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Is Rainbow Six: Siege a good game for weapons manipulation autism?

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Is Rainbow Six: Siege a good game for weapons manipulation autism?

I originally was playing Insurgency for weapons manipulation autism but I hate the way the game plays, it's just Call of Duty with slower aiming. At least it simulates height-over-bore with optics though. I think. I'm not 100% sure.
Had potential but was ruined by today's gaming industry
I just want to know if it will quell the screaming /k/tist inside of me.
Is there a good game with super modern rifles that feature a lot of weapon manipulation?

I really like the way that the guns feel in Red Orchestra 2 but want a game with more modern weapons like it.
Try Squad. Or Project Reality.
>Is Rainbow Six: Siege a good game for weapons manipulation autism?
No, not really. Its Q3 team arena with a modern skin.
Just got siege yesterday on sale. So far it seems like the whole point of the game is to play with the tacticool gadgets
I R6S, it's fun but I dunno whether it's a /k/ game. The operators have all sorts of fantastical abilities, it's not realistic at all.

as for weapon handling, you can angle your weapon to get a better view around corners at the cost of higher recoil, and the shield Operators can shoot their pistols with their shields up. Other than that, there's not much else that any other FPS won't have.

man, Second Kapkan really got blown the fuck out.
Not at all. You will play it for probably a week then never again. Why? Because at that point you will prob have unlocked a good percentage of the game and then notice that there isnt much left to do besides muh cosmetics or muh 'hopefully they will give more guns one day'.
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I know what you're looking for and siege isn't it. It's fun though game, eventually overtaken by Squad for me. You're looking for a game where you can customize, inspect, scrutinize and manipulate the shit outta your guns. Closest things I've seen are like ghost recon future soldier, payday 2, maybe the decision. Metro franchise is also good for variety.
The division*
I wont let myself get hyped, because I know no matter how good it is, TWI wont be able to resist spoiling it with jewish tricks.
I know it's just that I want a good game on top of all those features.

I thought Insurgency might give me what I want, but the weapon manipulation was nowhere near the level of Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm and the maps and general gameplay are fucking terrible.

When is a game going to do height-over-bore right? When am I going to be able to draw my sidearm with one hand for an emergency without having to go through the trouble of putting my long gun away, and only then taking my sidearm out? When am I going to have to choose whether to rack the charging handle or use the bolt release?
>When is a game going to do height-over-bore right?
PD2 used to. IDK if it still does though, since they casualized a bunch of features in the last few years; to make it more accessible to people who are too lazy to learn the systems.
Squad already has height over bore and it sucks because I accidentally shoot the wall in front of me on accident all the time instead of the enemy.
I wish I could afford Squad.

I'd play Arma more but I don't want to join an autism group just to shoot at AI. I want to fight against real people.

For now I have Project Reality but I don't like how that game thinks that M4s have worse recoil than AKs, even if those AKs are 5.45.
I got a Vive last week, and as autistic as it sounds, I've been playing the shit out of Hotdogs horseshoes and handgrenades. It's got sight over bore, and the little robits in the arena that shoot back.

My girlfriend thinks i look like an idiot diping and diving from cover and shooting over barriers in VR. Good thing for room scale.
>I wish I could afford Squad.
I wish I could run squad nigger.

8350 is lacking in single core performance, the same reason I can't play Arma 3. Also, having a two year old MSI 770 doesn't help much either.
same here, I'm kind of disappointed I missed the veteran's day sale


This is what I run, /k/omrade. I must've bought these at least 2 years ago, I can't believe they're still so fucking expensive with all that's come out over the last year.
I just spend all my money on booze so I know it's all my fault.
It's a good game but not weapons autism.

You use the destructible environment and gadgets to open walls/doors/ceilings/floors/windows to shoot through and flank from.

They have gimmicky shit for certain operators like a rifle mounted shield and one that downs a person and can interrogate to reveal the enemies for a few seconds. but others are less weird and just have a flip up scope on a sniper, or a car battery (to hook up to nipples) metal placeable stuff to damage people or destroy placed gadgets.

pretty fun but, can be frustrating though with only 5 teammates.

they also reduced the ranked round timer by a minute to make it more "hectic" or some bullshit. really you have 5 mute, or autistic screechers on your team trying and fucking up attacking. while the defenders just chill getting easy kills. casual rounds didn't change so there's still time to try plan C,d, and E when a and b get foiled.
But dats reelism.
I just tested; Insurgency doesn't even have height-over-bore like I thought it did.

The only reason I fucking play this game is because of the sexy-ass reload animations on the Workshop guns.
Bumping for interest.
>i only play games to unlock things
Must suck to hate fun
>I don't want to join an autism group just to shoot at AI
Depends on what type of autism
Not even remotely.
Oh man they couldn't have picked better music
Squad doesn't even start on my PC that runs Arma 3 on ultra settings.

As someone with 500 hours, it certainly will if you enjoy multiplayer shooters.

I really like this game, and others like it, but just realize that it takes patience to enjoy.

Lots of one hit headshots making you sit out rounds.

But very fun, and the guns certainly are realistically handled.
What kills Arma 3 for me is the fact that the enemies are fucking bullet sponges. Halo enemies take less shots. Is there a mod or something that ups the lethality?
This, download squad during free weekend. start game. dead on arrival.

no thanks.
Why does every gun except for like two they always pull the charging handle instead of the bolt release even if the gun actually has a bolt-release?
Same exact shit.

It's UE4 so it should work. Devs are just retarded or something.

Really wanted to play though.
>No, not really. Its Q3 team arena with a modern skin.
t. someone who hasn't played it

The game is really fun OP, it isn't super realistic, but it is one of the best playable shooters out right now when it comes close to "realism". And by playable i mean it isn't the clunky pos Arma or Squad
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>caliber based destruction gets added to the game
>shoot a wall with the mp5k and the sig 226
>mfw mp5k left a larger bullet hole
Yeah, the devs are basically retarded
Obviously they're using a different ammo brand.
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not to mention the deviantart tier characters they're adding
>edgy jappo special forces who look more like anime cosplayers
Escape from Tarkov full release when?
Yeah but I want to fight against other players.
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>Makarov is more lethal than a PKP
such realism, truly some tactical realistic gunplay
Squads the best shooter I've ever played. Aircraft are being added soon
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Another thing I hate is having a round in the chamber in open bolt weapons
The menu jap characters look fine, but the actual ones blow
I don't get why people shill for Insurgency so much.
>Shit gameplay and maps
>Broken/late animations
>Old engine
>Annoying 'effects' that drag down FPS.
>Clunky movement.
I also never understood the stalker fan train.
>Unrealistic weapons
>Shitty combat system
>Have to actually look into the lore to be able to do anything. (Actually like this part.)

Or Fallout NV
>Horrendous story
>Completely rushed map, lots of incomplete/dead areas.
>FO3 but with an even more annoying combat system.
>Textures are fuggly.
>The main characters just made the universe even shittier and more unlikable.
i'll look...

in the meantime some noguns autism

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I know it was a piece of shit, but Operation Raccoon City had a button specifically for pulling your sidearm out and snap aiming at the nearest enemy's head in case of emergency.

Of course, once you got the Samurai Edge, it made the game easy mode, because it one-hit killed most things, so you could just get near most enemies and snap aim to their heads to kill them and the thing behind them.

Was a neat feature in an otherwise shite game, that and the infection mechanic.

On the subject of Vidja and realism, anyone have a working link for SWAT 4? Can't find a link that doesn't look viral as fuck, and physical copies seem to be upward of $60.
I never understand why none of you niggers play Dayz or Rust.
No. I love the game and play everyday but it triggers my gun autism with the reloads.
excuse me, but its not 2013 anymore.
>Horrendous story
I bet you think FO3 had a good story.
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Play Destiny then.
This is not okay.
It's a time-traveling alien rifle; what do you expect?
An explanation. Maybe an apology.
Rainbow Six 3 for Xbox is one of my favorite memories of playing any FPS.
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Ghost recon was pretty good
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I love that freaky thing. It continues to absolutely melt in the crucible if you can consistently land headshots.

Tangentially related, but is anyone else ready for the massive vaporware "release" of Escape from Tarkov?
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Everything melts in Crucible if you can consistently land headshots.
No one gonna mention Moh Warfighter? Because if we're talking weapons and autism you cant beat that game. Plus it was free on PS Plus like a few months ago so it gave the servers a little boost to population.

Top console game for if you wanna pretend to be /k/
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I played the tech test for the new one coming out in a few months, operating inna not-mexico with some bros was a ton of fun. And there was plenty of operator dress up to sperg out on.
That is un-ironically one of the best games I've played in terms of weapons authenticity. We'll probably never come that close again to seeing brands like Daniel Defense show up in a AAA video game, EA deleted all proof of partnership they had with any real gun companies after Sandy Hook. I also loved the concept of having so many operators from different nations working together, such a wasted concept.
There are no crew served M2's(or any other crew served weapons) in Wargame and Motostrelki do not have access to the SVD.

My autism > this autism.
Too many logical inconsistencies.

Your bait must at least be cohesive to itself.

How bad is the downgrade going to be for this one? Watch_Dogs, R6S, and The Division were pretty shit compared to E3 announcements.
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The graphics look fine, animations are fluid and character movement looks natural, though my computer is getting old, I couldn't max settings. Lots of placeholder graphics, and there were some audio lines recorded with microsoft sam still.

Combat is pretty lethal, most enemies went down in one CoM rifle hit if they didn't have a vest. There's some dudes in some kind of soviet riot suit looking gear that'll allow them to take several chest hits, or one extra headshot.

Overall it looks 7/10, if you want a sandbox game to co-op with people in. Becomes a slog playing solo though.
But Rainbow Six did that like a decade before.
"it's just Call of Duty with "

We get it bro you're hardcore
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You're damn right it did, and it did a fine job of turning me into an H&K shill.

>You'll never remove eco-terrorist lefties with your multinational operator buds and your trusty MP5 and Mk23


Odds of them taking those graphics to market? I fell for the Division meme, and this looks really fun, almost like a coop TPS Farcry to kill druggies in, but I don't want to get hosed due to dishonest marketing again.
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I'm planning on waiting till I get some comprehensive reviews, I'd suggest you do the same. I haven't bought a game on launch in years, so I no longer feel burned on dropping $60bux on a turd.
That does look pretty operator.
Playing old school Tom Clancy games

>emergency reload
>can still fire the round in the chamber
>will have to recharge the weapon if you do that
>your "ammo pool" wasn't an ammo pool, it remembered the amount of rounds in each magazine
A lost art, really.

What is the gameplay like, I assume it's some kind of weird 4-man squad shooter?

I would play it if I could get my hands on a working copy. Pirate Bay just has Russian shit and the game isn't hosted anywhere I don't think anymore because it performed so poorly EA was ashamed of it.
Insurgency is pretty shit, though.
>Ghost Recon 2
>one long ass mission
>tactical reload a lot
>get to near the end
>reload expecting full mag
>it's only 14 rounds
>empty mag, reload
>12 rounds

I really enjoyed that feature, even as a kid.
Siege is absolutely the best game out their for living out your breach and clear, flashbang double tapping fantasies. I love it for that.

It is SHIT for weapons autism though. Pretty sure it was made by people who have never seen a gun IRL, not to mention fired one.
>Moh Warfighter

Fucking this. It had the best weapon customization I've ever seen.

Also you can play as sandniggers and charge into fuckers with an overcooked grenade and allahu akbar them.
Well it was made by Ubisoft Montreal I think, so that's probably accurate.
the releoads don't seem that bad.
>Siege is absolutely the best game out their for living out your breach and clear, flashbang double tapping fantasies.
vs. AI maybe, I have never seen a flashbang do what it's supposed to do against humans. It's like the blast range goes from 100 to 25 when switching to multiplayer.
They work very well against humans, the problem is you can't cook them so any competent player will turn away from the flash. What you need to do is weird bank shots with them to increase the travel time and give people less time to turn away.

If they just made them cookable or even impact detonation they would be WAY stronger.
I remember seeing something on the Discovery channel about flashbangs that were flat and rectangular so you could put them under doors without opening them.

Maybe they should add those.

When I was still a jail cop they issued us those to flashbang combatives to remove them from cells.

They have a detonator cable attached to them, like a jeopardy buzzer.
That'd be a neat game mechanic while also staying within the real of realism.
We're getting 8 new operators, so I'd love for one of those to have better flashes.

I'd also love to have more than one defender with a FUCKING carbine

Yeah, as it stands Jaeger's broken as fuck. Why am I gonna pick some schmuck with an inaccurate, pistol calibre SMG when I can have a full on, accurate carbine with the stopping power of a rifle?
A lot of their reloads are dumb as fuck and it bothers me. But it's a great game.

Which ones? I can't think of any off the top of my head which are too stupid. They don't do shit like swinging cylinders shut on revolvers and not using the bolt release IIRC.

Hell, Capitao even uses the bolt release by the magwell on the SA58. I didn't know that was a thing until I saw him doing it and googled it.
Requesting Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare 2 PC gunporn webm files.
Bluedrake42 has it on his site for free. Can confirm there's no viruses on it
Just from quickly going through a video of them, not just limiting it to reloads:

>Clipping in a ton of animations
Seriously how is this shit acceptable? I'm an animator and I honestly don't get how a professional could let that happen

>P90 ejects sideways
>MPX charges the charging handle (on the right side no less, when shooting right handed)
>Pulling the slide to release on the P12
>416, 417, R4, all have bolt releases but they pull the charging handle anyway
>SG-CQB pulls the fucking pump through the receiver
>P226 hammer isn't cocked but clips through the gun when firign

There's probably more but I don't feel like looking for more.

Again I love the game and I actually work with one of the modellers that worked on Siege, but some of the animations are just stupid
The charging handle probably is because of that "tactical" thinking that you should always pull the charging handle instead of using the button.
>The Division
I want my $60 back.
>When am I going to have to choose whether to rack the charging handle or use the bolt release?
Literally never and that's not a bad thing. There's no reason to not just use the release.
The point is being if you want typical /k/autism, then you want to have more guns, attachments, cosmetics to fuck with.

Good example is metal gear solid v (or whatever). It had gunsmith and for a good amount of time people were posting the shit they made. The game had a lot of material in it, unlike siege.

Hope that clears it up for you.
Oh man, don't get the
fags started.
What about games in which they actually have jamming?
Believe it or not, this game is fun now since they added survival and underground. There is shit to do now that you hit level 30.
>tiny fucking maps
>he who headshots, wins (IE, 20+ hits to body to kill)
>heavily heavily ping dependent in multiplayer
>higher difficulties of AI will literally aimbot thru walls
>servers that run the "services" crash constantly
>PtP hosting, host will fuck the whole group 9/10 times
>SJW-tier operator selection (seriously when the fuck did JTF2 and the fucking SEALs get females? Oh that's right, never, they're pushing an agenda)
>retarded weapon and attachment selection that breaks any "realism" (weapon shields, fucking Unreal Tournament-tier flak cannon breacher, errybody got the same damn shotgun, SPAS12 in current usage)
>supposedly Tier 1 Operators, yet one dude's WHOLE FUCKING BONUS POWER is to drop a bag of trauma plates like nobody else brought body armor
The game is shit, the playerbase is shit and full of cancerous 420blazeit fags and little kids, there's very little weapon manipulation period, prone is retarded, ADS is retarded, AI is retarded, PVP is COD-tier twitchfesting.
The weapons are detailed enough in their manipulation but lots of little things they do for the sake of balance and just out of ignorance are awful

The CQB version of the PKP does as much damage as a 5.56.

People can eat bursts from UMPs and MP5s and then turn and shoot you and kill you due to shitty Ubisoft netcode.

The fucking PP-19 Vityaz iron sights make me rage.

The SAS use L85s

It's fun as fuck with a couple friends. Just avoid ranked matches because of E-sports fags.
Obviosly that's different. Why ask a question you know the answer to? If the devs had half a brain they'd make it same button; different animation too and not give the player a choice.
>just avoid ranked matches because of E-sports fags
They've completely invaded casual too.
No mic? Votekicked.
Trying to play any other time than 6-10CST and don't speak German/Spanish? Votekicked.
Don't autistically corner-camp while prone? Griefed, teamkilled, then votekicked.
Picked a non-meta operator? Griefed, teamkilled, reported for botting, then votekicked.
Fuckin hell.
The only game that's done the mechanics of a jam realistically had to put a fucking 37-step QTE jam-clearing process in the game and basically broke what realism they had going.

Then you have games like FO4 and Far Cry 2 where jams are exclusively tied to weapon condition and weapons deteriorate completely within 100 rounds (thus breaking realism/immersion).
Its actually a train in thing. When I went through SRT school, they said to always manually release the slide/bolt, via racking. Something about the issued guns needing more force to chamber or when I combat, by more likely just for thelife of the weapon.
It doesn't seem like something Rainbow team would do though. All that prep work makes it seems like their guns would be clean and doing such an action for in case of a jam or worrying about life of the weapon is secondary.

Then again this is a game where all the operators seem to have a weird fetish for WWII weaponry.
Honestly, how many people actually play Insurgency for the PvP nowadays? Last time I checked, pretty much everyone and their mothers were playing PvE and mucking around stupidly.
Also, it's been pointed out before, but Insurgency is definitely not what you're looking for, OP. You probably wouldn't be interested in it unless if you're into those sexy-ass guns from Steam Workshop (which is perfectly fine, mind you).

Also, any of y'all play Day of Infamy? Y'know, that WW2 mod for Insurgency that went standalone? Or Insurgency: MIC, the real deal?
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Just tried, gives me a 404 when I go to DL it. Figures!
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I still play rainbow six 3.
One man army

It's a shame they abandoned or toned down the jamming in the later Far Cry games, really added a sense of urgency when the mud encrusted AR you were using to kill Saffies jammed up as one runs at you firing a shotgun.
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I'm having fun with siege. Less spastic than a lot of current shooters. Been playing division, siege and titanfall 2 pretty heavily lately. (PC)
If you have friends that play it it's pretty fun, I prefer arma 3 though.
>SPAS12 in current usage)
Cops here still have a few of them actually, they were carrying them after the cops got shot up a while back.
>Plotholes up the ass.
>Random and boring ass quests that attributed nothing to the main story.
>Literally wat ending.
>I disagree, so its bait!
What kind of bolt-action doesn't have a picitanny rail these days anyways?
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Only one guy has hard on for old gear.
Doesn't one of the BOPE use a Sten or something similar?
One of the Canadians has a Sterling, but that's not too far fetched.
this. iv played for an hour, trying to refund now.
It's a fun game, but I wouldn't call it very /k/
If you're playing dayz, it might as well be 2013 still. The game's is still in fucking alpha after all these years... I can't get a refund either anymore, obviously
What are some /k/ approved mods for NV?
the one that lets you fuck people
>Ghost recon 2
which version? I played the xbox version to death as a youngin and I sure as hell don't remember having mags
>PC version
>gun porn
All the rifles had the same reload animations
and there were barely any guns in the game to begin with
it is a fun game from time to time.
You do get autists or complete assholes once in a while. Sometimes, the community can be trash
I once got teamkilled because I destroyed a camera before my teammate could
Some CTU has questionable weapon
There are some jenky animation bugs like operators walking with cheetah legs
It is still strange to see female operators in JTF2 and SEALs given that they are the most exclusive tier 1 units and minorities are already rare so women in those units are even rarer if not non-existent
Also questionable gun attachments
The only black operator (until capitao) is one of the most useless and most hated operator if your teammate plays him inappropriately
All in all IQ is a qt
The FABARM's pump is supposed to go that far back.
They added height over bore to Battlefield 4, although I think it's gone in we wuz ANZACS and sheit.
I've had a hardon for Max Payne 3 recently though ever since the last Steam sale.
I still play sometimes, but only because the shooter genre is terrible right now on the Xbox. Battlefield 4 is still the only good game.

Siege looked promising, but discarded all the things that operators cool. Now every faction looks like a bad cosplay or stock photo named "special army man".

Plus, the guns suck. They gave the SEALs SPAS-12s and Desert Eagles.

Oh, also a third of the operators are female. Apparently GSG-9, GIGN, JTF2, and the fucking SEALs totally employ women. It's 2016. At least with the FBI SWAT, BOPE, and SAT factions I can IMAGINE female operators, since they're really just specialized cops.

As for the gameplay, victory is determined entirely by who gets the headshot first. And the skinny female operators are crazy fast and tiny and everyone knows they're the best option.
If I remember correctly Gign does have females in the organization. But not on the intervention team
It's actually good now that patch 1.4 rebuilt half the game. Now you can play it a ton of different ways, there's less bullshit in the Dark Zone (I can now actually win pvp sometimes and I haven't even optimized my build), most of the gear sets are well balanced, the underground is okay, and survival is fun.

But it's not the "sleeper agent in a SHTF New York with cool technology also" game like I thought it would be when they first released that pre alpha gameplay footage. I should have known that would have been too ambitious.

But as far as loot shooters go, it's finally great now. And while the story and environment isn't as gritty or cool as I thought it would be, it has its own charm. I like the cleaners and the JTF. I wish the LMB was cooler, though.
I'm sure a few of those organizations do have women employed, though they're all going to support types. And I do hate when fiction acts like because women drive supply trucks, they are totally the same as infantry.

What Jewish tricks are you referring to? I have over 700 hours in RO and RO2 and I haven't seen any. Plus I highly doubt that TW will be including any tricks in the game at all considering that it's not being developed by them.
The character designs have gotten progressively more ridiculous. I wanted a tactical game, but apparently that would be too boring.

The females, for example: the original three looked somewhat believable. Frost was okay. Then Valkyrie was like a girl playing army dress up, but at least some of it was right. Then they added Caveira, who looks like a model dressed up for "special ops" photo shoot. And the male BOPE operator looks cool, but has a fucking eye patch! How the fuck are you going to breach and clear houses with no depth perception? And then the japs...

Why the fuck did they have to appeal to fucking weeaboos? The Japanese shouldn't even be considered in the counter-terror community. What fucking experience do they have?
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the game is designed to have hats. I doubt it will even make full release before there starts being a crate and key skin cosmetics system.
The women in GIGN do some undercover stuff and help provide information to the teams. And they have to go through the same training as the males do. Don't know if they do it the same way as the males do
And? That does not make them operators.

Also, not that I'm doubting you, but I would like a source just to read for myself.
Go to the structure part
The game is fantastic, but it won't sate your inner /k/ommando at all.
1. I don't really consider Wikipedia a reliable source given their track record. I checked the source and it's from some book (that is only offered in French so I can't read it)

2. That only discusses the structure. I was curious where you got the information that the women get the same training as the operators despite being excluded from that part of the organization.
This as well
Well shit, I'll have to watch that. I don't have time to watch it all now- is it good? The reporter seemed overly dramatic at the beginning, but it looked like it got better after that.

RO2 is such a big step back from RO:OST and its mods I literally cannot believe they wanted to charge money for it and people enjoy it. It's fucking shit.
Yeah it's pretty good
I have around 250 hours in it and I thoroughly enjoy the game, but it is defenetley not a /k/ game. The ballistics, weapon handling and tactics are all very gamey. Youre better off playing the pre-vegas games in the series.

I play the PvP, but it's only because I found one server that is capped at 16 players and is under 100 ping. I seriously don't know how anyone can play 32 players and say they're having fun.
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