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/k/ related video games

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Thread replies: 237
Thread images: 73

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Men of War
Arma 3
Naval Action
Insert any other /k/ autism game here

If you like Men of War check out Gates of Hell on steam, it looks like its going to have calculations which takes into consideration shell type like APHE, APCBC etc. and many other factors MoW never did in tank combat,

A genuinely great game, that I love, but hardly play.

The whole beta stage thing is tolerable

But that game rides it's community and the fact is right now the community is perma-new

I have had some of the greatest online experiences, when all the squads are co-ordinated and guys on your squad have mics

But most of the time you are lucky to have a squad leader who has a mic, let alone all 4-5, and most of your squad mates run off to do their own thing

Battlefield cancer and it's spreading.
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Metro 2033
Killzone series minus Shadowfall
Red Orchestra Ostfront
Rising Storm
STALKER series

Personally for me I like L4D2 because I can mod it to be anything, but the guns are pretty bad vanilla.
For me the problem is that UT engine games always seem to have bad and inconsistent frames, I am going to need a better computer to play that game well, or they will need to optimise it a lot more.
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>tfw got New Vegas 4 years ago and thanks to mods, its all I've been playin for 4 years

Project Reality is definitely /k/ approved game.
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When are you going to do your part for britain?

PVP is a lot easier to get to now if you put in a little effort, you can always come raid frenchies outside the capitol now by teleporting and having your ships towed to our base in the west indies.
Wargame's a joke of a "Wargame"

Neat RTT though.
True, there just isn't really any competition to the series sadly.
Thanks to GOG - SWAT 4. Definitely /k/. Old-school operating and breaching and clearing, just basic m4s and shotguns, no crazy self-masturbatory gun customization with crazy amounts of scopes and forepenis, and whatever. But awesome level of tactical gameplay.
It gets a little too micro-heavy to be a true wargame, IMHO. Agreed, awesome RTT though. Fun game. But sometimes winning battles seems dependent on which player is doing more micromanagement. Like fuck that, I'm commanding a fucking army with hundreds of soldiers and dozens of tanks, I don't wanna be fucking microing which exact direction a single tank is facing his hull, or which exact building a squad is in, and swapping them with another squad to spread damage. Like figure it the fuck out
Nevermind the
>fucking life bars
or "criticals aren't permanent like they would be" or "infantry have RPGs that can shoot out to a kilometre and pen the front of any armor" or "a decent attack force costs as much as 2 planes that can be called in to instantly wipe out said attack force"

I don't know how the balance is now but I remember every single game degenerating into attrition slogs instead of mobile mechanized warfare because at the end of the day, a bunch of infantry parked in the woods/town (which stretches across the whole map and thus can't be flanked around) beats tanks in any fight ever.
Last time I was playing, it was more like dealing with spam of some variety. Either it was a NATO player spamming planes and having total air superiority that not even SAM units can counter, or PACT players spamming infantry into forests and cities and spamming 1-2 OP inf units that rape everything.

And otomatics. Otomatics everywhere.
is denmark-norway still riddled with pesky russkies?
>And otomatics. Otomatics everywhere.
thats me otomatics, cv90s and panserskytter
>Czech Support > Your deck
>But awesome level of tactical gameplay.
its fun as fuck, but I remember we completet all the missions with those pepper paintballguns, just spamming em around everywhere
Yes, all the non english speakers have allied against us, except the Germans who play dutch and help us against the french.
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Does /k/ ever mod anything?
H3VR. Literal /k/ simulator.
VR is shit.
Crusader Kings 2

Not really /k/ related. but definitely autistic enough for an honourable mention.
Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations torrent

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surprised no one has said steel beasts.
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can someone recommend me a mod for more realistic (higher) weapon damage?

also, what's the closest thing there is to arsenal overhaul for SoC?

Although it's really finicky.

CoC for CoP is gr8.

just go to the general on /vg/
>still no rising storm 2 key

I have a slight concern due to the larger maps you might end up with less or none of the real meatgrinder situations you got on RS1 and RO2. I'd rather it not become like Squad or arma where you spend 90% of the time moving and 10% fighting/dying. I like squad and arma but RO/RS did a good job in that intermediate range
best tank sim ever made
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realistic bridges in a game when?
It's fun, but the new BMP-2 and T-72B aren't very fun to play since most of the NATO damage models are outdated (in the case of the T-72) making M1A1 as well armored as M1A2, or that contemporary NATO IFVs are post-cold war (1A3, M2A2 ODS, Warrior ODS) so your 1980 BMP-2 isn't really a match.
Oh and soft kills aren't a thing either unless you penetrate.

So you have to deal with both invincible enemy vehicles and the AI being dumb as a brick, leading to some real frustration really quick.
Only the Leopard 2 and M1A1 were modelled realistically for that game, as the simulator was meant to train crews from countries that used these. Other vehicles are kinda just guess work stats from what i know.
>Leopard 2
The player module is realistic, yes, but the damage model is outdated. The LoS (~740?) is treated like RHA, and while it stops HEAT like it should, the result is that even KE ammunition (Like 3BM-32 or M829) that was well capable of penetration at 2000m can't even do it at point blank.

It can be outright destroyed by firing HE at the glacis, and I'm pretty sure it has spall liners to prevent that sort of thing from happening.

The optics and M2 (ammo box) are supposedly vulnerable to small arms, but themselves cannot be damaged unless the other end of the periscope (Inside the module, where everything inside factors into the LoS) is, meaning it has to be penetrated. So you can't really mission kill it either without a lucky shot to the side.

Most annoyingly, when you -do- hit the ammunition, you never see the blowout panels pop off under a nice flame, instead it just freezes and you're left unsure if the tank is even dead.
Speaking of Battlefield 2 mods. Forgotten Hope 2 still has an active server that has been moded with extra maps which I still play every other evening.
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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Jagged Alliance 2 yet.

Also, Silent Storm is a fantastic turn-based tactics game that has yet to be out done in many aspects up until the retarded mecha starts to show up.
Well the M1A1 was rated for 400mm RHA and the M1A1 1st Gen DU was rated for 600mm RHA.
Against KE
play Fallout 2 then, and 1.
Full time Corpsman.
Part time LMG.
Off hand transport pilot.

What are yours?
What does /k/ think of Verdun?
Yes, that's the M1A1HA. I'm talking about the old M1A1 obr. 1985.
>Autistic realism WW2 game
>RTS with units/ deployment
>would give you autistically accurate details about weapons like model 1938 XY Xmm anti tank rifle/canon but not tell you that is was ineffective against every enemy armor on the map
>units had ammo count that depleted
anyone know wtf I'm talking about? found a lets play of some guy fighting Russians with german units and calling in mortars but can't find it since.
>Japanese Armored > Czech Support
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Before Call of Duty, when semi realistic squad based shooters were a trend.
That should be 400mm equivalent then.
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good thing you dont call any sorts of shots jesus christ cancer
Yes, and it's 740mm in Steel Beasts.
That's pretty silly, i never played it desu.
Which of these games is most likely to grills playing?
I really like it but every time I try to play there aren't any games in session. Am I doing something wrong?
League of Legends or CSGO

I've seen a couple girls quietly play other games. (RO2, Squad once, Arma 3)
Naval Action, Chick love frigates.
Men of war? Or if it was true autism maybe one of the Graviteam tactics?
sauce on manga?
I don't know, you perv
join the server in us not in yurop , yurop is fucking empty
Yeah......Some stuff like that can be used to kinda break it.
i-i am not a p-perv just c-curioust
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>Men of War guise!!!??
t. normie
>Graviteam tactics
I think that's it.
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And I don't know what anime is.
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Play the older fallouts, pretty fun especially with restoration patches.
The master still creeps me out
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Any love for naval sims?
>that fucking level

Shit I hope I can find a working copy of Rogue Spear soon. Played the shit out of that game back in the day. Largely responsible for me getting into guns. It was the only reason I knew the difference between JHP and FMJ at 9 years old.
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No hes not, who wouldn't wanna smooch this handsome face
Is there still a /k/ Naval Action clan?
Spent all night playing over 64k in highschool. Disc is for sale on Amazon, and there's torrents out there. I don't think it'll be the same even if you get it going unless you can find some folks to lan with. No one wants to make games of that type again. One or two shots to kill, cammo matters, no respawns, slow pace. Closest is probably Arma?
I live in the US, I guess I'll have to check to make sure I'm on the right server
I used to do some modding for FONV
My 70 year old grandpa asked me for help finding video games for his new laptop. He said he wanted something "like call of duty". Any Ideas /k/?
Something with Vietnam as the setting.
I played the shit out of the older Fallouts, replayed them until I tried every route, every ending and discovered everything there is to discover.

Good times...
Played the Ghost Recon beta this weekend
Was pretty fun. Looking forward to the release.
I hope it was an old build and there's been a lot of polishing up
I'll look around for something, thanks for the suggestions
Rising Storm 2, Verdun, RO2
I have Steel Beasts legacy but it refuses to run unless I buy an old computer with Windows XP on it.
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vanilla NV made me want single shot guns and caravan shotguns irl even though they are shit in the game.

>just pass through Nipton
>ambushed up the road by grenadier Viper gang members
>feel like an actual shootout with limited means
>concentrate fire with Service Rifle

Those early parts of the game are just perfect.
Anyone here looking to play mowas 2? Never find anyone to play this with my favorite game preferably gsm or robz is acceptable vanilla if i must
They are shit in the game before lvl 6, after that you get shotgun surgeon and its just too good.
Graviteam nigs ww@
Nightpostman skin mod finally came out
anything in the close combat series
Fuck now im thinking of doing another playthrough of Fallout 2.
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Started in 0.75.
Grenadier, LAT/HAT or Auto rifleman if none of the others were available.
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I've been really enjoying Atlantic Fleet if you're looking for a cheap but reasonably well-done naval warfare game.
i still mod mowas2
This, so much
how does one get into DCS? I have a set up and I fly around a bit in solo but I'm not really sure where to go from there. The community kind of sucks form what I've seen so it's hard to find people to fly with.

better late reply than never. I'm still waiting on a key too fucking kikes. Judging by the gameplay I've seen they stretched out the objectives more and put more routes in between. RS1 was a clusterfuck 90% of the time but RO2 had decent maps outside of apartments, barracks and grain elevator. Fuck those maps. The designs in RS2 actually seem closer to how they were in ostfront. I actually hate squad and ended up going back to Project Reality. Like, I get squad is under dev still but I'll just wait and see.
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Would you like to see my game?

Its tactical CoD
Yes, just most /k/ommandos didn't have the grit to actually stick with the leveling.
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I always thought of it more as counter strike with snack bars and rockets
Lookin good man! I see you've made some progress
I like you.
Vietcong. Radio communication in this game is sexy as fuck
nu/k/ can't handle ja2.
Have been playing for years, mostly LAT or Medic. It's problematic when people know you and expect you to play medic 24/7 because they know you pick everyone up regardless of the situation.
>join a squad
>ah the medic is here
>Play Arma 3 wasteland
>Battle-eye kicked because it didn't respond in time
>Get in finally
>Comms is full of shitters and 12 year olds screaming about the constant vehicle death-match at airfield
>Decided to just capture points like an autist
>Newbie spawns in and griefs me
>Shoot him and take the punishment kill
>Respawn to snipe airfield to stop anyone having fun
>End up buying a cheap heli and just hovering right above (10-15 meters) any team-mates I can find with the lights on
>Do it to an admin
>Get banned

Every fucking time I play, anyways, anyone feel like getting a little /k/ group together on it?
The problem is you are playing wasteland.
Everything else is either even more chaotic, or has actually put the deathmatching 12 year olds in charge of policing a beatdown on AI.

There seems to be no way to avoid the cancer other than to get a small group together for Dayz mod or wasteland imo.
You up for it anon? A couple of kommandos stalking around the island would be more fun than usual.
Nearly always medic, and sometimes IFV gunner but with mixed results
Raven Shield
Project I.G.I
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (with our without mods)
7,62 High Calibre (sic)
Command Ops 2
Panzer Elite (the old one)
Iron Warriors: T72 Tank Command (warning : graphics are rough)
Steel Armor : Blaze of War
World of Guns
I miss Raven Shield
>no one's posted world in conflict or squad
Absolutely shameful
Rip Bannon
Bannon died for his sins.

Bannon did nothing wrong.
Except suck as a commander.
>when you think your stammering in text is cute but it's actually cringy and will never get you laid
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>just started Metro 2033
>disable crosshair to satisfy my autism
>get handed a sawed-off SxS
>can't aim down sights anymore

I fucking love it.
Recommend me more like that.

Squad is in the OP and it's the first reply you dense motherfucker.

How do people like you even exist
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I'm literally in the same position as you, we have a smaller k group that moslty fucks with arma but I need someone to fly with https://discord.gg/ZqhMQ
It's basically a dead mod at this point. The community's on life support, and the devs think releasing a single object for 6 months between patches is anything buy boring.

A shame, it's such a polished mod too.
A-anyone still here?
I just wanted to play some games with other /k/ommandos...
I'm here

Blitzkrieg 2?
I started playing around with the editor. Online has F-15s shooting down 109s and other nonsense like that.

At least the Spitfire is finally in 2.0
Dont they get gasmasks that negate the effects of pepperballs later in the game?
Beanbag rounds get countered by body armor as well, if i recall.
Men of War Assault Squad 2 is my gamefu.
Sadly the singleplayer isnt fleshed out imo
Well what do you want to play /k/omrade?
I was thinking of DCS or something that could be fun like that. In class now, but sometime this week could be fun if someone could organize it...
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Noone mentioned Paranoia?
>tfw you will never be major officer of spetsnaz
Why even live
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Rec me your favorite immersive (this is important) shooters, famalams.
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who AVP here?
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> tfw didn't get an invite even after the 4th beta
does anyone have a spare key?
My nigga I want to find someone to play dcs with as well. Go to >>32902449 and we can talk later tonight, def play this weekend
/r/ing that face of the young guy from the Punisher vietnam comic, which was my face when I first played HH.
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Designated Driver
Mostly Medic
Sometimes Machingunner
And if i'am rolling with a friend on insurgency mode IED terror
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Squad lead
Corpsman if nobody is willing
>tfw you will be able to play Red Orchestra 4 on your 4K 120Hz HTC Vive 3 with a completely functional and motion tracked Mosin Nagant controller
>Graphics so good you're at risk of PTSD
>250 player servers for immersive human wave attacks

Feels so good man
Google brings up nothing
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Wut game?
Rising Storm 2. Not out yet
NVM i suck cack
You're talking about close combat I think
I had close combat 2 a bridge too far growing up and I love the series. It's not 3D however
Appears to be a Half Life mod.
Hell yes!

I was so sad after I upgraded windows and couldn't play this anymore. When they finally released the windows 10 patch I spent a whole day playing it again. Sub hunting with the P-3C is still my favorite.
That genuinely sounds terrifying
Really great mod.
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>Soviet and German players start taking propaganda seriously, to make horrific warfare easier to handle
>For added tension the game requires you play for a long ass time before battle, giving your life value and meaning
>Make friends in the trenches, learn their names and stories (it's so realistic people RP by default)
>Yrw they get shot from a mile away, you watch them bleed out
>Yrw flamethrower attacks in Rising Storm 4
>Yrw MG42 starts shredding through the walls of the building you're in
>Yrw playing a D Day map as American with enough players to make it life like, have to wait an hour in the boat chatting with people before half of them get immediately shredded
I'm sorry I just need VR to give me PTSD already.
Is it any good? Never heard much on whether it was good or bad.
What game?
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don't be sad m8
they died in glorious battle, they are in Valhalla now
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>each dot is a body
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>tfw 105 HE goes off above your halftrack
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here we see a wehrmacht engineer preparing to throw an AT mine (Stepanovka, 1943, col.)
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german rifleman firing at advancing russian T34 (June, 1943, col.)
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Wehrmacht engineer seen in foreground deploying a "Teller" anti vehicle mine. (Stepanovka, June 1943, col.)
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German squad retreating up Hill 277 in the wake of a Russian attack (Stepanovka, June 1943, col.)
I have been in the beta since the second wave, the meat grind is still there. Off the top of my head the first 4 points of every territories map so far is particularly brutal, and objective D on An Lao Valley is a nearly constant blood bath.
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Wehrmacht private Erich Hürigen seen running for cover during a lull in the battle after successfully destroying a Soviet tank. He was later killed in the same battle after a tank rolled over his trench. (Stepanovka, June 1943, col.)
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Last known photograph of the battle for Hill 277 at Stepanovka in summer of 1943. Various soldiers of both sides dead in a field after the battle. An estimated 2,000 men total died in the 4 day campaign, resulting in a Soviet victory. (Stepanovka, June 1943, col.)
the multiplayer was surprisingly fun.
SWAT 4, Insurgency, SuperHot, Metro 2033, Killing Floor
Sounds good, I'll join up later.
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>when the /k/ jokes manifest in your games
came here to say Squad.
Played the ghost recon wildlands beta and its got some pretty good stuff if youre a gear queer.
But how good is the gameplay, and what is really the point of the game, I was looking at that earlier too.
what game?

how the FUCK do I even play this holy shit

this looks cool anon keep it up !
>Go into Wasteland
>build up money
>Get mortar
>Get ammo resupply truck
>Park it in some tall bushes
>pull out mortar
>Mortar refills eternally as it's close to the ammo resupply
>Throw mortars at any capture point or store or vehicle spawn
>Get tons of kills without anyone ever seeing you as you rain death from above
>Get banned once everyone ragequits
>move onto next server

Worth it
the Marine SP was great fun
The best WW1 game on the market. Its tons of fun and can really intense at times, like solo clearing an enemy trench.

Usually is depends on the time of day and day of the week. Also if youre playing on PS4 the servers are rip
does anyone else enjoy exterminating people in Natural Selection 2?
If you guys are looking for a /k/ Steam group to play these games with.

Is that really /k/ or is that the group full of /pol/ shit posters that ruined /wgg/?
/wgg/ has a second group where most of the autistic bitchfitters that ruined /wgg/ went. VGWargamers is the older one and hasn't gone to /wgg/ in years.
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>play Wasteland
>buy a tank
>spend the next hour sniping vehicle store
>shoot friendly and enemy vehicles alike
>aim for engine or back rotors so my name doesn't show on kill feed
>takes half an hour for admin to figure it out

>play domination
>get a tank
>move to the other side of the runways
>turn thermals on and wreck havoc
>they can't do anything
>kill dozens until admin logs in

I got banned from half a dozen shitty servers that way but totally worth it.

Only time I regret is the EUTW server, was banned for drawing dicks on the map. Turns out it left my ID on their server logs. Pretty much the only decent public server on this god forsaken game.

>tfw game is so crap, the only enjoyable way to play it is to fuck with people

I really don't like the gunplay and movements in Verdun, it just feels way too clunky. I'ld rather play Rising Storm or Insurgency.
It would be fun but it is unbearably buggy. Memory leaks, random CTDs, animation glitches, connection problems, it's hard to name a bug it doesn't have. I always spend more time trying to get the fucking game to work than I do actually playing it.
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Heroes & Generals is probably my favorite game atm.

Been playing it for 2 years now, it has everything I like. Theres infantry, recon, paratroopers, planes, tanks.

bolt actions kill in 1hit if modded correctly, so its fun just sniping people and racking up easy kills
I was under the impression it was ptw to the extreme, that the grind was stupid.

>cancer unlocks
>6/10 rating

Yeah, I'm gonna pass.
It might be now, I unlocked everything I needed a year ago.

All you really need is to upgrade and mod the first weapon you get (m1, g43, svt) and it can 2hit kill anyone. Then just farm credits until you can unlock bolt action.

The only tangible advantage paying gives is one extra "perk" or badge.
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Real War Rogue States

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I enjoy subsims, the last Silent Hunter holds it pretty well if carefully modded
>tfw playing Silent Hunter 5 with Wolves of Steel mod
>tfw going on flank for convoy submerged
>you hear screws get louder and louder but can't ping cause Tommies will hear you
>periscope depth
>6-8k tons tankers, as juicy as it gets
>launch spread of four torps on pure observation, since you can already feel destroyers preparing their depth charges for your heinie ass
>go to >100m and listen
> 2 hits, 2 [spoiler]duds
>flank it until you hear screws behind you
>launch your aft because why not
>pop out to see gloriously burning ships and hear Churchill cursing as he shoves his cigars up his own ass
>get your ass depth charged into oblivion but it's still worth it
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>I'm gonna push the button, I swear!
Can you drop the elevator pitch for it?
Why not just join a clan to play with?
I think its Naval Action
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I've never tried making an elevator pitch, but here goes:
>Tier 1 is a 2D space combat simulator where you can control anything from tiny space fighters to super carriers in massive space battles.
It's the ships I had around 2 months ago, i've also added to that now, 2 constitutions and a Victory.
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yo buddy.gif
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Wave 4 was awesome, I got a key from PAX South, so looking forward to the next wave and also preordering it.l
>It's another episode of getting plugged by Ivan from 3 villages over with a nugget
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>No Wildlands
Post operators.
Are there fals in it?
FC 2, FC 3, and FC 4
Not in the beta, but if it's not in there at release, then it'll probably be added at some point through DLC.

There's a sterling and a MK14 though.
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>.22 cannon
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crusader kings 2

>pic related
physics were wonky in the old versions of ground forces
this liquefies the crew
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What server y'all on? I haven't played since map reset since clan was dead. Didn't really have a reason to relearn everything. Hook me up pham. Got that 50 crafting tho.
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Nations at War was fucking top-tier, even if it was kinda goofy.
Been enjoying Blood Diamond/Rhodesia simulator myself.
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Does /k/ not love CS:GO?
I know this is a /v/ topic but seriously, CS:GO is /fun/ as fuck for me. This is the first game I've played that accomplished realistic spread.
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>giving ubisoft money to make the same shit games with the same shit AI and same fucking weapons
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I'm a sucker for the "walk around the ship" gimmick in Silent Hunter 5 but the load times were agony so personally I stick with Silent Hunter 4

>been conning Seawolf since '41
>grown attached to the boat after several patrols
>slumming it in Luzon when the report comes in that a japanese carrier group is about to transit the Strait
>plot perfect intercept course
>sound battlestations and creep within a few thousand yards
>up scope to see Fuso, Hiryu, another BB and another CV
>fire 4 torpedo spread at Hiryu
>the BuOrd torpedo gods smile on me when all 3 torpedos which hit detonate
>carrier goes down quick
>I dive deep and escape
>luckily tojo is throwing charges wide and can't find me

>next day making blaggard flank run back to base
>a massive airstrike from the remaining carrier finds me
>try to crash dive
>survive several close aboard hits
>finally a Val dives in and a drops a bomb on my conning tower
>boat is lost presumably with all hands

at least I got a posthumous Navy Cross
wasted too much money on that pay-to-win bullshit
Still on EU1 PVP, except from the people who only played as a joke the clan is still up, leveling is much easier now, and we at least a few people sho still actually play.
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When is squad going to get helicopters.
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The customization looks good
Still playing War Thunder. Though don't know how long for. Planes are still pretty fun so are tanks, except Japan and U.S. But ehh...
[spoiler] boats are absolute dog shit[/spoiler]
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>6 mortars
>4 nebel werfers
>2 field guns

I don't know what mod you're playing, but this setup deserves an ass whopping in a balanced version of the game.
everytime i see a spitfire i feel an urge to have a check up for cancer.
No really that realistic but I like the xcom series,company of hero's and world in conflict.
I like COH1 but COH2 was pretty trash in most ways.
Boyos I play dcs can I join in?
CoH1 also had some great mods. That WWI mod comes to mind
How much clothing/body armor customization does it have

most videos i seen its just a bunch of everyday clothes
The Eastern mod makes more sense than coh2 does.
Rising storm 2 is coming out soon, but better check before so you don't give your grandpa flashbacks

Gramps is coming home after a long walk wth his lady, gets out of his boots, lays of his coat, helps his woman, treats her for a nice tea and crumpets, gives her a smooch, goes to his room, boots up his computer, puts on some aviators

>it ain't me starts playing
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