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Babby's first AK

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Alright /k/omrades, I'm going to a gun show tomorrow and my interest in owning an AK has been growing. What are the different types of AKs? Where do I start? Been enjoying my SKS for a while and looking for a reliable commie rifle to replace it as my primary. Can $700 buy me anything that isn't shit tier?

ITT: Redpill me on the AK.

>Can $700 buy me anything that isn't shit tier?

pretty much a WASR is the only non-shit you're gonna get for 700
This, or a Vepr.

I'm in the market for an AK myself and it seems it's either buy a WASR or save up your big boy bucks and get a Saiga, Norinco, or Arsenal.

Are Saigas really over 700 now?

I got both of mine just a few years ago for under 600 each. Converted one by hand (308), but the other (5.56) came ready to roll.
Election panic and increasing scarcity of import ban rifles drove prices up significantly in the past few years.
think itll drop any time soon?
it should with in a year or 2. i wouldnt hold my breath for all russian imports to comeback and cheap surplus everywhere but saigas were killed by executive order. trump said he would undo obamas shit.
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How does a SAR compare to a WASR?

Also what about Vz.58's? I've heard those are decent, but are they available here in Burgerland? Haven't seen a lot of them around. Are they actually considered AKs?

WASRs are decent. A few years back their quality control was questionable, but from what I've heard they have really fixed their shit in recent years.

N-PAPs are good too. The Serbs have always built tough as shit AKs. The biggest problem the had was their stocks were shit, but they recently replaced them with better warsaw standard ones. The only real downside is they use proprietary furniture, but if you like the wood it comes with who cares?
I wouldn't consider them an AK. They are good rifles in their own right but there are some key mechanical differences between them and AKs.
Yes vz.58's are decent, no they are not AK's. None of the parts are interchangeable and the actions are completely different.
vz's are not ak's. they dont share parts or mags, but they are available in burgerland. hard to get ahold of though, everyone sells out very quickly when they get them. I think they still make them actually.
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What if I want a full auto AK?
ATF pls.
No, but for reals. Do I need to find one with a lower receiver from before the 80s? Or do I need a special tax stamp?
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I got mine for 540 burger bucks back in 2013, best AK comparison I can make would be some sort of decent milled AK like a DDI
Top tier
>DDI (minus their shotguns)
>Russian parts kits
>Anything with forged trunnions and chrome lined barrels

Middle tier
>Palmetto state AKs (near god tier but they don't really enjoy corrosive ammo, need to be cleaned often.)
>Vepr (can be good, but they have some lemons)
>RAS 47 (Not great but ok)
>Most parts kits

Low tier
>Anything else from Century (All their other guns a shit)
>Literally anything with "Inter-Ordinance" written on it
>Anything $600 and under that hasn't been previously listed as of November 2016

Watch slickguns for good deals often.
you either buy one that is registered now for 30k or leave america and get one for 50 bucks and a chicken in some shithole country..
>or shithole country
Blekgh... that's fucking gross. That's a gross way to live
Go watch the ras 47 review multiple parts break and it goes out of headspace.
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