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Thread replies: 227
Thread images: 75

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Your job is to suppress a riot. You have any equipment and as many men as money will buy. How will you do it?
Cordon off the affected area according to sop, then dump a few tons of skunk juice on them using firefighting planes
Kill them all. That's one riot suppressed.
This but do it with construction equipment to save money.
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Wolf brigade.gif
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My riot troops:
water cannon
I'll give you credit for creativity and imagination.
But how?
I've seen that picture before. What is it from?
sleeper cells with old soviet uniforms larping as the most radical communist gunning down the protestors with tokarevs for "not being radical enough". pseudo operations of the like.
>But how?
Hire three mercenaries for each rioter, give them full body armour, assault rifles and machineguns. Tell them to kill everyone.
What brand of assault rifle and machinegun?
A-10 Straffing run, Keep them in service
>what's it from
it's a movie called Jin Roh, breddy gud if you ask me
Technologically augmented Tyrannosaurs.
I have fifteen times as many men as there are rioters all with riot gear, CS grenades, batons, and .357 snubbies.
raise lauri torni from the dead as a zombie. Tell him the protestors are all communists.
That rarely works. Anybody can take a beating with a baton. If anything, it only encourages them.
ITT: edgelords fantasizing about murder that would just lead to more riots
>Anybody can take a beating with a baton
If it's poorly administered.

Thus creating more employment for us and a boost to the local economy. We are geniuses.
ge miniguns. ac130. white phosphorus. and a cavalry charge for stragglers.
Revolts and uprisings do wonders for the local economy yeah
You maniacal genius welcome to my caseload. Seriously though lay off the spy novel stuff
You have never seen a prison riot subdued have you?
>>32904311 he gets it
Yeah, all the repair workers, clean up crews, police, rescue workers. It's a real boost to the GDP.
Think of it as chemo you can only recover so much without it
Gas, fucking simple

Tear gas is good for crowd control

Phosphours is for when Stalin comes back.
If they want flames, I will oblige them.
Early for the dubs but damn corporal
1. obtain a ton of horse urine and manure
2. load urine into the tank of a fire engine, manure into b-52
3. poo poo pee pee
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Just burn the commies.
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Autocannon at foot level and make any survivors clean it up.

Then bill the families for the cost.
Vehicle fired carbon fiber nets. 4 padded motors at the 4 corners of the net provide weight to spread out the net and power to contract the fibers and hold everyone ensnared. The nets are coated and carrying a current powered by the vehicle.

Anyone that tries cutting through or biting the net gets some serious pain.

"DANGER DO NOT CUT INTO LINE" is written all over the net for liability.
I love me some good fried rice.
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1. Firetrucks
2. LRADs
3. Teargas
4. Horse cops

Not necessarily in that order. Anyone willing and able to put up with all that should probably be shot, anyway.
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Police scoops. And then straight to the soylent factory!

Also tanker trucks with high pressure electrified water cannons!
Horse cops in gasmasks while cropdusters drop skunk spray while loudspeakers play hall of the mountain king
Aerosolised MDMA. Let's see them try to stay angry on the "love drug."
1 + 2
2 + 3
3 + 4
2 + 3
4 + 1

Repeat until no-one's left.
Water cannons on humvees. That's literally all you need. Nobody is going to withstand a military grade water cannon. You just can't fucking do it.
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you just know he thought he was going to be a modern tank man like in china too
Keep it simple. Do it like in a movie about Napoleon I watched recently literally named Napoleon. Have two squads of 20 men but instead of muskets (like in the movie) arm them with Lee-Enfield rifles, one squad goes around the block behind the protestors while the first squad stays in the original position, first squad opens fire with all ten rounds then makes way for machine guns mounted on the back of jeeps, gun down the rest of the protestors then the ones that try to escape via side streets or going around the block are intercepted by the second squad and eliminated. ..... Or if you want to do it without any casualties I suppose spamming tear gas and water hoses might work.
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Why send squads of men to beat hippies, when you can repurpose a mine-flail tank and increase the efficiency by orders of magnitude?
I would...actually prefer getting shot to being subject to whatever that is.
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tank man a shit
I guess he got tracked.
It is a mine-flail. It is supposed to pummel the ground to set off mines.
That's not even a pun Carlos.
Taze, buckle cuff, harmbaton. Repeat
Technicals with hand cranked gatling guns firing 12 gauge beanbags at the crow.
>Anybody can take a beating with a baton.
Where the fuck do you come from that people are so tough?
>dress the cops up like medieval knights, wizards, bards, etc
>replace their batons with foam swords like LARPers use except maybe a bit harder that still look like the real thing
>cops still have gas masks on but concealed under their outfits
>vehicles in back with loudspeakers blasting the best of Ronnie James Dio
>start spraying the crowd with aerosolized THC
There's no way that this couldn't work.
I would just wait for rioters to funnel into an intersection and have rooftop archers rain down silent death. The ones that don't get hit by arrows will trample the ones who did.
Barrel aged 18 years in real oak casks, this vintage of VX promises to be the best ever.
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One F4 with a full load of napalm
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>Spotting teams
>Old slavshit gunships
>Embezzle the rest of the money 3rd world style
Weaponized ebola
I loved using those in Company of Heroes, turning Knights Cross holders into mist was fun as fuck.
Surrounded rioters using barriers and men.
Use flame throwers to trap them in and spread fear
Have a loud speaker that's like 150db+ order them to stop or get burned.

Then use catapults to launch dragon dildos into the crowd.
If its an antifa riot like pic, id fucking nuke then
>You have any equipment and as many men as money will buy. How will you do it?
All the men that ever marched in a gay pride parade, greased up in bondage gear and chaps with bulletproof entry shields and the largest dildos they can swing vs. BLM Ferguson chimp out.
Let them determine the winner.
>Hire a shitty high school motivational speaker.
>Set up large tent assemble chairs
>Cater event withbshitty dry sandwhich and have only bubble gum flavored soda.
>Charge admission. Freely return money to anyone who complains.
Watch at riot ends everyone is bored by motivational speaker. Shitty snacks. And bad company.
You're a monster.
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Liberal's heads would explode as they try to figure who to blame.

Firetrucks loaded with the The mobility denial system (MDS) is a slippery gel that makes it pretty much impossible for vehicles or people to move on concrete, asphalt, or wood without falling down.
Backed up by the microwave gun humvees.
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why give the cops gas masks?
>only bubble gum flavored soda
Oh Christ
Make the road they're on open like a giant trap door beneath them, dropping them all helplessly into The Death Pit.
Infinite resources?
Time travel back to motherfucking 1820 and kill Karl Marx in his sleep, stopping the birth of liberalism so this dumb ANTIFA shit doesn't happen

and for other riots caused by corrupt rulers, gas em with THC and if they don't want to be peaceful, strafe them with BRRRT
Hose the rioters down with rubber bullets or simunitions.
That's some nasty shit.

Holy shit that's a brilliant idea
It is settled
We eat the protestors
Release the cologne migrants

MG42s and full power armor for everyone
Assassinate George Soros and his kid. Round up and send all current and former employees of the OSF and CTR to a Hungarian prison.
You meet to get Engels and John Dewey, too.
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*need not meet
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finally... a weapon to surpass metal gear.
shafted twice in one day.
you in nam bitches
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You need Jesus.
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slipping, falling, trying to run away from one of the most excruciating pains imagineable
Youre hired
Thanks; yours are pretty check-able too.
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Spawn in 3..2..1...webm
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I'll hire a lot of ukranians.
Russia is so fucked.
You know how old dudes with dementia are always plowing their cars into street fairs and strip malls?

Imagine a Calvary platoon of 1997 Lincoln Towncars. Manned by angry vets from VA funded nursing homes
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>Hire a bunch of Kenyan riot police in a 1:1 ratio to protestors (brutal and also can't be construed as racist)

>Equip each officer with riot armor, a blackjack, and 10/22 with a single 25-rounder (to avoid giving them too much of an advantage)

>Spray everyone with liquid LSD from water cannons

>Watch as absolute chaos and hilarity ensues
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This is my favorite one so far. It would probably scare the rioters more than any of the other ones.
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itt /k/ will go full genocide on people recording in the street
but will get triggered at any slight resemblance of fascist post
>full power armor for everyone
Didn't know power armor came in XXXL
Two GAU-8s mounted on a tank. Guaranteed to make it through the entire crowd and keep going.

As many Ma Dueces as there are streets affected, usually two to a street for sustained fire.

Bonus points if they can catch the idiots in a cross fire at intersections.
No, you need the GAU-19 if you want .50

You fail to realize, the idea is that the slow rate of fire allows for mass panic to build as they see their friends near them get turned into greasy lumps but they are seemingly spared. The Gau-19 is a fine weapons system, but it wouldn't leave enough time for the temporary survivors to start to process what exactly is happening and maybe gain some hope that they'll survive, only for another burst to catch them.
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Hell no. Feed that shit to the people on welfare!

>tfw liberals finally get to help feed the poor!
Of the people, for the people!
You fail to realize that if any escape, the infection will continue. They must be eradicated.
Sewage pump trucks. Just open the valves and let it flow down the street.
Yes. No more buying ramen noodles while Jamal and tamika use the ebt card to get steak and lobster. Then Jamal whips out a stack of hundreds to pay for cigarettes and beer.

>Haven't seen Tyrone since the riots? >Enjoy that soylent brown!
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Why is it that even bad puns make horrific events amusing to me?
Officers can choose any XL size bad dragon dildo as a primary weapon
Shields and armor covered in MAGA logos
All officers required to be straight white males
March down the streets north korea style
https://youtu.be/QXePrBbgXxg plays at max volume at all times
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Why contain it?

Has there ever, in ANY case, been a situation where someone was hit with a mine-flail ?

I mean, it's still a combat tank, it's got the fucking turret. If combat started habbening and infantry are getting close, do you turn this shit on and start driving ?

What would a bunch of whirling chains and blade things do to a Panzershrek round or even an AT round ? Even making it go off early is better then it smacking right into the tank, no ?

I'm not saying let them, escape, just have enough hope that they might so that their inevitable death is just that much better.
>Dress all riot police up with Nazi SS uniforms
>replica mp40 shooting rubber bullets
>This blaring on loud speakers.
Tear Gas, Flash Bangs, and High Pressure Water Hoses will do the trick.
> puts an end to the autistic screeching
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The song is not long enough you need a play list if your song is less than a minute.

VX gas
Join the because I am a blue pilled gun owner
Never thought of that as a counter for those super-human, take sniper fire to the face and laugh, motherfuckers.
back to /pol/ OP.

back you go.

Dont you have a piss yellow Antifa meme to make?
Maximum kek
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>but how?
Wouldn't even need that many. Two guys set up with PKMs blasting off a couple of drums non stop.
Snatch teams to grab the leaders out of the crowd. Arrest them, charge them, release them on bail/probation. Place full NSA/FBI surveillance on them. Deconstruct their network. Arrest and interrogate associates as required. Drone strike on Sorros.
dark humor is like food, not everyone gets it.
Only real answer besides the mine flail, i'd rather suck start a .50 than to be pounded to death by one of those.
Tear gas and an absolutely relentless barrage of rubber bullets and flash bangs driving protestors towards full riot gear cops. Use those claymores full of rubber balls too.
Roaches get stepped on
That's why they brought the snubs
>Go to fucking sand country
>Obtain sandshits
>Idk like 12-14 of them
>More if needed
>Convince them we are friends and libertards are enemy's
>Suicide vests under jackets
> Have them spread out and detonate with 72 virgins waiting in heaven
> Make it seem like terrorist attack
> Become friends with sandshits
> Use them to suppress libertards and end the left agenda
> Use terrorist attacks to fuel a proxy war for oil and other resources
Goal is to not kill everyone but to injure many and terrify the rest with little property damage to good citizens

If every libertard riot/protest had terrorist attacks they would eventually fear it so much they would quiet up hopefully
the 35+ crowd would run first
yes, on assaulting they would run them the whole length of trenches vaporizing everything in the trench.
3 MG42s, a hundred belts for each, a dozen spare barrels apiece and a trained crew to work them.

There will be no more riots
Zyklon B
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Like how we did it in the 1960s

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Fire hoses and rubber bullets.
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Load it with incendiary. The only way to cure chronic stupidity is death.
Grab my bro black powder ranger and an R1 1911.
We got dis.
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Nobody has posted the soylent green option.
underrated post
I've never seen a 1000+ person orgy before, the japanese got close though
Gotta love the blue 4
Dump napalm all over them from firefighting choppers, threaten to light match until they disperse.


Fuck that.

White phosphorus or Napalm would suffice.
>Protesting in a truly peaceful manner one day
>Hear cops playing Ride of the Valkyries in any way shape or form
>Time to pack up my fucking shit and disperse

You know shit is about to get absolutely fucking real when LE or any other opposing force starts playing that.
I'd release millions of Africanized wasps
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>Buy a few crop dusters
>Hire a few pilots
>Fill a crop dusters tanks with Bear mace
>make a couple of low passes until crowds disperse
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Sorry for that late reply senpai
>How will you do it?
Like a roman fancyman.
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Develop high power shoulder mounted audio launcher with the strongest 18 inch bass drivers i can get hold of.

I would arm 50 or so with these set to 120 DB and have them blast individuals with the dankest COD youtuber intro tier dubstep i can find.
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>you will never amp it up IRL
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>Oh thank God, we finally got away, I don't think the cops can catch us now.
>Wait, did you hear that?
>Sounding like someone saying speed boost.
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One 40mm flak cannon or 80mm mortar mounted on a truck. The moment a suitably sized group gets violent introduce them to the business end. Black Block becomes Red Pile.

Really though, just hose them all down with that super slick livestock birth assisting fluid and watch the show. If that doesn't work add in some horrid scenting, probably something strong like skunk spray. Rioters end up with a long lasting smell they can't just wash off while falling all over themselves just to move 5 feet.
Abrams loaded with buckshot shells (scaled up to 120mm) for street clearing, infantry lads for mop-up duty, doorkicking, etc.
>spending all these resources on manpower and weapons that will just turn the rest of the world's (((media))) against you.

>not just kidnapping some /o/utist and his Miata.

um, just mow them down with a saw and loot their dead bodies afterwards and sell electronics and jewelry. shoot the survivors so these punks are taught lesson.
>go to japan
>capture millions of giant acid spitting wasps
>tame them
>order them to attack the crowd
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set off remote VBIED'S..... blame ISIS..... issue curfew..... PROFIT.
>deploy millions of hornets
>riot solved
>go to home depot
>buy enough supplies to build a few trebuchets
>go to a local beekeeper
>buy some bees
>place bees into clay pots
>shake the clay pot to piss the bees off
>use trebuchet to fling bees into the riot.
>have riot surrounded
>men in full riot gear are also bee proof (duct tape all the open areas closed in their gear)
>Have them beat the ever loving fuck out of people trying to flee the beepocolypse.
>Kill rioters
>No riot
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Step 1, tear gas the fuckers.
Step 2, send in a bunch of gas-mask wearing drunk, surly russians armed with nothing but nightsticks and their own anger management issues.
ctrl+f soylent.
they have, ya dummy
I don't know what I expected
has musty smell with a hint of almonds
>hornets not solved
It's winter so firehoses will work great.

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I have dreams of armored vehicles rolling out onto a violent protest
once the rioters start acting hostile towards the armor, they all spray machinegun fire back and forth horizontally into the crowd
>bonus points for tracers
have fire teams at the end of each surrounding street armed with LMGs and assault rifles ready to pick off the rioters and looters trying to run
once it has gone quiet, begin street sweeping operations, destroy anyone left.
>no survivors.
That might actually work
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include me in the screencap
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M1 Abrams loaded up with XM1028 120mm canister tank cartridges.

imagine the noise coming at you
dear jesus the spread on that. That is fucking terrifying.
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no fucking way.gif
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lord have mercy on you anon

Yea. Canister shot used as suppression is devastating.

It kills absolutely everything in the spread.
> riot
> not just rolling up in several armored trucks and firing into the crowds
What are you, fuckin commies?
Yea hold up a sec we need a plan for the hornets
kill em with wasps?
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Riots? In my city? I don't think so.
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police cataphracts
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no riots here.jpg
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Barrage fire from ranks of English Longbows.
>How will you do it?
Deploy snipers on roofs. Shoot at rioters covertly. Drop leaflets explaining this.
It's currently 2 degrees outside, so I think all I'd need is a fire hose and a hydrant.
Bring in a Roman battalion in Tortuga formation to protect from missiles
Form up the line, and start marching
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Kill them with fire
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I agree
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you absolute cunt, i love you
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Found her brother
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God damn dude
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when the bayonets are placed and you hear the sound.
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>"ahmed, he is trying to make this a China"
>"Fuck 'em!"
You and I are both going to kek in hell.
Pickup trumps with M2s on the back. Pay me $100 for five minutes on the back of one. They'll pay for themselves.
>not protests
If I were in charge, anyone questioning my authority would become oil for tank treads.
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Picked the wrong city to riot.jpg
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This but on a city wide scale.

Let's get medieval on these bastards.

30 firefighter grade waterhoses.
Take 2 dindus and rip off their arms and jaws and walk arount the riots with them attached to chains.
Mineflayer tanks. In a big line, with the chains replaced with long rubber batons.
>long rubber batons
The dragon dildo guys are gonna love you.
Thread posts: 227
Thread images: 75

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