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Patch Thread: Did You Earn The Right To Wear That Anime Patch?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 335
Thread images: 116

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Trade, buy, sell, ogle, then around the 250-300 post mark we get weird!

Look here at the list of stores http://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD

Last thread >>31718816


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Got these today, thank you ^~^
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Public acts of Awoo is a federal offence.
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>Awoo Task Force
>tfw Genetically Engineered Catgirls finally got back in stock

i'll be the envy of the gun range
Might get the Deplorables patches tomorrow
That's a pretty shit rifle senpai. I'll take it off of your hands for $100.

Which site? I'd buy one.
>manages posts

Oh wow it's not just having fun, is all about being a business

>doxxes the guy

You're a real piece of shit
>gib moni

Trying to design patch ideas in PaintXP is suffering. Does anyone have PS or Illustrator torrent?
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Give me 75 and I'll ship it to you

Thanks brah.
How about $50 and half a hot pocket if you overnight it?
ill give you 80 and a lewd drawing of your waifu on 18"x24" paper
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We need more Korbo patches
$42.069 and a tostito pizza roll and I'll same day shipping

You're gonna have to do better then that m8 this guy drives a hard bargain
37 dollars and 46 cents, 2 onion rings, and you come drop it off
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Want a gunsmith cats patch for $5 shipped in the continental US? Email me at [email protected]
I want to make something, but it needs to be good, so I've held off on some of my ideas
$30.06, a generic brand bottle of mustard and I get to cuddle you when I get there

$25.71 and you can take the train.
Careful you don't get doxxed
>oh wait

WGW confirmed for shitbags

I'll take it off your hands for a firm handshake and lunch from the catering table
You give me $50 and the FAL and pay for your own ticket and I'll hold your hand for one minute.
prostitution is illegal
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Not if there isn't any penetration.
>>doxxes the guy

What now?
check the last thread
guy got a fuck ton of Gunsmith Cats patches from WGW for designing it and he tried to undercut them to get rid of them, so they doxxed him

That's just dirty as fuck. But then again what did WGW think was going to happen giving one person that many patches?
>reasons to never buy from them

This, their shit CS, and their awful designs. What else?
jewish prices
That too.
WGW has shit policies and shit ideals
Mark Sual is just a cocksucker who doesn't give a fuck about anyone else but himself

I don't like their patches either man, and after this I can't imagine buying anything from them anyways.
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Use gimp
>The skull on a purple square patch oriented like a diamond

Fund it
What about 50 bucks, 100 tendies, and 30 minutes worth of headpats?

I'll see you tomorrow.
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So I was going to put another keychain into the works, but I want to wait until I have the FAL ones to be sure of quality

What do you guys want for the next one?
I was thinking Elle, FNC, or G3

I'm hoping for a decent chibi artist in the future to make a Sako, AK, and Galil one as well
Maybe even SVD if they sell well enough

I would like to put multiples in at a time so people don't get stuck paying $3 shipping for each one
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>FNC, or G3
yissss G3 please
14 and 16

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Seconding >>31748522

Why not do grab bags? Put say 3-5 key chains in each bag randomly.

Or instead sell them based on their group; IE one bag could be 16+Sig+FNC+Elle and another could be FAL+G3+14. There would be all kinds of different ways to organize them as well. And I would personally love an SVD key chain.
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As do I friend
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>making her dress like a slut

I'm gonna (hopefully) talk to artist friend about copying chibi art style for other characters. What's your offer to her if she can get it done? Or do you wanna wait to see how demand is?
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She gives me wood.
I like the grab bag idea, not just for Keychain but if any shop has certain patch designs that aren't selling I'd buy a discounted mystery pack of patches too.
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I'm getting the first fal.
>Feels good man
Could have should have would have.
I'm gonna fug her.
>i put a skeleton stock on mine and big handguards
>thong and big anime tiddies
>not having slim handguards
>not having DFC: the gun

I didn't realize I was surrounded by fucking plebs.
Living the dream
>left to right
You dishonor your entire family.
>making her shave to fit in tighter panties
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thats the ak74 im building
Leave me alone, dad
Out of all of those, the american trio are my top wants.

Out of the ones you mentioned, probably G3 > FNC > Junk
Oh yeah.

Does anyone know when/if 2hu will get more catgirl patches?
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she's embarrassed when you make her wear it
need to know demand
I can't go giving a huge chunk of change regardless, but definitely need to know if there is even demand for it
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>Patches come in
>Make request
>Say not to put it on the box because
>Living with religious people
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>My actual faces right now
Just say its the Federal Unemployment Tax Act
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What's the original from?
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I plan to do groups like that
The unfortunate part is I cant afford to have them all done at once
These are considerably more expensive than patches

I plan on holding at least half of each so that I can open them all up at once
The other half would be sold as they come in

I really don't need it

>I'm getting the first fal.


>not forcing your raifu to wear revealing clothes and watching her blush



fukken saved

no idea
I have the ^ mouth ones in though
>but I think you already have that one
>implying DFC can'd do that
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Fucking hell

some lewd picture book, I honestly forget what the title of the original is. If I come across it, I'll post it.
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I've got like three.

If these key chains really are that expensive I would just take limited preorders and then order as many as I needed to fill those.
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Don't worry anon, dying on the inside only hurts the first time.
they're not prohibitively expensive, but they aren't the same

I see.
>not panda

What kind of amateur hour is this?
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>AR18 getting absolutely no love

A-am I the only one who likes her?
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>no AUG at all

It's like you don't like them a little unhinged.
>realized I only have 5 Mac Tonights left

Shit shit shit
y u do dis
if I got a decent artist and the demand was there, I'd do as many as people wanted
I wanted to buy one but I was already spending so much on the witches and your god damned drawing
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>eru not winning

Fuck but I know someone who also really wants that. It's supposed to have 2 votes
For keychain stuff ask cgl in the artist alley threads
vote on your phone and it'll count as a second
>swear to god if you multivote I'll impale you
Stuff from skinwalker and neetguy came in. Neet your label is indeed very pretty.
>rigging a vote

Okay HIllary.
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>voting for Drumpf
>not based Johnson
>voting for johnson
>voting for hillary
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>inb4 27 votes for best thicc chicc

I'm not rigging it I'm just Correcting The Record :^
>VP hates guns
>doesn't know what Aleppo is
>thinks Obama and Hillary are good people and wonderful statesmen
>voting for a loser instead of putting Trump up another vote in order to beat Hillary

CTR get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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it could be Crusader Chan
Too bad the cunt won't just get his shit in gear
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Revised version r8 and see gow this can improve.
Accidentally posted earlier one.
But the pope is a faggot. I just want to kill muslims.
too much detail
What flag and slogan then?
Only the flag or the character?
the symbol in the background
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I don't know nigga. Like I said, I just want dead muzzies.
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Thanks anon, I didn't realize there were dedicated threads for people vending at comic/anime cons.
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Better? What should be the text?
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Where do you guys get your patches made? I'd like to do a run of these.

Reddit airshit.
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>Et vade in occursum Dei tui frustra
blind box for maximum kike

That's the idea hombre.
INB4 WGW announces blind bag patch sale
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>deus vault
>not church hunters

I'd feel really shitty if I gave those guys ideas.
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>Am currently working on something similar to LootCrate

careful, you'll get doxxed
i took it at 2am, forgive me

The difference here is that I actually like the other patch store's designs, WGW just have shitty patches.


Step to me bitch nigga.
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duuude, you gotta crop or use the whole canvas, pretty please with sugar on top
I'm in the motion of getting it restocked, so soon.
Meanwhile restock ordered on more Madsen as well.

Sorry for not being inactive for the past few threads, life aint getting easier and trying to get patches and drawings out as soon as I can
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fuck might have to buy two extra panels at this point...

>I can stop whenever I want to!
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>not being inactive
Thanks, Judas.
Learned how to do it just for you bb :^)
U kno wut i mean
>Guns & roses patch
Would buy
bless you
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Yeah I was more making a joke. And there will be a lot more than just patches in the Bundles being worked on.

Between this and Violent Little Machine Shop I'm going to have trouble deciding what big box o' shit I want to order next month.
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If I remove the duplicates it doesn't seem like a lot...
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randomly thought of this

>dont make fun I know its shitty I made it on my phone with my fingers

> I know its all misaligned
okay nigger give me a source..
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Cowboy Bebop patches would make me so happy...

Also this one.
no man fuck that currently I am, drunk and need that souce
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So do you guys actually wear these patches or do you just collect them?
follow the backlinks retard
thank god I am too drunk to realise that
thank you anon
i put some on my jacket, not the super weeb ones but the cryptozoology, gallian flag, and seishou
every thread
I wear them on my tank
>dat Wagnaria patch
maximum jelly
Follow your heart man, VLMS has some pretty cool stuff and I wouldn't hold anything against you for not ordering from me regardless of the reason.

Someone is working on that, I forget who.

>I will have a tank for NuggetFest before I die
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I just ordered from you earlier today. I'm gonna go with the violence box.


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>get orders from foreign countries
>get fucked address I don't know how to format
>email them
>don't hear anything for a week

Twice now
So I'm trying to clean out my basement and I have totes and totes of tactical gear (as any red blooded American should) most of it is trash but some of it is good stuff.

Anyway, I'm probably going to put a flea market section on my site until I can get rid of it. Before I do that though here is an imgur album with all that junk so you guys can have first pick if you want something.


If you see something just go to my website and get my email off the commission section and we'll hammer it out.

Sorry bro, my gangly ass won't fit in any of those clothes. You play airsoft back in the day?

Yeah. I was really into it for years but than I got a soul crushing full time job that doesn't give me weekends off so I ended up gaining weight and losing all motivation to do anything anymore except shoot real guns like once a month.

My fondest memory was Operation BlackSheep. That shit was crazy. It 24hrs on a MOUT facility the US Rangers used.

Pic related. It's even on topic. Patches.
This is me from Blacksheep.

Fuck I want to get back into it now. Oh well, if I sell this stuff I'm going to use the money to buy Gochi-Gear like HSGI and LBT stuff (primarily for shooting real gats) but I can just use it for airsoft too so maybe I will one day.

If I ever get a weekend off ever again.


shit what kinda price is that flashlight gonna fetch

>that is if it is functional

No shit. College did the same exact thing to my Airsoft game, used to have a group of about ten guys who would all go together and form our own team back in high school. I'd love to get back into it myself but I never took it anywhere near that seriously, and I'm already spending my money on real guns. The thing that really keeps me from wanting to get back into it isn't so much the money as it is the crowd though, I never liked the try hards back in Wisconsin, and I can't imagine Minnesota is any better. Where did you used to play?

What the old school one? Email me. I shouldn't be shitting up the patch thread with this stuff.

I just got a little nostalgic there for a second.
Sounds good man, and thanks.

Same. Our team was like twenty dudes but we all got jobs and girl friends. Now like all my income go into panic buying guns and magazines before the next democrat gets elected or Emperor Cuomo gets another term.

I played primarily in the Hudson Valley, NY. I traveled upstate and around Northern PA but that was it.

The crowd is what turns me off too. I still tried to take weekends off every month to get out and play but I went to an OP and the refs were all being pricks and the try-hard operators kept yelling at the little kids and I was like "This isn't really fun" and that was that.
Not soon enough
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answer your

Damn shame, tactical gear really ruins airsoft because you can never feel the hits. And what is it about airsoft that attracts prick refs anyways? We had that at my field too.
*answer your email
control yourself uncle
If you made an AUG I'd buy one for every key I have. So like, 8.
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>Thinking third party will ever accomplish anything.
Would've loved to try out the sport, though friends who game on the island and upstate have said how toxic the fields have become. Youtube videos coming from these fields also weren't convincing either. They've more or less converted to real steel and Nerf Wars rather than deal with the toxicity.
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It really is a blast and I feel like it gets a bad name on /k/ and it's kind of unfair they send them to /toy/ who send them back to /k/ who send them back again. I kinda get it considering you have some real try-hards but it really was some of the best fun I've had.

Living in NY makes it hard for me to enjoy shooting real gats because half the cool-guy stuff is illegal and there aren't really cool ranges with steel and tactical courses like in the free states.

Concerning actual operating airsoft was as tactical as it ever got in my life.

I kinda want to sell like - ALL - of my airsoft stuff (even the stuff I keep set aside incase I ever get the itch again) and start from scratch. I really just want to buy all gochi-gear and make my airsoft guns 1:1 replicas of my real gats and just go around operating like that but with BB's

At least until they repeal the SafeAct..

> pic related
Who has the Sora No Woto patches? Is it Skinwalker?
it was fun when i played long ago, i used a DMR

si amigo, should be in soon
Dope! The hype is real.
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I don't know if you all are into these sorts but if you are interested:

if your order hasnt shipped its because youre getting a big[er] package and i need to mail it while the post office is open (nightshift desu). or because im confirming your shipping address, check your email (that means you korea-anon).

so whats new in the past month? any new designs drop?
Oh and by the way, using the code NOTASELLOUT at checkout will get you 20% off. Well, it will for the first 50 people to use it
>iron on backing
I personally wanted velcro backs but way more people want iron-on. I could put together a small velcro batch once I can afford it
would buy jiisuri senpai
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Got my petches. Good drawing m8.

>gib CZ
Gib moni
I'm completely convinced canada post stole my fucking 2hu patches.
>Church Militia Vatican City
>not Christian Kommando Force
I'm not dead, honest. I'm working on this.
short or long hair
all kinds of neat stuff
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that's supposed to be Ruby and Weiss if you didn't know the characters

Gib CZ

I'm doing these at some point


Wow everyone's not dead
I thought you and OPSEC disappeared
They looked familiar. I like RWBY. Also,

>Gib CZ
U gib moni I gib CZ
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oh and whats your supar sekrit patch

no u gib CZ
>Third party """"""Libertarian""""""
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How much do you want for all the Marpat stuff?
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no you fucking cunt its mine
I'm just waiting for money cause I want other stuff
>>WHERE CAN I FIND [Patch]??
>Look here at the list of stores http://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD

>Remove the papal insignia (but keep the gold + white)
>borders should be black, not that yellow tint
>different slogan, something with Chris, Legion, or Crusaders;
"Legion Christus" + Denomination or Rank
Mods said these threads are totally fine as long as its on topic a long time ago

Do you really think you're not allowed to post the website you bought X gun from?
Who the fuck wants iron on?
So just wondering here but would anyone have a good idea for a patch that the Republic Commandos from the star wars game/book would wear? I came up with a real basic design a while ago but I'm not the most creative guy. Just wondering if any anons would be on board the idea and improve on it.
I'm game
Vode An.
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So here's what my friend came up for me. I know it's shit and pretty basic, hoping for maybe another anon to expand on the idea.
words are about 10 points too small
What about one of those "awareness ribbons" with Sev's helmet color patter and "Sev" on it?
Seconding this.
It was my bud who made it in photoshop, I just kinda sat on the side not knowing anything about designing and just said "yeah I guess that would be cool"
You should see /cgl/, half their threads are linking to each other's Etsy or Ebay.
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Any patch want to make this one?
How many times does it have to be posted that I might make it?
Every day.
until you like it
I like that, I'll see if my friend can toy around with the idea
>Did You Earn The Right To Wear That Anime Patch?

Nope. I actually lost my virginity before I turned 18 so I'm not eligible.
I certainly like it
If we could fix the Delta Squad or maybe even remove it completely it would look better
Probably make the ribbons bigger as well
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That was an excellent rip on everyone
Well done
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Ill have you know that I have fapped to every hentai in existence.
Sounds like a good idea, I already talked to my friend about it and he says he's cool if someone else wants to work with it, we came up with this a few months ago and he's kinda just lost interest in working on it. So if anyone wants to expand on it you're welcome to.
Great. I bought something from you on the 18th. Any chance of getting the discount retroactively applied?
Was there ever a reproduction of the "Get fucked by psyops" or whatever patches?
It had a skull on it.
>dont have photshit
>no way to edit that in paint


All I want to do is increase ribbon size and remove Delta Squad

Or potentially replace Republic Commando with Delta Squad
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>Republic commando
>Literally my favorite game ever
Y-yes please
I'll try to find a way fix up on some of those things. My friend and I are currently on opposite schedules but I'll try to see if he wants to go back and help fix some things. I think he'd really like the one anons idea of the sev awareness ribbon and try that.
Could i have your initials? I'm happy to find your email in the order and work something out!
Like the entirety of the Instagram/fashion patch scene, which is the most significant and profitable demographic to target

Cosplayers. Yes seriously.

Also I have an old USAAF patch that I want to display with the rest of my patches, the problem is that it's a sew on patch. I'm debating as to whether or not I want to sew velcro onto the back of it in order to put it up with my other patches, or if I should find another way.
>people like the "Sev Awareness" idea
I think it's a great idea
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It's subtle enough that you could get away with wearing it every day.
If you have the .pst file I'll make a disposable email
pffff short obviously
do you know how many times I played that ship level man?

>TFW disney and me may not get anymore dark star wars games again
The ship level is the reason I like dead space so much, really scratched that itch of spook sci-fi happenings. Fuck, I miss that game, I'll have to play it again now.
NB. Possibly NCB if I used my full name for some reason.
Bigcartel's servers are wetting the bed right now so as soon as it's back in working order I'll contact you and we can work something out!
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That looks like shit.
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Did anyone ever make a Death Wears Bunny Slippers patch? I'd love one.

If no one has and people want them I would possibly have some made.
Sorry if I double replied to anyone's email, Russian Gmail is weird.
Does anyone have those pics of the RWBY patches? I was thinking of maybe doing a small run of them.

Here's a picture of some buttons with character emblems on them.
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RWBY buttons 2.jpg
9KB, 225x225px

And here's some more buttons that might make good patches. Sorry I can't find better quality pictures. Most of the actual patches I'm finding look like shit.
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RWBY buttons.jpg
9KB, 225x225px

And I forgot the picture like a retard.
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85KB, 916x872px
I was actually thinking something like this
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Defensor Fortis.png
311KB, 1239x1750px

That'd be cool. I'd jump for a Weiss patch.
Have you ever diddled your self to an anime?
Made a poll to see if it's even worth making.
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You can't just ask someone if they slap their bass to anime ass

I think I have a couple of the pics lying around
Scratch that, apparently that's the only one I have saved.

Which is odd, I could have sworn I had more stored somewhere.

Do you not?
Now I never said that. There's nothing wrong with a little bit of drawn booty.

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RWBY Neo.png
1MB, 1280x1192px

somebody's still in SF tech school
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you hurt me senpai.png
516KB, 720x806px
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2MB, 3264x2448px
Shackleford came through. He just apparently takes a really long time to ship.
Isn't it supposed to be red?
He offers a tan version.


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I bet there'll be some goo oral hygiene.

A hur a hur a hur
Thanks! :D

So I posted on the last thread that I'm restocking right?
It's to get the goo out afterwards.

I think so. What's getting restocked this time around?
Sako, CHNA, NATO, National Parks
>envelopes finally come in today
>can finally get to shipping stuff out
>now to just get the shipping info written
>go to check shopify
>can't access it
>well that's funny
>try on a different browser
>find news article
>find out shopify's getting DDoS'd
>shopify getting dos'd
>WGW uses Shopify
Who the fuck did this?
Its a mystery
Don't you know? Half the internet was DOS'd last night,
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36KB, 600x332px
News to me
Define "half"
File: yell.gif (730KB, 391x400px)
730KB, 391x400px
>mailman comes today
>still no 2hu patch
>still no SWSC patch
>1 month and 4 days still no US intercept for magazines

USPS pls
If I get enough votes saying they will buy RWBY patches, I will probably make them. But do to the the circumstances of my living, sending out patches would take a long time using regular post. Like, a really long time. I could do priority mail and it would take as long as priority mail back in the states but it would cost more. Would people be willing to pay for priority mail just to get the patches in a timely manner?
RWBY a shit
File: IMG_5482.png (83KB, 600x600px) Image search: [Google]
83KB, 600x600px
Shopify DDoS?

I use Shopify.

[Worry Intensifies]
Well shit.
The warhawks in the Gov are saying it was russia. I don't believe them.

Why am I not surprised that a shitstorm was caused over that?
Right because redit is crucial to national security.
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203KB, 900x1000px

"Russia" strikes again.
cheek breek?

Yeah who! Plz stahp
Ur a shit

They'd never want to admit that civillians are better at the whole "interwebz" thing than they are.
Is the ddos still occuring?
I'm getting no problem with accessing shopify

[skynet intensifies]
its happening
Anyone have angry awoo~ face?

If there's going to be that much of a hassle for it, I'm not going to buy
Why would it take that long to put a letter in the mail
Not him, but I tried watching RWBY and the fact it was CG killed it for me.
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3MB, 1551x1764px
Better pics soon
tfw no mirai kuriyama subtle patch
its Miku Miku Dance
It's the gook version of Source Film Maker

I'm so excited!
Because USPS is slow af in here. It took me forever to get my package form Cracker. If it's priority, Then it only takes a few days.
Shit's ugly, he should have done it in the Rhodie colors like the first mock up
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14KB, 236x314px
it took that long from Cracker because he's in Canada, retard
I'm Canada too, retard. Do you think don't know how to read a fucking return address?
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1MB, 3128x2208px
I finally got it. And $2 well spent.

Also I've had two orders off Shopify so far and I have no idea how because it's completely down for me so I can't even view them I just got the notifications.
imgur that uncensored shit, famalam

She got all of one episode of screentime and it was a battle
She has no personality or at least enough time spent on screen to show it
Go figure no one cares
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Who am I supposed to throw money at to get a NROL Pepe patch?
Ya, the United Syrup Postal Service. What aren't you understanding?

Unionized Syrup Parcel Service you damn southerner.
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1MB, 1836x3264px
It came thanks dude.
It's cooled down on my end now, but it was out for a while.

More like Union Syrup Postal Strike.
>He offers a tan version.
Noice, need to get myself both variants when the fecker restocks.
>I'm starting to miss 2hu in these threads

Alright guys the fucking patch threads are getting too comfy, I'm starting to appreciate tripfags now.

Fuck man you know what I like this idea. I would buy one of these. The one thing this really needs is some green though I think cuz Nam. But that's a good start.

I wear those "tactical" caps from Rothco with the loop velcro on the front quite often around. I also just bought a Milspec Monkey toque with a big patch field on the front cuz Canada. I wear all sorts of stuff as long as it fits on the patch field, as long as it isn't lewd, I don't really have any shame. When I go innawoods as long as it's warm enough I wear one of those shirts with big patch fields on the arms that you put under plate carriers, and I put whatever I feel like on there. It might be autistic but I don't really give a fuck.

Damn WoodPatch is that you? I have an Insurgent loadout as my main, airsoft in Saskatchewan is pretty great, I just have to drive three fucking hours to a field. That being said as a /k/ poster I completely agree airshit really isn't something to discuss here so I won't, and I sadly have to say that if you go to /asg/ on /asp/ you'll get a really clear picture as to why we don't want them here, it's a shitposting fest and whining.
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1MB, 3456x2304px

Got my Rhodie patch too!
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489KB, 1620x1080px
Maybe tonight if I can fix some stuff

Hell yeah, I'm all over these patches.
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no promises tho
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Ain't nothing wrong with a comfy thread
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Made this in time for friday my dudes.
The Depolables patch is up if anyone wants one.
Damn straight, I was just joking about that, I really appreciate all the hard work you guys do, and the creativity of many of the Anons in this thread.

Keep up the good work everyone, you fill my days with funny and neat ideas. That I can wear on my forehead.
>chestnut batter someday

I dig it
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477KB, 652x1016px
which was your store again? I've gotten a little out of the loop recently.

I'm doing several different colors.

It wasn't Rhodie colors in the first mockup, it was OD green. I did a run of Rhodie/South Africa brown first since it would match NE's stuff that was supposed to be out by now a bit better.

Glad to see people are getting them quickly. I've been extremely busy lately and it took me almost two weeks to finally be able to ship.
>that was supposed to be out by now

End of November at the earliest
Thread posts: 335
Thread images: 116

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