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Middle East Thread "trouble in jihadi paradise EDITION"

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Thread replies: 312
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Speaking at a briefing in Washington, the Pentagon press secretary, Peter Cook, said that can not yet answer the question of what purpose the Russian military was sent to Syria anti-aircraft missile S-300 system. According to him, Moscow initially called its purpose the fight against extremism, but neither "Islamic state" nor the Syrian branch of "Al-Qaeda" (both organizations banned in Russia) do not have the planes, against which it would be possible to use air defenses, according to Washington Post.

The question is whether the S-300 threat to US pilots involved in the anti-terrorist coalition operations, Cooke said that it depends on how the Russian military are going to use anti-aircraft missile system.

a Pentagon spokesman said that the US will continue to ensure the safety of their soldiers who have the right to self-defense.
Hope Russia tries to use the S-300 so it can get blown up and have a good laugh about all the boasts that it's a doomsday weapon.
I hope Moscow sends a 150kt to your doorstep once the subsequent nuclear exchange begins.
t. underage giggling chucklefuck

> but neither "Islamic state" nor the Syrian branch of "Al-Qaeda" (both organizations banned in Russia) do not have the planes, against which it would be possible to use air defenses, according to Washington Post.

Neither al qaeda nor isis have anything that would make the use of F-22 relevant either, yet the US does use them.

daily reminder we could win this war in a week by using ww2 tech if we really wanted to.

Everyone have interrests in making the fight last as long as possible and that's why this war won't stop. It feeds itself on syria like a cancer feeds itself on a body.
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"It's time for a new strategy," - McCain proposes to create a "heightened threat" to Russian aircraft in Syria.
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>please stand by we are experiencing technical difficulties

Shith getting nuth in Thyria.
Boots on the ground when?
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As if Fab-3000 were not big enough.
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>Everyone have interrests in making the fight last as long as possible and that's why this war won't stop. It feeds itself on syria like a cancer feeds itself on a body.
This seems to be the case, but is not. There are many reasons for the war lasting so long, the first and foremost is that all the ground forces currently involved are too depleted and are a bunch of incompetents.

Also, the notion that one of the two major powers involved would waste money and resources in a truly dedicated "boots on the ground" campaign to help their respective sides, now, is naive.

The news for this morning, aside from what 5 Stars already reported in the last thread, about the Rebels now attacking the SAA in the western side of Northern Hama, is that Rebels and TAF are making advances southwest of Al Rai.

Supposedly, ISIS have sent reinforcements to Dabiq, and are also claiming that they have recaptured Turkmen Bareh, directly east of Dabiq, some minute ago.

Old thread:
me too i dont wana survive the exchange
God...They want full scale war with Russia...I pray every day to Trump win's.
They wanted a war against assad and failed to do so, even with libtard/islamic nigger in charge.
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>Top Washington officials are set to discuss striking positions of the Syrian military without a UN Security Council resolution. Bombing air force runways with missiles fired from coalition planes and ships is being considered, according to a report.

Nice, i like it
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Russia just deployed missile defenses to Syria that can stop 'any' US cruise missiles in preparation for WW3

What happened to the kuznetsov, did it even leave port?
>When you think Regan is still in charge.

But props to McCain. The only consistent US politician.
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Some updates to bump the thread
Suqour al jabal, a US and Qatar backed FSA group said it was defecting to al nusra. Figures.

SAA and friends sent reinforcements to deir ezzor. Mother fuckers fresh out of training camp in Damascus..kinda rough for a first deployment.

SAA and Ivan still rolling hot and heavy in Aleppo. Still bombing it to kingdom come, and in north Aleppo liwa al quds advanced some, not enough for me to post a map though, and lost 8 fighters. It seems to be slow going in the south but some progress was made there as well.

And as you mentioned Ru, the jihadi party in Hama ha changed direction and they are attacking above mardah for reasons I'm not sure of
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Oh and here are picutures of that swift the houthis wrecked
Probably stuck on a temporal warp where he is always on the way to Syrian waters.
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The gulf states are calling it a war crime kek. While they bomb civilians on deliberately every day. Only news out of Yemen i saw is that another famine is starting
>SAA and friends sent reinforcements to deir ezzor. Mother fuckers fresh out of training camp in Damascus..kinda rough for a first deployment.

Actually its probably the best place to send them.
Leadership there is somewhat competent, troops have experience and there isn't fierce fighting all the time so they can learn.

Better than sending them right into the city fighting in aleppo.
What kind of ship is this? A civilian ferry?
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No my friend it's an hsv2 swift and it was a UAE naval vessel
Thanks. Not a war crime then, just butthurt arabs.
The design is from a civilian ferry, and the US Navy wanted to see if it could be used for a military purpose. Realizing that was stupid we basically gave it to the UAE.
But there is fierce fighting there everyday it's just the SAA tend to win. Idk about getting sent somewhere where the NDF militias have to fight over supplies sometimes. I do agree the leadership there is competent though.

Deir ezzor is still general zeheraddines show is it not?
But essentially yes it was a civilian designed/built fast ferry with no real military gear bar maybe upgraded coms and a few machineguns strapped on.
Who or what it was carrying at the time is up for endless shitposting of course, naturally the UAE say it was carrying aid and wounded Yemeni's and I'm sure the Houthi's will say it was carrying military gear, not a fat lot left to exactly go and check now either way.
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>kurds bashing AR

I wonder how bmany white helmet were burnt.
if only i could understand cheese kurd
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Daqib is getting surrounded
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>UAE officials say there weren't any casualties in this incident
Its like something out of a sitcom
Middle East is just one big real-life sitcom, honestly. One that ran way too long, arguably.
So, thier prophecy isn't panning out. How much ass pain are we going to see from ISIS?
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>mfw all this WW3 brinksmanship bullshit is because Kerry is mad he can't get his way so he thinks he needs the """""threat""""" of force to back up his words
>mfw the Russians are already calling his bluff
>mfw John "hurr durr" Kerry and Ayatollah Obama are on track to embarrass the United States AGAIN
>All for some shitty patch of sand we don't even want

please god let this semen-slurping administration end already PLEASE
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>gulf arabs
Pretty confident the right side of the map is wrong.

Where the fuck are the kurds?
Israeli Pilot died after ejecting from F16 while flying mission over Gaza.

It was after a mission to strike a missile launch site


The Turkish/Rebels halted their westbound advance once the Turks decided to get involved in the war directly. The Kurds never even got to reach that area when the Turks begun rolling over the border

Pic related, most of the Kurdish forces were near Manjib when the Turks attacked, which is far away from Daqib
Pretty far in reality. Their nearest position on the right side, in the map at least, would be Sheikh Nasir, that is more or less some 20km away from Mezre Ela.
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forgot pic
Here's an updated info/map on rebel/Turkish operations in northern Aleppo
It must be the weird perspective.

Dabiq is further north than I thought.

Also, the Turk/FSA is taking a long time against a severely weak ISIS force in the north.
Oh and one more update:troops from the 104th Republican Guard Airborne brigade has landed in Deir Ezzor after entering the SAA held districts in the city via helicopter. This comes as SAA units prepare for an ISIL offensive agaisnt the city, specifically it is believed that they will target the airport as well as the industrial district of the city.
Its a lot of land and they clearly want to clear out the area thoroughly.
How long until ISIS is kill?

Once the US-sponsored head-cutters are defeated, it's a matter of weeks. With Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Russia working together, they can be hunted down like a wildlife pest situation in the open desert.
Why even bother. If the US fires tomahawks they are going to fire no less than a 100 at a time. Look at Libya. They even if they were able to hit most of the cruise missiles they would exhaust all of their S-300 and S-400 missiles. They probably don't even have more than a few dozen ready to go at one time. They will have hardly anything left for the follow up airstrikes or second wave.

This. Things are about to heat up real fast.
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Another massacre ongoing in Occupied Gaza

After resistance fighters supposedly launched a "rocket" into Israel, Israeli aircraft struck 5 targets in 2 separate waves. This was a typical disproportionate response to the rocket incident several weeks ago, where due to 1 measly bottle rocket Israel struck over 20 targets.

This type of bullying is the policy of the new Israeli defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, a bigoted Russian who btw is a Trump supporter and has only nice things to say about Putin
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Putin's gov actually condemned the rocket fire but was silent on the Israeli strikes in retaliation to it

Just to show you what a good goy he is.
>russians will literally unite the bitter enemies of the western world and turn their fire toward the scourge of islam in a neo-crusade.

What a time to be alive.

Kitchen, heat, etc. etc.
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Fuck the Pallies and fuck anybody who sympathizes with the stupid inbred motherfuckers.
>top: based men
>bottom: niggers and jews

>fire rickets at Israel
>whine about them hitting you back

How warped must your mind be to support these idiots. Just don't fucking attack in the first place.
And lol at the proportional responce. Somehow i have never heard this word in relation to juhadists in Syria nor Iraq.
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>Gaming Equality activist
>Feminist Frequency founder
>British Social Justice activist
>BLM activist
>fucking Mandela

Did you try to cram as much cancer as physically possible in the bottom list?
Get baited nerd scrub :^)
Years ago the US and friends could have just bombed Assad's air bases and aircraft (and nothing else), so then they would have been like, "we is saving the peaceful civilians from Assad's rain of terror bombs!"

Then they would have looked like the good humanitarian guys
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>El Tata
Huevation intensifies
This. In a war like this it's basically learn out in the field as you go.
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>but neither "Islamic state" nor the Syrian branch of "Al-Qaeda" (both organizations banned in Russia) do not have the planes, against which it would be possible to use air defenses, according to Washington Post

soo to get it straight.. fucking americunt goverment demands from Russia to strip their air-defense because some fucking piece of jew shit working in Washington Post thinks he knows more about threat for russian forces in Syria that russians themselves?

top keking Erdogan and Isral smiling.jpg.

You have to be 18 to post on this board, familia.
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>You have
Israel was actually the largest arms supplier to the Pinochet regime until Reagan came along.

They were also key arms suppliers to apartheid SA, Rhodesia, Stroessner Paraguay, and even believe it or not even Franco's Spain.

Basically the Jews have armed all of /k/'s favorite regime.
Israel doesn't really care about S-300's in Syria unless Putin lets Assad use them independently.

Putin and Netanyahu have met each other a whopping six times in 2016, working out a deal wherein Israel is unmolested when it strikes Hezbollah assets over Syria while Israel doesn't interfere with Russian strikes in Syria either. It's how they avoided an incident like with Turkey and the Su-24 shootdown.

The Israeli defense ministry's (which handles foreign affairs with Russia oddly enough, not the foreign ministry) response to the S-300 in Syria was simply that "we oppose weapons transfers to terrorist organizations and continue to support the Russian effort against terrorism in Syria".
Not by themselves. We relied on them whenever we could not be seen direcly supporting somebody controversial.
Not always. Carter opposed Israel arming Pinochet, and several US administrations were against Israeli arms deals with South Africa, UNITA, Burma, Katanga, and Rhodesia.

Israel provided Russia with drones for them to base their own designs off of a few years back, I can't imagine the US liked that either.

Generally the key is if Israel is providing US-made arms to a state it's Washington by proxy, if not then it's more complicated.
Noam Chomsky is based as fuck faggot.
It's more like someone dumped a bunch of jews in your kitchen and you realize your oven is broken. And then the jews kill your family and take your land.
Learn to deep state.
>Israel provided Russia with drones for them to base their own designs off of a few years back, I can't imagine the US liked that either.

Undoubtedly our Greatest Ally, can someone please remind me why we support this "state"?
Interesting video of the Army Glory rebel group using one of those 57mm helicopter rocket pods as ground arty.


First time I've seen this in Syria in a while
In linguistics sure, in everything he else is a faggot.
It was during Obama's "reset button" period when everyone mocked Romney for saying Russia was still a US enemy. They were just going along with what everyone was saying at the time.

During the same period France and Italy sold them shit too.
Mostly they probably don't care since the Russians won't fire on them, and the Syrians are too incompetent to use the S-300s effectively even if they wanted to.
because nobody gives a shit about butthurt stormfags when theres money to be made
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Because pretty much everyone else in the region hates you guys or is a two faced allied.
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Found a clean version of this one.
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As a side note: tomorrow, or already today, depending of your timezone, marks the 43 years of the Yom Kippur War, or October War as is more known by the arabs.

The highest military achievement made by arab nations during the 20th century, and probably the greatest moment of glory for Egypt and Syria against Israel, that lasted only the few initial days of the war, until the Israeli forces turned the tables.

But nonetheless the arabs showed great efficiency in the opening moves; Egypt planning and preparation to cross the suez are true examples of a dedicated military planning, and in the Syrian side, what they lacked in cleverness, they compensate fighting tooth's and nails with the Israelis at the golans.
>implying the threat of ISIS will end after their territory is conquered
Wow, it's like they operated unimpeded as a guerrilla force for 10 years or something
>muh Vietnam
Nigga hasn't read a newspaper in 40 years senpai
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>butthurt stormfags


Not even in that; it turns out that some of his key theories aren't even correct.
And if not for the USSR, Israel would have been shelling Cairo in another day or two.

How were arabs able to slaughter and pillage their way to Tours and Vienna in the distant past? What changed?
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You realize the line under the combatant column means they were involved in the battle against one side but didn't strike the other, right?

Learn2read templates sand nigger. There's no reliable evidence of Israeli support, but go ahead and post your Iranian "sources" anyway.
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>tfw Israel has demoralized the Arabs to the point where they congratulate themselves on "well, at least we did well initially"
Syrian fire went into Israeli territory, which resulted in Israel retaliating against SAA positions as it views the Assad regime as responsible for what goes on in Syrian territory.

Nobody cares about your conspiracy theories

>some stupid idiot five doors down launches a rocket
>your house gets bombed in response
>somehow fair

yeah okay
I don't think he was baited into that argument, just off-put by the bait's composition.
>Neither al qaeda nor isis have anything that would make the use of F-22 relevant either, yet the US does use them.

The F-22 dropped bombs, you can't fire an S-300 at ground targets.
It's hard to say, but it's something that started a long time ago, and it's been nothing but a decline for them. Looking back, you'll even notice this inflexible complacency dating all the way back to the Greeks and the Persians.
Is there an up-to-date animated map for the whole war anywhere?
If ISIS loses Dabiq in some anticlimactic fight with Rebels, it will be a major blow to their apocalypse propaganda

Expect a decent number of defections

Sure if fucking JIDF in here
Can Russian air defenses shoot down 100 tomahawks if they try that? Since they were dumb enough to announce they would target runways it will be easy to decide where to position anti air equipment. S400 and S300 will target the initial ones while pantsir tunguska and fighters try to get ones that get through?
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Map of SAA progress into Ouwiji near Handarat yesterday. 1st coastal video of T-55 tank shelling on al-Tafahiyah hill yesterday repelling a SAA attack there. The claim was dozens of SAA were killed and wounded and I was wondering what could have caused those casualties. I wonder no more. This is a good video showing why tank fire is so devastating. The troops being firing on had no choice but leave or die.


Lastly the a rebel attack in western Hama was repelled by the NDF/SAA yesterday too.
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>4chan pass users now have a juden star on their posts

What the fuck is Hiro doing.
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That's false.
Often Israel supplied parties which the US was officially opposing, the easiest examples are Rhodesia and Serbia.
Israeli arms dealers were arming the Serbs while the Americans were bombing them, you can see for yourself how your argument cannot be correct.

More obscure examples are
Israel armed Portugal against national liberation movements in Mozambique, Angola and Guinea-Bissau.
Israel funded and trained the military repression of anti-colonial
uprisings and/or dictatorship in the Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, Benin, Cameroon, Senegal, Togo, Uganda, Nigeria, and Somalia

In effect, as France submitted in the 60's, in the 70's Israel became only second to Portugal in resisting the US policy of decolonization of Africa.

There are various other examples, but these are probably some of the more major one's.

>somehow fair

>War is fair.
You sound like an SJW whining about civiis getting killed in Aleppo.

>Can Russian air defenses shoot down 100 tomahawks if they try that?
No operatonal history means we don't know whether they could shoot down 1.
But in the case they are able to shoot down tomahawks 100 coming in at the same time would saturate Russian air defenses anyway.
That's without accounting for various ways the US could [maybe] deal with Russian AA systems. From targeting them directly to EW.
I fucked up, last bit was in reply to >>31576749
Unironically implementing 4chan Gold Accountsâ„¢.
Subtly changing the site one small thing at a time. He obviously has no personal interests in the site, to him it's more like an asset or resource to make money off. Wouldn't be a bad idea to have a plan of what websites you can relocate to when he starts shitting up this place further.
it happens every now and then
wtf I love Isreal now.

Seriously, on the bottom list it is literally

>terrorist/massive racist (just google the tire attacks)
>three fairly reasonable people
>4 "literally who"s

Meanwhile, up top
>1 bad guy
>1 other bad guy (Pinochet)
>no other really bad guys.

If you are gonna make a case against Isreal, there are far better ways to do it.
The US is subsidizing the existence of Israel, they need to make money somehow. And if Israel selling equipment to foreign states equals a similar transaction of equipment from the US to Israel everyone benefits.

>Often Israel supplied parties which the US was officially opposing, the easiest examples are Rhodesia and Serbia.
>Israeli arms dealers were arming the Serbs while the Americans were bombing them, you can see for yourself how your argument cannot be correct.
Selling weapons to both sides is very profitable, therefore it can be correct.

Life isn't fair, retard.
>If you are gonna make a case against Isreal, there are far better ways to do it.

No shit.

It's just bait. Don't get too worked up over it.
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23 killed with 16 of them militants
>Selling weapons to both sides is very profitable, therefore it can be correct.
What kind of profit do you think selling small arms makes? Do you think risking the US strategical goals is woth the price of some mortar shells and AK-47's?

>And if Israel selling equipment to foreign states equals a similar transaction of equipment from the US to Israel everyone benefits.
Wrong again, Israel was selling off the massive amounts of Soviet gear gained via war spoil, not American equipment. bar rare occasions.

If you actually had the slightest of clues you would have realized US made equipment was only beginning to reach the IDF in the 70's. No way would the Israelis weaken their own military, which was short on western equipment after the devastation of the 73 war, send off said equipment to a third party instead of using it themselves.

My advise to you, instead of spending your time making up ludicrous conspiracy theories, spend some time learning the first thing about the topic at hand.

Oh and...
>they need to make money somehow.
That would be the re-opening of the Suez canal (Another US strategical concept comes to mind - freedom of the seas), forcing the USSR retreat from the ME and so on. Results caused by the same US-Egyptian-Israeli agreement that also secured the US mil-aid to Israel.
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>Can Russian air defenses shoot down 100 tomahawks if they try that?
if both russian air defense and 100 tomahawks existed in the vacuum - then yes. thing is, the u.s. can't even risk deploying destroyers with this amount of firepower anywhere near the levantine sea, since that would put u.s. naval assets within the range of russian cruise missiles and strategic aviation, exposed to immediate retaliation from russian mainland. it isn't until you look at the map when you realize how horrifically the usn and usaf would be outmatched, outgunned and outranged in conventional war over syria
What? There is a carrier battle group right off the Syrian coast. They sent 2 destroyers south after the HSV-2 swift incident, but there are a metric shit ton of cruise missles parked right off the Syrian coast.
One SSGN can fire 154 tomahawks. Or would they risk a few F-22 and B2s and try to drop JDAM on runways? It's possible they might already have some sort UCAV similar to the RQ-170 but with bombs in small numbers.
But who was legs
I'm not sure if this is purposefully ironic, or you're incredibly stupid
>take your land.
>Kick jews out
>They gain strength
>Someone tries to rape them
>They get pissed the fuck off
>Take back what's theirs
>stealing land
Why don't more countries have Hydra pods on their vehicles ? It's quite small, and seems like a good idea.
Sure thing bro. It's totally not because they are ineffective when they try to fight Isis, totally not like they've had a shit record against them in the past. Not like they needed Turkish help to take back al rai or anything
Won't last long enough for sustained combat
Define can't because I've seen Libyans launch just about everything at ground targets
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You forgot to add:
>destroying Europe
>attempting to destroy the world
>'Oy vey, we truly are God's chosen people! We want to carpet bomb everyone but ourselves!'
>greedy, beady eyes intensify
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It's like another Nakba!
>The US is subsidizing the existence of Israel, they need to make money somehow.

Subsidizing by providing them 1% of their GDP?

Weak desu
Those Yank Generals need to stop watching GI Joe, they actually believe that they are them.
I feel like I'm the only one who has literally zero problem with Russia.

The Soviet Union is gone, fuck the middle east, Russians are generally nice people and don't immigrate en masse to my country.

Why are we threatening to "beat them harder than they have ever been beaten before"
>implying anyone can beat them harder than Finland in 1940
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>they actually think Russia wouldn't get fucking steamrolled

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>Russia get fucking steamrolled
10 years ago, I'd agree with you.
5 years ago, I'd be angry at you.
Today, all I can do is chuckle listening to this pathetic chest-thumping bravado.
>The Soviet Union is gone, fuck the middle east, Russians are generally nice people and don't immigrate en masse to my country.


Their government are criminals and corrupt assholes though but so are many others too. I don't see why they should be threatened as if they are the big bad evil communist union they were in the past.

The only way they can push the US shit in, amirite? :^)
left is inbred, middle is fat, right has dat chin A E S T H E T I C, operator tier
Where is the air support? Fucking arabs...
You mean the CBG literally doing nothing to Russia in Syria? If putin/obama decided to go we ww3 nao then the Russians would start firing at the Carrier group.
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Say what you will about the rebels, but they do know how to use tanks much better than the SAA + allies
>Russians are generally nice people

They were literally celebrating on the streets when 9/11 happened and hate the West/the US probably more than the most fanatical muzzie, so I'd think again if I were you.
Go on, tell me more about what we did back then and who I'm hating, now I'm genuinely interested.
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>They were literally celebrating on the streets when 9/11

I was like 15 when that happened and thought it was great.. deal with it burger.

t german
>and hate the West/the US probably more than the most fanatical muzzie
I fucking went to Russia, food was mediocre, architecture was great, and everyone I asked about America said they didn't agree with all of our foreign policy but overall thought there should be greater cooperation between the two countries.

In contrast, the ungrateful goatfuckers in my town getting an education straight up tell me they hate America and all it's people. Savages won't even give cigarette/light.
>it's a M*ndic thread
Hahahaha let me guess, you are voting for trump.
What do you guys think are the top 5 (or more) most important offensives/battles in the whole Syrian war so far?
Shut up fritz you stupid faggot. Don't you have some Jews to be apologizing to or some Muslim cock you should be slurping?
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Recent news that Johnny Reb and friends have taken Akhtarin from ISIS, not without some effort. Add to this, Aziziyah and Barih, from yesterday. Heres a video of Rebels in Barih:

tiger forces being the exceptions
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Also, pro SAA sources are claiming good gains in the Bustan al Pasha district, inside Aleppo; something around 30% to 40% of the district. This includes the Sports Centre, Housing institution and Science School. If you are wondering where is Bustal al Pasha, is where the Kurdish Sheick Maqsud, Rebel Aleppo and Goverment Aleppo meet eachother.

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whats ur take on the whole 'SAA losing hama and advancing in Aleppo scenario?' I honestly cant see the rebels reaching hama, though i can see the SAA tightening the noose on Aleppo.
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dat recoil rocking the suspension
Turkey was not nuked.

Seems pretty desperate.

This only shows the Russians are winning and their strategy is working. Washington has no real options any more and they will simply be forced to leave Syria altogether.

The costs of striking Assad or Russian troops are too damn high, this is ensured by the deployment of sophisticated radars and SAMs, knowledge of the locations of between 2,500-5000 US service men, exact locations where MV-22 tilt-rotors are stationed in Syria and hitting US personnel in Eastern Europe.

I don't know if the US is ready to accept thousands of dead service men in a few hours, but the language out of Washington has never been so belligerent, not even in the Cold War.

This fucking shillbot pops into these threads every time with this garbage tactic,
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>SAA losing hama
The SAA is simply trying to hold the fort at Hama, so they can get over with the majority (not all) of Aleppo as quick as possible with the biggest amount of troops as possible, so they can begin the crackdown on Idlib province and/or go north and divert troops to retake Hama.
>hitting us personelle in eastern europe

Is a huge esculation and will lead to russian assets being hit in western russia.

Furthermore, the US knows the exact location of russian assets as well, so if it gets hot in syria it will be very tit for tat.

That would essentially be a strategic nuclear exchange.

That's why they are moving more assets into Syria to make the costs for the US too high and keep the conflict localized.

The Russians are at a huge disadvantage in terms of numbers, so they have to make American calculations extremely costly, if they decide to attack.

Wiping out US command centers, MV-22 and SOF helicopter bases and taking out a few USN vessels seems to be what they are aiming for at this time.

We are closer now to a strategic exchange than we were in 1962 IMO.

Thanks Obama, Hillary.
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My line of thinking goes somewhat with this anon >>31578814

I dont see the Rebels taking a city as big as Hama anytime soon. Compared with the SAA taking back districts inside of Aleppo, the loss of the Northern Hama villages seems minor, even if it is not; as they form the chain of defensive positions that keep the rebels away.

In contrast, the SAA taking the majority or all of Aleppo back could send a message to the whole country, and abroad, that the days of the Rebellion are over. Now, I also dont see the SAA and pals taking all the rest of rebel held Aleppo anytime soon, either. Just showing the difference in the type of gains, or at least my personal view of them.

So, it's probable that what may happen in Hama is what we already seen so many times: Rebels quickly take many positions from the SAA/NDF, and then the SAA/NDF is forced to gradually and slowly, really, really slowly, work their way back to their former positions. This, or the SAA/NDF will take too much time to retake what their lost, to the point of the region "cooling down" for some time, until the Rebels suddenly use it as jump board to launch yet another quick mini campaign, taking a good deal of positions, and putting the SAA in a complicated position, again.
>afraid to send S-400 because they know it'll get rekt the same as an S-300
>send the S-300 so that when it inevitably gets steamrolled by western tech as per the historical precedent, they can just use the muh monkey model defense
S-400 is already there for a long time, protecting the airbase, though, your argument is invalid.
where is the proof?
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Jesus, it's been there for over a year and photos of it has passed through here a plenty.

Do some looking through the archives.
>Wiping out US command centers, MV-22 and SOF helicopter bases and taking out a few USN vessels seems to be what they are aiming for at this time.

Except russia knows it will cost their assets in the same theator due to curent comventional overmatch.

>b...but russia will say "WE WILL NUKE YOU LOL"

Then doctrinally the us response will be "do it faggot" while strikeing russian targets.

Why? Well, if you let a nuclear armed nation dictate conventional responses by basically saying "we can touch you, but you cant touch us", then conventional forces are largely irrevent at that point and you might as well go for a decapitation strike before it gets worse.

Russia wont nuke the us over assets in syria any more than the us will nuke russia over assets in syria, and both sides know it.

>...but you dont know!

If the US truly thinks russia will attack the us with nuclear assets over a syria, the proper logical reponse is to first strike russia.
It was the Turks who got to Vienna
Also, it was the moors that got to Tours, not the arabs.
S300-400s are protected by mid and point defence systems like Buk and Pantsir S1...I seriously doubt many Tomahawks would go through.

Not to mention at the sight of the first Tomahawks popping up on radar, rounds of russian cruise missiles will fly towards the US ships. If I had to bet, I'd bet on the multi layered russian land based SAMs....not to mention the fact that S3-400s can pack up in 5 minutes and clear out. That's their whole point, shoot and scoot.
All it takes is one tomahawk to take down a SAM site. The USA can just flood an airspace with cruise missiles, remove the SAMs and operate 4th gen jets freely.
>I seriously doubt many Tomahawks would go through.

There are a metric fuckton of tomahawks to go around. Hell, one ohio can overwhlem any SAM site in the world, alone. Over 100 tomahawks completely overwhelms any IADN when launchers only have 3-4 missiles.
100 Tomahawks at the same time? In your dreams, baby. I wonder how many Burkes and Ticons you can mass in the Mediterranean, close enough to Syria without anyone noticing?

All of you seem to think that the red are just gonna sit there and try to defend against Tommys. No, once they see the saturation, they'll pack up and relocate. The S3-400 vehicles change position in 5 minutes and there...after the first 10-15 Tomahawks land, all the rest will be flying towards empty ground.
An ohio has well over 100 tomahawks on board.

Furthermore, the S-300 is not the target, the airbase is.
I've been just checking out some info. Tommy's fly at 890 km/h, subsonic, which means the US ships will probably launch them from a safe distance away, outside of the range of ANY russian or syrian cruise missiles. And this is where it all falls apart for the saturation. If you launch from that far, then you give time to the reds to pack up and gtfo of there. And they don't even need to fire a single S300-400 missile, they just change position.

What do you reckon, from how far would your Subs launch their on Tommys if they were ordered to destroy the SAMs?

>one ohio can overwhlem any SAM site in the world, alone.

Yeah, if it could launch all 24 or so Tommys at the same time. How fast CAN it launch them? 4-5 in a minute?
A massive Tomahawk strike would be accompanied with large quantities of MALD-Js as well as real ALCMs and HARMs, and then JSOW and SDB as long-range capabilities are degraded.

You realize Ohio SSGNs alone can carry over 150 Tomahawks right?
>You realize Ohio SSGNs alone can carry over 150 Tomahawks right?

154 according to wiki...but I'm still waiting for an answer to HOW fast it can launch them. How many Tommys a minute?

>arge quantities of MALD-Js as well as real ALCMs and HARMs

Probably, but you REALLY think this would go unnoticed? The russians have been preparing JUST for this, that's why their SAMs are mobile with rapid response. Can you reprogram your ALCMs and HARMs once they are in the air?

What options do you have if the S300s move before your missiles land? Can they be reprogramed midflight to 'sniff out the targets?'
If the SAMs are running away they're not exactly protecting the air fields are they?
>How many Tommys a minute?

Being that its launched from sealed tubes, as much as you can spit out without danger of in flight strikes.

For VLS is one per 16 cell cluster.
1. Have two radars
2. First radar moves 500m.
3. Second radar moves 500m.
4. Done.
The S-300 system is not the target of tomahawks, the airbase/whatever is.

A packed and running IADN is one that is effectively mission killed.
No, but if you exhaust a large amount of LACMs to destroy air fields you won't have much for the SAMs themselves, which would have to be tackled by aircraft and suffer serious losses.

It's not the russian planes US is afraid of...there are what? 20-30 Russian planes there max? Most are ground attack planes, only the Su34s are a serious threat.
It's the SAMs that make them shit their pants.

How long does it take to repair craters in a runway?
Then the 4 cell launcher stll gets overwhelmed by the 100~ missiles.

Hell, the launcher and its 8 reloads (and that reload takes time)
Latest HARM variants are designed to be used against mobile radars, let's see how well those SAMs work when they're forced to keep their radars off
Without considering other components like the Pantsir - yes. And it is not like there is a single 4 cell launcher there, you know.
Oh dear God, you still don't understand my question. I meant HOW MANY TOMMYs can an Ohio launch in a minute? Safely and efficiently?

It says on wiki that Ohios have 22 tubes for Tommys with 6 in each tube. But you can't expect me to believe that it can fire 22 tubes at the same time. How long would it take to empty ALL 22 tubes completely?
The us has a metric fuckton of cruise missiles. From tomahawks to ALCMs, there is a ton.

The assets, people, infrastructure, are all worth more than the sams.

Generally, crusie missiles are not used on such systems, but can be. Wild weasles do the SEAD missions.

However, if somebody got a wild hair and decided to use tomahawks, the two way datalink would mean that they could follow the mobile assets, assumeing they had targeting data.
>Russia sends nuclear ICBMs to assad
>threatens nuclear holocaust if the US does so
The Pantsirs are there to take care of HARMs...not to mention the russian jammers that are at least as good as anything the US has in EW.

Besides, HARMs won't exactly fly rounds like a patrol, will they?
You dont understand my response.

For the ohio, the answer is "2 secret for u", hence why i added in the nominal VLS launch rate.

Its entirely pointless though, there are not enough reloads to take even half down assumeing one missile per vampire which is NOT doctrine (2)

>more than one launcher.

Doctrinally its 3. Still no where near enough.
>Besides, HARMs won't exactly fly rounds like a patrol, will they?

AARGM can.
>Wild weasles do the SEAD missions

10 bucks say no Wild Weasels will be sent in first to disable the SAMs while they are still operational...no, they will send the Tommys in first.
Either the SAM is radiating in which case it's a target, or it's not radiating in which case it can't protect anything so what's the point?

And yes, they can adjust and find targets. HARMs have terminal active radar homing as well as home on jam, Tomahawks can loiter and beam images back and be adjusted mid-flight, JSOW has a terminal infrared imaging seeker and link-16 datalink for mid-flight guidance as does JASSM, and SDB-II has active radar homing. MALD-Js would degrade Russian radar performance while also forcing them to either fire on them and waste missiles, or allow them to get close and risk real missiles leaking through.
>Can you reprogram your ALCMs and HARMs once they are in the air?

Of course. You think some slav will be able to pack up a S-400 system and haul it out of there with sat tracking it's movement and the tomahawk/HARM targeting not following?
>"2 secret for u"
Come on, you must have an estimate! There's gotta be some regulation on how many missiles can be safely launched in 1 minute or 5 or whatever.

When I watched the Burkes launch Tommys at Lybia, they always had a half minute between launches and these were above the waterline.

I never served aboard a sub, so I can't know for sure, but I suspect that they too have to wait a certain time between launches. And the more time you have to wait between launches the less effective saturation will be.

Unless you have 10 Ohios firing at the same time, exact second, then you are not saturating as effectively as you could.
Oh please... as if the USA would dare to launch a strike against a real russian target.
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>BREKING - United States does not rule out strikes against the Syrian army.
God it pisses me off so much they those bunch of bafoons just stand there and yell and chant about random shit

This seems to happen a lot in 2nd and 3rd world countries

>sat tracking

Sat tracking my butt, you couldn't find Saddams crappy Scuds back than with the latest sat tracking, what makes you think you could track S400s now? Scanners have become more advanced, sure, but so hase jamming, cammoflauge and all other counter measures.

Besides, sats can be jammed just like incoming missiles.

Let's wait to find out. Vote for Shillary and we will probably know before next spring.
its just posturing for now. Russians will have the ebil ragime win the war and it will all be blamed on obama. Jews wont be happy at all, but they will come to a table with assad, putin, turks and saudis. And no american in sight.
The expedition to overthrow assad failed and only threats with a nuclear war are left.
Neocons have to save face, they cant just say, no sir, we cant do shit in Syria to kill assad and not look like we are aiding al qaeda. They have to say, sir, to establish a no fly zone over syria we have to go to war with russia. See how that sounds different? It basically means the same thing.
Brightly colored rag and patch. Why?
for taking pictures
>Come on, you must have an estimate!

I gave you one, you raged at me.
This. I just want to watch T72s rolling over arabs with F35s flying CAS on the news while I clean my AK made at the Izhmash factory while drinking a coke.

This brinksmanship bullshit from my government doesn't represent me. The Russians have done nothing to me, and there is no reason to spend another half century in a cold war with them except to further consolidate the power of my government over me and my fellow citizens.
el oh el. The S-400 systems are all parked around that airbase. This isn't scuds scattered across thousands of miles.
Yes, and if they did that in Syria that means a shooting war with Russia.
You can't jam a satellite's camera.
Propaganda. Look at how new that FN MAG is. She's never been within 100 miles of the fighting.
>Unless you have 10 Ohios firing at the same time, exact second, then you are not saturating as effectively as you could.

The problem is the total amount of missiles far exceeds realistic assets plus relaods. They could fire one every 60 seconds (an abysmally long delay) and win though attrition alone.
I doubt safety is an issue if there is any. Tomahawks are launched out of Ohios through the water into the air by air pressure. It doesn't actually engage it's engine until then. There's no threat to the Ohio even if a failed launch occurs.
>When I watched the Burkes launch Tommys at Lybia, they always had a half minute between launches and these were above the waterline.

That's due to one tomahawk per target, and zero need for saturation.

VLS is limited into clusters that share a common gas exaust system. The missiles gas has to clear that cluster before you can fire another for obvious reasons. Each cluster size varys based on assets. From 8 to 32 irrc. Thats the main ROF limit for vls ships.

Subs is iffy, but as said above they use gas, so logically it would be quicker.
Err... you do understand that cruise missiles can fly waypoints, right? By adjusting each missile's flightpath slightly, you can create a time-on-target attack even if it takes several minutes to launch all of the missiles.

This is a non-issue.
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This lucky bastard has an East German AK
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>jewUSA under attack

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You can jam it's ability to communicate with the ground and relay data.


Tomahawks are extremely easy targets, don't forget there are several Russian missile cruisers along the coast to swat them before they even get over land. Whatever gets through will get swatted by point defense systems.

This is not a tenable scenario.

If the US wants to openly support their Al Qaeda affiliates openly (already an international scandal and embarrassment) they will have to go in with some of the more advanced assets, like B-2s and F-22s. The risk of losing those is quite real.
>don't forget there are several Russian missile cruisers along the coast to swat them before they even get over land

Tomahawks fly nap of the earth and require to fly around 25 kilometers near the cruisers for this to happen.

With 2 way datalinks, this wont reasonablely happen.

>have to use air assets

The US could elect to do that as well, not even using b2s or F-22s or realistically risking any assets.

A flight of 4 B-1s could launch around 100 JASSM-ERs from 1000+km's out.
>You can jam it's ability to communicate with the ground and relay data.
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>‘S-300, S-400 air defenses in place’: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army


So basically if the US gets one of their aircraft shot down by a russian battery they're going to blame it on Putin and start WW3 regardless

Oh boy what a time to be alive in indeed
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I see this whole "acting around UN security council resolution" thing Kirby wanted to do is coming along nicely.

>in b4 McCain blaming it on Buk supplied by Putin the Terrorist himself.
>start WW3

Nobody is going to do shit over assets lost in fucking Syria. Not Russia and certainly not the US.
When vatniks got that Su-24 downed by roaches, they memed about it for less than a month and then proceeded to do exactly nothing.
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Any higher res pics of those kawaii usaf bootleg SUs?
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What is this?
>not knowing they do this literally every year
omg its habbeding
You forgot the part where they couldn't beat ISIS in Al-Rai for a year?
It's easy to look good when you are defending entrenched positions.

Not changing the fact they are losing.

>aggressor training is "interesting"

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Why do they do this.
nobody ever answered me (it was probably unpatriotic) but why did the grandroach master shake hands with putin after the failed coup, after the pkk shot down the turkish helicopter with an igla, after the pkk terror attack, after the pkk terror attack that killed some turkish pilots, after the pkk terror attack?
Suddenly erdoan turned his asshole to another direction and nobody ever dared to asked why.
> and then proceeded to do exactly nothing
Actually, they punished the Turkish economy with sanctions, while getting an excuse to be protectionist with their own products, that are driving many of their oligarchs to invest more in local production. They also obtained the excuse to bring the s-400 air defense system into Syria. Turkey never threatened Russia again, and in a couple month's time, they even arrested the guys who shot down the jet for the Russians.

Erdogan barely even talks about Aleppo now.

We can be in it for a real hot war this time.
Is this even true? How can the PKK down an F-16?
>usa not getting what israel wants and doesnt nuke the russians into oblivion
To bomb civilians and frame the Russians
Because the uber patriotic russian shills pushed an anti turkey narrative (a meme that you fell for), after their pilot got fucking wrekt, but after erdoan warmed up to russia afterwords it put the shills in a rough place, so they went silent.

Congrats, you were duped.
why would he warm up to them?
Because he needed a new boogieman to blame for his incompetent "coup" and the old boogieman would not do.

In the end nothing truly changed, turkey needs nato
Why not let Putin be the boogieman?
>neocons are the problem
>when an ultra lib has ultimate control over the military

Nice meme
Because he (as in, russia) was always there, before and after the coup for half a century. Makes no logical sense.
Nigger does and says what the nigger is told to. And he did his job well, so far. But now the choice is another libtard lying whore that is known to fuck up when toppling regimes in the middle east and making things worse, or a racist bigot that will make america great again.
Im just heartbroken that /k/ fell for the CTR shilling so far. Truly the most bluepilled sack of insecure faggots that think they are warriors or some shit.
its more logical to have one true boogieman to blame and not create another (the one that is the reason you exist) just to shake hands with the old one.
He said he would never apologize and after the failed coup, after the pkk shot down the turkish helicopter with an igla, after the pkk terror attack, after the pkk terror attack that killed some turkish pilots, after the pkk terror attack he does the opposite. And somehow, magically, the rebels are encircled in a leppo (whatever that is).
>It's easy to look good when you are defending entrenched positions.

They use tanks in offensives all the time, I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

All I'm saying is that, for an insurgent force, they appear to know how to use them well in that context (i.e. a few quick potshots before reversing away, etc. etc.), esp. with the proliferation of ATGMs, it's the only way really.
I agree, it appears as though all the "mini campaigns" stall once the SAA slowly gets their act together and sends in reinforcements.

Hama has stalled it seems, and the Rebels are really running out of places to launch meaningful offensives that actually achieve something more than just a few villages taken quickly.

Once Aleppo is *eventually* taken or subdued, what direction do you think the war will take? Focus on North Aleppo/Turkey?
You fucking potato idk how many times I have to say this THEY FUCKING WRITE DATES DIFFERENTLY OVER THERE THAT MAP IS FROM 10/06/2016!!!!!!!!!! You fucking mong
Mandik the Vatnik
North Aleppo is still too much of a wild card to me. But aside from all the awkwardness of trying to predict the possible scenario of Turkish backed Rebels against Russian backed SAA there, I think that North Aleppo is not in the immediate plans of the SAA.

The SAA have already left that area, that now the Rebels of Euphrates Shield occupy, before for the Kurds to handle themselves, back in 2013. It is a bunch of dispersed small villages with low population and little economic value, so again, it probably dont stake that high in SAA current priorities.

My bets goes that, in the aftermath of a eventual capture of all Aleppo by the Government, that the SAA, or what is left of it by that time, would try to work their way towards Rebel held Idlib governorate and try to shrink it little by little; be it a counter in South Aleppo, to take back Al Eis, in the immediate northern countryside of Aleppo, against Kafr Hamra, in Northern Hama, to take back what they recently lost and more so Morek, or even west of Khanasser, back to Abu al Dohur.

Other places seem more static; the Homs pocket is a solid rock, and i dont see it changing so soon, the desert border area with Jordan is a irrelevant no go, the Southern Syria Rebels dont seems to be big threat in latest times and would probably give up arms if the rest of the country rebels are finished, and the SAA forces near Damascus are already dealing with East Ghouta on their own pace
Monkey model F-16. A True American F-16 can solo the entire RuAF fleet.
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>So basically if the US gets one of their aircraft shot down by a russian battery they're going to blame it on Putin and start WW3 regardless

If Russia shoots down a US aircraft, there will be no Russian S-300 (let alone aircraft) in Syria a week later and both /k/, /int/ and /pol/ will be inundated with angry vatnik shitposting.

You faggots will probably be flying the next planes
A solo T-14 Armata could defeat NATO
He actually held off the neo-cons/military industrial people. That's why we aren't in Syria despite all the hawks screaming for war.
what happens when a USAF F-16 fights an Armata?
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I don't know if this has been posted, it's from yesterday of a TOW shot in Hama taking out a SAA 23mm technical. It has some incoming arty as they hit the 23mm. The gunner was blasting away(muzzle flashes) and then he got blasted away.

As for lel current last hour heavy fighting reported in eastern Ghouta right now. SAA on the offence. My guess would be to advance on Tel Kurdi but I am not sure.
>B-57 is an F-16
Putin grows taller by a few centimeters
>the joke
>your head
Turkey has military on the ground in Syria and it's airforce is active over Syria. At the end of this they will annex a chunk of Syria.

Russia literally bitched out.
An old saying, Russia only does what it knows it can get away with.
It's airforce is active where the Russians aren't active and its military is on the ground where the Russians/Syrians/Iranians aren't. Reminder that the Turks only came in after they turned back from EU/US and towards Russia after the coup.
What's the difference between monkey model F-16s from actual F-16s?
el oh el if you think Turkey isn't still part of NATO.

Russia failed to stop Turkey from entering Syria, they are a fucking joke.
And Russia opposing Turkey would undermine their narrative of "fighting ISIS"
Sand nigger pilots make F-16 die to 9mm SPAAG while True Blooded American Pilotsâ„¢ piloting an F-16 can take on the entire RuAF in the middle of Moscow while being fired by S-300's and S-400s.
Russia isn't securing all of Syria's borders. No one claims this. They're just flying airstrikes.
Seems they've actually learned something looking at the last 4 decades of middle eastern interventions.
Russia isn't shooting down NATO planes and troops since the start of the war even if they could. There is no reason to start a war when they already have their hands full with the rebels.

And since they are NATO, the only way Russia can go 1v1 against the Turks is by the Turks attacking them first. The Europeans have already said they will not back the Turks if they pick a fight with Russia first. Even the Turks know this. That's why they aren't attacking the SAA, Iranians, and the Russians.
No seriously, what's the difference?
Alright /k/, I'm so confused why Syria is such strategic focus for the US and allies. Even if Assad is a Putin puppet, so what? Is it an Israeli fear of an enemy next door if he stays in power? If not this, the idea of intervening to impose regime change sounds baseless. Why don't we just support Assad at this point and end it??
How many missiles do those two systems have total?
Assad really is a sack of shit and his government is on life support. Without constant, expensive external intervention it's going to fall apart and Syria will be a failed state shithole.

So backing him is a losing move.

The Kurds are America's favorite and are only like, 2/10 on the "are they really terrorist" scale, making them the least terrorist of the local groups. The bad part is that the Turks fucking hate them and make it a huge pain in the ass to support them.

Most of the other groups are, huge surprise, 5/10 or worse on the terrorist scale.

The US tried to arm and train the least terrorist of the locals, but the Turks freak out when they help the Kurds and the rest of them are assholes. At this point the reasonable move is to try and keep humanitarian aid moving to the civilians caught in the middle and keep the war crimes down to a low simmer.

Assad and the Russians don't like that because those care packages to civilians in Aleppo also feed and medicate and supply those half terrorist rebel groups.

It's a political hot button, but the real answer is the unpleasant one: It's a fucking tar babe and nobody should touch it.
>>We are closer now to a strategic exchange than we were in 1962 IMO.


ISIS was right?
The US really wants to contain Russian influence. Old habits die hard I guess.
According to General Clark, destroying every sane government around Israel has been a coherent strategy since 2001


But more importantly, Syria is a centre of Saudi-Iranian cold war


American economy is vitally dependant on Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies seling oil in USD. The petrodollar system that has been put in place by Kissinger in early 1970s and served to preserve dollar's global reserve currency status up until now. Ever sine then, the Americans are obliged to provide SA with military and diplomatic protection in exchange for keeping petrodollar afloat. In time, the military protection has transformed into preserving Saudi interests and lobbying them in the UN. Preserving interests and lobbying has turned into overthrowing secular or Shia governments all across the region.

That is all there is to it. The White House, Senate and Pentagon are doing KSA bidding in Syria and Yemen. And as of late, they're doing really poor job.
>But props to McCain. The only consistent US politician.
Also possibly the only half-way rational humanitarian.

It's a shame he's in the party of tycoons, racism and nutso christians. He'd fit in better with the party of wall street, silicon valley and hippies.
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Nusra's response to De Mistura's "offer"
>Years ago the US and friends could have just bombed Assad's air bases and aircraft (and nothing else)
>and nothing else

The US has never been able to just 'bomb air bases and nothing else'

Ignoring collateral damage, the USA has never been able to stop at achievable objectives.
>What the fuck is Hiro doing.
Better question, "Why the fuck is he doing it"
The answer is:
>for the lulz

4chan is being run by a /b/tard. He'd like the board to survive and doesn't mind trolling us to make it happen.
Didn't clark appear drunk on tv with a serb general during bosnia?
If he did he sounds like the man.

Bumpin with some news apparently ahar al sham and kind al aqsa fought each other in Hama I swear none of these guys can work with each other for more than a month before they shoot at each other
What? That map is from the 6th of October. Idiot. It's the americans who write it the other way around.
>destroying every sane government around Israel has been a coherent strategy since 2001

That's interesting, so according to him the US was working to destroy the Jordanian government? In what ways?

And while it's true that Obama has had a finger in the ousting in Mobarak, that was very obviously a move against Israeli interests, pushing the Muslims brotherhood and Salafists to power and threatening to Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.
The short Muslim brotherhood rule over Egypt saw the closest Egyptian-Iranian relations in the last century, which goes in exact contrast to your last point being:
> Preserving interests and lobbying has turned into overthrowing secular or Shia governments all across the region.

No surprise as you'd fail to find a single Shia goverment the US played a major role in over throwing.
And even if you count Syria, that would be one. Single.

While you used the plural form.
Can you cite any Shia govermentS the US has overthrown?

Au contraire, the US has installed more Shia governments than it toppled, namely both the Neo-cons and the liberals led by Obama transferred the control over Iraq to the Shia.

A honest observer would note that Obama's administration has done a lot more in furthering Shia interets in the ME rather than Sunni ones.

The elephant in the room is the US capitulation which is the Iran deal. It's basically a present to the Iranians, lifting sanctions that were in place since the 80's for... pretty much nothing at all.

Through Iraq, where the Americans have transferred power to the Shia.

And even in Syria, where the US has been blocking a further Saudi and gulf involvment in the war, be it by forbidding the GCC from handing out MANPADs to blocking specific aid programs.
Though of course the case of Syria is divided, as the US allowed the GCC to flood the rebels with US made ATGMs and so on.

Basically, your world view is a cardboard cut out that ignores every reality that doesn't suit you.
He is a conservative American who believes in exceptionalism of American idea. He doesn't fit anywhere. From Bosnia, though Kosovo, Iraq and Arab spring he has been a consistent proponent of democracy first and doing the job right. Being Bosnian I do like Iranians but I do regret that McCain wasn't elected in 2008. In think in 50 years people will look at Obama presidency and the hell it unleashed by its indecisiveness and political demagoguery as the moment world started becoming more dangerous and unstable. Obama snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Obama didn't have a hand in Mobaraks departure. He had no way of stooping what was happening without a civil war starting in Egypt. But his inaction, excluding the minimum a democratic leader is expected to say about a coup, to Sisi does indicate his preference. Although going against MB was in everyone interest, from Israelis, Europeans to Saudis. Also MB was not a real threat to Israel but it was a threat to Saudis. MB is the only organization, political ideology that could overthrow the GCC rulers without countries devolving into prolonged civil wars.
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>tfw Mccain is the only member left of the compassionate right and only genuinely wants to help
>tfw if we stayed in Iraq like we did in Korea and Germany Iraq would probably develop overtime into a genuinely prosperous nation
>tfw the Syrian Civil war would have been snuffed out in its infancy
>tfw we would have stabilized Lybia follow the ousting of Ghaddafi
>tfw ISIS would never have existed
Kek I know, just a hypothetical
Jordan was the only Arab country that didn't perform like retarded Arabs, and funnily enough they didn't even want to fight Israel
this really is too rare an image/outlook on /k/

I don't give a shit about Israel one way or another, and I think they're just another cunt country, but Israel really knows how to fight a modern war. Nothing but landslides for them. They have so much cool tech and weapons systems too.

Anyone who has been in these threads for any amount of time already knows the Syrians are not too clever. They blind fire more than they aim.
>outstanding military feats
>fighting against Arabs

Pick one and only one, it was always going to be a Turkey-shoot for Israel no matter how much they make it out to be anudah shoah
Its false dumb serb cunt.
True, but not so much in the October War. Jordan only sent a small token force to help the Syrians in that war, that funnily enough was the same contingent that had kicked the Syrians out of their country, three years before during the Black September. A better example of the Jordanian army prowess would be their role during the Six Days War, where they are the only arab nation with commendable performance.

When I say that the Syrians lack cleverness in this war, is more in the lines that compared to Operation Badr, the well planned, organized and executed Egyptian cross of the Suez canal, the Syrian plan look more plain.

They elaborated a huge armored assault with five divisions to overwhelm the better trained and positioned Israelis using the advantage of numbers, and take pre-defined objectives.

Aside the the military planning aspect, the Syrians performed better in the fighting part, than the Egyptians. But both got fucked in the end because of their rigid hierarchy structure, centralized decision making and slow response to a changing scenario, compared to the more decentralized chain of command and fast response of the Israelis.
Syria did quite well in Lebanon if I recall, but then again that wasn't really an open conventional war with Israel.
Yes, some of their units did. Their commando and tanks hunter teams gave true headaches for the Israelis, and the Syrians gazelles also performed very well too.

If Israelis are christians and not jews, you can bet your balls that /k/ would be vomiting praises to them about their military achievements, like we do to the Rhodesians.
>If Israelis are christians and not jews

Kek, but I'd still call it a Turkey-shoot but instead Christians would make it out to be anudah Constantinople
Mandic already did the new thread:

There's a quote from Robert Oppenheimer that responds to this kind of thinking rather well (although he may not have meant the quote like this):

"It is perfectly obvious that the whole world is going to hell. The only possible chance that it might not is that we do not attempt to prevent it from doing so."

It might be bloody and awful to watch, but it may very well be for the best to let the Arab world solve its own problems.

Also Germany and Korea are bad examples; Germany remained a divided flashpoint for potential WW3 up until 1989, and Korea lives in a false peace due to the mutually assured destruction of North & South's respective great power backers.

With the Houthi rebellion in Saudi Arabia's own backyard you'd think that would curb their ambitions, but it seems they aren't taking it so sdriously.
Never ever since their operatives have infiltrated every western nation as """refugees""" where they will recruit from """"""""'moderate muslims""""""""
The same Clark who messed up in Kosovo, let Putin get to the airbase first, and then demanded that we shoot the Russian troops there?
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