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Hey /k/, what are the ramifications of seeing a psychologist or counselor to help me with my anxiety issues, low confidence, avoidancy/personality disorder? Will they recommend that my firearms be taken away?

I don't know if this is a larger issue but do some people forego help because they are afraid as I am to seek help. Knowing that they possibly could hurt me in such a way is a big deterrent. I'm in California if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance.
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Second bump
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Final bump, three images is about enough.
theres yer problem right there
You should be okay, do seek help, as those can be resolved. You need to be involuntarily committed for a certain length of time, or declared mentally defective, which you certainly are not. Just don't go out of your way to out yourself as a gun owner as some people fixate on that sort of thing. Good luck.
Can martini henrys and their knock offs handle smokeless loads?
Thank you for your post, do you know someone who has undergone something similar?
absolutely not unless it was a .303 conversion
Kynoch 577/450 is loaded with cordite. And not just a little bit but the whole case is filled with it. So in theory, you can but in practice no. The issue becomes reliable ignition. The amount of powder needed to achieve the muzzle velocities the rifle was made for is too small in such a large case. I have done the research, and I just settled to loading mine with black powder.
That is beautiful
Unless he commits you to a psych ward, you're golden.

Even presidents have shrinks
That is one pretty sks
Can't decide whether I like the wood furniture, finish, or the smooth bolt the most.
I have a 577-450 but the metal has become soft and the wood even softer, if I have to take this nigger apart to clean black powder it likely won't go back together again.
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the federal form, ATF form 4473 that you fill out 11.f reads, "have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective..."

which you have not if you go to an appointment with a mental health professional. even in cunt states like california (ny here) the law allows/encourages people to go to the doctor if need be.

on the practical side the state and/or fbi would have to find out you'd seen a doctor and they suck raging hard ons at communicating AND you have HIPAA on your side

HD Savage 338 Lapua for effect
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Two of my favorite things in the world. The 1911 and case hardening.
This might be true today but maybe not in near future. Obama's Executive order had to do with mental health and each state is trying to push further restrictions based on it. I would think down the road that criteria will be more strict and simple things like seeing a psych would come into play. - even retroactively. Mental health is the next big territory for gun control. You want them to have as little dirt as possible.
They might not take your guns away directly, but might recommend a temporary restraining order under AB 1014 if they think you are violent.

>On Tuesday, Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed a bill (AB 1014) that will allow temporary restraining orders to prevent individuals who are suspected of having mental health issues or who are potentially violent from purchasing or possessing guns, KPCC's "KPCC News" reports.
>The new law will take effect on Jan. 1, 2016.
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I want this lower.
Take apart? I don't bother with that. I run patches through till they are clean down the bore and I run a few with my fingers in the chamber. You only have to take the whole thing apart if the primer ruptures and that is really just to clean the breach face.

Cleaning black is a hell of a lot easier than smokeless. I think it takes about 3-4 patches and it is clean with just soap and water.
>they actually have a picture of a Zulu on the box
10/10 would buy
That's no good. I may have to resolve my problems before then.
OP, I have anxiety. First of all, good on you for getting help. Anxiety fucking sucks balls, and getting professional help is the best thing to do.

They'll only take your licence away if you're a threat to yourself and others. Having low self esteem is not an issue. Wishing you were dead is.

To be honest though, I wonder if you're this worried about it because of your anxiety. Anxiety sufferers tend to fixate on certain objects/rituals as a way of combating it. Like, thinking you're safe as long as you carry some calming balm, or checking the door 5 times, or always sitting in the aisle of a cinema etc. Although it helps get you through attacks, it's the worse thing to do in the long run, as it's just reinforcing your anxiety and not getting you to beat it. Perhaps your guns are your own safety ritual- you feel big and powerful with them- so the thought of losing them is scary because you'll be losing your crutch.
M8 black powder residue gets everywhere is shouldn't be
Then your chamber must be oversized. I don't have any issues with black powder getting past the chamber in any of my black powder guns.
For me it's more like, I feel like I'm being watched by people as I walk, it makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Unable to act naturally. Like they examine my posture or how I'm dressed. Then it's that they think I'm ugly - this thought being reinforced by the fact that I've gained weight, and because no one looks at me in a certain way. There's also my tendency to run away from my problems or bottle them up.

Only destructive thing I do is stay up late and wake up early.
I dunno man, I just find that shit all over my trigger components in my black powder revolver
Anyway $10/unloaded 577-450 case
>Black powder revolver
There is your issue. Anywhere near 1 1/2 feat from the muzzle gets the residue all over from the outside. That shit gets all over my hands when I shoot my musket.
Actually, even if you're depressed, you have to be actually threatening to kill yourself before they can do anything, and even then, as long as You tell the docs you're there voluntarily, you get to keep your guns.

t. Clinically depressed and Clinical Psych student
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Practice your OPSEC and keep things on the down low at first.

Im in Massivetwoshits and ive been seeing a psychologist for years, especially through the trying times as a teenager. then again, he's from the south, and talked about hunting and fishing with his dad who hated niggers and Italians.

just find one you like and trust, but do remember that there are times where medical and mental health professionals are required to notify authorites about things, like if you let slip that you wanted to perpetrate a spree shooting.

being in cali though, there might be laws I don't know about, so try and find out as much as you can before setting foot in anyone's office.
Don't tell them. Doctors aren't going to go reporting who you are to the state in order for them to check records of you having a gun. Any time you mention hurting yourself always mention you could just go out and buy a kitchen knife or crash your car. Don't even mention friends you shoot with, say you play paintball or ride dirt bikes with them, anything but guns.
>seeing a psychologist or counselor to help me with my anxiety issues, low confidence, avoidancy/personality disorder?

Call me old school; but isn't that the kind of thing gyms, hookers and bar tenders are for. Barring that, talk with a priest in confession.
I have severe clinical depression since I was a teen and I have never sought help for it. I am afraid they will take my funs, no matter what the law says. As a matter of policy, I would never admit to a mental health professional or healthcare professional that I owned guns. If they asked, I would lie and say no. It is none of their fucking business anyway.

I wouldn't be surprised if, in the future, anyone who has received psychiatric care of any kind is barred from owning guns whatsoever. It's just the type of bullshit the libcucks would try.
OP if you're really worried, you can ask the therapist to not take notes. If you see a nice and busy one, it's quite possible that they would not remember you years later if a court ever tries to take away your funs. Look into how much information a therapist has to give up to a court if ordered to do so. If they ask why, you can simply state that you want your personal thoughts to not be kept on record. Alternatively you can look into anonymous therapy. Above all, as others have said, don't mention your interests in weaponry at all, it's not relevant to your problems.
>be me
>college grades start dropping
>may have ADHD
>see shrink
>prescribes some ritalin
>grades stabilize
>apply for job
>requires security clearance
>shrink signs off on forms
>receive clearance
>work for a few years
>still see shrink monthly
>start building $
>decide to buy guns
>apply for permit in filthy blue state
>get permit
>buy guns/prep
>get hitched, have kids
>early 2013
>talk with shrink about recent events
>subject moves to gun ownership
>wonder if mental witch hunt is about to start
>he says I've got a family and stable job
>you're just here for ritalin scrips
>"as long as you spend less than 10% of your income on hobbies, it's fine."
>leave satisfied
>stop by gun shop on the way home
>still no 22
Only issue now is paying the shrink. I'm a stay at home student with a few bills to pay and low income. Hopefully they accept my insurance.
That makes sense, ill give light lback powder loads a whirl if i can ever find reloading supplies.

Tfw got fired 40 minutes ago

Oh well wallhanger af
Don't say you think of harming yourself or others, unless it's true, in which case you probably should give your guns to friends until you feel stable anyways.
Anon, my gf and I are seeing a therapist. She's EXTREMELY self consious and always worried that saying the wrong thing will cause her to lose her ltc.

I'll tell you what I told her
>As long you don't specifically say you want to kill some one or yourself.
You're good.
But you can imply how pissed off or depressing some stuff gets to you, just keep things and yourself civil as best you can.
If you have a serious problem, masking it by hitting the gym and going into degeneracy/NEEThood is going to make it 10x worse.

Anxiety is often an indication of a physical problem. I was suicidal, losing weight fast, and tired all day a year ago and went to the doctor for a checkup. Got bloodwork done and it turned out I was severely anemic with a dangerously low level of vitamin D in my blood. I also found out I have hypothyroidism.

Got put on a ton of vitamins and meds and in a week I felt much better. OP should see his GP before going to a psychologist/psychiatrist (might need a referral anyway) to make sure he's physically well.
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Is the mcmi proper for him. Lets test him nooooaaaw :D
i would buy this immediately

molot tho actually
I live in So Cal. I have seen shrinks and docs, for years for depression.

Never tell you doc that you are a gun owner, or that there are guns in your house (also if you are suicidal, never tell them you have a plan).

The forms to buy a gun ask if you have been committed for mental issues, as well as about taking medications. Just make sure you answer "No" to that question. It is a little vague and none of the DOJs business, as it is a HIPAA issue.

look, I'm not saying don't get help, but be careful what you say. the psych ward tried to keep me locked up past when they were supposed to let me go due to my being libertarian in none other than the grand state of California. I was in simply for a bad bout of depression mind you.
it is a HUGE issue

if you ever get involved in some kind of shooting, your entire life will be reviewed in detail & you will be asked to explain on the record, why you sought mental health care & possibly get interviewed by court appointed shrink

avoid prescription pills if you can, another rat hole

avoid discussing anything about guns with your therapist shrink etc

as for me, my sis & dad both clinical mental & i've been to 10+ counselors over the decades so i'm concerned about this issue but have spent so much time in "therapy" i'm pretty sure I could deal with discussing this part of my life

got it ?
Thanks for the info. I have anxiety myself. Buying a gun actually took a huge load of it off. I used to think about what would happen if someone came into my house and wanted to hurt me, just knowing I'd have some way to stop them, even if I'm not an automatic tactical badass for having a gun, makes me feel a lot better. Also going to the range relieves a fuckton of stress.

>Metal has become soft

I don't think you know how metal works, anon.
don't know about commiefornia but a baker act/shrink exam didn't stop me in florida
>Hey /k/, what are the ramifications of seeing a psychologist or counselor to help me with my anxiety issues, low confidence, avoidancy/personality disorder? Will they recommend that my firearms be taken away?
My old psychiatrist was from America (since moved back to be close to his famalamly), and he mentioned once he wasn't legally allowed to tell other people that the patient had said they had a gun unless under some very specific circumstances, like threats of violence or ideation.

I don't know if that was a state or federal thing, but an anxiety disorder isn't the sort of thing where you start fantasising about pulling a gat to make a nigga go splat.
See a doctor and get on dat der TRT (testosterone replacement therapy). Modern young men have a lot of issues that relate directly to hormone disruption.

(Brotip: this is what you trannies need to get on, but instead you jump on the estrogen train and make more problems for yourselves)

metal has hardly become soft

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follow these 3 rules and get a psychologist your are comfortable with who is preferably male and you'll be fine. The only thing getting treatment does is fuck with your chances of joining the peace time armed forces due to the number of waivers for a treated mental illness and 6-12months off medication it takes.

There is no reason firearms or politics should be brought up. Always scrub personal stories and anecdotes of anything outside the norm. IE there is no reason to say you were suffering a crowd induced anxiety attack at a gun range vs saying you had an anxiety attack today and you think it was because of a sudden crowd.

Definitely get treatment and medication can help. Just remember the three cardinal rules of not fucking up and becoming a second class citizen.
>That's no good. I may have to resolve my problems before then.
That would be tough unless you have access to a time machine.
my nigga. I've been wondering about getting a focusing medication prescription. I have a TS/SCI, and I was wondering how going to a doc would affect that or negatively reflect on me.
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I know this is high level autism, but does it annoy anyone that the guy on the box looks more like a swazi than a zulu?
Ask your security rep how meds might affect your clearance. If you do start, get a doctor's note because some meds turn up on drug tests.

I have breddy bad anxiety/depression. When I started seeing a shrink I wasn't able to hold down a job.

I got some help and started in some drugs, fluoxetine and clonazepam. Took 3 months to get my doses right. That was 4 years ago. I've been working at the same place since then, got married, bought a house, and generally am functioning much higher. I'm also happy which is the important thing.

I've always had guns but in that 4 year time I increased my collection immensely, got my concealed, and my FFL license.

I don't like that I am chemically dependent on a drug to function, but I have come to terms with it. Hang in there.

Also, ask someone who has been through this anything.
They can recommend it all they want but until you're involuntarily committed by either a family member with a power of attorney or via court order, it doesn't mean shit.

And yes, this is a huge issue, especially for veterans, since the VA counts as a "court order" and the people making those "recommendations" generally never even meet the person they're making the recommendation for.
Okay, McFly.
Fallout NV
Federal thing.

HIPAA laws (health information privacy act something).

Means they can only disclose information (any information) about a patient
1. With the patient's express written consent, and then only to persons/agencies expressly named within the written consent (this covers powers of attorney)
2. As part of a criminal investigation and then only after subpoena in closed court or via warrant
3. When there is reasonable suspicion of child/elderly/disabled abuse, and then only to local law enforcement
4. When there is reasonable suspicion that the patient presents a credible and immediate threat to him/herself or others (suicidal+plan, homicidal+plan+weapon-specifically-mentioned-in-plan)

I was in the same boat OP. I started smoking weed and that took care of my depression and anxiety.

I hate being around ppl, tend to be really quiet when Iam. This has affected my work and was really holding back. After I smoke, it changed me for the better. I am more confident, I can easily talk to ppl, I actually want to be around them. I now got friends, my work has been going so much better.
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