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Would a gun have really stopped the Petit Home Invasion

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Its popular to use the Petit home invasions as an example of nogunz allowing a situation to spiral out of control. But could Dr. Petit have actually done something of note even if he had a firearm when his wife willingly let two other men into his home?


I wander what his daughters meant by this
>his wife willingly let two other men into his home
wtf? why would she do that? this has liberal family btfo written all over it. Didn't the dad get knocked out by a bat or some shit so he wasn't able to? I didn't really follow this story.
Background info in case anyone needs any

Stars a military vet.
And lots of rape.
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You will never bust nuts as hard as those two home invaders did that night.
You obviously didn't read what happened if you don't think that a gun wouldn't have made a difference.

Also, they followed his wife home from a store. She literally didn't notice a car with two sketchy dudes fresh out or prison following her back to her nice neighborhood from a public place. Even basic caution could have prevented this.
from what I understand one of them went with her to the bank to withdraw money.
all the while they believed they would be let go unharmed.
Yes. Why?

Because basic situational awareness and the mental preparedness to take a life go hand in hand with keeping and bearing arms.
No, the father was a cuck who ran like a puss while his wife and kids were being raped and killed. The wife had a serious issue of Stockholm syndrome.
Better to be armed and have a chance than not.

The Cheshire police response to the bank's "urgent bid" began with assessing the situation and setting up a vehicle perimeter.[13] The police used up more than half an hour taking these preliminary measures while the assailants were raping and murdering the women inside the house.[14] The police made no effort to make the assailants aware of their presence.[14]
Fuckin' Christ...
>The wife had a serious issue of Stockholm syndrome.
Wait, you mean she liked them? I know women are instinctively inclined to be attracted to aggression but I didn't know it worked that fast.

I know the two slavs mocked William Petit to his face in court afterwards.
Could've bought a fire extinguisher
Probably not. He is whitebread, living in a good area, with no real experience of violence. Normal people encounter criminals and moderate violence and pretty much shit themselves.
>police took their time during the sex party inside
Do you think it was a jack hammer or was it nice and intimate?
Not him but apparently she thought they just wanted money and would let them go.
>The manager stated that Jennifer had indicated the assailants were "being nice", and she believed they only wanted money.
>Just give the burglars what they want and they'll leave you alone! You don't need to KILL someone, you psycho!

Jesus Christ, this whole story is so fucking depressing. I don't know what's more horrific, the fact that the women were set on fire after being raped or the fact that the father ran away knowing full well what was happening to his family.
Definitely the latter. What the fuck goes the mind of a man who is supposed to be the provider and protector of his family to run away while something that fucking vile is happening to the people he is supposed to care for. Despite how much the word is thrown around now, this man embodies the word "cuck".
Considering how things went, it definitely would not have made the situation worse.
So he is a man who allowed a woman to run his family.
>What the fuck goes the mind of a man

He had his head caved in with a baseball bat.
Alright, well what goes through his mind, ASIDE from the bat.
But really
>William Petit had been able to free himself, escape his confines, and call to a neighbor for help.[20] The neighbor indicated that he did not recognize him due to the severity of Petit's injuries. In court testimony, William Petit stated that he felt a "jolt of adrenaline" coupled with a need to escape upon hearing one of the perpetrators state: "Don't worry, it's going to be all over in a couple of minutes." Petit then told the jury, "I thought, it's now or never because in my mind at that moment, I thought they were going to shoot all of us."[21]
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He ran away. He wasn't unconscious.

Try harder, cuckold apologist. How many men have fucked your wife?
Dr petit was a beta as fuck, a gun would make no difference because A. People like him dont carry them around and B. He probably wouldnt have been able to shoot straight in the situation and would ahve magdumped into the wall/his daughter/wife and then the invaders would have blown him away.

That should be besides the point. I'm not an excellent fighter, but I don't care who's i my house, if they are causing harm to my family, I'd be doing anything I could to fight back until the threat is stopped or I am dead. I'd be going full Imperial Japanese Army on their ass.
The instinct to survive is stronger than the desire to fight. We learn to fight, it is not something which is wired in.

He was in no condition to mount a rescue mission.
a good run is better than a bad fight any day of the week.

tactical retreat is a valid maneuver
>How many men have fucked your wife?
I'm tired of seeing this question as if it's meaningful at all. I don't hold Samantha accountable for what she does when she's very drunk, and if I drank I hope she'd feel the same way.
Wonder if his daughters pussies felt the same way.
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Well the good news is the good Dr. remarried and the new wife shit out a kid or two so theres that silver lining. He is essentially pic related
>That should be besides the point.

Brain function is besides the point? Even people with mild concussions are fairly useless. They cannot walk in a straight line, cannot perform simple tasks.
>tactical retreat is a valid maneuver
You mean retreat while your wife and daughter are literally being raped and SET ON FIRE.
Try and justify it all you want, but this dude is a pussy of the highest order.
>Godammit captcha, those are lakes, not rivers.

Obviously he was conscious enough to get up off the floor, find his way to the door and open it before one of the captors noticed.
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I came.
Had enough presence of mind to think about what was happening to his family and run to a neighbor for help >>30105021
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>He thinks the police are there to protect him and his family

Get a load of this guy
gr8 b8 m8
But nah really, I am under no illusions of that idea, police are there to take statements, file reports, and MAYBE find the guys that done it.

>It was close to 10 a.m. on a rainy summer morning when Petit finally escaped and rolled, with his ankles still bound, into a neighbor’s driveway. He banged on the garage door.

>Dave Simcik looked down on the bloody, beaten man at his feet, but didn’t recognize Petit. Soon enough, the cops were on top of the doctor with their guns drawn.

>“The girls!” Petit howled. “The girls are in the house!”
So you're saying you were born a cuck?
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What's brutal about it? He wasn't getting his shit pushed in, unlike all of his bitches.
>The instinct to survive is stronger than the desire to fight. We learn to fight, it is not something which is wired in.
Speak for yourself, faggot.
I do hope somebody got charged for this
3 pussies just for you and your bruh, two of them TIGHT AS FUCK
Yeah, the home invaders got charged. Now they are in jail thinking about what they did while learning new skills and developing their social network inside of a U.S. prison.
They probably got "Disciplinary Action" or something to that effect, i.e. desk duty for a few months till everyone who matters either forgets what happened, or just doesn't have to pretend to care anymore.
Dammit /k/, threads like this make me drink, I have work in the morning for fucks sake.
Police are immune from any sort of civil or criminal action stemming from a failure to act.
>working on a holiday
kek dumb wageslave

Oh you chaps are a hard lot and no mistake

He'd been bashed in the head with a bat, was seriously wounded and in the head to boot. Being unarmed as well, he stood no chance of overpowering two uninsured men. His best chance was to run for help. Staggering inside to be finished off would have only ensured the attackers were at their leisure to brutalize his family.
for as long as they will naturally live, since CT abolished the death penalty after their conviction

>Multiple correct solutions required - please solve more.
fuck you captcha
fuck you to hell
>Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again.
I seriously doubt that, when his family is in danger.

He needed a weapon though.
Men who invade homes and rape children do not enjoy their time in prison. Odds are they spend 23 hours a day in solitary for their own protection
Yeah, I know, but I don't get the Monday off because lolapprentice.
Fuck it, I drank last Sunday and no one said shit about me smelling of bourbon on a construction site, well no one who matters anyway.
Yeah there's a long and storied history of that happening...

Oh wait, usually criminals suck with firearms.
>tfw not a total sociopath
You not Union?
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The lesson here being never to live in a cuck state.

>mfw my state has more executions per capita than any other state in the union
>mfw my local LEA arrives at 90% of 911 calls within 5 minutes
>mfw I'm 90% sure they'd cream their pants at the chance to get out the MRAP

Still, this makes me angry.

This is the logical conclusion of the liberal mindset, destruction at the hands of any determined enemy.
Yup, but I don't if its just a British thing, or even a Scottish thing, but no one I work with is gettin the Friday and Monday off, but members of my family who work in public businesses are (post office etc.)
Fuck it, I'm just glad I'm don't have to work Sat-Sun and get a half shift on Fridays.
Although Unions generally don't give two shits about apprentices because we're usually in shit for posting pictures on social media of drugs. Not kidding a painter apprentice at my company genuinely got fired recently for posting a facebook photo of him in his work clothes (which have the company logo on 'em) smoking a joint. How fucking retarded can you be?
That is obviously a lie, imagine a nigger circling your nest of ramen noodles in prison, giving you the stink-eye with his one good eye left (obvs been in prison too long).

You will jump up to protect your shit, no matter how petty because fuck that stanking nigger!

I did too, but the nigger decided a ramen noodle wasn't worth it.
Holy fuck. I'm about to get married and this story really just pissed me off. I will never allow this to happen to my family. I will fucking destroy any pos that threatens them
>Upon their arrival in the early hours of July 23, they found William Petit sleeping on a couch on the porch.


You are fucking scum.

>being surrounded and threatened by police while two criminals are having a rape party in your home with your family, completely undisturbed by the police

That's pretty brutal if you ask me
I bet it felt great.

Thats not even close to the definition of a cuck, but nice try at bein a memester.

He is a massive pussy though.
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Any normal residence isn't perfectly defensible.

If some whackjob drove a truck or van full of explosives up to your house you would be shit out of luck.

Rich people have barriers that aren't easy to drive through between the road and their home specifically because of things like this happening.

Dianne Kikestein lives in a gated compound in a gated community in a police state in Commifornia.

Might realistically need some heavy machinery like a tractor/apc/tank/bulldozer to knock down the gates (if you can't open them) in order to transport your explosives to the target.

Alternatively you could try to find a pilot sympathetic to the cause, and a chopper that can carry a couple barrel bombs.

With militia scaling the compound walls or blasting an entry on the ground, and some mediocre air support with an MG42 or two on a chopper and some barrel bombs... You could probably hold off any response that would be available within 30 minutes in Commifornia.
>Barrel bombs
Sumnerfag, pls go and stay go.
LOL, keep perpetuating a myth you got from film, faggot. Tons of dudes laid waste to underage pussy and are having a decent time behind bars.

Film does equal reality
>went to bank with the criminal
She missed the perfect chance to get out
Women don't think the same way men do. Men and women are not the same.

>freedom fighter

I am okay with this.
But she was getting fucking robbed, even if they were going to let her live or leave her unharmed, that's enough to justify attempting something.

It was actually a sunroom, an enclosed porch but the family had left the door unlocked. Dr. Petit was sleeping there because his wife who had sleeping disorders had gone to bed before him and did not want to wake her.
Stockholm syndrome and "liberal" delusions are a thing, /k/omrade.
>"Dude, the horses want to get loose. LOL."
Nothing you can do about it
I bet that puss tasted wonderful, and felt amazing too.
Wouldn't adrenaline kick you out of that though?
Women don't get adrenaline rushes as often as men. They are naturally passive, goes with an excess of estrogen.

> Komisarjevsky later kept a diary, entered into evidence, in which he chose to call Petit a "coward" and claimed that he could have stopped the murders had he wanted to.
There was another guy at home with her kids. Even if she escaped him, all he'd need to do is text "kill kids pls", and the plan would be for naught.
This is why you should have a large breed dog at home and teach your kids gun safety and get them some HD guns
one guy i knew told his teenage son if anyone ever comes to the house to rob the place just do what they say and give them any thing they want because nothing is worth your life or theirs.
this was in northcal so i wasn't surprised but it still bugs me

> would a gun have stopped this situation?

No more than a blender or a fax machine would have.

> would a competent gun owner with a smidgen of situational awareness and the will to kill to protect his family have stopped this situation?

Sure. But the media would never report on it.
^^^This beautiful faggit knows what's up.

Way too subtle for /k/, sir.

I'm not beautiful.
police dun messed up. setting up a perimeter instead of rushing in. most PDs have now switched to rushing in to catch assailants off guard after many incidents like this, including goat fucker sympathizers doing murder suicides
Goddamn it's like this friend was trying to be the cuckiest cuck who ever cucked.
Anything describing the raeps?
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A 200 dollar 12 gauge shotgun and some 00 buckshot would have turned this story into "Crazed Gun nut murders defenseless dindus"
Or a ladder, that'd get past the fence too.
Husband seems suspicious.

Also, I do not want an election from this thread.
Spoken like a true coward.
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So ya, dindus. I'm not sure why you needed to clarify that.
Dr Petit wouldn't have been able to stop the invasion with a gun, he was knocked out in his sleep.

His wife, however, could have.
I lived in CT when this happened.

News media was acting weird. Husband was suspicious as fuck and remarried unusually quickly.

Something tells me he bribed the dudes to kill his family for insurance payout.
>6 consecutive death sentences plus 107 years

Hey my state finally didn't suck for a change.

>abolishes death penalty

Well never mind,
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but anon, if you kill your enemies, they win.
>zap him again!
>b-but sir...
>>abolishes death penalty
you mean you dumb motherfuckers are going to feed, house and cloth them for the rest of their lives !!?
Which is actually cheaper than having the state kill them. You see, one could easily just walk up to one of those faggots and put a bullet through him, easy, but the state has to literally burn money in order to kill one inmate.
>6 consecutives death sentences
srsly Amerifat I want to know how you do that
I've toyed with the idea of death by hydraulic press

>place head in press
>swift movement to crush head

Done. Quick, painless, cheap.
I would expect no less from a Britfag
there needs to be a worse-than-death life sentence. for these kinds of crimes.

Fed dog kibble, no window, never allowed out, no contact from anyone.
two parts finesse, one part good intention
You see, it's very telling with how he rationalizes the situation with getting a third party to solve the issue for him, most britfags are left leaning so they're more than welcoming government regulation, so it's no surprise when a britcuck poster would rather someone else save his wife and kids.

All and all, the british generation of today doesn't deserve to exist, the generation that beat the nazis must be rolling in their graves from the massive shame knowing that a bunch of muslims will be running britain in a few years.
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jesus fucking christ.
this shit isn't even funny anymore
The only problem I have with the death penalty is that it's state funded murder of its own citizens. Obviously these guys deserve it and they did have a trial by jury but I just hate the idea of giving government the right to do the deed.
Like cases where they're seeking the death penalty can cost a shit ton more money, also those who are on death row sometimes will cost 90,000-110,000 more dollars per year than those who aren't, you see it isn't just a "I sentence you to death" and the next day/within the same day they kill 'em, they take forever to do anything, and by the time they eventually do kill them, it costs hundreds of millions of dollars. (overall total btw)
Yeah. Seeing execution chambers creeps me out. Taking a defenseless person and pumping them full of chemicals until they die doesn't seem like the sort of thing decent men aught to do.
Duder, that was like so edgy bro !!!
Check it out, u n me, my house tonite
We are gonna go roast some cats together xd
So assuming the father wasnt in on it, he was unconscious with no phone and there are 2 armed men. The best play is to run to the closest phone (neighbors) and get back up.
Then, you grab the nearest improvised weapon, garden tool, kitchen knife, whatever and you rush back.

It seems he didn't do that? So my verdict is at best he's a coward.

cops tackled him outside

If anyone were serious about keeping legal executions humane we would have switched to nitrogen asphyxiation by now. The 'suffocating' reaction is caused by increasing CO2 concentration in the blood, but the pulmonary system can't tell the difference between oxygen and nitrogen, or helium, or a number of other gases. They would just fade into unconsciousness and die in minutes completely unaware and painless.

But when presented with this cheap and humane method, most prosecutors/judges say its not justice served to see them die without discomfort. Make up your mind: either have executions that are humane (you are acting on behalf of the State by killing this person, you're supposed to be better than them), or don't execute people. Period.

Honestly I think people with life sentences without parole should be given the choice of voluntary euthanasia.
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Cops were there by then? How slow war he moving?
They were outside for a long time.
>I think people should be given the choice of voluntary euthanasia.
Cops made it to his house before he made it back from Neighbors? seems unlikely unless they were there from the earlier bank visit?

Top kek m8
they were
Lethal injection - where they slow your heart to 1 bpm and then put you in the books/tax records as deceased, and bring you back to normal and torture you for the rest of your life. ie crank you out on meth LSD & caffeine with clocks that variate in actual time that has passed and never letting you sleep.

you reallly didnt think that through.

>he doesn't know tree-spook's can teleport nowadays

>Honestly I think people with life sentences without parole should be given the choice of voluntary euthanasia.

No. A lifetime of isolation, waking up every day knowing that the world is turning and people are enjoying the freedom you once had, while you spend the rest of your life rotting in a cell alone is more often than not appropriate for those who are sentenced to life in prison.

Ideally, prisoners should have even less freedom than they have now. No pleasures, no luxuries, no communication with other prisoners or anyone on the outside. Just food and a hole in the ceiling to pipe sunlight in, letting the prisoner know that it's the beginning of another day.
I think decency was thrown out the window once those fuckers decided to murder and rape those women.
Okay, well I'd be suing the pd for dereliction of duty then.
Sounds like a good way to make them successful citizens upon their release.
Sounds like a waste of my money. Serbian mass graves is the best method. Cheap bullet, cheap hole. Flesh buried life moves on.

Still can't understand why it seems the US is the only first-world nation that still continues the delusion that justice == vengeance. Even if a person inflicts suffering on others, the authority of society should never be used to inflict suffering back. To do so erodes the legitimacy of our justice system.

By all means put someone in prison, but don't do so with the goal of dehumanizing them. Let the prisoners do that themselves. If such a person, given a chance to be better, decides to continue being an inhuman fuckwad, then throw them in a hole and lose the key.
>should be given the choice of voluntary euthanasia.
they are. Its called standard issued two bedsheets
>but don't do so with the goal of dehumanizing them
Interesting you mention that.......

> and estimated that the equivalent for humans was six months. After these critical periods, no amount of exposure to mothers or peers could alter the monkeys’ abnormal behaviors and make up for the emotional damage that had already occurred. When emotional bonds were first established was the key to whether they could be established at all.

Go read up on it. A human caged up for more than 6 months has permanent damage done to their psychii.

So tell me how this is acceptable in "modern" society, where 1 year terms are handed out for next to nothing, ie victimless crimes & petty shit.
>knocked out and bound
>wakes up and squirms his way to the nearest friendly, able-bodied man
Richard Petit did everything he could. The neighbor is the one who could have entered the house armed and actually interrupted the invasion once Petit told him what was going on.

I know people just want to be internet tough guys, but at least pick an appropriate target.
>when his wife willingly let two other men into his home?
Sweden YES!
*William Petit
Don't know why I thought his name was Richard.
Our "justice" system is already demonstrably corrupt. The more money you have, the less likely you are to face consequences for your actions.

Reformation is the goal, but failing that, you're left with vengeance.
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That was some dark shit...
Those monsters should be taken out to the Mojave, gut shot, and left for the buzzards.
Laying under the baking desert sun while your guts hang in the sand would almost be too good for these fucks.
This is why every man should be able-bodied and armed.

Sure, the odds of this happening to YOUR specific family are low. But if it does? You need to be ready.
Have fun hiding in fantasy worlds.
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Found the faggot.
Men should pay for their crimes.
Too bad his neighbor was t the sandy hook kid. He'd have enough funds to go Rambo. But seriously if this was me I'd go Keyser Sose and set kill my family first. Show those fuck that a man with nothing to lose shouldn't be fucked with
The idea is for it to be fast enough that you don't register it, faggot
isnt it worse to live in prison for the rest of your life than suffer briefly then cease to exist?
> something, something, Warren vs. District of Columbia, something, something.

TL;DR - Police don't have to save you.

Do it your self.

Now that I'm older I'm glad dad made me kill three homeless kittens with an axe when I was 15. I've known ever since that I could kill a man if it was necessary.

I don't know if I'll be able to make my children do that tho.
So did they.

In every hole.
[incoherent rage]
I saw a video of a home invasion/rape/murder once and I've never been able to find it since. It goes similar to this

>knock on door
>kill dad with hammer
>theres a christmas tree and either the mom or the kids get raped maybe both I forgot

Theres a christmas tree, and a hammer as a weapon I remember that for sure. They seemed to be recording themselves doing it.
Not when our prisons are fucking luxury compared to actual prisons in other countries.
>Now that I'm older I'm glad dad made me kill three homeless kittens with an axe when I was 15
Not that it's a big deal for the kittens to die, but what is the matter with your dad? I remember suffocating wounded dove and such, but that's part of a hunt, not whatever the hell this is.
Good safety rule: never go somewhere w/violent strangers. They want fewer witnesses so they can get their tortuter/rape party going. Awful story
>t. A guy who's never been to prison
Just because they aren't gulags doesn't mean they're a resort either.
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No tears now, only rage.
I wished antman was with those two guys.

The story would be a whole lot more interesting to read then.

What you guys think the story would be then with antman added to it?
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> In August 2015, the state of Connecticut abolished the death penalty, and both Hayes and Komisarjevsky had their death sentences commuted to life sentences.

James Dean and Ava Devine did a scene together.
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>The manager stated that Jennifer had indicated the assailants were "being nice", and she believed they only wanted money.
>the police are 100% dependable when you and your family is in danger
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When prison rapes are factored in, men are raped at a higher rate than women.
I guess you could think of it as luxury if you were big enough to be the rapist instead of the one being raped.

every American has the right to a fair trial and to go through the appeals process. You're a complete idiot if you want to get rid of this.
Pls, go find me a prison in the US that doesn't suck human rights activists dicks, these men deserved way more than what they could have gotten in any us prison.
Idk but shipping the niggers back would have.
>death penalty costs millions
>death by firing squad is maybe a few fucking dollars
>have a number of executioners greater than 5
>give only one executioner a working firearm with a live cartridge
>give the rest blank firing conversion guns with a blank (ie the ones used by hollywood)
>the executioners have no idea who killed the fucking person deserving of death
Yeah. It was a long time ago and he was/is from a different generation I guess.

He could do some amazing stuff. Seen him run 200yd across a field 18" deep in snow in full winter gear after the "big one" one deer season. It's hanging in the wall now. Literally none of us, even my athletic cousins could keep anywhere near up with him.

After family get togethers sometimes my wife will ask me about such and such a thing dad did or said. Usually I'm just like yeah, and tell her about the one time when he did something so much more unbelievable. He never really did anything illegal, murder/rape/etc. Never smoked, seldom cussed, even seldomer drank. Tough ol sonofabitch tho. Into his 50s he ran harder than most men at any point in their lives. A man's man I suppose. Half farmer and half mountain man. Mom kept me indoors a lot til I was a teenager cause he was forever dynamiting stumps or ditchs and generally cleaning stuff up in such a manner as she was afraid I'd get hurt. Wish I would've been around him more when he was younger.
>Missed completely hitting prisoner on the side of the jaw, he's still alive
>Everybody looks at Jim
>Everybody knows Jim's a terrible shot
>Jim is sad
You're close. It should be:

5 with a live round + 1 blank.

> get the job done k.
imagine being super duper drunk, now try and go fight 2 people at once

now shut he fuck up

I would do it if the pay was decent. I have no moral objection.
The cost lies in the appeals process, not the method of execution.
>two uninsured men
What the actual fuck?
torture. the word you're looking for is torture.

and yes, there needs to be a toture sentence for when shit like this happens
>1 daughter


>After the verdict, his defense attorney stated: "Hayes smiled upon hearing the jury's recommendation of a death sentence." He then added: "He is thrilled. He's very happy with the verdict. That's what he's wanted all along."

>His death sentence became a life sentence in August 2015 when the state abolished the death penalty.

Look at him and his actions, do you really think he gives a shit about anything but himself and his dick?
Sons of the father you ficki ficki
Can I be Russian in this example?

I feel like if I was Russian I could do it.
This made me really sad. The two little girls lost their lives because their mom was a dumb cunt and their dad was a pussy.
You're closer, but no. You give them all live rounds and just lie to them that there were some blanks. Because fuck that bullshit.
>a bloo bloo death sentence is way worse than life in prison
He's likely in isolation, release him into the general populace with a nice big poster of his crimes and let some bored inmates let off steam on an acceptable target, always stopping it short of killing him.
>he actually thinks this
Life sentences fuckwit.
plenty of particularly vile rapists end up beaten to death in jail
Solitary confinement is different than being a part of the general prison population.
>>People with life sentences without parole
>On their release
See the problem there?
Its a way for prisoners to have a rare chance to beat on someone near consequence free. If it was suddenly a vile crime to prefer the oat parts of Lucky Charms more than the marshmallows those guys would be getting beaten to death.

More than bored animals than noble savages.
Oh, it wouldn't be for naught. Maybe the guy would have been caught sitting out there before he could. Or maybe she could have run away and let the rest die like her coward faggot husband did.
>>mfw my state has more executions per capita than any other state in the union
statist detected

how many bolis gars have actually been blown up by ieds in america

and are we allowed to own mraps and if not, why doesnt the second amendment extend to mraps

your wife better cc and you should get a door tripper and a pupper

get told this all the time especially by employers
not even $200
a pipe shotgun for $10 if you want to cheap out
still can't stop hundreds of thousands of dollars of appeals and legal fees and red tape
the donuts aren't going to eat themselves
>implying there isn't multiple kinds of rape
>implying a 15 year old and a 19 year old engaging in sexual activity should be punished in the same way as a 19 year old forcibly engaging in sexual activity with another 19 year old, or a 19 year old assaulting and hurting and forcibly engaging in sexual activity with another 19yrold
that makes more sense
i find it hard to believe that jamal and tyrone and bubba and smalls suddenly become WE ARE ANONYMOOSE SOCIAL JUSTICE DEATH TO RAPISTS THINK ABOUT THE LITTLE CHILLUNS when they get put in jail
/k/ freaks the fuck out whenever I say this, but the state has a monopoly on violence outside of self-defense. It has every right to put these fuckers to death.
>cheaper than having the state kill them.
rope is reusable you know.
I understand where you coming from, but doing bad things ought to have consequences. I'm okay with punishment for the sake of punishment in our justice system.
to continue that statement:
rapists get a bad rap because of feminism.

feminists realize that their rape stories just aren't getting enough attention when they explain that handsome, normal guy that she decided to have sex with didn't stop halfway through or that she were just drunk

so every rape story gets told like they were stalked, cornered, beaten to death and gangraped by 20 ugly ogres, 300 pounds and 7ft each with spiky 18" cocks, their vaginas tore from the bleeding and they tortured them and it lasted 4 hours and threatened to kill all her family members if she told anyone

you know that her argument is shit when she has to exaggerate and beg for sympathy to have any chance of validating it

but should citizens be allowed to defend themselves from the gvmt

killing or imprisoning people is so pointless and expensive
it doesnt undo the crime
why can't we just give them parachutes and airdrop them into somalia
Our biggest problem with the MRAP is that some of the older bridges in the county might have a problem handling it lol
You're fucked in the head, launching into a tirade on the different kinds rape unprovoked.
>"Mr. Petit is a coward, he ran away when he felt his own life was threatened," Komisarjevsky wrote in diary entries obtained by ABC News. "Time and time again I gave him the chance to save his family."

>"If you don't want to defend your family, then take your chances with the criminal while police sit outside and follow protocol," he continued, referring to the fact that law enforcement arrived on the scene and were roping off the area outside the home while the two assailants were still inside committing the horrific murders.
I think he paid them to do it.

To easy for him, to suss for all of us.

Plus the scum has re-married and had more kids. Any normal man that was legit about all this would never love again.
under-rated post
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>i find it hard to believe that jamal and tyrone and bubba and smalls suddenly become WE ARE ANONYMOOSE SOCIAL JUSTICE DEATH TO RAPISTS THINK ABOUT THE LITTLE CHILLUNS when they get put in jail
If you seriously think that the only reason people punish rapists is because of Gawker and Tumblr, you need to get out of the basement and read a book. Rape's not great for you, and an outsized percentage of the men in jail were molested/raped as children because that's way more common than you know among trash-tier people. Now, you've got a bunch of guys who were buggered as kids locked up with someone who buggered kids and they want to play out their own revenge fantasies while the guards look the other way for a second.
where do you think you are
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Criminals say shit like this to rationalize what they do all the time, even when it's blatantly false. Mentally weak people can't handle taking the blame for their own savagery and so they try to play it off like they're just an instrument of a cruel world, which in a sense they are, just not in the sense that matters when they actually used every advantage available to them.

Remember how often "dindu nuffin" gets rolled out? It's the same shit, except this guy wrote it down instead of shouting it into news cameras.
I was trying to remember the way Utah execute blah blah blah.

I like your way better.

Except without the lie part.

>"Crimanon is sentenced to die because ____.
>Here is your raifu and your round.
>Don't miss righteous anon.
>tactical retreat
Pure autism.
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Wow you are so cool, I feel intimidated
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OK Easy answer to OP's question--

Of course, any sane reasonable (non libtard_) family, could have attempted to defend itself with firearms, against these murderers.

If these two retarded criminals had tried to victimize any typical redneck family in Florida, they would have been shot down, and thrown into a swamp and forgotten.

The wife was so cucked, that she actually got out of her future murderers car, walked into a bank, alone, withdrew money for him, and got back into the car with him, after she had already been in the perfect safety of the bank.

You just can't get any more liberal than that, and Darwin had to intervene.
Where would you ship them to? They still got to fuck your wife.
>Two daughters ready for a nice raping

Who wants some justice pussy?

Pic related is Hayes daughter. Searching for the Armyfags daughter now
The Army fags daughter is 14 right now. She is prime age. Search for the last name based in CT.
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Take away the rape and immolation and this was the plot of the Desperate Hours, including the "leaving the house with opportunity to escape." Weird.
>fax machine to the dome
I'm in.
Sins of the fathers shouldn't plague their offspring
In this case they should.
Says the guy who elbows female political opponents.
>guilt by association

collectivist scum
>He thinks people die in one shot


But that goes against the narrative. All living white people have to pay for the actions of a few dead whites, despite the fact that other groups did the same thing.
What kind of woman signs up as the wife of a widower who let his last wife be raped and burned alive?

He actually owned a firearm, but IIRC it was a revolver in his basement. Couldn't get to it in time. Goes to show that a gun is useless unless you have it on you.
I assume there's money involved.
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He's a doctor, of course there is money involved.

Trash breeds trash. The two perps still get to reminisce about all the fun they had. They still get that dopamine rush thinking about it.
Dude is bound, beaten, and bloody. So the cops draw on him and scuff him up?
Tell me again that the cops are there to help

>auction off the rights to be an executioner

I'd pay a few hundred to do it.
m8 I and loads of people would practically pay to do it.
Nine of the descriptions indicate the oldest daughter was raped at all. I wonder why they chose to rape the mom and the 11 year old, but not the other sister.
It was never a race thing, quiet down Preston
But you sure are a faggot.
Maybe she was on her period
This it's why you put a him in each room. Use that adrenaline after you are free to snag your bathroom snubnose and you have the chance to turn this around. Maybe even rape and burn them. Even gunless, I'd have tried something. Sounds terrible but if I staggered into the room as they were spreading gas and my family was all but dead we would all burn. You can go out on your feet or on your fucking knees begging.
She was ugly
Shut the fuck up
Better idea. Let's send gifts to the other prisoners where they are in exchange for raping them.
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I always come late to say this.
Spoken like someone without children. I have a daughter and if some asshole was doing that I couldn't rationally keep myself from tearing him to pieces. He would have to kill me. It's the only way I'd stop.
>I'mma big tough guy I'd rip out of my bonds like the hulk and kill him with one punch
Have you forgotten the part where Petit was caught off guard, beaten in the head with a bat and tied up? Are you saying you would have squirmed into the house and squirmed around on the floor while they rape your family instead of wriggling over to someone who might actually be able to untie you and help?
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Bitch is fat, but I'd do it non-consensually and become the symbol of true justice.

She changed her last name. Some cuck is raising her
Fucking hell, when did reddit decide to join this thread
>part where Petit was caught off guard, beaten in the head with a bat and tied up?

OPSEC would have prevented this entire event from even becoming a possibility
You mean

Cops are glorified janitors. They exist to clean up messes after they've already happened.
He ran away and didn't come back. Calling the cops is one thing, but calling the cops and standing around like a faggot while your family gets exterminated? This isn't about being a tough guy, how could a father exert the self control to keep from running in there and beating them to death?
>tfw just sold my guns and now I feel incredibly vulnerable again

Also, what's with all the sick edgy fucks in this thread? Abnormal amount spilling over from /b/ today?
>just sold my guns

Why the fuck would you do that?
>sick edgy fucks
a little glimpse into the thoughts of the average mouth breathing retard and what they would be inclined to try and get away with if there was any cessation of the rule of law.
hunters and howlers everywhere. just waiting for a free ticket to rape, murder and plunder
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I dunno. When did you decide to be a fucking retard?

>Can't tell if /pol/ or /tv/...
They are only a mouth breathing retard if they get caught. Otherwise, its just a nut in a cocksleeve and someone moving on with their lives. You are melodramatic. If they don't want it to happen, I'm sure they will defend themselves properly.

Needed money.


No, you are a sociopath and should be put down.
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What should he have done if he was armed?
>dad was ambushed on the couch
>then the mom was tied up before they went after the daughters
>two full grown men out numbering their victims and getting them by surprise
>after stalking them all day, picking them at random and following them back to their quiet suburb where "crime just doesnt happen around here"

probably not. even if they had a gun they dont seem like the type that would go shooting regularly, and would just leave it collecting dust somewhere. I still think they would have faired better with a gun, but its just another cautionary tell of dont assume it cant happen to you
Im a former CO resident, NRA certified instructor and criminology major. I lived there when this happened and still remember all the panic it caused.
If nobody has posted the link to the documentary yet here it is


The mom LET them into the house. Imagine if she had a gun instead.

Or imagine if the dad had grabbed a gun instead of running to escape.
and now he gets to live with the thought of running away leaving his family behind. he should gone in and at least died with them
just dont be so arrogant to think it cant happen to youre family
ignorance is really dangerous, the fact that youre now aware of how shitty people can be and are willing to learn from the failures of others is a step in the right direction
they were white and broke into a home with the obvious intent to do some harm. at best they could have said "they just wanted the tv, YOU DIDNT HAVE TO SHOOT THEM" and we'd never know how sick those two puppies were. which is exactly why you shoot
so then how did he meet them and set this up and why didnt they come forward and tell everyone. Its not like they got away with it and had anything to loose. It seems more like he felt like a huge pussy racked with guilt and he just wanted to disappear
the guy was clubbed in the head while sleeping and bound. How is a gun going to help his ass.

Because he escaped dumbass.

And his wife could have had a gun.
>dont set up a perimeter and access the situation
>go in guns blazing
>potentially making them panic and kill the family
>in the chaos they escape, remember that perimeter you didnt set up?
>now the whole block is on defcon 1 and more people could be taken hostage
the cops fucked up, but they assumed it was just robbery from the wifes statement. If they did go in guns blazing they would have gotten shit for not taking the time to organize either.
It was definitely a damned if you do damned if you dont situation
I have been actually. its not impossible and better then running like a bitch
>even if he had a firearm
Not 100% guaranteed but it may have given them the opportunity to change the outcome, which is the best anyone with a gun for defense can hope for.

>Hayes and Komisarjevsky fled the scene using the Petit family car. They were immediately spotted by police surveillance, pursued, and arrested one block away

This shit right here. A few years back in my city a fine upstanding gentleman who was getting his life back on track broke into the house of some students, bound the boyfriend and raped the girlfriend then got caught less than a block away. The fucking smugass "Yeah I raped her what are you going to do about it, send me to jail?" look on his mugshot pissed me off more than anything else about the story.

It really is important to remember that we share the world with some people who don't care if they live or die and care even less than that about you.
he managed to sneak out and get to a neighbors house just fine and explain what had happened
>so every rape story gets told like they were stalked, cornered, beaten to death and gangraped by 20 ugly ogres, 300 pounds and 7ft each with spiky 18" cocks, their vaginas tore from the bleeding and they tortured them and it lasted 4 hours and threatened to kill all her family members if she told anyone
Taimanin Asagi: A Feminist Series
Report said he was bound and had a concussion if that happened to you then I doubt you would have done anything helpful
Yeah. What the fuck are you going to do about it? Besides fantasize?

Sure, jail Hayes and Komisarjevsky. At the end of the day, your wife and your two sweet little daughters are officially their bitches. Forever and ever.
>so every rape story gets told like they were stalked, cornered, beaten to death and gangraped by 20 ugly ogres, 300 pounds and 7ft each with spiky 18" cocks, their vaginas tore from the bleeding and they tortured them and it lasted 4 hours and threatened to kill all her family members if she told anyone
That's pretty hot 2bh. Where do I sign up?

that aside, you're right, but the actually damaging part is that these stories usually end up being false. There's plenty of normal cases to point at, and the statistics are there, but instead of looking towards those, it's always shit like the the UVA rape case where they literally just make shit up

>Some cuck is raising her
>Fuck another man's wife
>Fuck her so good she becomes your wife
>Fuck her so good even her daughter calls you daddy
>People call you a cuck
This word has lost all semblance of meaning.
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>"why do you need guns when you have police. They''re there to protect you!"
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>raising someone else's dick product
Justify it however you need to.

Cuckold describes a bird targeted by a cuckoo. A cuckoo lays its egg in a cuckold's nest and that cuckold raises the seed as if it was its own.

Have fun with your wife's son/daughter.
>The wife was so cucked, that she actually got out of her future murderers car, walked into a bank, alone, withdrew money for him, and got back into the car with him, after she had already been in the perfect safety of the bank.

This is why I'm not too furious about this case with the exception of the police jerking off each other off around the property. Daughter didn't deserve any of that though

Oh well, white, gated-community liberal problems.
You're a coward and you're trying to justify yourself :^)
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Its a woman
That's like getting angry at a dog for sniffing an asshole. Women are instinct driven.
>Raped for three hours on top of broken glass
>Never sought any medical attention
Seriously, how fucked up must your bullshit detector be to not be going off listening to the story.

>and the statistics are there
They aren't, at all. All of the campus sexual assault surveys that come up with shocking numbers do so by expanding the definition to things that are not actually sexual assault. They also label acts as rape regardless of the respondents' belief in having consented to them.
Did le ebin trollface go out of fashion?
Found the coward trying to justify his would-be innactions :^)

Stay cucked faggot
You reek summer more than the edgy /b/tards
>He didn't have a history of violence so clearly he would stand by with a gun and let them rape his wife and children to death
Yeah, nah
>Hayes said when he walked back into the house with Hawke-Petit, “at that point, we were just going to leave. Nobody was going to get hurt — at least not by me.”
>“But that’s when Josh told me about him and the girl,” Hayes said, referring to Komisarjevsky sexually assaulting Michaela while Hayes was out of the house.
And apparently everything quickly escalated from there. At that point they probably realized they might as well chimp out.

This is why the death penalty should stay in place, fuck whatever Yuros or liberals say
They came to his home, in the afternoon, looking for his business. They find his wife and kids in the house and decide to wait for Soze.

He comes home to find his wife raped and children screaming. The Hungarians knew he was tough and not to be trifled with. So they let him know they meant business [by slicing the neck on his son]. They tell him they want his territory, all his business. Soze looks over the faces of his family; then he shows these men of will what will really was he shoots 2 or the 3 Hungarians, then one of his daughters, his wife and his other daughter. He tells the last Hungarian he would rather see his family dead then live another day after this. He lets the last Hungarian go, waits until his wife and kids are in the ground and then he goes after the rest of the mob.

He kills their kids, he kills their wives, their parents and their parents friends.

He burns down the houses they live in, and the stores they work in, he kills people that owe them money.

And like that…he's gone.
Why an antique?

> barrel bombs

MG42 is just as good as any modern machinegun. Same as the MG3 essentially.
Sure it's a fine gun, but if you were planning such an assault why would you specify the use of an antique?

You're just LARPing. You specified MG42 because you think it is cool.
I know a guy who has done some real time and he told me they used to fuck up rapists. He said they'd make them eat rice crispies out of toilets with shit and piss in em. Prison isn't fun.
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