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help me /k/ im having trouble >own guns >made the mistake

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help me /k/
im having trouble

>own guns
>made the mistake of getting married to this single mom
>she is ok with me owning guns, but not anymore
>her 7 year kid old went to california for some years (his relatives are there)
>he's 10 now, he came back
>next day
>sees me putting my gun in pocket so i can go to work
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEE; screams the kid, while chanting how guns are bad
>oh wow now what
>turns out he got some "sensible gun law lessons" by his aunt and school while he was in california
>i ignore him and just go away
>came back in the evening
>wife tells me that she isn't OK anymore with me owning guns because her son says so, she also threatens to divorce me (A.K.A getting butt-fucked in half of my money)

what the fuck am i going to do, /k/?
do i divorce her and keep my guns, but get half of my money taken; Or sell all my guns to keep the bitch and her son?
haha you are such a gigantic faggot, please kill yourself.
Shoot the kid and then rape her.
You also can shoot her afterwards, but that optional
Pretend that you sold them and later when/if the kid stops being a gigantic faggot just reintroduce them to your retarded wife.
You hide the firearms for a period at a trusted friend's house. Tell your wife that you've realized that she is right, or whatever you feel would work to make her feel secure. Maybe make a small bit of a big deal out of it to seem genuine; maybe appear really hesitant but let her reckon she's pretty much got your nuts in a vice.

While this is going on, make every clandestine effort to protect your money possible. Place your liquid assets in the fucking Cayman's or something. Document anything that could help you in divorce court.

You don't have to choose if you're a clever and determined man. You've at least got a shot.
why aren't you getting half her money?
>Aka getting butt fucked outta stuff
File first dumbass. If you don't want to try and remediate the situation just talk to a lawyer and file first.
isn't it an easy question?
try to get away with [spoiler]murder[/spoiler]
Cant stand up to the bitch....wont stand up to guy who kicks in your door at 3 am. Fuckin man up
hide a recorded to get something you can use against her if shit goes south.
Get a laywer who can work with that.
Divorce you dumb cunt and learn not to marry the first woman who talks to you.

Or find a way to introduce healthy doses of your hobby so they aren't irrationally afraid of it.
You're fucked

I'm not talking to you or your wifes son ever again.
Just run dude. Just run.
start hiding money and assests in undetectable investments, physical precious metals, municipal bonds bought through 3rd party etc.

fake a long term disability that "ruins" your earnings capacity or lowers it below hers and make her take care of you until she just wants to leave.
why is your wife listening to a 10 year old child about anything?

put your foot down you cuck faggot
tell the son that guns are good
what this guy says

dont play by rules that are stacked against you, you create the game
This is gonna be the best option in what is a pretty nasty situation.
You fucked up really bad
Better get your money out of there fast
There's a reason "single moms" are single to begin with UNLESS the father/husband was killed.
Tell her to meet you halfway first and take them shooting. If she doesn't agree or change her mind afterwards do any of the above
>marrying a single mom
Just kill yourself you cuck faggot. Make sure you do it in front of your wife's son too. You oxygen thief.
have the kid involuntarily committed and tell everyone that after he came back from cali he's been expressing thoughts of suicide.

then file a child abuse claim and pfa against the aunt with cyf and guilt your wife into believing that she let her son stay with an abusive family member.

then start moving your assests to protect them while documenting everything fucked up your wife does for your lawyers to use in court.

fight hard, fight dirty, and have multiple back up plans
You literally got wifed son memed.

Kill her, and the little faggot. Boating accident.

I'm getting divorced but my kid is mine. I was in the Infantry. I paint my daughter's nails pink.
>wasting the time, effort, and money to get married and not even getting to have sex normally for once and have your own kid
I'm a foreveralone permavirgin but just, what the fuck.
Fucking bring them both to a firearm safety course. Holy shit.
this. cash out all your savings if that's what it takes. just hide everything. Make sure you have a friend who you can rely on
>made the mistake of getting married to this single mom

Tell her you're not OK anymore with raising another man's child.
this. Its time to man up and stop being a cuck
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>single mom
Take all your money out and run
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follow this man's example
Who the fuck even listens to a ten year old. The both of you need to learnt to put your foot down
>not getting Carlos or Jamal to blast the both of em for 200 bucks
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>made the mistake of marrying a single mom
Honestly you got what you deserved. I hope other /k/ommandos can learn from you're mistakes.

So are you set on getting a divorce or do you want other options? Given that you're posting this on /k/ I'm gonna assume you're no great catch and that your wife was just desperate when she married you. That's not all bad. Given her desperation and your probable lack of assets she'd probably rather have you than half your stuff and may just give in if you tell her you'll leave if she makes you give up your guns.

One last thing. You weren't dumb enough to adopt the kid were you? Cause if so you're just totally fucked.
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>single mom
>wife's son
>Not indoctrinating the kid before he went to a third world country
Jesus christ. Fuck you OP.
>made the mistake of getting married to this single mom
I bet she's a fucking cow, too.
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Hide your guns somewhere, be discreet when carrying, say you sold them or something, don't marry a single mom.
>my wife's son
Not even once.
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>single mom
>wife's son

>people still fell for it
Definitely consult an attorney and move your money if getting "all" the guns out of the house doesn't end her psychotic episode.
not a single reply in thread from OP

calling fake

This. I know five guys who married single moms. The only one of those relationships that's not a complete mess is the one where her husband was killed because a big rig lost control and crushed his entire fucking car.
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kill them both then yourself OP
>Taking care of a kid that you didn't make
This is your first mistake
Third option: take the little faggot shooting, turn him progun, watch from afar as his cunt aunt throws a fit
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Is no one gonna say it?
Okay I will
What kind of mother sends her kid away for three years?

If she's calling for divorce over the opinion of a 10 year old, obviously not a good one.
>she also threatens to divorce me
Get the fuck out. Give that bitch divorce papers to sign with a clause that states she cannot claim the right to any of your property or financials. Hopefully you don't have a joint bank account or credit cards. Go take a few firearm safety classes that provide a certificate of completion to show you take firearm safety very seriously. Volunteer around your community so people have a positive impression of you so you can't be slandered by the crazy bitch. If there's a citizen police program you can do, get that shit done so the cops recognize you and know that this bitch is crazy if she tries to pull some shit. Any negative thing she says will be immediately met with skepticism, and it's no longer he said/she said because people in your community will vouch for you.
read: OP is a cuck who could not get laid except by picking up someone elses used up trash
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I know some bad mothers out there
But I'm more inclined to believe OP is a faget roleplayed
Because even of the most terrible mothers I know they prefer to use there kids as weapons or a free pass for shit rather than just sending them away
Anyways we all pretty much fell for an overdone my wife's son meme
>Single mothers
>Muh strong woman

Doesn't pretty much every study done show that it's pretty much impossible for these cunts to raise healthy children?
Threatening divorce over some 10 year old little shit's ill-informed opinion is outrageous at best.

Lawyer up, son. This is going to be a bumpy ride.
Don't say you sold them, she might then start looking for the money. Just say you gifted them to your friend.
There's a huge difference between a single mom and a widow, philosophically speaking.
Give them to a trusted relative and reintroduce them when the kid grows a brain. In the meantime please show this faggot kid how to be a man. Jesus dude
Why would you marry or even date someone with a kid already.
Newfags galore. It's a dumb meme.
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Simple, when someone tries to rape or murder them, you respect their wishes and don't use the gun to save their ungrateful lives.
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OP needs to start laying down the law
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you were warned over and over, nigger. i dont even feel sorry for you.
Call her bluff, tell her to bring it
My mom remarried, my biological father is dumpster trash like you. Used to beat the fuck out of me for nothing.

My stepfather taught me how to be a man. How respect is earned. How not to back down from a fight but also deescalate. Taught me a lot of shit. What a loser he was, right?

But carry on with your memes. They are hilarious we all enjoy it.
divorce her first. she won't necessarily get half your money. talk to a lawyer. anyone who's willing to throw out ultimatums like that isn't worth being married to. no kids to fight over, no big deal (did you adopt your stepson? I hope not).

I had a bitch of a first wife who didn't respect me either, I divorced her and never looked back. I remarried a nice girl who's a lot younger and better looking than my terrorist ex. totally worth it. remember your worth as a man goes up as you get older.
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Fire arms aside. If you wife doesn't respect you for who you are. You are better off elsewhere. Divorce give the whore what she wants and move on. You can always make more money. your dignity however is a separate matter.
yes it is.
Get a friend a stage a home invasion or raping and then save them, bonus points if the friend is melanin enriched.

I've been dating a mother for ~5 months now. Kid's father is an asshat and it got to the point where she had to threaten to beat his face in with a baseball bat in his sleep to get him to stop slapping the kid for everything (The kid is fucking 3 years old and it's for shit like not going to put some outdoor clothes on within the first 10 seconds of being told to)...

Thanks for posting, Anon.
Get your money out of the fucking country and then divorce her
My current stepfather is the only real "father" I've ever had... that said, I refuse to date, much less marry, anyone with children.
Rude. My step-father married my mother who had me already. Worst mistake of his life in my view. Then again, I never really bonded with any of my family so I may be in the minority with the way I view it.
hello, me.
>>made the mistake of getting married to this single mom

Try some of this sequestering assets, but don't fuck it up.

The rogering you will receive for trying and failing will possibly be as bad as a messy divorce or worse.

Also, play some lottery tickets or the casinos if you can gamble, just for fun, and if you win much of anything, settle with that if it's anything like the amount it would take to raise a kid according to leading figures.

If it's more than that lazy bitch can make herself or expects you to in a lifetime she might bite.

Sure, you don't walk away with millions or tens of millions, but she's gone.

You could also rob a bank.

Haha, that's stupid. You really shouldn't. Totally not. But for the sake of discussion if you did, that would be a source to draw from to keep her quiet with alimony and still to afford things. You'd have to be quiet about that and how you were really still supporting yourself modestly or visa versa, real income alimony, Robbery Bux as discrete, cash only, modest purchase necessities for you/retirement since you aren't getting that, haha Alimony.

Just for the sake of argument though. You really shouldn't and very few people have actually gotten away scot free. It might be better to take your chances with Gold or Switzerland or whatever.
You should have tried to talk to the kid about them and un-do the brainwashing the kid went through.
Is this you OP?
You should have never chosen to be pre-cucked.
Who? The girl?
if it's a mutual divorce, and it's not your kid, she can't take your money.

Start moving your money now, and hid it somewhere.
1.Divorce her
2. Have Bro friend or someone you know not fuck you over by fucking your wife get pic evidence to use in court.
3. Now you have upper hand in court case.
4. She and kid don't get your hard earned money.
7. Bang bitches when you feel and go to the range when you feel. feelsgoodman.jpg
It's nice to see the his mother has some backbone and she chose to side with her own son than her husband even known her son might be wrong
I'm seriously having trouble understanding why you would Marry a single mom.

and also why you haven't already gone to talk to your attorney.
take your son under your tutilage. teach him guns are good, and that his aunt and school are full of shit, make him touch it, take him shooting, soon he will learn, also teach your wife that there are boundaries and that you aren't some cuck she can wrap around her finger.
Well be cautious. But yeah there's a lot of single moms that are hot

My ex wife is pretty ho,t go bang her.

I've already got my dick wet.
>Getting married to a single mom
>Wasting your years helping to raise a kid that isn't yours

An idiotic decision tbqh, senpai. As others here have suggested, use every underhanded trick in the book to keep your money and materiel secure from the bitch in divorce court. Feign acceptance while you do so. Then, gtfo when you are prepared.
This. Offering to rear a child from a spouse's previous relationship that doesn't even share your genetics is like volunteering to be parasitized.
Take your guns and have a trusted friend hold onto them. Let your wife think she won and do not act at all different than you now normally do.

Consult your attorney about a divorce BEFORE you start moving your assets around. A judge during divorce proceedings is very likely to call BULLSHIT on you if your bank account suddenly drained overnight. And what you really want to avoid is having to pay child support for this kid that is not yours. Since you have now taken the little shit in, it could be argued that you have adopted a fatherly role and thus could be forced to provided both alimony and child support. You need to do everything in your power to not get cucked. If fact, I recommend trying for a divorce before the little fucker is in your home for much longer. Also how long have you been married to this woman?

Does your wife have any history of infidelity, poor money management, etc? Is there any way that you can go after her for an at-fault divorce? Do you have a prenuptual agreement? Is the house that you are living in yours/was the house yours before you met her? If not, did she put any of her own money into the house?

After you have consulted an attorney and have figured out the best course of action, you have one of two options. You can initiate the divorce proceedings. Or, you can move your guns back in and call her bluff. Your attorney will know what the best option is. I hope you live in a state that isn't cucked as badly as Cuckifornia with divorce law, because the deck is always stacked against you as a man in these scenarios in such states.
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> my wife's son

Troll thread

I'm with these, but I would like to disagree with the "tell your wife she's right" part. Make it clear that you hate doing it and resent her for forcing your hand like that. That way you can at least get a few BJs out of it while you're hiding your assets and preparing yourself for leaving her bitch ass.

Ah, the good ol' wife's soon conundrum
Tell her no.
Tell her you'll buy a safe, but you're not selling the guns.
If she really wants to divorce you after that. File first. Do everything you can to fuck her over.
Even though this story is fake and gay.
Why dont you teach something that faggot? Take him to the range, let him shoot something. It takes only minutes to change kids opinion.

>Loosing your own money when you divorce
>Land of the free

This thing I have never understood about America.
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Found your problem. Launch that bitch and her son out of a trebuchet.
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>her 7 year kid old went to california for some years (his relatives are there)
>he's 10 now, he came back

She just had her kid go live with her sister for three years?
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About 2 years ago my brother went through the same thing. His wife was beginning to be anti gun and wanted all his guns to be sold.

My brother didn't want to buy any of her shit so he thought of a pretty awesome plan.

He agreed to "sell" his guns, but actually left them at my place. He organized a group of his friends to conduct an armed break-in at his home 2 months later and "steal" some stuff. He also told them to slap her a couple of times so she'd be traumatized a bit.

Long story short it was a success. She was crying her ass off and apologized to my brother for being so stupid. She had since bought her own cc pistol.
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>marries a single mother
>not realizing she's single for a reason
>not signing a prenup
>not going over contingencies with a lawyer.
>no just biting the bullet and filing first.
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Just so you all know this is a troll thread
I'm surprised you didn't say have somebody break into the house and "rob" the place while "threatening" to shoot them (all fake, but they don't know that.) Seems /k/'s gone soft
>made the mistake of getting married to this single mom

You brought this upon yourself.

>what the fuck am i going to do, /k/?

Next time her son goes away to California, kill her. Make sure the body is never found.
t h i s
same shit happened to my grandpa. had guns, wife was cool with it in the honeymoon stage, and on their first anniversary she tells him she wants him to sell them all because "guns are icky"
turn all your assets into gold or some shit and store it in a bank then cash out, I dunno.
if you're forced to play a game, at least rig it in your favor.
>marrying a single mom

for what purpose
Plant some drugs on the kid.
Shall not be infringed.
Been there, done that, went almost homeless, now I'm single but damn well, far better than married to a single mom.
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>judges ever honoring prenups

Divorce courts are so biased favoring women it's almost funny.

Offer to settle out of court and fight child support since it isn't your kid. And yes you're an idiot for hooking up with a single mom.
Get a lawyer and stop being a cuck.
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Do this OP stop posting here and take some money out of the bank

> +1


"Honey, I know you want your son to be safe, but I also know there are things you're not prepared to do. I'm willing to do those things for the two of you. I'm well trained and will keep them away from him unless one of us is there. I know you don't want to think about it, and that you're uncomfortable around them, but this is how it is."

> Why marry a single mom?

Because you already know she puts out.
Anon said marry, not date
You let a ten year old decide what you do with you're guns?!? Dude, grow a pair and throw that little fucker off a goddamn bridge.

Who is this seminal wizard?
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>my wife's son is taking my guns away!
Good one m80, i rate it 8 outta 8.

In case this isn't a troll, you stab them both, steal your own TV and any loose change in the house and tell the coppers a gent of african american origins did it.

>if only I hadn't gotten rid of my guns, officer
Theres no winning for you. You lost when you cucked yourself by marrying a single mother.
>what the fuck am i going to do, /k/?

Run away and don't tell her where you're going

Maybe he wants to buy the cow so nobody else can get free milk from it.
HAHAHAHAHA, okay, okay tell me where you live. If you live on the west coast you can drive down and I'll keep your funs.
>marrying a single mom
>marrying a single mom that puts their retarded 10 year old's hearsay as fact
Fucking drop her.
Also what the fuck dude a single mom, why??
Post pics of the cunt.
From the first half of that post, I thought you were offering your services as a quietus.
I like the way this anon thinks. Total war.
Sell your guns to your dad.

This anon knows exactly what's up!
suicide all of your
your best bet is to buy your buddies .22 rifles for all the money you have then divorce her giving her nothing and then get your money back from your buddy, done.
You file the paperwork and divorce her.
It's ok OP just go get your prenup from your safe, vault, lawyer wherever you had it and shove it in her face. You were smart enough to do a prenup right? I mean this isn't 1100 England. Times have changed. Everyone has a prenup. Right OP?
>hide your weapons at a friend's house and pretend you sold them all
>get some men of an african persuasion who may or may not be your friends to pretend to rob your house when you're all home
>have them beat the shit out of you
>have them live in guilt over how not having a gun could have saved you and your stuff
>once they apologize return all your stuff and guns
Hide the guns
OP is cucked, enough you asshole. Why would you suggest more?
>made the mistake of getting married to this single mom
>literally YOUR WIFE'S SON will either be the cause of your guns being taken away or being divorced and penniless

listen to the memes next time, OP
Cash in your big money items put the rest of your stuff in friends, family's name. Then divorce ya cuck
>my wife's son
literally euthanize yourself, cuckold
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>married a single mom
>forced to get rid of guns because of WIFE'S SON

you fucked up a big time. never date single moms, they're single for a reason.

talk to a lawyer, you poor soul.
You done goofed
How to get away with murder:

>Go to pound
>Buy pit bull
>Take dog on "long walks"
>Work with pit bull in the woods to learn attack dog shit
>Command dog to kill wife/son
>"I don't know what happened officer, he just snapped!!! He was so sweet and gentle before!!"
>Euthanize dog, no witnesses

Never understood why more people don't do this, it's literally the perfect crime. How they ever gonna prove you trained the nigga?
It's way easier to get a new family then rebuild a glorious gun collection.

Even after two weeks go by and you decide that "Eh that really wasn't a big deal, I was just being crazy."
You still better follow the This.

You're smarter than her. Oh boy you better act like it.

Source: Good and bad marriages
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>>single mom
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Off topic, but, at what age do you allow kids around guns? What age would you let your children be able to potentially access your guns and ammo?
no particular age, but I'd take a kid shooting once I had reason to believe both that they could safely refrain from spazzing out and that they might be interested in learning to shoot.

As far as access, zero unsupervised until and unless they can demonstrate competence, safety, and judgement worthy of the means to ending a life. As far as the first two, I would openly provide education whenever the kid wanted to know about guns.

General guidelines, I wouldn't expect the first until after 8 or 9, and there are adults I don't trust with the second.
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This is where being a manipulative sociopath comes in handy.
>fix the boy
>murder the wife
>fuck the dog
>begin transitioning
They cant touch you now because you are now a trans gender, non binary, non conforming equilateral sex. Anyone who disagrees with your actions is a racist misogynist, bigoted asshole.
Please kill them and fertilize the nearest government building with their body parts.
Good reply, I know some people throw out an age, like "When he's 10 I'll teach him."
But there can be a lot of difference between the two. My dad and my uncle took me out shooting at 8 and taught me gun safety because I could mind them. My brother they didn't take out til he was 10, just because he was a lot more bullheaded about minding what they said. I got "my" first .22 at 11 (dad kept it locked up), my brother didn't get his until 14, and ended up getting it taken away for a year after than because he got caught showing off my dad's (locked) HD shotgun to some friends.
Identify your wifes weaknesses and use them against her. Like for instance if she was an alcoholic, piss her off and make alcohol plentiful around the house. Aggitate her when she is drunk say things like "you wont drive that car to get more alcohol, because you'rea coward cunt just like your mother". Even let her a hit you a couple times to "incapacitate" you before she leaves and either kills herself or runs into a house. Hopefully she dies but even if she doesnt the courts will see her incident and side with you in a divorce. Human beings can be very self destructive.
Thanks for the replies guys.
Every fucking girl out there is a single mom. Its pretty much expected these days, the guys who impregnate the bitch and leave are the ones getting less screwed than the ones who marry em and get divorced because they didnt get their shoe collection.
What wife listens to a 10 year old kid? Jesus Christ dude man the fuck up and put your foot down. If she brought up divorce already over some stupid shit like that then you married the wrong cunt. Either that or your a soft cunt because a woman wont respect a pushover like yourself
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There we are, that's it
You would need to teach it the command in either a foreign language or some odd thing nobody would say to it though. You dont want somebody saying "kill" near the dog and it suddenly acting up since that would raise suspicions.
>if you're a clever and determined man

This cuck didn't get a prenup and married a single mom with no foresight. We've determined that he is not a clever man.
Actually the best thing would have been to adopt him. Then he has a custody claim. Trade 100% custody with the mother for no monies. Or take kid for 50% of the time, teach him about guns, turn him into a decent human being while still fucking girls without kids, and not having to pay child support because you have 50% custody.
Just because your prenup was written by Honest Eddy's Lawyer Emporium and Truck Stop in crayon doesn't mean that the rest of us have shitty prenups.

Prenups work, but they can only go so far.
Sell money and guns to a friend for $10. Divorce the bitch. Buy money and guns from said friend for $10 and a beer.
They actually have a Sherlock Holmes story similiar to this where a guy trained a snake to construct people to death with a bell and go through vents.
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I dunno but she's cute
So just kill the bitch.
Best I could do for you gents
This. Fuck that cunt, it's only going to get worse.
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Trips of truth.
She's gunning to divorce you no matter what, the guns are just an excuse.

Holy shit I am never getting fucking married, at least not until alimony is abolished (>).
Make her kid love guns. Have a long talk about them. Start with the American Revolution and at some point near the end, propose the scenario of someone coming to take his mom away. You have guns to stop bad men from hurting her and taking her away from him. Once you're done, take him to an outdoor range and start him off on a single shot .22 rifle. Use positive reinforcement and be patient. You don't need to spout the full autismo firearm laws, because that'll just scare him back to his former ways. Just teach him to point downrange or in a safe direction, to make sure the chamber is empty when he's done, and to only put his finger on the trigger when he's ready to fire. When you're done, tell him you're proud of him.
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That's totally wrong. You can't trade away child support, period. There are very few pros to adopting a spouse's child and tons of cons.

She'd almost certainly get full custody anyway, something all whores already know. OP would just end up owing more money

Might be difficult to command the dog to kill people who it considers part of the "pack". He might just straight up disobey you. I'm not a dog psychologist but that's the first possible flaw that came to mind.
Whether or not this is a troll thread, always remember to get a prenup, people! Hire the lawfirm of Goldberg, Silverstein, and Weinowitz to help you write it!
Cuck threads, on my /k/?
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Assuming this isn't a troll thread (broad assumption there), I think it's amazing to think that cucks like OP actually exist.

Weak, spineless men who let their women walk all over them and keep their balls in mason jar. Relationships that boil down to a beleaguered man who just wants to be left alone, and a woman who is angry because her man won't put his foot down and take charge like the men in her fantasies do.

At that point, the only real reason to stay together is if kids are involved. And even then you're both going to be fucking miserable for most of your lives.

What a complete waste of time.

tl;dr: don't be a cuck and your wife will actually love you.
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Don't even need to call the cops

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>current year
>not planning for crazy bitch wife divorce attempt
The faggot pigs wont actually go through it all. They'll leave parts you're going to have to fish out and dispose of on your own. Pigs are faggot, don't trust that they'll do what you need.
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GIF highly related
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Sounds to me like a 10 year old boy wears the pants in the family.
>falling for the vagina jew
>a vagina jew that already has a spawn
murder suicide is the best option
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You're supposed to crush the skull and snap the femurs beforehand, only parts the pig can't generate enough bite force to get through.

If you're that paranoid about outsourcing your evidence disposal, you can always fill a bathtub up with lye and throw the bodies in there, wait a few days for them to turn into sludge and then just drain it.

Or the old fashion way, put the body in an oil drum, fill it with quick dry cement and toss it into deep water.
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Put all your assest in a trust with your name on it
Tell her to go fuck herself

OP for someone that young that's the best way to teach them. And single moms will do anything for their kids so if you get on the kids good side you'll get on her good side.
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Burn the house down.
Thanks senpai
no idea what your problem is
Under rated post

Fuck no. Never adopt another guy's kid.
>sells guns to friend for $1
>split assets
>sold them your honor, here's the $.50 she's due
>get funs back from friend after it's all over
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> getting married to this single mom

Is this real life or a meme? I can't tell anymore
>That way you can at least get a few BJs out of it
Nah, that's full anal, maybe even a threesome if you really push the guilt card.

Ask her why she's letting a child decide what's best for your household. When he starts hauling his weight, then he can have voice in the matter.
Meme magic is real.

single moms a shit! A SHIT!
>made the mistake of getting married to this single mom

That's where I stopped reading. How thirsty for putang can you get you fucking mongoloid?
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Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.
Keep pissing her off with fun stuffs until she wants leaves you. At least you get to keep half of your stuff and you rip the bandaid fast. Plus don't have a house full of no funz anti gun lobbyist pinkos to worry about.
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Sit them both down.
Have a rational, calm conversation about how their opinions are misguided.
Explain to them how the popo aren't going to come to their rescue. Ever.
Use the superior logic available to adults with functioning brains to explain that they don't have to even recognize the firearms existence if they don't want to.
Optionally: alter the methods you use to carry in order to make them more comfortable, but don't stop carrying.
Continue doing whatever the fuck you want, regardless of their opinion, because it's your right as an able human being to master things like propellants and those who are too weak to defend themselves.
Aren't you the man/father in that relationship? you are suppose to be the Alpha , if the little faggot throws a tantrum you set that lil bitch in his place. im from Kommiefornia and I wouldn't even tolerate a little faggot like that.
I have a bigger problem than OP, /k/.

>live in Canada
>gun rights are already pretty bad, they're like California or New York-tier
>but I can somehow live with that
>property rights have also become fucked very recently (like a couple of years ago)
>basically, any couple that lives together for more than two years gets the same rights as married couples
>this is different from common-law, where you would normally go out of your way to do this
>this shit is automatic
>ie. live with your girlfriend for 2+ years, and she's entitled to half your shit if you split
What do I do? Just stop dating? Date women but never move in with them? Live with a girlfriend for less than two years?
A contractual agreement, signed dated and notarized is one of the most legally binding documents you can take to a court of law.
It's pretty clear that your wife is irrational, so a divorce is more or less inevitable.

In that case, I would try and end it ASAP, depending on local laws.

If you divorce now, the worst you will have to face is division of assets and alimony. If you wait any long, you actually might have to pay child support for your step-son. I am not joking about that last part, there are some places where this shit could actually happen.

It's bad enough that you have a step-son, but you don't want to be supporting some other man's bastard child after YOUR divorce, now do you?
Problem with that is, there's no way to do that to your own girlfriend without seeming autistic. And even if she did agree to sign,
>abloobloo your Honor, Anon made me sign this under duress!
Then shit gets thrown out in court.
My uncle is married to a single mom, and I don't think he has it that bad.

>his wife's son has some rare debilitating disorder
>will probably die soon, if not already
>he probably married her for US citizenship anyway
>no kid, and he gets to become a real American
>livin' the dream
Why is it you never hear about single dads pulling bullshit like this?

>don't ever talk to me or my husband's daughter ever again
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yup ditch it , I did.
That supposed to be the Tower of Babel? I like the Supernatural version

>and they built their tower
>and when it collapsed they screamed "divine intervention!"
>but you know, you can only stack dried dung so high

>vagina jew
i have heard some shit in my day.... but this
>Actually literally raising your wife's son.
>Surprised when she wants a divorce for the flimsiest of reasons.
Consult a lawyer, file first.
Don't talk to your wife or your wife's son ever again.
>A fat commie bitch and her bastard commie son
>The right to keep and bear arms

Wow... Real hard fucking decision. Time to call this one an expensive lesson learned and maybe don't get married again dipshit.
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You should consider having your testicles surgically removed since this is even a difficult decision for you. If that bitch can't be reasoned with, you shouldn't be with her, period. An intelligent person would not have had that reaction. My girlfriend would never do that because she's not a dumb cunt. Try to reason with her more or file first.
That's truly terrible. >>30034126 is possibly the best advice (ask an attorney).
>>30034153 is a good point but she should get it since you'd get half of her stuff too.
Wait, no. Don't even try. If she specifically threatened divorce, fuck that bitch. You don't play around with that shit.
Don't talk to your wife's son again. Fucking cuck.
>you'd get half of her stuff too.
Yeah, about that.

>home entertainment (TV, stereo, etc.)
>golf equipment

>I dunno, shoes and makeup and shit
I would hide the grand majority of your guns at a trusted friends/brothers/parent's house and tell your wife that you sold them, and then very discretely carry your EDC but never interact with it while in plain sight of your cuck son your vagina jew.

Then, you should start very discretely placing her in situations that cause her to seem outright irrational or even abusive. Then take her ass to court saying that she's being verbally abusive to both you and her son, and also try to get the divorce filed in a more friendly state, like Texas.

Just in case, hide all your money so if things go south the game is still rigged in your favor
Evil mastermind tier is selling the house without her knowing. They tend to get the house even if you pull off getting everything else not in your name.
Take it anyway. Bitch'll regret breaking it off when you have one shoe out of each pair.

But seriously that's some bullshit. If you wanted any real attachment you'd have actually gotten married right?
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