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Which martial art is your favorite?

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Which martial art is your favorite?
Boxing master race.
Pikiti tirsia
>not liking gun-fu
Nuclear physics
I do kung fu
had ~8 years judo, and some informal boxing training from uni roomie. GTG.

prefer Glock-fu, Ruh Na-wei, and just run his damn ass over with the minivan.
Sitting on a dick
I did almost 20 years of Shotokan karate, Tang Soo Do and Tae Kwon Do.

A lot of karate is horribly outdated, the deep stances and long punches put a lot of power behind your fist but they're slow and inflexible. A serious karate fight ends up as either two big dudes standing in place punching each other in the chest over and over again or it looks like MMA kickboxing. Then there's all the Mcdojos with "female self defense" instructors where there's no serious attempt at sparring and you end up with "black belts" who still limp-wrist their punches and kicks. Kata are nigh-worthless, the basic ones are good for exercise, you can put on a weight vest or plate carrier and do a dozen reps of Heian Shodan and get a decent workout but don't delude yourself into thinking you're learning how to defend yourself against a mugger.

In today's world a martial art is still good for instilling the mental conditioning to deal with sudden violence... If done right. But probably 8/10 of places people go to learn such things are trash, If there was nothing else available and I had to choose between a strip mall Mcdojo where you do nothing but kata and a cardio kickboxing class where you at least hit a free-standing punching bag I would choose the latter. You'll at least learn how to hit things without failing too utterly.
sounds good. waifu is too fat to run, but very stronk. I told her to latch onto their face and start biting like it's military day at Golden Corral.
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She will fold up with a single half powered punch
No specific fighting style is superior to all others. They all have good and bad and the best gyms produce fighters who are proficient in techniques from all of them to produce the most well rounded fighters.
They may have one primary style that is home base, but if they are good they will incorporate things from many other styles alongside their own.
Nobody is going to have hands like boxers. Nobody is going to have leg kicks and checks like muay thai. Nobody is going to be able to work clinch with knees and elbows like kickboxers and karate. Nobody is going to have take downs and TDD like judo and wrestling. Nobody is going to roll like BJJ.
Take a look at the best MMA fighters, whether it's their striking or grappling they're known for, they're rarely from one form alone.

Find a gym run by former pro fighters or amateurs with an impressive record and/or background in competition. If your gym doesn't allow full contact sparring regularly and isn't actively involved in producing (mostly winning) fighters and organizing fights at the amateur level, your gym is a joke and you aren't going to learn how to fight.

I'm serious. I've watched multuple "strictly/purely" one form style guys with black belts show up for a point kickboxing match or a visiting sparring session get destroyed or even knocked out by guys who have only been training for less than a year.
every street fight you see, the guy is just attacking with his hands. this is why boxers will always be the best in street fights. even an average guy that has been doing it for a year will absolutely ravage ass on anyone that actually tries to fight them fists out. boxers are just too quick for any other fighting style to compete in a street fight. even old guys who used to box DESTROY people, because they just have that shit wired in them.

boxing is simple too. you can still fuck someone up even when you're old. you're just punching. there aren't a lot of special moves to learn. you just keep doing it until you're superhumanly fast at punching with force with accuracy and have the footwork. someone like Tyson would probably fuck up loads of people from different martial arts, especially in some random street fight.
yep. just tested it. kind of looks like a fish on the dock.
most of it is getting used to getting hit and still continuing on. doesn't take much to knock anyone out, jabs will do, no matter their size if they're not used to having a fist in their face.

just watch vids of street fights, little guy who knows something will dominate.
Pretty much anything than puts an emphasis on striking and moving. Grappling is a nice plus too.
I did Karate for the past 4 years. Now I've got a probationary black belt

Not saying it's the best martial arts, but I think I do have pretty good chance in streetfight when shit hits the fan
I gotta ask, is there any practical kicks you learned?
I'm trying to practice some shit as I'm moving to a shitty neighborhood and I don't have a CCW license yet.
>bk belt
>4 years


nothing above the knee. they can't stand, they can't kick your ass. also padlock in a tubesock is a good equalizer.
I'll take the below-the-knee stuff to heart, but wouldn't a padlock in a sock get me charged for assault with a deadly weapon?
no, because Tyrone's buddies are going to kill you for escalation. I just want to see your ass on Worldstar.
In every slav street fight I've seen, the hit and run driver won. Everyone has a plan until they get run over by a 4500 pound car.
You'll see 5'10" inches of Caucasian fury. I think I'll just carry around a pocket knife or something. Even dumbasses don't feel like getting stabbed, and for some reason everybody thinks the white guy with knives actually knows how to use them.
I started off with judo and moved onto krav maga.

I like both, but my favorite is krav maga. My friend once tried to insult me by calling krav maga "dirty street fighting" as if that was a bad thing. It's not, because that's exactly what it is. It is a series of easy to learn and utilize techniques to help you deal with the kinds of attacks you would expect to be confronted with in the real world. A real fight and a real life/death encounter isn't boxing match with 'rules,' it is a struggle to maintain your life over your attackers. Eye gouging, throat punching, crotch kicking, knee kicking, etc are all perfectly effective and reasonable means to disable your enemy quickly. There is only one rule in a fight: there can only be one winner, so be him.
Fuck. >>30301639 was meant for >>30301603
I'm a green belt in Tae Kwon Do. I'm not doing it as much for self-defense as I am doing it for fun and community service. I'm the master's assistant teaching it to at-risk kids in an inner-city after-school program.
Boxing, BBJ, and Sambo. Currently fucking around with Systema
You've just summarized Krav Maga without knowing it.
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The original MMA.

But with AR-15's and glocks. Instead of katanas.
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>tfw something you like and think is good is turned into a bad meme by fat internet people solely on the fact its Jewish and a tiny number of asshats are full of bullshit and don't represent the community as a whole

Why do people not like Kosher Kung-Fu?
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Because it's a Live Action Role Playing art. Otherwise known as LARPING.

Takes Judokas many years to learn a throw so well that they can do it reliably under stress against all types of opponents.

Takes boxers years to learn a counter and land it perfectly under stress.

Takes BJJ guys years to perfect their specific submission or sweep under stress.

But some Krav Maga guy who is being taught by a Krav Maga teacher who is neither a Judoka, Boxer, Muay Thai, BJJ, Karate, Wrestler, Samboist, Sanda, fencer, etc

Will somehow teach you go do all those things. With no real sparring needed. And absolutely no competition where it counts.
Krav maga is garbage. It's a slightly more masculine form of women's self defense class.
It's striking with illegal/cheap strikes and some basic take downs and rolling, which sounds great, except for the fact that their striking technique is garbage and so is their rolling. I've watched and sparred with krav maga guys and I've yet to see one actually win when stripped of their dick kicks, indian arm burns, and all the other dumb shit they practice slowly and controlled in a nice AC cooled strip mall. Their punches are weak, their kicks are telegraphed and slow, and all of their take down and td defense and rolling is basic at best. They get worked every time they step out of their gym and that's why you don't see them outside often or in amateur/pro mma; take away their one hopeful land of a nut shot and they get demolished.
don't beat your waifu anon
Been training Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for the past three years, and I'm still such a beginner. Just got my blue belt in BJJ though, so I have that going for me.
>not using systema
Moves are moves. If you can't counter a dick kick, looks like you're the one that's garbage.
Seagal tier.
Krav maga guys have no moves to begin with, and any kick they throw is more than likely to be checked by anyone with a modicum of training.
Again, it's women's self defense for men.
Nothing is better than krav maga.
That's not a real martial art. Too many rules that prevent competent fighting in real life. The fact that a boxing match lasts for so long is testament to this.
>Too many rules that prevent competent fighting in real life
Get a load of this faggot.
Congrats on the blue belt dude, I'm about to test for mine.

I think jiu jitsu, wrestling, judo, boxing, and muay thai are my top picks for practical, useable martial arts.

I've been doing BJJ for about 3 years with a tiny bit of muay thai for giggles.
I love the grace of wing chun
The difference being is a boxer is likely to KO you within a few exchanges if you don't box.
Krav Maga, those jews really know how to gouge out eyes.
I'd love to see you TRY to block a groin kick from a guy doing Muay Thai for just 3 years.
>illegal/cheap strikes

you know when someone is garbage when they call a tactic an "illegal strike", its a fucking fight man no-one is gonna make sure you play by queensbury rules.
Idiot he's trying to prove a point that anyone can do those cheap strikes in a street fight.

Would you rather fight LARPING David Goldbergstein to the death or an MMA fighter to the death? Speaking purely hand to hand
>training Russian aikido

I'd rather take the faggot who thinks their Ronda Rousey and doesn't know that elbows exist.
Go fight a boxer, judoka, wrestler, muay thai or bjj fighter and tell me howuch greater larp magoo is
>mma fighters don't use elbows
>what is mauy thai

Are you legitimately retarded?
I always liked weapon arts if that counts
Archery was my favorite but I liked Kendo too
>inb4 weeb
Nah, I just liked that it was more structured than HEMA stuff
Elbows are an "illegal cheap strike" in MMA you retard.
Big thing for my instructor is that despite your weight class, if you're getting a blue belt you should be able to consistently tap anyone that isn't a blue belt. This is in training and in competition. If you can't at least make gold/silver in a few tournaments you're not getting promoted.

I know this is man-child tier, but it keeps me active and in shape so I love it.
>Elbows are an "illegal cheap strike" in MMA
>calling others retarded
Wing Chun is heavily underrated
Only if the elbow is coming down

Street fights are nothing like movies. MMA and grappling is totally fucking worthless in the street. Learn to throw your hands like a gentleman and cut the bullshit. Boxing also gives you far and away the best conditioning and training because it's actually practical. You're never going to be tussling with someone trying to get a full mount outside of your mcdojo, train yourself to be able to stand and throw your hands for at least 5 minutes. Most fights won't even last that long, but once you find yourself able to not feel like you're dying after 2 minutes you're already doing better than 90% of the people you'd be fighting.

I personally love shaolin and all the chinese martial arts, but that shit is so useless unless you literally dedicate your life to it. Trying any of that fancy shit will get you laid out in almost every scenario.
Does OP imply as a practioneer?

I have 2nd dan and instructor certification in Tang Soo Do (WSTDA)

But as an observing favorite, I'd have to say Bpk Pai and Chin'Na

I like wing chun, the jut helped me get really good at deflecting hits when I still boxed. The way you're taught to use your wrists is very useful in some situations, I just really couldn't afford to keep going at the time and fell off.

Reminded me of when I took shaolin as a kid, I'll never forget watching my sifu let our entire class charge him only to have him effortlessly swat us away like flies. Shit was like something out of a bruce lee movie.
Not sure if you ever saw a real street fight, or if you ever have been outside, but unlike movies, 99% of fights go to the ground. Look at literally any COPS vid ever and it'll show them wrestling fuckers to the ground. Watch any real bar fight, any real fight ever, and unless someone is knocked out in the first 15 seconds it almost always goes to the ground.

Carry a gun anyway.
Boxing is useless, you fool. It has no defense against nut shots, kidney punches, grapples, throws, ground attack or kicks. It's useless.
>The original MMA
>boxing is useless

Want to know how I know you don't train anything worthwhile?
Seriously? In a fight you'd either put your legs up to block or just move out of the way. It's not like you have to treat a street fight like a professional match.

Wing chun is shit and rated exactly where it should be

>comparing Kendo to HEMA
Well 90% of the people that study it are shit terrible.
It's definitely not practical unless it's your life's work and you have experience, so yeah it's shitty in that respect.
post pics
> unless someone is knocked out in the first 15 seconds
that's exactly why you train boxing - put a motherfucker to sleep prontissimo
if Jamal drags you to the ground, you can bet his friends will come over and kick you in the head - not to mention that the ground is home to things like broken glass, needles, rocks and the ever so deadly pavement
> Carry a gun anyway
you don't know much about fighting but your head's screwed on straight at least
Russian Sambo.

Honestly so many martial arts are shit and ineffectual, including a lot of famous ones.

A rule of thumb I have: If a martial art has some over-the-top focus on striking or "disarming", it's probably a scam.

Not hating on striking, obviously the act of striking in a martial art isn't a scam, but I feel like some of these McDojo arts focus on it specifically because it looks flashier than grappling.
Ninjitsu Ashida Kim Style.
stop it with the fucking grappling meme
it has its place, but it should be a last resort, not your go-to in a real fight
you're free to go to whatever ass-grabbing championship you want, and sweat and grunt with your butt-pals and give each other atomic wedgies but... the pavement hurts, okay?
if you're ever in a real fight, do your utmost to remain standing
I'd only grapple if somebody got way into my face or the had a weapon, assuming I can't just run if they have one.
But yeah, if you don't need to wrestle, why wrestle?
If you land even one good punch on someone they will feel it. I don't care how drunk or tough people are, connecting a few hits will put them down in most cases- if you know how to throw a punch that is. I'm not gonna take my chances rolling on the ground and trying to mount some drunk guy at a bar, I'm gonna punch him right in the fucking face like I'm trying to punch the guy in the next room. Most fights last under a minute, knocking someone out or getting knocked out is a very real possibility.

Going to the ground in any fight outside of a ring is a losing proposition any way you cut it, and no amount of MMA or gracie bullshit is going to save you when you're getting stalled on by said guys buddies on the ground. Or even worse if you or the guy you're fighting falls wrong and end up really hurting yourself. I agree with the gun part though, a gun is infinitely more reliable than a fist when it comes to putting someone down.
many people watch MMA and think "yea boii this be REAL fightin!"
obviously you're not one of them, so that is good
> way into my face
my instinct is to try and head-butt motherfuckers who try to move inside
doesn't always work because I'm pretty tall, lol
failing that a few punches to the kidneys or maybe attempt some kind of throw?
eh. it all depends
Nice b8, here's your (You)
I'd don't get people who see that roll around stuff and think it's practical. It must be all the blood. I rarely ever see anybody actually get into a position where they can do any of that ground-n-pound armbar stuff.
As for headbutting, it seems like a good bet for somebody try to get inside. For somebody like you who's kinda tall, try a shot to the ribs. That always hurts like fuck and nobody ever expects to get hit there in a street-fight. There's also just kneeing the groin
Ancient art of "ching ching pow!"
Same style Bruce Lee used for personal defense.
Can't argue with the advise of a master.
Get a gun.
Drunken pubstomping master race checking in.
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As a relatively experienced "streetfighter", you don't want to be thinking tactics, end the fight in your forst 5 moves, or enjoy being haymakered by some random fuck from behind.
Always go for the headbutt where possible, inexperienced guys go like fish in shock when you use it, just keep headbutting till you see stars and stagger, and then run like hell as soon as possible.
hah. never did I ever actually intentionally throw a rib-shot, guess I'm just afraid to fuck up my fists
knees to the groin, yes, yes, by all means
knee to the liver/spleen also works if you can sorta make the other guy lean forward a bit and open distance (just leaning forward yourself has this effect with many grabby types, they will attempt a headlock given the slightest excuse)
The first street fight I ever got in the guy did that to me. Got me three fucking times, proper hard. Still went through him after that. That's when I learnt I could actually take a hit and stay standing.
You are lucky he was a shitty fighter then, kek.
Don't make his mistakes anon, if you want to stick around like he did, stomping is your friend.
You headbutt till they go limp or hands out infront, then drop, and stomp with everything you have, aiming for the stomach and head alternatively.
I hope you want to kill someone anon, as this is the only way it will eventually play out desu. Nearly killed a guy on spring break, just with a one hitter (missed), I pray you stay out of fights for the most part.
Anyone that talks down boxing has never been in a fight
that's why he headbutted three times, I was trying to avoid a fight. He was a pretty pathetic fighter honestly, though he had a reputation around my town for some reason. Probably for just randomly king hitting people. The only fight you truly win is the fight that doesn't happen.
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>tfw fell for the aikido meme for an year and a half before switching to boxing

I got into it when my industrial size and strength Slovak gf introduced me to the sport. Was fucking around play rassling one day and she threw me like a rag-doll. I was like WTF just happened??. Her dad is an instructor and took me on in his class. I really enjoy it.
If it's so convoluted and difficult to learn that it actively makes you worse at fighting unless you devote your life to it how is it better than boxing and judo which can teach you to be reasonably combat effective in a year maybe even less if you train hard. Personally I have doubt that there are good wing chun fighters at all. If there were one would be on the radar by now.

>inb4 Bruce Lee

Actor who never actually fought anyone outside of one street fight with conflicting witness reports.
>tells others they don't know much about fighting
>tells people they only need to learn one aspect of it and assume that anyone they encounter is going to go down like a sack of shit in 15 seconds with no contingency plan for if that doesn't happen.
>Grappling is a meme

What don't you faggots think is a meme these days?

How exactly do you plan on learning to throw people (let alone not getting taken down) without learning grappling?

fucking whining pussy, go back to /fit/
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>cum fit me irl im a gud fitew anon ill sher sho uuu uwuwuwuwuwu
I've being doing karate for years, I love it and I'll stick to. And I don't care what MMA/Kickboxing fags have to say about it.
>Bruce Lee
>wing chun
Well, there's a reason he wasn't satisfied with it.
Not that I support restraining yourself in a fight for your life, but you have to keep in mind that kicking people in the dick and poking them in the eyes is not only way more difficult than most people assume (especially since krab mango guys don't usually spa4) but it's also not magic kill switch that's just going to just end the fight especially if they've got you in a shitty position. I can't believe how many people I've had to tell that raising the level of violence in a fight you're losing is a bad idea.
What is going on here? Mandingo fights?
hey people stick to garbage martial arts more often than you think, more power to you.
I play judo right now, but I'm thinking of moving to BJJ because I keep getting injured.

In 6 months I'll have a handgun license and I'll be doing IPSC, too.
List of worthwhile martial arts:

>Muay thai


If your martial art isn't in this list, it's garbage and so are you.
>play judo

Yeah, I play racing. I also play fencing and play boxing. Then I play some wrestling and play archery
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Not really, once the grappling starts it will render most run and gun fighting ways of ill effect. Know wrestling and BJJ too. Things can and will end up in ground games.
what the fuck is happening in that .gif
Someone wishing that he learned how to grapple.
if youre getting injured youre obviously doing it wrong fuckwit
From the video it came from;
>Dindu thug tries to start shit with good ol' boy Cleetus
>Fails to take into account Cleetus easily has 75 pounds on him, because ghetto monkeys have the worst fighting abilities and judgement in the entire history of human civilization
>Cleetus manhandles Tyrone to the pavement in seconds
>Begins meatgrinding his skull
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>far and away most effective punching forms
>dat footwork
>dat conditioning
>dat everything

Yep. Totally worthless in a fight.
Judo's statistically one of the most dangerous martial arts on the planet, and injuries are common as fuck.

Have you literally never done a martial art in your life? You're fighting with people for 4 hours a week. They're throwing you on the ground. Injuries happen.
Learning how to throw quick, efficient, mechanically correct punches and combos, while knowing how to move in/out of effective ranges while maintaining sold defence throw head movement/footwork is useless. Right. Also kicking in a street fight is begging to wind up on the concrete. Grappling on cement is not fun in the slightest, keep both feet on the fucking ground and thrown hands

Haymakers and black boy.

There was a point though during the ground battle that the black boy got on top of the Arizona guy before losing that advantage and ending up with black boy's back given up to Arizona.
Surprised this isn't /k/'s favorite, it's fuckin' bayonet fighting.
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>putting some weeb name on what's already a thing.
Considering it's a niche within another niche (kendo) it shouldn't surprise you at all no one's fucking heard of it.
You don't "play" a sport unless it's a team sport. You wouldn't say you "play" racing. You race.

It's basically aerobics with swords. It doesn't have any pretensions of making you some hardcore motherfucker like other TMAs. It's kata - repetition, precision, and focus.

And, just like Tai Chi, you can practice it indefinitely. Take it up as a young man and only put down the sword when you finally kick the bucket
>choreographed low-percentage techniques against a compliant partner

This is why Krav isn't taken seriously
What is muay thai for $200, Alex?
The difference between MMA and your choreographed Krava Magila is that the competition environment allows one to safely practice techniques against an unwilling opponent again and again.

If a technique is too dangerous to be safely practiced against an unwilling partner, and you are like most people and don't seek out fights, you will never develop a level of aptitude to repeatedly and accurately execute it under pressure and in trying circumstances. All it gives you is a false sense of confidence.
I like hapkido. I learned for about 6 months, had to quit for reasons, but what I learned helped me not get my ass beat about 3 times (but then again I was fighting punky 19 year old street kids rather than hardened fighters). Not sure how it holds up against military styles, but I hear a lot of police like it bc you can restrain rather than severely injure with hapkido.
Shooting first, duh.
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