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Is "trigger discipline " just bullshit?

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Is "trigger discipline " just bullshit?
Are movies real?
start keeping your finger in the trigger guard all the time and find out
Literally a meme, how retarded do you have to be to not be able to control when you squeeze your finger? Have fun being raped by jamal when you're not ready to shoot with your finger off the trigger
Yes. Literally no one I've seen who was cool cared about that stuff
It's literally /k/ autism that pushes it. I always keep my finger on the trigger and nothing bad has ever happened but of fucking course my autist friend will relentlessly bitch because of it, I have to put up with the bitching though because they are technically his guns
You guys ruined him
When you're sitting at the table, and you're not using the knife, do you put it on the table, or in your pocket?
Trigger discipline isn't bullshit, but the scene you used isn't a good example of poor trigger discipline.

The man is a fucking operator that's balls deep in a cartel lord's mansion. I think in that situation, he's fine.
This guy right here. My man. Would buy a beer for him any day.
I know this is bait, but you're a twat regardless.

not so subtle
>no one I've seen who was cool
Hey you're right, discipline and safety are lame, and when it comes to things like firearms and personal safety, being cool is the only thing that matters
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>nothing bad has ever happend
>they are technically his guns

If this isn't bait then holy shit kys you ignorant noguns.
I'm not noguns you fucking retard I've shot guns before how couldn't you even tell that from my post fucking hell you are the biggest FUCKING RETARD I've ever seen
Fucking kill yourself
Don't fucking call me fucking noguns you fat fuck fucking kill yourself your probably noguns
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your friend should shoot you and your family in the genitals with hollow point ammo
>tfw he's too fat to close the velcro on the sides
>for some reason they attached the pistol mag pouch to the holster where it can flop instead of to the vest
>shit nylon holster
complete soup sandwich
never noticed that before
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are we supposed to believe this guy is a 50 year old fat lawyer and becomes the world most deadly super soldier commando assassin because he got mad

this movie was so fucking bad
he was always a hit man. being a lawyer was his cover.
He was Columbian Cartel
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You don't really pay attention to moves right? You just get mad when something slightly vexing is on screen. He was prior Colombian cartel. They said he was Medellin. That's why he hates the Mexicans. Because they took over the cocaine market and killed his family.
>i always keep my finger on the trigger when i have my gun sandbagged down at the range without ever moving it
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It's something autists on k think defines someone who knows nothing about guns and a super elite Navy Seal specialist killer. Just like them.
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It defines someone that cares about not accidentally shooting someone. Now go check global rule 2
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It all depends on the director.
Way of the Gun really made we want to buy a 308 Galil. Too bad they are so expensive

Depends on if you're operating or just at the range.
Retarded : the post
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Totally dude.
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top kek
what an asshole
If someone doesn't exercise proper trigger discipline that I know or wants to shoot with me I just take my stuff and walk away.

I'm not getting shot because you're stupid.
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I don't understand how not wanting to get shot makes me wear a certain type of headgear.

This right here my man. It's almost like op hasn't even seen the movie but is still being a faggot
Enjoy getting fucked by Jamal when you go to jail for negligent manslaughter for killing someone while waving a gun a round with your finger on the trigger
So his stance is questionable but at least we're seeing someone in an attack that can grip a fucking handgun worth a damn
This bait needs to buffer a bit more
>almost shoots himself, pauses for one second, continues with the drill

what the fuck
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>this is my safety

People that get all autist about it, like it's a fucking commandment or some shit, are retarded tho.
You wouldn't? I mean it costs money to do that, I wouldn't stop for something that didn't result in injuries. Once done I'd probably yell at the dumb ass though.
Trigger discipline is equivalent of "cut away from yourself" with knives.

Do you ALWAYS need to? No. Should you if you can help it? Yeah, probably.
Did he die?
>Literally no one I've seen who was cool

Since when does "cool" matter unless you are gay? That's no warfighting metric.
You are why ND exists.Some know it all fag who doesnt technically own guns thinks he knows something, right before he trigger rests his friend in the fucking neck. Look down the barrel the next time you have those technically his guns in your hand. Faggooot.
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'Thief' made me want to buy a 1911. pic related.
I'm not gay you fucking retard I've touched girls before how couldn't you even tell that from my post fucking hell you are the biggest FUCKING RETARD I've ever seen
Fucking kill yourself
Don't fucking call me fucking gay you fat fuck fucking kill yourself your probably gay
You ever see Pulp Fiction?
What movie is it?
Thx bby
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I don't like this.
>yeah guys, keep your finger on the trigger at all times, do you really have so little dexterity?
Are you actually retarded, or just pretending?
It's a rule that should always be taught when you are first learning how to use a firearm.

Like all rules of this nature, it is meant to be broken in certain situations depending on the factors involved.

However only someone with proper training and experience should be making the call when to ignore the rule and act on their own judgement, so you should get into the habit of it, then know when it's the right idea to do otherwise.

My dad's an SF vet and he said the same things, TD is something you should always teach, and he taught me, but when he was in the field it wasn't something his unit bothered with because they weighed the pros and cons in their situation and did otherwise, and had the experience to do so safely and understand when it was a good idea.
Is it any good?
It's shit tier.
Too much cry cry wanna be grimdark bullshit. Gives a pretty bad example of a real problem and tries to play way too many cards it doesn't really have.
10/10 bait mate
Those are the daintiest fucking hands
lol, You can tell the hierarchy by their gear
You forget

>Almost shoots the guys in front of him

The rule is for people who haven't been trained the way operators have...

e.g. you stress out and pull the trigger because of the involuntary need to grip something tightly.

e.g. you are in close quarters on a firing line with friendlies, get shot and fall to the ground gripping the trigger spraying your friendlies with automatic fire.

These are what the rules are meant to avoid.
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Example why TD is good
Even though he pointed the damn thing at himself if he'd had TD he'd be fine. All the fun safety rules are meant to work as checks and balances for themselves.
the rule is also for operators

if anything delta guys are pretty meticulous about safety practices with guns, the black hawk down scene was not accurate.
>because they are technically his guns

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Half man, half gecko.
It was extremely painful.
>the black hawk down scene was not accurate.
Are you saying Mark Bowden fabricated that incident? It's in the book.
He was Turkish police, so that's to be expected.

Shit safety practices will get you the boot from a line company, much less an actual special operations force.
The movie took this instance out of context. Now it's ironically been twisted to represent one of the most safety-aware SOF units out there as being full of reckless cowboys.

What happened was this:
The Delta man had his rifle with the bolt forward, hammer down, with a loaded mag in. This makes it impossible to engage the safety, but the rifle is still harmless until you rack the charging handle and chamber a round. At no point was anyone from Delta walking around with a hot rifle off safe in the chow hall.
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Nope. I almost blew a dude's head off at JRTC a little over twenty years ago.
>be me
>dipshit PV2
>decide i'll keep my weapon hot on a live fire MOUT range because convenience
>get stuck in some mud
>as i'm falling i for whatever reason clench my firing hand
>weapon discharges while it's aimed almost directly at my team leader's k-pot
>fortunately no one even notices because there's so much fucking gunfire and arty sim
>unload the weapon and pretend to be out of ammo because i'm scared i'll waste someone

My life really did change for the better after that, though. It finally dawned on me how my general carelessness was fucking with other people's lives, so I started paying attention. Before I do anything I ask myself:
>will this unfairly or harmfully impact innocent people

I have a lot more friends now. If you maintain your TD you will too.
>Too much cry cry wanna be grimdark bullshit.
2010s movies summed up. Started with the new edgy batmans...
for you
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>grabbing a aftermarket processor cooler
I like to drive without a seatbelt because it makes me cool
what's wrong with the hand? I don't see anything here.

There aren't any mistakes anon, only happy accidents.
watch face outward.
the laser watch safety is toggled off.
His camouflage is blending into social situations, not terrain. Wearing your watch to stop light reflecting outwards would just draw attention to him.
>The Delta man had his rifle with the bolt forward, hammer down, with a loaded mag in
Underrated post
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Google searched the image and everything is saying that it was the punishment for reading the Holy Bible.
In Saudi Arabia.
Don't have the book with me but it might have been discussed there. I don't have an online cite for you. This is something I learned from Chuck Haggard, and this version of the events rings much truer to me.

Most former Delta guys from that era are obsessive about using the safety. Paul Howe (who was famously present in Mogadishu) wrote an article (you can find it on his website) about why the rifle safety should be used. Pat McNamara, who was also in Delta during that time, teaches people to put the rifle on safe whenever you aren't shooting, even if you're just reloading your gun.
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You keep the finger off the trigger when you're not expecting to run into hostiles at any nanosecond. He clearly is.
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Is that an official form of punishment?

Because if you told the Christian world that in Saudi Arabia the punishment for reading the holy bible is to have your hand gruesomely chopped off... We would no longer be allies with Saudi Arabia.

if it is not officially sanctioned in Saudi Arabia then it's impact will be lessened
The official punishment for being gay in Saudi Arabia is death, dipshit.

We aren't their allies because of "shared values".
>If Saudi Barbaria did something bad we wouldn't be friends with them anymore
The worst part is that its the trainer who told him to continue
You do realize the Christian white people in America will literally fuck any politician friendly to Saudi Arabia in the ass over this, right?

They must be entirely ignorant of Saudi barbarity, like I am.
They would, yes, if they knew what the Saudis were about.

Our media doesn't really report much on that though.

Maybe Jews really are the lesser evil?
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>obviously bad and violent people who exist in their own shitty country


>superficially palatable people who actively work to not only bring the bad and violent people into your neighborhood, but also openly want to "deconstruct" your culture because they tell you that you are inherently bad and deserve it and it's better this way

It has some operator as fuck scenes, definitely worth a watch.
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I know, I know.

They're evil disgusting people who when given an ounce of power will use it to try to subvert and degrade the people and culture of the nation they inhabit.

But at least they aren't kebab. I don't believe that Saudis have no intentions to influence global politics.

They were funding Hillary Clinton, after all.

They almost destroyed this nation just like Jews.
>so there I was.....no shit.
>working the Deli at the back of the local chain supermarket when some woman asked me to slice some ham for her....
>extra thin.
>retail is 99% boredom and 1% stark raving terror
>I stepped up to the slicer...and....god I was just 19, a GED drop out, young men shouldn't have to be asked to do such things
>but I did it
I am admittedly ignorant... There's a hammer on AR-15 rifles?
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It's the J-shaped one at the top.

How else would you nail a skinny at 30 yards?
>Started with the new edgy batmans...

Batman Begins came out in 2003.
>the black hawk down scene
Was that the one with the guy who was busted on return for kiddie fiddling?
Kinda put me off that film.
Those are one and a half thousand pound trousers.
That is a three grand Omega watch.

It is just advertising. Stop reading into it.
Model airplane or boat propeller.
No, you're thinking of Generation Kill.
>in deep in a cartel lord's mansion on a mission to kill him

>complains about TD

You got me good. Watch the movie of you haven't, pretty good.
How can he wear pants that are that heavy?
good bloody film
and Saudis gave Killary $25 million
by not skipping leg day
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Yes, yes it is.

>Paul Howe (who was famously present in Mogadishu) wrote an article (you can find it on his website) about why the rifle safety should be used
Looked it up, and subsequently read through a few other of his articles. Man, does that guy have a thing about shattering spines.
Complete garbage, usually used by mass shooters and wannabe operators. Back in the 70s we didn't give a fuck about that stuff. We used to just pile some rifles and revolvers into a car, buy a case of beer, go out into the woods and have us a good time. There was one guy in our group that was obsessed with all this "gun safety" shit and he was a fucking psycho that no one liked. One time I was messing around in the tent after a few beers. I had my nickle plated S&W revolver and was pointing it at my friend, and what does the fucking psycho do? he rips it out of my hand, chambers a live round, spins the cylinder and pulls the damn trigger! scared the shit out of me. So much for gun safety right? There's only one form of trigger discipline you need to know, it's called DON'T PULL THE TRIGGER DUMBASS!
>Man, does that guy have a thing about shattering spines.

Yup. Interestingly enough so does John McPhee, another Delta assaulter. Apparently in his experience, a guy can get shot in the chest and get his lungs rekt and still stay alive and pull a trigger for several minutes. Meanwhile a spine hit will shut down anything below it on a physiological level.

A ranger in BHD was arrested for the same thing. They had to change his name in the movie.
I bet they don't even scratch their temples with their pistols like all the cool kids do

You do that right anon?
Chill he put the spent round he fired into the support beam in the revolver. 100% safe
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"This is my safety" is a direct quote, a Delta actually said that. That was just another instance of Delta doing shit and refusing to properly explain why to other soldiers, which ended up getting several Rangers killed when they tried to imitate Delta's practices.
>a delta
haha you know nothing

what rangers were killed?
>what rangers were killed?
those one's
doing what?
>Is "trigger discipline " just bullshit?
Yes, I actually pick my gun up by the trigger usually.
I saw this on face book as a paper shredder accident
Yea the role that Ewan McGregor played, the real life person is serving 30 years for raping his daughter.
You seem to be under the impression that desert shitholes matter to your average American.
it's just a safety layer, not a be-all-end-all type thing. It's better to do it but most of the time it's not that bad.
Someone turn this into a pasta PLEASE! I'd screencap but I can't right now
The thing
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It allows for lighter trigger pulls on guns.

See old European double-action military revolvers. Nobody even thought about TD back then and the trigger pull on double-action is insane so you don't pull it accidentally. I think there was also some Austro-Hungarian pistol that had additional mechanism that made trigger pull harder for the same reason(Frommer? I think).
Also a ridiculous $200 nylon watch strap, though you'll find greater quality ones for $12.
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You ever heard of the 28 pages nigga? Your royal family can fund the terrorists who commited 9/11 and we'd still suckle your teet as a country.
my brah
mussel and chamber discipline are far more important
never mind safety and triggers they are a comfort blanket of magnesium cloth
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>Be Russian Ambassador
>Serve in both Koreas and Turkey
>Get killed
>The press keeps using the photo that shows your shoes needed to be resoled
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Is this correct?
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