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Is the karambit useful or is it just a meme

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Is the karambit useful or is it just a meme
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it's like any other fighting knife, useful if you know what you're doing with it, not so much if you don't.
nice airshit mate. Tell me more about your csgo rank
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Made it to LEM twice before Valve killed the game with their shitty business practice :^
My knife of choice...because it's utilitarian as Fuck for day to day activities. Good work knife...points gets into hard to reach spot...great wire stripper.

A folding karambit is a great work knife and I am never without it.

For self defense? Get a fucking gun.
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>Not rage hacking and causing massive grief once you got to G E

Anon why
The karambit is like the katana of knives.

It's decent for its intended purpose, but got overhyped due to mall ninjas, which caused people to shit on them in reaction to them.
its useful as a sturdy sharp fixed blade you carry everywhere, but not really useful for 'knife fighting' whatever that is. why would you pick that over a kabar
Cant imagine it being useful for anything else but cutting your seatbelts in emergency.
you can throw your fists around the same as when you box, the curve of the blade follows through without having to manipulate your wrists too much or change the way you punch. is it better than a normal knife? probably not, but if used properly its definitely no meme
Knives as a defensive weapon are memes. Only druggies use knives as weapons in the real world, and they use them to rob unarmed people.
you're forgetting the majority of people on this planet aren't gun totting Americans, maybe a knife is all most of us can carry?
and before you make that typical reply, I'd take my lack of guns over your highly increased chances of getting shot by a nigger any day
>be british
>have to pay a 600 quid tax on a permit to own butter knives.

Seriously you should look into kilking yourself
So what, can't you carry a pepper spray?

Not a meme, just less effective than the FBS dagger or the stiletto style knives.
Brits can't, but they couldn't carry knives either so they wouldn't be in this thread
live in Australia, even though we live in a nanny state its nowhere near as bad as the britcucks.
no pepper spray allowed
and while you're laughing at me, the world is laughing at the fact you guys can't go to a movie without getting shot, send your kids to school without them getting shredded to pieces, or all the other stuff that make 'Murica so great
although I'd fucking love to own a gun
and while you're laughing at me, the world is laughing at the fact you guys can't go to a movie without getting raped by refugees, send your kids to school without them getting blown to pieces, or all the other stuff that make Yurop so great
What's the purpose of the tape on the grip, there? Does it help you align fingers properly on the handle?
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Get the fuck out.
straya sorry m8
while our laws might be cucked, we definitely don't take shit laying down the way europe does
It's a meme, there's very few situations in which you can actually use it to cut anything you'd need
>chiclet keyboard


Hawkbills are shit for fighting. You want penetration with a stab to end a fight quickly.

They'll offer better cutting ability on free standing rope, but that's about it.
Super useful gripped hammer for cutting cordage and the like, the "scoop" effect of the blade makes it like a more generalised bandage shear.

For fighting? Length is the primary factor in effectiveness, with hand protection a second. Bowie or trench knife for killing, other tools for other things.
> Knife is le ultimate self defense
> Guns? Psh, a cowards weapons
> Need to see the look in the enemies eyes while his soul slides out of his body into my cold steal instrument
Use a fucking cane with a copper end cap screwed into the end.
Or just get maimed in a knife fight
There's tons of better options
So you agree that niggers are the problem and not guns?
That's the glory of diversity...constant violence.
Karambit vs Push Dagger

Which is more practical and more reliable in a confrontation?
>Is the karambit useful or is it just a meme
You already know the andswer to that.

i bet you can stick a knife into somebodys gut in close range much faster than whip a gun out and shoot?
Probably push dagger, but check the local laws. Also if you need a knife for utility definitely get something else as well.
I actually carry a push dagger in my boots, never had it checked or anything, is this shit illegal more so than other knives that can be passed of as 'tools'? its blade is only 2.5 inch though
Depends where you live, they could be prohibited by name, knives with two edges could be banned, or there could be a length restriction. Unless the local police accept bribes there's no way you're passing it off as a tool. Depending on how safe your neighbourhood is you might want to carry it anyway, but if it is illegal it might be worth looking into more easily explainable knives like say paring knives. You can make a basic sheath out of cardboard and tape.
Mhmmmmm be veryyyy carreeeeeful now.

*slicing noises*
>unnecessary... use... of... elipses...
Your average karambit user, everyone. There's a more practical tool for any job a karambit can do and it doesn't serve very well as a jack of all trades like a khukri. Overall a pretty cringy design for cringy sorts of people.
Reminder that you have a higher chance of getting attacked by a nigger (one way or another) than we do, but worse means of self defense and less freedom to use self defense.

Also reminder that you chose to talk about this topic before anyone even said anything.
I kinda wish I had waited and bought the FNX instead of the FNP
Stats don't lie brochacho. Although it does have something to do with Americas warmongering nature and lust for western movies
I just knew what was coming. Sorry fren

Its a great utility knife and while you'd be fucked up either way you might be slightly more fucked up if attacked with one over a straight edged knife.

But since its been in at least one video game theres a ton of meme hate for it.
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>Hawkbills are shit for fighting

>Fairbairn's favorite knife design had a curved blade

>I actually carry a push dagger in my boots, never had it checked or anything, is this shit illegal more so than other knives that can be passed of as 'tools'?
Yeah, push daggers are illegal in a lot of places.
>trying to justificate your karambit with tasks any knives can do better

you just think it's cool as fuck don't deny it.
bet you use katana like a machete too and say it does the work
edging carpets?
are you a SEAmonkey trained in FMA or silat? if no then fuck off mallninja
I use mine for their original intended purpose: yard and garden work. Little fuckers are top notch at pruning, weeding, grafting, root trimming, etc.
you have a weird fetish.
It's meant for guys who are retardedly fast and agile. If you can manage to poke out an eye or sever an artery sure, but for that amount of effort you may as well just stab them in the throat with a kbar or something.
what is pocket sand and walking canes?
Gotta love this country. Even though the gun laws are fucked at least bolt actions are all g, and ide rather a bolt over anything else any day. Oh look, my fudd slipped.
carpets are for edging.
tiles are for climax.
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i drew it on someone and the presentation of the knife itself ran him away. could be the design or just drawing the knife itself. but he was scared and ran.
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As a knife it's really interesting because while you could stab, it's highly ineffective, and is primarily used for slashing and chopping. The grip and curve of the blade is so different it needs it's own method of use. It's use as a tool is arguable, if you need to cut string or rope or the like it's very useful, but even opening boxes is annoying with it. As a defensive tool, you need to decide if the way it's used is a style you like and is plausible, and not solely based off of style. sure a slash across the belly could stop a guy in a tshirt, but come winter when everyone has a thick ass coat on it may be better to go with something that can pierce through tough fabric. Memes are popular for a reason, buy a cheap one for $40US and see if you like it, I don't regret my purchase more than any other knife I own.

>Just don't get it to be an autistic faggot who twirls it around your finger, it's a weapon, don't play with it
>pic very related
Any good non meme tier karambits for sub $50?
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this. don't be me
define non meme tier
folding or fixed? length?
pre-counterstrike it's a good knife to maim someone and meme you're a lion
post-counterstrike it's a meme that you like virtual items
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