junior thinking about doing OCS after graduation. Don't know exactly what I want to do yet.

I'm aware every kid asks this but say I want to do cool guy shit like sof. Is it better to straight up enlist if I wanna stay in it longer? because I read that officer requirements were not only tougher but you're doing stuff for fewer years before being sent to a desk job.

What do SOF guys typically do after they get too old to stay in? I want to earn enough to live comfortably but I doubt I can fall back on my degree by then.

As far as I know it goes like this for SOF:

>Most Enlisted guys burn out and quit early due to the tempo of operations, while a few stay on stubbornly until retirement when they are physically aged to old men at ~38
>Officers stay in the field until they hit staff grade, then they're in and out of the field until they get promoted up to a desk
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Need a bit of advice.

After my National Guard contract is up (I'm an 11B), I'm thinking about going active duty Army. These are the contracts I'm considering:

Option 40
(last two are mostly because I love animals and would totally jump at the opportunity to work with them)

What should I go for? Any alternative suggestions?
you should probably talk to your recruiter about the availability of the jobs you are after. I had originally wanted to be a 19K but there was literally nothing available at the time
Huh, officer sounds like the better deal then. Thanks.

Can anyone who's been through selection chime in on how exactly tough it is, specifically SF but I want to hear about BUD/S as well.

It's depicted everywhere as impossibly hard so I'm just curious on what one usually does before taking it to be able to get through. I have no delusions that I won't be able to survive the first couple days in my current shape.
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>tfw want a career in the military and eventually join our Special forces

I don't know lads its what I've wanted since I was a kid, but I don't know if I can MAKE MYSELF GREAT AGAIN. I'm almost 21 and I feel if I don't join now, I'll regret it forever

we're all gonna make it... I hope
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I remember I used to laugh at my HS classmates that went straight into Infantry, and now I'm 25 and seriously looking at the same option right now.

Can't help but feel late to the party...

Why did you laugh at them?
>What should I go for? Any alternative suggestions?
The fiscal year starts October 1st. That is the best time for contracts and jobs, as far as availability.
Stop samefagging niggers
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How polite should I be at basic training? Do I thank whoever gives me a haircut, chow, etc.? (obviously not the DI) Or will doing that get me smoked?
Because I thought I was so smart and above it all.

I thought they were making a dumb decision going out there to get maimed or die fighting pointless wars. I was thinking small, didn't realize that Infantry is a necessary trade.

And there are countless of valid reasons to join, some people want an adventure, camaraderie, unique experiences, getting payed to work out and shoot shit, money for college, pride, etc.

The reason why they fight was not important.
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I have a general question just to going enlisted. I'm a high school senior (18 so hold on) and I want to join the military, but I don't know what path. I am in a MCJROTC and I'm stuck between doing the NROTC scholarship as a Marine option or joining the Air Force as enlisted and possibly going into special forces. I scored a 71 on my ASVAB and I want to know if anyone has any advice?
You are literally me.
>How polite should I be at basic training?
They make it very easy for you.
You only say "Yes sir" or "No sir".
Merely existing will get you smoked.
Still lurking if anyone has any answers.

If anyone has had to submit there medical records before going to MEPs.
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>Interested in sniping
>Hear that the Air Force has a counter-sniper school
>Ask about it on /k/
>Armyfags chime in that it is really more of a "marksmanship school"
>le chairforce doesn't have snipers, they just defend the base
>Decide to conduct research on it
>The Air Force sends its snipers to the Army sniper school first, then sends them to counter-sniper school
>CPETs are deployed as part of special operations teams to defend covert FOBs from being poked at by enemy reconnaissance or light infantry elements, including other snipers

Why does /k/ keep on lying to me about coolguy shit? Do they know that they are lying when they say it, or are they just saying shit because they don't know but think it to be so?
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Hey all, navy Seabee here. been in almost a year, /MEG/ helped me when I was thinking about joining so if anyone has any questions about the navy or Seabees AMA
What is a seabee?

Anon, who lies to get someone into the army?
how is Navy basic training different from Army basic training?
blowies and mac n cheese
This. What is a seabee?
Like, what do you guys do?
I know your the navys builders, but why does the navy need builders?

I'm legitimately asking.
Marines have a pretty intense sniper program. Find out if you're a PIG or a HOG.
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we're the navy's construction force. My main job is construction but we learn how to shoot aswell. (think FOB defense and convoy security) Next week i'll be getting some live fire training on the Mk.19, m240B, and M2 which i'm looking forward too.
As for building its all sorts of stuff. Bridging operations,setting up Forward operating bases, and air field repair are a few wartime projects. Peace time deployments we do things like humanitarian projects (building schools in the 3rd world etc.) and base maintenance.
Cant tell you much anything about the Army (though Ive met some Army Engineers and it does sound more physically challenging than the Navy basic but both seem about equally challenging in different ways.) I personally breezed through Navy basic, just stay unoticed and your RDCs (navy drill sargents basically) wont even know your name. Knowing how to swim and being in OK physical shape will help of course, the largest amount of people I saw held back was for the swim and final physical test. Basically listen and keep your head down and you'll be good. Also learn to fold and make your bunk quick, and BUTTON YOUR DAMN BUTTONS.
Also you wont get tons of range time in basic, you'll spend just one day in live fire but its. Different rates and jobs get more firearm training after basic if they need it.
also should mention, our name "seabees" comes from the fact we are organized into Construction Battalions (CBs)
one day in live fire but its fun*

if you join the seabees the first combat training you'll do is Expeditionary Combat School but commands do plenty of training in Battalion too including a Field exercise every home port

Who indeed?


I'd like to think that I'm a HOG.
Nice. What are some cool construction MOS in the navy?
the Navy has 7 seabee rates
Builder-mine, general carpentry type stuff
Construction Mechanic
Utilitiesman- HVAC, plumbing etc
Equipment Operator
Engineering Aide- Surveying and drafting
Construction Electrician
(Though really its only Builder and Builder assistant)
Why is being a marine so bad. Genuinely interested.

Because your command doesn't care about you. Conditions are horrible, facilities are falling apart and underfunded, and even compared to the other branches there is no funding for morale and welfare programs. The emphasis at the strategic level is on providing infantry and to otherwise service the needs of the Navy. That means that the non-infantry gets dicked over because they aren't a priority, and the infantry gets dicked over because infantry always get dicked over.
Because being the best means doing better then everyone else with less then everyone else.

Too bad the Marines aren't the best at literally anything.

Debil donut pls
Greetings /meg/, I am thinking of enlisting in either the Navy or the Army. I have a history of pot usage as I experimented with it a few times after high school like a dumbass, haven't done it since however. I've been lurking for quite a bit and seen various replies regarding this question, some saying to lie about past drug use since being honest will be a DQ while other posts are saying to be honest. Even my father recommended I lie as he was in my same shoes a while ago, he is retired. My questions are: Should I tell my recruiter about my history or should I just believe in my lies and never tell anyone? Should I lie at MEPS about my drug history or should I be honest? If I lie I'm just concerned about it biting me back in the ass for a security clearance. I am understand that I'm probably not fit to serve seeing as I have done illegal activities, thank you for your time.
If you are going Navy you can be open with most recruiters about it and can a waiver if you tell them it was only X amount of times (don't remember the number) any other branch you'd want to hide it (honestly if there's no record of it just don't mention it anyways)
Just run a bunch and do push ups and sit ups daily, literally all you need to do
So why do so many people want to join the marines?
The recruiter is your friend. MEPS is the enemy. I've been through the MEPS and recruiting process so trust me.
Tell you recruiter everything you have ever done and he will tell you what to say to the MEPS people.
MEPS are a bunch of fucking faggots. their job is literally to find any bullshit thing to disqualify you for. They disqualified a guy because he told them that he had Strep throat.
MEPS doesn't have any of you medial data or records. you have to lie to them and stick to your lie at all costs or they WILL disqualify you. Okay, so don't be that one idiot who gets disqualified because of some stupid shit you did years ago. if they can't prove it, it never happened.
any of your medical data*

Because they don't know better and all that they have heard are the memes spread by recruiting and pr.
How would a Canadian girl go about meeting a single marine.
Are there certain dislikes and likes any one marine has.
Thanks for the advice, I have no criminal records so I think I'll just tell the recruiter and see what he says.
>Are there certain dislikes and likes any one marine has.
Having a penis is a major turn off. Even if its femine.
What's guard/reserve military intelligence like?
I don't want to stay active army after my initial contract but I'd still like to serve part time.
Also, would pursuing a commission into guard/reserve MI be a bad idea?
Yes, thank the civilians.
Don't thank your DI/DS for jack shit. If you feel the urge, just say your platoon motto or whatever you're instructed to say.
Good marketing and spiffy uniforms
>having a penis is a major turn off.
But anon I don't have a penis I never did.
Not smart enough for AF/Navy but to proud for the army.
If I go to want to be an officer but also want to be combat infantry, what is the best branch to look at? Army, I assume.
Is say marines just cause the army has even more POG desk jobs you could get roped into so your chances would be worse. Or maybe not I'm just a boot E-3 in neither of those branches
I want to be an army officer, but iv already graduated from college. Finance degree.

Do I have any options? I don't think they let accountants direct commission.
Pls respond!
We're all anonymous here. You don't need to lie.
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How do other military personnel and women feel about fighter pilots?
>want to join the military in approximately 9-12 months
>already taken a practice ASVAB and am maxing out the English sections with no practice, little rusty on Math
>Need to get fucking /FIT/
>Also want to have some practical experience shooting
Where do I start guys? Is hiring a physical trainer a meme if I'm working 40 hour weeks? Should I just start running and working out at home?
I want to go into the Air Force as an Enlisted Airman, but today I heard that the Navy is the better way to go (due to a larger variety of career training skills, job security, etc). I don't have a career path picked out for either branch, as I am waiting for my ASVAB to tell me what I can/can't do, but in the meantime, which branch is (generally) better (and why)?
Depends on what you want, if you want to rank up faster join the Navy, if you planning on staying the same rank for years join the AF
68W or HM?
Why is the Navy better than Air Force? I have been considering Air Force for years, but have not yet looked into Navy.
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I can't decide /meg/
Marines Infantry Enlisted:
>Kinda like and need hard tough experience
Army ROTC:
>Officer pay
>Degree (Criminal Justice)
>My state is having 2 years of college free
>Better chance in "professional" future
>Could go SF "easier"
Ive been running about 6 miles a week (not including warmup/cd) for almost 3 months and my pace is pathetic (10 min/mile).

How do I increase this, aka get faster naturally?
Officer, you absolute mong
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I can tell you, from experience, that Marines pride themselves on their culture because it is L I T E R A L L Y all they have. Look around at people who are/were Marines and look at the kind of lives they lead. They're working dead-end jobs living off former glory because the Corps didn't do shit to cultivate their skills.

>Worst deployment life
>Worst bases
>Worst opportunities for career growth
>Worst MOSes

If you want to do anything related to combat, the Army should be your prerogative.
>How do I increase this, aka get faster naturally?
try sprinting more often, and increase your stride
Are you kidding? Officer no question. You might not be sharing a dingy room with 4 other guys but making a decent wage and earning an education is way more valuable.
Both the AF and the Navy are the two best branches for obtaining skills that translate well to civilian life.

Air Force is the least 'military' of all branches, and as such, has a much better living quality than you would find in the Army or Navy. This includes better chow halls, better living quarters (they're pretty much dorm rooms if you're enlisted) and a more relaxed attitude.

You're going to be traveling a lot more in the Navy, often times living in cramped quarters aboard ships, but they have an extremely rich history that's soaked in tradition. And also if you've got the testicles for it, SEALs are far and away the most hardcore unit in the US military, and you can only get into them by being a member of the Marines or the Navy.
Is there anything you can do in the military if you occasionally sleepwalk? I know I couldn't be in a combat zone at the very least.
As a general question, what happens to people who choose to enlist and then demolish the ASVAB? Does it only give you a wider range of possible MOSes or are there special considerations for people who come in at the highest percentiles?
I'm assuming the former, but have been told by several people (none of whom are military but have had/have family in the military) that people who enter with top ASVAB/AFQT scores are fast tracked for certain MOSes or even careers.
Is there any element of truth to that?
Saw sleepwalkers all the time while I was in OSUT. Be a cook or some shit if you don't wanna be a combat arms soldier
I got 97 on my ASVAB. I believe Tier 1 score is either 90 or 91+. Once you hit that, just about every single enlisted job is open to you in every branch.

All that said, I wanted to be an MP. So I became an MP. Highest score I ever saw was a guy in OSUT with me who got a 99. He had a psych PhD, but he decided to enlist. I also knew a female that got a 98 and became a truck driver.

Do as well as you can and just pick what you want. The military operates on an 8th grade level. Even the SAT was harder than the ASVAB
Wouldn't mind being in a combat zone per say. Just thought you couldn't do anything in the military. If I say I never sleepwalk and they find out I do how fucked am I?
>The military operates on an 8th grade level. Even the SAT was harder than the ASVAB
Yeah, I kinda realized that the first time I popped open a practice ASVAB and scored an 85 two years out of highschool with no studying.

Also, what's it like being an MP? I've thought about going that route but getting info about it is hard because most of the people I ask about it (on here and elsewhere) just shitpost about "muh pogs" and "fuckin pigs"
>are there special considerations for people who come in at the highest percentiles?
I got a 93 and it didn't change anything up except for widening the MOSes I was qualified for. I've heard hearsay that recruiters might ask people with higher scores to consider certain jobs but you should be able to go for whatever you want if it's available. You shouldn't receive special treatment.
If there's no medical record of it, they're not going to find it on their own. If they then figure out you do have it, just play dumb and they'll either:
- medical discharge if it's somehow super disruptive
- tell you to suck it the fuck up
- give you some kind of medical or job accommodations depending on the circumstances
Okay, that answers my question pretty succinctly
Given that the U.S. Military doesn't design it's own weapons/equipment systems, is there any MOS that would involve work in a similar field, or contribute to a post-enlistment career in a similar field?
All of the military engineering jobs I've seen are either vehicle work or ditch digging/combat engineering
Any poo lees should seriously consider this. You don't want to be two years in when you realize you fell for the Memes of the Corps, and you could be in another branch with infinitely more opportunities.
That depends on the unit you're put in, whether it's a line unit (that does mainly normal police stuff on a base) or a combat unit that's more oriented toward deployment type shit.

Who gives a fuck what people think about your MOS? You do you.

>inb4 infantry leads the way
>inb4 you ain't cav, you ain't shit
I'm just saying it's hard to get decent information because people like to shit themselves when you mention MPs
I feel I'm getting old for enlistment, since most my friends are getting out now, but I might need to consider the option in case I can't cut it in seminary.
I'm colorblind, flat footed, and have a mouth full of cracked teeth from an accident when I was 16. Hows my chances?
Generally, there's less room for promotions because the attrition rate is lower in the MP corps compared to the rest of the Army.

I chose it because it just struck me as different, a non combat arms branch with combat arms capabilities. I'm not gonna say we do infantry stuff, as we're mounted and they're not. But the capabilities exist. And we get to play with a decent selection of boomsticks, so what's not to like?

Also, MPs deploy everywhere because we need cops/security forces anywhere the Army goes.
>Going to the Navy's BT in two days
>Have not worked out or studied in months
Just how fucked am I, exactly?

I mean, physically, yeah, I'm probably hosed, but how often if ever will I be quized on my General Orders or knowing the collar devices of COs?
I'm thinking of joining up, but I don't want to get stuck behind some desk. I would drop everything I'm doing right now if I knew I would have a good chance at flying helis, so what's the best branch/route to do that? I'm at the very start of researching stuff here but I could see myself doing this in the next year or two.

My background (if you care):
>right out of college working in business at a nice and boring job.
>Pretty healthy, will probably get laser eye surgery before I join to pass the eye tests.
You're expected to not know shit. If it's anything like the Army, you'll get a little knowledge book during reception and be forced to read it cover to cover. You'll get learnt quick.

Take the ASVAB and git gud, hope you can land a Warrant Officer slot.

Don't get Lasik, you'll probably have to get a medical waiver if you do. You don't wanna go through that process as, depending on Army needs, they can be difficult to obtain. If you can see like a normal person while wearing glasses, you'll be fine.
You just answered your own question. Try a program like couch to 5k and do a fuckton of situps and pushups at home. Might be smart to invest in one of those pullup bars you attach to doorways, too. As for shooting, see if your local fun range has shooting classes or anything like that.
Get ready to have your anus shrek'd by Georgia heat fucker

You best drink 2-3 camelbaks a day
30th AG also sucks cock, but it'll be over soon enough
>I would drop everything I'm doing right now if I knew I would have a good chance at flying helis
VERY hard. Jobs like this are sought by many and have few openings. You might be able to if you put in a shit load of effort, though. You also need very good eyesight, so Lasic surgery is pretty much a must.

Dont listen to this idiot >>33056628. MEPS dont get your medical records, so you wont need a waiver or any bullshit like that unless you tell them about it for some retarded reason
Hey /k/

I started talking to AF and CG recruiters, I want to do some sort of Search and Rescue as I would like to work towards a career in firefighting. I currently am finishing up EMT school (just have ridealongs and then NREMT) and looking to probably do something more on reserves side. Any recommendations? I want to make sure I pick the right branch and everything. Thanks guys
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>tfw last night on 4chan before BT
Send help, please. I've never gone without for so long...
Oh fuck. Please tell me you're gonna be a Hollywood Marine. I'd kill to have someone I can vaguely relate to in Boot.
Be strong dude. We'll all still be here when you get back.
Well you sound like you got it all figured out man. I'm sure you will accomplish your goals as long as you don't. give. up. One step at a time!
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Same. Going to the hotel tonight and lackland tomorrow. It's kind of bittersweet leaving but I'm really looking forward to it.

Honestly these /MEG/ actually help me alot in picking my AFSC. Going EOD thanks to you faggots.
>Airforce EOD
That actually sounds bad ass. Tell me about it anon? Why'd you choose it?
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I wanted purpose and I wanted to do something challenging that few people would want to do.

Originally wanted to do marines but got persuaded to do AF instead by my marine recruiter (lol). Basically always wanted to join the military but bought into the college meme and then with all the shit going on in Europe kinda realized i was wasting what little potential i had left.

But hey atleast i get to go in as an E-3 from all that college.
Anything in particular about the job?

Also that's funny what the marine recruiter did to you, greentext?
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Should I bother lifting weights to prepare for basic or should I just be running/doing push ups/pull ups/ect.?
I did some research and it seemed like a really challenging job but fulfilling job. If i stay in for 8-12 years i can try for jobs in the FBI or SWAT for their bomb defusal squads (or so i've heard)

Plus blowing up shit for a living sounds pretty baller, right?

negative, im east coast
Do both.
Try get get under 14 minutes for the 2 mile.
Do at least 100 push-ups and sit-ups a day before you ship.
You'll do worse at first when you get to BCT because you'll be sick the first few weeks and tired too.
If you're joining the Army during basic they'll do a lot of 60/120's so work in springs as well.
For push-ups try to tuck your elbows in close as possible.when you get smoked or do PT they will want close arm push-ups from you but when you do the PT test you can do wide arm which will be really easy if you worked in the closed ones.
27 year old here, been thinking of joining the military for a decade now and have some questions.

With the ramp up of recruiting, will their "standards" get less restrictive?
I have a neck tattoo (small, on the back of my neck) do you think I would need to get it removed?
I also didn't graduate highschool, I did an accelerated college program that required me to drop from high school and get my GED.

What are my chances of getting in?
I'd most likely need a tattoo waiver, a waiver for not getting my diploma, and most likely a waiver for an arrest I had when I was 17.

I know I've made mistakes and was a complete fuckup in my teens but I only ever got in trouble with the cops once, and have had the same job doing HVAC service tech work for the last 8 years.
Thanks for the info. Is Army the best route for helicopter flying, generally?

What happens if I fail becoming an aviator? Do I have to still do desk work or do I just get booted out?
GED is fine, What were you arrested for? And jesus you are old to be joining now. Sorry to break it to you but not sure about age limits
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To add to my question, how difficult is it really to become a Ranger/Army SF? Also if I go the officer route can I choose what I am in 'command' of? Like infantry, artillery, armor, etc
Army cutoff is like 40 year olds.
The arrest was a felony but its been removed from my record and all my rights were reinstated.
You didn't get it sealed, did you? If you got the record sealed, you're shit out of luck. I got hit with terroristic threat when I was 15 (not convicted, it's the arrest they care about) which is a category 6 disqualification, but I've got a better shot at getting a Colonel's signature on a waiver than you do at convincing them to let you in.
Why would sealing the record matter? It's only a disqualification if you lie to them about it. That's the whole point of needing the waiver. The government can see your record when trying to apply even if it's sealed.
>Never wanted to go Marines
>Know that it's shit
>Dad was Air Force
>Heard straight from current and former Marines that life on base is absolute and utter shit
>Here I am looking at the possibility of trying to go in on a UZ contract

Fuck me raw with my own lunacy.
Ah well, rip.
Best of luck anyways dude.

>The reason why they fight was not important.

Well at least you caught on eventually. Its really about the experience of sharing the extreme highs and lows as a unit, and prioritizing the wellbeing of the group as a whole over your personal wellbeing.

Let me ask you this, did you play any organized team sports as a kid/teen? Especially violent sports like football or hockey? The one thing my infantry platoon had in common was that nearly all of us played organized team sports for most of our lives before joining.

Relics. The pilots that get the most respect from the grunts are a-10 and helo pilots.
Why would you have to go back through Army basic if you have already completed it? Do you mean go through another AIT?
They work in different types of units

So the type of tactical training they would receive would differ greatly from each other.

Of course Corpsman will have their basic medic skills down, but depending on the type of force and style of force your unit is projecting you need to adapt with your ability to handle your buddies medical needs.

All that being said I'm sure they face different quals but the foundation is all around the same and just a few different things here and there.
68W E5 here been in 5 years. Went to integrated AIT with Navy Corpsmen ask away bro.
It's gay and you're gay if you want to be a dirty nasty girl. GAY!
Fucked a female from our post vetcom unit real fucking hippie but she liked dick and other girls too
70% of that unit was female Officer and Enlisted
Sounds fun but imagine working with a load of bitches i'd rather die.
Anyways just figured I'd share that bit of info with you, God speed Brother. Deus Vult
lol fucking recruiters! Take cover boys there's recruiters in here!!!!
If you really want the see and do cool shit become and officer also if you really want to make a difference become an officer.
Follow a half marathon training program.

I am not an American, though I did work with the US Army in the 1960s in developing certain elements of their SF program (nothing exciting, I stress, they had an exchange officer with us for Borneo and he sought our expertise - we were more than happy to). The first thing you need to be aware of is that, barring a few extremely rare cases, SF training (or at least all that I have come across) and selection is a continuation of Infantry training. The basic skills and drills are identical, you're just expected to build upon that.

It is difficult. I'll be the first to admit that I got in through a back door of sorts, but the training demands and procedures are challenging. You are not going to be asked to do anything you haven't been shown, it's just that instead of performing as a group you'll be assessed as an individual.

The only thing you can do to increase your standard of fitness is to achieve a decent standard of fitness, practice your navigation and seek support from those in the system. The Americans were, and still are, much more keen than the British (or other Commonwealth, South Africa springs to mind) to actually get guys through training. There's a much higher level of support for applicants, at least in the sense of them providing training programs and workable goals.

The best route for you would be, in my view, an Infantry outfit after whatever officer training you have, then speak to a SNCO or officer who has recently been with an SF unit for some advice. They will be happy to help.
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Which branch adopted SJW-bullshit the hardest during the Obama administration?
Yeah after OCS you can pick Infantry Artillery and all that shit but if you have a Special degree theyll kinda force you that direction i.e Nursing or being a Doc you can do all that ranger sf high speed bs but at the end of the day your job is to be a nurse or a doc. But all that being said Officers can drop packets like nothing and go to any school at anytime really as enlisted have to suck dick from the bottom up just to even fill a packet out then have it kicked back cause your unit doesnt want to pay for your training and travel lol.
Ash Carter forced it down all of our throats and all the Generals swallowed the grave so yeah everyone was fucking SJW dick cause it was our "duty" not so much to question but to obey our commie libtard leaders...
>you can do to increase your standard of fitness is to achieve a decent standard of fitness

*You can do to increase your chance of success

I'll expand on this, whilst I'm correcting. By this I mean cardiovascular training. You will need to be a confident swimmer by the time you finish training, so it's easier to get that done now than it is when you have a load of other things to worry about. You should be running 50 miles a week. Do not, ever, train with weight on your back. Join an orienteering club, and if you really want to push your fitness start fell running (Google it). If you live near mountains with snow, start ski touring.

This will help you in a number of ways. You'll become confident in different environments. Not expert, but at least somewhat capable. Your fitness will go through the roof if done properly. Nav skills are something that are near enough standardised the world over. Same with ski touring and mountaineering stuff, it's demanding and you'll learn a lot about yourself. The running should be seen as your base, with you running 12 miles comfortably by the time you start training. Everything else is a luxury but will help.

Avoid the gym unless you're swimming.
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Besides the Navy, do any other branches allow hand tattoos for new recruits?
define sjw, and if that's your only concern you shouldn't join the military
Man, you guys said national guard was a meme and I think you guys might be right. National Guard makes you go to drills every month if you still haven't gone to basic, I signed late October and ship July 11th. So I have to do a good amount of these drills, it's supposed to imitate basic training but I don't think it is. Because it's filled to the brim with out of shape fucks, POC (whites make up around %30 at my drills) and there's about 15 girls (almost all poc but 2). Half the people struggle with the one mile run, pushups and sit ups never meet standards or are just barely passing. Last drill the highest score for the women was 12 sit-ups, I didn't see the pushups. There are only a few other committed people who are in shape and motivated.
Navy has best tattoo policies, but ive been in the army 5 years and have both of my hands and arms covered didnt have any hand or army tattoos when i enlisted.
Very True if SJW control the government you will have to take that dicking.
Nasty Girls...

This is pretty much the exact opposite of real life, have you even been in?

>Yeah after OCS you can pick Infantry Artillery and all that shit but if you have a Special degree theyll kinda force you that direction i.e Nursing or being a Doc

Nope. You make a wishlist, but you do not directly pick your branch at OCS. It's based on OML and availability first, then your preferences. Additionally, there's no "special degree" situation where they push you towards a branch. Actual medical doctors don't go through OCS or do branching, they're directly commissioned. Your type degree doesn't matter at OCS.

>Officers can drop packets like nothing and go to any school at anytime really

Officers actually have far more restrictions on when they can do things during their career, due to KD requirements. If you try to hop off the rails and do your own thing, you're going to find your career cut viciously short around O-3 because you didn't hit the appropriate milestones. Officers have pretty much one good opportunity to pile on schools early in their career when they're in training, but after that it's much easier to get schools as enlisted.
Which MOS/NEC/job designator is most likely to be filled with people who don't know how to do their fucking jobs?

CBRN and ADA. IE, fields that haven't done their jobs in 50+ years.

Stuck in recruitment because of acne, they wont take me untill my skins 100% clear, i started this on my 17th birthday, I'm not closer to 19. I've passed everything else with flying colours i found the interview and test pretty easy. 2.4km runs not as bad as it could be.
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>stuck because of acne

You must have the most useless recruiter ever
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I actually failed three medicals because of it.

Starting a course of the strongest medication they can give me next week, a month or two of that and then i can finally move on to my fitness.
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Am I crazy for wanting to become a flight warrant officer instead of going to OCS? Is flying helicopters a pipe dream because of how coveted a job it is?

>Am I crazy for wanting to become a flight warrant officer instead of going to OCS?

Not at all. Hell, there are officers that go warrant so they can continue to fly.

> Is flying helicopters a pipe dream because of how coveted a job it is?

It's very competitive...but still not as competitive as fixed wing aviation. It's a realistic dream.
If you're a flying warrant you don't have to deal with the bullshit an officer does, you mostly fly without the additional duties. An Officer has a ton of extra shit to deal with.

But officers get paid more and have a path for career advancement.
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What is the fastest optiong I can take to go put lead into baddies
Does a bachelors degree improve my chances of being selected for WOCS significantly?

Yes, civilian education is a big block to check regardless of the path you take in the military. Even senior enlisted are expected to have one nowadays.
If you've been out for so many years, you have to go back through basic. I think 3 is the cut off if Im not mistaken.
ok guys how bad is it to be a grunt in the us army?

>tfw the more research I do on Force Recon and MARSOC the more interesting it seems to me
>"it's only five years anooooooon....."

Goddamn it.
How do I get gud at running when I work 11+ hours a day?

I'm so exhausted from labor all day that I have 0 motivation. And the times when I did have motivation I couldn't do more than 3/4 of a mile before completely gassing out.

I leave for AF basic in less than a month.

What is your weight like? Basic running is 99 % not being fat.


Wow, mentally beating off about being a coolguy in your head is awesome, who would've thought?

Most people think being a badass would be awesome until they actually have to commit the tiniest bit of effort beyond typing "SEALS vs. DELTA" into Google.
What problems with medical are you having anon?
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Can EOD go airborne? I sort of want to follow in my brother's footsteps who went airborne and eventually became a ranger, however I just want to do bomb squad shit.

Could you post more about your military career, background, current job and offer some advice?

I want to join the airforce and do Intel or cyber. My first choice would be 1N0X1 - All Source Intelligence Analyst.

I ran cross country and track for years. I'm familiar with what it takes to be a top athlete. I'm also familiar with what it would take to do the mental aspects of it on top of that.
Not a vet, but in a similar position. Here's my advice.
1.Don't join a branch because of a sibling rivalry. Join because it fits you. Look up the different cultures and find one which has the jobs you want and the style which fits you. If it's Chair Force or Coast guard then so be it. You're no good if you're a fish out of water.
2. If you don't have something on federal record, see about not disclosing. Reason I'm not signed on right now is because I told them I was diagnosed as Autistic when I was 10 so now I'm stuck waiting on a therapist who doesn't pick up the phone and I'm only stuck with Army rather than Navy as a result.
3. If it's on federal record then do disclose, shit's a felony and you don't want to be caught.
What branch/MOS should I choose if I want to see combat?
Have to go to my recruiters office tomorrow for a pre 30 day ship interview. What does this consist of?
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Air Force
Security Forces

if you think your a bad enuf d00d

All-Source tend to be generalists when it comes to intel, so it's really hard to say what kind of skill set you will come out with. Depending on what kind of assignments you get, you could be in very high demand or you might only qualify for entry level stuff in the IC.

The highly technical deskridden stuff tends to translate the best, but if you're not a computer nerd it might not be overly appealing.

The biggest factor overall is of networking. All of the smarts and experience in the world don't mean anything if you can't get an interview. There are a lot of talented intel guys that aren't personable, which means they have a tough time building out a professional network. On the other end, there are a lot of guys what everyone likes...but they're not very good at their jobs. These guys will get positions in the IC, but they probably won't go very far. You have to ride that line of autism right down the middle.
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Is it true that Air Force units all have furry mascots?

And that they place genuine time and effort into coming up with and drawing their furry mascots?
I'm 6'10" and 230.

I've run a mile a couple times in my life.
Yes. The Air Force is completely homosex and useless. Aircraft, all of them, should be scrapped along with ships, tracks, and wheeled transport. Infantry need none of these to be awesome, and no one else is awesome so go infantry.
SecFor retention isn't shit by accident, and that pic isn't Security Forces.

Be one if your ambitions include gate guarding in shitholes. No glory, lots of boredom. Then retire and use your skills as a mall cop.
They also have lasagna Wednesdays and get a box of beanie babies everytime they promote
Thanks a lot, I'll look into doing that.

I'm fine with challenging as long as it's not outright impossible and it's good to hear that you get some support along the way.
Is the powerpoint meme real? Is making and viewing powerpoints really all officers do?
What job is that?
All that cool shit only happens during wartime. Welcome to peace time where you're going to be bored as fuck.
Because it looks cool, but little do they know about the bullshit that comes with it. That's why grunts are known to be extremely salty and are counting every day till their EAS. The only people that say they enjoy it are boots that just got past boot camp and officers because it's easier for them.
How much time between medical exam and interview and then basic?

I just got my "We're scheduling your medical" email
you could be going to basic anytime between 6 months and a year from now.
5'9 135 lb skinnyfat male here, how the fuck do I get better at running and the duck walk? When I run, I can go no more than 20-30 seconds before I get light-headed and my legs start to feel like cement bricks so I have no choice but to walk. And I got temporary DQ'ed at MEPS for failing the duck walk, it's hard on my knees to squat down that low and walk like that.

I have been practicing a little on both things, but nothing seems to be changing or getting easier
Jogging is just persistence
Jog/run until you can't
Then walk
Then try again

Continue until you do it continuously
It's easier than you think

Duck walk, do squats
At the gym, preferably, but body weight squats help too with enough reps
>how do i get better at running
by running more, also form would help i guess (did track 7th-12th grade so...yea.)
pretty sure there's that couch to 5k picture floating around somewhere

>duck walk
stretching and improving flexibility i guess would help.
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there it is

also make sure you have good arm swing, not this girly "hold my boobs in place" shit
>admits to making up his stories
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>amerifats need 9 weeks to jog 30 minutes
I knew you guys were fat but holy shit
And all enlisted over e6 dude.
Seabee anon here sorry for late reply. honestly quality of life wise AF blows all other branches out of the water, the AIrforce engineers that went to our A-school/tech school said the barracks on the navy base where complete shit and I agreed once I visited a nearby AF base it was like a resort. But at the same time im glad I chose the navy, there's some pride about being a sailor and seabee that I know I wouldn't have in the airforce
does the airforce do offensive cyber?
Or is that just the army.
I have six months to get in shape for a UZ contract to get into Force Recon. If I take it seriously and make the most of the time will I make it?
sounds like something the airforce would do but cyber stuff isnt in my line of work.
russia plz go
The army has a bunch of MOS and officer positions for it, iv only found 1 enlisted cyber job for airforce and it sounds blue team.
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