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What current city would be the hardest to fight a ground war in?

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What current city would be the hardest to fight a ground war in?
probably something fucking huge like New York City or Dubai
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Russian towns and cities are specifically designed for urban warfare.
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Venice, Italy
I'd say Luxembourg City

Like the USSR, its designed for urban warfare. Unlike Russia, we know nothing about it.

Its also filled with tons of loyalists, regime supporters, and war criminals that the attacking army would be obligated to hang.
NYC would be a pain because it's an island connected by a handful of bridges plus it's packed with tallass buildings.
>Each soldier had to pay $29.95 to cross the George Washington Bridge
>entire armies arrested under the SAFE Act
Reminds me of this
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Maybe Brazilian Favelas. Seems fucking terrifying to fight in.
You have this idea in your head that they wouldn't just be leveled to begin with.
Tokyo. It's too big. Literally impossible.
I'd say Los Angeles. All of the urban sprawl and the fact that fucking NOTHING is cetnralized would make it a nightmare to seize.
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Medieval cities.

Small alleyways with high windows.

Strong stone buildings will resist fire support.

Bends everywhere.

Tall buildings and towers surrounded by low buildings provide excellent viewpoints.

inability to move vehicles and supplies into certain areas.

underground catacombs that need to be cleared.

Historical areas that you wont be allowed to call arty on.

Well, we were on the topic of CQB in towns. Any of these towns listed can just be annihilated.

Ones with brick/steel however are going to a be a close quarters nightmare.

A favela would be fucking awful, all those little nooks and crannies. All the clothes and shit hanging up. Tons of windows and alleys and doors. It would be an insurgency's wet dream.
I think the inevitable fires would quickly turn it into a choking, broken wasteland
Nah Venice is small and contained. It would be tough but you could clear it block by block until it was over. Venice is easily surrounded and managed.

The true meat grinder are the million+ megacities with no clear geographical boundaries.
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>you will never defend the castle in the middle of your city
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>Three rivers to cross
>More bridges than fucking Venice
>Two separate tunnels to get into the city by highway
>Literally in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains
>Half the city is on a mountain

Bloody hell how are they gonne survive in tokyo
5 minutes 5 seconds guys
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If your only talking about terrain I'd say tokyo. Just the size of it.
Wait.. did I see a chinese mod of battlefield 2 or Project Reality at the three minute mark?
>Like the USSR, its designed for urban warfare. Unlike Russia, we know nothing about it.
>Its also filled with tons of loyalists, regime supporters, and war criminals that the attacking army would be obligated to hang.

Any sources for the city's being designed for urban warfare? I'd love to read about it.
>sudden urge to install sim city 4

>everyone outside of the city has a deer rifle
>routes into the region can easily be cut by blowing bridges on everything from I-79/80/76/90 to small 1.5 lane roads
>only attack route has been over the Appalachians from the east
>majority of attacks ended in failure

>not sim city 2000/3000 master race
jesus christ thats mind boggling
>hat current city would be the hardest to fight a ground war in?
My little city in the midwest USA. Every home has multiple firearms and tons of ammo.

They shut down the NEA ran schools on opening day of deer season. Even those "education faggits" can't do anything about the empty seats in their little socialist education camps.
sc4 is much better, you can build entire regions like Tokyo and it's not all square as fuck

SC4 also has better mods

Any of the mega cities are going to be impossible if you have even the slightest pretenses about preserving civilian life. There simply are not armies large enough to clear and hold something like Shanghai or Lagos
This, I'd imagine Singapore to be quite a problem too.
Singapore was rather easily taken desu.
That was 70+ years ago in a direction the brits didn't think that they would have to defend. Now its pretty well packed
You do realize Singapore doesn't have a source of fresh water, right?
Of course not
plus the outlying nigger towns of mckees rocks and shit, all of which are on hills and have tight roads.
Tried to find something reliable but couldn't.

But their metro is deep underground.
>we know nothing about it
You know we have satellites right?
In a US civil war I'd imagine LA.

Huge city, and weapons could flow over the Mexican border fairly easy

I can imagine it now, running gunboat fights in the bay and in the canals.
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Oh god, imagine an artillery shell going off in a cobblestone street. You'd have fist sized rocks flying fucking everywhere at incredible speeds.

The other thing about LA is that it has a fair amount of mountain wilderness around it. Lots of smuggling routes, lots of places for partisans to play sneaky Pete. (Can't corner the Dorner.).

You could hold downtown, but maintaining overland supply lines would be tough. And you'd need a lot of guys to throw a perimeter around LA proper.
The thing with these shanty-towns, though, is that even mortars, grenades, and other man-portable shit would blow down half a block. Hell, even a flash grenade would probably set off a catastrophic fire, whereas stone structures would remain at least partially intact even after sustained artillery fire. Unless you're under some strict "no collateral damage whatsoever on pain of torture and death" bullshit, the apparently imposing obstacles in a third-world slum will be gone within hours.
Any Eastern block centrally planned city is especially difficult. Slums like the ones in Brazil or India can be leveled quite quickly.
>You could hold downtown, but maintaining overland supply lines would be tough.
Maybe use one of their 50 super highways? Just a thought.
>>30423934 #
>Literally in the middle of the Appalachians

Have you ever actually seen the Appalachians? Pittsburgh is hilly, but the bit of a climb from the rivers to the plateau and the rolling hills between the Ohio and Mon are hardly serious mountains
Until the overpasses get pancaked by sabotage, air, and artillery.
Literally everything is hard to traverse if it gets pancaked by sabotage, air, and artillery. What are you even trying to argue at this point?
Stalingrad 2.0
Singapore is a Maginot Line tier fuckup that no one ever talks about.

>Brits pack Singapore full of costal artillery, tout it as "The Gibraltar of the East"
>Garrison 85000 troops there
>Leave the northwest corner of the island lightly defended because surely no army could effectively mount an assault through the thick mangrove.
>Japs proceed to land in the northwest, blitz the defenders on fucking bicycle, catch an entire garrison with its pants down, and force over 80000 troops into surrendering.
My mental model has partisans hiding out in the burbs or innamountains and hitting the highways with mortars or IEDs.
Well, we hav b1s for a reason i suppose
>Singapore is a Maginot Line tier fuckup that no one ever talks about.
That's because Brits write many of the English language history books and we'd rather everybody forget about it.
Japan has a lot of cities that just sprawl like that. Makes New York City look like a picnic.
>if the weather was better we would have nuked it in 1945
Sheboygan Wisconsin.
Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Tokyo was never considered a target. It was a pile of ash from round-the-clock firebombing since May.

Kokura was the original target for the 9th, but bad weather + smoke from neighboring Yahata which was firebombed earlier that week caused Bockscar's flight to divert to Nagasaki which was the backup target.
The thing with favelas is that they're really fucking shittily built, a mortar could knock down an entire block, and set off catastrophic fires everywhere.
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>Medieval cities
>Hard to fight in

It's enough to slow down armour.
Kowloon. So so many nesting spots
I think a city built on the side of a steep mountain would be pretty hard to fight in. Although generally cities like this are small.

Alternatively, a city with an extensive underground network.
>TFW from Southwest Missouri
Jesus, I imagine if I was there I would have panic attack at the lack of open space.

Just looking at it is making me nervous. I wanna go innawoods now.
>Dat density
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Make me kek
Boston. The layout is confusing as shit and makes no sense

What would be the incentive to preserve this city sized kill box? Why not level that bitch with bombardment and save yourself the effort?
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Staying Frosty
I know this feel. Western Missourian here stuck in cali.
>Maginot Line tier fuckup

The Maginot Line worked exactly as intended. Or do you think they expected the Germans to be stupid enough to attack it head on?
Probably NYC because its in 4 seperate pieces of land with a billion bridges a shitton of people and probably nearly impossible to surround

gosh if there was only some way of attacking a nip village that breaks permanently the hearts of the slanted eye......
When BOPE goes into the favelas, they will just knock shit down with a sturdy vehicle or blow shit up.

It helps when you don't have to give a shit about the people who live there.
stop bullshitting, maginot forts broke under stuka bombs.
>destroy gun turrets
>fort suddenly is a prison for the troops inside
Along with an ass load of historical/protected property shoulder to shoulder with high rises
They would just bomb/shell the fuck out of it. No reason to put boots on the ground there.
I dunno, a city similar to Ramadi probably.
detroit, especially at night since detroits inhabitants have natural night camo
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Jesus Christ, just burn it, whatever the hell we're after inside isn't worth it
Dubai is wide open in large sections and has few tall buildings

NYC is a better option
depends on who you're fighting

Current residents would be easy to mow over. No guns, and they'd just complain a lot about every discomfort they had due to wartime conditions while professing their toughness.
Jesus, what the fuck? What is this? District 9? Get that shit out of here.
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>Instead the City of México

Fuck off Weeaboo.
>No ground, only water
This guy has it. Technically correct is best correct.
When the Chinese sold Hong Kong to the British, there was a loophole where the land for one fort remained under Chinese sovereignty.

The Chinese weren't going to go to a foreign country to do police work, so you ended up with one district of the city that didn't have any laws in it.

It turned into a libertarian paradise/black market/massive arcology with no building codes.
came to say this
>all those tall buildings and shit ton of windows
>all those sky scrapers making air support a pain in the ass
>the subway system
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love that movie
Just knock out the power and wait for all the big buildings to be 150° inside.
oy vey you can't do that. the Geneva convention specifically banned the use of ovens in warfare
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oh really
Tokyo covers a lot more area and has 50% higher population though.
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fuck conquering China in general
That's pretty cool
But also pretty scary
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>you will never die a horrible death after you discover castle counts as concealement not cover
Modern Singapore has desalination that would work fine with water rationing.

>Welcome to the Rockpile

>Welcome to the Sandbox

>Welcome to the Shit
American? I'm thinking San Francisco.

Worldwide? Venice. Pretty fuckin hard to fight a "ground" war in water.
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Holy shit dude, I can't even begin imagine how fuckhuge that is
Now imagine driving a taxi there
for those of you that still don't get how big tokyo is, look on google maps or google Earth, it is fucking massive
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>Pretty fuckin hard to fight a "ground" war in water.
Head like a fuckin' orange
1) tokyo

2) new york

3) sao paolo

Three largest cities in the would by area and population.
Sorry but Manhattan would be pretty easy.
Just go block by block and bring down entire office buildings, 9/11 showed us it's not that hard to do.
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>new york

Any large city that also has a well developed underground, bonus points for cities like Paris with catacombs and other historic tunnels or places like London where they're not sure if they have any space left underground because of forgotten tunnels and stuff.

Tall skyscrapers would also be nightmares but easier to deal with, once you have the bottom secured you could just seal them in, there's only so many ways out of a skyscraper.
there's almost no video footage of the place.
Edinbvrgh. go into a buildong on the groundfloor, go down 3 floors and come out on another ground level. PLus all the wee lanes that jink here there and everybloodywhere. Not to mention the buried streets full of plague victims. Oh and soddding great castle on top of an extinct volcano in the middle of it.
>not posting glorious cross-section of the kowloon walled city
I've been to venice it would be impossible to clear block by block.
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Jesus Christ, imagine having to clear that place building by building, room by room.
I was literally about the say the same thing, like how can a city get that big and still work....
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Jesus fuck. Neo Tokyo isn't a fantasy.
that is the coolest shit

>some triad gets a little crazy with the AK
>15 rooms over, your head explodes
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Traumatizing just to think about having to clear that building by building, Jesus Christ.
I think a huge fire will be somewhat of an improvement.
Funny enough, the citadel in central Aleppo is under siege constantly.
Mexico City.
NZ fag here
Auckland would actually be fairly difficult as there's this giant bloody gully that runs down a large portion of the city with relatively few bridges, if you took those out moving around the city would get annoying fast
Sao Paulo
Buenos Aires
Most cities in Texas would be hell to hold on to due to the native population being so well armed. The terrain is mostly easy to deal with, but any invasion would ultimately fail to hold the cities.
Middle-size backwater Russian cities.

During the Chechen Wars, the Russians literally had to bomb everything to the ground (the UN declared Grozny the most destroyed city in the world) because the urban fighting was so ridiculously hard.
Their own design was being used against them.
was Grozny even more destroyed than Warsaw or Manila?
because that's a superb achievement
Paris. Read World War Z and imagine a well trained army instead of zombies.
I stand corrected. How many fire departments do they have?
I suppose so. The UN said that not a single building was left undamaged.
if your goal is to secure the city and the civilians are fightin you there is no point in not leveling the city
Just send in Judge Dredd
Literally WWII all over again.
>Tall skyscrapers would also be nightmares but easier to deal with, once you have the bottom secured you could just seal them in, there's only so many ways out of a skyscraper.
Imagine doing that per every skyscraper.

That's your advance held up right there.
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Amsterdam would be pretty tough.

>Canals every 3 steps
>Narrow streets
>Small bridges
>Easy defensive lines

If the bridges are out you're going to have spend a lot of time putting down temporary ones, giving the defenders a great opportunity to fuck you up from the other side

Not impossible, but still a bitch.
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>No ground, only water
I live pretty close to there.
The trams system could be used for logistics transportation and even armord trains (trams in this case) like in WW1 (talking more about a rebellion than a war between nations now).
But the canals could be either used by you or used against you, maybe you'll get attacked from the sea or you get enemy gunboats blasting trough. You should probably have some seamines.
holy shit

You could easily block access from the sea, really. Gunboats would be pretty easy to block and destroy considering how narrow most of the canals are and the presence of quite a few low bridges.

Not to mention the amount of shit already in the canals. You could pretty easily build a wall in the canals by just throwing a load of bicycles in.
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>tfw there will NEVER be Wargame maps of famous Euro cities
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how large of a force would you need to overtake something the size of the tokyo metropolitan area
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Oh, Anon...
As the general do you get some sort of trophy for that? Because I think there should be a trophy for that
thats what came to mind when i read this thread
winter norilsk or some steppe shithole like one on ur op pic
t: moscovite from steppe shithole
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Norilsk, Russia

Too many rivers to cross to enter the city.

Traffic jams at all of our tunnels further slow the advancing troops.

Invading army finds they cannot understand the layout of our labrynthian streets.

CMU students attach firearms to their robots, creating first terminators.

Even if our comm lines are decoded, the invading army has no chance of understanding the Yinzer accent.

Defending troops blast Donnie Iris during each battle, lowering morale of invaders.

Snoop Dogg holds benefit concert to support city when he hears Heinze Field was bombed.
You get a total shithole of a country.
Karadzic has nothing to do with siege of Dubrovnik, and also they didn't conquer it
The greater detroit metro area, too much open space between building clusters. The whole megapolis is a killzone until you hit the deep boonies.
No, we're on the topic of a "ground war" in a major urban area.

While that GENERALLY includes CQB, it's not exclusively CQB. Nor is it limited to brushfire fighting/counterinsurgency and can include total war.

In which case, pretty much anywhere with large quantities of poor residents is going to be a firestorm (and it's a crapshoot who starts it) within the first 12 hours as all those highly flammable poor-people-buildings go up.
a collective society that hides its horrors behind a show of civility
Two scantily leather-clad men screaming "HADDOU GEIIII!" and air-humping their way down any street. It's a literal pied piper.
A large city full of skyscrapers.

Anything less and my idea of "fighting" is as simple as a long ridiculous creeping barrage from the outskirts with a fuckload of HE and white phosphorus arty and mortars. You want to fight in a clusterfuck? Your tiny chunks can burn with it.
Like an all out attack or insurgency?

The army itself seems to think Karachi would be a nightmare to deal with if Pakistan was ever a war zone. More people than all of Afghanistan in one city, plus skyscrapers, high rises, slums, etc.
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Morgantown, WV.
Mountains, no direct roads into city proper, narrow winding streets, back alleys, drunken college rednecks. Basically a US version of a favella.
Your little town with ammo and rifles is easy to either encircle or cut up, toyko/moscow/nyc have tunnels, bridges, extremely tall buildings, old stone everything and train yards, busses ect. Almost an unlimited number of people that you either have to feed or some how remove once the shooting starts.
Your little town isvan afternoon job for 5 strikers and a tank. With 5 platoons max needed
Literally Gone with the Blastwave
>Tokyo covers 845 square miles, almost 3 times the land area of New York City
>just Tokyo Bay itself is 510 square miles
>(for comparison Baghdad is only 78 square miles)

And that's only counting Tokyo proper, not even taking into account Yokohama or Chiba or any of the other coastal cities, or even the urban centers north of Tokyo. It is truly a urban warfare strategist's nightmare.

>all that reclaimed industrial land
Fuck that.
no one would bother with that place.
it'd be very easy actually. set up perimeter around the area and starve them out. knock out basic utilities
lots of coal and buttsex
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San Francisco
>very compact city
>lots of hills
>almost no visibility
>roads placed with very little rhyme or reason
>on a peninsula
>easy choke points all around
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What about coalsex? Some good ol' anthracite to excite.
>Any American city the "hardest to fight a ground war in

Sorry guys, but no. Most of your roads are too wide and your cities are well planned out and grid-like. Any semi decent strategist could formulate a plan to take them. Some of the older cities on the east coast might be a bit tough, that's about it.

It's the cities in poor countries or cities that have been around for centuries that will be the toughest. They're usually chaotic and nonsensical with shit placed wherever there's space. It's going to be much harder to fight in a city that makes no sense than block by block in a grid.
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I've wanted to visit krak de chevaliers for 10 years as part of a wider crusader tour of the Mediterranean.

And I feel so sad knowing that ISIS have fucked up the most beautiful and strongest castle ever built.
Nah man, it's only a bit damaged
thank god the SAA have that shit under control though
structurally it's still there, but the crusader chapel is definitely RIP in peace
Thankfully we have ways of dealing with Japanese cities.
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Lol that just makes it easy as fuck to cut off from supplies.
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I just watched the entire thing. I can't even comprehend that shit. I don't even know what to say.
What would a general do when faced with taking a mega city? Would the place be bombed to hell and back? I heard you have to have 10:1 ratio of troops for taking a city what would that look like?
Holy shit that place is interesting.
I'm curious as to what it'd be like being a triad enforcer in a place like that.
>oppressive af gov't
>chance to live free, still in the culture you know
>conditions aren't really all that much worse than prison or whatever crappy factory you grew up in
>pros outweigh the cons
LA, too many gun free zones.
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>you will never shitpost from kowloon walled city
Try boston
> airborne AIDS
Los Angeles or San Diego
Phoenix Metropolitan Area + Valley of the Sun.
>Actually multiple cities that got so fucking big they ran into each other.
>Giant flat desert valley, almost managed to completely fill, surrounded on all sides by mountains and rocky desert terrain.
>Multiple mountains within the city.
>Farm lands located within urban development.
>Man made river.
>More airports than I can get anything to admit to.
Disney Land.
I would say Lagos, Nigeria
And literally everyone is armed
That's really amazing as a westerner to see that China's collectivist nature extends to even how officers are trained in that they are treated as cogs like enlisted and not the flexible and independent tacticians western armies have.

That idiot, really shows they dont know shit at all.
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I can't even begin to imagine the brutality of close-quarters fighting for individual levels of skyscrapers all the while exchanging fire from neighbouring towers.
The buildings would be leveled, which might actually be worse.
Kowloon Walled City doesn't exist anymore
Norilsk is specifically designed to protect the city from the harsh blizzards and winds by being open and having wide streets, its probably gonna be one of the easier cities to conquer because of that.
do snowmen feel pain?
Minkler, CA. 93657
>Like the USSR, its designed for urban warfare. Unlike Russia, we know nothing about it.
>we know nothing about it
Try Google maps my friend.
No, they're too cold
>It even looks like a fucking mushroom cloud
In okie very near Joplin. Sometimes in Neosho. You ever shoot at the Crowder WMR dept of conservation range?
>it's already been gassed...
Fuck poverty, man.
Fuck that
Las Vegas

Entire army immobilized and full of std's
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Fucking hell

Kowloon I knew about, but I've not seen a view of the Tokyo sprawl before - I'm getting mad cyberpunk vibes

Also damn
>Asking locals for directions to rebel camps
>Get lost when they miss the turn at "that old bar that was a church, but is now a daycare" or "Where my cousin Jim crashed his car into a tree, and drunkenly ran off with Susan's parking chair."
Come on, these are cadets. Dont want to see what fuckups we have in our officer schools.
A castle is to be used for war. The ISIS and SAA fighting over that ancient castle makes it creators and their ancestors smile in heaven, for this is the true purpose of their creation.
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You don't fight ground wars in cities, you bomb them to shit nowadays. Where have you guys been?
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Seoul, South Korea is twice the size of London and has a huge metro and underground. There are massive underground malls that seem to go on for miles until you reach the levels below them. It's pretty mind boggling.
Phoenix area would be easy actually.

>lots of wide boulevards and highways
>flat terrain
>density of the urban areas is relatively low
And most importantly, compared to Tokyo or some shit,
How destroyed would be the area?
Tokyo 1945 or Bagdad 2003?
For 1945 i would estimate 200k GI's and 500k least for 2003.
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b-but I need it for my juices
>ctrl f
>no atlantis
explain yourself /k/
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Montana here, how the fuck do people live in a place like that where they don't even have their own land? Do they really all just live in cramped apartment spaces.

Really makes me appreciate all the open space I have on my ranch. and the woods around it. Going to go fishing to get that image out of my head.
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winner, that or any part of bangledesh
What fucking advance?
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It would probably be an inland city with at least one big river separating the defenders from the attackers

Maybe Pittsburgh?
>all these anons thinking that cities on the coast would be hard to for an invading force to take
Don't forget the 20 golf courses
But what if we don't want political backlash? What if there are civilian allies (resistance, underground political parties, etc.)?
his gun is stuck underneath his pack. Even our cadets arent that stupid.
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The only way take out a place like that would be to comp

There is no way you could do that street-by-street like say. Other big cities, Houston, for example have big long wide streets able to bring supplies, convoys and all manner of logistical support. Very few, if any, small hidden back alleys.
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there are ways of dealing with Japanese cities
goddammit i just moved north to lees summit and now i have nowhere to go innawoods.
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Anybody trying to do an assault would get bogged down real fast by the shitty coastline and extremely steep hills that are almost impossible for heavy vehicles to climb.

Downtown would be a dug-in defending force's wet dream desu.

Whoever has the high ground can just rain arty and AA on the attackers while they have to send almost totally unsupported infantry to try and root them out.

Also plenty of easy ambush points in the residential areas in the hills and towards the water too so your initial amphib push can get fucked.

Clearing SF would be like WWII Pacific levels of shitty.
what a bleak existence.
Area of tokyo metropolitan area is 5,419 sq mi.
Area of phoenix metropolitan area is 9,071 sq mi.

LA is easy-tier once you cut the water supply.
Probably one of those cities in Korea where there's just endless apartment buildings that are exact copies of each other as far as the eye can see.

Aren't big metropolises easy to besiege now, though? Millions of people need a huge amount of resources to survive. Control the major highway junctions and railheads and you've massively slashed what goes into the city. Regular drone patrols of the minor roads can destroy any trucks bringing in goods in a more scattered way. It's unlikely that you can stop every single entry point of course, but you can reduce people to starvation rations easily.
not if the city has rivers going through it and the defenders control the other side of the river

my vote goes to Pittsburgh:

What the fuck, is that a highway built onto the river?
>Its also filled with tons of loyalists, regime supporters, and war criminals that the attacking army would be obligated to hang.

In that case a good bombing campaign will take care of that
Literally siege it, works for every other army thats taken it
Literal hive city
i can smell it just by watching the video
Kinda wish I could experience it. Just living there for a few days/weeks.
Fun fact; those who lived there are actually what you call as an upper middle class people. It's just that having even a studio apartment would be expensive as hell.

Once the MTR line linking the mainland to hobg kong island is complete, we can see many people ditching that decrepit apartments with better, cheaper home across the channel
>know Creek
>crazy Hill Jacks, all armed to the teeth
>full of natural resources
>no flat ground anywhere
It's not a city but nobody will ever conquer the Smokies. You might could buy them off.
No, you don't. The structures for mass-bombings doesn't exist in barely any country anymore, not even in the US. Im not saying that the US couldnt fuck a couple of cities up, im saying that they couldn't support the campaign for a prolonged period which would be required.

You use precision bombs to destroy and neutralize key targets and then use movement to defeat your opponent.
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If we could support nonstop bombardment a hundred years ago in war then we can do it now and even more intense. It's easy to win when you're enemies are so closely packed in a dense city and the logic has been to not cluster up because the more sophisticated we get with arms, the more killing power we can inflict on a single spot.
Tokyo MA is almost 99% urban however.

The outskirts of Phoenix is just suburbs surrounded by desert.
you'd only need a tactical bomber
invading army gets heart disease from all those glorious picksboogh sammiches. then gets dui while choaking on pretzels.

WV is Kentucky's Mordor.

KEK, that would be hilarious. those fucking irish would get into a race war with the blacks over who can steal the most shit from the invaders.
Paris would be hard.
The buildings are compacts and high, and the streets are yuge. You'll be dead in second if you're on the road.
>irish would get into a race war with the blacks

I fucking wish.
my uncles ex wifes family that live in southie and that area, are the niggerest of all peoples on earth. they can steal a car faster than any puerto rican, get arrested faster than any black, go on welfare faster than any mexican, and drop out of school faster than any unwed teenage mother. they are the great white chimps.

the saddest thing in the world is trying to watch one of them fill out a job application. shit looks like something off of spongebob.

It would be easy. Venice isn't very big. and you would just need to secure the major bridges. And clear it section at a time.


I experienced this in MW2. It was.. Hell.
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Implying this hasn't already happened
>compact high buildings
>dead in seconds if you go in the roads/side streets

BF3 Seine crossing map didn't lie to me
add in no high altitude vantage points besides the surrounding mountains.

something like the favelas of brazil would be a nightmare because you would be taking pot shots from the windows of buildings litterally at all times.
taking paris is easy all you have to do is threaten a blitzkrieg
>New Yor or Dubai
>fucking huge

dude do you even knowledge ?
All them mudslimes setting up IEDs
Every 10-house "city" in Chernarus is easy to take. Or do you mean Chernogorsk?
Doesn't take more than a couple tanks, some infantry squads, and an Apache or A-10 to clear out any funny guy trying to pull some trick on you
What about wolfsburg and carbonia?
The warfare of the time was considerd when they was founded in the 30's
Yes, and I agree Tokyo would be more difficult, I was just bugged you said the area was small.

> Venice
> partisans blowing bridges up left and right
> some douchebag runs a tanker through the lagoon at full tilt and swamps half the town with a miniature tsunami
> gondola technicals mounting Hind rocket pods and dushkas duking it out with Amtraks in the canals

Sounds like fucking paradise.
San Fransisco. How can you fight a ground war in a city with so many gun free zones.
No one has yet to mention chemical weapons ITT I feel that poisioning the water supply in large urban areas and weaponized viruses and toxins would be extremely effective at clearing a city, destroying morale and best of all you keep most of the juicy infrastructure intact for the taking.

Softening up the local populace whom likely do not have any hazmat gear would make the urban combat easier for you own troops.
On the topic of Singapore, I had stopped by there last year and fucking loved the place.

>we use this to pratice real life
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>half of whats left is on fire or burnt down
>jamal taking potshots at you with his hi-point every other corner
>fighting through swaths of crack heads like f04 feral ghouls
>absolutely pointless endeavor=no moral
>fucking cold
Probably raining too.
>large desolate ghost town surrounding central downtown
>potholes deeper than the Marianas trench
MRAPS blow tires in them, tyrone and them bois sneak up and steal gear during the halt.
>If you shoot tyrone whole city chimps out
Hes a good boy.

Okay maybe not the hardest but it would be gay and ultimatly fucking pointless.
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There is a series alternate history novels by Harry Turtledove called "Southern Victory" where the CSA 'won' the American Civil War in that it was allowed to continue existing, and that completely changed history to the point where it made it so much of the conflict during the 1940s was centered around the USA vs CSA again (because World War I happened differently and the Nazis never appeared.)
The author chose Pittsburgh to be like the New World's version of Stalingrad due to its industrial and strategic importance, rough terrain and confluence of multiple rivers:

kinda interesting
Fellow Morgantown anon?
Yeah. It's breddy gud.
Source: From there.

Any force fighting in Singapore's urban environment will get BTFO.

Our High rise buildings will be like the mountains of afghanistan.
You can knock down high rises, you can't knock down mountains.
That's cute.

>Ottoman Empire

Top zozzle
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Do you feel like a hero yet?

>the south
>producing literally any tech

somehow the beat the Americans to the A-bomb.

The series was a mental exercise held together with suspension of disbelief and handwavium.
The one you can't bomb to dust from distance.
You're forgetting about the tunnel systems that run all underneath that island, plus the 4 other boroughs.
In metro Detroit and totally agree.
Brutal cold 6 months of year. Hot summers!
Jamal and his 490 cousins would be taking potshots and steal everything! Ahmed and his 490 cousins would all my snackbar constantly. One dindu fucking breaks a fingernail while robbing, raping and killing and the while city will chimpout! Half your army will have aids in a week from the crackwhores.
Bitter cold.
If getting to the city is a consideration, something in the middle of the usa would be tough.

On that thought, I'd say Denver might be particularly tough for both its remoteness, elevation, and climate.
Yeah, or Nairobi.
>Confederacy reaching to the Gulf of California


>All those German colonies still intact in Africa

Oh hell no. Call the Queen.
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Not only is the majority of the city full of the worst white trash in an American city alongside your average Hispanic/black hood trash, the layout of the streets are a nightmare for any non-residents. God bless the road layout that hasn't changed since the fucking Revolution.
Whats the color coding for?
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Made for an /int/ or /pol/ thread showing what parts of your town/city were the ones to avoid. Green is safe, red is ghettos and crime. The small yellow is an okay area but the terminus for a ghetto train.
Catasphrpic fires errrywhere blocks mortor knced out blacks
Venice, Italy.

>Paraguay still exists
>"Empire" of Mexico

suspension of disbelief broken
Wasn't there a polish anon on here a week or two back talking about how all the apartment buildings in the old soviet bloc were all reenforced concrete and designed to be as hard to attack as possible?
Tall buildings, to hinder air support
Narrow streets, same
Non grid layouts, to slow down troop progression
Earthquake resistant construction, to better resist bombing
Extensive underground network, to allow undetected movement and safety from air strikes.

People saying Cities would be leveled instead of having fight for them.
In the Syrian war we can see exactly the opposite. No one fights for deserts. They fight for cities. Because they are easy to defend and thats were the supplies are.
Also leveling the entire city is not that easy and if not done right you can end up with an even harder objective to take. No point in razing a city to the ground and keep going only for a resistance to set base under the ruins.
>In the Syrian war we can see exactly the opposite.

actually you can see fuck all, as this is multi-faction civil war and hardly represent anything else than hi intensity civil war would go

>Because they are easy to defend and thats were the supplies are.

static army is worthless army, your supplies will not last long if you are in shit so deep a city defense is your last option

>Also leveling the entire city is not that easy

actually is
>electricity supply
>water supply


>and if not done right you can end up with an even harder objective to take

why bother ?
how about i just end your industry and infrastructure, maniacally lough for few moments, pack my shit and just leave you to live in a stone age for few decades
Paris is easy to invade because those streets were purpose built for allowing mass movements of troops in and out of the city in times of crisis
>american civil war stalemate results in completely different ww1 outcome
I nominate Odessa because of the catacombs.
>> partisans blowing bridges up left and right
>patriotic partisans destroying their city

that's not how italians do things.
Best Korea is blurred out on Google Maps my friend
Satellites can tell interior of buildings and underground complexes?
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Ahh metro
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I'll take siege warfare for a 1000, Alex.
I'm surprised nobody's said LA. You want a megacity? the urban sprawl of LA is so massive and hellish, nearly 33,954 square miles in the great LA area. It's surrounded by the deserts to the East, Ocean to the West, half the city's on a fuck ton of mountains, valleys, and hills. Not to mention folks are armed to the death, CA gun culture is huge (albeit a little screwed rn), and between the Mexican, and Black gang bangers, Roof Koreans, and pissed off rednecks (think Ventura/Riverside area, coupled with the political juggernauts of the LAPD, national guard bases, airforce bases, and Camp Pendelton within a few hours drive, NO one could ever hope in a million years to conquer LA. Even nuking it would be hard, if you get downtown, Riverside/LongBeach'll still be ok.
just imagine it
>ebil government army invades East from Nevada
>pain in the ass crossing the Mojave Desert
>finally reach civilzation to get plugged by rednecks in Riverside
>fight your way in, having to deal with Mexican gangs, cartels, crips, and negro conglomorates
>LAPD is incredibly well equipped and enjoys shooting people in the face
>finally reach downtown, only to have the wheels of your MRAP stolen by a nigger, and shanked in the side by a hobo
>finally reach downtown only to get shot in the head by a roof korean
>city of LA devolves into anarchy from lack of water
>no army can hope to pacifiy it now
>no pussy ass bridges or strategic points to conquer either, considering the multiple "downtowns", and "cities" that comprise LA.
>Enjoy getting shot by an angry Jew from Hollywood too.
fucking antisemites
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