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The first thing you bought with your military salary

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So been wondering what kind of stuff the military /k/rauts bought with their first salary , always been a thing to ask other buds in the military what was the first thing they bought with their first military salary.

So to start

Officer Cadet


And I bought a "Futanari Idol air Pillow" plus spent some more euros on it and got the insert air extra which feels preety good to be honest ended up paying 65.12 since 20 was for the shipping. So what did you guys buy?
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Looks tasty as fuck lad, althought I am always more for a expresso yet I don't mind drinking some coffee with milk if that is what that thing is.
>the first thing people bought with military salary

A used F-150/Dodge Charger

38 $15-each shots of well whiskey at a strip club

The first part of an obnoxious chest piece or shoulder sleeve tattoo that will be abandoned and covered over with something else in three years when you get a fiancé

12 cases of NOS or equivalent energy drink

A sensual evening with a lady of the night and a lifetime of Valtrex for the herpes sores that follow
nigga, over-sweetened milk coffee with hand made donuts of voluntary grannies is the greatest combo and re-energizer known to a man.

Nah man for me it gotta be a good traditional hot pastry with hand grinded sugar and cinnamon plus a good bold expresso.

Please step misspelling espresso
tiny ass sip of overpriced hipster piss.
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My wife's child support.
A pack of smokes and a coke.
this is painfully accurate
don't forget first and last months' rent on a $1800/mo apartment for us married fags

I got a laptop though and it's actually held up pretty well


That is how we say it here or Bica


That is what we drink here man , no overfilled cups gorging out with coffee with too many ingridients to confuse the taste , just those grinded coffee beans served for just 75 cents is enough to make some people smile here.
Hahaha what a dumb burger
Enjoy your bland mud water
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I'd get a full, man-sized cup of pure, no bells nor whistles, delicious black coffee, which I can season the way I like, together with said big & tasty donuts, for mere 25 cents extra.
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>Swiss military
>Around 2000CHF per months
>5 months service
>New motorbike

Mhm does seem like something I would go to try but hell like I said , that was the way people serve it here , we can always ask for a "long" expresso and they just go up to fill the cup. But got to agree with you man , nothing like some well brewed coffee and a pastry to start the day. Fucking hell I wish it was Friday already just out of that pic.
Are you a Portuguese or a Brazilian?

Portuguese , the fucking pillow would have been cheaper if I was Brazilian thought.
What's the Portuguese military like?
Booze. This is the only correct answer.

Preety chill , hate sometimes the fact that we always end up doing Forest Training after it rains and I love how "creative" some of our exercises are.

t.guy that almost fell on the guts hole.
>Futanari Idol air Pillow
So this is what the kids use to jerk off these days?
A car. Not really /k/ huh?

Neither is your dumb ass question.

I mean I didn't buy the body one since it was too expensive and I still wanted the money for other things,I just bough pic related that actually has the holes on it.

Preety good to come home after a full week of doing fucking Forest Training and having a dinner with some friends just to arrive to enjoy plowing it.
>ASR brake

Fucking unusable
In my experience, an F-150s a little small. Most of them go for the biggest, stupidest truck they can find
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I don't remember the army giving this much monthly
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Bowl of ramen at the local cart diner during my first leave
>that delicious broth comforting me as I cucked my years away in good land
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On an unrelated /k/ note. I don't like eating a donut with coffee.

The coffee is great before tasting the donut, and when I eat the donut, which are inherently sugary, it just kills the taste of the coffee. At that point it's like I'm sipping on hot water.
Subway and bandaids, then a laptop.
quit trying weak yuropoor coffee
First thing everybody buys with their military salary is the first haircut in basic. Couldn't believe I was charged for that
Mate it's just a form of coffee brewing invented by the Italians.
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I bought
>fuckton of surplus 303
>RPG-7 tube
>two motorcycles
>more guns and ammo
>2 SBRs
>parts kits
>tons of other shit to try to make myself happy
Spoiler alert it didn't work

Granted this isn't all my first check, more like a year and a halfs worth
I went to kunsan Korea right out of k9 school so I didn't get the usual predatory car loan. I did get married though and that lasted 8 years which is a pretty good run considering I was a dumb fucking kid.

Anyway, I bought a fossil watch with a red face that looked baller as fuck in my blues, this is circa 2005 so it was cool. Second thing was a laptop I got with my star card.

After Korea I was stationed in England so I bought a 94 rover 600 sli with 60k miles, cash because it was made by Honda and I knew maintenance was a non issue. I didn't consider an actual car payment until I got back to the states but by that time I'd been in 6 years and was a little smarter with money.
Being a guardsmen and seeing this makes me wish this deployment would never end. I built a kick ass MK18 sbr with the money. Man if I made this kinda money all the time my gun safe would be packed
Its hard man. The happy never comes from the shit you try to fill the hole with.
a PS4
I pre-ordered Fallout New Vegas.
>tfw friends got me liqoured up and called a hooker so I can lose my virginity
>some black womanlet, can vaguely remember her being fat
>what I do remember is the smell

A-Am I still a virgin?
What are living conditions like for E-2s in the USMC? I heard it's kinda shitty and cramped so I hadn't anticipated making any big ticket purchases or buying a car if I'm going to be shipped all over the place.
Imagine you are Prometheus, strapped to a mountain, getting your liver eaten out by an eagle every god damned day for all of eternity, and the toilets are always broken, you are surrounded by a bunch of people who have IQ's that barely hover above room temperature, you are permanently engulfed in 24hr "Fuck Fuck" games and you can't do shit about it until your enlistment is over. But don't fret you are on base so you are probably in the most ghetto part of town surrounded by car dealerships willing to give you a deal on a 12 year old Camry @ only 25% APR and enough 25 club bars to ensure a life time of hepatitis and herpes.

>tl;dr you're in for some good times bitch
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q-tips and underwear
My phone bill.
>invest signing bonus
>read books bought used off amazon instead of drinking, smoking or cathousing
>be rich as fuck when i get out
seriously, what is wrong with you guys?
You're a squid, aren't ya.
A fuckton of chocolate. Couldn't shit properly next week.
They make you get a credit card to pay for all your shit in bootcamp including the haircut right?

How do I NOT get jewed in this department?
40 dollars worth of all the junk food i missed in BCT. I regretted that decision the next day when I was puking my guts out.
the only way to not get jewed in this situation is to buy the cheapest toiletries possible and try to make them last as long as they can. You should get reimbursed the money you did not spend.
also I should mention. this plan backfired for me because all my razors broke within a week and one time my drill sergeant threw my toothpaste at a wall and it exploded.
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>Futanari Idol air Pillow

>Google it
>First hit doesn't have an onahole spot for it
>Doesn't have the bulge physically replicated


Strange the first url I saw said it didn't have holes. But if it has holes then that's good - assuming you put in an onahole.
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Alcohol. A lot of it.
And weed and a whore
That's fucking degenerate. I'm happy I never had a faggot like you with me in the military.
Hello swissfag
Are you SS Waffen and PIAT anon?
Quick question: How much is left after taxes and was this during or after you finished your service?
>I've never actually had yuropeeon coffee

Yuro coffee is actually strong and delicious. Yes, we have made it to the Moon, but yuro's have their coffee game down, especially frogs.
Are you on a real deployment or somewhere lame like Qatar?
It's more like a debit card. They take the money out of your first check and put it on the card for you. It's not really that bad actually, it's not like you're going to be allowed to buy anything that isn't on the list of approved items anyway. Just make sure you buy Gold Bond.
I wish I could deploy. I'm a full time guardsman which is extremely cushy but I don't want cushy, I want adventure. I got a 98 ASVAB and tried to go security forces.


Taxes take out like $150-200 a paycheck for an E-3. I bought all that in my first year and a half.
To be fair, I bought the second bike with part of my sign on bonus.
I bought black wool socks and thermals. Great Lakes in January is a bitch.

Shit ton of alcohol, dip and prostitutes.

And back trust me we both die with a bullet why waste time insulting someone that could save you. But like someone once said such is the life in the military.

Portuguese army is preety chill I am indeed thinking about saving some more money for some more sets like this too , need to get the paint plus I am also thinking about buying another futa pillow cover.
>Portuguese soldier
>being a degenerate weab with weird deviant sexual tendencies

Salazar is rolling in his grave, João
national guard?

im not a military person but i was thinking of joining the national guard
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I don't expose this "sexual tendencie" in public if that is what you are trying to talk about, I serve my country defend my family and god I would surely be okay in is view.
got my first iphone. and a nintendo 3ds
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Fair enough

USD equivilance 81.00/week
Northern Fleet
I bought a hat
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Why do I have the slight gut feeling I know you too.....
I'm a burger, not Portuguese. I've just got an autistic respect for Portugal and her history.
My Saker ASR is on the way

What is wrong with ASR brake
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Always glad to know some of you burgers do know about our piece of land full of history , hell we will help you in the civil war like we did with the spanish alright?
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