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Why does Germany do this?

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Why does Germany do this?
Because they're probably there in a support role and haven't been ordered to make ready their weapons yet
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Wow, there is clearly a shiny, black butt plug on the right in the image on the right.
Women cops are already unable to deal with any violent situation, now they are going to try with unloaded guns
> he gives his women loaded weapons
Open carry is far more effective than the cc+1 nd crowd will admit.

If shit goes down that 2 second mag in bolt rack would be negligible in the whole picture
so they wont get shot in the dick
Never mind that, how the hell do you reload from a mag pouch on the neck?
Why does Germany do half of the things it does.. makes you think..
In Stand by no mags loaded until need to do so. They have pistols that are are loaded and ready.

It's a safety measure.

A police trainer states...Do you carry keys, phones, radios, handgun magazines, or small flashlights on the front or sides of your duty belt? Can these find their way into your trigger guard and discharge a weapon? So until need they are just waiting there about 2 seconds from being fully active.
Damn, if someone would just come up with a way of making a weapon unable to fire even when loaded guns would be a lot more safe to handle

You would need to come up with a good name for the device though, I'm drawing a blank on it
Maybe one day we'll be lucky enough to have the murder /k/ube bless us with such a mechanism which would allow that sense of safety
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Russians do the same thing
Because Germany is a nation of cucks and their sand nigger masters
Until you're the first one they pop before robbing the area or just to take your gun.
>gangbangers are navy seals that are willing risk getting hurt
Thousands of LEOs who usually don't carry anything larger than a pistol get sent out loaded up to reassure the public. The protocol is so even if they do not know what a safety is they can not do something (really) stupid. It's like when your patrol leader authorizes you chamber a round. There is a lot of police training dealing with misuse of safeties. This is one of them.

You might be a real high speed operator who does not need a safety but I'm sure the bosses of
really don't want it to come up so this is a procedure. You may of heard of them ...They call them rules it's what most of us have to follow if you want to show up to work the next day.
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>female cops
They don't realize the guns are unloaded.

please tell me that pic is a shoop!!!
Wow, I wonder if germans will ever invent a manual gun safing device. Maybe in the form of a switch.
pretty much all of their guns have manual safety anon.
Found the newfag

it's not about safety imo. the manual safety and trigger discipline is more than enough. it's more like a gesture to the civilians. "see gun not loaded nothing to be afraid of nothing will happen we are just chilling here"
They got massively shat on by their superior, because they were indeed supposed to be ready.
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"chick lean" oh jesus i kicked my gf so hard the last time she pulled it.
Not give their women loaded guns? I mean it's kind of smart.
haha shes on semi and the guy behind her is on full, if I was in her position I wouldn't want to go full auto either.
They want young, fertile German women to be overpowered and raped by mudslimes.
Anyone got the video of the German SWAT guy trying to figure out his three-point sling?
To be fair, can anyone truly figure out a three point sling?
took me 2 seconds back then
Almost like they are suicide bombers
You pull down
I genuinely like three point slings
They don't want to accidentally shoot any terrorists. That would be a hate crime.
Can they load their guns faster than the terrorist can blow himself up after shouting aloha snackbar?
Fun fact most on guard duty in non war zones usually have empty magazine in the rifle.
>non war zone
Maybe they're smart enough to not issue their women live ammunition.

fuck those ulbricts helmets are so sexy, why cant i get them in the US ;-;
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Not sure how it works in great free Murrica, where guns are ordinary..

But atleast in scandinavia (where guns are less public, even though we have shitloads)
The procedure is quite common in the Military, where military personel remove magazines even if empty, and ironically keep them on when there is something in the magazine (blanks on war games, real ones on guard duty)

It all boils down to the view that there is no reason to cause any fear, panic or uncertainty in the civilians, so guns are unchambered and magazines off when they are not required otherwise in public areas.

The difference however is that police do not follow the same princible, not atleast on Finland. Since the idea is that if the situation is not severe, then the heavier guns are not needed in the first place, and hence they only have their (loaded) service pistols when situations are quiet, and gun up when shit hits the fan.
because they represent todays german politics

>just pretend to act in citizens favor
>while in fact buttfuck them as much as you can

the official said it openly, its for 'for the subjetive felt security' of the pleb
like after every attack, in a few days all these beatcops and their mp5s vanish from the streets to never be seen again (till next attack and subjective scared sheep flock)
as a german i can assure you that 19 of 20 germans have no clue how a gun works or what a magazine is
I hear your regular cops have abysmal firearms training as well.
That pic is quite real my friend. The cop didn't catch it, the photographer didn't catch it, and the paper that printed it didn't catch it. Thankfully the Internet exists and now everyone knows this actually happened.
yes some years ago they tried at least in my state that every cop trains with the mp5 at least 2 times per year regulary (20 shots per occasion).

few cops in sportshooting club are under average at 25m target shooting, lot of newbies are better. and they tell funny stories of even more uncompetent collegues.
but i guess (hope :D) they train more now.
its a just the same as in the whole society. avoid weapons, theyre evil n'stuff.
and the last decades it was quite relaxed, cops shoot less than 10 poeple here a year, mostly knife wielding suicide by cops morons. so they saved shekels on equipement and training
>Don't keep your guns at the ready!
>Wait until the terrorists give us the heads up their almost ready.
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see file name
>All these cops with submachine-guns out and ready
>One cop just waving pedestrians on like, "Nothing to see here."
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>and they tell funny stories of even more uncompetent collegues.
Somehow, I think that's the same all around the world.
I like how in the back they are walking by with their hands in the air. Fucking Liberal ass faggots over there deserve to get blasted.
Its funner because they are all dark skinned too that are doing it
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that airshit grip
You know, they could for instance carry them condition 3 or perhaps hmm I don't know, engage the safety

Fucking kek

>Implying people know what magazines even do

There are lots of law enforcement in the US that are terrible with firearms as well and it is always hilarious when people here try to say "oh but we should only allow police to have firearms since they're trained" but then you go to the police range and the walls, ceilings, and floor are littered with bullet holes
>I like how in the back they are walking by with their hands in the air.
jesus fuck.
to protect femine benis
puttin the clips in the assault guns is islamophobic

Is this some sort of advanced H&K trickery with HK416?
why would you be holding an unusable long weapon on your front, keeping your hands busy if your 1st reaction weapon is a pistol. if that was the reason, the long one should be on the back, shouldn't it?
If you can't draw and fire in under 1.5 seconds, you're slow
Get out newfag
The exclamation points pointed it out, not the lack of knowledge
Grab mag with your teeth, spit mag into gun.
it's finland. everyone has their grandpa's looted PTRD to take down wild bears and territorial moose.
I think this is after they invaded Crimea. They didn't want normal solders killing people

Finland is the most shittiest country of them all. You lost your right to carry in 1998 and didn't even put up a fight about it. Takaisin Eräjormaan Erädorka.
Drill Instructor told me: Hold the tip of the A, then get your faggot body through it.

That sentence made it each enough for me
I mean. Germany.
sauce plz
i don think they be jeans
So that their firearms-incompetent cops don't ND someone.

I don't mean that as a harsh on cops, or these women in particular. Just, pretty much every firearms training regime for a large organization, including police, sucks. Now, they do have decent classes when learning to initially qualify. But practice? The best(!) I've heard of is "you get a few rounds monthly to spend on practicing." Most police or even military are not high-speed operators and so do not have appreciably better accuracy than your average hunter, and are just as likely to fuck up and ND as Bubba.

SWAT/SpecFor are another story.
There was a official statement that both police women should have loaded their weapons, as a unloaded weapon could not be used swiftly.

"„Meine Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind sich sehr bewusst, dass nur eine sofort einsetzbare Maschinenpistole den Schutz bietet, den die Menschen und auch die eingesetzten Polizistinnen und Polizisten im Ernstfall brauchen“"
Google is your friend. Here is the full video:
why is it the same "poses" over and over megusta
Just some fun story:
Berlin banned its police from carrying their guns home because they dont trust them anymore and want them to get to the station first before they can react to the shooting across the street. They also arent allowed to shoot at private ranges anymore. And they closed down every single police shooting range in the state six months ago.
Though Germanys going down the drain anyways so who really cares anymore?
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