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Are Isis Kids more operator than you?

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File: ISIS-child-gun-search-640x320.jpg (54KB, 640x320px) Image search: [Google]
54KB, 640x320px
Real or fake? Also, do they not have eye/ear pro in the mideast?
You'd be retarded to think it's fake.
It's simply kids being indoctrinated into thinking that what they're doing is right.
Child soldiers aren't exactly a new war strategy.
A fucking downie can kill somebody that's tied down.Those little shits would get stomped if they went against real soldiers.
>implying real soldiers would kill a child

muh honor muh PTSD
>Also, do they not have eye/ear pro in the mideast?
They won't live long enough for that to be a problem.


Kill babies. Blood makes the grass grow.
File: ISIS child execution.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
ISIS child execution.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
is this the one where they're running around ruins killing tied up dudes?
Good thing /k/ aren't real soldiers or else those kids would have something to fear.
No one there lives long enough to have to worry about earpro
at least a dozen camera angles, are they trying to win an oscar?
File: the fuck.png (78KB, 240x240px) Image search: [Google]
the fuck.png
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jesus goddamn christ imagine how fucked up that kid will be forever
Seriously guys, you got all these hajis getting combat experience and here we are sitting on a Malaysian Interpretive Dance Discussion board shitposting.

Fuck not even marine or army infantrymen get any combat experience nowadays, how do we get that experience so we don't get rekt when facing a motivated and combat hardened enemy?
File: oaf.jpg (81KB, 951x960px)
81KB, 951x960px
don't worry about him anon, he's only got like a year left,if that.
Its a fucking sandnig, you think anything in their mind is normal.

Are you fucking stupid or have you never met a Muslim? They fuck their own kids as a form of discipline.
I know these prisoners are starved and drugged before any of these kinds of videos are made, but god I hope if I were in a situation like that I'd at least try to get my hands in front of me and disarm one of the little dune coons as he comes around a corner. Barring that, as soon as I heard shots I would be scrambling the fuck out of there or at least trying to find some refuse to use as a weapon, since ISIS no doubt has the building surrounded making escape pretty much useful. I'd rather die fighting then crying in a heap on the floor.
>I'd do this
>I'd do that
You have never been in a single situation that required a spike of adrenaline. Please keep your fantasies to yourself.

This is the saddest thing I have ever seen.
By jdaming all of the combat hardened soldiers, steel and iron do not care about your experience
Wait. Do you really use eye pro? Ears make sense but the chance of a catastrophic failure is so low it does not warrant the use of eye protection. Especially since they are so god damn annoying. They fog. They mess up cheek welds. It is hard to see the scope or spotting scope. They ruin the ear protection seal.
I see that you haven't taken part in /b/s heartfelt gore threads.
What are flying metal casings?
Flying away from me... I

Okay, fuck it.

Just glass the whole area, it's too late, we're past the point of no return here.

Videos like these are the reason why all cities controlled by ISIS should be carpet bombed.


Shooting tied up victims isn't exactly combat experience.
CIA paid for all of
The only reason I have two eyes is because eye pro protected me from a ricoched steel penetrator some retard was shooting at 50 yards
I worded that post very carefully stating that those things are what I HOPE I'd be able to do. Didn't say they were likely or even possible. Like I stated, these people are drugged and starved a ton on top of the extreme stress of the situation. I'd probably fare the same as the rest of them.
The fact that it's in fucking ball pit just pisses me off.
>Mock executions
You literally will never know when the real one is happening until it's too late. That's why you won't ever see them fight till the very last second, because it's been rehearsed so many times and you're exhausted.

I'd just hope I was able to kill myself before being captured.
And in two or three years those kids will go to Sweden and Germany as refugees.

those poor muslims are proudly defending their right to kill innocent people and here you are rudely taking your own life.

us in Germany are more advanced than that. I'll gladly be executed by our isis cousins for herr Merkle
They get butt rape. So yes they see a lot more action than I do.... Sadly
America has had some great child operators

I think they fucked up the ball pit just to make it look more dramatic. Also you might be get sent to gitmo for posting Isis webms now.
iraqi here
>do they not have eye/ear pro in the mideast
very very very very rarely people use them
It's real. Westerners aren't ready for the brutality they will face in the coming years, you might as well convert now.
>mfw this kid has more experience than 99% of /k/

Glad you fucks won't be able to come to the West any more!

>As I post from the USA right now
Okay lol.
He says as fucking loads of adult male shitskins flee as innocent dindu refugees
>Real or fake?
Do you really have to ask??

>Also, do they not have eye/ear pro in the mideast?
No. I constantly get picked on and laughed at for mine. QQ
The joke is probably on me mind; they'll all be dead before they get to enjoy their tinnitus muhahahaha!
Don't deny that there aren't soldiers who WOULDN'T kill a kid either. All depends on the person.
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