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i should move to alaska

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im fucking tired of people and poltics and hippies and just generally anti-/k/.

talk me out of moving to Alaska.
Snow, ice niggers, bears.
Do you have any experience living in the outdoors?

Can you wake up at the ass crack of dawn to do hard labor every single day? Can you handle nights that last for months, while snow dumps down.

If not, then you shouldnt.
>been in many a blizzard
>i would be disappointed if there weren't bears

>im an aviation mechanic

you make it sound like theres no civilization at all.
like im dead serious i could move right now, i have the money saved, i dont have a ton to pack, im set.
Fuck off, we're full.
Alaska seems really depressing, why not Montana?
Tired of hippies, eh? Alaska has mounds of faggot hippies. men here have the smallest dicks on average in the entire United States and it is evident. Women that are 6/10 get 10/10 treatment and are used to it and expect it. The women are also total fucking sluts that will cheat on you the second you turn your back. I wanna move out of this hellhole
sell it to me.

hahaha yea sure you greedy bastards.
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I took this a couple hours ago because of another thread. You'll die. Stay where you are.

move out muh way bitch!
Hi Arizona.
it was -15 last blizzard i walked 6 miles threw to go drink with my buddies.

lmfao big deal you guys arnt doing a good job trying to talk me out of this.
It's cold and shit, you wouldn't like it
>one of the lowest populations
>highest total land
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OP's first winter
Ha ha you're married? You're not moving to a frozen wasteland and you know it. No woman wants that.

That's jacket and gloves weather. Get a proper union suit for underwear and you're invincible to all cold. Walk outside when it's 10 degrees with a long sleeved shirt on sipping coffee.
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I walked 10 miles in this because I was bored. You're going to have to step it up.
1 degree was when the sun was out. Pro tip: its colder at night.
>wants to get away from people and politics
>moves to an urban area because that's where the jobs are
Protip: People and politics are everywhere there are 2 people.

Also, small-town politics are way the fuck worse than national-level politics.

As for actual reasons to not move to Alaska:
>you do not own the mineral rights under your land
>all consumables and commodities are significantly more expensive than anywhere else in the US except maybe Hawaii
Nigga is was 6 degrees in Indianapolis earlier this week. That's just Midwestern temps.
You heard me.
>supposedly Alaska
>above zero
I live in southern Missouri and it's colder than that now.
We are having a bit of a warm snap. It was about 20F most of the day in the Anchorage area.
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I live Alaska. And own a motorcycle.
seriously your cold isnt a turn off.

decent reasons, im listening

ill lure her in with "i got this great contract, its only or a year" and then WHAAM we dont leave.

im still waiting to here about montana
Good for you?

What's that got to do with anything?

And we're unseasonably cold here. It DOES get bitterly cold, but usually not until mid-January and then only for a month or so. I think the lowest I've seen it here was -30*F, and only for one day. Average low is like -5*F.

Do you want me to expound on those reasons or are you looking for additional reasons? Because other than those and "it's cold" the only one I can think of is the really fucked day/night schedule 9 months out of the year.

I was stationed there for 2 years innaArmy, had fun but was glad to leave.
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And I have a fatbike
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Mosquitoes up there are a nightmare. venture too far off in the summers and they can suck out over a liter of your blood in under an hour (I'm being generous with the time frame).

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a major mood killer, and sometimes that's all you have up there.sure long nights sound rad, but if you are moving up there by yourself it will get very lonely, very quick.

You better start learning how to cook, hunt and fish as well.
i tried to get stationed there, they fucked me.

so im looking at possible
>everything is expensive as shit
>my home could be taken for oil pumps
>swarms of mosquitoes
>crippling depression

alright, ive heard enough.....i need a new future /k/ home tho....
How's your pupper?
There are similar issues with Montana and Wyoming.

For Wyoming:
>everything is quite expensive (though not as bad as Alaska)
>mexicans/argentinians everywhere (though no cholos)
>if you're on the flats, 60+mph winds year round
>if you're innamountains, sheep shit everywhere
>if you own land, someone will try to illegally graze their livestock on it
>the few bigger cities are total liberal cancer invaded by Boulder/Califags
>Big Oil is a nuisance
>interstates get closed for hours to days routinely due to bad weather/livestock drives/because they feel like it, rarely if ever is there an alternate route
>antelope are retarded and are magically attracted to moving vehicles, you WILL eventually hit one
You do have mineral rights to your land but God help you if someone finds so much as 1 indian artifact.
hmmmm anyone know about Utah?
i mean i can deal with
>cows (i dont own cattle) unless their like on my fucking driveway and i cant leave
>every city ive been to ever is full of hippies
>big oil does seem scurry actually
>how the fuck are you going to close an interstate?
>ive murdered deer with my car, its no biggy.

theres cons to everywhere tho i guess, idk.
The dingo?
The mexicans aren't bad. The ones I have an issue with are the argentinians all the sheep farmers hire, because they speak NO english and smell like sheep shit 24/7. Neither really causes any crime though, unless you count driving without a license (what vehicles they do have are usually owned by the ranch and are insured through the ranch so they're not uninsured, pretty much a victimless crime even if they hit someone).

I have had flocks of sheep block my driveway. Nothing my rifle can't fix though. If they're on your land they're legal to kill, though the bad relations with whoever owned them may not make it worth it (the people who actually own livestock here are wealthy enough to cause you some real issues). It is rare though. My big complaint with other people grazing my land is the animals are destructive (I've lost 2 outbuildings to cows knocking them over) and I'm sick of stepping in sheep shit on my own land.

The wind fucking sucks year round, and the storms it brings can be legitimately dangerous year round (though obviously a 60+mph blizzard dumping a foot an hour for 3 days straight is the worst).

Big Oil is simply annoying because their trucks and equipment are fucking everywhere. Unless you're in one of the state/national parks you literally cannot get away from the sight and sound of their machinery, and getting stuck behind a big rig towing some piece of drilling equipment that hangs 3 ft off either side and wiping out both lanes that's going 45mph on the 75mph interstate is annoying. The only time they're a real hazard is when they're on the lane-and-a-half county roads. They go slow but often you're reversing for half a mile to find somewhere you can pull off so they can go by, they take up the ENTIRE road and there's not a lot of turnoffs.


Every on- and off-ramp on both I-80 and I-90 has gates, and about every 5 miles they have signs telling you whether the interstate is closed.

They will close the interstate for bad blizzards until they have time to plow it, and for days at a time in the spring and fall around the mountains to allow the megaranchers to move their 50,000+ animals across it.

Antelope are particularly deadly because they almost always jump before impact. They do less damage to a vehicle than a deer (because they're lighter weight) but they have a really bad tendency to come through the windshield. They actually kill a fair number of people every year in vehicles that are still driveable after the collision.

I work for Big Oil. I'm a on-site caretaker for a host of natural gas wells, I live in a company doublewide on company land and drive a company truck so I have basically zero out of pocket expenses, I get to shoot on company land and easements they have on other peoples' lands, am encouraged to be armed at all times, and set my own hours.

I love Wyoming, but it's not for everyone. For example, it's 25 minutes from my home to the nearest gas station, 40 minutes to the nearest grocery store, and over 2 hours to the nearest walmart.
Eskimo pussy is mighty cold
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Have a little consideration for your neighbors across the pacific and shut the fuck up.
Also hideous.
Stop typing like a god damn retard.
Are there any girls like the chick from Malcolm in the middle

>The economy is fucked up and shall remain so until the price of oil rebounds.

>The best hope you have of finding a job is in Anchorage, and that place is a colder more fucked up version of LA

>Unless you learn a trade, you're not going to last very long outside Anchorage

I just moved from AK to WA. I regret it, but the promotion I took was too good to turn down.
>>if you own land, someone will try to illegally graze their livestock on it
>not just setting up a deal with them, to allow this but they give you steak once in a while
no problem there desu

Mormons ruin everything
Not op, but also trying to escape my state and was interested in Wyoming. How volatile is the job market there for non-O&G jobs? Does a bad season causes everything to slow down, or just certain sectors severely affected?
What are the best trade skills to have for Alaska?
dang, 25min to get gas?

>careing about russians
lmfao gtfo

heres your reply 10/10

ive actually had really good relations with mormons, they like guns i like guns, they like joseph smith, i pretend really well to give a fuck.

i heard they dont like coffee or smoking tho, lol

Electricians make bank and work year round. Anything involving civil engineering is good right now because the feds are dumping serious cash into the highway system. Fishing is boom/bust and miserable as hell. Avoid the oil industry for the next few years. Welders do alright, especially in the bush. Lots of maritime jobs, but you've gotta have the years in to get a document or officer's license and most people don't have the patience. Oh, and anything supporting DoD because they're another source of fatty federal cash, so if you're a vet you won't have as much trouble getting in.

TL;DR learn how to do something that involves building roads or electricity.
I recently moved up here and I'm enjoying it, I live in Anchorage, there is good and bad, there's a lot of homeless people, mostly natives, you can see the mountains from anywhere, people seem to be nicer imo, and unemployment is high.
I'm not even kidding, 4chan is pedantic as fuck when it comes to spelling and grammar.

If you can't respect that then you should probably be shitposting in a facebook group instead.
Been able to find employment yourself? How much would you recommend saving to support yourself before moving?
Move to Florida. Look at alligators.
Hell, I'm bored, here's how the communities stack up:

Anchorage: Big, crowded, tries to be metropolitan. Crime is an issue here, mainly gang related. Over the past decade Anchorage has been swinging to the left and gentrification is a thing, although not as bad as Seattle or Portland. Housing is not cheap, and the recent slump in oil prices hasn't had an effect yet so people worry about what'll happen if and when the bubble bursts. The job market used to be decent, but I haven't lived there in the last five years so I can't speak to that. Eagle River has pretty much turned into the suburb, it's mostly military and commuters who don't want to deal with living around immigrants.

The Valley: I'm lumping Wasilla, Mat Su, and all the little towns in the vicinity into this one. People are getting priced out of Anchorage and into the Valley. Much more "Alaskan" than Anchorage. Meth is a persistent issue. They have a really big Wal Mart. Most everyone who lives here has something to do with the oil industry.

The Kenai Peninsula: Probably my favorite part of the state. You're pretty far off the beaten path, but you still have a road to civilization. Kenai City and Soldotna are all oil workers, so expect a lot of Southern influence. There's a couple of other little towns which are supported by tourism, which will fuck your shit up in the summer. Anchor Point is what the entire peninsula was like in the good old days, but with meth. Homer is all hippies now, a lot of the fishermen have moved on. Oh, and Russians. Lots of Russians

Fairbanks: It's cold. The three dangers here are moose, big moose, and rowdy grunts. The base is a major source of money, as is the university. UAF gets a ton of money from the state, but they've got the ugliest girls in the state. Lots to do if you're an outdoorsman.

That's south central, if anyone cares I can move onto western and southeast.
missouri stronk
fuck kansas
Cold swamp>hot swamp
I care, pls go on
Montana and every other state in or west of the Rockies is suffering from an invasion of californiggers. Fun laws are under attack unless Trump and Congress manage to pass a Constitutional amendment telling the states to fuck off on gun grabbing forever.
How possible is it to pull a McCandless and live off the land, have a cabin somewhere and all that?
>ive actually had really good relations with mormons, they like guns i like guns, they like joseph smith, i pretend really well to give a fuck.

I've heard a number of unpleasant stories about some of the Mormons in Utah, mostly Salt Lake City area ones. Basically, if you aren't a Mormon and don't pay homage to the church, you are about as welcome as a nigger at a KKK rally.
fugg, I got irl shit to do, I'll start a new thread tomorrow about this time.

Short answer, very possible IF you know what you're doing. The peninsula and the interior are both great areas for that. Remember, that dude died from eating poison berries. If you've never lived innawoods you'll probably do something like that too.
>McCandless and live
He died.
Sounds amazing tbqh
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Anchorage anon that's been put of state here

Is that this year? Seems early.
Fuck you
no, I gotta agree with him, fuck Kansas.
Fuck you leatherman
Hey screw you man Nowhere does it say you have to be a war fetishist to like guns and shit.

Also move to alaska and become one with your primal self maaaaaaan, I wish I could but I'm too busy shitposting on the internet and having zero practical skills that would keep me alive there.
How about either Alabama/Nebraska?

Alabama has both decent weather, godly gun laws, and good living rates.

Probably not many good jobs tho.

Nebraska also has some slightly less decent gun laws, but good people and lots of open land.
Here, if you see these, they'll help a lot.

I'll be sure to put them in the new thread as well.



Scrolling down in the wiki page allows you to jump through all 50 state's gun laws.

And the living cost calculator allows you to see general living costs of cities (duh).

Hope this helps anyone planning on moving for /k/ related stuff.
The thing is that the type of work you would most likely be doing in Alaska would be working to make it so what little civilization up there that does exist can keep on going.

I would imagine that being an aircraft mechanic would actually be a really good specialty up there considering how much they rely on air travel.

Maybe you are cut out for it. Just know what youre getting yourself into.
Shipping to alaska is really fucking expensive and the internet is terrible.

Guns and ammo would be hard to get.
>Shipping to alaska is really fucking expensive
Amazon prime
>and the internet is terrible.
1gig internet and 4glte cell phones
>Guns and ammo would be hard to get.
just go to fred meyer
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Have you given any consideration to Maine?
It's depressing. The only people there who like it are the people in the woods (which is totally an option if thats what you want), the people in the city are methheads and tweakers while the eskimos are all alcoholics.
Hi Arizona
Trips confirms Ak is most /k/ state. The Dalton highway is the most /k/ road. 445 miles - mostly unpaved. 3 gas stations - no law enforcement. Sorry op

You gotta move
can caucasians own land in alaska?
Alaska has some pretty nature, I've masturbated to it before
That's why I'm going to Montana. Someone has to save the state from getting cucked until we get some gun rights these next four years.
Do it. Best place I have ever lived. Buy land on the Kenai Penn for about 1k an acre. Build an earth bag bunker house and a cheap Woodstove. Build a greenhouse and live as much off your land as possible.
ITT: Pleb Alaskans who think their state is the only place that gets below 0 in the US
Montana just needs Missoula cleansed
Alaska is shit tier.

Bunch of fruit loops that think they are the last frontier, and mountain men, when really it is just an excuse not to bathe very often. Take away the Dish TV and listen to them whine like bitches.

Sarah Palin and Ted Stevens. What more do I need to say?
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>Trapped in Anchorage
>Just want to move back to Homer where I grew up
Except that it's legal to build your own machine gun in Alaska.
Those are some sexy colors that guy is wearing.
kek off we're full
>your cold
>Ah you think cold is your ally? You merely adopted the cold. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't experience warmth until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but boiling alive!

>Internet is terrible
Choose three

Problem with cell phones is that there are massive dead zones for ATT in the middle of the city. MTA recently sold out cell operations to Verizon, but still poor coverage.

Fred Meyers is cross country removing guns and ammo from its stores. Shartmart still has it. Anchorage has sportsmans wearhouse and cabellas but overpriced as shit. Gunrunners on NL/Benson is pretty based

Russians own the best land. Guy finds girl, dont get married, have 48 kids and live on govt welfare while guy works oil and bring in 100k/yr

You know you can still buy weed in anchorage, right?
Montana is 80x better
>long dark cold winters turn you off

M8 that shit gives us a stupid suicide rate, and a lot of people with depression and other mental disorders. The dark fucks with peoples heads man. If you can't deal with constant dark, don't come.

>we can totes buy batches of plants and that means we can buy weed
Don't encourage him

Try nothern MO.
jesus christ its 60 in Arizona how do you people live
>Anchorage going blue

This is pretty much correct. I moved away about 6 years ago myself, but went back to visit last summer. Holy fuck that place changed.
Alaska is beautiful, but it's not exactly the paradise /k/ and /out/ make it out to be...

long, brutal winters
short, hot, buggy as all fuck summers
COL is high-ish

All in all not a bad place to live (I lived there for 2yrs) but not somewhere I'd want to grow old
Cold weather and snow builds character
>hat means we can buy weed
They literally just opened a fucking dispensary in Anchorage. I work at the fucking Atwood where the Marijuana Control Office is

I don't smoke I want to move back to homer because Anchorage sucks
That's the dispensary I'm thinking of. They just sell plants last I checked.
Well then you checked a long ass time ago, the aready posted prices

> $15 joint
Fucking highway robbery
Winter lasts forever and you only get about a month and a half of spring-like weather that the locals sarcastically refer to as "summer." Long winter days when the Sun doesn't rise at all mean sinking into depression, and long summer days mean being plagued with insomnia (also contributes to depression).

Think about what you normally do on weekends, probably go shooting or camping in the woods. Would you still be able to have fun if you only got 4 hours of daylight and there was snow everywhere? Alaska is only good if you want to vacation there in the summer.
You probably can't afford it.
only a degenerate blue stater would care
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>Would you still be able to have fun if you only got 4 hours of daylight and there was snow everywhere?

I went ptarmigan hunting with my Governor. Didn't see anything though.
You obviously don't live here or stay inside all day
>with my Governor.
Not Walker though, right?
>if you only got 4 hours of daylight
8 hours and 8 minutes of visible light today. Hi Arizona
Go fuck yourself anon
Our many liberties are what make us a great state not just the people in it
There are some undesirables here but there are undesirables everywhere and Anchorage isn't the worst for anyone who isn't a liberal sissy that gets offended easily
Clearly never lived in Anchorage
I been living here in Anchorage for 12 years and couldn't imagine living anywhere else
Anchorage bro here that's never been tested in court
Bitch I was actually born IN a blizzard.

also why the fuck is my thread still alive I abandoned it like over 24 hours ago.
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Come to ND.
>Good fun laws
>Low population
>Mostly small towns and farm lands with plenty of wilderness to go inna
If you can stand the winters and staring out into the plains you should do alright.
I think you took "hippies" litterally.

I mean those disgusting liberals seething with hate for anyone having fun or more money than them.
I know absolutely nothing about main except $1 lobster fest, moose,cold af in winter and Canadians.
Im sure ND is bound to have decent aviation jobs right?
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Never looked into it myself but yeah I'd imagine so. Lots of crops to dust. The bigger cities could probably use emergency medevac pilots as well.
how do people get vitamin D and not go crazy from cabin fever when its dark and snowing for months straight?
>I been living here in Anchorage for 12 years and couldn't imagine living anywhere else

Everyone shits on Anchorage but I like going there once in a while, I live in southeast.
did you pee on your windshield? it looks like someone peed on your hood
because we drink milk and it isn't?
i say go for it OP, especially if you are from california. that will give the alaskan supremacist faggots something to get mad over

try to also convince your tumbler/facebook friends to join you
last time i was there it was light out for like 3 hours, and only dusk level lighting not direct sun. i think a couple months of that would start to wear on you
Every Alaskan get's a seasons worth of Sunny Delight from the state gov at the start of every winter.
>t. Some flatlander fuckface

Try it, peckerwood. I know you think we're all "lolcucked libruhls" but there's been armed hippies and libertarians coexisting in the valleys here for 40 years.
I live NE Anchorage lived over on muldoon for 11 year's straight and never had a problem with several long months of winter I always liked being able to see the mountains anywhere I was in town
Good shit l
is fairbanks the san francisco of alaska?
No, that's Juneau
Downtown Juneau is the San Francisco of Alaska. Fairbanks is sort of the Novato of California
>No, that's Juneau
thanks i want to pick a place similar to my liberal views where i will feel safe in numbers of likeminded people who reject trumps hate and want to ban guns. cant wait to get out of california and get me some wintery landscape!!!
desu that sounds like women anywhere, really.
that is women everywhere idiot
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