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/wfg/ - Writefag General - 'Too Fucking Lazy To Make a Title'

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place to share books, stories, and assorted writefaggotry.

All writing is welcome, even if it's only tangentially related to /k/.

Old Thread:

Link to sticky (updates to many times per day)

Give thanks to Polybus and Archivefag for keeping /wfg/ afloat.

Argentinian Rose
Rifles of 'Nam (on standbay)
Pale King's Disciple (ongoing)(updated)

ATannie (ongoing)(updated)
Anon gets an AT random Mischief ensues
Rhinno 2.0

Ayys attack earth, old school tanks are last hope (ongoing)(updated)

world building(NOT A BASELINE)

AngryHayseed (ongoing)
Some 40k related writefaggotry

It's about /k/ommandos removing supernatural kebab in the dark ages
Some poetry
Shotgun prevents a suicide (feels)
L1A1 (ongoing)
Tears of a Marlin
A WG mades it towards the 40th century
Don't sell your guns
Untiled(ongoing) [we'll put a title 'till it's kinda clear were this is going]
Feisty Muzzleloaders
Howa arrives (ongoing)
a short story of the rifle watching over it's owner as he went through life
SKSanon (smut)

HiPointHomie (on hiatus)

Vepr 12
Hotline Waffegeist series (ongoing)(updated)

AnonRhino (completed)

Diary anon

Riikka (ongoing) (Updated)
untiled (ongoing) (suggest him a name)

kragfag (ongoing)[give me a better subtile]
anon finds that a Mongolian knitting board was right

Serial 1: SHTF, /k/ommando must survive (ongoing)

L1A1 Parts Kit+Arms of side+just another day+browning+sks

Light My Fire (ongoing)

Another Hipoint story (it´s not related with Hipoint anon)
/k/ommandos vs wild (ongoing)(updated)

Some Untitled Stories
National Guard vs Jersey Devil
Requiem from the gods (ongoing)

Gun spirits

Not Enough War (ongoing)

10/22 (ongoing)(updated)
anon gets a raifu and misc stories

Anon gets KSG, roll for sanity loss

It Ain't Me- Fortunate Sons
Sticks and Stoners(ongoing)
what we lost (feels)

Rhodie FAL Guy (being rewritten)


Garandfag (ongoing?)(NSFW!!)
Anon gets hold of Kraut space magic
Part 2 of anon gets a Garand (missing part

C8 fag (ongoing)

Lever Gat Fag
Heirloom rifle (ongoing)

the /k/afe (varius)(ongoing)

556X51 stuff
Ak 4OR (ongoing)

Tacticalchucks (ongoing)
Chucks and Erica
Down the Road, Over the River

A. Shephard
Small zone of confort

The Deplorable Phil Ossiferz Stone

This stories are on an undifined hiautus

Some google docs of writefaggotry

Some Guides and tips


In case that Polibus or Archivag forgot about some pastebin/to pastebin some story or didn't properly tag or even tagged at all, yell either at Polibus or at Archivefag in the general

>know about a link to a story that isn't here? send it to either polybus or Archivefag
[email protected]
[email protected]
Well, Serial 1, signing on.

The helicopter then dove down into the shallow dip in terrain carved by the river, skids skimming on the surface of the water.

One of the pursuers overshot and went over the treeline on the other side, while the other maintained pursuit. Now without obstacles, it fires off an inaccurate barrage of rockets on your general direction, which harmlessly splash on the river below.

Out of nowhere, you then decide to yank on the stick to send the helicopter crabbing around a bend.

You then hear the squeaking of a hinge from your rear.

Amelia has swung the door open and began to shoot at your pursuers, seatbelt wrapped around her left arm and the rifle on the other, peppering your pursuers with bullets. They were seemingly not amused by this as they fired off salvoes and salvoes of autocannon fire that continuously missed.

Those rounds may not penetrate the windshield, but for sure it would reduce their visibility from the cracking, you thought.

They are firing and flying blind.

The exchange of fire went on for a few minutes, each side getting fired on, stopping, then resuming as an opportunity is seen. Amelia finally has ran out of ammunition.

She just chucks them at your pursuers. One mag, two mag, then she just threw the damn gun outside.

A crack then followed this, then the sound of thrashing and metal creaking.

The attack helicopter flew right into the outcrop on the side of the river, sending metal and composite debris up on the air.
The helicopter clinked and clanked as it was peppered with assorted parts, nuts and bolts from the wreckage.


You look at Bill.

An entire turbine compressor wheel embedded itself on his window, only narrowly missing (his?) face.

>"You continue flying, visibility on my side is reduced to an inch."

You just heed his instructions and continued around another bend.

The other helicopter pops up from above the treeline, positioning itself right at your 7 o' clock low.

A loud whack then emanated from the rear.

You don't know how she did it, but Amelia has kicked the left-side door free from the helicopter. The absolute madman. She will tear up the entire helicopter before the enemy does.

Luckily, the metal component probably hit the helicopter on it's rotor disc, as it sent the vehicle wobbling before it splashed onto the river.

You look at her, giving her the thumbs up. She does the same with a huge grin on her face.

Two air-to-air kills with thrown objects. Clever girl.
You then feel the helicopter suddenly lose altitude.

>"Come on Chuck, can't you keep your eyes on where we are going? We narrowly missed a bridge!"

> I thought that you can't see out front? Better fly it then.

>"To be clear, I am not your autopilot. It's all yours, I have to get coffee at the office."

>Office? What office...oh.

Bill promptly disappears, the USP now comfortably sitting on what used to be his pilot seat. That bastard, leaving you to pilot a half-working parts collection of a helicopter all alone.

>"Well, now that he's gone back, I better take up the front seat. It's all noisy back here now the door's gone and all that."

Amelia then moves up front, comfortably seating herself up on the soft seat.

>Must say it again, really good job with disposing of those two.

>"Nah, might have been just pure luck and coincidence."

>Well yeah, there's that too. Still, thank you Amelia. Probably a dead man in a stolen helicopter by now if not for you.

>"You're welcome. Also, stop calling me Amelia. Too formal."

>Oh okay... how about just Mel?

>Good enoug...wait, I know her!

You just pretend you didn't hear her as you maintain a straight heading towards your home, weaving through the dips and hills of the terrain.

>"Mel...that girl who really wanted so badly! Mel, Mel, Mel...

You don't know if you could really make the 6 kilometers with this amount of banter.

Well, at least the two of you have held something close enough to a coherent conversation.
I've had dreams with this kind of bantz.

After 5 and a half kilometers of her constant bugging, a red light began to blink on and off on the panel.

The helicopter is woefully low on fuel.

You just decide to land it on a former coconut plantation that has been cleared of trees.You knew of it when you used to take your bike around the neighborhood. It had a dilapidated barn so you could hide the helicopter if you somehow managed to pull it in.

You eased it down on the fairly overgrown area fronting the barn door, the three blades throwing up grass and dust from the ground.

The turbine are still up and running idle when she grabbed the handgun and went out to get the bag from the rear cabin. Her hair billowed from the rotor wash as she went straight to the decaying structure.

You just raise your shoulders as you turn off the turbine. How you are supposed to hide the helicopter in the barn is not so clear now.

You get out of the helicopter to find anything to cover it up.

Ah fuck it, too tired anyway, and so you just went up and into the barn.

>"Uh, Chuck, found ourselves some coo..."

Pretty sure that was the last thing you hear before your hunger and sleep-deprived brain decided that a pile of coconut shells would be a good bed for now.
That might be the last post for now.

Somehow I cannot find the creativity on what to write now, maybe it's the weather.

Might play WoT for a while with my beloved BT-2.
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Must keep thread alive.

>With Hilja's declaration your relationship is settled & your life together starts. The first few days go by in a flash as you get used to a strong-willed woman's presence in the house, she turns out to be a great cook, making the Karelian food she makes even better, though your American friends don't seem to understand the finer points of the simple foods with rich flavor that make up the traditional Finnish cuisine.
>"When you said your rifle's Karelian cooking is amazing I expected something more..." your friend says as he is digging in on his plate of Karelian stew.
>"...Russian, as in served with vodka?" you guess what he's getting at.
>"...well, yeah, especially considering it's *your* tastes we are talking about" he replies.
>"You'll have to remember, this house is now under new ruler, in an agrarian society like 1930s Karelia drinking in the middle of the day was socially unacceptable, at least on weekdays outside of events like Midsummer, Christmas and weddings" you explain.
>"So heavy drinking at weddings is also an established tradition in Finland?" he asks.
>"Very much so, and a traditional Karelian wedding tended to last for days, with separate receptions at bride's and groom's homes..." you reply, hand-picking details to make traditional Karelian weddings sound more hard-core than they tended to be.
>"Damn, now I want the two of you to marry so I can attend your traditional Karelian wedding!"
>"That might be difficult to arrange, because if I start doing something the traditional way I'm going all out, and doing that is impossible, too many key details would be missing."
>"What are you two conspiring here, you had better not be planning on "going around the corner"", Hilja says as she comes out of the kitchen. "Going around the corner" is an euphenism for men sneaking off to have a drink out of sight in a situation where drinking isn't socially acceptable, she must have heard your friend mention vodka, you think.
someone should really get rid of that /edit/ in the pastebin link to the archive
>tfw no overbearing raifu cooking traditional meals for me.
Why live if only to suffer?



It was a dark night. You find yourself, alone, under a light layer of soot and debris.

Gunfire was erupting all around you.

You can hear a mortar as it whistles in the air before it explodes, churning up dust in the air.

>Wh...where are you Amelia!? Mel?! Answer me!

You see a dark figure in the dust cloud ahead of you.


It was a man, wearing what seems to be a gas mask. He wore what appeared to be a modern uniform, yet he was oddly carrying a spear.

>"Hayop ka! Bwisit ka!"*


Before you could even finish whatever you wanted to say, he has already thrust the spear on your chest.

You could feel the cold metal as it lodged itself deeper on your body.

It felt surreal, chilling.

Then panic overcame the silence.

>"I-I'm here!"
>"Wake up!"

You then hear another whistle. Another mortar.
It's red nose bearing down directly on your face.

>"WAKE U..."


*roughly translates to "You animal! Piece of shit/bullshit!"
*translates to "W...what..."
>reposting from old thread, stuff that's not in the pastebin yet

Dave didn't seem to hear her, and just kept scanning the forest with his flashlight. Something crashed through some underbrush a short distance away, and he took off running at it.

"Hey! Fucking wait for me!" Chris sprinted after him.

He heard another sound of rustling leaves, and changed direction, veering off to his right. Chris struggled to keep up with him.

Something skirted the edge of his flashlight's beam and dashed off back into the darkness, and he once again corrected his course.

He kept running, determined not to lose sight of the skinwalker. He ran further and further, deeper in the woods, away from the campsite, away from Chris, and the whole time he was still hyperventilating, still feeling the effects of the nightmare...

He felt like he was being pulled forward. There was nothing he could do to resist.

Chris stopped to catch her breath, doubling over and feeling a stitch in her side. "Dave! You fucking asshole!" She still saw his flashlight beam in the distance dancing between the trees, before finally losing sight of him. "I'm gonna fucking beat the shit out of you when I catch up!"

She started jogging in his general direction, in a somewhat vain attempt to get to him.
Dave kept running on, deeper into the forest, like a man possessed. Indeed, he almost felt like that was the case. He didn't seem to be in control of his body... he just felt like a passenger. And he didn't know the destination.

On and on... on and on... until his foot caught a root in the undergrowth.

He stumbled and was sent sprawling, ending up on his face.

He reached for his FAL and sprang back up. His eyes were frozen wide, and his pupils were dilated.

He snatched up his flashlight from the forest floor, but even though the beam was a strong as ever, it seemed useless. The darkness was too oppressive. It was closing in from all sides, like a noose around his neck.

He started to panic fire. The air was filled with the sounds of cracks of the rifle, and .308 rounds impacting dirt and wood. He did a complete 360 degree turn, firing all the way, dropping out the empty magazine and slamming a new one home.

Fire, fire, fire, click, empty, new mag, slam, fire, fire, fire, click, empty, new mag, slam, fire, fire, fire, click, empty, new mag, slam, fire, fire, fire, click, empty, new mag, slam... last mag...

"Where are you!" he screamed, his head on a swivel, eyes still wide, pupils still dilated. "COME THE FUCK OUT!"

His heartrate was spiking, and he couldn't calm down. He couldn't control the panic he was feeling. His heart was beating so hard that it felt like it was going to burst through his chest.

Something moved in the corner of his vision. He turned to face it, leveled out the rifle...

"Dave, don't shoot, it's just me!"
"Chris?! Oh thank fucking god, I thought I was alone with this fucking thing out here..."

Chris just smiled and slowly approached him, sashaying her hips slightly. Dave lowered his weapon and turned his attention elsewhere, trying to locate the skinwalker.

In the blink of an eye, Chris was standing beside him, smiling. He turned back to face her.

"Dave, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong- the fucking skinwalker is out here! I saw it! I've been chasing it! I1-"

"You look like you haven't gotten enough sleep. You seem too paranoid."

"I'm not fucking paranoid... I saw the fucking thing... it was taunting me... I can feel it out here..."

Chris just sighed and wrapped her arms around Dave from behind. "There's nothing out here, Dave... don't worry about it..."

"Nothing out here? The fuck are you..." He suddenly felt himself go cold all over.

"Don't worry about it, Dave... I wouldn't worry about it..." Her voice sounded distorted. 'Her' voice. It wasn't her voice.

He wanted to scream at the sudden realization, but he couldn't move. He couldn't will himself to move or to breathe or to scream.

"Here, you don't need that anymore," said 'Chris', the voice distorting even more every time it spoke. With a long, spindly arm, it tossed his weapon aside.
He was cold all over but he could feel hot breath on his neck. He could see the arms holding him in place, long and spindly, black and emaciated. Bony, with a layer of skin stretched over them. It had no claws. Whatever it was, it was once human. Once.

"Why don't you turn around and look me in the eyes?"

He didn't want to. He didn't want to see it. But it wanted him to see it.

Slowly, ever so slowly, it gripped his shoulders, dug its long fingers into them. The long fingernails bit into the fabric of his jacket. Bit into the skin underneath. It turned him around.

It was a dark night. But he was close enough to make out the details. Over the shoulders, it wore the pelt of some sort of large animal, and on its head, it wore the skull of a deer or caribou, he couldn't tell exactly. He could just see the horns outlined in the pale moonlight. The face underneath was sunken, gaunt, with blackened skin stretched over the skull, eye sockets like pits, teeth yellowed and rotting. The breath was rancid, coppery, stinking of blood and feces.

This thing was definitely once human. But it hadn't been human for a long, long time.

"Such a brave bilagáana... coming into the forests that do not belong to him or his ancestors... intending to claim them for himself..."

Dave could do little to hide his expression of abject horror.

"But this is not your land, bilagáana... you are a trespasser here..." It tossed him away like a ragdoll.
As soon as he hit the ground, Dave scrambled for his FAL. The skinwalker kicked it away before he could reach it. He scrambled for it again, and again, and each time it was kicked away from him. And each time the skinwalker let out a throaty, guttural laugh.

Finally he grabbed hold of it, but when he got back to his feet, it was gone. He felt woozy again, and swayed on his feet, just barely staying upright. The darkness closed in on his vision again. He could hear it, all around him. Rustling the leaves, in the trees, on the ground...

He had to kill it. It was toying with him, and he had to kill it before it grew weary of him.


Two rounds flew into the darkness, hitting nothing. He pointed the rifle elsewhere.


Two more rounds. No impacts.

Something brushed against his thigh. He nearly jumped out of his skin.


Three rounds went into the dirt by his feet. Something breathed into his ear. He swung the rifle around in its direction.


The horrible guttural laugh sounded off from behind him. He spun on the spot.


A bony finger brushed the back of his neck.


He heard footsteps pounding off to his left. Once more, he turned to face them. They were far off, getting closer... the skinwalker was coming in fast, straight for him. Maybe it thought he was out of ammunition. But he knew by the weight, he still had one round left.

"Dave, don't shoot! It's me!"

It wasn't her. It wasn't her. It wasn't her. It wasn't her. He shouldered the rifle. He took aim at the sound.

A dull thud. The sounds of stumbling. And the telltale sound of a body hitting the ground.

He dropped the FAL to the side, empty and useless.

He dropped to his knees, still breathing hard. He'd done it. He'd killed the skinwalker.

No sooner had that thought passed through his mind, bony fingers wrapped around his shoulder.

"That was a nice shot, bilagáana. Such a shame that it hit the wrong mark."

Dave's heart leapt up into his throat at the realization of what he'd just done.

The skinwalker bellowed with laughter. It grabbed hold of Dave's chin, holding his head in place, staring forward at the fallen form a few meters away. From somewhere unseen, the creature drew a long blade, and held it in front of Dave's face. The blade was constructed from bone, sun-bleached white, but with the serrated edge covered in dried blood.

It put the knife to Dave's throat and coiled its arm as if to slit him open.

"And now it is time to pay tribute for your trespassing, bilagáana."

Slowly, it started to drag the edge across his throat. He felt it dig into his skin, he felt himself start to bleed...

A piercing shriek rang out through the forest, and all the other sounds of the night fell silent. Even the skinwalker stopped what it was doing to listen.

The shriek rang out again, followed by another, in a slightly different pitch. The skinwalker bristled and grumbled to itself. It pushed Dave forward onto his face, and put away its knife.

"It seems that you are not the only trespassers in my forest tonight... you are lucky, bilagáana. You have amused me. So I shall allow you to live. For now."

It leaped up into a tree, but looked down at him one more time.

"Leave this place. Never return."

And with that, it seemed to melt into the branches, disappearing.

Dave started to crawl over to where Chris had fallen.


Amelia was down on the floor, rubbing her forehead.

Your head is still ringing like a bell after what just happened, still trying to make sense of what just happened, and also because of something has hit your head as you woke up.


You just decked her in the head with your own.


>"Ow...fucking...Are you okay?"

The sound of crickets filled the otherwise dreary barn which was lighted up by the mellow light emanating from a tiny fire in the middle.

>"Are you okay? Seems like you got yourself a nightmare there."

>Yes Amel...

She puts up her index finger up your lip.

>"I told you to not call me Amelia."

>Okay, okay, Mel.

>"Good. Now you are awake, I'm going back to cooking, okay?"

You too began to rub the point of contact on your forehead as you prop yourself to lean against the wall.

What a fucking dream.

You look over to Amelia, her short stature casting a shadow on the inside of the barn as she stirs around something in a steel pot.

A delectably sour smell wafted up your ears.

You could get full from the scent alone.

Wait...where did she get a pot?

Whatever she must be cooking might be done, for she snagged it off the fire and brought it up to you.

>"Here, eat. It's my idea of sinigang, but I don't think they made it with chicken."

A look inside shows that it indeed contains chicken, a leg jutting out among vegetables. It even included some taro corms.

You just went ahead and ate out of it, using the opened knife from the multi tool she has fished out of your pack.

It has to be some of the best cooking you have ever tasted, and it was improvised to boot.

Halfway through the meal you decided to ask her where the ingredients came from.

>"Oh, I found the taro and tamarind on the other end of the clearing, the other vegetable came from the pond."

>How about the pot?

>"That one I snagged off the fence of a wooden hut. I took one of the chickens inside too."

>You what?!

She just laughs it off and stands up.
>reposting done, continuing now

He scrambled over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders, rolling her over on her back.

"Oh god... oh god... oh god... I didn't mean it... I swear I didn't mean to-"

Her fist shot out and caught him square in the nose, sending him reeling back.

"You... fucking... asshole... you shot me! You shot... me! Of all people!"

Dave laid on his back, holding both of his hands to his bleeding nose. "Son of a bitch!"

"Yeah, you think that hurts? Try getting shot in the chest, asshole!" She sat up and checked herself over, and felt at her chest underneath her carrier rig. "You're fucking lucky the plate caught it! I'll have to start calling you Dick fucking Cheney for this!"

She crawled over to him on her knees and slapped him on the side of the head. Hard. And then again, harder. "Stop lying on the ground crying like a bitch, I didn't break your fucking nose. I should have, but I didn't. Get up and pick up your fucking magazines and let's get back to fucking base camp..."

He stemmed the bleeding with his sleeve and obeyed, while she stood off to the side, grumbling angrily to herself.

"Fuckin... piece of shit... asshole... lucky I don't... should beat his ass..."

She was about to go over to him and drag him back to camp by his ear when he returned to her. So she opted to roughly drag him by his arm instead, still occasionally hurling verbal abuse at him.
Might pause for a while to allow >>31821129 to continue the saga of operating and partner abuse.
Nex chapter of small zone of confort

there's no need for you to stop, I'm namefagging so stuff doesn't get mixed up, besides, I write slow


Back at their camp, she took off her carrier and slide the plate out, examining it. "This thing cost me 200 fucking dollars... you're buying me a new one..." She then rubbed at the spot on her chest corresponding with the deformed spot on the plate. It was sore enough to cause her to wince. "Fuck... that's gonna be a bruise..."

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't... I thought..."

"What the fuck happened back there, anyway? You had a fucking nightmare, then you flipped the fuck out and ran off by yourself. Almost fucking killed me."

"I-I-I... I don't... know... I c-couldn't..."

"Stop fucking stuttering and spit it out already!" She sat up and stormed over to him, punching him in the side of his head, knocking him over. She got on top of him and hooked him in the side of the head again, and again on his cheek, and again.

He meekly raised his arms to defend against her, but she punched him in the ribs until he lowered them, then went back to his face and head.

"Give me your FUCKING reasoning as to why you'd FUCKING shoot me!"

She raised her fist for another blow, then noticed he was weeping, not even defending against her anymore. She suddenly grew conscious of what she was doing, and got up off of him.
finally get out of my arse and 'bined KvsW storie and is up to date.

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Thank you again.

If it's at all possible, could you include the youtube links where they appeared in the story? They're important sometimes for setting mood or tone.
any suggestion on where to set them or just like they appered?
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Just where they appeared in the story. If future readers are curious enough to play them while reading, they'll be more fitting opening them at certain parts of the story.

Got it

>that image made me giggle
Im new, i don't get these threads, explain
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Without further adue, A Small Zone of Comfort.

Prologue Part 3 - Dead Flag Blues


Mysteries abound within The Zone, but none is covered in such outstanding legend as the Chernobyl NPP itself. Half of the stores most stalkers will tell each other across dim campfires originate from here. And since no one had knowingly made it there and back alive, no one could disprove these whispers of myth. And so they grew. The best artifacts, or a vast oasis of green and tranquility. The most popular of these legends, known to most stalkers, was that of The Monolith. A stall, indecipherable object, it is said that if one were to find it in the sarcophagus of the old NPP plant, it could grant any wish you desire. For The Zone that was filled with nothing but men of many desires, the appeal was universal. Wealth, long life, peace, infinite knowledge; many believed in the legend of the Monolith; The Wish Granter. It was only a bit more far-fetched idea as the vampirious mutants that would drain you of all your blood, or of the wrong anomaly that would have you stuck in a void for all eternity. It was these types of dangers that convinced some there had to be a light at the end of the tunnel. That, in this hell, there was a zero sum game. There was a great good to be found, if you could find it. And it was at the center of the zone.
So many stared on, beyond the Army Warehouses at the forest to the north. Dominated by a gigantic antenna relay, all knew of it’s more sinister purpose. As a terrible barrier that denied any northward push into the abandoned metropolis of Pripyat, and the Chernobyl NPP beyond. The Brain Scorcher, it was called. It was said to have fried the brains of any who approached near it. And the countless stories of stalkers never returning seemed to prove that. Guarded by those mysterious soldiers in white and brown, The men who worshiped the Monolith like the most extreme zealots, they had adopted its name for their own. All these made it a pipe dream to be able to find the supposed riches to the north. But men waited with baited eyes and ears open in the small collection of bars scattered throughout the zone. Someone would find a way through, many were sure. The allure was too great for all of them.

But someone didn’t just find a way through. The man who would become multiple legends, The Marked One, had opened a door. A proverbial hanger door. He had done something impossible. He had shut down the brain scorcher.
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The rush was on. Hundreds, possibly thousands of the most heavily armed explorers, cutthroats, profiteers, and everyone in between poured north. Unabated by The Monolith stalkers that sought in vain to stop them. Many uneasy truces were formed between some of the factions as they entered the city, spearheaded by elite and veteran stalkers. Equipped with the latest experimental exosuits, powered by the miniaturization only made possible by harnessing the energy of some special energy based artifacts, Most did not make it through this new city frontier. Between the monolith who had been preparing for years, to the unexplored and unknown anomalies that swallowed whole groups of stalkers, the city streets of Prypiat became less of a maze and more of a slaughterhouse. The newly lit fires casting the large shadows of the dead and dying. The shattered windows casting the reflections of gunfire as more and more stalkers rushed earnestly to their deaths. The blacks smoke now rising to mix in unnoticed to the darkly overcast sky. The occasional scream punctuating the statico of gunfire.

It was in this gloomy hell that once again, The Marked One has found a way through. A narrow path through Pripyat, towards the plant. And the men of many colors rallied, and sallied forth towards the ultimate prize. The Chernobyl NPP.
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At the southern gates of the plant, the most singular and concentrated event of violence ever witnessed in The Zone’s history was now occurring.

So close to the legend, to the supposed riches contained within the concrete sarcophagus, all sense of comradely broke down. Against the huge numbers of Monolith defenders, Stalkers of all affiliations threw themselves into the violence against the defenders, and each others. Men in suits of red fought those in green and orange. A small band of mercenaries, signified by their dark blue uniforms, tried to clear a path with explosives only to be gunned down by a sudden helicopter incursion of Ukrainian Spetsnaz. The military had gotten information of this incursion, and decided it was the best opportunity to finally seize control of the situation. The heaviest weapons were brought to bear with the most experienced men behind them. It would have been one of the most efficient slaughters in the entire zone had it not been for the shear chaos of all the men fighting. Monolith was now expending their entire arsenal; carefully collected from limited trading and from the hands of those whom they had previously halted in their attempts to breach their sacred, concrete church. Men screamed, at each other, at the monolith, at fate for seemingly denying their just reward, so close to the plant.

This many people, being so close to the center, the truth, was never a good idea. Some theorize that The Zone has some sort of will, and if this is true, it had acted that day with a righteous fury even beyond the scale of “The Second Disaster.”
In the cloudy noon sky of that day, the clouds darkened. Panic set in, as most of the incurring stalkers realized the importance. They ran everywhere; but mostly to the plant. What better cover than a gigantic concrete building? They were completely astonished, and then promptly cut down, by the defending monolith. Who continued to stand and fight despite the impending disaster in the sky; it turning an even darker shade of red. Were the monolith fighters ready to stand in die in the shadow of their supposed god?

The military, to their credit, tried to regroup and retreat; calling in another support gunship to try to evacuate the men on the ground. But this was not helped by the continuing violence and chaos as many stalkers then tried to fight their way onboard, and the military had to focus on defending their ride home.

And during all these, despite the doom most stalkers knew they now shared, they still tore themselves apart. As has been the entire history of this place, mankind’s thirst for violence itself can even trump the overwhelming destruction of nature, as men continued to fight as the groaning stopped. The quiet of the atmosphere settled in. Some stalkers looked up, and held their breath.
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[_____] (I will now use this to indicate smaller breaks within the story)

She awoke to a deafening roar and complete confusion. Sitting up, she could not comprehend the events transpiring around her. No time to think, but to witness the horror that was unfolding. Corpses, as far as the eye could see. Decorated in so many different colors of uniforms, it could almost be described as a beautiful rainbow mosaic save for the deep shade of crimson covering most of them. Standing in these fields of death were a few survivors. Men who shuffled aimlessly. There was even a man who kept bashing his helmet against the wall, a dull thud and sickening crunch finally ending his efforts. Other “survivors” still were firing wildly, screaming at imagined horrors. Grips white as snow as they continued to hold down the trigger long after the ammunition had run out. A helicopter could be seen in the distance; rapidly atrophying towards the earth. It’s explosion behind the transformer section of the plant adding a final exclamation mark to the violence. Throughout this, strange men in white uniforms with brown accents calmly walked through these gardens of monumental carnage. Pulling some twitching bodies out, shooting others. The screams unaffecting their calm, almost robotic process. Others pulling firearms and other equipment. All the while the screams of the wounded and dying continued, slowly being silenced by the occasional report of a pistol.
Her staring at this all through her completely white eyes, she couldn’t possibly understand. Where? Who? Why? And then she looked down. She was covered in blood. It was not her own. She came to the slow realization she was ontop of a man, most would say was too young to be here. His faded blue uniform almost completely white; with brown padding hastily stitched over the holes. His eyes, too, were completely white. And unmoving.

She didn’t know why. She couldn’t even think. Just stare down at her, and this dead man below her. And then she screamed. A most terrible howl that somehow encapsulated the raw horror of all the violence of the day. And she then lost consciousness.
She awoke once again, still just as confused. She was now in a small room, filled with racks of firearms. RPKs and AK-74sus. Closest to her were a few SVDs, with a slot that was curiously empty right next to her. Look to her right, she saw a large assortment of NATO firearms, including a few Famas G2’s and even a Steyr Aug. Why did she understand what all these things were? Why were many of them covered in blood? Interrupting her thought, she heard a conversation outside of the door, and hid herself on the other side of the crate labeled “F1 anti-personnel x50.”

“Have you heard the rumors? It’s gone.”

“Yes I have brother, but that does not diminish our faith. If you truly understand The Monolith, than the mere existence of the zone is a testament to it’s existence. Do not lose faith.”

“Of course brother, but what of the lower ones? Something is most definitely different, and the false clarity brought to their minds may delude them and they might stray.”

“We have carried on for a long time now, and we will survive this. Stay strong. Keep the weapons of the implementation of our justice secure, and we will dispense of faith to those of weaker wills soon enough.”

The dull echo of boots as they walked away from the door. She exhaled a sigh of relief. But again, her wandering mind asked why. Why was she afraid of the white object she peaked at, something she strained to see with her terrible eyesight? Why was she locked up here, and not somewhere else?
A knob was heard turning. Her ears twitched. Wait, how can ears-

The sound of the door opened and she slunk further behind the crate. Desperately, she wished she was anywhere other than here, imagining herself to be an impossibly small size. Remembering the violence shortly before, she became oddly calm. Why did that violence not bother her now? Had she seen it before?

Interrupting her thoughts once again, a shadow was seen approaching around the corner. She didn’t want to be found, for whatever reason. She was not scared of the violence earlier, but she was now scared of this man. A hand reached down at her now, looking at her with cold, indifferent eyes.

It picked her up, and set her on the rack.

“Almost stepped on it; our brothers should be more careful when racking out tools,” the monolith member said to himself as he replaced the SVD in the empty rack. He continued to look at it. It could have once been a beautiful rifle, but age, lack of maintenance, and some missing parts made it look incredibly shabby. It was a wonder how it even worked at all. Parts of the inscription on the rifle stock had become illegible, and the scope that was mounted on it was obviously meant for a different firearm. A shame.
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His thoughts no longer lingering on the rifle, he turned and met the newer initiate outside the room. Not expecting much out of the dull minded soldier looking back at him, he had a good idea in mind for what firearm to assign him.

The monolith soldier, finally assigned orders, walked southward. There was a group of them, and their task was to head south, pick off any stragglers, and re-assert control over the city. None of this really mattered to the man who lazily clutched the marksman’s rifle within his hands. The Monolith was all, and all would be done in it’s service. Any thoughts more complicated than this were thrown out, as they were not necessary. He continued to walk through the city, heading south. South. South. Soon, he could no longer notice his brothers by his side. This was not necessary for the task at hand. South was necessary. Registering that it was night, and that his body may need rest to properly implement the monolith’s will the next day, he found an abandoned trailer in the forest and sat down. He opened the can of Tourists Delight he had in his pack, and lazily shoved the food into his mouth; staring into nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
His rifle was now gone. There was a girl staring back at him, terrified. Where was his rifle? He needed his rifle. If he did not have his rifle, he could not accomplish his goal. South. South. He grabbed the girl. He hit the girl. He asked the girl. Where was his rifle? Where was his rifle? She stopped responding. He was holding his rifle. He had his rifle. He picked up the spilled can, and continued to eat. Staring. Resting. South.

He walked through bushes, as roads sometimes had people unenlightened by The Monolith’s Will. He was stating to have errant thoughts, this far South. Why? But he quashed them. South. For The Monolith. He spent many days like this. South. Another night. He was awoken again. It was the thief. She was here for his rifle. This could not be allowed. She could not get away. He tackled her. Where was his rifle? She tried to answer. He continued to hit her. She would understand after this. To leave his rifle alone. To leave him alone. He did not know how long this went on for. When he woke up, he once again had his rifle. The optic was now missing, and there seemed to be some fresh gouges in the wood stock, but these were details that were not necessary.

What was necessary was South. It was a beacon for his errant thoughts, the pilgrimage for this martyr. Another couple of nights. A couple of weeks. A couple of months. He walked. Sometimes west, sometimes east, sometimes even back north. But then he would remind himself. South. Liberating supplies from unaware stalkers, leaving their desecrated corpses as a reminder of The Monolith. His errant ZigZagging crossing over much of the zone.

There was no longer the thief. He made sure of this. This was good. He was out of food. This was not good. He rested underneath a small bridge, the scenery here much different than it was north. There was a burned out car here, it’s military green paint had mostly flickered off and all was rust that remained. Good. He would wait here. Someone would come. A non-believer. He could get more food, and continue his pilgrimage.
The thief once again made an appearance. She sat opposite of him, starring as blankly into him as he did her. He slowly blinked. His rifle was here. He slowly blinked. She was there. She was taunting him now. The rifle again. Her again. He would not tolerate this on his mission. He moved once again to hit her. His fist connecting with the center of the rifle. It clattering against the ground. No. He needed this rifle. He grabbed it. It should still work. To do what he needs to do. He had long since expanded the extra ammunition for it, but faith was more powerful than bullets. He would only need the six bullets left in the magazine to do what he needed to do. South. A shadow could be seen rounding the corner. He readied his rifle. This man would provide food, he thought. He should be more than happy to help me on my task. I should just ask. Save the bullets for when I need them. He raised his rifle as the man rounded the corner. Looking back, wide eyes of someone who is very much unprepared for the zone. The man in white demands food, under the implied thread of violence dispensed from the rifle. And the young man, seemingly unarmed, could only stare back. He squeezes the trigger.
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>All of these fics, no time to read them.
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And were done. That must have been rough to go through, I know it was for me writing it. But hang in there. We’re REALLY close to the beginning now, then we can have zone adventures.

It's a place for people to discuss /k/ related fiction. As an offshoot of /ak/, however, most of it turns to be /k/omandos writing fiction. A lot of stories tend to be based of of the concept of uppote; of sentient firearms. You can understand why this would be appealing. But that doesn't limit what's posted in the thread. Anything from Sci-Fi to historical novels, we talk about it all in some respect.
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>no time to read them

Eh, realistically you'll go through them and only end up liking half of them enough to actually read through all of it.

Just read before bed, as you try to go asleep. Plenty of time, and you might dream of raifus.
write stuff and like >>31821628 said it doesnt mean that needs to be from upotte, military stories, sci-fi etc

She looked at her knuckles, and saw they were bloody. Was it her own blood or his? She saw him on the ground before her, meekly covering up his face. But she could still see that she'd split his lip, caused cuts on his cheek and over his brow...

She suddenly felt very guilty about it all. The anger started to drain out of her.

She knelt beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. He flinched, anticipating another blow.

"Stop that. Let me see."

Slowly, he removed his hands from his face, allowing her to survey the damage she'd done. She pulled him into an upright seated position. He just stared at the campfire, though it wasn't lit at the moment, just a pile of charred sticks.

She snapped her fingers to get his attention. "Can you explain why you shot at me?" she asked, her tone noticeably softer.

"I w-was... sh-shooting at the skinwalker... it w-was... it was imitating y-you... and..."

"That's why I told you we needed to stick together at all times."

"I c-couldn't control... myself... I couldn't... s-stop myself... it was... making me... s-see things..."

"It got into your head somehow?"

"I... I th-think so..."

"And it made you run all the way out there by yourself?"

He nodded slightly.

She exhaled heavily, rubbing at the sore portion of her chest. "Well, nobody said this was going to be easy..."

"I th-thought I... I thought it m-made me... kill you... and..."
Oh ok, wondering why there was anime all over the place. Never understood that, inserting anime into *hobby*, like if you like the subject, why do you need anime to "sugarcoat" it? Maybe im too Augusto to understand. Thx for explanation btw
Gib moar feels, /k/ommando, I feed off them
This is your boss, stop procrastinating and go back to work!

Oh, and continue posting /k/ommando.
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Never ever. It was from a STALKER VN some anon was making a few years ago. Whether these were just concept or very early programming, nothing came of it.

>inserting anime into *hobby*

Most will deny it, but it's the same reason you get shitty mlp crossovers or those dumb gamer tshirts combing halo and assassins creed.

We like firearms.
And coming from /ak/ we like anime.
So we just throw our two hobbies together.

The nice thing about literature is that it's up to your imagination. None of the stories have specified that there is an anime aesthetic.

> Thx for explanation btw
No problem. I appreciate the genuine response instead of the usual troll post.
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Actually I have a few more screens
thanks poly


more feels will commence after huntings

>tfw there will never be a stalker vn in your lifetime

"Quiet. No more of that. This part's over. You shot at me, I beat the shit out of you. Let's call it even."

He was silent, so she wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Okay," she said, "We've... thoroughly established... that plan A of just running out into the woods and shooting it to death won't work. We need a plan B."

He continued to be silent.

She looked around their campsite for any ideas. "Do you think fire might work?"

"I don't know..."

"Do you wanna try it?"

"The... the forest around here... it's pretty dry... we could accidentally... burn the whole thing down..."

"Maybe that's what's necessary? Remember all those stories of skinwalkers, all those greentexts of dubious origin?"


"Did any of them think to burn down the forest around the sonuvabitch?"

"Just... just that one with Bill... and the cabin..."

"Well, we've got homemade vodka, gasoline, and road flares. I think we can whip something up with those." She leapt to her feet and trotted down to the Hummer, digging around in the trunk.
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This is for Archive and Polybus. I updated late in the thread's life last night and the bin wasn't updated. Post it again here, or can y'all retrieve it? Please advise.
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>dat cabin reference
I fuckinf love this.

I saw it a while back and it never fails to make me grin.
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And now for the latest installment of the Viktoria story.

>She rolls out of the bed, gingerly stepping over and in between the clothes strewn over the floor

>She lightly bends over to pick up her tank top, giving me a perfect view of her ass and the outline of her magwell through her thin undergarmets

>She turns to me as she puts the shirt on

>"I'll have it ready in just a few" She says, strutting off, her tail flicking around happily the entire way

>"It's too early for this shit." I think to myself

>Slowly but surely I make my way out of bed, looking at my pants but neglecting to put them on


>I make my way to the couch and plop down lazily.

>She yells from the kitchen "Cream and sugar?"

>"Yeah, sure!" I yell back

>"I gotcha!"

>She comes walking back, hips and tail swaying with one cup of coffee in hand

>She places it on the table next to me and sits down on the couch beside me

>"Thanks, V."

>I turn my head and reach over to the coffee beside me

>I hear her shifting around and as I turn back her head falls into my lap

>I ruffle her hair as she squints one eye and smiles playfully

>Leaning back, I rest my left arm on her stomach and begin to drink my coffee

>From below me, I hear her quietly call my name



>"When do you think you're gonna take me shooting?" She asks, almost begging

>"Well I don't have any mags for you. Or ammo for that matter. The package should be here soon though. I paid extra for quick shipping."

>"Anon, can I ask you something else?"


>"Why are you so good to me?"

>"You remind me of your namesake. Plus you're my rifle. It's my job to take care of you."



>"Close your eyes."

>Closing my eyes, I feel her sit up, and soon her breath is warm on my face.

>And then she kisses me.

>She lays back down into my lap, wrapping her arms around my waist

>"You can open your eyes now."
Ah shit. Forgot my name.
repost it


Chris and Dave spent the next couple of hours making preparations. And those preparations included the production of homemade napalm and molotov cocktails.

After that was all done, Chris got out her trauma kit and wiped the blood from Dave's face, and wrapped her own knuckles up with some gauze. She saw that his right eye was swollen up, completely closed. He'd have a shiner by the time the sun rose. She felt another twinge of guilt in her gut. She bandaged up his cuts as best she could.

"Hey, since your eye is... like it is," she said, rubbing a bit of anti-inflammatory cream onto it with her thumb, "I don't think you'll be very good with your gun. Leave the shooting to me and you can handle the molotovs, alright?"

"Yeah... sure..."

"Still feeling out of it?"

"A bit..."

"Try to just put it all away for now. We'll work through all of this later. We have to get this fucking skinwalker first. We know it's still nearby. We can't let it get away."

He nodded, taking a few deep breaths. "How's... how's your chest?"

"Like I said, we'll deal with it later." She took his hand and helped him to his feet. "Now, it is time to remove kebab."

Still holding his hand, she led him back into the forest.
RPK is cute and pure and she must be defended
With light on the horizon, they could tell that a new dawn was about to break. With the added visibility, they navigated the undergrowth quickly.

Soon, they were as far in as they'd been before, and the proceeded with more caution.

"How do you think we're going to draw it back out?" asked Dave, in a hushed tone.

"Well, I figured I'd just shoot at trees and shit and make a whole lot of noise. And if that failed, then we burn down the forest."

"I'd be lying if I said I thought it was a good plan..."

"Well, it's the plan we've got. Let's just pull through with it."

Dave leaned against a tree and started pulling the molotovs out of his pack, while Chris went into a nearby clearing with her AK, and held her arms out to her sides.

"Hey! Skinwalker McFuckface! Get out here! Show your pussy ass and fight me like you've got a fucking pair of balls or you can kiss your precious forest goodbye, motherfucker! We'll show you some REAL trespassing!"

She waited in silence for any response, but none came but her slight echo.

"Just what I thought, you fucking pussy!"

She shouldered her weapon and started firing into the branches of the trees above, sending any wildlife stupid enough to have stuck around fleeing.

She dumped two entire magazines rapidly, and once again waited in silence.

"Fuck this... Dave! Start lobbing!"

He popped a road flare and lit the cloth wrapped around a molotov, and threw it as hard as he could. It shattered against a tree a short distance away, the napalm inside sticking to the bark, and setting the whole thing alight within a matter of seconds.

Chris grinned at the display. "Nice toss!" she shouted, before noticing the rapid footsteps of something massive and heavy behind her. Before she could turn, she felt an impact at her back, launching her into the air. She flipped once, head over heels, and landed on her back, the wind knocked out of her.
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I'm going to try to make this quick for those who missed the update last night.

Light My Fire (PTR/HK) cont.

>I stand and rack the action a couple of times to prove she's empty
Can't stop us now...
>Rose sits quietly in the passenger seat
>Her mind continues to play over her mistakes
>each failure to feed
>each failure
>her failures
>mistakes that had cost her former masters' friends their lives
>some of their weapons were reissued
>others were captured to be used against their will
>in all her years, the little carbine had never been able to live down her failures
>since her inception, she was under the microscope
>disproportionately more so than the others
>every failure recorded
>every GI killed
>every myth perpetuated
>she even blamed herself for the old mechanic's death
>the battle she couldn't fight for him was a battle she had lost as well
>Though he had denied her existence, he was the only man she had ever loved
>his rational mind cut through the hatred of war
>though he had used her several times to kill and once to beat a boy to death with her stock, he never allowed himself to hate the japs as she did
>once, he was in charge of looking after a group of prisoners
>Frank had treated them well
>He was a seaman and war was his business; mechanic by trade
>one of those japs even painted their pillow case and gave it to him
>it was a picture of the prisoner's wife
>Rose missed Frank
>her thoughts continue to dwell on his death
>she saw him through a world war
>countless years ranching
>then he was felled by a force she could neither see nor understand
>her failures are then compounded in this silly contest
>it wasn't even a real battlefield and she couldn't even function properly
>Rose sinks in her seat
>her lips curled into a frown
>her master is just driving listening to his awful music
>he hasn't said a word to me since we got in
>her thoughts return to the end of the competition
>anon and his friend stuck around for the final scores
Light My Fire (PTR/HK) cont.

>anon and his friend stuck around for the final scores
>out of 27 competitors
>we were 16th
>not even close to a podium finish
>not even in the top 10
>not even in the top half
>his fat friend and his AKM scored higher than us
>she seemed so happy with their result, Kashka
>her beautiful platinum blonde hair as it touched her shoulders-
>she stuffs her thoughts away and looks to me wide-eyed
>"I'm talking to you."
>"sorry, master."
>I told her not to call me that
>it feels weird coming from a little girl
>"are you just going to sulk the whole way home"
>she doesn't answer
>"look, I already told you we weren't looking to get a podium finish. You did well."
>Rose sighs and turns to look out the window
>obviously not the answer she is looking for
>I'm no mind-reader
>why do women do this?
>better go fishing and find out what the hell crawled up her ass
>blurt out, "let's grab a milkshake on the way home!"
>Rose stays quiet
>pull into a sonic
>I only go here for the milkshakes because their food is inedible
>I park and push the little red button
>"thank you for choosing sonic-" blah blah blah "how can I help you?"
>think to myself, "yeah, I'll have a forty-three skyhigh, an eight-five, hold the triangles, four-by-four with a shimmy, a three ringer-ringer, a doodad blinger, and a sexy nuggets."
>uh huh huh huh... that'd be cool
>make my order, "I want a mint chocolate chip shake, and a..."
>look to Rose who's staring at the traffic glide by
>decide to poke the bear
>"you look like a vanilla type. Boring and predictable."
>I can tell she's annoyed
>"and like, the biggest vanilla shake you can make."
>the vain in her temple is getting larger
>I'm going to find out what's wrong even if it kills me
>when our milkshakes arrive, I inform the girl on skates that "it's my little sister's birthday"
>"she's turning 9 or something."
>like Mt. Vesuvius, the pressure is building
Light My Fire (PTR/HK) cont.

>like Mt. Vesuvius, the pressure is building
>when the girl on skates leaves, I peel of a paper section off of my straw wrapper
>wrapper cannon is a go
>I aim and blow as hard as I can and beam Rose right in the ear
>her icy blue eyes twitch involuntarily
>before she can say a word, the menial staff comes out to my sing Rose a happy birthday song
>complimentary cake NOT included
>it just gets better and better...
>until I notice there's a cherry in my milkshake
>I don't like cherries
>pick it out by the stem
>the sonic employees leave
>just when the tension couldn't get any thicker
>the cherry bounces off of Rose's face
>a dab of green milkshake is left behind
>oh god, I can't hear a thing besides crippling EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...
>my brain even hurts
>everything now sounds like it's under water
>did Rose just fire a round?!
>oh god, my ears!
>the ringing...
>then suddenly, it stops.
>I can hear normally again?
>"What the hell was that?!" I bark
>Rose turns her nose up at me, "A warning shot. you were annoying me."
>"A warning shot?!"
>I check the roof of the car
>no holes
>but then I notice outside is all business as usual
>what the fuck...
>Rose sees this
>"by ourselves, we cannot cause harm to anyone or anything. But apparently, I can scare the crap out of you."
>"Well shit, Rose! Shit! I'm lucky I'm not deaf!"
>"I guess you're going to sell me now?"
>her eyes are deadpan
>"What?" I ask... "No, no, no, no, no... What's all this really about?"
>"I failed! Alright?! I failed in front of everyone!"
>"aughh!" The little girl clinches her hands in fists of rage
>Her eyes are no longer icy, but a sapphire blue as tears well up
>"My whole life, my service has been marked in question, and today proved that I am- was never a good service rifle..."
>I stare in disbelief
>this was not supposed to be this complicated
Ligh My Fire (PTR/HK) cont.

>this was not supposed to be this complicated
>instead, I've opened a can of worms I didn't know existed
>just show up, not suck, and go home
>good enough to receive another invite
>This whole thing meant more to Rose than I ever thought it would
>as she sobs, I try to think of what I can say to calm her down
>I extend my hand to her
>the little girl flinches as if I might strike her
>i put my hand at the back of her neck and pull my fingers through her short blonde hair
>Rose's tiny hands clasp mine as she uses my wrist to dry her tears
>"you're not going anywhere"
>and just like that, she clung to me
>her head buried in my shoulder, the rest of my arm hugged against her body
>this is really not what I expected for today
>"alright... alright... get off. Your milkshake is melting."
>still refusing to let go, she coos like a dove, "oh."
>her complete arm/leg hug loosen and blood is allowed to flow to my arm again
>I hand her the huge styrofoam cup filled with vanilla
>it's as large as her face
>decide to open her straw for her
>send another straw wrapper flying her way
>she giggles, "asshole!" and five minutes later, we're on our way home happily sucking at our straws
>the sugar intake seems to have turned Rose right around
>"you know, you did do well out there."
>the little girl shook her head, "I don't see how. I failed twice and we scored in the bottom half."
>I grimace, "Well... Most of it was my fault. You see, I screwed up in the pistol section quite a bit and dropped a few magazines."
>embellishing the details can only help here
>Rose's eyes seem a lot calmer, "so, it's your fault."
>pretend to check my mirrors, "it would seem that way. If you looked at our splits, we did no worse than some of the ARs that were out there."
Light My Fire (PTR/HK) cont.

>pretend to check my mirrors, "it would seem that way. If you looked at our splits, we did no worse than some of the ARs that were out there."
>out of the corner of my eye, I see rose smile around her straw even though she knows I'm full of shit
>"moron." She mumbles chuckling to herself
>I pretend not to hear
>"Look, Rose... I didn't mean to give you such a bad day today. Aside from the competition itself, was there anything ablution the day you enjoyed?"
>Rose thinks briefly about Kashka
>she covers, turning up her inflections at the end of her statement, "I like this milkshake."
>"so you didn't enjoy meeting any other rifles out there?"
>her face turns red
>wonder why...
>she replies, "I didn't like any of the ARs out there. They were all pretentious, spoiled brats with no respect for anyone else."
>I chuckle to myself, "yeah, that sounds about right!"
>Rose looks to me, "but Master, why is your AR not like that?"
>"I told you to quit calling me 'Master'"
>"I'm sorry, M- Anon."
>I do think about her question though
>It is a puzzler, "I don't know why my AR isn't like the others."
>Rose puts forward her theory, "I think it's because you downgraded her, she's more polite."
>downgraded her? Huh?
>"What do you mean, I downgraded her?"
>Rose swallows more of her shake, "She was an A3 when you got her. Since then, you've outfitted her with a bunch of Vietnam surplus parts."
>sure. I guess.
>"Well, is there anything I can do for you to make this whole fiasco completely square?"
>Rose sits back in thought
>I can tell she has an idea but doesn't want to say anything
>"better make up you mind before we get home"
>we're almost there
>she starts and stops
>then starts again, "c-can we go shooting with Jamie sometime?"
>is that all?
>"uhh, sure! Okay."
>that a tiny thing to ask for
>but whatever. I'll shoot him a text later
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That's it guys! Y'all are up to date so far. Let me know what you think! I've got several different adventures in this story planned so far, sequel to my story, AND...
>taking all bets for what Judith is up to when anon and Rose get home
Five bucks says she's laying around half dressed like a bum
i eat my 'stache that she's drinking and eateing 'chips
Haha oh man, lets see Dave try to maintain an erection with that on his mind from now on
Day 53
So with roughly 4 days off I decided to poke around the place that we have now captured that seems to have killer robots in the basement...
So I made the walk from the habitation modules we had set up and observed the concourse.

It was geodesic dome underground. the panels were thick stainless steel with areas of clear ceramic that let light shine in.
Obviously this was one of the premier ports for this planet back in the day.

you could still see the faded logos on the walls for the space travel companies as well as the old earth alliance federation logos.
Despite the years of dereliction and war the place was in surprisingly good shape.
I mean sure some of the halls had the occasional bullet hole or frag grenade and most of the electronics were missing but all in all structurally the building was sound.

The same cant be said for the launch pad area and it wasn't time or nature that destroyed those each launch pad was pretty much a 400 foot wide crater that went down 30 feet.
So that had me scratching my head why the fuck blow up the launch pads and not the launch center and head quarters.
So I picked up a book. Well a virtual book.

So I read apparently the Aliens species was the Yagwenth, they were a very militaristic race but were very tradition bound and cast based.

They had no issue killing human civilians they deemed as low cast. But mid and high ranking officers and government officials were a no go.
So a societies autism saved the space port. Sort of.

I also got a call from mark. Oh shit I forgot to write down. Since this place doesn't have tubes we have been given radio communication devices. God damn I can be dense. I miss those tubes.

Any how I get a call from mark saying he wants me to meet his cleaners. So I said sure why the hell not.

Now I wasn't sure what I was expecting to see, hulking brutes, slick tactical guys decked out in kit, my imagination ran wild.
Masturbating furiously.
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I'm recording this diary for prosperity.

I sit here, next to this Chieftain, watching the world end. I always did like Germany, the horizon is on fire and not from the sunset. It's past midnight. It's been little over a day since it started. I don't pretend to pay attention to the worlds political situation. I'm a solider, I get told what to do. I don't know how this started. I don't care, seeming as we're all going to be dead by the fortnight ends. My mother said I shouldn't be so bleak. She said that as I left from the train station to Bovington. I don't think I'll ever see her again.

We're stopping for a couple hours to fuel up, make sure everything's ready for what's next. Captain Wilson in the briefing said we're going up against the eleventh guards tank division out of Dresden. I heard some Americans launched a nuclear weapon at some soviets across the border, apparently the Soviets responded in kind. Must be why the horizon is on fire. Everyone is having a hell of a time of it, I don't think they expected it to happen. To be fair, I didn't expect it either.

I had to stop writing for an hour or so, helping get the tank ready for combat. The gun is all in order, ammunition ready, the sights are all lined up. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, sitting here in the gunners seat as we travel towards the fight. My TC, Farron, said he'd heard some more Americans on net, apparently their headquarters in Frankfurt was hit by a nuclear weapon.

[cont.] I don't know what else to write at this point. I wonder if anyone will find this? Is my writing wasted? Or will I survive? Will anyone? Such is the nature of warfare in the modern age it seems. When the Americans dropped the bombs of Japan, I think it showed the world what could happen. I'm amazed anyone has had to use them again.

The Soviets were once our allies, during the second world war. Times change. It was only thirty years ago, seeing what they did in Berlin, the stories of defectors. I'm rambling now, rambling in writing. My foot is shaking and I wish to distract myself. Everyone in here is nervous. I can feel it. I do hope to live. I don't think anyone wants to die

Corporal H. Faroling, 1977, Germany
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>pic sorta related
Has anyone transcribed the harem story into pastebin?

My suggestion is to find the post numbers in the picture, use desuarchive, and find the original posts. Copy past them.
Alright I'll do it this weekend.
Day 53 continued

So I met the cleaners and god damn they are interesting. So I see Mark and 6 guys who look like they steped out of weapons and armor porn the bible.
All of them had power armor but not your typical soft or hard exoskeleton,.

This was more advanced. It was slim yet almost looked muscular, it followed the contours of their bodies but added about 5 inches save for the joints.

I talked to mark. Those weren't powersuits they were the newest generation of cybernetic enhancement.
They pretty much took a soldier ripped him down to his bone and nervous system and then rebuilt him in a tank using nano machines.

They were not like mark they were more sophisticated and advanced.
Thank you.
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>You walk home. The cold dusk December air forming small clouds as you gently exhale.

>Your hand is cold.

>Your walk home only disrupted by the gentle rustling of the leaves, and crunch as you boots make a trail in the snow.

>The cold wind makes you shudder for a moment, but quickly continue on.

>You hold your families old war rifle in your arms, at rest but ready.

>Things have not been good lately, thieves have been spotted at other farms

>Your father is away to help the war effort, so you are the only man of age capable of handling the rifle.

>It's solid wood stock reassuring as you walk on, scanning the fence line to your right.

>Once again, you shudder. You're hand wouldn't be as cold if you hadn't forgotten one of your gloves.

>But you have a task to do, and a family to do it for.

>The wind picks up, and there is a rustling to your left.

>Grabbing your snow cap as to make sure it doesn't blow away, you can't react to the man in uniform that is suddenly before you.

>A uniform you don't recognize.

>A sudden crack disturbs the night air.

>You stumble and fall onto the ground, rifle dropping in the snow next to you

>Your chest feels cold now.

>You hear the crunching of boots, becoming quieter as they disappear, the wind seemingly masking their retreat from your ears

>You look over, towards the distant lights of the house

>You now know you are too far from home, a distance time nor space will allow you to ever overcome.

>But there is someone right next to you.

>She smiles, sadly. Her chestnut brown hair reminding you of something familiar.

>She grabs your hand, a reassuring feeling emanating from it.

>You can no longer see her, or anything else, but the feeling persists.

>And at last your hand is no longer cold.
This reminds me of the short story, "The Sniper."
Very good read. Yours as well. I love and hate how existential it is.
Fixed some grammatical things and odd wording.
Thank you for the praise.
Very nice anon. Comfy, yet sad at the same time.
i'll have all my stories up to date before the nights end. got distracted by life, sorry guys.

two things,

1) yall are using and old version of the pastebin

2) we're looking for ways to shorten the sticky a bit. any ideas?
Compress multi-chapter stories into a single pastebin like you did with mine and tag them with (ongoing) or similar

and compress anonymous stories that have already been featured in previous threads into an anons pastebin, and any that were posted in the thread just before get a special highlight
only issue i'll bring up, cuz that one has come up, the vast amoung of anonymous stories, one big grouping or what?
Make a pastebin of pastrbins? Boom, more room.
just take the big blog and space them out a bit more in the single pastebin

pastebin of pastebins

and if an author has multiple stories pastebin them too and specify which stories were updated

so like with name fags or...
day 53 continued
So while Mark was telling me about his "cleaners" and shit my eyes were drawn to a pack, that looked like a ghost busters proton pack.
So I asked him what it was.
He replied "well that tank at the top has 4 litters of a super dense gas confined at 10k psi.
That bottom square part is where the magic happens... it has anti mater in it that heats up a ceramic heat sink turning the gas into a plasma that is magnetically confined through the tube until it exits as a dense blob, now it actually pulses when firing these blobs so no it is not a stream and no you cannot cross them."
So then I asked the only logical follow up question how hot are the blobs of plasma?
"20,000 degrees F." he replied.
Now I really want one of these things but then he told me they weigh 400 pounds and that's before you add the 40 pound heat shield to not cook your self.

So after a quick demonstration where they turned some old structural steel to a pile of slag..
Some how this makes my current armament of death feel inadequate ... Oh well.
pretty much, yeah

One of us
okay wfg whats up
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>One of us

But what did he mean by this?
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Just curious, did the music help or hurt? It's what inspired me to write the story, but I'm not sure it ended up being entirely fitting.
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Oh whoops, the time stamp didn't work in the embedded video. Just got to the end.

I mean, I want to say that's normal of people who talk to their rifles, but then he mentions putting clothes back on? He very well might be one of us.
The beginning was nice, prior to the singing portion.

I like your writing. It's interesting. I want to see more of your universe.
yeah I'm slowing down for a bit I cant keep smashing every thing together. have to start thinking about what I write.
I don't want to have continuity issues or just plain logic gaps..
I'm aiming for a mixture of dune, war hammer 40k (little less grim dark and gold leaf) and cyber punk 2020

that is the future dystopia I want. maybe more Shadowrun instead of cyberpunk2020.
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idk I am not familiar with shadowrun as a pen and paper game. Sadly I have yet to play cyber punk 2020 with other people I have only played gurps, pathrinder, and various iterations of D@D.
don't get my dick hard I purchased that son because of that trailer...
Cyber punk is shit.
Whatever it was that had knocked her over was massive, and it reared up on its hind legs, bellowing out a roar. She could see it clearly in the breaking daylight. A grizzly bear.

She rolled away just in time to avoid a swipe by the bear's massive paws, and struggled upright, gasping. She leveled out her AK with one hand and dumped several rounds into the bear, center of mass. This only seemed to anger it, and it swiped at her again. She jumped back to avoid it. And just in time, too.

A glass bottle shattered against the beast's flank, and it was engulfed in flame. It roared and dropped to all fours, writhing around. Chris took the opportunity to sprint back to Dave's side.

When she looked back, she almost couldn't believe what she was seeing. The bear had stood back up, but was now rapidly desiccating, withering away, its fur falling off in large clumps. It grew taller, and antlers sprung from its skull. Soon it completely transformed into the horrifyingly familiar form of the skinwalker. It tossed aside a burning bearskin cloak.

"I have warned you, bilagáana," it bellowed, as it stepped over the flames and advanced towards them. "I allowed you to leave my forest alive, and you come back to desecrate it!"

Dave threw another molotov at it as hard as he could, but it smacked the bottle away in the air, and it shattered harmlessly off to the side.

Chris dumped the rest of her magazine at it, but the bullets seemed to have no effect. "Plan B is shit, we need a fucking Plan C and fast!"
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You want my military sci-fi folder? Got over 1000 images of generic cyberpunk/future scifi military shit in there.
see children that is way you all ways etch groves into your glass bottles that you use as Molotov
create a seprate image dump for it we don't want to shit up WFG
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I was just gonna link you the zip folder.
Does anyone else have yahoo japan advert on their browser?
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Figured I might as well announce it, Howa story is ready. I'll be home in about an hour and I'll post it then.
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Here. It's a bit of a mess, but a lot of good stuff in there for sci-fi inspiration.

>If anyone's interested in a relatively cool free cyberpunk games with small but dedicated playerbases

Just as she said that, there was a shriek from behind them. The skinwalker stopped and let out a roar. Dave and Chris spun around to see that they were caught in between a very angry skinwalker, and what appeared to be several skinless humanoids, twitching unnaturally and baring mouths full of sharp teeth.

"What the fuck are those?"

"I have no fucking idea!"

Like a twisted Mexican standoff, the three parties squared off, with the monsters roaring and snarling at each other across the distance, and the /k/ommandos in the middle, trying to determine which were the bigger threats.

The skinless humanoids broke the equilibrium when they dropped to all fours and made a dead sprint towards the skinwalker, who drew its large bone knife from somewhere unseen. Dave and Chris dove out of the way, and the monsters clashed.

The skinless creatures leapt onto the skinwalker and grappled with it, trying to bite chunks out of its limbs. The skinwalker grabbed one by its throat and snapped its neck, tossing it aside. It cleaved another in half with its knife.

"Should we let this play out?" asked Dave, his voice shaky.

"Fuck no, we can't take any chances!" Chris pulled a molotov at the ground behind where the battle was going on. "See if you can encircle them with fire!"

Bottle by bottle, they used up everything in Dave's backpack, and soon the forest around them was going up in flame. They could no longer see what was going on with all the smoke in the air.

"Shit, we can't stay here!"

"But we have to confirm the kill!" Chris shouted back.

"No time for that! Let's fucking move!" Dave hooked his arm under hers and pulled her along, away from the flames.

They ran back to their campsite to recover their equipment.
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>Dinner went by quickly.
>You finished the eggs and bacon as fast as Marleen would let you without scolding.
>Eliza and Emilia wished you luck, and Tuuli begged you to be safe on your bike.
>She didn't seem too reassured when you told her that it was a fine piece of Russian engineering.
>Must be a Finn thing.
>Wilma stays close to your side as you both approach the Ural.
"Do you want to sit in the sidecar, or the holster?"
>She pushes closer against you and grips your arm.
>"I've never ridden anything like that before. Just put me in the holster, please."
"Alright, your call."
>Taking her by the neck, and subsequently her grip, you insert her into the leather holster under your jacket and snap it shut.
>After checking that it was secure, you hop onto the bike and kick the starter.
>It takes a moment for the engine to warm up.
>Finally, you're off to Valdez.

>The ride to Valdez takes a little over two hours.
>This is the price paid to live in the peaceful middle of nowhere as your grandfather put it.
>Thankfully, it was also uneventful.
>Your nerves are already difficult to control from the anticipation and apprehension.
>Finding a spot in the lot to park near the police department is easy.
>It's nearly empty.
>Not many people are out and about, must be a lazy Saturday.
>You make your way to the front hall of the police department.
>It's not too large.
>Mostly one story, a tower for the fire department nearby.
>The color scheme is generally red roof and off white walls.
>Not much to look at, but considering it's just a station for emergency services, it fills the requirements seemingly fine.
>Reaching the front desk, you cough to get the attention of the receptionist.
>She was sorting intensely through a filing cabinet before you disturbed her work.

>"Hello, how are you today, sir?"
>Not looking for small talk, you remain quick and to the point with your words.
"I'm fine. I was told to meet with an investigator by the name of Donaghue. Is he in?"
>Wasting no time, she clacks away at the keyboard of a severely outdated computer terminal.
>She reads the screen for a moment as if deciphering a code.
>"It seems he's available. I'll let him know you're here, mister..."
>She nods and picks up the phone by the terminal and dials a few numbers.
>"Mister Donaghue, there's an Anon waiting at the front desk."
>You can't make out the response despite trying to focus on listening in.
>"You're welcome, bye."
>Hanging up the phone, she points down the hall.
>"Walk down the hallway until you find room 164. Mr. Donaghue is waiting for you in there."
"Thank you, ma'am."
>You follow the direction she points and keep an eye on the door numbers.
>While you walk, you check that your jacket is securely hiding Wilma.
>The state of Alaska might be friendly towards carrying, but that doesn't mean the state buildings are.
>It takes a few minutes of walking to reach your destination.
>You check that you have the right room.
>The door is labeled "164".
>Three light knocks are given to it.
>"Come in, please."
>Following the command, you gently open the door and step inside.
>You close the door behind you and take in the room.
>It's small, a little cramped, and full of filing bins and office supplies.
>There's a bulletin board on the wall with a few notices and papers with words too small to make out.
>Not quite how Law and Order would have you picture it, but the two suited occupants make it clear that it's still a workable station for an investigator.
>The man at the desk is slightly aged, looking in his early fifties with slightly graying brown hair.
>The girl sitting in the chair next to him is much younger, appearing in her early-to-mid thirties with neck length black hair.

>"Good morning, Mr. Maus. Have a seat."
>You heed his request and sit in the chair near the front of the desk.
"Please, call me Anon."
>He start flipping through a folder and pulls out a few papers.
>"Sure thing. By the way, this is Detective Hotchkins. She will be working with me on this as part of training. Now down to business, the number you gave us belongs to a man by the name of Edward Higgins. Higgins was convicted of possessing and dealing homemade meth. He got out a few months ago. If you're right about your sister selling a firearm to him, then they will both be in serious trouble."
>You quickly interject.
"That's fine. I wanted to press charges for the rifle being stolen anyways. Can I get that done?"
>Donaghue looks somewhat surprised at this for a moment before his expression turns back to a flat and serious one.
>"I'm sure we can have that happen. Now, about Higgins, since we have no hard evidence yet, we'll have to pay a visit and check him. His probation officer was alerted and has given us the go ahead to do so in his place. If you'd like to go with us, we can have that arranged. You'll need to stay away from Mr. Higgins while we conduct the search, but we'll let you know immediately what we find. Is this okay with you?"
>You consider it for a short moment before responding.
"Yeah, that sounds good to me. I just want to know if he has Ida, and that's it. Couldn't care less about anything else."
>"Ida? That what you call your gun?"
>Shouldn't have let that out.
>He sees your brief moment of panic and softly chuckles.
>Reaching into his jacket's armpit, he pulls out a pristine looking Beretta 92 with a nickel finish.
>"Her name's Becca. I'd hate to lose her, too."
>He places Becca back into his shoulder holster.
>"Hotch, are you ready to go?"
>The detective in training, who had been quiet until Donaghue spoke to her, nodded.
>"I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Mister Donaghue."
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>Donaghue scoots his chair back and stands up.
>"Good, then let's get on the road. Anon, I'll meet you out front. When we arrive, stay behind the cruiser."
"Got it."
>You stand and lead the way out the office door and back to the parking lot.
>Not waiting to see if the pair of detectives followed you, you hop on your bike and kick start it.
>Walking it back and driving it out to the front of the entrance, you see a running police cruiser stopped in front.
>As you pull up behind it, the cruiser starts pulling out.
>You follow it immediately out of the lot.
>A few turns and intersections later, you're out of the town area and heading towards the mountainous region in the distance.
"Hold on, Ida. I'll be there soon."
That'll be my stopping point for now. I look forward to any comments!
I've never written anything for other people to see... ever. BUT I thought I'd write something short written from the perspective of a Mossberg 500 bought to be an home defense rifle... would anyone be interested if I were to write it?
The fire was practically nipping at their heels, as they scrambled to stuff everything back into their duffel bags.

"Leave the tent, leave it! No time!"

The fire was ripping through the forest as fast they could sprint away from it. They could feel the heat on the backs of their necks.

"Keep running! Don't stop until we're at the car!"

They broke through into the clearing with the half built subdivision, out of breath. Chris took Dave's bag and tossed it into the back of the Hummer along with her own, as the fire continued to consume. The foreman of the project and his assistant ran out of their trailer to meet them, seeing all the smoke, and the flames licking up into the air.

"What the fuck happened?" he shouted, hands on his head, as he watched the destruction. "I asked you to get rid of the creature, not burn the whole place down!"

"That wasn't us," lied Chris, as Dave started up the Hummer. "Didn't you know? Skinwalkers have the ability to start forest fires."

"What? Are you serious?"

"Completely serious. But don't worry. After this is over, you can call your men back to work. It's gone, and won't be coming back."

"Fucking Christ..."

"You and your assistant might want to clear out, by the way. And uh, we were never here, right? Since I don't think the authorities would believe we were hunting monsters?"

"Sure, sure... for fuck's sake... this is going to be a lot of paperwork..."

Dave switched over to the passenger's seat, and Chris hopped up into the driver's side. "Are we cleared?" he asked.

"Yeah, he fucking bought it. Let's get the fuck outta here." She hit the gas and didn't let up until they were back on the highway, headed back to Michigan.
>end casefile 5: skinwalker
do it m8
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My biggest fear is that it would be that easy.
I fear for Ida...
Sorry, but your story is special to me for obvious reasons.
Go for it. There's not many stories that have shotguns.
I was thinking of doing another sort of comfy inbetween chapter like before? Maybe a casefile 5.5? Showing the aftermath when they get home? Would anyone be averse to it?
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Light My Fire (PTR/HK) cont.

>Rose seems to enjoy the older classics on my iPod
>my car rhythmically thumps to "Gimme Shelter" by The Rolling Stones as she grooves on it, never once taking her her lips from her red straw
>we pull into my apartment parking space and I put it neutral
>the blinds in the large front windows are drawn...
>typically, I leave those open to light the place
>get out of the car and grab all the heavy stuff from the back
>Rose can carry the carbine and unlock the door
>hobble awkwardly up the half-steps as the little one passes me on the right
>she waits at the door until I near and then unlocks it
>As I step in, I immediately notice Suckerpunch is playing pretty loud
>I can't see the TV yet, but I know that soundtrack anywhere
>Flanked by Rose, I step past the door-side closet to view the living room
>we both freeze
>news papers cover the floor
>Judith is barefoot in her white tank-top
>her fatigue's top is tied around her waist and drapes over her matching OD pants
>her back turned, she is dancing to the movie's OST
>her fingertips touch her wrist and glide down her arm
>her legs accent her upper movements as she locks one knee and bends the other
>one foot flat on the black and white, the other up on its toes
>ink staining the her soles of her feet
>her body gyrates in slow motion to the sensual beat
>Her long raven hair cascading all the way down her back reflects the glow of the TV
>I'm okay with this
>Even her snowy skin shimmers-
>wait a minute
>that orange bottle on the floor nearby
>that's why she's all shiny...
>I look down to my left at Rose
>her icy eyes are already staring up at me
>smug as fuck with her milkshake now
>no words, she uses a rapid series of hand motions to convey a covert idea
>literally what?
>oh, I'm the idiot
>sorry, I don't speak charades
>her eyes big, the little girls jabs her finger that the speakers
>ohhhh... This'll be funny
do it m80
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I apologize. Not a lot from me tonight. I'm exhausted. I'm happy to bring my Judith back into the story. I was getting burnt out on Rose.
In the beginning, there was a lot of push back on her character, but I feel the perfect imperfect loli who overcompensates for her insecurities has earned a tiny fanbase. Anyway, thanks for the support! It keeps the story alive.
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Okay guys, Sorry for the huge delay.

I had a patch of writers block, and I wasn't happy with a certain part and it was hanging me up for the longest time.

But I've got that fixed, and I figured I'd give you guys some short postings to get your appetites for this story going again~
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[Last time.]

>She let out a low shaky sigh, gripping the wheel tighter, Tula having long since turned into his rifle form was resting in the front seat, watching her drive, ready to be picked up when he would be needed.

>She turned and pulled down the roadway for the Meth facility, finding it totally dark, her headlights illuminating a congregation of people standing in a perfect row across the entrance of the drive way, all of them in white robes...with masks on their faces...but not just any masks.

>They each wore the head of a deer.

>An -actual- head.

>She would have thought they were taxidermized...if not for the blood dripping off the heads and onto the white linen robes they were draped in, soaking the necks and shoulders of the fabric.

>Looking closely she could make out that each of the people were wearing one of those...little fetishes around their necks with twine.

>She stared, totally frozen, breaking her fearful stillness and reaching over for Tula in a lunging fashion and pulling him into her hands.

>He spoke as she touched him...that horrifying tone in his voice again...boring a hole into the back of her head, the passenger writhing it's way back into her skull, it's words ringing through the innards of her psyche.

>"Do not fear us. You have come to merge into one being as we have, Cassilda."
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>With a yelp she dropped Tula as if he'd become super heated, sending the rifle clattering down to the floorboard of the Jeep immediately.

>She clutched her temples and squeezed her hair, shaking her head in agony, pain shooting through her spine and into her head, like someone had taken a power drill and pressed the bit to the base of her skull, boring a hole slowly through her skin and into her bone.

>"The fuck are you doing!"

>Tula growled a bit, shouting, the 'passenger' in her head going silent, opening her eyes to find that she now has pointed Tula muzzle first straight at her own chest, her thumb on his trigger, his safety off, a mere 2 pounds from putting a bullet right into herself.

>Did...she do this?

>Was it that...thing?

>She immediately adjusted Tula turning him away from her body, a small whine escaping her lips, sitting straighter, tears in her eyes, breathing wildly, a cold sweat soaking her, staring at the cultists in front of her.

>A taller figure emerged from the beings draped in white robes with masks...

>This one donned a black Ram's head with long curled horns, wearing a black clergy cassock style robe with extremely pale yellow vestment draped over his shoulders, trailing all the way down to the ground.

>His body stayed perfectly at the same level as he moved.

>He didn't bob up and down as he walked like a normal person...it seemed as if he were floating, or...slithering.

>"Morgan. I'm going to need you to stay very calm..." Tula spoke...the real one...

>His tone was careful and cautious, reminding her of a guardian of some kind.

>He spoke again when she nodded in understanding, her face stricken with panic.

>"They call him Bishop for a reason. And it's not because it's his name."
I look forward to the next installment
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>The tall black figure, whom was presumably Bishop hoisted his hands from his sides, revealing gauntlets on his hands made of bone, the "fingertips" sharpened to a point on all 10 fingers, holding both hands out to her, palm up, fingers spread, beckoning her out of the Jeep to them, the sight making her want to throw the Jeep into reverse...

>But something inside of her wouldn't let her put her hand on the gear shift.

>She took several breaths, exhaling harder with each one, putting her hand on the door handle and opening it, keeping Tula in her grip, She pushed the door open, holding the rifle at her side, slowly step after step approaching the tall figure.

>If this was Bishop he'd gotten about six inches taller...

>She gulped a bit, walking toward him, letting him place his hands on her shoulders, turning her out to face the headlights of the jeep, speaking loudly and clearly through the Ram head covering his face, as if nothing were obscuring his mouth.

>"Ave, Satanas"

>He said simple words, The group of at least 20 repeating the phrase.

>"We congregate today to bring a very special sister into the fold. She has proven an invaluable asset in the defense of our many functions. She has also proven that the laws of man do not dictate her morality in servitude."

>He pauses for a moment...Morgan had had her eyes closed the entire time, opening them to find the circle of white robed ritual goers have surrounded her and Bishop, looking in at her, Immediately making her close her eyes again.

>"Our lords have spoken to me in a dream. They speak in glorious riddles. Riddles I have mulled for many a day and night. But I have seen the sign last night! I have found the answer! The girl sees Carcosa! She is to become a Disciple of the pale king!"
Aww yeah. Been waiting for this.
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>A collective sound of excitement escapes the lips of the congregation, a small clamor flaring up among them.

>"Do bear in mind!"

>Bishop splits the talking with his own words, continuing once everyone stops chattering amongst themselves.

>"Do bear in mind. This youngling must complete the trials. It would as such be folly to think her suitable for the King's mantle without first completing them!"

>The congregation remains silent, Bishop moving a hand from her shoulder to the top of her head, resting it firmly there to keep her still.

>"Prepare her."

>Bishop lifts his hand off of her head, fading back and away, the congregation circling Morgan, grabbing her up, ignoring her initial struggle, relieving her grip of Tula, stripping her of all of her protection, draping a robe over her body, followed by a wooden fetish around her neck.

>She gasped a bit.

>The small, light twig felt as if it weighed 90 pounds on her neck, she could barely stand, it felt as though it were crushing her spine, yet simultaneously weighing nothing.

>She could stand and move, but the invisible force around her neck...it was hard to breathe.

>She started to panic a bit, her eyes darting around wildly.

>She looked and looked...she couldn't see who had taken Tula.

>She didn't know where he was...

>She bit her tongue to keep herself from breaking down, another of the Congregation stepping over to Morgan, neatly laying a small wooden crown atop her head, flowers woven into the the dried thistle vines, each of the thorns painstakingly removed so that it would be comfortable to wear....

>She reached up to touch it....a pair of antlers rose from either side of the crown, her shadow in the moonlight like that of some ghastly beast.
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>Panic was just about to totally set in before she laid eyes on Tula finally.

>The man that had taken him from her grip was holding him flat, across both of his arms as if he were carrying a pillow that supported an extremely valuable object.

>The congregation turned Morgan and began to guide her off into the woods, Bishop's eerie tall frame waiting at the mouth of the forest with a small lantern held in his left hand, lighting him up, the flames dancing off of him and the ground and the trees near by, shadows throwing themselves all over his terrifying visage.

>The very moment she approached Bishop he reached up, touching her cheek with his bone gauntleted hand, wiping a tear away carefully.

>He turned silently, beginning to lead the way through the woods, the only one carrying the lantern, the congregation followed in a perfect line.

>Morgan turned and looked, the man carrying Tula was three people back, still holding him in the exact same way as before as he moved forward.

>Morgan looked all around, a cold feeling gripping her at the base of her spine as she kept walking, looking up into the trees.

>There were the Fetishes.

>Hundreds upon hundreds of them, hanging from the trees all over from the branches...on the forest floor, lining the pathway.


>She felt the whirling vortex in her head begin to spin as she closed her eyes to keep it away.

>She felt whispers in the furthest reaches of her mind, none she could make out clearly, only that it was happening.

>Then a word rang out above all, every single voice in her head speaking in some strange unified hive-mind like way.


>It was a deep rumbling, as if they melded into one voice.

>It shook her to her bones.

>Her eyes snapped open as she gasped deeply as if she'd been stabbed in the chest with an adrenaline shot.
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>That city was much much closer now.

>She could see the city now much clearer than before.

>It was perched upon an unnatural "island" in the center of an endless stretching lake, which fed the swamp land she was standing in apart from the single dirt path...lined with those trees she couldn't bear to look at.

>There was a thick fog engulfing the lower portions of the city, including the "gates" she was approaching, only faint indications of some wrought iron spikes atop some massive stone walls.

>Soft waves were lapping against the shoreline of the city she lay her eyes on, the rolling breaks fading from sight into the heavy fog, looking more and more like an ocean with each labored step she took along the path.

>The city was no longer burning as it was in her first vision, simply a mysterious and haunting visage of of some other-worldly rendition of some Gothic Pre-Industrial era European architecture.

>Incredible twisting and sprawling spires twisting up high above the base of the city's street level, she felt as if she were only singular miles away.

>She could take in the details, she could what appeared to be a myriad of some phantasm-esque stained glass windows.

>Unnatural shapes stuck together in the buildings as if she were seeing someone's distorted memory of what the city looked like.

>She could see basic forms and shapes, but no fine details...like a blurry veil had been pulled over the entire cityscape.

>And only the city.
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Welcome back, FAL! Your ability to convey the macabre is awesome. As much as I love the war genre, there's a small black pit in my heart for horror. You fill it nicely.
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>Had a whole plot thought up in my brain.
>Story went nowhere I wanted it to. Had to freestyle it.
>Feels kinda rushed when I read it myself.
> 4 days and 1884 words later...

The cynic in me is strong but let's see how well it goes.

I've been wondering where you've been. Was kinda getting worried for a while.
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>Looking up, she beheld a sky blanketed with black stars, blacker than the night sky themselves.

>A hollow, swallowing void, each the stars.

>As if the sky had been inverted and someone had taken the night sky and savagely stabbed thousands of holes into it with a needle.

>3 yellowish red moons lazily hung at her north, east and north west, the three of them each different sizes, yet....they seemed to orbit.

>Orbit just the city, staying in their orientation with each other.

>As if this city were the center of their universe.

>Listening her ears picked up the sound of that heartbeat pulsating off in the distance.

>The woman's voice from before was singing again...she could make out the words.

"Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink behind the lake,
The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa."

>She dwelled on the the gorgeous yet haunting melody, a warm feeling flushing through her body, the song becoming louder and clearer.

"Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies,
But stranger still is
Lost Carcosa."

>It was coming through even clearer still...powerful and clear...

"Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard in
Dim Carcosa."

>She froze, the song freezing with her.

>She was the one singing it.

>She opened her mouth, letting the rest of it come from her own lips.

"Song of my soul, my voice is dead,
Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed
Shall dry and die in
Lost Carcosa."
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>A great pain suddenly shot through her chest, as if her heart was tearing itself to pieces...

>Her body breaking free of her control, dropping to her knees on the ground, gasping in pain, blood poured from her mouth, blood beginning to pour from a pinhole in the center of her chest soaking her white robe red.

>She twitched violently feeling her muscles spasm under in her death throws, her eyes rolled back into her skull, her tongue lolling out.

>She felt every agonizing detail of her organs failing before her consciousness faded into nothingness.


>She gasped again her eyes snapping wide open with a great panic, grabbing her chest desperately finding it to be perfectly dry.

>She was still walking on the path behind Bishop, trailed behind by the congregation...

>The visions...
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And that's all for now~

Hope you enjoyed the continuation [Finally.]

And if you don't know where I'm going with the direction of this yet, ya'll some cuties.

And sure you can spoil it with google but do you R'lyeh want to~?
short update. Anon's having a bad dream again...

>you wake up slowly, to the beeps of the heartbeat monitor
>as long as it keeps beeping, you know you're still here
>when it stops, then you'll worry
>another day in the hospital, waiting
>you watch TV, the usual mix of garbage sitcoms and daytime dramas
>you look out the window, at the blue sky and the birds
>one of the worst things about getting old, you can't even get up to look out the window
>the worst would be going to the bathroom in a bag
>you hear the door to your room open
>in walks Ruby
>she's still as beautiful as the first day you met her
>she has a couple gray hairs showing, while yours are all white
>she smiles lovingly at you before sitting down
>the two of you chat about nothing of much importance
>memories mostly
>the heart beat monitor sound changed abruptly
>that's not good
>you turn to look but are struck with a sudden pain in your chest
>"ANON!" Ruby screams, before running out in the hallway
>a crash cart charges into the room with medical staff
>your eyelids get heavy as you hear the heartbeat monitor go flat
>maybe now it's time to worry

>Ruby watches as the medical staff fights to keep her love alive
>a tear rolls down her face, unnoticed
>finally, the medical team stops
>they start packing up their equipment as Ruby walks up to the bed
>he lays there, much older but still recognizable as the man she fell in love with so long ago
>as they finish packing up, Ruby turns to one of the staff
"Could you please give me some time alone?"
>"Of course, ma'am. As much as you need."
>they leave and shut the door behind them
>Ruby crawls into bed next to him
"You can't be gone, Anon. I promised to be by your side forever. And I'm still here. So you can't leave me. You can't."
>Ruby starts crying, softly at first and then large wracking sobs
>her face freezes as a sound like breaking glass is in the air before slumping against him

>when the staff return to the room, they are astonished to find a rifle in bed next to the patient
>one of the staffers picks it up, and shards of splintered and broken metal fall out of the ejection port and magwell
>the bolt, shattered beyond repair, falls to the hospital floor

>you bolt upright in bed, in a cold sweat
>Ruby wakes up from the motion and looks up at you sleepily
>"What's wrong?" she mumbles
"Bad dream."
>you lie back down and try to fall back asleep
>it felt so real, like a vision of the future
>you try to shake it off as Ruby snuggles around you
>it's a long time before you're able to fall back asleep
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It's an interesting concept, the bolt shattering like that. Though it makes me wonder why guns handed down don't just break when their first owners pass away.

Or I'm just overthinking this, I don't know.
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I wasn't expecting these feels.
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>Prepare story
>Stories pop off left and right
My turn!

If there was one thing Howa learned in the short time since her creation, it was how life was full of surprises.

Her earliest memories were of she and her sisters watching the fall season reach Kiyosu, their birthplace and headquarters of their creators.

For many the change in season was a time to prepare. The hunting season was coming up and hunters were becoming something of an endangered species in Japan. Many of the girls feared they would spend a large portion of their lives in a display case, or tucked away in storage. To give themselves the best chance of being purchased the bolt action rifles would spend their days making sure everything, from their internals to their paint jobs, were absolutely flawless.

When the shipping orders finally arrived they learned that only a handful of the girls would remain in Japan, with owners already waiting for the paperwork to go through. The rest would be exported to countries across the globe. Most were destined to Europe, awaiting a life of hunting deer and range shooting. A select few, to the surprise of all, were being sent to Ukraine to fight In the Donbass region.

In Howa’s case, she was to travel to America.

In anticipation for her journey Howa would regularly remember her schooling. Practically indoctrinated by a daily regimen of discipline and strict living she anticipated a lifestyle akin to a soldier, simple and utilitarian. To Howa the idea of serving her owner to the best of her abilities would be satisfying enough.

“Will you hurry up with the salt?”

“Hold on, I need to get this just right…”

“For fuck’s sakes, you’re making a salad!”

This mindset quickly changed the moment she arrived in the States.

Since her first day in the small yet quaint gun shop Howa witnessed just how carefree the guns of America could be.

Israeli bullpups conversed with German bolt actions casually. Soviet handguns and their
American counterparts traded stories like old friends. In one case a Chinese SKS introduced herself and acted as a guide of sorts on the strange new world that awaited her.

Needless to say the whole experience shattered Howa’s expectations.

Now, as she watched M1A and AR snap at one another as they prepared dinner, Howa mulled over all the information she had garnered over the past two weeks. The idea of minimal acknowledgment and unspoken respect had been drilled into her mind since her inception.
Instead she was seated at the kitchen table with her owner and Hi-Power as they talked and joked away like family.

This was a far cry from the life she had been expecting. Howa knew she had to adapt. But could she? The Japanese mentality of shunning, almost fearing, firearms still stuck to her and wouldn’t just go away overnight. The culture shock would take some time to get used to.
Just how long that would be was Howa’s concern.


Howa’s train of thought came a halt as 5906 took a seat next to her, two cups of coffee in her hands. The handgun handed over one of mugs before taking a few hearty gulps of the dark roast drink.

A bout of laughter caught Howa’s attention.

Turning to the source she saw Hi-Power spinning around to show off her new leather boots, a result of the wood grips Anon had bought for her. She gleefully danced around before hugging her owner from behind, repeating ‘thank you’ like a broken record.

Howa watched the sappy scene unfold, absentmindedly taking a swig of coffee. As the unsweetened coffee reached her tongue she realized just how bitter the brew was. With some force she managed to gulp down the mouthful, giving a brief grimace that did not go unnoticed by the handgun nest to her.

“Sorry about that,” 5906 said with a chuckle. She reached across the table and grabbed a container of sugar packets.

“You know, we all felt the same way,” she stated as she slid the porcelain bowl to Howa.

“What do you mean?” Howa avoided eye contact with the handgun, focusing on pouring packet after packet into her mug.

“I’ve seen that troubled look on your face a few times.” 5906 motioned for Howa to look before extending a finger at Hi-Power.

“She’s Belgium Federal Police. Or she was before she retired,” 5906 let the fact soak in as she took another gulp of coffee. “When Anon brought her home she was stiff as a board. Kept calling him ‘sir’ and everything.”

With the spectacle going on across the table
Howa almost didn’t believe her. Regardless, she knew well enough to stay silent.

5906 then nodded towards the kitchen, where the two rifles kept, clearly deliberately, bumping into one another as they continued preparing dinner.

“Those two came together. They didn’t talk much for the first few weeks, didn’t come out of their gun forms for the first two,” Howa noticed the handgun’s smile wavered slightly, a somber expression on her face.

“They don’t talk about their previous owners.
And I don’t plan on bringing it up,” 5906 locked eyes with Howa. She quickly got the hint; that story was not hers to know.

As 5906 nursed her half-finished drink Howa sat quietly, piecing together all the information she had gotten.

After a few moments Howa finally broke the silence.

“So…what you’re saying is-“

“We’re a bunch of pre-owned, dysfunctional guns with a ton of baggage?” 5906 gave a wry smile as she leaned back in her chair, enjoying the shocked look on Howa’s face. She

“N-No! I didn’t mean…What I’m meant is-“

“Relax, I’m just messing with you,” 5906’s laughed, much to the chagrin of Howa. Once again she stayed quiet, though her expression told 5906 everything.

The handgun regained her composure before continuing, “Look, what I’m saying is we all had a rough start on our first few days. It’ll take some time to get adjusted to the change, we all get that.”

5906 chugged the rest of her coffee, giving a satisfied sigh before giving Howa a pat on the shoulder.

“If you have any questions feel free to ask. We’re here if you need us.”

With that the handgun stood up and walked towards the kitchen, leaving Howa to her thoughts.

‘Maybe I’m just overthinking this,’ Howa thought to herself, “Maybe things won’t be so bad.”
Feeling the knot in her stomach finally fade
Howa smiled to herself, taking a swig of her long neglected coffee. The moment the drink reached her tongue however she instantly regretted do so.

‘Maybe I put a few too many packets in...’

As Howa tried to take another sip a foul smell reached her, burning her nose and irritating her eyes. A faint haziness engulfed the room and as fear and realization kicked in all eyes turned towards the kitchen.

“That’s too much oil AR, you’re gonna burn it!”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. I saw this on the Food Net-AAGH!”

A brief yet bright pillar of fire rose from the pan, causing the two rifles to jump away, M1A in particular diving for cover behind the island dividing the kitchen and the dining room.

Driven by instinct, and mostly panic, AR-15 spun around, lunging for the drawer under the sink. Finding what she was looking for she grabbed a small, red fire extinguisher and pulled its pin.

In one fluid motion AR-15 turned around and with her eyes shut tight, sprayed the entire contents of the extinguisher towards the stove.

No longer hearing the crackling of burning meat, or much of anything, AR-15 slowly opened her eyes. Through the white mist she could make out a very familiar outline. It was short, coated with white dust and holding a lid over the smoldering pan.

“Oh shit…”

Were AR-15 not frozen with fear she probably would share M1A’s sentiment.

5906 wiped the dust from her face and turned towards AR-15. Tritium green eyes locked with the rifle’s, whose survival instincts made her take a step back.

“Uh…S-Sorry about that,” AR-15 stuttered, unable to hold eye contact with the oddly calm 5906.

For a moment no one dared to even take a breath. M1A huddled behind the island. Anon and Hi-Power watched on from the dining room dumbfounded by the fiasco. Time almost seemed to stop.

The tension was too much for AR-15. Dropping the empty extinguisher, she made a mad dash for the stairs.

5906 ran after the rifle, a wall of dust billowing behind her as she ran up the stairs. The four left behind could only imagine what was happening upstairs as they heard a symphony of pounding, screaming and cries for mercy from above.

The three firearms turned to their owner, flinching when the roof made a loud crack as something, or rather someone, slammed into the second story floor.

Anon rose from his chair and looked at the charred mess that was his kitchen. He shook his head, but chuckled to himself nonetheless. It was almost like this was nothing new to him.

Anon pulled the phone out of his pocket and held it up to his ear. With his free hand he silently motioned Hi-Power and M1A to the windows. Quickly knowing what he was ordering the two Western guns went about opening the windows to let out the stench of burnt steak and anti-fire chemicals.

“Hello, Pizza Hut?”

As Anon spoke into the phone he turned his gaze at Howa who was still sitting silently, likely out of shock, at the kitchen table. He gave her a smile that practically screamed ‘I’m sorry you saw all that’.

Picking up on this Howa smiled back, waving her hands and silently mouthing ‘it’s okay’. The worry on Anon’s face seemed to fade as he stepped away, ordering several pizzas over the phone.

Now left alone Howa slumped back into her chair, letting out a sigh of relief and exhaustion.

She let the events that took place in the last few minutes soak in. She almost felt like she was in a dream. These guns…these girls, they lived a life like she had never dreamed of living. Carefree and happy, if a bit dysfunctional. And now she was going to spend her life with them.

Another bout of crashes and bangs emanating from the second floor caught Howa’s attention. She could hear the panic in AR’s voice through the wood flooring above her.

“Wait, not the bore snake! Not the boreaaagh!”

Well, maybe they were more than a bit dysfunctional…

Still, as Howa looked back on how elated the rifles were when they had arrived home, Hi-Power’s reaction to her gift and just the overall jolly mood she felt coming from them all, she could tell just how happy they all were together.

A smile slowly grew. She could get used to that.

Howa’s eyes fell on the half full coffee cup in front of her. She stared at it for a moment before taking hold of it and chugging its contents down. She slammed the mug down and rose to her feet.

If there was one thing Howa learned in the short time since her creation, it was how life was full of surprises.

“Hi-Power-san, can I help you clean up?”

She couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.
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And that's all I got. Honestly this went completely offtrack for what I was planning. I will make a third part to finally get the story I have planned out moving.

Again, critique away. I could use the advice.
I like it, pass-chan.

This isn't strictly slice of life I realize, but I really like the slice of life vibe I felt from it.
Anyone read many eyed hydras shit? found this guy did a story in his universe. Weird MG shit with what looks like nuggets and shit.

Seconding >>31830167
It's a great slice of life.
I love it, it's really comfy to read. Total break from what I'm writing, and the tone of most of this thread.

You are still chastising her actions as she turns over the smoldering coals of the fire and begins to walk back to you so as to sit by your side.

>"Just stop complaining and eat. I know that we are both running on fumes since yesterday. Besides, there was nobody home at that time."

She's got a point, you must admit. The two of you haven't eaten for a day and a half.

After a short while, all that was left in the pot were bones. She has put her head on your shoulder, her dark hair seemingly flowing down to meet the filthy polo that you wore from the station.

She looks up to your face, her wonderful eyes reflecting the light from the fire.

>"May I ask you a question?"

>Yes, go ahead.

>"Why did you introduce yourself to Bill as Chuck and not as Anon?"

>It was just a precaution, Mel.

>"You don't trust him?"

>No, it's not like that, it's just like I felt odd the first time we met.

Rain began to fall upon the tin roofing, the sound gradually increasing in volume as time went.



>You know the night at the station, the one where I went in the giant gun safe in the sky, what's with it?

>"That's our other plane of existence. A great hall for us to gather after our work is done here, get renewed, and reassigned."

>"We have been around in this world since man first wielded a weapon. It all started with the Great Rock, a mere stone that the first man obtained the first known weapon. He got proficient with it, carving the both of them to be more efficient weapons."

>Eventually, the Great Rock increased in number as it was shaped into a myriad of other weapons, the Forerunners we call them. They, too eventually evolved through the ages, to die and be reborn into another weapon."

>"Men then eventually learned to create us for themselves. They made incantations, enchantments, spells so as to bind us to their weapons."

>Blood, sweat and tears?

>"Yes, that was an example of them. I am the product of such an event."
Do it man
>"It even went further when man discovered places where our world and yours did converge. Many were found around the world, and these became the centers of weapon development. We occupied all kinds of weapons, from the tiniest of handguns, tanks, aircraft, up to the largest of missiles. Even what you call as the Internet has a weapon spirit.

>"Even then, man even wanted more, seeking to enter our dimension. The Bubonic Plague happened because of a summoning gone wrong, unleashing a bioweapon on the unsuspecting populace. Nazi Germany did it to limited success, their team having managed to stay alive for five minutes before they descended to madness in the Cascade."

>"Some managed to enter with no consequence, some of them even chose to leave humanity behind and become a lesser ethereal being to stay among us."

You have been agape for the past few minutes.

>"Well, that's as far as I know. Happy?"

>Yes, but wait, I have yet another question.

>"Okay, throw it."

>Why did Bill become one of you, and why does he know who you are?

>"I don't really know, aside from the fact that he shouted at me through the headphones that night. To put it simply, shit's complex.

The rain continued to fall as the night got deeper. She yawned, she got tired from saying her bedtime story.

>"To be fair Anon, I'm tired too. I want to rest. Good night, Anon."

She snuggles herself up your side even closer.
You kiss her on the forehead, then you give her a light tapping on her hair.

>Good night too, Mel.

You see her smile for a bit before she dozed off.
To be fair, I had a hard time writing this as I try not to be carried away because it sometimes hits too close to home.

I should really get around and think on how the story should progress. I do not have a clear idea on where this is going.
You overestimate my ability to plan things out. Even I'm worried about what I'll end up doing.
I love Rose as a character, and the whole 3-gun arc was pretty great. That said, I'm glad to see Judith again.
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this time for sure
She's back!
Welcome back lass
yeah! updates soon! this will easily be 6 or 7 full posts or something. And including semi-lewdery

in a dream, anything is possible.


I like it. It's cute. Poor AR15 though...
[here comes some writing!]

‘Ich bin hieeeeer!’

A woman's voice. Her waist and up is poking out of the commander hatch, dressed in black, and waving her arms

>yep, that’s an SS uniform
“You look a little uncomfortable”
>more surprised, really. I thought they were all dead by now
"yeah, and?"
>She is most likely a Nibelung as well, the factory was in what is now Austria, even if it was all Germany during the war. Not that that changed the way people spoke. I sounded a lot like that back in the war as well

Lily takes a deep breath and turn away from you, towards Natalya and Miranda

>I'm not sure you guys want to come along for this, She could be very... old fashioned in her way of thinking
¤ Don't you have a hierarchy system in the Wehrmacht? In 1945 i was the queen if the red army, and i was treated like it, the silly 85s... Point being, can you just make her listen to her because... Jagdtiger?
>I could, but that is a all from a system i’m really happy to leave behind. True, if nothing else works, that will. But really, you might want to stay here.
¤ We will follow you

You approach the tank after a little bit of walking. There is a little big of chatter between Lily and the woman. She has turned cold again, and while you don’t know what she actually says, you can understand the outlines from just the way she is speaking. Polite, professional, and on point. It sounded like that at least. Lily sighs heavily after a minute.

>I think she’s been drugged, and parked out here. Her legs are… chained to the turret basket, so she can’t move and the tank has had it’s idler wheels removed, so it’s going no where
“Mind asking her why she is… chained to a non working tank”

More German chatter ensues
>She wants to highlight that the entire tank is in… original condition, and working, but missing the idler wheels… never mind. lets try this instead

Little utters a single line

‘Yes, i speak a little American’
“It appears you’re in a bit of a pickle here”
‘No, there are no pickles here. Don’t worry! it was only a joke!’

You now understand why the term “A german joke”” was a contradiction

“...okay. So, i understand you are missing the idler wheels, right?”
“Well, i never heard anyone just loosing them before, are they hidden away somewhere or broken?”
‘I… don’t know that. When i woke up, i was chained to the turret… bottom?”
“turret basket?”
‘Yes, that’
“And the tank had no idler wheels?”
‘Yes, that’
“Well… this is a situation i’ve never ran into before. I can’t fix you any new idlers, but i could see about the...chain. You said chain, right?”

You climb up on the tank. It has been painted in a sand yellow base paint, with large sections of dark green and brown. There is usually some numbers painted on the turret side on german tanks, but this tank lacks any sort of identification, apart from the Y-shaped unit insignia.

‘You have to come in, the chain is attached to my feet’

The hatch works in pretty much the same way as the one on the Jagdtiger does, and you could figure out how to open it by just looking at it for a little while. The chain itself was just a handcuff attached to some metal railing on the turret floor, and didn't look like it was going to be that much of an issue

“Well, this is going to be easy to just get rid of with a box cutter or something, thing is, i don’t have one. The only tool i know we could get this done with is a pistol, but i’m not to happy about firing it inside a tank. Ricochets and all that”
‘If the gun is loaded with hollow points, they shouldn’t ricochet or anything, especially if it hits the steel at an angle’
“Honestly, i could lend you the gun, but i’d rather be outside if you do that. And as you understand, we can’t bring the tank with us. You could come along to the base a day or two if you wan’t but if i know you guys, you’ll want to stay with the tank”

Her tone suddenly changes a little

‘Yes. Like that. You said you wanted to be outside if i shot, right?’

You get your pistol out, and show the woman how the safety works. You carefully hand it over, making sure it’s pointed on a safe direction. Just as you are halfway out, she asks you to open up the remaining hatches, likely to help the sound get out. You stand in the engine cover, and hear not one, but two shots ring out. You are tired, and not very keen on loud noises, so you turn your head away. Your eyes falls on Lily.It takes a few seconds, but you catch yourself smiling. You want to call her out, saying she’s pretty or something, but she is not in a playing mood right now, but is rather her cold, focused and calculating Lily right now. She does however smile back when she notices your gaze. Not enough to attract any attention from the others, to keep her professional look up, but just enough for you to know your feelings are returned. And while her smile is sincere, the bandages now covered in dried blood gives a somewhat eerie look to her
‘Thank you, i’ll look for the idler wheels now’
“Sure you want to stay here?”
‘Yes, i will take care of the tank’
“Well, it’s not going anywhere without the idlers, but i cant force you to anything. See you in a few days in that case”
‘I hade food, so there is no worries here. What are your names before you leave?”

A short row of introductions and a somewhat awkward silence later, and you turn back towards the cars and set off

>She made no sense at all
“What do you mean?”
>First of, i couldn’t feel her at all. Like she wasn’t even there. And then, she didn’t care for our names at all, didn’t as much as flinch when Natalya introduced herself. Just the name of Chelyabisk should cause anger to anyone riding a tank with a black cross, or a damn twitch at least. She didn’t even flinch.
“Honestly, right now i’m too tired to consider that further. I don't even know what to do with all this situation. Why would anyone just abandon a tank in the woods?”
>We need some sleep, both of us

You get back at around mid day, not nearly bothered enough to care about the missiles, and to hide them. the cars are at the back of the vehicle hall, out of sight, and no one cares about a 20 year old Volvo anyway. You are too tired to notice much around you, who you met en route to your room, what route you took. You don’t remember much from the infirmary either, where Lily's bandage got replaced by something significantly smaller

After something like 30 hours awake, you are now in your underwear, lying on your back in your bed. A heavy sigh is let out, and you do nothing but stare at the cieling for a few minutes as Lily undresses. How she can be bothered to properly fold her clothes and all that right now is beyond you. Suddenly, she gets up on the bed and straddles you. The way she sits, and her clothes (or rather, lack of them) makes it a little tricky to maintain eye contact. She bends a little, and grabs a water bottle to her side

>Drink this

She does sound a little commanding, despite her big warm smile. But she means well, because this isn’t the type of smile one can fake. Lily is smiling with her entire face, her entire body even. The movements she is doing, the tone of her voice and those glimmering hazel eyes

>if you go to sleep dehydrated, you’ll wake up with a headache, and then you will be no good as a tank commander

She unscrews the cap and hands the bottle to you. About half a liter, and it goes down rather quickly. Cold water can be really amazing sometimes. Another heavy sigh

“Yeah mid day or not, i’m giving in now”
>after just one more thing…
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She is now standing on all four, on top of you. slowly lowering her head. Her mouth is closed, and her smile is gone, not that this bothers you much. You carefully put your right hand over her left temple, placing you right thumb in front of her ear. The distance between you decreases slowly, until you feel her warm, moist breath against your face. Your eyes close, maybe because of Lily, maybe because you are tired, but they close. Her nose brushes against yours ever so slightly a few times and a few seconds later your lips meet. Warm, soft and with a hint of moisture. Just shallow contacts against her lips at first, until she slowly pushed herself a little further down and very gently bites your upper lip. A few seconds later her tongue splits open your lips by brushing against them and slowly and gently forcing them to open. The saliva reduces all friction, causer her tongue to easily glide on your lower lip, opening just a little bit more. Taking advantage of your tiredness, your obvious attraction to her, and gravity, Lily manages to discretely slip down a little pill in your mouth. You open your eyes to inquire about what just happened, but she is having none of it, and keeps exploring the inside of your mouth with her tongue, eyes still closed. You give in to her movements and follow her until you are hit by a wave of darkness a few moments later. Lily climbs off, and snuggles up next to you, firmly placing her head on your shoulder. The last thing you do before entering the mists in wrap the arm she is resting on around her and bring her a little closer
There is a deep pulsating pain in your head. It follows the rythm of your heart. Eyes closed, you try figure out where you can feel… anything. Temples, two of your fingers on each hand, stomach

>Good morning sunshine! Just stay right there, i’ll take care for you
“Hey Lily… hang on, what did you give me? How long have i been out? What time is it?
>It’s 06:22. You’ve been out for about 16 hours
“...okay. All good. But what did you give me last night? You slipped something in my mouth”
>You accepted it, didn’t you?
“It’s because i trust you. And because...
>Because you liked it? Because you didn’t want to say no? But don’t worry, i Just wanted you to sleep well, that’s all
“I have slept well, don't you worry about that, even if my head feels like a beehive”
>Sorry about that. You’ll need some water. I was going to give you some fried eggs too, but that didn’t work, so i’ve done this instead

In her hand Lily has a large glass containing some cream white… something. Not quite a liquid, and not a dough either

"Uhm, i'm gonna have to ask what that is"
>This stuff is great, i learned to do this before i got into the Panzerwaffe

Lily takes a spoonful and shoves into her mouth to prove her point

>And you are going to get a glass all on your own...

She takes the glass in one hand, and the spoon in the other and stretch them out to you

>...as soon as you have fed me!

As you grab the objects handed to you Lily settles down in your lap. She explains that it is simply two eggs mixed with sugar, and stirred around with a spoon until the sugar stops making noise when it's pushed against the glass. An when you eventually get you glass, you reluctantly admit that it is pretty good. After another 30 minutes or so, you have gone back to just lying in bed. None of you really want to start the day before the sun is up anyway, so just lie still and... rest

>Hey Anon?
"Uh huh?"
>Let's go check on the Jagdtiger. And we still have to deal with the dead guys
aaand that's me out for the time being. Hope you enjoyed it!
God damn that was adorable
>wake Iup to see whats new
>your back
Im happy

Glad to have you back
>tank story is back

today will be a good day
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Adorable lass, keep it up!
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>when JT posts and it crosses the fine line between cute and lewd with a hovercraft
My favorite is when war and horror meet, mostly because it gives me an erection to fuck with my readers.

Also Archive did you bin Suicide Super Dog? Does anyone want to read a short story about an intelligent dog that has realized the futility of his existence and tries to kill himself but fails and accidentally ends up becoming a hero?
You felt something repeatedly hitting your cheek.

>Go away, just 10 more minutes.

Whoever it is, they persist, and the cheek-tapping increased in tempo.

>"Rise and shine, you lying bastard!"

A pair of aviator shades greet you as you open your eyes. Bill has returned in his female form.

>"Had a good night with your sweetheart, Chuck...or shall I say Anon?"
He tauntingly said while doing that certain gesture with the eyebrows.

You just ignored his statement, waving him off to the side as you stood up. Your body made all sorts of cracking and groaning sounds as you stretch yourself while inhaling the frigid morning air.

Amelia has turned back to her air rifle form, lying on the floor. It has been a long time since you have saw her in that shape, you might have even forgot that she is a weapon in the first place. You pick her up, checking valves and training her sights at imaginary targets, then you set her back down to lean on the wall. You wrap her with the field jacket she wore so that she won't get cold.

>"I am really getting used to this body, because if I'm using it, I'm a girl!"

You look down at Bill, who is a foot and a half shorter, with a somewhat disappointed look in your face.

>"N...no, certainly didn't mean it that way. I'll just go out to check out the helicopter, okay?"

He then showed himelf out in a brisk pace. That man really has hidden issues, maybe because of his demanding job? He's right though, the USP's human form does indeed look good, in a cute way.

A look at the display of your watch shows that it is six in the morning. Amelia did her job of gathering food last night, and so you put it to yourself to do the same in the morning. You grab your trusty multi-tool on your way out to search for anything edible.
I haven't binned anything from the past 24 hours. Life has been kicking my ass. All my Shit will be up to date by the end of the day at the least. Will try to get things started in the next hour.
alright since im also having some trouble with life i'll bin stories first update sticky later

>and remember if we forget your storie tell us with a link to the post
>traps become real girls
What's up with these shitty ads on 4chan?
Hiro is crashing this site with no survivors, it made this cesspool even worse and look trashy.

You take a look at the parked AS350, windshield coated with drops of rain from last night. Bill/USP is sitting on where the rear left door used to be, probably contemplating on what he just said earlier.

You leave him alone on his own and off you went to venture for edible plants, or if you are lucky, any form of meat.

As you are digging out some sweet potatoes from the ground, you began to think about what Amelia told you about her origin last night. To live, die, and live again seems like a bit surreal.

Wait, are those chicken eggs?

Happy with your find, you walk back to your encampment with the items. Just boil them all on the pot, it would be good enough for breakfast.

Bill is still on the helicopter, doing some things you don't really know. You just let him be, he knows his shit anyway. Amelia is now lying on the floor, but she is now back to her human form.

Fire has been restarted, water boiling, and food is cooking.

You could hear Amelia snore in the background.

It was oddly comforting, a bit homely even.

It does makes you forget that the country is under foreign occupation.
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Your lack of faith disturbs me. Seriously, she better be okay! D:
Me too...

You were the closest without going over.

Be patient, work is killing me lately

Loved it! Absolutely worth the wait.

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Everything will be Daijoubu
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>"You got a package today!"
>opens package, lays out parts
>"Anon, I don't think any of these fit me..."
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>package arrived today
This is how it starts...

Sure wish my next package would arrive...
>mfw I've been on backorder for almost a month

A-are you sure?
I won't have to send in the Rose?
>not putting an archangel skin tight sport suit on her
Just believe in the Finnaboo anime girl and all will be daijoubu.
So I'm new to all this writing and reading, and there is like 50 stories.

Any ideas on where to start?
Anywhere you want, just choose part 1 of a story.
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Augh! That's awful! How could you suggest that?
>"What, what did who suggest?
"This stock."
>"That's hideous! If you buy me one of those I'll kick your butt with it!"

The lady has spoken.
Avoid What We Lost. It was written by some cuck with good taste in waifus.
Dig through FALfag, Fortunate Sons, JTFag and RPKwritefag's stuff- they're some of my favorites to read.

Also TacticalChucks- the /wfg/ is a very good depository of things to read when you're late at night. I've got another story in the works, I'll put it on pastebin when it's ready.
/k/ommandos vs. wild is my favorite currently, it's pretty good and has sections of comfy inserted.
Wish I could read more, along with write more, but currently I only have the energy to read Pale King's Disciple, RPK, /k/vW, and a little of Serial 1 as the daily feed.

Otherwise, HiPointHomie, Anon_kun, and Not Enough War has been great so far.

May have missed a couple, but that's all I can recall off my head at the moment.
well m8, personally i would suggest staring wiht the namefags.
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New Slide and Sights
(Rumi read as Roo-me)

>you set down a package you'd been waiting for from the gunsmith
>it had taken awhile to arrive but arrive it had
>you had purchased a Ruger SR9 awhile back and your only complaint was the side and its rather poor black coating
>so you decided to order a blackened slide with night sights
>after setting the box on the table you slip your Ruger SR9 from her IWB holster and set her on the table
Come on out, Rumi. Your new slide with night sights is here.
>you say to your everyday carry pistol and in a flash a small girl with short blonde hair, wearing a black and red dress with a white vest over a red shirt appears sitting on the table
It's finally here?
>the little waffegeist asks as she looks up at you, excitement dancing in her eyes
Yup, just let me get it out of the box.
>you say as you ruffle her hair before you cut through the shipping tape with a pocket knife while Rumi watches you intently as you pull out the new slide wrapped in safety paper
>it was pricey but worth it as far as investments go in your opinion
They're so cool!
>and Rumi's happy squeal just reinforces that feeling
Alright, change back and I'll put the slide on you.
>you say with a smile
You got it boss!
>she says with grin and flashes back to her pistol form
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>you shake your head and pick her the little pistol then begin to remove the black slide
>you slip on the stainless steel slide and after a quick check set the pistol back on the table
Okay Rumi, let's see how you look with your new slide.
>you say with a smile
>in a flash your pistol's waffegeist reappears
>the new stainless slide is reflected in her new clothes
>her white vest and red shirt was replaced by a black vest and white long sleeve shirt, but what catches your attention the most is her face
>specifically her eyes and teeth
How do I look, boss?
>Rumi asks as she looks up at you with a smile
>with her old slide Rumi's eyes were blue, her blonde hair was short, and her notoriously sharp Ruger fangs weren't too noticeable, now with the new slide her hair stayed the same, but her eyes became a rather vivid shade of red and her sharp canines were more prominent
Well, it definitely suits you, ya little blood sucker.
>you say with a half smile and ruffle Rumi's hair making her giggle then chomp hard on your index finger
Damn it, Rumi!
Do you want me to stick with the tone I kept through my last couple stories, or would you prefer some comfy first?
Damn rugers always bite. But I cannot stay mad.
Corrected version
Why... Why do you do this to me?
Here I am, about to buy a Ruger American Pistol in the next few days, and you go and write this, and I now want an SR9.
[spoilers] Just kidding, good story and I want them both anyways [/nospoilerson/k/]
the anonymous stories are usualoy the least intimidating to start, and are great for reading during lunch breaks

thanks for the praise, i hope i continue to earn it

comfy is always nice in most forms
You know you want the loli vampire love bites.
I have the SR40c, and I love it. I'd imagine the SR9 would be great as well. And she likes to nip at my palms
But which one? They're both Rugers, ergo they both bite.

Was actually looking at the SR9c or the compact version of the American, you got any experience with the American at all?
I just own the SR40c and a S&W 686 as a pistol collection. Only other pistols I've shot were a M&P shield and a Springfield XD. My SR and the Springfield feel pretty similar, and both feel good in my hands.
Personally I like the SR design.
All these cute waffegeists, and all I have in my story is a relatively silent one, and the other is a CIA agent who is trapped in a young girl and beginning to question his orientation.
Well, you gonna post it? I could use a story before bed.
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Hmm. I could work with that.
Talking about Serial 1.

I am trying to drawfag my characters, but I tend to suck at drawing humans. Might have another ogo at it, but if it still sucks I'm giving up on it.
Shit, that's the only story I haven't read yet, I'm gonna go ahead and get caught up before making more of an ass of myself.

I'd go ahead and post the pics, maybe someone in here could give tips, I can't draw, but quite a few people on here can.
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so cute.
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That's actually really fucking adorable.
Guard I love you
10/10 once again. I don't think I'll ever regret helping pimp your page.
The Tantal comic is an anatomical brain teaser, fun little doodles help break up the stress
thanks for pimping guard, satan
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Here we go.

>You've been riding for about an hour, even though it's only been about 10 miles.
>Difficult terrain held up the detective's cruiser, and it took some work in two-wheel drive to maneuver along at certain points.
>This wasn't helped by sudden gusts of wind shaking you up as you rode along.
>The hurricane like gales nearly blew you off your damn bike.
>You have heard stories about Valdez's winds, but this is nuts.
>Despite the winds, the scenery is very admirable.
>The area around you is part of a beautiful valley between two snow capped mountain ranges.
>A creek runs along the dirt path and continues as far as you can see, deep into the union of the two mountain ranges miles away.
>Dried up flora lies in the valley and bordering the exposed rocky inclines of the mountains.
>The crumbling path you've taken rode in a serpentine fashion away from the creek and into the mountains and back down to the creek several times.
>This in part with the aforementioned spastic terrain is what caused most of the delay for the worn police cruiser.
>You almost wished you could have rode alone.
>It would have been faster, but it would also probably be illegal vigilantism.
>Your pair finally comes to a not well kept path splitting from the trail, and you follow the cruiser in turning onto it.
>The new trail goes nearly up the mountain, occasionally winding side to side to reduce the grade of incline.
>Sporadic patches of pine trees lie around in the higher areas of the mountain and soon enough, a thicker patches comes near the end of the path.
>The cruiser stops, and the detective rolls down his window.
>You pull up next to him to see what he has to say.

>"His house is through that section there."
>He points over the roof of the cruiser towards a very lightly tread path going through the pines.
>"Hotchkins and I will go ahead and talk with him. You will stay here."
>You almost interject before he continues.
>"We'll do the inspection, arrest him if need be and then come back. If we find your gun, I'll personally make sure it's back in your hands. Understand?"
>There's no way to fight it.
>Better to let the police do their jobs and stay out of the way.
"Yessir. Good luck."
>"Thanks, Anon. I might need it if he decides to be a pain in the ass."
>He pulls the cruiser into the path, and soon you lose sight of him between the green of the pine needles.

>It's been about fifteen minutes since the detectives departed.
>There's nothing around to disturb you, so you take the time to stretch your legs from all the riding.
>After finding the perfect spot, you take a seat.
>The chills of riding broke through your thick jacket.
>It's all you can do to try and thaw your hands out with your breath.
>Wilma decided to come out of the holster and sit beside you.
>The additional warmth is welcomed.
>Soon after snuggling against your side, Wilma dozes off.
>Your considering joining her.
>Just as your eyes become heavy, a loud CRACK snaps you to attention.
>Another one.
>You know that sound.
>It's the same sound that comes from .30 carbine.
>It's Ida.

>Wilma is alert as well.
>You look her in the eyes, and she gives a panicked nod in return.
>In no time, she is back in the holster and you're running to the Ural.
>Kicking it back on, you shift to first gear and start on the path.
>Deciding that a direct approach might put you in danger, you hit the lever for two-wheel drive and break off of the path and into the woods a few degrees off from the source of the crack of gunfire.
>A few more shots are let off.
>The later set sounds different, more like a handgun.

>Must be the detectives returning fire.
>You adjust your course and speed up while dodging the pine trees.
>The gunfire has died down, with the occasional crack letting you know the detectives have yet to apprehend Edward.
>As the reverberating snaps start appearing from your right, you circle around what you think is the location of the house.
>After guessing where half way around the perimeter is, you turn directly towards the source and ride like a cavalryman into the firefight.
>It takes a moment of riding to break through the forest.
>There's a small one story house with cellar doors in the rear and a gasoline generator pumping away.
>You hop off your bike and unholster wilma.
>There's only one window in the rear of the house.
>It's clear, so you make a break for the cellar doors.
>There's no lock, so you carefully open one door and climb down the stairs.
>When you reach the bottom, a bunch of glassware and chemicals on a table greet you.
>It is an easy guess as to the purpose of it all.
>And your sister got involved with this guy, which doesn't bode well.
>You'll have to do a detailed search of the house just in case she stashed something away.
>But for now, you need to focus on one thing.
>Getting Ida back.
>There's a crawlspace in the rear of the cellar for electrician usage.
>You holster Wilma once more and climb into it.
>The signature noise of Ida lets loose in a flurry.
>The loudness of it only pushes you on.
>She's so close.
>Just a bit more and you'll have her back.
>Even if it means you'll have to fight for her.
>The tight crawlspace winds around the house and ends in at a panel.
>Lifting the hinged panel, you peek out to check for danger.
>The noise alerts you to his location at the other side of the house.
>You creep out of the crawlspace and slowly close the door.
>The muffled noise of handgun fire and thuds of wood tell you that the detectives are still hanging on.

>You pull out Wilma and slowly step towards a doorway.
>It's a short hallway with a closed door halfway through it.
>There's a window in the room on the other end.
>Looking out of it, you see the top of the cruiser and detective Hotchkins taking cover behind the hood.
>The deafening report sends Hotchkins below the hood for cover.
>You creep towards the end of the hallway with your elbows bent to keep Wilma forward and ready.
>As you reach the end of the hallway, return fire from the detective's handgun sends you sprawling for cover against the walls of the hallways.
>The retaliation from the cruiser comes to an end, and right after, you can hear the clacking of a rifle's action being charged.
>Specifically, an M1 carbine's.
>This is it.
>Your chance to stop this shows itself.
>You turn around the hall's doorway and quickly take in the scene.
>Edward is simply dumping the mag at the cruiser in hopes of a lucky hit.
>He doesn't even notice you to his side with the focus he is placing in shooting.
>In his hands is a horrible sight.
>Her barrel cut unevenly down to the stock.
>The butt of her stock is roughly cut into a pistol grip only.
>A curved thirty round mag is inserted into her magwell.
>That bastard.
>You take aim.
>Wilma's front sight post leveled at him.
>It's not enough for you.
"Hey, you son of a bitch! Look here!"
>Your shout grabs his attention, and he quickly turns to you with Ida at the ready.
>The speed shocks you.
>You weren't ready for him to respond so quickly.

>Edward stumbles back with Ida lowered.
>Two .45 caliber shots connected with his chest.
>He struggles to lift Ida back to fire at you.
>There is no opportunity for him to take, as your third shot hits him square inbetween the eyes.
>His body spasms slightly as it drops to its knees and flops backwards.
>Your gun is still trained on him, too scared to lower it.
>Slowly, you step forward to inspect him.
>He's definitely dead.
>You holster Wilma and secure Ida.
>It's only after a few shots break through the door and fly too close for comfort that you remember this was a firefight.
>You drop to the floor and call out.
"Edward is dead! It's me, Anon! Stop shooting!"
>The barrage ends.
>Soon after, the door is kicked open.
>It's Hotchkins.
>She surveys the scene with her gun still drawn.
>Satisfied that the firefight is indeed over, she rushes back out.
>"Come out here, Anon."
>You follow her out with Ida on your back.
>Donaghue is lying by the front door.
>A pool of red on the left side of his chest.
>Hotchkins checks his pulse.
>"I've called in an ambulance. Help me stop the bleeding."
>You kneel down beside her and follow her instructions to the word.
>After a few different first aid treatments are applied, you help wrap up the wound tight and keep pressure on the wound.
"Is... Is he gonna be okay?"
>You look to the other detective for any reassurance.
>"I don't know. It's... pretty bad."
>She looks you in the eyes, and quickly shifts to looking at your back.
>"Anon, I'm sorry to say this, but that rifle is a murder weapon, and an illegal SBR. I'm going to need to confiscate it."
>As the words register, your heart sinks.
>You slowly back away from her.

"No. You can't. Not now. I just got her back! Please, ma'am, don't take her!"
>She gives a sympathetic frown.
>"I have to, Anon. I can't just look the other way. The department will want the rifle as evidence."
>A million thoughts run through your head.
>Some are too grim and quickly put in the back of your thoughts.
>The others end with you coming out worse than you had hoped when you woke up this morning.
>You unsling Ida and stare at her damaged form.
>You kneel again and speak to her.
"Ida, it's me, Anon. I'm back. I found you."
>The girl lying across your arms opens her eyes.
>You nearly get lost staring into those beautiful grey-green pools.
>Her once shoulder length auburn hair is haphazardly cut short and messy.
>She seems shorter than you remember, lighter too.
>But what makes it impossible to hold back the watering of your eyes is the way she searches for you.
>"A-Anon, is that you? I can't... I can't see."
>Her right hand weakly reaches up.
>You nod forward to catch her hand against your face.
>As it brushes up against your unkempt whiskers, she presses her palms into your face.
>"I missed you."
>Those words break down the last wall you had.
>You're almost glad she can't see your tears coming down.
>The choked sobs interrupt your sentence.
"I miss you, so much. I'm so sorry. I couldn't save you."
>She raises her other hand to your other cheek and holds onto your face, trying to wipe away the burning tears.
>"Yes you did. You came all the way out here. You found me. That's enough for me, Annie. Don't cry."
>Her weak smile tugs at your aching heart.

"Ida, the detective wants to take you away from me because that son of a bitch used you against them. I don't want to lose you again. Not after all this. I can't."
>Keeping the smile on her face, she strokes your cheek with a thumb.
>"Anon, please don't fight with them. I don't want you to get in trouble. We'll... always have the memories we shared. Of the nights in the woods, the hunting, the fun we had practicing. I like those memories. A lot more than the ones I share with Frankie. I would have loved to spend more time with you, but I don't want you to get in trouble with the law. Please, just do what they say."
>You clench your eyes shut and silently sob.
>When the choking feeling finally ends, you look to Hotchkins.
>She's checking Donaghue's pulse again.
>Turning to look at you, she glances at your distressed face and then at Ida.
>She turns back and looks at Donaghue with a gloomy expression, almost hesitant to speak.
>"Anon, I'm truly sorry."
And that's the end for tonight. This next bit is VERY important. I'm going to write two endings. The order I write them in doesn't matter. I will randomly assign them each a number. To make it interesting, I'll be posting a strawpoll for you guys to vote on. The vote will determine which ending gets posted first, and is officially the end of the story. I already have outlines ready for them, and I will be writing them tomorrow if possible. I will not be looking at the strawpoll until they are done.


Thank you all for reading this far, comments are appreciated, death threats are expected.
You're going storybro on us aren't you
Please, tell me we at least have a /chance/ of an ending that isn't soul-crushingly depressing...
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What do you want from me?!
>mfw I think about someone doing this Rose

>mfw I knew this would be a rage story from the get-go
>mfw against my better judgment, I hoped I'd be different
I don't know what this means. Mind explaining?
There's always a chance. Remember to vote early and often!
It's a good rule of thumb to never trust me when I'm posting anime girls. But cast your vote and hope for the best!

I'm so sorry please don't hit me for doing this.
>death threats are expected.
don't be ridiculous, how are we supposed to get the rest of the story if you are dead?
...an unrelated question, which hand is your dominant one, or are you ambidextrous, and if so, what is the condition of your knees?
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Pls no

This is genuinely depressing. Well done.
im new to this writing stuff, would you guys mind reading it over? any input would be great.
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I voted early, but the ballot was confusing. You may need to do a hand recount.
speaking of recounts, is the server hosted in Florida? Do dead get to vote?
As always, just doing my job.
There is no need. These polls can't be rigged. The media said so.

i voted for #1 but it recorded it as #2
You better fix this...
Storybro was an anon on r9k that green texted about 400+ pages of his rather eventful life which ended in either a happy ending or soul wrenching kick to the balls

Both those endings were written at the same time and were left to the choice of the reader which one they wanted to believe in
if you want to read it, and I do recomend it, you should
Shit, that's pretty cool. I'll have to check it out soon.
Vote pls. I am no longer the driver. I have put a brick on the accelerator and hopped into the passenger seat.

RNGesus, take the wheel.
>try to run away from thread feels (also to refresh on my writing)
>Play WoT
>spot five TDs while in a BT-series tank

Fuck this, I need a bigger tank.
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Couldn't he just take the bolt or something? Pretty that's not needed for evidence. The detective seems pretty cool. Maybe he'd sympathize.

But now I'm just backseat writing so just excuse my rambling.
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Well, I can't save the thread
>fortunatesons saw to that
BUT, anons lift their spirits while helping me get into a creative mood cuz I'm ina block with my dialogue.

When the thread goes into auto sage, y'all can have whatever questions y'all ask answered by Judith and/or Rose.

He doesn't follow Guard-canon, so that wouldn't work. I was hoping the same but no.
It's an okay start. Kekd at the bathroom humor. Could use some work on punctuation and pacing.

For advanced work, try utilizing complex sentence structures like varieties of compound sentences and uncommon word order.
Some more spacing would be nice, otherwise, keep writing.
Fug, I need to sleep. I want to ask Judith how a bolt handle slap feels.

And Rose about her manufacturer. Also her opinion about M3 grease guns.
I don't use the Guard canon really.

I consider each part somewhat vital, with the receiver being the most important part for memory, since it is where the most information and personality is stored. Also my feature correspondence is kinda inconsistent. Eye color, hair color, height and length of hair are attributed to whatever I find convenient.

Sights directly affect vision though, if you'll note the interaction with Ida. Maybe that was too obvious.
Let me rephrase that.

You ARE going to fix this
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I will defend democracy and RNGesus to the death.

scary... remind me not to cross you
How about fuck YOU and write something happy.
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What did he mean by this?
cops will be wanting to keep the bolt as well in case they need to test-fire Ida, the rifling marks aren't the only "fingerprint" left by a rifle, the mark left on the primer by the firing pin is also distinct, especially in a rifle that has seen use for decades, if the brass collected at the crime scene were to show marks left by the firing pin that differ from the ones left on the brass during test firing, someone could easily create a theory of a second shooter on the scene, and with the MC having been confirmed to have been in the house from which the lethal shots originated from...
he means you shouldn't turn this into a fucking feelfest
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"Fine... I vill answer zhis question early so you can sleep, okay?
"Zhe HK slap ist all about its context. Vhen zhose baseball players slap each others' butts, it ist nozhing sexual, like vhen Anon ist doing his drills. Buuuut... vhen he ist playing vith me... it ist... a little different.
"Also, Rose ist not talking to you. She said somezhing about a hunting trip."
>>31839854 was suppose to quote >>31839748, sorry
How's you?

>Rose is going to take >>31839621 on a hunting trip over what happened to Ida

do we start planning the funeral now
night all. take care of yourselves
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"Not yet. I'll be paying close attention to fortunateson's ending."
On that note, feel free to have Natalya answer any questions as well!

... Actually new rule for the /wfg/ at least for me, feel free to ask Natalya anything and I'll write her answering them!

Also there's Kay, an M1A with a stainless barrel and Violet, a homebuilt AR with a piston upper and a brake if you wanna ask either of them anything. They've only been mentioned thus far.
>Autosage era is Q&A with raifus from stories
I like this, actually.
sounds good, Riikka and Hilja might also be able to answer questions
I don't see why it's not allowed in the /wfg/ even before autosage. Stuff like this is why I can write Natalya, Kay and Violet at all.

How would Hilja feel about meeting Natalya?
Since I've given up on trying to get any sleep tonight, I'll probably start writing comfy casefile 5.5 upon new thread
>How would Hilja feel about meeting Natalya?
I take it Natalya saw action against Germans, if that's the case there's no problem.
Inna hospital. Testing/ samples

Happy fun times, huh?

Also, raifu QnA sounds entertaining
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I... Maybe. I don't know.

She's in really good shape though, matching barrel and bolt, no signs of retooling, no counterbore. So it was probably against the krauts, not you gents. (fuck you sweden)

Also, I can see waffegeists and their wielders taking the Jojo pattern.

>Waffegeist wielders are drawn to one another, like Stand users
>fuck you sweden

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"Rose and I juss vant you to kmow zhat ve both care deeply about you, ve hope your results are vell."

"Judith is right. We're praying to the /k/ube for you good health."

As always, hang tough for us.

fuck sweden

all of them except for fluffy
I've resumed writing DTHW ES4 after a short break due to personal stuff. I want to get back to the "main" series soon, but I also want to do ES4 properly, which could take a while due to its expected length.

Slowly working on a big scene. Kinda clunky in spots since it's got so much going on, I'll clean it up later.
that was just based off of the Swedes that I've met here... Crap now I feel like I kicked a puppy.
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>slowly waiting for the next thread

So...how's everyone doing?
playing swat 4

operatin' operationally
B-But muh job.
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Oh fug all these reactions for Fortunate Sons story im gonna have to read it later to catch up
>mfw all these anons angrily demanding a happy end, thus clueing me in the story already
Pfffft. No one should be on the internet if they can't take bantz. Besides, you gonna have to do more than kick to kill this puppy

>or just have some patience
R-Remember to vote if you finish what I have so far.
/wfg/, can we play a game?

The user who obtains dubs, trips or any repeating digits after this post is honored(cursed?) with the obligation to make the new thread.

Heey, I missed that, thanks guys
New thread coming before I leave for work
saturday afternoon, no booze, no anime to catch up on, and everything on TV is shit, I'm off to take a nap, be back in 3h
>been up since 5AM
>working until noon burgertime
>gonna split logs so I can keep toasty in winter
>might fall to coming levels of drinking after tonight's writing session
Good saturday morning so far.
Sorry it's early but I gotta gooooooo

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Hang in there fluffy, we're all pulling for ya.
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We're here for yah, Champ. Drawings soon. Hang on tight, and everything will be daijoubu
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I fucking love your tank stories m8 please keep it up! I cant wait for the next one!
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Oy you better get better m8 you have tanks to write about!
Get well soon.
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