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/akg/ AK General

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Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 100

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AK General /akg/
Dictator's Rifles Edition
>Thread #5

Old thread here >>30406432
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Afghan AK 2.jpg
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>Faceted brake just sold on AKfiles today for $80

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What country is this stock from, I'm looking for one and can't find it anywhere.
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>MFW I was on the shitter a while ago staring at Daewoo's rifles I saved
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>anon I...
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Looks Russian tbqh senpai
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C'mon guys, plenty of ALL MERICAN RAAAS 47's here! Yeh jus can't kill these thangs! Yeager approved!
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>manifest breastiny
top kek
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Caught that nigga in the desert today shooting some kinda AK
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Also anyone here have any experience with an Amber Shellac/Iodine dye mixture? Is it easy? I'm thinking I might just stick with Amber shellac
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sometimes, i look at the guns they have and i dont understand the choices that cabela makes.
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Was a good day.
What's the stock on the top AK? I see it a bunch but have no idea what it is.
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I redid an Apex Balkan set in it. It works pretty good but I recommend thinning it out with some mineral spirits. You'll need to do light coats and let them dry in between. Overall it's pretty easy but a little messy
Pic related is about 6 coats, excuse the C39v2 it's not my rifle
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A $400+ Zenit one

Agreed. We need an ak operator desert goon squad
dat rape van tho...
wish i went shooting today, great day but by the time i got all my yard work done, i was too tired to go
pretty sure its custom from some guy on akfiles
That looks good. Pretty sure that's the shellac+iodine right?

I'm thinking something like that but a little lighter, so maybe 4-5 coats. Fortunately I'm getting sent some scrap wood along with my furniture.
What difference does the mineral spirits make?
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It's been 115f+ here lately in Phoenix, so the only time to get a few hours of fun is around dusk or dawn. After 9am its miserable.
Are you guys in AZ?

I have no one to shoot with here in LV.
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Yup, Phx. Come down in visit or wait for us to come up north closer to you.
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Man dress ?
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Should be in every thread desu

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I was the radio tech for a special operations unit. Here is a pic of me with one of Saddam's AK's in Iraq.
If your looking for a lighter color then i would go with less iodine. Honestly i got the formula off of the AKfiles but the mineral spirits helps to thin it out so you can evenly apply it, otherwise it's pretty thick and you will leave brush strokes in the finish if it's too thick.
Fair enough. Just like a really light, rust red orange? Would I want iodine at all if that's what I want?

Also good point on the mineral spirits.

I'm not trying to overthink this because I dropped alot of money on the furniture but if all the Russians do is coats of amber shellac then it should be easy I hope
Okay... and?
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Amber shellac will come out similar to this.
If this is too light, try ruby shellac.
Yeah you'd want the iodine, just go easy on it, it really doesn't take much at all to turn your mix a dark red. I'd start out with less than you think you'll need and add more. Keep in mind that as you go, the coats will get darker and darker, but no swear /k/omrade, it's pretty simple and straight forward. You mentioned some scrap wood, I would certainly practice on that.
>If this is too light, try ruby shellac.
From what I've heard, just add another layer of amber till you get it where you want.
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I've only seen the silver one in this pic.
Got any better resolution pics?
That's beatiful, and pretty much exactly what I want. Maaaaybe a drop of iodine.
Is that from IWD?

I'll keep that in mind, thanks mang. Yea I'll definitely do some practice, and some experiments. I think I've been freaking myself out with all these youtube videos of guys with crazy complicated and expensive processes; but it sounds like all I'll need is some sponge brushes and the shellac + iodine.
Sounds good. When I come that way I'll let you guys know.

In AK deals Desert Fox Sales has Hungarian tankers for 19.99.
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This is the only other pic that I have of it.
Yeah m8 you'll be fine. I literally did it on a whim and it turned out to be at least not shitty. i applied it with basic brushes on top of newspapers so you'll do fine I'm sure. Don't forget your mineral spirits, they'll come in real handy if you want to keep the brushes or clean them out.
Wouldn't mind having one of these tbhfam

Gonna dump some Type 1s
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I know where those are..... surprised you got a picture.
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>on top of newspaper

And thanks for the advice M80's, I'll post it here as soon as it arrives and is stained. Sounds like it won't take much longer than a couple of hours or a day.

Also since I'm here, how bad does this dimpling look? The picture makes it look better than it is, but I was warned about dimpling, and only just now noticed this
hows that 2015 wasr ? nice finish?
Kek my bad, I meant I just set the hand guards on top of a newspaper as I stained them, my wife would sperg if I stained the deck with iodine
It's my first rifle comrade, I don't have anything to compare it to. If you're alluding to the fact that it wears off fairly quick, then no I guess not.

Oh right, probably should figured that out.
So Amber shellac, possibly a drop of iodine, sponge brushes, newspaper, and mineral spirits.

Will I need to wipe away excess shellac with something between coats, or is the sponge brush pretty good about that?
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that rivet is fine comrade
You shouldn't have too much excess but you may get some buildup on the edges like where the retainer fits into the front, just wipe it away if you do.Honestly it's not that much different than staining anything else. But go with multiple light coats until you get the desired color.
>Zastava M76
>7.62 NATO

Nigga that shit is chambered in 8mm Nazi
Finally took my WASR (first AK) out and sighted the irons in yesterday. Managed to hit a majority of a magazine on a 400 yard gong with it. Rifle is fine. (did have to move the front sight almost as far right as it would go though, bought online and seem to have got a canted front sight)
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I've been looking at the Arsenal SGL20/ SGL21 rifles lately are they worth the high price they command? Towards the 1k mark used when only a few years ago they were in the ballpark of $700?
how to cop ak9 hand guard?
>a rock
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Because I like it
Arsenals make me hard as a rock
>the joke
somewhere along the louisiana bayou in a town with many of the same last names.
oi chimps, whats some stuff thats common over in russa, but kinda unobtainium stateside? On the terms of izhmash smooth black ak100series PG and those rubber bolton triangle buttpads, etc etc. basically novelty unique stuff.
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ok guys, i need your help.

I don't knwo why...but my bolt seems to chip at the back of the bolt.

Here are some pics.
Can somebody explain this to me?
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there are somehow no marks on the trunnion....
What are we supposed to be looking at specifically?
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maybe it chips itself at the hammer?
Is it still safe to shoot?
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ahh...wait...i will mark it.
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Not op, but here's one more circa 2007
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More of Sadam's bling
>maybe it chips itself at the hammer?
its possible. Lemme guess, you got some stupid ALG trigger in it, dont you?

i had...yes, but changed back to standard after 2 bump fire situations.

1. was my girlfriend
2. was a friend of me

That should never happen...even with untrained shooters.

But do you think that the bolt is still ok?
looks pretty fucked, so who knows. How bout you stop listening to that crossdressing degenerate faggit and just use what normal anons do....?

>CRAPCO sux!!!! buy this MIMshit ALG -MATCH- that is even higher Rockwell than the tapco.
>'LOL nah man, you cant have an AD just by lightly setting it on its butt holding it by the FSB...'
Didnt you watch his "retro A1 build" video? cunt didnt know jackshit about what he was doing. yet for some bizarre reason everyone seems to think he knows something when it comes to building slavshit.....

i....do not watch crossdresser desu...do you?

But thanks anyway...it still shoots well and i will comapare it every 250 rds to the pictures after i have shot it again. Just to be sure.
A-a-a-andrew-chan? is that you?
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wut? why in hell is there a chipping going on? That is not very common.
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what has it done to deserve this
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and in sharp contrast to OP's picture, a rifle from a poacher in Africa.
Milled master race prevails again
Dat flatback tho, dat open sight, dat legend
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shtf plan confirmed


That's a bit of 2x4 scrap and a scrap of tin from an air conditioner duct.
Shit looks like the "Hand hammered Woks" from the 90s.

I know I've been spamming the MAK90s in the past couple threads trying to sell them, and I apologize for that, but I've lowered the price on both of them, and would like them sold ASAP. If youre interested, reply to this post, if you have an offer, those are welcome too.
>as in not a production stock
jesus dude

maybe some more help? Is it realy fucked?
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go away
Put em on the files or gunbroker, seems to me /k/ has marginal interest in these relic AKs
Too bad there's not a report option for advertising anymore
Does it effect your shooting in any way?
If not I wouldn't worry about it till something happens.
Bolts probably aren't that expensive to replace anyway if you're really worried about it
Arsenal ?
Whaddya mean?
Like near New Iberia?
Looking for NOS plums.
Are those interarms Hungarian builds any good?
No, it works just fine. Mehh...i will shoot it till it fails
What make is the rifle ?
Its a saiga mk.
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>Short skirt and a long flight deck
>Star-Spangled iris
So many RAS shills here and on AK files lately.

>but guys it has a reaaaally good feel
>it looks so much nicer than the WASR

I bet CIA designed the ras for finger fucking in mind.
It should be noted that the rifle was still operating fine when it was confiscated
Surprising? Amerifats consumers are conditioned to believe the frosting is the good stuff, and the cake is filler.

>manufacture vegetable oil frosting, and spoon in on thick, merifat satisfied

Look at the spec housing Amerifats spend $350K on. Cheapest pressboard and laminate cabinets, with a section of slab granite countertop.

RAS is this, good for pictures and pretend times
Someone who doesn't do their research and doesn't know much about guns would almost definitely pick the RAS over the WASR. Made in the USA, finish is nicer than the WASR, "feels" better. Bread and butter of normie gun owners
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Oh God, don't start another housing debate.
Zenitco PT-1

trawl the redalliance forums and you'll find one for 250$ straight from russia very often.
Was that a thing in akg? To each their own I guess, people assign value in different ways.

Arsenals paint and price premium is worth it to me given the legacy of the arsenal and regulation in the US. Does it do anything more than a DDI? Not really
>inb4 muh chrome

Just saying RAS was conceived and marketed to a segment of the community, and has probably been relatively successful.
Yeah exactly, Century nailed it with the RAS/WASR. Both sides of the $650 AK market, form/feels and function/logic.
There was a shitfit in a thread a while back about how african cinder block houses are superior to the "paper mache" houses in America that get destroyed in tornados ("America" here meaning "Kansas")

But yeah, RAS a shit. More haven't blown up because the normies who buy them generally don't shoot them much
The gun market and community by itself is nearly as entertaining and interesting as the guns, such duality
>hyper law abiding sense of being upstanding
>waiting for 2.0 to pop off at federal agents
>debating the minutiae of different rifles with frenzied zeal
>shoots cans on the weekends
>internalizing X rifle, snowflaking for a sense of superiority
>The inherently conformist nature of small arms

The hyper pragmatic and the guy who drops huge coin for some period muzzle device that has a different corner radii

I love how arg is apparently "at war" with akg, what a meme, it blows my mind.
Guys filtering their urine and digging seed storage bunkers, guys blowing thousands on a Valmet. Fuck I love guns lol
>at war
>occasional cross-general shitposting is a "war"
Wew. That's news to me

See >>30406912
I don't go in there often..
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>at war
>a joke post

As someone who posts in both threads pretty often, no one actually cares and a lot of people own both.
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I some how ended up with a ton of AK and AK variants never really wanted more then one but the deals keep showing up and I cant pass them up.

Can I go back from here or have I gone too far? Am I doomed to a life of reliable rifles?
The ride will never end. Also, what's the second rifle from the top?
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Okay, A) you can never go too far.

Nice preban(s?). That's a preban Galil?
Is 8m3 good for self defense/home defense ammo?
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Whats a not shit .223/5.56 AK in the 800/1200 dollar range.

Are Polish Beryl AKs trash?

I'm an AR dude and I'd like ammo interoperation.
No I meant CIA, as in Central intelligence Agency. I believe they designed the RAS to flood the AK market so that when the great War comes, our weapons will break and we will not have arms to defend ourself.
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Alright, went out this morning for an hour or so innadesert to demo some funz to a no-funz califag in hopes he'd one day decide to get uncucked. Shooting my AK and normally I shoot brass .223, either American Eagle, PMC, or whatever the fuck is on sale or whatever my pops had reloaded. This past week I shot steel for the first time out of this rifle, Tula shit at Walmart. I noticed in a friend's video yesterday of us shooting that it had a pretty gnarly muzzle flash, but today it was fucking ridiculous. I let my friend do a mag dump, and then shortly after I was taking some slow aimed shots, and the muzzle flash was so fucking bright that it looked like a fucking flamethrower out of the 74 style brake side cutouts. Is this the ammunition that could cause such a sudden increase in muzzle flash or something else?
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>non shit AK in 5.56
SLR-106 that isn't an early production one, Galil, M90 PAP, Norinco 84S. Beryls are absolutely not fucking trash.
Yes it almost certainly has to do with the type of ammo being used. Sounds to me what's happening is the shitty Tula ammo isn't getting a good powder burn and you're getting excess burning powder out the muzzle. Other factors may be involved such as the temperature of the powder prior to ignition or the temperature of the barrel but I doubt it has a big effect. It's probably just the ammo.
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Beryls are great. I've posted mine a bunch in /arg/. Good luck finding one though.
>Saving up money for a DDI AK-74
>Can finally afford it
>Sold out, gone forever

Goddamn it, can someone please give me a good 5.45 recommendation? I was originally thinking of Arsenal but I've been hearing a lot of shit about their finish and customer support.

Someone please help me, I desperately want a 74.
Dude get a SGL-31.

Russian master race. The side folder on a 104FR isn't needed unless you're jumping out of a plane.
I don't think if he had to save up for a DDI AK-74 that he'll be able to afford the $!500 for a second hand SGL-31

Is there really much of a difference in performance between the SLR-104 and the SGL-31? The SLR isn't too much more, but I'd be paying twice as much for the SGL.
No you're better off with the SLR
When Atlantic opens up on Friday, should I immediately get this


or should I stick with the SLR-104 that I've been fairly resolute on getting thus far?

The Petronov looks pretty dang good plus it's got the wood which is a very good plus for me.

What's the general attitude towards this one? Can it be trusted, or should I just stick with the Arsenal?
Get the SLR.
>just buy a rifle that isn't imported anymore
just stop

buying a saiga/sgl compared to a slr is like buying a colt AR, youre just paying for "muh logos"

back when they were the same price it didn't matter, now that they are b& and command a $ premium just go with the slr since it's cheaper and the only company in the game for authentic slavshit. I mean sure you get to shitpost in akg about having a "muh authentic izzy ak made in motherland" but no one is going to actually care

unless you can find a reasonable priced sgl just get a bulgy slr, they are both equal.

on a side note since the russian sgl aks used ak74m/10x parts your not going to find spare bolts or bolt turn rivets since izhmash is now requiring licensing/royalties for their rifles and there is no surplus so you're going to need to get parts direct from slavland
Are Zastava M70's good entry level AK's?
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Its a Finnish M78
the Galil isn't preban sadly I made it from a kit couldn't find a preban that wasn't beaten to shit or way over priced so i built one
Dude there's still SGL-31s on KVAR and other sites.
Normally I would give the edge to the SLR because of the CHF barrel and factory made and riveted receiver, but the rifle you're looking at has one of the Polish CHF barrels which more or less puts the barrel on par with the Bulgarian. The receiver is a US made which is less desirable than the SLR, but it's a Polish shell so that adds to the cool factor. It'd be nice if it were a little bit cheaper, and I still give the SLR a slight edge, but if you're leaning towards the more classic AKM style then I won't try to talk you out of that particular rifle. Looks like a solid Polish AKM clone.
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close up of the galil
Hmmm, I am really liking it, kinda getting a gut feeling here. I just hope that it's reliable and won't face quality control issues like CA has done in the past.

I think I'll also replace the wood stock with a triangle stock as well. Fuck though, it really looks nice...

Ok, I guess what I'll do is when AF opens back up Friday, depending on how much the price of either the SLR or Petronov inflates, I'll go with the one that costs less.

Really like the Polish one though.
>I think I'll also replace the wood stock with a triangle stock as well.

Don't even get the AKM if you're going to do this
Why not? I'm not going to throw the wood stock away. I'll keep it around for when I want to switch it up. I see literally nothing wrong with this.
Several reasons..

because the only reason to spend $1030 on a rifle like that is because it's a well made Polish AKM clone and the Poles never made an AKM with a triangle folder so it wouldn't be proper

Because you can't put a real triangle stock on there without extensive modification so you'll have to settle for one of the drop-in triangle folders which actually do look like shit (and may still require permanent modification to the rear trunnion)

Because, just because. If you want to build a frankenrifle there are much cheaper routes.
Hey /akg/, I just got a set of polish polymer akm/ak74 handguards in the mail from rtgparts for my wasr and surprise surprise the lower handguards wont fit my wasr because it's far too loose.
Where can I get a black set of polymer handguards that are guaranteed to work with stamped aks?
what chimps said

if you want a folder, get a polish, e german, or rommy wire sidefolder and a riser bar
that way you at least don't have to modify anything
Use some kind of epoxy to build it up where it's too loose and then sand it to fit
Ok, fair enough reasons. I do much prefer the wood stock anyways. I love the personal feeling I get from it, as opposed to poly or other types.
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Went out shooting today to see if the Obzor will retain zero and it did with zero problems.

After getting home and cleaning my rifle (AKA shower with it because 7n6) I took some new pics to shitpost with :^)
What brand do you recommend that is reliable and can withstand the heat?
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This is the last of my open 7n6. I have enough stripper clips to fit an exact 1080 rounds/one can on clips, so I'm down to about ~70% of a can left besides two more sealed tins I'm just gonna keep sealed for novelty's sake. After this is gone I'm sitting on some of that nice lacquered Wolf and some Silver Bear.

It is insane how much these clips go for now. I paid less than $40 for all these clips and a dozen spoons only a year and a half ago.
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And I traded some leftover 5.56 I've had lying around for years for these goodies today. The guy couldn't sell them locally so I offered to trade him some ammo and he went with it just to get rid of everything.
JB Weld pham
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Seeing this really makes me want to get one of bad elements 20rd bakes.
someone get rob ski in here lmao
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I guess I'm being snubbed on this forum

I guess either no one knows about scope mount brackets for Arsenal Ak's, or everyone one is snubbing me.Thanks for nothing.I'll remove myself soon.
myabe reprofile the trigger surface
What's your fucking problem?
is this the akfiles meme guy post
its a meme you dip
>is this the akfiles meme guy post

Sorry that I don't keep up with akfiles latest dankest memes
Found put the problem was because the jews at rtg parts didnt even bother to sell the handguards with heat shields, I've been shiested
>Latest dankest memes
It'll be ten years old come October of this year tbqh
Fuck off kid
Seriously? Wew
They relist the heat shields separately for another 10 dollars.

Keep in mind that buying the upper and lower handguards are as expensive as buying them from akbuilder
Jesus fucking Christ
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Oh boy. Look what finally arrived in my mailbox.
Bruh, I just got done installing mine today as well
What heat?

Any epoxy.
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u guys believe that anon with the chewed up saiga bolt? blaming it on bumpfiring with a akt?
Ill give you $350......... for both.

no such thing anymore. RTG sold out from panicbuying fuckboys after Abu Hajar wasted those faggits. Another place, that I will not name, is selling "unissued" stuff that is rusted to shit, and will be getting the CC refund-hammer bc they dont wanna reply to emails and false advertize.

>buying serbshit
>paying $10 for a fuckin brass oil bottle
you know Copes had them @ 3 for $10 like not even 4 months ago, rite? What site is that, NiggerEnterprise's?

>The hyper pragmatic and the guy who drops huge coin for some period muzzle device that has a different corner radii
is there something wrong with being period-fuckin-correct?

besides the golani and AES10b, all thats serbshit belongs in the >>>/trash/

No, and its unobtainium now.

Beryl and 106 are about it. galil if you wanna stretch 'AK' a bit. 106s are known to fuck up and arsenal will tell you to fuck off. regardless the AK, be prepared to spend ~$50 per mag.

>shooting Tula 223
its like you want a smoothbore by 3k rounds.... go read up on it, I think it was luckygunner that did the 'AR15 barrel test: steel vs brass'

what state you in, friendo?

DDI is shit anyway. Its prolly a good thing.

>Dude get a SGL-31.
>wanting a frankenstein parts rifle
>not to mention fucktarded fudd 'Russian band asult rifle' pricing
>besides the golani and AES10b, all thats serbshit belongs in the >>>/trash/
Consider not posting anymore
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But, but....
Stick with the SLR. Poland makes good quality stuff, but the builder has no rep.
>nd the crowning jewel is a Original Imported New Polish Fabryka Broni "FB Radom" chrome lined cold hammer forged Barrel
>Imported New
pick one, and only one. Its a new production barrel. While Radom makes it, who knows if its really to their supersekrit warsaw-pact military-barrel TDP.

>back when they were the same price it didn't matter,
except they were still frankenbuilds. The only thing really russian was the receiver, barrel, and BCG/trunnion. Unless you went IZ240 and converted with real parts, you got a NON-PG reinforcement plate rcvt and a mishmash of bulgy ak74 era parts (not ak74m)

thats pretty fukkin hawt. Where did you get the kit? numrich?

>I do much prefer the wood stock anyways.
until you get around to holding it up.

>$1 a clip is too much
at least they are reusable, unlike 5.56 strippers.
How many can you jam into a .50 can?

What serial# on the bayo's?

>expensive as buying them from akbuilder
fuck AKbuilder. Their 14lh to 22mm adapter is trashass shit. Fuckers wont even email me back to schedule a return.

>$0.50 has been deposited into your prepaid MC account.
trashass overpriced shit.
I think Serbshit is pretty aesthetic tbqh fampai, and it's better when it has a chrome lined barrel
And the parts are from Numrich, matching numbers in very good condition vs mix master with rust from every other supplier for only $20 more
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>$1 a clip is too much
Compared to what I paid for them that is more than double.

>at least they are reusable, unlike 5.56 strippers.
True, and when you're concerned about weight and space two clips and a spoon sure beats a loaded mag.

>How many can you jam into a .50 can?
I can fit all 72 loaded clips with all dozen or so spoons in a .50 can and I did that for a while when storing them, but it gets old lugging a .50 can full of 1080 rounds around when wanting to shoot out in the middle of nowhere so I put half and half in .30 cans.

>What serial# on the bayo's?
3610 and 6687
>And the parts are from Numrich, matching numbers in very good condition
Was that the condition listed for the kit? Also, whats the diff between their LikeNew Parkerized and LikeNew Black finish? Isn't the black on paint-over-parkerized?
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>The only thing really russian was the receiver, barrel, and BCG/trunnion.
No, really.
>DDI is shit anyway. Its prolly a good thing.

Sounds like you need to get laid more.
>17 components on a AK74
>only 5 are russian
I guess you find that unsignificant?
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>DDI is shit anyway. Its prolly a good thing.
I hear this alot, can you tell me why?
>I hear this alot, can you tell me why?
Sorry, can't. Busy trying to get laid like >>30426479
smugly suggested
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The only thing I find significant about your posts is how significantly wrong they are about fucking everything.

The guy's picture included a Valmet and a PSL. Neither are serbshit and it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

The only SGLs that ever had any Bulgarian parts are the SGL-20's and some of the extremely early half-converted SGL's that still had sporter buttstocks that you never really see for sale because not many of them were made and most were converted. SGL-20's are also very uncommon to see for sale. The vast majority of SGL's (including all 31's and 21's) have all Russian parts except for the necessary 922r parts. You would know these things if you weren't talking out of your ass about things you don't know about for the sake of (You)'s.

As expected you can't even back up your unfounded claims
>Instead of providing evidences to the claim I made I will try to sidestep the issue and insult the questioner.
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It's the same guy trying to say that plum furniture wasn't found in Afghanistan during the latter years of the Soviet Afghan War and he's shitposting harder than an Australian-Finnish lovechild on summer vacation.
>You would know these things if you didn't know these things
Okay that was stupid but still not as stupid as "unsignificant" and calling a Valmet serbshit.
Actually, looking back on the listing it doesn't list the quality. Ill posy pis of the conotion it is in when it comes. As for the finish, I couldn't tell you one way or another
>implying both of these wasnt (You)

>The only SGLs that ever had any Bulgarian parts are
get edujamacated
And I dont like PSL's or overpriced valmets. maybe I phrased that wrong, but it should of shown my distaste for serbshit.

>trying to say that plum furniture wasn't found in Afghanistan during the latter years of the Soviet Afghan War
never said that. I only said it wasn't commonly seen.
take a retro roadtrip on some dankass tunes, and chill the fuck out cunt.

are there two of you? or you just got a split personality with one manning your computer and the other posting from your phone?
>everyone that disagrees with my shitposting is the same person
What did he mean by this?
hello /arg/
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>are there two of you? or you just got a split personality with one manning your computer and the other posting from your phone?

He was retracting his earlier claim you dimwit
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There is nothing in your shitty arfcom thread that reinforces your point, and even if there was I wouldn't believe it because I know what I'm talking about.
>maybe I phrased that wrong
Apparently you forgot how you phrased it, allow me to remind you:
>>besides the golani and AES10b, all thats serbshit
>>>>besides [these two exceptions], the rest of those rifles are serbshit
Don't try and backpedal, just admit you fucked up, not only on one rifle but on two rifles in the picture which were obviously not Serbian.

I'm not mad because you're ignorant, I'm mad because you're ignorant and you still pretend to know what you're talking about, spreading disinfo.
How bout you quote properly?
>besides the golani and AES10b, all thats serbshit belongs in the >>>/trash/
seeing as I dont remember putting that extra 's' after 'that', and remember it as such, I see where youre coming from.

>spreading disinfo.
serbshit is just what I claimed it is. It is literally RAS47-tier with its improper heat-treats and low quality steel: except its not made in USA and takes snowflake furniture and parts.
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>All this shit talking
Who makes your AK?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but are we ignoring your totally bogus claim that SGL's have Bulgarian parts on them, and only five parts total are Russian? Really?

This is how bad info gets spread. You have vocally negative opinions on guns based on things that aren't even true.
I just threw some # out there, just like how a AK74 doesnt really have only 17 parts, which you failed to mention.
>trashass overpriced shit.

>$50 is too much for a better trigger
G2 should be the baseline, not the end goal.
handguard retainer
Gas tube
Rear sight block and retainer lever
Bolt carrier and bolt
Front and rear trunnion
Top cover

Not even fucking close to 5.

Number of Bulgarian parts on an SGL:
Some speculate the trigger guard but I disagree with this claim, it's either 0 parts or maybe 1 part. A far cry from your alleged "mishmash of bulgy ak74 parts"

Oh wow you really revealed my ignorance by proving that I don't have the exact parts count of an AK-74 memorized. Wow awesome I'm going to sleep
when did /akg/ become this autistic?
>>shooting Tula 223
>its like you want a smoothbore by 3k rounds.... go read up on it, I think it was luckygunner that did the 'AR15 barrel test: steel vs brass'

FML that's scary, thanks for the protip anon, I'll read up bit I'll take your word on it. And it got run hot today with that shit too. :/ Fucking noguns/newguns only care about magdumps, bumpfiring and other gay shit. Probably ran 200 rounds of it total, but sticking to brass only from now on. Shoulda let them play with my WASR but was out of 7.62

>what state you in, friendo?
Arizona, land of the spics
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>>$50 is too much for a better trigger
>MIMshit that is hardened well above allowable Rockwell.
If you have the knowhow to make a G2 feel good with $0.02 worth of polish, then you prolly dont have the mental fortitude to own firearms.

Still doesnt change the fact the parts used on SGL's are based off of older AK74-era parts, and not the newer AK74M stuff.
>is there something wrong with being period-fuckin-correct?

See guys it's real
looks like its that CG fag
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Never heard about this before, are akt's tearing shit up? Wtf man, and I really like that trigger, i have them in two rifles.
the guy who drops huge coin for some period muzzle device

me desu, got a problem wit it m8 ill bash ur fukkin skul in swear on me mum
forgot to greentext

>the guy who drops huge coin for some period muzzle device
Saigas are shitty civilian hunting rifles, hacked up and converted with third party parts.

They aren't even close to being a accurate clone of anything in the Russian military.

Now this is shitposting.
Definitively, demonstrably incorrect. You might find this link useful: http://lostallhope.com/suicide-methods
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>>MIMshit that is hardened well above allowable Rockwell.

Post science or shut the fuck up.

>Finish installing my AKT
>Putting the mainspring legs down
>Move one side
>My scribe loses its hold on the spring
>Spring slams down onto the trigger, throwing sparks around
Oh I fucking love these rifles.
Just commentary about the personalities in the gun community. I actually really like the period builds people do, I wish I had the time for it in a way.

>does the ride end?
I've been debating getting a SLR104 or crossing the divide for a FAL.
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Get the SLR104 first, then get an FAL sometime down the road.

I love both dearly, but if I could only have one it'd be the SLR104.
Really? I've never shot a FAL, alas my gun buddies from work are paranoid pussies that hardly ever go out.

My reservation with the 104 is it will be my 4th AK and autism really coming on strong.
>Figuring it will take 2k to get into 5.45, that goes a long ways towards a 50.63 that needs nothing but ammo.
Panicfems delayed any purchases for awhile anyhow
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I would definitely agree, my slr104 is my favorite rifle.
Dat anchor though
>over analyzing
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>Nah I have no doubt atm fucking love it

nahh...never blamed it on the bumpfiring. I would blame it on the strength of the metal. The ALG is a very good trigger, but somehow new shooter tend to bump fire with it. You can even see that Jim Fuller mention this on his website....well not anymore like it seems...
how much you fag?
Considering building an ak this year, but I want to buy a parts kit soon. How much is a fair price nowadays for a bulgarian 74 folder kit, assuming one turns up on files or somewhere? Are polish Tantal kits easier or harder to find?
What kind of MOA should the 74 be shooting? I don't have the best eyes, but with a 3.5x magnification I get about 3 MOA with surplus ammo. Any tips on how to get tighter groups?
>Inb4 Git Gud
Recently got my first AK. Not planning to buy another yet, but just out of curiosity, what's the best Arsenal AK to get in 7.62x39? Anything except underfolder.
I want to say SAM7 if you want milled receiver, SLR-107 if you want stamped receiver.
Thank you

Bolt looks good!
Shoot it and pass it to your grandchildren.
Aside from a Smersh what's a good solution to carrying RPK magazines.

Is this a meme?
>A $350 AK trigger
>Not a meme
Pick one.

Plus it's not as "drop in" as they claim and does no better than an AKT for speed or weight of trigger pull.

>But hey, if you want to blow tree fiddy on a gimmick, go for it.
Its fucking home made.
hell i can make you one if you want and send it

Hey guys....serious question.
Could i buy a airsoft flashhider made out of steel for my AK?

They are round about 20$ cheap....as cheap as the stuff from russia but without these restrictions.

What do you think?
Serious answer... yeah go for it, what could go wrong?

i dunno...maybe some shrapnells of broken pot metal?

Did anybody ever tried something like this before?
Jimmy "Cuck" Fuller likes them. If that tells you something.
Why not just go on amazon and buy a real one for like 10 dollars more? Fuck, you people are cheap.

just show me where to get an Ak 104 booster...they were cheap as fuck...but now they are not to find anywhere!
unless airsoft standards have changed significantly in the past decade the threads are completely different
Make a video using the Airsoft flash hider or booster.

ahh, didn't know that.
Chris at Ak-103.com has chrome lined US manufactured copies for $139
Won't ship until August and it's a clone, but it's gotta be better than airshit parts.

jesus christ....this is a product worth 10$.

But somehow the demand determines the price i guess
No supply. Baby wants AK104, what to do?
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>american flag/10


first time posting in /akg/ in about a year
what up homos
>tapco brake

Tantals are going to be easier to find, but just know that the top handguard is a bit of a special snowflake thanks to how the rear sight block/handguard retainer work.
Is there anything wrong with Gibbs Marra bho mags?
They're cheap and I like the bho yugo mags I have
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Shit I'm late
I apologize for the late reply, I'm asking 700 for the one I have left, if youre still interested
I've got two questions for anyone who can answer:

First, how interchangable are front sight post retaining pins? I lost the ones for my Tantal kit and I'm trying to find the right ones to replace them with, so far I've got it narrowed down to these: http://ak-builder.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=30328

Second, what's a good cheek riser for the stock? The only ones I've seen are either the ones from Apex or AMD65Tech, can anyone recommend which is better or are they the same?
deciding on an ak, been trying to choose between a DDI or arsenal, im partial to ddi since their factory is so close, but supposedly arsenal are better quality, opinions?
But, if you pay me by paypal by tonight, or tomorrow morning, I will take $680, and have it sent off first thing tomorrow to your FFL
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There's no fucking way. Please post more pics of this if you can, may be interested. I don't know how many man hours you have in that thing so I may not be able to pay you what it's worth for you to make such a specimen. Can you stain it possibly?
Get that shit out of here. This isn't SlavGeneral.
I might be, do you have a kik or something we can discuss this on?
Refuse to buy ak cause commie gun get one maybe the commies aren't so bad at guns
One of these on files now, cracked to hell for 2k.

Hate muslims? Buy a yugo AK.
arsenal if you have the money for one
dont like commie AK? buy a valmet
Yeah that's nice
give me something to contact you on.
Ok guys so I have a fucked up problem. I posted here about a month ago about an "AK-74" I bought that is actually upon further study is acutally a Bulgarian AK-74 parts kit built on a receiver made for 7.62-39. Is it worth is to buy another receiver that's actually meant for 74's and rebuild it?

(please help me chimps and flandre)
Sorry for the typos I typed this up on my phone.
downloading kik now
oh i mean an email would've worked i would like to see the rifle and know a bit about it before i commit to it.
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Fuck why are ar ak mixes so sexy?
i could prob send pics faster through kik, whats yours?
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Utterly disgusting
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Like "mixing" races, the end result is an abortion with none of the good qualities of the original
Just about done downloading, mine will be my name on here
watch your micro-aggressions bro
Looking at replaceing stock on my npap. looking at the krebs custom mount and I have no idea what decent stock to get.

been thinking of a side folding stock to keep it compact for the truck.
Just messaged you
Someone is making a fucking killing off these mags

Paid $500 for my green one
That's just a 7.62x39 Ar with a better mag system for the round it uses. There is no AK in that mix
Is there any info on these "prototype" mags anywhere? How do you know it's not some guy molding them in his mom's basement? What's the story why they weren't produced?
>500$ for a single mag
Fuck man have you shot with it? Or strictly for photos and collection?
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her dad is literally like the shiiiiiit nigger and her mom is white
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And it shows. She's an oreo disaster, thus the heavy makeup and dyed hair. There are legit all black women who look better with no makeup. Face it, mulattos are trash.
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All kinds of crazy experimental mags,completely unknown variants being known for the first time.

All because of one Based slav stealing shit from the Kalashnikov museum basement (not a joke).
Wtf? And Putin didn't have him executed? Anywhere I can read about this?
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agreed, but i think she is the exception that proves the rule
Even Stacey Dash would be a better example. She's an exception for sure.
Anyone else have trouble charging their AK with the hammer down?
Lift more
no...i dont have weenie arms
A man needs a name.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but it really is quite sticky at first. Makes it pretty difficult to do that under the gun charging shit.
Nah mang. Only if you're retarded and don't brace the stock against your arm.
Actually, the thought occurred to me that these may be total counterfeit BS invented by some enterprising scammer. But looking at the mags, I'm fairly sure they're legit Izhmash made. The biggest thing that convinces me is the fact that they have all the usual steel reinforcements that you would expect in the regular black magazines. I'm fairly certain these are prototype Izhmash magazines and right now Izhmash is playing around with different plastic recipes trying to find a good transparent recipe that doesn't crack.

Haven't gotten it yet, according to the tracking numbers it has cleared Russian customs and is probably overseas right now. I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to shoot with it. All the reports of them being brittle and prone to cracking make me hesitant to shoot with mine. Or even load it to max capacity because of how much stress that puts on the feed lips.
please help

ur the guy with the ejector in the wrong place for a 5.45, i mean if you want you can get a new receiver. but i'd try to add more metal to the ejector till it functions
2-4moa yours is in spec.

It's failing to eject the cartridge?
Yep, I've tried about 4 different mags so I definitively know it's the ejector.
New thread



did they ever fix the whole shit finish breaking parts issues, or am i still expecting a 500$ rifle and a 500$ roll mark
It's the receiver. The rifle needs to be rebuilt.
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not a golani its this >>30423730
and there are only 3 Serb shit rifles the other are Jewish Finnish or Romanian I also have a WASR didn't fit in the picture though
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