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/meg/ Military Enlistment General Christmas FUN edition Pre

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/meg/ Military Enlistment General
Christmas FUN edition

Previous thread
>>32386971 (Cross-thread) (OP)

>IRC Channel
>implying anyone uses IRC
#MEG on Freenode
If you're on mobile look up AndroIRC for the app. Any questions, ask in the thread to get you set up.


For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. Good site for Marines info too.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

OP template

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

Which branch are you enlisting/enlisted/considering?
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>not using the obviously superior version
Fucking shameful
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What combat MOS should I pick if I don't want to get lumped in with crayon eating fodder?
I'm going army by the way
Navy or Air Force

Let me tell you a secret.

In wartime 75% of the load is carried by intelligence, SOF, and pilots, 20% by support (maintenance, logistics, convoy etc), and maybe 5% by normal combat arms.

In peace? 75% of the load is carried by intelligence, SOF, and pilots, 24% by support, and maybe1% by combat arms out drilling and volunteering for details.

Combat arms doesn't do much because we aren't fighting WW2. If you actually want to do cool shit then get a high enough ASVAB to go intel, get gud enough to do SOF, or fly an aircraft. If you want to contribute but can't do the above then go work on the flightline or the motorpool. Combat arms are basically for "cawadooty" kids who can't do much more than just be a warm body holding a rifle.


You will statistically fail and leave the Army a bitter SPC though.
If you ain't infantry, you ain't shit
Hahahahahahahaha Thats funny.

This. I fuckin' love POGs.
anything arty that isn't 13B, the math can weed out the low lows
My crystal ball says you're either going to end up a POG or hazed and killing yourself.

Smartest smart person combat job. Downrange you'll be babysitting a FAAD 24OPS and cant be grabbed for gate duty or hey you detail. Because someone has to keep the place from being cratered. Doesnt make the army suck less in general tho. But hey it's the safest easiest CAB you'll ever earn. Yes CRAM counts for a CAB. Suck it salty fags.
When you say intel what does this mean? Sounds like a meme
>what is intelligence

Yep, go infantry
Did you read what that guy typed? Did you think what you typed?

He's a civilian or a Depper and you're an idiot.
Nuke here to answer the inevitable questions of any Nukes depping in/shipping out
Should I be a nuke? My recruiter says its a great job and that I can make 6 figures when I get out.
Nuke school is hard, nuke work in the fleet is hard.

You will be subjected to 12 hour days at the least, difficult work, you'll have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders too.

At school you'll struggle for free time and to maintain a social life between all the classes, mandatory study hours, and rotating shift work once you get to Prototype. You will learn about incredibly interesting equipment, and also be tested to a grueling extent on the theory and principles behind its operation. You will also be in South Carolina, which smells.

In the fleet you will get less liberty than everyone else and a much much larger work load than the coners on your boat. Everyone in the Navy that's not a nuke will also assume you're a smarmy sarcastic fuck that makes a billion dollars.

Your nuclear NEC is golden on a resume and you will have no shortage of credentials and job opportunities once you get out. But getting there won't be easy. You get a bit of an enlistment bonus and a big reenlistment bonus as well.

All and all, it's a pretty shit deal for most. I love nuclear power, so I dig it. If you can take a mountain of shit because you like what you're doing or like your opportunities after, do it. If you're the type that will immediately regret your decision and bitch about everything as you chug through the pipeline, don't be a nuke, we have enough whiny fucks as is.
Also, try to be a mechanic, we have the most fun.
technically yes you can make six figures the reality is different though. America is losing nuclear jobs due to the fact we aren't building any new reactors and the old ones are reaching the end of their life. Also most nuke techs don't have the necessary civilian certifications and will most likely end up working as techies making 60 k average
Can I get some advice from yall?
I'm currently in a support mos (94E), and I'm in my re-enlistment window. I'm really considering giving another 4 years to the army, but I want to do some cool shit before getting out. Any advice?
define cool shit. Also part of the issue with doing cool shit in the army is that it requires the army to need to do cool shit. The fact that we most of our actions are police actions against towel heads in the sand box really diminishes your chance of getting to do cool operator shit.

Lets face it we don't need bleeding edge to take out some illiterate goat herders.

Now if your idea of cool shit is getting to work on helicopters and shit yeah there is tons of machinery that needs to be kept up or that just requires people.
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If I was accused by some one for a crime and was interviewed by a detective but nothing ever came of it will that come up in my security clearance? I was never arrested or charged. I want a secret clearance and maybe one day a top secret clearance. How fucked am I? Will this come up in MEPs or during my interview? How should I handle it if it does come up. The accusation was rather serious and embarrassing and happened years ago.
>If I was accused by some one for a crime and was interviewed by a detective but nothing ever came of it will that come up in my security clearance? I was never arrested or charged. I want a secret clearance and maybe one day a top secret clearance. How fucked am I? Will this come up in MEPs or during my interview? How should I handle it if it does come up. The accusation was rather serious and embarrassing and happened years ago.
What did you allegedly do? I hope you're behind 7 proxies
Question /meg/
How come a lot of people enlist and get through training, but every now and then the stories of enlistees swearing in or graduating get publicized in the local news?
What clearance does your MOS require? They don't just hand out TS just cause you want it.
If your MOS requires secret, there's like 8 different levels to secret and you should be fine.
army btw
could this possible single out service members or cause them to be too noticed?
At this point, getting to a deployable unit would be great for me. I'd like to get it with a patch and and a cab
Just joined NUPOC in subs. Any advice in general?
If I'm at a military college should I still send out my information to AF recruiters for Pararescue?

My AFROTC detachment doesn't have any AFSOC officers and they all have occupations in aviation or logistics/intel and the only CRO cadet is about to graduate.

You must be a surface nuke.

Every non-nuke submariner knows nukes are all ultra sperglords with no concept of personal hygiene, save for a few normies who managed not to catch an extra chromosome during the pipeline.

Plus, the 6 figures afterward thing is a meme now. A lot of guys get out expecting it and there ain't jack fucking shit. Got a nuke who's getting out in half a year or so on our boat, chief, qualified everything, even got a degree while in, and the only nuclear power jobs he can get are in the 40-50k salary range. Not a big payoff for someone who's put more than a decade of service in.

You fucked up.
t. CS
Yap, was going to ask my recruiter if I can switch to surface but not sure that's possible

Oh well
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Going for
1) Intelligence
2) Armoured
3) Infantry
(Armoured and Infantry are both equal)
Once I get out of University.

I was wondering if I could join the Reserves while at University as its an Armored Recon regiment.

I am thinking about this because
A) Its armoured recon which is related to my choices
B) I can get "le enlisted experience" which I personally think would be very important to have

Would I waste the Reserves time? Whats the process if anyone can help me, from going Reserves to Reg Force.

I am also in Canada.

Thanks for your time

You fucked up by going nuke, not by going subs. Cone life on subs ain't a bad gig at all.

If you signed the paperwork, you're locked in to subs for the rest of your career unless something submarine disqualifies you.
Nuclear power isn't a growth industry; new plants aren't being built.
But it is good on a resume, and it does help get jobs in places that fit the specialty. Especially if they need someone who can see the big picture of a plant.
Former 3383 making $116k here in a non nuc position.
Yeah that's what I figured

I'm not too upset about the nuke part, my major is nuke engineering and I'm going into reactor operation anyway. They did warn me at the interviews that some nuke engineers fail power school because they fundamentally disagree with how the Navy does certain things with the reactors.

I wonder what happens if I fail power school in NUPOC. I'd owe back this initial bonus but I'd imagine I just get redesignated as a SWO and they just try to push me out of the Navy.

What would even disqualify you for submarines anyway? I'm hoping to go on boomers since they look cooler to me
Serving on a carrier really, really sucks. I was on a cruiser (there aren't any now) and the surface navy sucks.
All my classmates went to subs, and they hated it less than we did. Surface fleet has too many lifer dig it's.
I goofed. Told the recruiter I had smoked pot in the past. How fucked am I?
Have you signed something in the past saying you haven't?
Hey anons, anyone know how job selection for officers in the army reserves work? Im thinking of reserves because i have been told if i went active officer i would have zero choice in what they put me in and i really would hate my life if i became a supply or logistics officer(i already am the equivalent of that in my civ job, and i want to do something different). And i figured reserves might have some more leeway. Is my thinking correct? And if so, is there a way to figure out what jobs i can actually do in my state(something like how the national guard has an online list of availabilities).
Being unable to use a respirator/ escape device, other med issues, but mostly psychological. Like claustrophobia.
I also remember submariners were volunteers. You can withdraw the volunteer (used to could?) but making the Navy unhappy is a losing game.
If you do that in you civ job, you are very likely to do the same for the military.

Forgot to mention my top 3 job choices would be MP officer, and then civil affairs or psyops. My reasoning for MP is because ive always wanted to try out for LEO, but cant because my area is VERY bad to be an LEO. Also those jack reacher novels and movies made it sound like a noble profession to do it as an officer(i am aware the enlisted side is complete shit).
Yeah I already signed a paper saying I desire sub training so I don't think I can withdraw

Whatever, it should be cool and the other anon said surface isn't great either so it'll be all good I h-hope. Still got a few years of college before I do anything
No. I didn't even go to meps yet. The recruiter had just asked if I bad, I said yes, he said that's all? I told him yes again, an he said it's whatever. As long as I could piss clean "right now" don't worry. I haven't smoked in about 2 years.
If you fail Power School or prototype, it will be because you were stupid or lazy. Not because you couldn't understand non-steady state ops.
Re: boomers- it's dull and you don't visit overseas ports.
Oh! didn't see this at first.
Recruiters lie.
Everyone needs to know this.
Recruiters lie.
Well thanks for the advice. I'll try to avoid browsing meg so I can convince myself mentally that I made a good decision

SSGNs must be the best of both worlds then - creature comforts and split shifts like boomers but you actually get to do stuff?
This is true. But EMs and ETs get more money in the real world (all else being equal, the individual metters a lot), and the old SRB was highest for ETs.
One can get the certifications while being a rad sponge weenie.
Chair Force is okay, but not as respected.
I never knew anyone from a SSGN; sorry!
It's just filler mostly, sometimes the kids enlisting will say funny shit, also keeps the support our troops circlejerk going. Sometimes it's a big deal, worked with a high school kid in a small country town. His graduating class was maybe 50 people an he got in to the AF academy. So it was a pretty big deal on the local level, ran it in the newspaper and what not for the surrounding counties because people like to know not everyone is a shitbag around them I guess.

The stuff you see on local tv are also puff pieces like that. I lived in Jersey during 9/11 and for the first few months after there was a couple segments on the NYPD/FDNY reservists that came down here to drill. There was another huge run up of segments on the recruiting rush while we were warming up in Iraq.
CRO slots aren't that competitive because it's hard as fuck. You don't go through a recruiter you go through your normal channels as a cadet. If need be call up the 24th liaison, contact info is generally on the application packet. Try to figure out when the boards are and get into Phase II by your senior year.
Is being a physician in the military worth it or should I suck it up and take all that debt.
yeah it's pretty fucking nice compared to doing it civilian side
kill yourself faggot. we dont want elitist shitheads like you
you used the wrong image retard
Earning potential might not be too great right off the bat depending on your specialty, but you also don't have to worry about malpractice suits.

It should boil down to what kind and style of medicine you would like to practice. Worked critical care in the AF nurse corps for 8 years and loved most of it, when I got out had to deal with an overload of fatties and geriatrics, so I went to the OR after a year of that.
those are fucking recruits and mostly future pogs you fuckwad
>75% of the load is carried by intelligence
>if you want to do cool shit then go intel
What interesting things does intel do? I thought SIGINT was more or less about setting up antennas or sitting in front of a screen for hours, while HUMINT involved shitting in plastic bags and constantly waiting without ever getting to shoot anything.

On a purely financial basis, it's not going to get you as much money as your own practice, but there's less risk to it and if you get anything out of the "service" aspect of it then that's a perk.

Interesting is relative. If you're sitting in garrison and not deploying (like most of the Army), then the Intel guys sitting in their basement are some of the only ones actually running mission instead of sweeping and waiting for the next war.

On the tactical side, intel guys are more likely to be offered small group deployments.
>On the tactical side
What does tactical intel involve?
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Reposting question from older thread:

I'm a fine arts major at uni (I know I know, fuck off) in my last year and I'm thinking about joining the Navy (naturally) after graduation if I can't find any work, which is likely. Would they accept a meme degree like mine if I decided to pursue an officer position? If not, would the best route be for me to sign up as enlisted and try to move over to officer after some time? I know there are several ways to do it, but I want to know what the ideal would be given my current situation.
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Which branch is least likely to have their shit together?

Which branch has the most fucked up priorities?
Dude, we have officers in ridiculous positions with Sociology and Liberal Arts backgrounds. You'll be fine. No reason to screw yourself over.
Thanks for giving me some hope. Is there anything else to look for as far as education goes? Do they care about GPA and where you graduated, for example? I'm going to study for the ASVAB before I meet my recruiter and sign up...

Depends on the discipline and mission. It can be anything from fusing everything in the AO and briefing the commander to going out and doing site exploitation. Wargaming, operating intelligence equipment, and working with detainees are also Intel responsibilities.

Intel is a pretty broad range of stuff.

GPA is very important, especially if you don't have a STEM degree. The college you went to doesn't really matter.
I have a penguin shaped body and a high pitched voice for a male.
I enjoy rolling my eyes like a woman
I hate working and love thinking about holiday parties or that wacky thread I saw on Reddit the other day
My work history is IT and I wasn't really good at that either. I am a college dropout and nearing my 30s.

Which branch is best for me? Which job?
Which branch and which jobs are most likely to get triggered if you discuss firearms?
national guard. go combat arms, because you would never make it past E4 anyway, but in combat arms you can just blame it on no promotion possibilities
What about human intel?
My recruiter is telling me it's a field that might suit me but as dumb as it sounds I still want to shoot some shit occasionally

So get an AR and go to the range on your off time.

Apart from SOF, nobody gets to shoot much in the military, and the military usually does their best to suck the fun out of shooting when you get to go to an official range.

This. Joining the military because you like to shoot falls into the same realm as joining because you like the dress uniform. You have to wear it once or twice a year and it's uncomfortable as fuck. That's about how often most servicemembers get to shoot and they make it lame.
>Chair Force is okay, but not as respected.
>not as respected
By who? Who are you trying to impress?

Sound like you have some serious self-esteem issues.
Being a doc in the military is great. Thanks to the Feres docstine, you can be totally incompetent and actually fuck people up and not worry about accountability.
>fuck people
Enlistedturds aren't people
Thanks for the advice im planning on doing rotc and going medical officer.

>Which branch is least likely to have their shit together?


>Which branch has the most fucked up priorities?

The Marines because their officers spend too much time sucking Navy dick to do right by their own branch.
Real talk /meg/, with the air force needing more bodies, what are my odds of getting in with controlled asthma? It's not physical activity based, strictly allergies, but I am prescribed an inhaler I may use ten-to-twelve times a year. I was hoping they'd be more willing to let it slide since I'm already doing two mile runs a day.
I really want to go CTI in the navy, but I heard it's not very fun and the school is extremely hard. Should I go for it? Also does knowing 2 languages get you pussy?
He literally doesn't give a fuck. Don't mention it again especially at meps and you're fine
Call a recruiter a few towns over and dont give your name
HUMINT kinda sucks, people go into it thinking they'll be James bond; but it is a feeder for CI Agent positions, and from there you can do the real cool shit. Maybe.
Why does it suck?
Is SIGINT more interesting or is intel in general boring?

>feeder for CI Agent positions

Not at the officer level. At the officer level you actually can opt to be a Case Officer, but outside of that you're going to be doing the bitch work for the Officers and CI people doing Force Protection.

I don't know why so many "35M" people on here defend that MOS as being elbow deep in actual HUMINT when they don't let junior enlisted or even most NCOs recruit and run sources. I don't know if it's somebody in denial that they got screwed out of doing real HUMINT work, or if it's somebody pushing that MOS and related rates for some reason.
Try >>32444528

But if you want real talk, probably not. You'd have to omit that information (they can't look at your medical paperwork unless you allow them) and just be able to pass boot camp and never let anyone find out.

But if you seize up because you don't have your inhaler you could be pretty well fucked.
/meg/ threads are crawling with recruiters
If he's going for a job with TS he might need to be careful since his CoC can later see if he admitted to pot use on the SF-86 and he might get into a bad situation
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I'm thinking about doing 12b or 11x or if it's even possible 37f ( I doubt it ). What would you guys suggest. Any stories, any info or opinion about those would be great.

I figured as much. The pandering to the "I wanna be 007" crowd is very strong in these threads, and the people who imply that they are "in the know" don't actually know much when you can tease what they do know out of them.
If they post here it's because they're bored. If it doesn't help their quota they don't care.
Do Air Force reservists get deployed/promotions?
But HUMINT isn't just about recruiting agents
>If they post here it's because they're bored. If it doesn't help their quota they don't care.
Exactly what a recruiter would say
12B and go to Sapper school. You will be everyone's baby's daddy and they'll all know it, (even though they don't want to admit it).

Sure it isn't fampai. I mean, just ask any 35M who got attached to an infantry unit who is stuck being a translator for an endless procession of infantry officers his entire tour of duty. Or ask some 1N7X who is doing interrogations along with a 1A8X1 and a 1N3X instead of running source ops with the 14NX that they are submitting their paperwork to.

They'll be happy to inform you that what the military dubs as "HUMINT" isn't just about recruiting agents.
Yes, but it really depends on your unit and job. I've been mobilized individually to just keep up ops tempo at my base and forward deployed as a whole element. Combat comms are usually going to go where AFSOC goes, but test groups and personnel might just be filling in on a limited basis.

Promotion schedule is about on par with active, and you usually aren't held back like in the guard.

>ITT: anons call out recruiters for being totally full of shit and the thread goes quiet for a while

I wish that this happened in /meg/ more often.
Is HUMINT really that bad?
I thought I would get to dig holes and observe shit for days on end, it sounded pretty comfy.

On the enlisted end HUMINT is bitchwork that the officers and civilians cannot be assed to do 99.9% of the time.

>get to dig holes and observe shit for days on end

Minus the digging holes part that's Special Reconnaissance. Special Operations, Snipers, and HUMINT do that, but again, enlisted get stuck with bitchwork while officers do the cool shit.
Anyone know the process for lateral movement between units in the guard? Is there a minimum amount of time you need to spend at the unit you enlist into?

The hypothetical is I enlist into my local unit, then attempt to go to the SF support unit when I graduate. Recruiter doesn't seem to want to help me because I'll be going into the unit she's attached to and the unit contact I have is out until the new year.
Marine 0211 is what you want, but it's not open to non-prior service.
So what exactly is wrong Security Forces in the Air Force?
Joining for respect is the wrong reasons to join, child. Hopefully by the time you graduate high-school in a couple years you'll have matured and gotten your priorities straight

Hahahahahahaha. You're serious?

Think of anything cool that you could imagine military cops ever doing. Security forces don't do it, AFOSI does it.

Think of everything douchey that a bunch of military cops could do to one another. Security forces does it to their own.

Females in the know are terrified of getting stuck in certain Security Forces units because some very bad shit might happen to them due to how fucked up Security Forces are.

The people who went into security forces by accident are salty fucks who flunked out of another tech school who no longer give a fuck, and the ones who got in deliberately are assholes, but not competent enough assholes or senior enough assholes to get into AFOSI and stay there.

>Does the leadership know this?

Certainly, but they aren't going to fix the problem.
>If I was accused by some one for a crime and was interviewed by a detective but nothing ever came of it will that come up in my security clearance? I was never arrested or charged
No, it won't show up

>Females in the know are terrified of getting stuck in certain Security Forces units

How does it work in the clearance investigation if someone says something contrary to what you wrote down? For instance, you wrote you've never used drugs but some dude inaccurately says you might've some years ago, do you get a hearing to dispute the claim?
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Do enlisted recruiters do recruiting for officers as well? The Go Army page doesn't have anything that says "officer" only enlisted, medical, chaplain, band, rotc, and law.


No. They're supposed to do it for Warrant Officers, but you don't find a recruiter anywhere who wants to do the extra paperwork. It's too much to ask some people to do their jobs anon.
So where do I go to find a recruiter for officers? The Go Army page isn't very helpful.
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>Air Force
>the branch that values social events and fundraisers over all else
>knowing anything about priorities

Please, aircuck. I'd say "you embarrass yourself" but you people lack the capacity to feel shame.

All I'll say is this: the way that prostitution in the Air Force (and possibly other branches) is a closed loop where it isn't escalated outside of someone's chain of command or the security forces if it is not proven to be organized prostitution. It is only organized prostitution once it has been investigated and dubbed so... by security forces.

So if you're a chick in the Security Forces chain of command and your CO is a piece of shit, some things might happen. I've heard of some things happening, and that was probably the tip of the iceberg.
just ask your local recruiter

Whoops, that's

>the that prostitution in the Air Force is investigated is a closed loop
Are you fucking retarded?


Your local recruiter will handle the process, officer only recruiters are just for professionals that can mostly direct commission.
There's a form that you can fill out during training that if you agree the military sends a notice to your hometown newspaper.
You can't join as civil affairs or psyops. Those branches are for senior 1LT and up.

>Implying officers actually get to do HUMINT shit.

You know how I can tell you've never been in the military?
You can serve in CA units as another branch like MI and bide you're time until you are 1LT(P). If you are on the reserve side and they are critically manned they can send you to CAQC. 2LT team chiefs aren't totally unheard of.
Why is it that officers get to do that? I thought officers generally took care of management within their branch rather than directly take part in operations.
Or was I lied to and am I going to do boring shit if I enlist regardless of my MOS?
Reconnaissance and observation on the field is what really interests me. Is there any way to do that without being an officer? I'd go the sniper route but it's probably much more selective than intel.
Are ATC or aircrew positions hard to get into, in regards to availability? Should either of them be avoided?
So who does the cool shit then? I'm >>32445818.
Army doesn't have officer recruiters. Marines/Navy/AF do have officer recruiters. Just go to your local recruiting station and mention OCS
depends on the branch, if you want to be army ATC I suggest warrant officer
What should my PT look like before OCS? I'm doing like 60 PU, 70 SU and ~14:00 2 mile run. I've still got my spring semester before graduation so I've got time.
As close to 300 as you can. I don't know what the exact scores are for Army, look them up, they are part of your application so the higher the better
Ok, so I should probably wait until I graduate and focus on getting my PT up for now?
What's the better mos 12b , 11x, 19d
They don't, he's talking out of his ass. The misconception comes from CIA and Foreign Service officers that actually work cases and develop sources. On the .mil side the officers are team leads or advisors, running briefings up the pole and shit. Warrants are generally the ones entrusted with the sensitive work.

HUMINT guys in garrison is just a desk job, compiling reports or doing shitty details because they can't operate on Americans. Deployed they could be out on presence patrols trying to develop assets or just get local info, but they generally just become handlers for whoever they're attached to and forward anything up to their team lead. They could also get stuck helping out the analysts. The juicy part of their job is interrogations, that's their key utility. CI is more so the investigation side of this realm, focusing on SAEDA and national secutriy stuff. They're special agents on par with CID and feds, sometimes wear plainclothes, carry a M11, but are focused on subervison and espionage. The time we see these fields shine is on Exploitation Teams that actually go out and develop and collect under S2 direction.

But from what you're saying you're actually interested in field surveillance, which is generally carried out by combat arms and SOF teams. Marine Recon and Army LRS are your best bet for this. You can enlist into the Corps with a recon contract or find a National Guard BfSB unit for the most direct routes.
You can start your application now if you have a graduation track prepared, basically a plan saying you're graduating spring. At least the Navy does, ask a recruiter for Army
Well after taking out a college loan and doing one semester in college, I realized that college just wasn't for me and I've always been interested in joining the armed forces. What branch should I join? I'm considering the Muh-reens because of the chance to be posted to some overseas base but I'm not sure. What do you guys think is the best branch to enlist in?
Is it true that the US Air Force bans enlisted personnel from becoming Warrant Officers?

Why is this? They used to have them.
what do you want to do
>You can start your application now if you have a graduation track prepared, basically a plan saying you're graduating spring. At least the Navy does, ask a recruiter for Army
Like I said, my PT isn't super great so I'm not sure its a great idea to get my application going yet. I think I'm only hitting around a 240 on the APFT. I do have my graduation track prepared, and I will "apply" to graduate a few weeks after the semester begins.
that's good enough, applications arent instant anyway, boards only convene once a quarter or so. So every few months
The Air Force is the only one that does silly shit like that. Every other branch allows enlisted personnel to transfer to warrant officers or become warrant officers right out of the gate from basic training.

Check out the pay chart compared to enlisted ranks.
That's on odd way to phrase it, warrant officers simply do not exist in the AF.
They're not banned, they just don't use them, and there's really no need. All the instances of warrants in the other branches show a need for command authority, but in the AF there isn't a position that would need such rank that isn't already filled by regular officers. Senior enlisted serve as the subject matter experts.

The only time it was considered recently was with drone pilots, but they are not controlling anything but the aircraft and have officers with authority standing by, so they stay enlisted.

They sure as hell do. You know how I know you've never actually been anywhere near actual HUMINT?


>I thought officers generally took care of management within their branch rather than directly take part in operations.

That's a misconception coming from salty enlisted who don't comprehend the difference between a field grade officer and a staff grade officer. Disregard everything that this stupid faggot >>32446145 tells you.
>that's good enough, applications arent instant anyway, boards only convene once a quarter or so. So every few months
Ok, I'll go speak to a recruiter this week. Gonna check out the AF OCS as well.
I'm not sure honestly. All I know is that I want to be on a base somewhere overseas (sorry if that sounds like a stupid reason). I'm a licensed EMT if that counts for anything.
Also what are options to help me pay off the FAFSA loan I have. I'm completely broke at the moment.
Should I wait till enlist in the US Army? Should I wait for Trump to give more gibs to the Military? How long should that take so that I get the most out of my enlistment.

>give more gibs to the Military

The Republicans cut pensions while expanding payments for contracting companies within the past year. Don't hold your breath for more shit from them.
That doesn't answer my question though (how to do recon shit as enlisted)
The other anon suggested marine recon or army LRS, which makes sense considering what I want to do

I mentioned SOF and Marine Scout Sniper. The Marines Force Recon has been rolled into MARSOC last I checked, which doesn't know what it wants to do but the Marines needed to have their own cookie cutter version of Special Operations because they wanted toys like that too.

If you want to do Special Reconnaissance as enlisted then I might also recommend Air Force CCT? Special Reconnaissance is basically what they do when they aren't attached to someone doing DA/FID/CT.
I have a few question if you don't mind.

Is what you do at monthly drill dependent on your classification in terms of PT/classes/whatever else and ect

Also, what happens when you get called to deployment?
Do they tell you in advanced during a weekend drill "you're shipping to X for X time, so be at X at X time & date"? Does your CO call you and leave a voice mail, or email you?
Unless they're a HET lead or at the Pentagon you'll be scare to find any company grade officers doing anything worthwhile but working in their shop or agent handling. You are so out of touch with reality.

This just oozes with more misinformation. Force Recon is still around in their traditional role as well as battalion recon, MARSOC cleared them out when standing up the regiment but are getting back to normal manpower levels. MARSOC has also been around for over a decade now and are well established within SOCOM and have proven they can take command and control of theater operations.

CCTs have the capability, but they'll only get dispatched solo if it's to scope out an airfield, their capability set does not really make sense for a team of them to carry out missions, hence attaching to other units.
nobody respects military welfare queens anyway. ptsd from your nintendo games.

Let me dissect this.

>Foreign Service officers that actually work cases and develop sources

Foreign Service officers don't do that. That's "Core Collectors" operating under official cover as FSOs.

>the officers are team leads or advisors

Most HUMINT are officers in my branch who pull responsibility for a shop for six months, deploy to do HUMINT shit, SIGINT shit, or analysis, then come back and keep running the shop for six months until their next deployment. HUMINT officers specialize in HUMINT early in their training pipelines by personal request.

>Warrants are generally the ones entrusted with the sensitive work

My branch doesn't even have warrant officers, but that's beside the point: you don't get to be a Warrant Officer from 35M without spending years in the service and working your way up to at least mid-level NCO first after multiple terms of enlistment. You lie by omission to these kids.

>HUMINT guys in garrison is just a desk job, compiling reports or doing shitty details because they can't operate on Americans.

In your branch, sure.

>Deployed they could be out on presence patrols

So they're stomping around Baghdad with an entire patrol accompanying them.

>trying to develop assets

"Hey you, know anything about Al Qaeda? I'm just asking in public while wearing a uniform stomping around with like 30 other guys, we'll totally keep it a secret if you wanna tell us stuff right now bruh."

>just get local info

So translating for a commander asking questions.

>become handlers for whoever they're attached to and forward anything up to their team lead

If they're allowed to run sources that is.

>The juicy part of their job is interrogations

Why don't you tell the kids who runs interrogations? Anybody who volunteers for the detail and speaks the language can, it's just that 35Ms sometimes speak a relevant language and have theoretically been taught what to ask. That isn't what you're trying to sell here though.


>They could also get stuck helping out the analysts

Writing reports, which is what you claim officers get stuck doing.

>CI is more so the investigative side of this realm

Because they do Force Protection counterintelligence. They're in for a minimum of 3-4 years just to get to the point where an enlisted gets to be a special agent whether you're talking about AFOSI or Army CID. They wear plainclothes 99.9% of the time, but no junior enlisted allowed.

You haven't contradicted anything that I'm saying in terms of facts, but you're presenting these facts in a way that is clearly meant to be misleading as fuck. When people say HUMINT they don't mean interrogations, they mean agent handling. Very, very few 35M get to handle agents, and it takes more than just one enlistment period to work your way up to Warrant Officer or Counterintelligence Agent. CI takes a minimum of 3 years and Warrant Officer takes the better part of a decade last time I checked, which admittedly was a while ago.

What the fuck has you so invested in lying to kids about the HUMINT field? Are you a salty 35M who can't accept that you weren't/aren't running with the big boys? Are you in an office shilling for the Pentagon? What's your deal dude?
>When people say HUMINT they don't mean interrogations, they mean agent handling.

Not the guy you're answering to, but I thought HUMINT in the broadest sense simply meant acquiring intel by physically moving behind enemy lines and observing a target.
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Only a problem if you are dumb enough to be "career enlisted". For everyone in the Officer Corps its a non-issue. Enlisted guys can barely keep their finances in order regardless.

>you'll be scare to find any company grade officers doing anything worthwhile but working in their shop or agent handling
>or agent handling

Nice job admitting what you've been denying the rest of the thread.

>You are so out of touch with reality

Not remotely.

>Force Recon is still around in their traditional role as well as battalion recon
> MARSOC cleared them out when standing up the regiment

I wouldn't call getting your manpower gutted being still around. If they're being stood back up as Force Recon that's news to me.

>MARSOC has been around for over a decade now

They couldn't decide if they wanted to be TF Green, TF Blue, Force Recon, or something else for most of the 2000's. I have no idea what they're fucking doing at this point.

>CCTs have the capability, but they'll only get dispatched solo if it's to scope out an airfield

You'd be surprised at how often Special Tactics is sent out to do shit unattached to other units, but in practice they typically make up 20% of the members of ODA Teams deployed to places where we need air power to coordinate with the locals. You get the 12 green berets and with 2 ccts and a sto usually.

That's special reconnaissance. HUMINT is usually thought of as convincing and compromising insiders to sell you info.
We ever gonna get back to the good ol' days of 2002 when everyone and their grandma could get a tattoo waiver?
That's the source of your confusion bro. That's definitely not HUMINT in any sense. HUMINT is mostly "talking to people" intelligence, not hiding out with binoculars.

They cut officer pensions too.
I don't mind, but it has been a good amount of time since I got out, so ymmv. 46N3, clinical nurse for reference.

>what you do at drill
It boils down to your job, whatever the unit has planned and what stage of the deployment cycle they are on, and what training you need. Early on when I was in the hospital it was largely just coming in and taking over for the active guys, or we would host continuing education classes since some reservists had more experience in certain fields, like pediatrics or whatever. A good friend of mine was a navigator and they would generally just fly and do whatever taking their engineers and loadmasters with them. Later on I worked in aeromedical staging, so our drills were mostly mock-ups and training on different parts of our mission set, with a weekend or two of supply and inventory a year. When I got on in rank I had to do more and more extracurricular stuff like personnel planning. If your unit just got back from deployment, expect some 'lighter' drills and if you are on your year of eligibility to be deployed expect 'heavier' drills.

It depends on the scale. On an individual level you can volunteer and usually be on active orders within a month or two; if they're pulling you active it's supposed to be a 30 day notice, and they try to shoot for 90 days. If the unit is getting deployed you get put on alert status first, everyone is notified through the unit's system. Phone calls come and then shortly you'll get the email and briefings. My first experience was easy, I was moved from my active unit into my reserve unit that was mobilized at my home station, then released from active duty when the unit was. The second time around was early in 2003, we were on alert for most of 2002 with briefings coming every so often and a full plan in place with a 3 month notice of the mobilizations. Then we had a month at our home station before we embarked, so we could take care of stuff if we had to.
Daily reminder that the navy and marine corps are the best branches
Air Force for personal comfort and lifestyle, Coast Guard for professional opportunities

Navy and MUHreens for homo hazing anal

>Get to navy basic
>Shower time
>Everything is normal at first
>Someone starts singing "Bump n Grind" by R. Kelly
When APFT is done is it on full rest early in the morning? Or do they do it after a long day/ruck/workout/etc?
You aren't wrong.
I don't see nothing wrong

I don't suppose you would, being in there with that midget.

You can be expected to pass it at any time. Usually they want you to do well so they give you plenty of rest though.

Exception being when you're in some kind of competition or selection. A few hours of smoking and then an APFT or back to back APFTs is a good way to cull the herd.
Generally done first thing in the morning, replacing standard PT, and usually there is a long warning that it's coming up.

PT tests are usually done for large blocks of a unit, and it's in nobodies best interests for a lot of people to fail (it makes everybody all the way up the leadership change look like shit if there are too many failures), so they try to make conditions as good as possible.
can a leaf enlist in u s a ?
im 18
See, I know just what you want
>Exception being when you're in some kind of competition or selection. A few hours of smoking and then an APFT or back to back APFTs is a good way to cull the herd.

This happens, but those are different than "real", official PT tests. Those aren't going on your ERB or anything, those are just modified ways of selection and are more at the whims of whoever is running them to change the rules.
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As far as I know the unit commander of both units has to sign off on it, but I'm not guard. Some will allow it, some are sorry sons of bitches and won't.
Gotcha, so when someone says you should have ~XXX PT score before enlisting or commissioning or going 18X or whatever do they typically mean getting that score when you're fresh? When you hear about ranger guys hitting 300+ on their PT is that on rest or after a long day of work?

Also question: why are you not going right for rep 63 or volunteering for airborne duty right off the bat?
That's fresh, but that's more like ballpark.

If you have 18x eyes, you want a lot of physical conditioning that isn't measured on a PT test. PT tests are very restricted, and somebody can be great at the test, but not great in overall in practical ways.

I know two guys who went 18-series. They were both beastly guys who had to try out twice each. They had put in probably about a solid year's worth of work before enlisting.

I tried with one of the guys when he went for reselection for giggles, but I failed out after the first week because my heart was never really in going 18 series.

>Rucking strength (this includes many compound and Olympic style weight exercise in the gym)
>Ability to ruck and maintain a brisk walking pace
>Very strong swimming abilities
>Military press
>Climbing abilities, ability to pull yourself over walls and such.

Basically, the test is a good filter. If you can't max the test, you DEFINITELY aren't ready, but even if you can there is a lot more.
That sucks because they won't want me if I'm a shitbag, but then I won't get released if I'm decent.

Only thing open in support is clerks and riggers, I'd get airborne either way but not exactly what I'd like to do. There is a LRS unit as well but they only take comms guys as non-prior service, so a team slot is hard to come by. I feel confident about selection and the Q course but I don't want to initiate that before finishing college.

My line of thought is 11B at my local unit so I can get back to school and get those bennies and retirement going, then attend SFRE or whatever the LRS audition is during my final semesters. Have a little under 2 years left and I'd like to stay in the area/state for a while.

>volunteer for airborne 11b
>get back to school and get those bennies and retirement going

It doesn't count toward bennies until two years active, and barely counts toward retirement. The 11b pipeline even with airborne is right around 5-6 months, which is 1.5 years short of what you need for bennies. I don't know what your recruiter implied, but I'm guessing that he or she left that part out.

Going from 11b to 18b is going to be one hell of a lot harder than going in on a rep 63 which lets you do 18x as a reservist, plus the training pipeline alone puts you almost at or at the 2 year minimum active for bennies.
Did your buddies say what they were doing to train before enlisting? I currently bike to class everyday ~5 miles, running 2x week, swimming once, and doing starting strength. I'm taking 20 hours of classes next semester so I don't know how much more I can/should add to it.
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I have a quandary guys.

I have the opportunity to go to an Ivy League school that will work around my deployments, but if I go active while attending I may not have the time or energy to finish by the end of my enlistment. On the other hand if I just go to school I'm going to miss out on the enlisted end of things and I might miss the age window for the job that I want.

Pretending that reserve/ng isn't an option, do you think someone with a demanding job can do active and attend a school with a demanding curriculum, or is it an either/or thing?
Run more. Are you incredibly weak? If not, avoid strength training. Barring being severely underweight, you're strong enough. I have no idea why people seem to think this is necessary, it isn't.

Run, run and run some more. On the days you aren't running, do some hiking or cycling. Play a sport. Swimming is fine, but weight training won't really have any benefits unless its to build an absolute absence of strength.
A lot of swimming (serious swimming, not just splashing around and calling it exercise) and a lot of lifting (deadlifts, cleans, squats) to give them better ability to physically handle rucking without risking permanant injury. They rucked quite a bit, but not as much as you might think, and they really didn't do ruck running. Ruck running as a regular training exercise is basically repeatedly rolling dice that you won't get catastrophically injured and if you do it enough you will eventually wear out irreplaceable bits in your knees and back. They would ruck with fast walking paces (about 10min miles without breaking a walking type stride), and they only ruck ran a little bit as proof of concept. They did a lot of land nav on the way as well.

Overall, is was a very comprehensive amount of exercise suited to giving them good cardio and decent strength with a variety of strength exercises so as to not neglect certain muscles (opposed to guys who just do glamor stuff).

Boxing training would be a decent way to get the kind of cardio you are looking for on non-running days.
I meant things like Tricare and access to the local commissary and other facilities. The reserve component retirement system is based on points, and as long as I show up to drills it'll add up to my 20. The only thing more active days gives me is more points, more points=more pay. My school is paid for, not concerned about that. I also believe what you're referring to is actual veteran status, and you're correct, however for reserve components I would only need to serve more than 180 days active -other than training-. I can get a VA loan after 6 years, and numerous state perks right away.

Believe me, I've done my research, sought other counsel from close friends and family with pertinent knowledge and weighed the outcomes extensively. Like I said, not worried about selection, just looking for some info on unit transitions, because I have no contacts in the Guard or understanding of the support side of things.
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>check out ASVAP tests online
>I barely know any of this shit
Do they teach you this stuff in basic or am I destined to be infantry?
They teach it in high school.
I wouldn't call myself strong at all. Not even close. Haven't lifted in a while so I'm only hitting like 95/135/185/225 OHP/BCH/SQT/DL.

My swim is pretty good, I can do 500M in ~11:00 and my 2 mile run is ~13:00 if I'm really hauling ass.

I need to sit down and start recording my stats though, I've pretty much just been winging it.

When you say play a sport do you just mean something like intramurals? Like I said, I'm taking 20 hrs this semester so my time is fairly limited. I don't do much in the way of social life so I have that going for me.

And I'm not even sure what I want to do yet, I just want to be very fit when I go and do it.
Were I you, I'd feel more comfortable after about doubling those squat and DL numbers (takes time, but less daunting than you'd think). Bench is kinda whatever for military applications.

Add farmer's walks and weighted lunges.

Running looks very legit.
All I know is I railed a few secfo chicks at incirlik and they loved nasty thangs

For the thread, do Air Force and litersely any career field other than secfo, and cooking. In reality I knew a tech sarg who cooked on air force one and had a sweet gig so only secfo.
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UBRR. Learn it, live it, love it. Shoot for 1300 or so at least, most team guys are doing like 1500. There's a good calculator available if you have a smartphone.

Appreciate the info fellas.
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>I'm going army by the way

Ask an Air Force recruiter who they send their low ASVAB scorers down the hall to. I shit the not, not even a micron.

Most .mil careers are not spent at war. Consider what sort of barracks life and peacetime training in an era of no money and overstretch you REALLY want to deal with.
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I'm planning on joining the MA Army National guard as an 11b.

Since I have a college degree, I'm going in as an E-4.

How long would you estimate before I hit E-5?
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Tell me of the worst SF86/clearance fuck ups you've heard of.

On active duty you'd be looking at 3+ years. The guard is more based on slots opening up though. Most likely longer.

Does it matter though? The difference is like $10 when you're only working a weekend a month.
>litersely any career field other than secfo

Avoid Admin unless you speak fluent ebonics. Welfare queens all.

Avoid Transportation. They can be send TDY to assist other services and that's never in a good place.

Work on things with wings, work medical for best civilian monies, or skate in a computar job but you'll be behind current tech.

Stay for 20 and magnificent retirement which is about to be seriously weakened. If I enlisted today I'd do it now and do what I did, which is plan for at least 20 then freedom for life.

The best are the ones where they would have been totally fine if they had been honest, but they get buttfucked as shifty and untrustworthy for lying about stuff that clearances don't even care about.
go on...
>college degree
>300+ APFT
>tfw too intelligent to be 11B
What branch? What do?
Read above for info
>Chair Force is okay, but not as respected.

I'll take, and took, that trade for not being treated based on lowest common denominator standards. All the services have some very, very intelligent people. Some of the services have more slots to fill with warm bodies than others, and must use the human clay they are given. Thus are the sharp folks condemned to serve with, and very often under (yay for diversity promotion quotas that officially don't exist) morons. My Nam vet bros thoroughly discouraged me from going Army for which I remain grateful.

The military needs tactical athletes. It also needs combat airpower and I never saw a broke aircraft respond to PT scores. In the late '90s I walked the annual PT course smoking a Pall Mall. Fuck that noise.
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11x opt 40
DO NOT do SF or Transportation or Admin in the Air Force.

SF have poor retention because constant Sand Box deployments and generally sucky lives. OK way to a civilian cop job but I wouldn't go that route. If I went insane enough to entertain the notion I'd pay a friend to kick me in the nuts until I dropped the idea.
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have a pic of the same sign from my dad

Most drug use, weird fetishes, pretty much all medical history, a history of infidelity...

Most stuff doesn't matter for a clearance until you're ashamed of it and try to cover it up. That turns a non-issue into leverage that can be used against you.
Clearly the sign was made by enlisted.
There's no ivy league school that you could attend while active duty enlisted.

If you go reserve or NG, you won't deploy so it doesn't matter.

>reserve or ng never deploys

I wish that were true.
I don't think there's any uni you could attend while being active since active is a full time job.
Tell me about OCS. Is it a meme? More fun than enlisted? Hows the fellowship? Pay and bennies? What can you do? Is it needs of the branch?

Plenty of people go to university on active duty, just not Ivy Leagues.

You make time to take courses online or in person when you're not on duty.
The Ivy Leagues aren't any different from state schools anon
#1: Which Ivy league school are you going to attend while stationed at which military base?

#2: Which Ivy league school offers a degree that you could complete via part-time studies before being PCSed away from the school?
I'm not arguing that you can go to an Ivy League school while active duty, I'm arguing you can go to a regular uni or Ivy League while active duty. Maybe CC or something but not most unis
If you don't have a completely destroyed back and knees by 35, you ain't shit
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>I'm not arguing that you can go to an Ivy League school while active duty, I'm arguing you can go to a Ivy League while active duty.
Navy CTI join CIA
>air force
Really? Because I'm naval intelligence and what he said is spot on.
Intel, providing you aren't trolling, is the collection of intelligence through various means. The coolest are in support to SOF and often join them on mission.
>he bought into the nuke meme
And so the cycle continues.
Is field artilery better than nuke at least?
13D specifically, because I want free IT certs
Should I go nuke or ct(cti or ctn)
Obviously I meant you CAN'T go to a regular uni or ivy league
Is there a definitive list of disqualifying medical conditions for Army service? Every list I looked at doesn't state what I have. I'm a sperg but not on any medication, never been hospitalized. I know the government knows I'm a sperg, it's an extremely long story but the reason is very trivial.

On another note: important life skills of mine include an annoying level of detail recognition and being able to stare at a screen for days at at time. What is being a drone pilot like? I only know they stare at blurry pictures for too long but I already do that. Might as well try to get paid for it.
Thank you.
Dude. I am in Basic right now but home for Christmas. We definitely have some spergs. Maybe not known by the government but certainly autistic. Also we had a guy with lupus manage to get in but he deteriorated and got sent home. Just try. It is literally entirely risk free.
How are you in basic and at home?
Are you telling me they let you go home in the middle of it?
Yes. That is exactly what I said. I am still considered in IET or "Initial Entry Training" but we were sent home for Christmas.
jesus christ what branch are you in?
Thats fucking embarassing its so soft now.
What's it like to go sniper in the army, marines or SF?
I've been running in order to prepare for basic and the sides of my shins are starting to hurt like a motherfucker. It's seriously affecting my performance. What should I do?
lol even the air force doesn't do that.

I did get to go home on Christmas Exodus though during my tech school

The Army has done this for a long time. It's not for the trainees sake, it's so less Drill Sergeants off themselves. It's already a shitty job without taking away Christmas too.

The trainees can stay at BCT and sweep shit for two weeks, or take leave they don't have yet and go home.
But this is what I don't understand on the medical side of things, OPM does talk to your CoC and shares investigative details. Let's say you went to a psych once or you were a DUDE WEED LMAO but didn't say a word about it at MEPs (because you weren't an idiot), if you're open about it and it dosent jive with MEPs paperwork, how do you avoid getting kicked out?
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Yeah, well Ihad been debating between either going out for our State's SF program or enlisting first. But if you are enlisted, from my understanding, you need to be at least an E-5 to go to the tryout.

That's certainly not the case for active duty. They promote you to E-5 regardless of current rank if you make it through the pipeline. Maybe part-time SF is different.

My CoC never saw the details of my investigation or cared. Literally all they do is wait for your adjudication to come back in JPAS. There's much less communication there than you think, OPM is not beholden to the clearance sponsor.
This. In fact, they're very explicit that HIPAA prevents them from releasing any medical data to your CoC unless you're putting yourself or others in imminent danger.
I just read the that the Navy revised it's tattoo policy.
I'll be calling a recruiter later today or tomorrow.
>are hand and knuckle tattoos acceptable now?
I got my hand tattooed, and one of my knuckles.
>I got med dropped in Arkansas at MEPS and needed a waiver, will the state of Washington have a national record of this?

Either way, I ain't got anything to lose, so I'm going to try anyways.

I had an 11x option 40 my senior year of high school 3 years ago. Took a sudafed before MEPS because I was sick, jacked up my heart rate. I got my contract dropped and didn't enlist.

So it's better to come forth openly on mental health stuff?
It's better to disclose literally everything up-front, even if that destroys your dreams by disqualifying you.

But that's just, like, my opinion man.
Are there any major changes coming up I should know about before enlisting? Should I enlist soon or wait a few months?
Which short of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder won't solely DQ him.
PJ is gay as fuck, go CCT if you want to actually fuck shit up.
>Took a sudafed before MEPS because I was sick, jacked up my heart rate.

If you're going to tell a bullshit story at least make it believable.
Well there'll be Korean War II in 2017/2018, so think about whether you want to put your life on the line for some gooks or not.
My recruiter promised me a war. He even put it in my conract
US Army Infantry. Its what the other anon said. It's more for the Drills.
>Things that will never happen
If you don't go Rep63/18X right off the bat you need to have at least a year from graduating AIT, be an E-4 to E-6, and all the typical SF requirements: at least 20 years old, airborne volunteer, 240 APFT min., etc. The gaining unit can waive some of these as they see fit except for the medical profile/age stuff. SFRE is the 3 day tryout, each battalion generally holds them twice a year.

You pick up E-5 if you have 18 months TIS and complete the Q course. If you have 6 months TIG for E-5, 42 months TIS, and are MOS qual'd in any 18 series you automatically make E-6; that keeps the current E-5s going out for SF to not be held back on promotions.
Will there be bonuses for enlisting during a wartime surge
There's bonuses for enlisting now
I just got $20k for a 3 year contract
Any advice?
How often are you running?
Once every two or three days
I've been running for under a month
I think I might have jumped the gun. I have an appointment with an army recruiter tomorrow, but I"ve been a stoner for awhile and will totally fail a test for weed(nothing else) a month. I heard something about a waiver before and thought it wasn't that big of a deal if you were honest, but now I'm not sure. When I meet tomorrow what should I say if he asks me? I shouldve waited until I knew I was clean but I wanted to meet with recruiter and see what some of my options were. It'd be pretty embarrassing if I backed out. I just don't want to fuck things up.

Will past weed use completely destroy my chances of advancement and security clearance? I've done other drugs years ago, is there anyway they can find out?

Also I have degree but a sub 3.0 GPA(about 2.8). Will that hurt me much?
Will they let a 30 year old athlete get a waiver to be a STO?
Don't mention weed, if you feel pressured say you tried it a long time ago. BUT DO NOT CHANGE YOUR STORY. Don't say "no I have never done weed" then 30 minutes later "well maybe once"
Under no circumstances mention any other types of drugs. At all.
Your recruiter won't drug test you in your first few meetings, so if you don't smoke anymore you will be good by the time your first drug test comes around
Weed doesn't matter for security clearances as long as it is in the past.

Be upfront with your recruiter, they deal with this constantly. They won't send you to MEPS if you're not good for a drug test.

And stop fucking doing drugs if you want to join the military.
>If you're going to tell a bullshit story at least make it believable.
Why the fuck would I take time out of my day, to post a bullshit story?
Sudafed is an antihistamine, which impacts heart rate.

Anyway hand and knuckle tattoos are acceptable in the Navy.
I previously had bunionectomy surgery, and had paperwork so I didn't need a medical waiver.
I'm thinking of just tattooing over the surgical scars next month, and lying about having surgery, if I can't find the paperwork.
>Anyway hand and knuckle tattoos are acceptable in the Navy.
Are they really? And here I've been stressing over removing mine for the Army...
>I experimented once when I was a teenager
Is there paperwork regarding it, and did you tell them about it?
Why do people say infantry is so different from all other jobs
What makes it different
>I just got $20k for a 3 year contract
What mos?

Retards getting hand tattoos is this common?
>Once I get out of University

Be armored commander if army.
>Retards getting hand tattoos is this common?
Because infantry gets shit on the most. Infantry culture has a heaping dose of little man syndrome, so they act like everybody else is jealous of how much they get shit on.
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just took the asvab today, my composites are all above 110. (AFQT was 79)

Im trying to get 35F as my mos, but im nervous about the DLAB has anyone here had experience taking it? and if so i would be forever grateful for some input and tips.

35F doesn't take the DLAB. Are you thinking 35P?
i was under the impression that most 35 series MOS do infact take that test.

but If thats the case, and i dont have to take it im fucking super happy lmao.

Two 35 series take the test, M and P. And it was optional for M for a long time.
navy corpsman good job for someone who likes fighting but maybe not eating crayons?
Can't say because I've never tried.
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Thank you man, ive been looking online and never found a definitive answer.
Will it be a waste of four years to go to college and then enlist 11x option 40? I want to be a Ranger, but right now I don't know if I could pass RASP. My mile and a half run time right now is 11:30, I can do 60 push ups and 85 situps.
If you don't go FMF you'll end up in a hospital, if you do you'll eat crayons anyway unless you do SOIDC.
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Just found out yesterday when I was looking for some new tattoo inspiration. Sparked my interest in enlisting again.

>Retards getting hand tattoos is this common?
I'm a mariner and a roughneck. Tattoos have had absolutely no effect on my career, and have actually helped if anything. Everyone in the mariner culture has exposed tattoos.

I didn't enlist when my option 40 was dropped, purely because I didn't wanna risk spending 2 years purely being a peacetime infantryman.
Since I just found out the Navy allows exposed tattoos, I'm gonna try to get into the reserves, as to help pay my dive school tuition.
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What's the better mos 11x or 19d and who gets the better training
>I'm a mariner and a roughneck. Tattoos have had absolutely no effect on my career, and have actually helped if anything. Everyone in the mariner culture has exposed tattoos.
Fag i was actually in the navy so please dont try and big dawg me. They used to mean something decades ago but not anymore. Tattoos have 100% jumped the shark, every 16 year old white girl has a tattoo at this point so if you are still living under the delusion that tattoos are cool then please consider suicide.
11X gets training relevant to their job that's useful if you actually deploy.
19D gets training relevant to their job, then told to do the same job as the 11X downrange.
I want to learn survival, combat, gun, skills which would better mos to learn best from
or SERE Specialist in the Air Force
Some of us were stupid and don't feel like paying 10 grand to remove all the tattoos we have
But between 19d and 11x to start out in military
you aren't gonna learn much about survival in those MOS.

Honestly? Combat Weatherman in the Air Force. Weirdest fucking special operations job ever.
19D are like elite infantry but without being SOF

They are better trained than 11B
You sound like a whole bunch of fun at parties, and get triggered every time you see tattoos.

Don't get shitty tattoos and you won't have any regrets.
Only person who has called me stupid for my ink, was a drunk roofer. Who then went on to say how mine are tasteful, and his sons have shitty ones.

Anyway back to my OP
>med dropped at MEPS in another state
>had previous surgery, but no longer have paperwork of doctor's clearance and the paperwork on it
Just lie my little heart out, right?
>You sound like a whole bunch of fun at parties
Nice assumptions and deflection
>get triggered every time you see tattoos
Im not triggered at all im just telling you you look like a moron and a joke. You probably agree with me but realize youre stuck with em and are trying to go down with the ship.
I like my tattoos but it was only after the first sleeve I decided that I didn't want color. So now I have one color sleeve and my chest/other arm/legs done in b&g. Oh well.
What was the surgery? As long as it was nothing major or invasive you should be okay just mentioning it. They never asked to see anything on my wisdom teeth or when I had an abscess taken care of. If not, then lie if it won't be something that could come back to bite ya, like asthma.
>I like my tattoos but it was only after the first sleeve I decided that I didn't want color. So now I have one color sleeve and my chest/other arm/legs done in b&g. Oh well.
Meant for >>32457773
I got a tattoo on each limb once I realized that might be the only way to identify me if my time was up involving an explosive or dismemberment. Quite a few other grunts did too, mostly stick and poke stuff.
When the recruiter tells you to lie at news why would they think differently about their sf86?
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You really do sound pissy. Get over yourself. You are getting triggered. No one gives a shit what you think, when you see tatt'd people.

Ouch. Shoulda stuck with color all over.
Could be worse, and be like those people with 4 different tattoo styles, that clash negatively.

Bunion removal surgery, no retained hardware, back in 2011 and 2012 on both feet.
When I got cleared previously for enlistment, I had the copies of the surgery, with the sign-off of the podiatrist. No medical waiver was needed.

I don't even remember who did the surgery, or have means of getting my previous enlistment packet.
The legend is that they couldn't fit the "'re" on all three so they made it wrong for all three
Why does everyone say medical history doesn't matter for sf86?
>Ouch. Shoulda stuck with color all over.
I think I'm gonna either remove the color sleeve and do something B&G over it or just tattoo black over it
So you can lie your way through news no problem as long as your honest on your sf86? What keeps the investigators from looking at meps paperwork?
Just pick references that wouldn't know anyone who knows you did drugs and shit

Long time friends of your parents/family friends, bosses from work, high school coaches/teachers.
Because unless its mental health related or drug related, it really isn't.

The investigator's primary goal is to find out ways you can be blackmailed, put in compromising situations (looking at you hard drug use and sudden Chinese girlfriends) or patterns of untrustworthiness, not to confirm whatever you put down in MEPS.

What throws people for a loop on /meg/ is that while in civvie land something like mental health CANNOT be the sole disqualifying factor for a clearance, people get freaked out about whether CoC can find out about such things and try to kick you out.
So if you lie about medical shit to meps is there a way for clearance guys to connect the dots?

Only if they found out through interviews with references or your mother won't shut up about how silly you looked after you woke up from the 12 screws they put in your leg after you crashed on the way back from a bongathon.

Now, mental stuff gets kinda weird.
They let you in SOF at 30 with a waiver?
What kind of shit can you get up to as an officer? Looking at the Navy, was gonna go speak to a recruiter tomorrow.
Joining military(army, signed up and everything. SigInt. I have a couple of questions.
>How do I get army-ready running-wise?
>What's SigInt like? Will it be useful in the future?
>Should I have picked the marines instead?
>How the hell do you tell the difference between all of the Sergeant ranks?
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