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/wfg/ - Writefag General "Waffengeists Galore"

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Thread replies: 387
Thread images: 75

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A place to share books, stories, and assorted writefaggotry.

All writing is welcome, even if it's only tangentially related to /k/.

Old Thread: >>31744258
Argentinian Rose
Rifles of 'Nam (on standbay)
Pale King's Disciple (ongoing)(updated)

ATannie (ongoing)(updated)
Anon gets an AT random Mischief ensues
Rhinno 2.0

Ayys attack earth, old school tanks are last hope (ongoing)(updated)

world building(NOT A BASELINE)

AngryHayseed (ongoing)
Some 40k related writefaggotry

It's about /k/ommandos removing supernatural kebab in the dark ages
Some poetry
Shotgun prevents a suicide (feels)
L1A1 (ongoing)
Serial 1: SHTF, /k/ommando must survive (ongoing)
Tears of a Marlin
Shire Rifle Society
A WG mades it towards the 40th century
Don't sell your guns
Untiled(ongoing) [we'll put a title 'till it's kinda clear were this is going]
Feisty Muzzleloaders
Howa arrives (ongoing)
HiPointHomie (on hiatus)

Vepr 12
Hotline Waffegeist series (ongoing)(updated)

AnonRhino (completed)

kragfag (ongoing)[give me a better subtile]
anon finds that a Mongolian knitting board was right

L1A1 Parts Kit+Arms of side+just another day

Light My Fire (standbay)

Another Hipoint story (it´s not related with Hipoint anon)
/k/ommandos vs wild (ongoing)(updated 20/10/16 6:18 -6uct)

Some Untitled Stories
National Guard vs Jersey Devil
Requiem from the gods (ongoing)

Gun spirits

Not Enough War (ongoing)

10/22 (ongoing)(updated 18/10/16 3:04 -6uct)
anon gets a raifu and misc stories

Anon gets KSG, roll for sanity loss

It Ain't Me- Fortunate Sons
Sticks and Stoners(ongoing)

Rhodie FAL Guy (being rewritten)
Garandfag (ongoing?)(NSFW!!)
Anon gets hold of Kraut space magic
Part 2 of anon gets a Garand (missing part

C8 fag (ongoing)

Lever Gat Fag
Heirloom rifle (ongoing)

This stories are on an undifined hiautus

Some google docs of writefaggotry

Some Guides and tips


In case that Polibus or Archivag forgot about some pastebin/to pastebin some story or didn't properly tag or even tagged at all, yell either at Polibus or at Archivefag in the general

>know about a link to a story that isn't here? send it to either polybus or Archivefag
[email protected]
[email protected]
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SKS story added to my pastebin. Feedback appreciated.
Started on colt mustang story, started next Anon & Sig, and might have loli pistol smutt one off to post as well.
"Gabriel's" - http://pastebin.com/PMhYkVqZ
Would you like some critique on the SKS smut?
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Guys, do you have any more like the hamburger story?

How do pistol 'Geists work? I mentioned in a previous thread that I was considering writing something based on a Filipino 1911.
>The morning is just as uneventfull as yesterday, except the fact that Riikka is now permanently clinging to you of course, you can't do much if something happens right now, but you feel confident that if something does happen you'll have time to shake her off and react to what ever it is that is happening. The problem here is taht she's blaming herself for yesterday's events.
>"It's all my fault, I'm a bad rifle for getting you into trouble!" she cries.
>"It wasn't your fault, you just notified me of his approach, he chose to disregard my commands, I chose to consider him a threat & pointed a loaded weapon at him, after that I could only detain him or shoot him, and once he started raising his rifle I had only one option left"
>"Bu-but I killed him!" she cries as she clings to you even harder, it seems she was the one in need of counseling rather than you.
>"Guns don't kill people, people kill people, you said yourself that you can't kill a person, remember? It was I who pulled the trigger." you say as you try to comfort her.
>"You did nothing wrong."
>Riikka is starting to calm down when your team leader calls for you, gesturing "lunch."
>"Lunch is here, let's go" you say as you start walking towards the car, upon hearing the word "lunch" Riikka makes an imemdiate recovery & bolts to the car. From crying to hungry in a split second.
>There are no hamburgers this time, instead someone ordered pizza. Riikka is confused (now that you think of it this is the first time she has seen pizza, isn't it) but as soon as she takes a bite she starts wolfing down her share (followed by your share if you don't hurry.)
>After the lunch as you are about to return to watching the traffic the messaging device starts making noise again. Your team leader happens to be closest so he reads the message, his expression goes grim as he sends the confirmation and turns to face the team.
>"The war started, we can expect seeing planes bearing red stars any moment now" he says.
More as in funny or...
They appear much younger, often straying to near loli appearance.
>As soon as he has finished saying that you hear a familiar roar from the sky. You all take cover and, being the fool you are, you look at the sky. The sound is coming from the West or North-West, and as you look there you see a pair of fighters flying high.
>Your team leader is also looking in the sky now & he takes out his binoculars.
>"Hornets", he says & everyone relaxes. They seem to be patrolling rather than hauling ass to intercept another swarm of Frogfoots.
>"Reminds me of something an old lady once said to some kid complaining about the noise Hornets were making: "they can make as much noise as they like as long as there are no red stars on them"", you say as you get back on your feet.
>"Yeah? what did the kid say to that?"
>"Nothing, I guess he had enough sense to realise he had lost the argument before it even started" you say.
>"After today there'll be a lot of people, old and young, who'll probably never complain about the noise made by Hornets ever again", your team leader notes as you walk back to the bridge.
>"But back on topic, we'll start conducting random stops, check for IDs and write down any foreigners' names, be polite but strict, detain anyone who refuses to show their IDs, even if they say they'll show you their IDs after you detain them."
>"Let's hope there are no American "Sovereign citizens" using either one of these roads today", FO-NCO's assistant jokes.
>"Don't jinx it, Americans are a bit too big for "shoot, shovel, shut up"", you reply with a joke of your own.
>"That's enough, what if someone heard you and took you seriously?" your team leader snaps, but he, too, is smiling at the jokes.
>The random stops start off with a bit of tension on both sides, but things start going smoothly after a while, people are understanding, though irritated by the delay, even the few foreigners realise that this isn't the time nor the place to start complaining about being in a police state.
has the bin been updated? should I repost the ending to casefile 4.5?
also, didn't we already have 3 threads called waffengeists galore?
This looks like a good place to end Part 1, I think the story will consist of two parts, as for how long Part 2 will be, I don't know yet, I have an ending in mind, but there's a long way to go from the bridge before we get there.
Yeah, same problem here. Know where I am, know where I want to end it, not sure how that is going to happen
>resposting in new thread

They clung to each other for a few more moments before pulling out of the hug.

"Are we good now?" asked Dave, still a bit unsure.

"Yeah. We're good. How's your head, by the way?"

"Not so bad, now."

"Feeling well enough to go running about the town for a few hours?"


"Well, too bad. Get some dark sunglasses or something, some fresh clothes, and then we're off to pick up a new car and go grocery shopping."

He groaned a bit, but otherwise complied, and she was left in the kitchen smirking.


Together, they picked up their rental car, which turned out to be a Hummer H2, much to Dave's delight. And after a quick grocery run, they settled back in her apartment.

Neither of them really felt like pursuing any new cases at the moment, and so they elected to spend the rest of the day watching movies on the couch. The Transporter, John Wick, and Starship Troopers were their picks.

As they watched, Chris scooted closer and closer to Dave's side, until eventually she coaxed him to put his arm around her shoulders, around the time Lieutenant Rasczak got his legs bitten off, and was telling Rico that he knew what to do. At first, Dave still wasn't quite sure whether or not she was going to punch him in the nuts, but eventually he grew more comfortable in the position.

When the movie finally ended, Chris yawned and put her head against Dave's shoulder.

"Tired now?"

"A bit... I haven't been sleeping well lately..."

"Anything I can do to help that, maybe?"

Chris smiled. "Yeah... can you stay here like this, with me?"

"I can do that," he responded, nodding.

"Great." She wrapped her arms around him and started to drift off.

Dave stayed awake for a while longer, watching the woman at his side. She looked peaceful. And moreover, he felt at ease, holding her like this. He didn't want to disturb her, so he adjusted his head so he wouldn't snore. Then drifted off to sleep as well.

>end casefile 4.5
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Same. But you chewed me out for dwelling on last day.

Pic unrelated - view from work this morning
You dont live in KY do you? That scene looks very familiar to me.
>But you chewed me out for dwelling on last day

sorry, what does that mean?
Kentucky a shit
t. Northern Cornfielder

Please help me escape
You can move into the Writefag house when one of us gets one. With good home insurance, considering we are mostly alcoholics.



"chewed me out"? Getting a talking-to, can range from minor ("Boss chewed me out for being late today") to severe (First Sergeant really chewed me out for losing a Humvee on patrol").

Also, good morning onee-chan. Your turn to make breakfast.
That would be acceptable as long as whoever rooms with me doesn't mind 20-something possibly loaded guns littering the floor.

Now I just need a rocket to Neil Armstrong my way out of here. The Astronaut Farmer explains why it's necessary to leave Ohio. Only way out is up.
>That would be acceptable as long as whoever rooms with me doesn't mind 20-something possibly loaded guns littering the floor.
Bro this is /k/, if you room with anyone there will be a lot more than 20-something

Shit, meant to quote >>31752969


Technically, I do have a house... but it's only 4 rooms and 900sq.ft. - plus it's in-town so no shooting in the backyard
Too many writefags for that
We basically have to annex a bed and breakfast.
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>A house that reeks of Hoppes Banana Scented Cleaner

Or a city block. The house on one side of me is abandoned, on the other side they're in a nursing home, and the one across the alley belongs to a friend.
Annex the nursing home? I can dig it.
Picture it with me though
Momma Chiquita in a maid outfit, smashing any mouth customers' heads like watermelons
Probably several of us in the kitchen, vodka everywhere, shouting in russian as we cook vaugely slavic things
Guns wearing bibs in roughly half the seats of the cafe
Jt being fluffy and wearing tanker goggles as she pwns at WOT in the corner, blatently refusing to take anyones orders
Me probably wearing Hugo Boss SS Officer uniform while making some strange gulash stuffed inside a pig stuffed inside a deer, boiled in a bathtub filled with ramen packets and CPL
10/22 admonishing JT for not doing her job while hurriedly taking peoples orders only to let them know that the cooks are drunk and armed so they will, and i quote "Eat whatever the blin we fix cyka"
It could be glorious
i-i'm not useless!
But being lazy makes it more fun! To be honest, i just couldnt figure out a way to give you a tank in a bed and breakfast
Unless it was very small and it carried plates to customers. And crushed them if they didnt pay.
>flecktarn SS uniform
>Mauser on my back
>Spätzle boiling and dobeshtorte in front of me
The dream is real.
>Me probably wearing Hugo Boss SS Officer uniform while making some strange gulash stuffed inside a pig stuffed inside a deer, boiled in a bathtub filled with ramen packets and CPL
>Implying I wouldn't be making Lechón stuffed with the deer being spite roasted in a firepit outside
I am but the Dream Weaver Friends
I dont live in the right place to do this stuff, unless you think you could live and work out of a 3 bedroom trailer
And we have found a job for you.
As long as you are sure you wouldnt prefer to ride through on a motercycle with the food in the sidecar.
I swear to god yall will be making me broke one day.
>Go inna Wyoming
>Buy a shit ton of property
>Construct a massive housing project like I used to do in Commiefornia and PR
>Plumbing, electrical, self sufficiency, you name it
>Collect tanks, make a designated range for riding [Nospoilerson/k/]and possibly shooting if I can cut through the red tape[/nospoilerson/k/]
>Create an underground armory shed like the a storm shelters in PR
>innawoods everywhere
>Personal workshops for explosives
I can see this coming true if I play my investments right and my cards right
I think we could start a military maid café and have it be successful. We'd just need all available girls and rifles in maid dresses.

And the men.
cani have one of those Wehrmacht bikes (bmw or zundapp i think) with a sidecart and an MG34/432 on the side?

in that case fuck yes
I might have to design the /wfg/ house when I get home. Probably the only house with a 30 yard shooting range in the basement and a 2-Jagdtiger garage.


Implying I wouldn't be tanking with onee-chan - generally getting in the way and being a nuisance to her.


The tank is in the garage, next to the M1009.
Well shit dude...
Ill recertify on my welding, if you do that ill work gratis for you on it so long as you buy me 30 lbs of ramen a week (so like, 2 dollars)
Collaborate with me, I had plans on drawing it out earlier, but I think two minds that think alike would make things better. I'll send you an email I recieved from the throwaway
Started out on writefag
Now we are making the /k/ meme come true
this feels like good time as any to start namefagging, Riikka part 2 will start at some point, maybe over the weekend, maybe next week.

In the meantime another story inspired by a dream, if you can call it that, of locating certain rifle:

>After joking about it with your American friends you have moved to USA & have your Green card. You have triple-checked the laws to make sure there are no obstacles preventing you from owning firearms & you decide to get your first gun. You go to a pawn shop/gun store near your place to see what they have, there are few 91/30s, couple ARs, couple AKs, that kind of selection.
>As you think about what you want someone brings in an M39, you get a bit closer to hear the exchange between the owner and an employee. The owner has hit some rough times & has decided to sell one of his three M39s to pay some overdue bills. What the employee is offering him isn't what he expected, what he needs.
>"Excuse me, can I take a look?" you ask as you approach, the owner looks you over with suspicion, but hands the rifle over. You ask the owner & the employee if it's OK to check the bolt and the trigger, and since the store is otherwise empty they give a go ahead as long as you remember muzzle- and trigger discipline.
The bolt slides smoothly, and just as you are about to test the trigger out of nowhere someone appears right next to you, it's a young-ish woman wearing the summer uniform M36 of the Finnish Army.
>"Tauno!" she exclaims, but upon seeing your face she get's confused, then suspicious.
>You are stunned, not by the fact that a waffengeist appeared, you have heard of them before, nor the fact that this one is wearing a WWII -era uniform, that's to be expected. It's the name she exclaimed that caught your attention.
>"I take it you speak Finnish?" you ask, trying your best to mimick your grandparents' Karelian accent.
>"Well of course I do!" she replies with very obvious, very natural North-Karelian accent, she continues
>"You are not Tauno"
I mean, I don't have a degree yet, but alot of the stuff I learned was from my uncle's businesses.... and from dealing with debtors
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Oh boy here we go.
I'm a drawfag so,I' might as well collaborate with 10/22 via mail or on steam. I still have a long way to go and a couple of years (And hopefully the situation outside doesn't get bad enough in the future that I'll have to get deployed once I finish). Knowing the cheap property taxes in Wyoming and my experience with construction, I might make such a thing a possibility.
Viktoria has been updated.

>"No I'm not, but what's your name?" you ask, thinking "she can't be, the chances of that are astronomical."
>"Hilja, that's what Tauno called me, why do you ask, who are you?" she asks, getting worked up.
>You say nothing, instead you glance at the stamps on the rifle, a VKT made in 1940. It fits perfectly.
>"I'm Anon, Tauno was my great-grandfather's name, Hilja was his wife" you reply.
>"Your great-grand-" she starts repeating what you said before going silent as the reality hits.
>"He's dead, isn't he?" she asks.
>"Sortavala, late August 1941, sound familiar?" you ask, feeling bad for what the effect of what you just said is going to be.
>"...I was hoping that was just a dream" she finally mutters. Bingo, no doubt about it anymore.
>"Afraid not" you say sympathetically, even though it's challenging to imagine what she's going through, in all likelihood for her what happened was like yesterday while to you it was almost 50 years before you were even born.
>"...Did he suffer?" she asks. That's right, from what you heard Tauno was being carried to dressing station, she wouldn't have been with him at the end. You try to decide whether or not to tell her the truth. In the end you decide you have to.
>"One bullet to the chest, tore his lungs, he died enroute to the dressing station, I hear he was conscious on the way there" you say.
>"Are you my new owner?" She asks, you look at the owner.
>"How much?" you ask in English.
>"$300" the owner says, more than he initially wanted from the pawn shop, but then again after that exchange it was obvious that as far as you are concerned the value went through the roof during your conversation with Hilja.
>"Deal" you say as you start digging for your wallet. The pawn shop employee isn't amused, but there's nothing he can do at this point, the sale is going to happen regardless of whether he throws you out or allows you to finish the transaction inside the store.
>You turn back to Hilja and say:
>"I am now."

just a little fun while dodging work

>get woken up at 6am to booming rifle fire
>crawl out of bed
>head for basement stairs
>walk past fluffy's room, hear the GuP opening theme through the door
>open door to basement
>booming is a lot louder
>flick the light switch on and off a few times to get Annie's attention
>"Yeah, what do you want?" shouts up from the basement
"Dad said no AT rifles in the house! And it's 6am!"
>"Sorry. I'll stop."
>wander off to the kitchen
>fire up both industrial coffee makers
>toss some pop-tarts in the toaster
>you see Koko walk past the kitchen heading for the basement
>RIP Annie
>ten minutes later, dad and a shame-faced Annie enter the kitchen and grab coffee
>soon the kitchen is a hive of activity as the smell of coffee drags everyone out of bed
>breakfast is cooking on the stove
Suddenly there's a knock at the window
>it's Kryptid
>"Guys, I got one! I got Bigfoot! "
>look over at dad
" Wanna bet it's another moose?"
>"No bet, " he says as he sets down his coffee and heads outside
It's coming along nicely.
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...it's beautiful
Lily didn't respond. You might have gotten a little carried away with those words, but they hit her like the royal Navy hit the Italian navy in 1941. She holds your hand tightly. Her breathing remains calm, but she remains silent. Checking that the road ahead is straight you turn your head over to Lily.

"Hey, are you crying?"
"...you're not sad, are you?"
>of course i'm not sad. I was just confessed to by the man i love, who also promised me that he would help me get my life back
"well, that makes sense. But the tears are still worrying me a little"
>If i cry when i am not sad or hurt, you have done something very well. Remember that
"Well, if you say so"

There is another few minutes of silence. Not an uncomfortable or awkward one, but one that feels right. It's silent because nothing else has to be said.

¤ Shitbox, do you hear me?

Natalya is on the radio

"Shitbox actual here, i read you"

You didn't really know anything about how you should sound on the radio, or what the official terms and stuff like that works, but you've seen enough movie to get an idea on how it should sound

¤ Is Lily awake yet?
"yeah, she is"
¤ I am listening to a very strange radio transmission. I cannot understand the language, and it is broadcasting on a very low frequency, around 28.5 MHz
>That could be an old German radio. Almost all our tanks had the FuG 5 radio, and it is easily in that range. But the range is only a few kilometers. Can you stop the car?
"We're a bit low on time, but sure"

You inform Natalya about what you are doing and the two car convoy breaks to a stop. you help Lily get her seat upright as Natalya tinkers with the radio a little bit. She is very interested in radios and communication as such, but even she is having issues getting the frequency right

The transmission is very bad, and in German, and after five minutes, you're still not sure if Lily was actually speaking to it or not

>Now, we listen


>She looks at you with confusion and suspicion plastered all over her face, you realise you said that last thing in English, she's now looking around her, seeing English writing everywhere.
>"...Where are we?" she asks.
>"America, I moved here recently" you explain as you finish the paperwork the owner insisted you fill and start walking out with Hilja, he was a bit suspicious about the fact that you are a Green-carder.
>"...how did the war end?" she asks as you exit the store.
>"All went well for the rest of the year, Viipuri was quickly retaken & in the east Finnish Army advanced all the way to Karhumäki, Petroskoi and across Syväri, the lines remained stagnant until June 1944" you recount the major events. Hilja is amazed with the success, but it seems she notices the significance of the word "until."
>"After that it all went to Hell, Soviets launched a massive offensive at the Isthmus on June 10th and by 15th the fighting had reached the hastily manned & prepared Viipuri-Kuparsaari-Taipale -line, Viipuri was lost on 20th" you recount the events before continuing:
>"by 24th the morale was at all times low when code breakers intercepted what amounted to a Gift from Heaven; Soviet plans for a breakthrough with to-the-minute -timetable for the attack, the countermeasures were put together, artillery supplied with extra ammo & the airforce mobilized in full to bomb the enemy concentrations right before the attack started" you continue while Hilja looks at you with wide eyes.
>"The opening salvo of the Finnish artillery had over 250 guns and mortars pounding the living shit out of the Soviets, the battle raged from 25th until July 9th when it ended in a Finnish defensive victory, and that was just teh beginning of a long string of defensive victories during a retreat to the 1940 border, until September 4th at 07:00 the cease fire came to effect, the war ended officially in Paris in 1947, 1940 borders minus Petsamo, plus outrageous war reparations."
Did I miss something in my cap mate?

So much autism.... I like it
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i sorta maked the thread with sleep depravation, sorry m8

even the men?

>mfw all this fun posting happened while i was a way
"...1940 borders you say?" she asks, you can guess what she's thinking.
>"Yes, Tauno's farm remained on the Finnish side of the border, it's still owned by the family" you say & Hilja lets out a sigh of relief.
>"Didi you ever manifest yourself to Tauno?" you ask, curious about what kind of relationship they might have had.
>"No, practically every "Pystykorva" had a waffengeist by the time the war started, but we had a silent agreement not to show ourselves, for the fear of how the Army would react."
>"Wait, you mean that *all* Finnish Mosin-Nagants have waffengeist?" you ask, astonished.
>"Well maybe not literally every single one, but most, why?"
>yfw all those bubba'd Finn-Mosins have waffengeists
>"...I'll explain later, right now I need to sit down" you say as you try to collect yourself.

It's really up for interpretation. But commonly depicted as lolis or preteens.
Gonna go get pizza, coffee, and a cigarette and then put something together featuring an American Classic 1911. If you like 14 year old petite mixed Filipino girls with big honkers and traditionalist American values then stay tuned.
i've debated with myself for two fucking days what boxy german tank/TD i want to add in, and i have to decide for next part

i can't make up my fucking mind damnit
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>oppai loli

No shit man! What part of Sconnie?
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just in case you didn't know it i added/updated Not Enough War stuff
>read it it's good

>3 stories left to update
How many models do you have in mind?
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Especially the men.
if apron has cammo, i think i can let it slide
simple criteria:

Made in the Nibelungenwerke and there is at least one in the US right now. That leaves the Pz IV and the Ferdinand/ elefant

PZ IV because it can be modified, like with one of those french 90mm guns, new engine, additional armor and yada yada

Fedinand because that was also in the 653rd, and is sort of similar

seriously, i've been over this like two days
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Of course

What red blooded American doesn't?
Not into loli but I would fuck a 1911.

I woke up that morning like any other. Lay on the couch in my parents' office for an hour, groaning and swearing and trying to get my knees to work. Eventually I have to piss or want breakfast and a cigarette bad enough to roll over with my legs onto the floor and then I can push myself up and walk, and my knees don't bother me the rest of the day or two that I'm awake. But before all of that, before I uttered the phrase "Why God, why?" the first time as I did any other morning when I woke up in a cold sweat, was put my hand in the black backpack that leans against the couch I sleep on and brush my hands against the soft, smooth mahogany stained grips of my 1911, just to make sure it's still there.


Go with the PZ. IV. The Ferdinand is too similar to the JT and would feel less unique, whereas a PZ. IV is different enough to where it would give you plenty of room to work with. Ans as you mentioned, a PZ. IV is far more versatile.

Honestly, a Ferdinand would just feel like a retread of what has already been done.
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Then i'm game

>added 556x51 stuff http://pastebin.com/u/556x51NATO
>nobody has PTRs in stock
>atlantic raised the price by 100 bucks
>election is weeks away
>panic is setting in
>still want a motorcycle asap but can't afford it yet
And there's no way in hell I'm selling any gun for a bike. I have to buy so much in so little time. What do?

1) Go to FLGS
2) Buy AR
3) ??????
4) Profit!
I managed to crawl to my feet, the day's first battle won. I slipped a pair of board shorts and a hoodie on and walked through the dark house to the fridge. The clock on the microwave said it was 3 AM. I grabbed a slice of cold pizza from the fridge and ate it with my eyes half closed, washing it down with yesterday's lukewarm coffee. I sat down in the garage and lit a Marlboro, taking a long slow drag on it and allowing the nicotine and caffeine to take in. After taking 30 minutes off my lifespan I went back to my room and checked my tablet. Some floozy from /soc/ was complaining to me on Snapchat about how her Xanax hook up wrecked the BMW her parents bought her. I muttered something about white girls and replied with a simple message. "Lol sux but where them noods at familam?" I was groggy enough for this to seem like an appropriate response. I opened my laptop to see that once again /k/ had delved from a normal, levelheaded discussion about battle rifles to furry shotas. What is it with /k/ and chicks with dicks?


Go on.
After a few hours of arguing about the best craft beer to give your dog on a Cantonese picture book and weapons sub forum I decided it was time for another smoke and a shower. I said hello to my mom as she drank her coffee and watched CNN. Why she, a vehement Trump supporter, insisted on watching the Clinton Nigger Noggin' escaped me. I sat thinking about that job offer in Corpus someone emailed me about, worried it would be some strange old man looking to suck my dick for $50. Eventually I looked down to realize I had been smoking filter and I snubbed the butt out and returned to my room/office/milsurp pile to see a petite black haired girl with dark red hair sitting on my couch-bed, drinking my coffee, and surfing /ck/ with my laptop.
I walked into the room and stared at her for a half second. I turned around and walked out and then came back in. There she still sat, sipping coffee and smiling at me, her bright blue eyes glimmering in the yellow-orange light from the closet. I dropped the tablet onto the carpet and jumped across the room like Max Paine, my hands going to the backpack to find an empty paddle holster, a spare phone charger, and a Dean Koontz book. I grabbed her arms and pinned her against the back of the couch, our noses nearly touching.
"Who are you and where is my gun?"
Should I write on a story about an Ak4 during cold war in the swedish army?
"Haha, wow anon, you're just getting right to it then. Lucky for you I'm into that," she quipped. I pushed her wrists back a little harder, straining her shoulders and pressing her ample chest against my stomach.
"I'm not going to ask again. You can keep the gun or you can keep your kneecaps."
She chuckled and leaned forwards, biting me on the bottom lip and pulling. The sharp pain of it caused my grip to weaken and she slipped out of my grasp and grabbed my wrists, pulling me to her and whispering in my ear.
"If you really want your gun back so bad, I propose a trade."
Her left hand let go of my wrist and clamped down on my semi-erect cock, the cargo shorts not doing much to protect me.

Definitely not a Panzerjager that can't hit shit.


Wisconsin Dells is the closest city of any significance
I am making paste for this story, but can't think of a name (as usual), suggestions?

So a story about someone sitting around doing nothing? Sounds riveting.


I used to live up near Green Bay myself.
>cant hit shit

uhm, i have read /somewhere/ that the PaK 43 was an accurate gun
"GETCHAHANDSOFFAMAHJOHSON!" I yelled, later realizing that I was directly quoting the Holy Dugan. I grabbed her left wrist and pulled her back. Thick thighs and large breasts aside, she probably weighed all of 110 pounds, soaking wet and wearing boots. She couldn't have been taller than five feet. I flung her around onto the floor and landed on top of her, holding her beneath my legs. Her black tank top lifted up to expose her smooth, flat stomach, a tattoo of the Metro Arms symbol just to the 11'O clock of her belly button. My jaw dropped and I loosened my grip, pulling away from her.
"You're a fucking 'geist."

The problem is the optics. The larger German guns had a bad habit of ruining their zeroes after a couple of shots or after bumpy travel because the optics were so delicate.
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My nigga
>Your team dives to the ground by the side of the road as you hear that familliar sound
>bullets flying overhead, sounds like a very loud twig snapping
>you, being the teams skarpskytt peak over the edge, looking at a 200 meter field and woodline past it
>after scouting with your sight for a while you see movement
>russians in green-white dotty uniforms, you ask the fänrik if you can open fire
>he says yes and you start breathing heavily getting very tunnel visioned
>you squeeze the trigger, squeezing it slowly almost waiting for the bullet to fly
>you hear the sound of your rifle and keep looking trough your scope
>the russians throat gets almost cut of, him still standing up
>some guy to your left starts laughing and soon the whole team is giggling like little schoolgirls
>fear fills your body and you start shaking, all while almost manically laughing
Should i continue or is it shit?
Waiting for your friend request lass, I already sent you an email message
Nah, I just changed some wording around.
So, off topic quick question, anybody else get really quick witted when the ol adrenaline rush kicks in? Whenever I'm innawoods or something and an animal startles me (or in a few cases decided I look yummy) my one liner responses are immediate and 80s action movie worthy.
>laughing at Russian dying
>Not getting triggered
memes aside, do continue
Tax season's around the corner, if you can wait a few months for the bike.
You're pretty inside WI then. Only cities I really go to in WI are Kenosha and Milwaukee, with my family only going to the Dells for vacations when I was smaller
Retconning this so that she calls me chucks. I never namefag outside of this thread and I'm not used to it. Back to the story.

Just then I heard my mother's voice from the living room. "Chucks!" she shouted. "What the hell are you doing?" The sounds of the recliner closing and a fat border collie rolling onto the floor and walking away reached my ears soon after. I looked down at the 'geist beneath me and pulled her to her feet.
"You have to hide," I mouthed hurriedly, stuffing her into the closet and covering her with milsurp. I threw an East German paratrooper's coat and my ALICE gear over her and pulled the sliding closet door as closed as I could get it before I heard the knob on my door start to turn. I sat back down and grabbed the laptop off, both to make my explanation more passable and hide the Indian tee-pee that had somehow grown sentient and pitched itself in my shorts. "Chucks, what is wrong with you? Your brother is sleeping and you're in here yelling."
"Sorry, the mic on my laptop is going out and I was in a Skype call. My friend Canadian MP friend is getting sent to Oklahoma for joint training and he wanted to see about meeting up sometime, so I..."
"I don't care. Keep it down until we're all out of the house and wearing earplugs or something, Jesus," she said before closing the door. I sighed and leaned my head back against the couch, before rising to check on my 1911.
I get startled while turning around at the sourc eof the stimulus at the same time

I landed like shit and didn't get to keep the AT4 tube, but I know where I can get an expended LAW.

As long as the customers are alright with my mooseknuckle being at eye-level, I'm in.
That's how I get inspiration for a lot of my books, binge coffee, chainsmoke, listen to the right music, and it just flows. BRB for the next part of "Chucks fucks an underage 1911."
åka på, min älskade svea-jävel
Well I did get quick on the draw with my dad's old cowboy special back in in the day, but I meant more verbally.
All of these have had their occasion for the odd Bobby or 'yote
Even a razorback once
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mind you this was during a better time, when singing about stabbing niggers was ok for a military unit

>you hear a rassle and look to your left, MG is getting set up
>the ksp 58 gunner is directed by the fänrik and soon you hear the familliar sound of MG fire
>soon the whole team joins in and you see several russkies getting hit
>one taking a hit to the knee, falling over
>SKOTT KOMMER! (shot coming)
>KLART BAKÅT! (clear backwards)
>a tracer flies over the field and then an explosion is seen in the air over the treeline
>the whole area is filled with splinters and you confirm atleast 7 dead russkies
>airburst ammo is helluva thing
>"adam ceasar to adam bertil come in, over"
>radioman is asking second team for further orders if they have to word
>"adam bertil here, orders are to set up at the hill marked Helge Niklas, höjd norr, come"
"adam ceasar confirms, out"
>"alright, you heard the orders guys! lets get the fuck out of here" Fänrik Lindgren declares loudly
>we start marching again along the lonely forest road in lappland
>you tell Anna that she soon will be able to transform

Remind me to make jokes at my own expense more obvious. :P


Baka, I'm at work. Settle down.


That's not really Wisconsin, that's just Chiraq Lite.
that reminds me of a story I heard
>Finland and Sweden are at war, the war has turned into a trench war, both sides stuck in their trenches
>Finns come up with an idea; a sniper is put in position & a soldier yells over the No-Man's Land: "Åke!"
>A Swedish soldier raises his head, yelling: "Vad?" and is shot.
>A while later another Finn yells over the No-Man's Land: "Kalle!"
>Another Swede raises his head and shouts: "Vad?" & is shot.
>After a few more instances the Swedes start suspecting something and stop responding, until they decide to test their theory, so one of the Swedes yells over the No-Man's Land: "Pekka!" to which a Finn replies with: "Who's asking?"
>A Swede raises his head and shouts: "Jag!"

That one didn't translate well.

"Åke", "Kalle" and "Pekka" are given names.
>youre marching and thinking about that you wouldve visited your girl back home this weekend
>then on friday evening two days ago several russian divisions marched over the finnish border
>this was what could never happened, this wasnt real you thought
>it was too real you realized when they used tactical nuclear weapons on some of the air-defense positions
>youre now drawn in a war alone against the russian bear, nato isnt intervening
>we have to not be like a swedish tiger anymore, and more like a swedish lion ingvar carlsson had declared on radio
>there was word that the russians have gotten some breaktroughs to your east
>these forwards recon elements of their breaktrough is what we are fighting now
>war is softer than training you think, remembering the gruesome training at I 22
>now you even had a new rifle and not an old relic
>mentioning her she is quite beatiful, nordic traits, blonde hair and blue eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses
>she is 176 cm, quite tall for a girl and has nice womanly features, she is a bit timid and not too straight-forward
>you last saw here this morning when you were on guard post and ironically hope to be put on guardpost this night, something you bet no soldier ever has
>you lower your head and keep marching, only 6 km left to our goal
The coat and webgear were now laying flat on the carpet. I moved them aside and there sat my 1911, appearing as if it - she - whatever, always had. I hefted it and sat it on the arm of the couch, retrieving my tablet from the floor and sitting down. I heard my mom's keys jingle after a few minutes, and her yelling for us to remember to take care of her dogs. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my temples, thinking to myself that by twenty years old I should have something going for me besides odd jobs and occasionally helping on a friend's goat farm. I checked Gmail to see a message from the local Navy recruiter. "Chucks, I'm sorry to inform you that due to your arrest record I can't recruit you. I think you're a good kid but even without a conviction, my boss will not let me take you. If something changes I'll notify you." I thanked him for his time and closed the tab, a lump rising in my throat. There went one option. I glanced at my 1911 and at once it seemed to exist both as the pretty young girl from before and as a .45 caliber Colt Commander clone from the Philippines. Then there she sat.

I get it now.

As long as you're okay, that's the important thing.


I've shouted CYKA BLYAT at people who cut me off when I'm on mai baiku.
>ingvar carlsson
>implying Anti-Communist like Reagan wouldn't find a way to intervene just because "fuck Russia", or is this Bush Senior's term?
"So, do you wanna rough me up a little more, honey ko," she said with a wink. "Or do you want to ask me questions about finally appearing to you in human form after owning me for seven months?"
I sighed and looked at her for a few seconds. I sized her up and caught myself focusing below the neck for a little longer than I meant to. She giggled.
"It doesn't hurt to look, Chucks."
"Well, I am curious as to why you have waited so long. Would have been nice to have some company when I was staying on the farm last month."
"I don't really know. I was waiting for the right moment, and lately you've seemed kind of, well, depressed. I wasn't worried about you hurting yourself..." she shuddered at the thought. I knew from what I'd read about Waffengeists that they were usually emotionally wrecked after hurting their owners. I wasn't suicidal, but I could admit that my current situation had left me in a rut.
"Well, I'm glad you did. It would be nice to have someone to talk to besides a bipolar middle aged school teacher and a 17 year old kid that thinks he's Ryan Gosling ever since he got a pretty little Mustang. On my birthday. While I was in jail."
"Oh, hush. Your mom loves you and your brother is literally your best friend. Besides, the real reason you're so happy I showed up is that dry spell you've been going through."
As she said that I felt my face turn beet red. Her's did too, as much as her pale-olive skin would let it.
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>finally arriving there you start to dig in defense positions
>you start digging and hacking and in an hour a good position is set up, you join up with first platoon and the finnish volounteers
>the finnish volounteers are a funny gang, they are usually drunk and not very good at digging
>but when shit hits the fan these men dont move an inch, you trust them with your life
>the sun is still up at 2200, thanks to the midnight sun
>this is not good for you, hoping for some real jägar-weather
>any weather so shit it makes the enemy think about would make do
>instead its a beatiful night and looking out from a opening in the trees on the hill you see the swedish landscape
>seeing this fills you with a sense of pride and comfort, connected to the land
>"its nice isnt it"
>a soft voice says and you quickly turn around
>its anna, shes dressed in combat uniform and has camo paint on her face, probably its the camo tape you applied to her
"yes, takes mind of war"
>she sits down beside you and you start getting a bit nervous and think back to ninth grade when you asked the prettiest girl in class out
>same shake
>"how did it feel earlier" she asks
"what do you mean?" you ask back
>"to kill a human" she asks bluntly
>you remember the man you killed, you could see his face before killing him and remember all the individual features you could see
>quite tall nose, and a moustache
"I dont wanna talk about it Anna"
>"fucking pussy" she proclaims back with a smile
>you sit there together against the tree and she yawns a bit
>you grab in your pocket for your snus and take a prilla of general
>even if its war this couldnt get any better you think to yourself

Ok thats all for now, tell me what you think guys :)
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>This is a mirror copy of me
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I have enough AR stuff for now, thankfully.
I suppose waiting is a legitimate option. Otherwise I'll just have to force election day back a few months.

Not sure which is easier.
Considering the userbase, I'm sure it would only increase business.
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Born to suffer, kindred spirit.
"So, I was wondering. I've been staying in that old bag of yours for days now, and it feels like it's been ages since you've cleaned me. What /k/ommando doesn't meticulously clean his guns three times a day? Poor form, trooper."
She said the last three words in a feigned British accent. How did she manage to know about DTR? And what's more, weren't Pistolegeists technically considered loli?
"Because you fingerfuck me and pretend you're killing Communists everytime you right, you jackass. And no, I may be a girl, but I'm still a gun. Technically, it's virtually perfectly legal for you to do...oh, well...anything." As she said this she stretched, her tank top coming dangerously close to spilling her tits. As the thought crossed my mind she adjusted her tank top from right to left, briefly exposing her erect right nipple. The blood rush from my head nearly knocked me out.
The whole "Muh firsd kill gayme pdsdee" is a bit played out but the writing is good.
>>she is 176 cm, quite tall for a girl and has nice womanly features, she is a bit timid and not too straight-forward
>Swedish 176cm -tall Funco with blonde hair and glasses
>tsuhna's seal of approval.jpg
please continue
"C...could you please stop reading my...my mind...I'm not a shy Finnish reservist. Do you, uh, have a name?"
"You haven't named me yet. But I'm sure you'll come up with something. But please don't use that name generator you do for your stories, I don't fancy being called Ivana Kowalski Johnson or some shit."
I pondered this for a moment, flexing my right arm to kill my erection. The dick cheat code had saved me before, but I wasn't sure if it would work under the current circumstances. I eyed her up again and gently slide her tank top up just below her breasts. There sat the rollmark tattooed at the apex of her ribcage. American Classic.
"Erica. How does that sound?"
"Chucks! I love it!" she yipped, wrapping me in a hug that I thought was going to fracture a rib. I patted her head and stood up.
"I'm a man that likes to keep a routine. Come on, you."
I blinked and in my lap she sat in gun form. I grabbed the cleaning kit I put together out of Hoppes and Q-tips that I kept wrapped in a dishrag on my shelf and carried her to the kitchen table.
wait, you are talking about Ak 4? Oh well, a blonde G3 is actually better...
Your oniichan will try to patiently wait
Oh like that? I'm pretty silent, except one time when I cussed aloud when startled
I know the eggplant drew the Ak5 lass. Pretty much Funco but with black hair instead and a hypothetical different eye color. I'd be down for a blonde hair, blue eyed Swede Funco tho

Jesus that's atrocious. I meant write. Sorry guys, not getting much sleep lately.

I grabbed a cup of coffee and turned some music on. I sat down at the table and turned the TV off, not willing to give CNN anymore of my time than necessary. I laid the cloth out on the table and set my bottles of cleaning solvent, the Q-tips, and non-abrasive bits of cut up shop towels aside. I ejected the mag full of 185 grain hollowpoints and racked the round in the chamber out, setting it next to the magazine. I racked the slide again a few more times out of habit and, partially, to tease Erica. I heard a muffled gasp and then short, light giggles. I pressed the recoil spring plug in and slowly rotated the barrel bushing off, Erica emitting a stifled moan.
It's pretty good. Finns and Swedes do good war raifus. Why is this?

Guess I could always do that 40k thing to add to the endless war of raifus.
>honey ko
>not baby ko

Send her to the kitchen to make adobo, damnit.
My nigga, guess PR and the Flips aren't too far apart
>I'm not a shy Finnish reservist.
hey, there's nothing shy about my MC, he's just...it's complicated OK?
Well, flip adobo is slightly different from the Spanish-style adobo, and it even varies from every other province.
Is his preferred video format betamax?
I mean, we do share some linguistics due to Spanish Conquistadors, you guys make some kickass flan tho.
.mkv actually
Next came the recoil spring, which caused an...interesting reaction when I pulled it from the bottom of the slide. The slide now under no pressure, it easily slide back to the disassemble notch. I pressed the slide stop through and slid the slide off of the frame, Erica letting out a low groan. I removed the recoil spring guide and set it aside the slide stop and plug. I wet a Q-tip and began cleaning the slide rails and feed ramp, trying to get every touch of accumulated powder residue and dust out. I then turned to her slide, sliding the barrel out setting it aside for later. I wiped down the rear of the slide and the breech face, as well as the notches for the barrel. She sounded as if she was going to hyperventilate, so I took a sip of coffee and switched between songs for a few seconds. I then took her barrel and my bore brush and slid the tip in. She inhaled sharply and seemed to be attempting to stifle another long, deep moan, to not much avail. My brother walked by with his headphones in, blaring some gangster rap shit about moving crack rocks and slinging dope. He worked at Chipotle and was signed up for the Navy and wouldn't know a crack rock if you fed it to him. I glanced down at Erica. "Not a word, young lady," I said in a stern, low voice.
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well im just going after the feeling i got when i first killed an animal and thinking this is much stronger, I have no idea though so im just improvising

>you start getting a bit hungry and see that Anna is sleeping, you reach in your backpack for a guldburk (ration) and hope you get a good one
>lapskojs, if it wasnt for your father forcing you to like this when you were younger you would propbably puke eating it
>but to you it tastes godly after a firefight
>you sit there eating thinking about when you were younger and hunting with your father, or when he read you stories as a young child
>stories about ancient nordic heroes and their courage, tor wrestling with the midgård snake, or odin giving his eye to mimers well
>these stories are fond to you and nothing compares to them in your mind
>"anooon, why arent you sharing any?" anna says having waken up with a sad puppy face
"you can eat this shit?" you reply amazed
>"do you think im a pussy like you" she says with a smirk
>fucking attitude on that girl, she gets it from being a good rifle
>all Ak4ORs are hand picked from the regiments most accurate rifles, she could hit a krona from 200 meters no doubt
>this gives the rifles a confidence because they are factually the best
>you look up the hill behind you and see Jussi, the finnish AT-man stumbling down trough the woods
"anna hide quick" you whisper
>she does without hesitation and you emerge from the hiding greeting the finn
>hes quite drunk as seems to be tradition for them and you give him a snus
>jussi asks you in broken swedish after a while of shittalking
>"eehhh anon i have to ask you something"
"shoot" you reply
>"is your rifle.. a bi-"
"a girl?"
>"yes" he replies confused
"well yes, i didnt know any other guy sees it too?"
>"helvetti, i thought it was only mine"
"me too"
>"wonder what my 55 S 55 looks like in human form" he wonders
"i dont think it works that way Jussi"
>"perkele.. it wouldve been something to see"
>Finns and Swedes do good war raifus. Why is this?
Swedes take already excellent rifles and improve them, Finnish manufacturers: go full autist improving an existing design dictated by FDF even if the improvements add weight, you can always compensate by building up muscle strength...
And another quick Viktoria update

>As I pulled myself out of my car with a grunt I had only one thing on my mind. I was finally going to finish that rifle. For her.

>After a few seconds of fumbling with my keys I manage to unlock my door. My hands trembling with excitement surely didn't help.

>I excitedly do a little half jog back into my bedroom, picking up my rifle and bringing it straight to the bench.

>I lay it down and immediately begin taking out all the moving parts. It doesn't take long, as I've done it many times out of sheer boredom.

>I stand up slightly, emptying my pockets for comfort. The box as well as the panties and my wallet soon make their way to the tabletop.

>After a few minutes of fiddling around, I finally get the trigger in.

>Looking at it, I say to myself "Why the hell not?", and reach for the lubricant.

>I apply it to a 12ga patch and begin to wipe down the rails, taking note of the bulged trunnion.

>When I tilt it forward, a bit of excess lubricant drips out of the magwell.

>"Yeah, I used too much. Whatever."

>I then decide to inspect the rest of the gun, taking off the furniture, cleaning the gas tube, everything. The whole nine yards.

>Re-assembling it proves to be no challenge, and the gun is reassembled in well under thirty seconds.

>Until I realize I forgot to put the stock back on like a dumbass.

>"Shit. That needs to go back o-"

>A deep gurgling from my stomach cuts me off. I know my time has come.

>I stand up in an instant and half yell a quick prayer as I dash to the bathroom, preparing for the second coming of last night's five-alarm chili.
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>>"Not a word, young lady."

What I instantly pictured:

>walk into kitchen
>listening to your favorite music on your Beats by Dre
>weird brother is at the table cleaning his gun
>suddenly over your music you hear a female voice go "OH YEAH, FUCK ME HARDER"
>fuckin Chucks didn't mute his porn again
>go back into your room
I began to push the brush the rest of the way in when he turned around and pulled an earphone out. "Hey nigga, when you gonna let me pop a couple off with that thing?"
"I don't know, you baka ass motherfucker. When you gonna let me borrow the Mustang so me and my friends can use it as the mobile ops center for snorting coke out of Thai hookers' assholes?"
"Bitch, what friends?"
"Aight then, young nigga, come see me when you need somebody to take pictures of you pretending to work on your bike for Instagram."
"Fuck you, dude."
"It will have to wait until I'm done here."
He laughed and turned around to head to his room. To the outside observer it seemed like we hated each other, but these conversations were a daily thing and usually ended with those hearing them pissing themselves laughing. I turned back to the task at hand. I tried to make myself look nonchalant. This was a task I had performed a hundred times before, but now that I was aware that my 1911 was also a living, breathing, human female. I eased the cleaning rod in and heard her whisper in hushed Tagalog.
"Hinti...hinti, po..."

>I learn all my Tagalog from sex tourist forums, Google translate, and drunk pinays I talk to online.
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Definitely a fan. I need more Finnguns. I was even looking at a Tikka T3 for precision shooting practice. I love imports.
How convenient that I am actually a Flip!
>Hinti,Hinti, po
What do you mean?

Is it like "Stop it, please"?
"only weapons with bolts become human" anna shily cuts in
>you both think for a while trying to understand the logic behind that
>"you dont need to understand it, dummies..." she quietly says
"be nice to our guest anna"
>"its fine dont worry" Jussi quickly says
>"where is Heini?" anna asks
>"here dont worry shes with me" jussi says taking out his Rk 62 from behind his backpack
>he unfolds the stock and tells her she can appear
>"perkele you fucking dimwit why did you force me to be a rifle for so long" she moans at him
"do you know eachother?" you ask the rifles
>"no i only know her name by chance" anna smugly says
>the girls go and sleep under a tree and tell you to wake them up if either you get mortared or atleast a company of russians attack
>"otherwise take them with the knife, we want to sleep" Heini tell you briefly
>"cocky bastard go to sleep so i wont hear your shit" Jussi tells her
>you and jussi slowly fall asleep under the tree
>"TA SKYDD, ARTILLERI" the shouting comes from the top of the hill
>Jussi and you quickly rush for your rifles and you pick up Anna and jump into a trench at the top of the hill
>artillery is shelling your positions and nobody dares looking over the edge
>suddenly it stops and the you hear "urraaah za ve de ve down the hill"
>you turn off the safety on anna and throw a nade over the edge, it hit someone you hope
>all hells breaks lose, the dirt is kicking up and youre firing as fast as you can, theyre just on the edge now
"fuck out of ammo"
>you grab your bayonet stabbing a russian in the stomach that had come to close
>youre now fighting them in the trenches
>you look around see another one running towards you with a shovel
>the punch is blocked by Annas stock and his shovel handle breaks
>his throat gets punched in by her stock too
>you hear him trying to get air and break his neck with a quick stomp

>Damn it Chucks
so many small things I could point out, but all things considered not my place to criticize when it's still all reasonably believable, keep going Sven!
she's a beauty, is she yours?
I raised an eyebrow and eased the brush back. "Hmm?"
I slowly pulled the brush back out, causing yet another stream of slurred Tagalog. I let the end of the rod hit her feed ramp and then grabbed the base of the handle and rammed it all the way through the barrel. She let out what almost amounted to a scream, and then what sounded like her clamping her hand over her mouth. I pulled the brush back out and sent it through again, working up a steady but deep rhythm. She managed to barely keep herself quiet before I pulled out. I had never before heard a gun orgasm, but I know for some reason the hammer dropped on the frame, startling me. "Sorry, chucks. I got a little carried away." I laughed, reassuring her that it was alright. Switching over to the rod and patch, I did this slowly, not to tease her but to be sure I got any residual oil and residue out of her barrel. I checked her bore to make sure it was bright and shiny, then looking around to make sure no one was there to witness me, planted a light kiss on her feed ramp. She giggled and purred, attempting to form words but unable to decide upon Tagalog or English or gibberish. I began reassembling her and once I had gotten her back together I took her out to the garage, set her on a table, and lit a cigarette. She reappeared in human form, her dark red hair tangled and messy, her tank top pulled down below her tits, her denim shorts unbuttoned.
"You could give a girl a chance to breathe, you know."
I took a drag without looking at her and then glanced in her direction with a smirk.
"Why would I go and do a thing like that?"
She sighed and rolled her eyes, reaching over to take one of my cigarettes. I slapped her on the wrist and jokingly wagged a finger at her.
"Nice little girls shouldn't smoke."
"Who said I'm a nice little girl?" she asked, taking one of the Marlboros and lighting it. I half expected her to choke, but something about her looked older than she was.
>wait, wait!

Be right back. Hope you guys are enjoying it. I'm thinking of turning this into an ongoing series of Chucks' and Erica's adventures, based upon shit I've actually done. Going to continue after a brief commercial break. I'd like to thank our sponsors Folgers, Marlboro, and Pizza Hut.
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Here's a picture of the pretty girl while you guys wait.
Yep, bought her with a frosted bore cleaned that shit out and now I just shoot non corrosive commercial stuff out of her. Minor pitting, but it's a beautiful 1942 Sako.
mfw when I often walk past the factory she was made in.
Wait would translate to Filipino as "Hintay!".

Also, I might come up with something to continue the story of Serial 1 and Anon.
>you reach in your harness for a new mag as you hear the order for cease fire, theyre all dead
>you load the mag but do not chamber a round
>the hill and trench is filled with russians, you slowly regain a sense of calm after the battle
>counting the bodies you can tell that it was a reinforced platoon attacking you
>only one causalty on our side, a finnish guy that you didnt know
>jussi is clearly upset and is reasoning with your commander to execute the captured
>the commander quickly tells him to regain himself, "we are not comitting any war crimes here, finn"
>"saatana ruotsilainen" he mutters to himself
>the dead russian at your feet is staring at you as you look down
>you turn him over quickly, as you do it his head falls off, his helmet is quickly pulled off and puke in it
>"Utgång om 10 minuter, packa upp" you get orders to pack up in 10 minutes, youre moving
>you ask your platoon chief to where
>"out of here, we are dead men if we stay here"
>the eternal death march continues into the forest
>"walking is easy, just put one foot before the other and repeat" you remember the sergeants words from basic training

What will happen to the lapplandjägers? Will Jussi the finn get to execute someone?
Will the snus run out?
Figure out in the next episode of "War in the north"

ok seriously tough, some criticism is always welcome, first time writing something in english outside school so sorry for any spelling errors, also should i do orders in swedish with translation in brackets?
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Pls send more. I need a Tikka and VKT too.

Also goddamn, i need to get an up to date family photo sometime.
please do pekka, also i try to keep it a bit reasonable atleast, so please go ahead
>you turn him over quickly, as you do it his head falls off, his helmet is quickly pulled off and puke in it

I'm trying to figure out what happened here. The sentence doesn't feel quite what you intended. His head came off and someone puked in his helmet?

You flip Russian corpse over. Russian's head comes off. You take helmet off Russian head and barf into it.
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>7 hour old thread
>more than half way to bump limit

Also I bought Miami Hotline because of you vepr12-kun!
yes like he said, it didnt make a lot of sense rereading it either
This makes sense. A little strange, though.
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Found the tracks in #2 to be better. Game is also more difficult in my mind as well.

Also, found The Fans to have the most fun levels, or it's due to Ash and Alex being my favorite combo.
you dont wanna puke in your own helmet ;)
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She's a beauty
>trigger lock
That's pretty kinky m8
That's what you think.
for starters 55 S 55 was being phased-out ever since M72 LAW was adopted in mid-70s and APILAS in 1980, also while I admit we Finns like to drink (who doesn't?), Finnish Army has always been strict about mixing alcohol and military service (during the Russian Civil war there was even a unit of Finnish communists who after fleeing to Soviet Russia at the end of Finnish Civil war joined the Red Army, then defected to the British Navy when they decided that Bolsheviks were full of shit, as Royal Navy personnel they were entitled to a daily ration of rum, and they were adamant about remaining sober so that they would be able to fight the "White" Finnish volunteers trying to annex East Karelia...long story short, mixing alcohol with war is almost unthinkable in Finnish Army (some of the most disliked Finnish commanders during the Winter war and Continuation war earned their bad reputation by drinking on the job, they were incompetent in other ways as well, but the thing about their drinking is the first one to be mentioned when ever someone criticizes them)
>i do orders in swedish with translation in brackets?
That be cool if you're fine with it. You'd be doing double the work, tho, so whatever is cool with you
I own both and after reading your story I had the overwhelming urge to play through them again

which I did

fuck sleep
i was thinking about the 55 too but i was thinking that volounteers would take some reserve stuff because finland would fight russians with their regular army, also the drinking is just funny little thing i added, might not make sense ofc to someone that has served in fdf but people know finns as heavy drinkers
Well, here it is.

Serial 1, signing on.

The rain still continued to pour, battering your face with the sting of what seemed to be a million drops.

Amelia is right behind you, your hands holding her's as you ran across empty lots, tall grasss and barren streets on the hill.

You still remember how Bill was shot in the face. There was no surviving that one.

The gunshot still echoed through your mind, so did how his body fell on the surface.

Your pursuers seem to have not caught up with where you two have run off to now, presumably having lost you in the tall grass on the hillside, but you still not put too much confidence on that one.

The QBZ on your back made a flopping sound as it repeatedly hit your drenched clothing.

A few meters ahead, an opened gate to a tiny building with a high tower presented itself to you as refuge.

Out of options, you dash right into it, making sure that Amelia is well inside before you locked the gate.

A door was up front, along with a sign that is slightly illuminated by a spotlight.

"91.8 Sorcery FM", it displayed.

The same station that you listened to in the shop, the one that Amelia tuned to during your escape, the one that didn't went down when they invaded.

You put up your USP in Center Axis Relock, emulating what you saw Keanu do in John Wick, before you opened up the strangely unlocked door.

The sound of rain is now slightly muffled by the humming of electronic equipment. A lone fluorescent lamp illuminated the room with a soft white glow.

A microphone lay broken on the floor, and many of the equipment show signs of tampering with, bullet holes peppering through many of what you assume to be transmission equipment.

You look out through the the door to make sure no one is still in pursuit before you swung it closed.

You and Amelia are soggy from running through the rain, making tiny puddles of water across the station floor.

It would be best if you change to dry clothes immediately.
you guys sure have some pace today

i'm working on some writing for ya, but i'll take it easy for now
I'll be waitng Fluff
agreed on 55 S 55 that it might make sense provided there's still stockpile of ammunition that hasn't expired (FDF is notorious when it comes to disposing of stockpiles that are nearing their calculated expiration date, ther was this one exercise where we had a ton of mortar rounds, far more than we'd normally use as they were about to expire, exactly one round out of God knows how many was a dud, had we not used them they'd have been taken to a mass disposal site to be disposed of with special disposal charges made out of 20kg of molded TNT), as for drinking, this is /k/ & I already made fun of Swedes so it's just my autism complaining...
Mmm, love this series, Serial 1.
love you too
Thank you, she appreciates the compliment. I might have to take some pictures of us next time we play.
Continuing from>>31754853

In a moment there was a flash and the smell of hot metal. Distant voices spoke in Tagalog. A tin metal warehouse. The warm glow of a kiln. The sounds of a wheel grinder. Then, somehow, before that. Jungle. The smell of blood, decay, and filth. Machine gun and cannon fire. Mud and harsh, bearing sunlight. I shook my head and felt nauseous, my hands going to my stomach. Suddenly the lights cleared and my head gradually stopped swimming.
"Chucks, are you alright?"
"I just...I...What was that?" I asked, panting.
"The whole mind reading thing...it sometimes bleeds over from my end, too. I'm a machine, just as much as I'm a human. I was created on the same tooling the old Colts were for the second World War. It just happens sometimes. I'm sorry."
"No...it's fine. Just caught me off guard."
"Well, to be fair, there's a lot of ugly stuff floating around in your head either. I never did like Mexicans."
I was quiet for a second. I thought back to a cold morning in south Texas.
"I'm sorry, that's not proper of me," she said quickly.
"Eh, helps to talk about sometimes. That girl should have never been at that party. If I was seven months pregnant I'd be nowhere near that shit, especially in that part of town."
"Yeah. And no, I can't. Lucky you," she said.
"You can't impregnate me. So no need for you to keep carrying around that three year old condom. That things been in there since before the last time you got laid!"
We both laughed at this and I finished my cigarette. She went back to being a gun and I tucked her into my waistband and walked back to my room. Once I shut the door she was in her human form again, this time directly on my lap. I didn't mind.
"Chucks, is that fire hydrant in your pocket, or...?"
"Er, whoops."
I shifted her to be a little more comfortable and opened up Gmail again.
>Got an idea for a feelsy story
>Don't want to accidentally throw off my streak with Sticks and Stoners by adding a new story

An email marked "Pier pressure" was new. Charlie was a funny guy, for a 60 year old alcoholic longshoreman. "Chucks, get your ass down here. Boss just told me he can bump you up to twenty bucks an hour. If I've got to come get you myself I don't mind, you can pay me back in beer and those funny dog lady pictures your friend sends you.
Come on fucker!
Love you,
So getting paid to sink beams for piers in Aransas. Hell of a gig. Problem now was getting there with no car and no money for a bus ticket. I rubbed the stubble I had been growing out for the past few days and thought this over.
When can you be up here? I can be ready tonight. How's your leg?
Eat a cawwwwk
"Erica, how would you hold up to salt water?"
"Well, you might have to clean me a lot more..." she said, leaning in and kissing my neck. My left hand slid into her panties as I continued thinking the prospect of travelling across the state to work with a guy I had only met once. Still, he'd given me no reason not to trust him, and sitting here rotting away in this small town suburb was killing me. I began contemplatively rubbing my left middle finger against her, writing out the phrase "Interior Crocodile Alligator," over and over again.
"You're...mmf...quite the multitasker...I...I had a little input on...on this, if you wanted to hear it."
"Go ahead," I replied, rubbing her clit with a little more intensity, leaning in to kiss her. I pushed her onto her back and slid her shorts off, revealing a bright red thong.
"Well...I don't have ID, but I could work. Machines know machines. I'm apt as a mechanic and I have some fabricating skills...hff..." she moaned as I moved her panties to the side and pressed my face into her.
"If you could figure something out about identification, I'm sure I could get a job to help you pay the bills. I'd hate to be away from you for so long..."
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yo m8 im making the bin of this whats with the order of this parts

>trying to reduce the amount of fuck ups

You notice an open drawer, seemingly ransacked. You set down the USP on the nearby desk.

Luckily, it contained two white polo shirts still in a plastic packaging. It bore the logo of the station, and below that was "90% hottest music, 6% crap, and 4% ads!".

You took two of them out, with one for you to wear, and the other for her.

As you turned around to give the clothing to her, you realized that she took initiative for herself and has stripped down to her skin as she hung her polo, jacket and pants up to dry, exposing her bare back to you.

You especially took notice of the men's flecktarn patterned boxer shorts that somehow remained dry underneath all her layers.

She put out her arms over the top and backwards, signifying that you give the article of clothing to her, which you just went ahead and did.

You are rather unfazed by the display, or at least lied to yourself that you aren't, as you pull off your top garments and slipped on the dry ones.

Your two-day old underwear still seemed to be good, or so you think, so you just pulled out a pair of cargo shorts that you kept in the backpack for you to wear "for a rainy day".

As you finish wrangling into your clothing, you decide that you steal a look at her.

She must be really tired, for she just took an office chair to sit on and propped her short and slightly muscular legs up the transmission control panel, and dozed off.

The rain has now gone to a slight drizzle, with the crickets now singing their tunes outside.

You just sat on another chair, inspecting the blood-stained finish of Bill's weapon of choice.

Why did it seem to be of utmost importance that his handgun needs to escape, more important than his capture and death?

Is he really a CIA agent? What does he need in your country?

Your eyes stray over to a desktop calendar, one that featured a dark blue A320 for the page.

Cebu International Airways, it said.

You remember that Bill was a pilot for that company.

Write down your ideas and develop/post them later.
>helicopter rotors fly over head
>you react quickly and dive into the side of the road
>looking up you see two hinds, one with a fixed cannon and one with a gatling, petter and viktor variant you remember from training
>that would be a hunter killer team with the petter probably loaded with thermobaric missiles, perfect for killing jägers hiding in the forest
>the helicopters start circling overhead and you worry that they have found you
>a loud roar is suddenly heard overhead and then a bang, followed by another bang
>lying in wait you start to hear cheering in the line
>a viggen took out one of the mi-24s and the other one is now retreating
>radioman tells Fänrik Lindgren that the airforce northern command gave orders for the closest unit to search for the pilots
>closest unit being us, we set up at the road and four men are sent off to search
"Korporal Lindgren, me and Jussi request to do some forward recon"
>he looks at you like ghosts, soldiers volounteering to be guard?
>"Request accepted" he says with a weird look
>Jussi and me make our way to sit at the edge of the forest 200 meters ahead of the rest of the two platoons and the finns
>as you sit and talk you look at Jussi, a pretty short guy at 171 cm with blue eyes and unkept blonde hair, he has broad bone structure and he looks more like a swede than you
>being an ethnic karelian you have brown hair and grey eyes, standing at 184 cm and quite skinny after being a lapplandsjägare
>you used to be stronger in your youth when you played hockey, war is a lot like hockey you think to yourself, but instead of sticks you have rifles
>the girls interrupt you discussion about snus and what is the best knife, mora or puuko
>"are you boys hungry? we have made some soup with some of your rations anon"
"im always hungry anna" you insist
>as jussi pours up his food you gesture anna to sit with you
>the girl comes over and you eat your food
>tfw no qt raifu to make me an MRE soup
Will do, thanks for the advise.
I mulled this over while continuing to write out the lyrics to Chip the Ripper's freestyle on her clit with my tongue. I hummed against her and she yipped. I rested my chin just above her mons pubis and looked at her.
"I don't see why you'd have to be away from me at all. I'm getting paid under the table and if I tell Charlie I've found someone else that could do some mechanic work he'd probably piss himself."
"Write him back and tell him. Afterwards," she said.
I continued licking her, gently sucking her lips and running my tongue around her clit in a circle. I pushed my right index and middle finger into her and pressed against her G-spot. I applied pressure in rhythm with my tongue. I had seen the way pinays move when they orgasm, even experienced it once or twice, but I thought she was going to break my jaw. I kissed my way up her body once she was done convulsing and slid my lips around one of her grey-pink nipples, the head of my dick resting against her vulva. I rolled her nipple between my teeth and lightly tugged on it, running my tongue over the bud. I let go and leaned up to kiss her chin.
"We'd be leaving soon and you don't have much to wear."
"We'll just raid your mom's closet. I guess I can figure something out with granny clothes and she hasn't worn most of that in five years. You'll buy me a new wardrobe soon anyway, right?"
"Haha, depends on how well you behave yourself."
I slid into her. She inhaled and grabbed the back of my neck, wrapping her legs around me.
>stop reading my mind I'm not a fugg :DDDD
>coffee, music, and molesting underage 1911 waifu

Should I just write it out in a pastebin? Feels so odd writing lewdly on /k/ out in the open like this, baka~.

Gonna take another smoke break here. Give me some opinions on it so far, guys. Don't forget to read my incredibly edgy Cold War commie-killing adventure, "Down the Road, Over the River," as well!
>"Oot sie ihan kunnossa?" she asks as you light a cigarette.
>"Yes, I'm fine, it's just the mental image of an American buying an M28-30 or an M39 thinking it's just another $50 Mosin-Nagant among countless millions of standard war-time Soviet-made 91/30s that flood the market in USA & treating her as such, unaware of not only the fact that the rifle they bought is far from being your average 91/30, but also of the fact that said rifle contains a spirit that can feel everything you do to the rifle" you say as you smoke the cigarette.
>"...oot sie ihan tosissas?" she asks
>"Of course I am serious, Finnish-made Mosin-Nagants are rare compared to the Soviet-made rifles, not to mention the difference in quality of the rifles each country produced, I walways thought it was a crime to take an M27, M28 or M39 etc. and treat them like your average 91/30, sawing-off most of the stock and the barrel to make it a 'pistol', or doing some other stupid shit, now that I know that most of the Finnish Mosin-Nagants have spirits I could decapitate each and every "bubba" who has done such things to Finnish-made Mosin-Nagants" you say as you finish smoking the cigarette and light another, you are so pissed that you simply can't calm down with just one cigarette, in fact you feel like even one pack might not be enough.
>"...You certainly aren't Tauno, but at the same time I can see that you really are his descendant", Hilja says.
>"...Considering the third-hand stories my grandfather told me about Tauno I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended" you say as you observe her expression, is she making fun of you? You are half-Karelian yet you have trouble understanding the people who are supposed to be of your "tribe."
>"What I'm getting at is that you aren't as rough around the edges, but at the same time, deep down you have the same instinct of talking with your fists with very little warning when someone crosses a line only you can see", she explains.
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>jussi blows on his soup like a manic eager to eat
>"calm down jussi its not like we are in a hurry perkele" Heini declares
>"for saatanas sake Heini let me eat my food, you dont happen to have something to drink anon?
>with a bit of a mischevious look you grab for your suprise in the backpack
"for you and for me my finnish brother" you say
>as you take up the metal bottle the finns eyes light up as he knows what you have with you
>hembränt (swedish moonshine)
>you enjoy a sip each together with the weirdly good soup
"Anna? how in the hell are you so good at cooking? you ask
>she blushes a bit and hides her face under a bit of hair
>"the stomach is the way to a mans heart" she whispers to you
"sure is, how about another little fucker jussi?" (liten jävel=little fucker, nickname for a little sip in swedish basically)
>"you know i cant say no to that my friend"
>both taking another sip you sit and think about better times
>after the food you take another snus and hope you have no contact because sitting here with anna is really nice
>the girl is a real beauty, even in war she has a glow to her
>Heini too is quite good looking, with brown hair and eyes and some freckles, you usually like blonde girls more but she still looks good
>jussi takes out a harmonica and starts playing a bit, altough its not the best who can complain
>7,62 mm Sk ptr 10 prj, it says on the back of the shots you load into some used mags you have in your webbing
>after 20 minutes you move back to platoon command and ask if the patrol has come back
>"no, and we are not getting any radio contact, we are moving in 15 minutes"
>fuck, hope the guys are alright you think to yourself as you chamber anna and start applying face paint with jussi

The war in the north continues soonly, have to take a break

if you feel more confartable writing it on a bin and taking care of the whole 'bin yourself then do it just post the link so i can add it to the sticky

>don't worry about beign lewd, as long as it is on the missionary position with the purpose of procreating
Thanks anon!

This would be the last post for now.
Would resume tomorrow.


You remember on how an Air America was formed by the US government for covert operations back in the 60's.

Doubt then filled your mind, thinking how dumb would it be to name a cover organization in a way that the acronym would be similar to the agency, but still your interest is piqued by the idea.

You have seen some of their aircraft before, all in the same blue coloration, during the times when you had to go to the school hangar. There was nothing unusual with the aircraft as they came and went with the same purpose.

Another look at the handgun yielded nothing for your theories, as stains notwithstanding, it appeared to be a regular USP nine millimeter with a plain old suppressor.

You take a look down the sights of the gun, and then you notice something odd with the target.

It was a flip clock that suffered the same fate as the other electronics in the room.

It showed 10:15 PM.

Two days previous.

You still have listened to the station after that period, and it was uninterrupted transmission without any advertisement or DJs.

Something was up.
>first there is a 2nd LT Lindgren then a Cpl Lindgren, how many Lindgrens does this unit have?
it isnt to keep track of the ranks im a bit drunk :D
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>a bit drunk

you'll fit fine here m8
>coffee, music, and molesting underage 1911 waifu
When was she made?

>don't worry about being lewd, as long as it's the lewdest thing out there

ban this sick filth!
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what! c'mon now your gonna tell me you wouldn't hold hands/cuddle your raifu
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We're all alcoholics down here Georgie.
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>im a bit drunk
Why welcome to the club!
2013, but that wouldn't make her a three year old as far as the rules I'm seeing are concerned. I decided to make her at least mid teens as that's not near as creepy.
>I'm not a pedo I swear
Dammit /k/.
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well m8 if one of the pastebins got deleted for using fag on it, tell me what would happen with a loli
>"...Sounds familiar allright, never saw my old man nor grandfather being like that" you reply.
>"But enough of that, let's go home" you say as you stand up.
>You arrived on foot & didn't bring a rifle case with you, so you grab her rifle-form by the sling and hang her on your right shoulder (sry, I'm not sure of the correct terminology when it comes to carrying a rifle, from what I gather in English "shouldering" a rifle means that you place the rifle itself on your shoulder, in Finnish it's something else)
ffs didn't mean to post that just yet, oh well...
Well, she is a carry pistol, pretty sure she'd be pretty petite anyways due to her frame
>tfw misread captcha as lolita reception
you could delete posts yah know? Just wait a minute and a second
Wait did Pastebin delete it or did someone get rid of it for muh hatespeech?
hatespeach is my best guess since it was the only one that had the word fag on the title that got deleted and was the only one that was public...

lewd things, in order:
1) missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
2) handholding
3) cuddling
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why does hates peach?
Tumblrinas do use pastebin for fanfics so it's possible. I guess?

You forgot watching the sunset you godless heathen.
m8 i'm full of painkillers cut me some slack

possible but since it was when making a new 'bin i didnt lost to much
what about headpating?
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so, i just lost two hours worth of writing due to being a retard and not saving

>what have we learned from this?

back your shit up, really
I don't know enough about pastebin to say for sure.
>This is an open carry -state, but you are still nervous about OC'ing as you have read plenty of stories (many of them no doubt fake-) about people losing their shit over people OC'ing & things getting complicated, you consider asking Hilja to make her rifle-form disappear, but that idea becomes pointless as a patrol car passes you & pulls over ahead of you & two officers step out of the car.
>"Good afternoon sir" says the senior of them, a corporal.
>"Good afternoon corporal" you decide to address him as a corporal rather than just "officer" because you already saw his chevrons.
>"Do you mind showing your ID?" the corporal asks, these cops look chill you think as you reply:
>"Not at all, my ID is in my wallet, one second..."
>You show them your Green card, a bit nervous about how they are going to react.
>"You aren't a citizen?" the corporal asks.
>"No, corporal, I'm not" you respond truthfully and as briefly as possible, like all those YouTube videos about how to deal with American cops told you to do to avoid trouble.
>"Is there a reason you are carrying a rifle out in the open?" he asks as he checks you rom head to toes.
>"I bought this just minutes ago, I hadn't planned on buying rifle today so I didn't prepare a rifle case, and since I live nearby I came on foot, so after buying this I had no choise but to OC on my way home" you explain.
>"You just bought it?" the corporal asks as he looks to the direction you came from & seeing the pawn shop.
>"I bought it from a customer at the pawn shop who tried to sell it at the store but couldn't agree on the price he was offered, I filled the paperwork though & have his contact information if you'd like to check" you explain the situation, hoping you didn't fuck up by volunteering information you didn't need to share.
>"That's not necessary at this time, I'll just write down your name & the description of the rifle, is that a Mosin-Nagant?" he asks.
I write all my stuff in a word doc for this reason, which also comes with auto-saving measures in case something goes awry.

That's not lewd in and of itself. Unless you are doing handholding or cuddling. Then it's lewd.


Headpats are not lewd until the recipient starts blushing. Then they are #4 lewd.

when you go to paste bin on the sidebar appears the new 'bins, someone saw it and make the admins delet it with out realizing it was a storie of an adorable tank learning the magic of slavshit

>headpating a lass it's lewd
>what are you, my grandma?
Hmm in that case should we make better titles or just private them? They can delete mine all they want I have them all saved in notepad.
I have an idea, but I want opinions.

I've had a story idea kicking around in my head, and in the idea I have the raifu a voiced character. I have someone in mind, and I'm sure she'd be up for reading the lines. In the writing it would be something like a vocaroo link after each of her character's lines. Only the raifu's lines would be voiced.

would that work, or do you prefer to imagine the character's voice instead? Or is it just going way overboard for stories on a Ukranian cat trading image board?
mep, i've been making those bins private, when i hit the limit of private 'bins ill give 'em different names, but still clear enough that regulars can still find them

>i tend to make back ups of all the 'bins i made every 2 threads aniway

i actually like that idea, why don't give it a shot and ask for feedback?
Give it a trial.
Cant hurt.
Currently working on the Pastebin. I'll go ahead and publish it once I reach a stopping point. Post pictures of 1911s if you want to help me with my inspiration and I'm going to go find a pinay thread on /s/.
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>command is having a briefing and after a while Fänrik Lindgren returns, "Pluton, vi förflyttar oss till position Helge Kalle, rör på påkarna!" (platoon we are moving to position Hotel Kilo, move your feet!)
>"hyvä" Jussi exclaims and you both get in the line and start marching
>after a couple of kilometers marching, the other platoon is ordered to set up fire positions in the hillside overlooking the downed helo
>as your platoon moves up the radioman, Eriksson gets told that they can see our guys, at gunpoint by some russians by the crash
>orders are to sneak up and capture the russians, if they raise weapons the hillside will open up to cover
>as you sneak up from below the crashsite thats sitauted up a hill, you hear gunfire
>"FUCK" the mg in your unit, Glad, yells
>you assault the hind with machine gun and grg (carl gustav) cover
>you take cover behind the dip that overlooks the hind and start taking aim, one russian is laying down behind the cockpit engaging with an AKS, shortened AKM
>you pop two shots, one hitting his actual weapon and the second one going in his shoulder
>another russian stands up holding his hands up and you move up keeping your weapon pointed
>you order him to get on his knees and he complies
>the russian is crying and screaming
>fucking hell, the guys wont go easy on him, poor fucker
>you figure that the heli crash landed and the russians were loaded up in the crew compartment
>"these guys are vdv, russian paras" Jussi explains
"how do you tell?" you ask him
>"folding stock on the weapons, easier for a para" he further tells
>as you look at your dead comrades you feel a hate for the captured man
>he looks at you with fear as you take him by the throat and start yelling at him
>jussi tackles you down and tell you to snap out of it
>"keep going like that and youre gonna get fucking court martialed anon!"

Will anon commit warcrimes? Will Jussi stab a russian? See next chapter!
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also aks isnt a shortened akm, its an ak with folding stock sorry /k/
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>Before you can reply, the corporal adds:
>"I mean, a Finnish-made version, an M39 right?"
>"Yes" you reply, slighly surprised.
>The corporal writes down your name and the description before asking:
>"Out of curiosity, how much did you pay for it?"
>"$300? The pawn shop wouldn't pay that for an M39? Did they think the waffengeist would cause trouble or something?" the corporal asks, astonished.
>"The pawn shop offered $150 when the owner wanted $200, when I asked to see the rifle the waffengeist appeared & the owner asked for $300" you say, deciding you are already in the clear & are just making small talk.
>"He must have been desperate for the money, in any case you are free to go, have a nice day" the corporal says before returning to the patrol car with his partner and driving away.
4/10 crackwhore, desperately needs rehab, get help please
This is like accidentally seeing that hot nerd girl naked when she invites you to her pool party junior year and only you and her mom's friend's son with cerebral palsy show up and you comfort her while she's crying and then you spend the whole night swimming and listening to her talk about Dr. Who and shitty YouTubers and end up fucking her later that year on a church youth trip.

Pastebin up in five minutes, hold on.

>This is like accidentally seeing that hot nerd girl naked when she invites you to her pool party junior year and only you and her mom's friend's son with cerebral palsy show up and you comfort her while she's crying and then you spend the whole night swimming and listening to her talk about Dr. Who and shitty YouTubers and end up fucking her later that year on a church youth trip.

This is... oddly specific.
Dammit anon I wanted to marry that girl and I haven't heard from her in almost three years.


Kinda teared up writing about holster wear.
>it's okay to use me, Chucks. It doesn't hurt.
>fucking her later that year on a church youth trip.
I know that feel

Talk to her bro. Not like you lack the time to do so.

Man, who'd ever want to get married? Th-that's just some lame normie shit, a-am I right?

Feels good man
i do

>is it a taco thing? or am i to much of a normie?
"What's it like?" Katie asked, in the car on the way back. Sun low in the sky blazing orange across the cloudless sky. "Being a service rife. I'm gonna introduce you to the couple others I have, a Lovely SKS I call Vira and Lucy, my AR. Vira sat in a surplus bin for a few years before I picked her up and I built Lucy. This" She gestured out across the fields, blabbering on even if Laura was barely listening. "This is all they've ever really known, even if Vira was built with the same purpose as you." Katie saw Laura's vague acknowledgement and took it as a cue to keep going. "Yeah, like I said. What's it like?" She looked up, speaking quietly, barely audible over the engine. "I was a military rifle, a servant of the crown bound to protect those whom I serve. It's what I was made for. To serve, I don't really know what to do with myself now." Katie patted her on the head, "Don't worry about that. I'm su-" Laura cut across Katie's spiel, green eyes flashing briefly in the sunset. "What am I supposed to do now? I'm obsolete, no purpose! No one to serve anymore! I did my duty, served my purpose and got cast aside when I failed! I sat in that damned place for years! I persisted where the others consigned to their fate! I'm worse then them! Persisting when I'm useless! Smash my bolt! Burn my furnishings!"

Hiya, L1A1fag here, debating namefagging but I don't see much point in it, hard to keep up with the massive pace of these threads. Holy shit guys, calm down. Keep going though, you guys are wonderful but yeah. Should be posting more over the next couple days, might get the story wrapped up. With a little poetry in between. I like poetry. Anyway, updates! Yay! I'm too tired and too sober for this
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One day. One day.
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it's okay if you don't namefag m8 just make sure to link your posts and everything will be fine

>glad to have you back m8
Keep going mang. I believe in you.
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Goddamn, it took me 3 hours to catch up on all the new stories. I haven't had much time to check the threads in the past couple threads.

As sad as this may sound, getting caught up and reading these stories is one of the highlights of my week.

Also, more Chris and Dave when?

I namefag when it's relevant (posting my writefagging). But if you don't want to, at least give a heads up.

Good to see you again, L1A1fag
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keep posting Sven, the MAG -Viking compels you!
She kind of disappeared, man. I heard she was dating some kebab that used to manage the shitty pizza joint she worked at, and that was two years ago. Anyway, I'm talking to a cute older girl that manages a pawnshop and carries a Sig Nightmare, so there's no real point.
>forget to turn name off when posting in another thread
>burst into spaghetti and shit myself
>run out of Gamestop and into traffic

Hop in that shit man.
And here I am going 3/3 for being stood up on a date. Fourth time's a charm?

pff, 10/10 dude, was it at least bolognese?
its understandable to not want to namefag, just put L1a1 or link it to previous. related note, is cap up to date?


Jack shit happens if its loli. The rhino stuff hasnt been touched on mine.
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Yup, up to date

>try again bragg
I think you'll appreciate pic related
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>not resigning yourselves to dying alone and unloved
God, it's like you lamewads want to have happy and fulfilling lives.
b-but you have me?
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come on m8 cheer up you have a weird, yet caring family

>yer not alone
Never forget your JTonee-chan
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you're right. I'm sorry.
Planning on it, LDR type thing so we gotta plan a meet up. It's complicated. If you get lonely here's the female attention/nudes cheat code.
>Meetme.com > either yourself or literally any white guy that doesn't look like total trailer trash as profile > set location to Manila, PH > message random girls (they WILL respond to you almost every time) > express any interest, mention your nice car or good job > if they ask if you're in the Philippines tell them you will be within a few weeks (they almost certainly won't be talking to you by then unless you actually care, in which case you should be honest about who you are from the start) > get their Skype/Kik/Snapchat > talk to them about literally any bullshit for around 10 minutes > ask if they will call/send a pic > continue bullshit > ask for a tummy pic > "Oh I'm fat haha" > "no you're not/prove it/I like thick girls so" > okay lol here, Makulit > another 10 minutes of bullshit > do you think I could see something? > what? > your boobs lol > haha okay baby ko > nudes

Seems complicated but is a thirty minute process to watching a cute little brown girl ream her ass with both ends of a toothbrush.

or I could just pull up any number of free porn sites and not have to go through the hassle of human interaction or pulling a fast one on them

I'm not knocking your methods, but it seems like a lot of work
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>tfw not being detained
You don't wan't to get married anyway.

Boys are fucking disgusting.
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Hey guys, have a cryptid hunting chihuahua to make up for my writing laziness. Gonna start on casefile 5 soon.
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>"there is going to be a report filed on this shit" Lindgren declared, talking about the exectued swedes
>"Dont worry about it, take it easy" Glad says to you whilst walking past
>youre standing by the dead swedes staring into the distance, at nothing
>"FLYGARE, HORISONTEN, TA SKYDD FÖR I HELVETE!" (fastmovers, horizont, take fucking cover!)
>everyone dives for cover but you keep standing there with anna in a slack grip at your waist
>Jussi grabs you by the harness and pulls you down
>"fucking snap out of it anon! youre a jägare!"
>atlast you wake up and realize what the fuck is happening
>you look at the planes with the sights on your rifle
"Red stars!" you proclaim to the rest of the guys
>they start firing rockets at the hind wreckage, destroying the hind and blowing all bodies to hell
>"Theyre removing the evidence those fucking fags!" Jussi exclaims with an anger
>the blasts are heard after the explosions, thanks to sound being slower than light
>where the fuck are air defense guys when you need them
>"thats noted, we have photos of the site before they blew it up" Lindgren tells you
>"we need to get a move on to Höjd Olof, lets go guys"
>we jump from hill to hill moving on behind enemy lines now, russian breaktrough reached kalixlinjen and is now halted
>us jägers are stuck here tough, doing our job
>you think toughts of home whilst marching to the next hill, your platoon has been split into three teams to make russian counter-SOF harder
>next mission will be to destroy a buk site word in the line spreads
>for now tough we are setting up, hopefully for the night so you can share a tent with Anna
>she hasnt had a good cleaning in a while you think to yourself

Is anon gonna have good time or will the eternal rus attack this position too?
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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of the signed copy.

>tfw left Ravenor back home when I moved out.

First and Only!

You got this!

>seems complicated but is a thirty minute process to watching a cute little brown girl ream her ass with both ends of a toothbrush.
Damn son, I like the way you operate.
fuck yes. Your shit is top tier, mang. One of the stories i like most in here
why would he be? Open carry is legal, buying & owning a gun as a green-carder is legal & I don't think there's a law forbidding guns with waffengeists either...
Careful dad's being overprotective again.
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>new casefiel, hyped
>your dog is cute m8

Way back in Games day 2011...? I can't remember. I've had these books for quite a while and they've been very well read. Haven't read Bloodpact of Salvations Reach. Need to pick them up sometime
As soon as I can start a local Church of the /k/ube, I'll marry /k/ommandos to their guns.

Starting with me. Fuck 3DPD.
Because standard protocol for being stopped by the police in America is to shout "AM I BEING DETAINED" over and over. It's considered polite.
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>Forgetting about Onee-san and Onii-chan
Sorry I'm late
he's a green-carder & isn't very familiar with the local culture, cut him some slack
okay, i'm heading out for the night. going out to hang out with my fa/tg/uy friends... aka my quota of IRL social interaction for the week.

at least they let me play a gunslinger... named Roland, because I have no imagination.
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Thank God, I look forward to reading it when I wake up.

Godspeed comrade.

Have some based Bill.
Have fun. Or don't. I'm not your dad.
Am I being detained?
You really do need to man. The feels in Salvation's reach are unreal.

Tfw you are travelling to the range and get pulled over, and your guns transform so you just have a car full of women.
I know that feel. Aspergers' is a hell of a drug
no, you are being ordered to stop moving by a Finnish sentry informing you that he's pointing a loaded weapon at you
Be back by ten, I'm ordering pizza.
>Tfw you are travelling to the range and get pulled over, and your guns transform so you just have a car full of women.
mfw the cop is on a power trip & demands to see everyone's state-issued IDs
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I guess this is fine then.
idk if i will keep writing tonight, im a bit tired so ill see you guys

pretty sure I don't have assburgers. All my IRL friends have just moved away. all of you are my normal social interaction for the day. well... "normal"


Can we get stuffed crust this time? Please??
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>Be commiefornia cop
>See Turbo autist /k/ommando armed to the teeth with assualt rifle 47s, extendo banana clipazines that fire 5,000,000,000 babby seeking explosive boolits
>Proceed a chase
>Pull /k/ommando over
>Walk up
>Instead of deadly hndheld wmds, he sees some milsurp crazed man surrounded by women
>Demand driver and everyone to show their licenses
>AM I BEING DETAINED!?!!?!?!!111!! (x30)
>Shut your mansplaining you fucking white male, cis-scum!
>Demands everyone to show ID
>All IDs are presented
>Butthurt cop gets scolded by anon n his gals
>Butthurt cops goes to the department flabbergasted
>Gets chewed out by sheriff
>/k/ommando's face when he gave all his geists ID from the DMV
Such is life in the waffengeist universe
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>pretty sure I don't have assburgers
Not saying you have it
Why would I not order the stuffed crust?

I'll even order those double-fudge brownies if you promise not to tell your mom.

I promise.
>45 minutes, a whole lotta air freshener, and a few manly tears later I emerged from the bathroom weak-kneed but victorious.

>"Fuck it" I say. "Time for a beer."

>I open the fridge and grab a Heineken. "It could be worse" I say to myself with a slight shrug

>I bang the cap off on the counter and prop up against a wall

>I bring up /k/ and start checking out the /akg/ thread to see if I can find some inspiration for my rifle.

>I begin shuffling slowly back to my gun room and as I walk through the doorway I hear a distinctly feminine sneeze.

>I look up and see a girl in her late teens or early twenties sitting on my table rubbing her nose in a sort of post-sneeze daze.

>She looks to be quite tall for a girl as well, pushing six feet. She's wearing what appears to be faded olive green pants and a plain white tank top and is sporting short dusty blonde hair with a very choppy looking haircut. And are those...cat ears?

>"Who the hell are you?" My sudden presence catching her completely off guard, causing a surprised squeek

>"чepт вoзьми you scared me. Do you have any food?"

>"I do, but I'd like to know who you are before I decide to share."

"Oh. Well I'm your rifle. It looks like you finally got all my parts together."

>"You can't be serious."

>"Oh but I am!" she gleefully says, instantly disappearing a small glow of light.

>My rifle balances upright for a mere second before falling off the table and clattering onto the floor.

>The rifle quickly begins to glow and in an instant reverts to human form.

Cont? Haven't been seeing many responses to these stories so far so I wouldn't mind putting a quick end to it if that's what you'd like.
Did anyone read that part of Down the Road, Over the River?
It's kind of my magnum opus. Pretty self conscious about it. I did make a pretty neat cover for it though but don't wanna self dox.
Don't you blue ball me.
Go on anon, I'm interested. This isn't a continuation of another story is it? I'm still a little behind.
Did anyone get that short story of the rifle watching over it's owner as he went through life?

It was incredibly sad and I want to feel again.
It's called "Viktoria". It's quite new so you're not too far behind.

Dont be black, youll be fine.
you might want to link to the previous post when you contine your story

keep going please. i hadn't commented before because it is a pretty personal story, but I would like to read more
Much like a certain hipoint carbine we all love, I have a black side that comes out when I listen to enough white rapper guy.

May a cop never deal with me while I'm living life in the fast lane.
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Oh damn, I didn't recognize it. I've read the other parts of the story and it didnt even click. I'm definitely liking the story so far.t

I've noticed with quite a few stories that the writer didn't link to the past post, I would recommend doing this, especially if the last post is in the same thread. It makes it a ton easier for retards like me to follow along.

Hate to harp as well, but linking make sit a bit easier for archiving. i can tell due to your writing style.
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Someone flicks the light on and off rapidly like the shutter of an old movie, and for a moment Jordan’s mind flutters between the light of consciousness and the black of sleep. Then he is awake, thrashing around in his covers as he searches for the switchblade under his pillow. A woman is standing in the doorway of his tiny rental, white-washed skin and French twist in stark contrast to the black office-krieg one-piece that begins like a sports bra and ends a miniskirt halfway down her muscular thighs. Restyled combat boots. Sunglasses. A silenced USP .45 and dragon tattoos all down her left arm.

This is 100% Yakuza Ninja 2.0: American Edition, which means one thing to Jordan. He puts the switchblade away and gets out of bed, then holds out his hand. The ninja chick whips out a piece of plastic with a bank logo on it and slaps it into his hand.

“It’s five hundred grand, if you’re up for it.”

Jordan is already shaving his bed-head black hair off with a set of barber clippers plugged into a dirty white power strip next to his milk-crate nightstand.

“I was up for this shit before your first tit job.”

The ninja chick looks down at the floor, which is covered in clothing and food wrappers.

“I hope for his sake that you’ve been taking much better care of your body than your room.”

“If you woke me up at… one fifteen in the morning, I think you don’t have time to be playing hitgirl-cum-housewife.”
>didn't include the song

Damn it, that's what I was trying to find.

Anyone remember it?
How long is the geist's hair, anon?
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“Suck my cunt,” she says, but before Jordan can consider the proposition she retreats to the hallway, whence she returns a minute later with two ogre-sized manservants carrying the EEG equipment and a big suitcase on wheels. In a matter of seconds the trio have pushed all the trash on the floor to one end of the room, located all of the electrical outlets, and extrapolated the contents of the suitcase into a rather complex-looking contraption involving what looks like a motorcycle helmet wired to a camping stove but is in fact the world’s smallest blackmarket fMRI device combo polycore number-crunching box and high-output microwave transceiver.

“Just don’t burn the house down,” Jordan says as he lights up a cigarette scrounged from the floor. He inhales most of it in a single drag and for a moment the room spins.

The ninja chick is starting to brief him on the situation.

“Right now Mr. Tatagarami is being attended to just like you. When we get the signal you’ll make the switch and start running immediately. He is currently located in the back of The Great Wall restaurant on 105 Street, and he’s surrounded by about one hundred members of a rival gang. Mr. Tatagarami’s bodyguards have been fighting a delaying action for now, but we need you in there as soon as possible.”

The ninja chick shows him a schematic of the restaurant and surrounding street on the screen of her smart phone, complete with the location and status of Mr. Tatagarami and his entourage, hunkered down in a store room. Several former bodyguards decorate the restaurant floor and register counter. Jordan takes a moment to soak all of this up, then looks up at the ninja chick.
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“Do I get any heat, any support?”

“If you know how to use a Benelli Auto or a Daewoo DR300, then yes and no respectively.”

“I’m going to fuck some people up.”

“All you have to do is get Mr. Tatagarami out of there and make it to the checkpoint on 3444 109 Street. Of course if you fail, the money will not be put in the account and Mr. Tatagarami will retain possession of your body for as long as he desires.”

“Done. Just let me earn my money.”

“Looks like you get your wish. Just got the signal. Put your head in here…”

The sound of bullets passing through wood is distinct and the first sound to pop into Jordan’s emerging consciousness, like the beat of a song all karaokied out. Then he’s there, dressed in a grey business suit and a cigar clenched in his mouth. Tastes like Cuban.

“Of course a gangster godfather would be out of shape and balding.”

One of the bodyguards, a thin Mexican in a pinstripe suit cradling his Benelli in his legs and reloading it shell by shell with his one un-bloodied arm, turns in surprise toward Jordan.

“What!? Uh, don’t worry Mr. Tatagarami, we gonna get you outta here.”

“Mr. Tatagarami is already outta here,” Jordan says, removing the headset from his new head and giving it to the attendant who had been operating it a few moments before. “Now it’s just a crazy pasty motherfucker who’s been waiting his whole life to collect on this alternative to school and the Cubicle Putrefaction Process. Sooner I get this done the sooner I get my money and my body back, so we’re cooking with wasabe now. Gimme that gun. Watch out.”

Then he springs up, shotgun in hand. And for the brief moment it takes Jordan’s cloud of micro-sabots to escape the explosion behind them and lodge themselves in the various fleshy terminuses predestined them, these hapless ballistic decelerators realize that their mark isn’t anymore.
>hapless ballistic decelerators
Oбeзьянa-Fisted cepбoв нa oднoкoлecнoм вeлocипeдe thats funny
I think I know what you're trying to say. As far as I know, in English you just say that's slinging the rifle. If there's any fancy term I don't know it.
New story? you binning this? if not, what title you want.
Part 2:

>As the dinnertime approaches your team leader calls for you and the rest of the team:
>"Look there, could that be our relief?" he asks as he points to an approaching vehicle, a Pasi APC.
>"If it is, it means the chair force has finally come to take charge of the highway base, which means we will be moving out tomorrow morning at latest, and with the start of the war if we move out tonight it'll be a nerve-wrecking drive with minimal lighting to where ever we'll be sent next" you say.
>The Pasi pulls off the highway and drives directly to where you parked the Defender & a man who appears to be the leader jumps out & starts running towards you. He salutes your team leader as he gets to him and informs him that we are relieved, it turns out he's a sergeant, your team leader decides to go by the book & call this in, and a couple minutes later he comes back & hands over the duty of guarding the bridge to the sergeant.
>You get back to the Defender & as you start driving towards the base you make a suggestion:
>"Aren't you guys tired of listening to the air defence channel? With the air force taking charge here it's highly unlikely that even a fly could get through the air defence net without us literally hearing about it with our own ears" you say, and the others agree.
>"Open the glove box, do you guys like Sabaton? What, never heard of it? that CD you are holding, put it in the player, yes, that one" you say to your team leader as he digs through the glove box, picks up a CD & inserts it into the player, a few seconds later the tunes of the Swedish version of "A Lifetime of War" start playing. Each one of you understands at least some of it & everyone agrees it's an appropriate song.
>As you arrive to the highway base the airman at the end of what'll soon be a runway gestures you to drive off the road and stop. You follow his gestures & he runs to your window.
>"Stay put, we have fighters about to land here any minute now" he says.
I was about to begin casefile 5 but then we hit bump limit

So, I'm taking suggestions for what you want to see since it's only marginally an idea right now
The thread is young at page 5. Go for it

comfy feels and fighting cryptids
maybe a weaker cryptid that doesn't almost kill both of them?
The Flatwoods Monster always freaked me out a bit, but so do disney-ish mascots.
I actually think your protag is a pretty cool guys, eh has flaws and is scared of some things. Just light banter, not meaning anything by it, m8r.

>tfw love Galil-chan
>tfw want to cuck McNiggerator
>tfw shameless airshitter
>tfw imagining one of the COUNTLESS mentally challenged guys I know that play getting smoked during a time of war
>tfw RK-62 gives me an erection almost as big as a jailbait 1911

Good feels my dude.

The Beast of Bray Road
the Hodag
the Enfield Monster
Skinwalker or a werewolf.

Or if you want ghosts or paranormal shit, an abandoned insane asylum like Central State here in Georgia.

>Much like a certain hipoint carbine we all love


I promise to pick it back up once I get caught up with research and classwork. Will probably also rewrite what I have posted and pre-written.
Okay browning hi power smutt is done. Any takers or should I wait?
>As soon as he finishes saying that you hear the distinct sound of approaching jets. You expect to see Hornets landing to refuel & are absolutely stunned when you see the first jet, a much smaller, single-engine fighter with delta wings and canards, landing on the runway, you pinch yourself as you see more of the same following suit.
>As the first one turns off the runway to a paved loop leading back to the other end of the runway you get the final confirmation for your initial suspicion:
>"Three crowns in a circle, what the fuck is Swedish Air force doing here?" you ask.
>"I'm no lawyer, but apparently this is part of the recently signed & ratified defence co-operation agreement" the airman responds.
>"Fucking awesome", is all you are able to say at the moment. Your mind wanders back to "Livstid i Krig", as the song you listened to enroute back here is called in Swedish just as "Carolus Rex" starts playing.
>The airman, a Finland-Swede as you already figured out from his accent, listens to the lyrics for a moment, obviously recognizing the song, and smiles as he asks:
>"Did you secretly pick that song as you saw the Gripens?"
>"No, it's honestly a coincidence, but it *does* fit the occasion, don't you think?" you reply as the last Gripen taxis off the runway to join the queue waiting to be refueled.
>Scratch that, they aren't just being refueled, they are being armed with weapons that *don't* look like anything FiAF has in its' inventory.
>".where did those weapons come from?" you ask, already guessing what the answer is going to be.
>"That's classified, as far as we are concerned the Gripens were already armed when they landed", the airman replies. So the Swedes sent their weapons here beforehand just in case.
>"What ever bad things I have ever said about the Swedish defence forces, I take it all back" you say as you watch the Gripens being armed.
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they investigate reports of a large wild cat stalking a neighborhood and killing anything smaller than it

they investigate and find out it's just a very large escaped housecat
Wasn't there a /k/ommando that owned a mountain lion?

post in fresh bread
alright I guess if Polybus doesn't archive this in time I'll just repost it in the next thread


The day had been a lazy one so far, with the duo simply lounging around and relaxing. There really wasn't much else to do, anyway.

They were sitting together on the couch. Chris was lying on her back lengthwise, her laptop resting on her knees, and her head resting in Dave's lap. He was somewhat sprawled on one end, halfheartedly watching the talking heads on the news.

"Hmm, this one might be interesting," she said, filtering through e-mails.

"Got another case for us?"


"Well, don't leave me in suspense, tell me about it."

"How do you feel about skinwalkers?"

"Fucking hell, you're serious?"

"Yup. Apparently our exploits have attracted the attention of a construction company over in Utah. They've contacted us with a description of something lurking in the woods, mimicking voices and spooking the fuck out of all their workers. The workers are actually refusing to return to their sites until the creature's taken care of."

"Fucking sweet. Maybe this'll be what launches us into the limelight? We could get famous."

"I doubt we'd get much media coverage. Specifically because the company has asked for the utmost discretion."

"Oh. Well, can we settle for internet famous?"

"Yeah, I can settle for that." She smiled up at him.

"Cool. When do you wanna set off?" he asked, looking down at her.

"Maybe later. Or tomorrow," she said, stretching out a bit while keeping her head in his lap.

"First thing tomorrow, then," he said. He smirked and patted her head.
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you mean this?
>She groans in pain, but doesn't move. Her clothes are ruffled up exposing the small of her back and the base of what looks like a tiger's tail tucked into her pants.

>Great. Nothing better than a rifle with shedding issues

>"Good job. You alright?"

>"Just leave me here to die"

>"It wasn't that bad of a fall. Come on, let me help you up" I say as I grab her by the right arm, half flipping her over and pulling her up and looking her in her pale blue eyes.

>The sudden eye contact catches her off guard and she quickly looks down and to the side, her face getting even redder.

>"You have a name?" I ask as I brush the dust off her shoulder

>"You really don't remember?" She says, looking at me like a puppy whose master had just kicked it

>She sighs and lifts up the right side of her plain white tank top and exposes what looks like a small tattoo on the underside of her right breast.


>"I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you when I did that? I didn't know you were actually...alive."

>"No, it wasn't so bad. It would take a lot more than that to cause me any real pain while I'm in my rifle form. Besides, I'm a LMG. I can take it." She said with a sly grin

>"I hate to shit on your parade, but you know you don't have an auto sear any more, right?"

>"O-oh. Okay..."

>She hangs her head and begins to walk to the bathroom. Slowly but surely makes her way in and closes the door behind her.
Mah triple nigga

I ought to buy a hipoint since I'm from Ohio. Gotta represent. Also I think theyre pretty in their own huge blocky way.

>then she headbutts him in the nuts

it's expected at this point

you made the LMG sad
you go get her an autosear right now
and headpats
Original Original Poster here

will bake fresh bread upon page 9 like last time

post suggestions for thread image and edition name

thanks poly for keeping up
>tfw love Galil-chan
>tfw want to cuck McNiggerator
Better get to it, Sadmin's already a step ahead
Any progress with foal loli Mustang chan?
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I love mine, she's fun to just plink with. Sadly, though, I don't go as often as I'd like. Indoor range on campus is nice but I don't like indoor ranges in general, and the one outdoor range I frequented is now enforcing their "pistols only" rule for the dirt berm next to the shotgun course.

Oh, and not blocky for long.


Bullpup Hi-Point soon, stalker.
How long is her hair?
looks like something happened & my last few posts didn't include the handle I chose for myself, hopefully it stays in the name field from now on...
Nice, for one they make something that doesn't look unasthetic. No Offence, Holmes
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here is the sticky updated i'm making a 'bin of /k/omandos vs Wild newest casefile will post in new thread.

>pic related for next version

>but since i need to take care of some bussnes it might take at least 2 hour for me to return

>if i missed a storie or a part writefags yell at me in the next trhead
I meant a pistol but the bullpup does funny things to me in funny places.
>When you fuck up so badly that they make a small scale representation model
btw, in case you don't know the songs mentinoned:
En Livstid i Krig

Carolus Rex:
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Hey man, everyone's got their own preferences. All chill, yo.

>buy Sam bullpup conversion kit
>Suddenly she's got a booty
>mfw she can actually twerk now
>mfw I'm suddenly no longer opposed to her dancing to heavy bass and shitty rap

And the pistols actually ain't all that bad. Shot a C9 for the first time a few weeks ago and it was actually enjoyable. Fun little range toy just to dick around with
First part is shaping up nicely. Maybe post it by Monday.
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Am sadmin.
Can confirm.

>She looks to be quite tall for a girl as well, pushing six feet. She's wearing what appears to be faded olive green pants and a plain white tank top and is sporting short dusty blonde hair with a very choppy looking haircut. And are those...cat ears?

Nice, can't wait for the update
We good holmes.
>tfw you will never slap Tavor's buttstock
>Not cumming in her chamber
Literally one job.
My friend's hipoint seems to always jam on him, but I've never had any failures on it.

I think I need one. I've even considered machining a slide out of proper steel instead of a zinc alloy.
>Galil with a stamped receiver
>Galil is supposed to have an Rk 62 -style receiver
>Rk 62 has a milled receiver
Lemme give you two words my fellow elf:
Nigga i did that, and i did it big.
Damnit sadmin, I cant get rid of you
wait, while the grooves above the magazine well that are typical for a milled AK are absent, there are no other signs of the pic related haing a stamped receiver

am confus
I didn't see that one :^(

it was a National Guard motoboner
It's milled.

Only the reciever's Century. I've changed up a lot of things about it since I took this picture a few months ago.

My page may have gotten deleted and I may or may not be postblocked for several more days but I SHALL REMAIN
mebe so
But i never joinded them
Thats aight
You may know who i am from the backup already
sshhhh is secret
>It's milled.
yeah I noticed it lacks rivets after I posted that, still original Galils had grooves milled above the magazine well (as the first Galils used Rk 62 -receivers which *all* have those grooves), therefore they should all have those.
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Gotta know how to hold em and treat em. Be a gentleman to the girl on the corner and she'll treat you right.
Mebe i actually just felt bad for the weekend warriors and how they never do nuffin so i at least let them do something fictionally
Forgot to turn name back on, fick mir
>>>31758659 (You)
>Only the reciever's Century. I've changed up a lot of things about it since I took this picture a few months ago.
I know, most of the stuff were from surplus parts kit by IWI. I'm still looking for prebanned Action Arms Receivers or the Mossberg Galil Sporter Receiver.
I work with machine spirits all day. I kniw how to treat them right.

Except brown and sharpes. They get the wrench.
[Spoilerspls]mir means "to me". You're thinking of mich.[/spoilerspls]
>Not two seconds after closing the door I hear her begin to cough before starting to violently fumble with the lock

>I briskly make myway over to the door and just as I walk in front of it, the door is flung open and a panicked, gasping cat-gun-girl flies out, tackling me to the ground and landing on top of me

>She gets on all fours leaning over me, panting. With hate in her eyes and venom on her tongue she clearly says

>"What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do. In. That. Room."

>I say almost stuttering "I-I...you see, I made this chili last night and I uh-"

>She cuts me off. "You do it again and I'll break your arms. It smells like you tried to cremate your pet skunk in a cooking oven and tried to cover the smell with shitty flowers. You're going to make this up to me".

>"Wanna go get some food?"

>Her whole demeanor changes in an instant, going from nightmarish to adorable.

>"дa. That will do." She says, dropping down onto me and snuggling into the side of my neck "That will do."

>"Well, what do you say finish getting you put back together?"

>She looks at me confused.

>"Hold on a second" I say, pushing her off the top of me

>She grunts as she ungraciously flops onto the ground next to where I was laying before turning her head to gaze into my general direction

>I come back dangling her stock in my hand.

>When she realizes what I'm holding she goes wide eyed and turns red as a beet.


Considering I just had a test over that in my German class yesterday, I am ashamed. But there's a reason I'm barely scraping by in there.

Do want more
How many years do you have in German? Took four years and did pretty well in it, now all I can remember is how to put a bunch of long scary words together to scare normies.
In German 4, which is the final foreign language class I need to graduate. My uni requires history majors to take a foreign language up to the 4th level.
Shet. I should try to get back into school, but I need more guns.
Hey man, same. I'm graduatin in December and already got a damn good job lined up, so hella guns in the next year.
Already seeing stuff on the local news about gunstores picking up in business, and a fee online sellers have raised prices. Brace for the blowout, fellow STALKER.
Whatchu working as, holmes?
I read it, and liked it anon.

Lil sad for my taste, but it was good.
Browsing right now to order some more stuff. Torn between more mags or ammo. Though I'm also debating getting some actual gear for a decent enough rig.
Got a job with Edward Jones to be a financial advisor, yo. Some hella fine bills to be made.
I think gear will always be available, mags may inflate, but ammo WILL dry up around election day.

Luckily I'm an idiot who doesn't shoot much other than bolt guns and I have plenty stocked up for that. It'll hold me off until the shortages end.

Pray the God Emperor of Mankind pulls through though. I don't think I could take having prices jump every month when the queen bitch has her period and rants about guns on national TV.
Shit, you'll be handling my 401k. Please don't fail me.
Prob gonna grab a few more mags and ammo, then.

Haha, I got you, /k/ommrade. I won't touch it myself unless you move your account to me personally. So if you track me down and request a transfer, then yes, I will handle your 401k
Well, good luck. I'm gonna go ahead and write up a quick start to a new story for the new thread before I shit the hay.
this story is done as-is. It's called "stuntmind"
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